BCC Minutes 05/05/1992 R Naples, Florida, May 5, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in I~EGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Comp/ex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Butt L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patricia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: James C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Annette Guevin, Debby Farris, and Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel, Brenda Wilson and MarJorie Student, Assistant County Attorneys; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Tom Kuck, Transportation Capital Projects Manager; 3elf Perry, Transportation Growth Planner; Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director; Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director, Reginald Boucher, Solid Waste Engineer; Peter Comeau, Stormwater Utility Manager; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor; John MadaJewskt, Project Review Services Manager; Sam Saadeh and David Weeks, Planners; Sue Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron Tomlinson, Sheriff's Office. Page 1 Hay 5, 1992 ~ - JLPI~OVED NITH CKAJ~GKS carTied 5/0, that the agenda be approved w/th the ch~ngee detailed on the Jk~a~da Chaag~ Sh~t ~ the 1. BCC Co--un,cations ~tem for discussion regarding Golden Gate Little Lea~e Fundraiser Event - to be added as Item ~iOA. 000. . O7 Page 2 Xtra ~S~ CONNENT A~ENDA - AFI~OVED AND/OR ADOPTED May 5, 1992 Th~ motion for approval of the Consent Agend~ is noted under IteR '~"' JIM FO~TE~, UTILITIES DIVISION, R~CO~NIZED AS ~LO~ OF ~ ~ ~ ~Y, 1992 Commissioner Volpe congratulated Jim Foster, Utilities Division, on being selected "Employee of the Month" for May, and presented him with a plaque tn recognition, as well as a $50 cash award. lte~#~B ~ ~El~VI~ AMARDS - PRESENTED Coulssloner Goodnlght congratulated the following Collier County employees and presented their service awards: Marion M. Satterfteld, Project Review Services - 5 years Joseph C. Collins, Utilities/Administration - 5 years Ite~ ,Sil ~ ~i2 ~ AMK]I'DMI31TS 92-245 THROUGH 92-247 - ADOPTED, AND BUIXIKT ~ 92-251 COKTII~U~D ¢o~aleeloner Hawse moved, seconded by Conisstoner Saunders, that Budget A~end~ents 92-245 through 92-247 and 92-251 be ~doptsd. Coutsstoner Volpe questioned in re~ard to Budget Amendment 92-251, what ts a manual land Inventory system? Co~ty Manager Dorrtll responded he ts uncertain and suggested the Board continue that Budget Amendment until he can provide further tnfor~tton. C~to81~r ~se mnded the ~tlon, oecond~ ~ Co,tester ~l ~ c~t~ ~t~ly, to wtth~ ~t ~~n~ 92-251 f~ ~t~=ltt~ uttl liter In the ~ettn~. lt~ ~3 ~ ~ ~OL~XO~ 92-21 - ~D C~tsstoner Hasse moved, seconded by Conissloner Saundsrs and carried unanimously, that Budget Amendment Resolution 92-21 ~ 09' Hay 5, 1992 )ZIk)~ ~'O"BM/~ TO ~ GOV~i~OR FOR AFPOZ~ TO ~ CHZL~'$ ~'g~/"J:CT~ CO~II~ZL TO Bg R~Ca.T,L~D &RD BCC TO $OLZCZT ~ CIdlDID&T'E$ ~ KE-ADV~RTISEM~NT IR THE R"EWSPAP~R Frances Barsh, member of TAG, reported two points are at issue regarding the Children's Services Council. She said on April 21st, the Board of County Commissioners rubber-stamped slx recommendations to the Governor to fill two gubernatorial appointment vacancies on the Children's Services Council. She stated the recommendations were the choice of an elite group and the Board of County Commissioners was not involved in their solicitation as required by State /aw. She indi- cated the second point at issue is the funding for the Children's Services Council. She concluded with a request that the Board recall the six current appointment recommendations until proper solicitation from the Board of County Commissioners can be pursued, and that Ordinance 90-64 be amended to strike Section 8(b), and add that no public funds will be used to fund the Children's Services Council for its life. Gilbert Erltchman read a letter from Edward Sheerar (phonetic), member of TAG. (Copy not provided to the Clerk to the Board.) He indicated Mr. Sheerar's position is that the Board of County Gom~iestoners repeal Ordinance 90-64 and abolish the Children's Services Council, or at least amend the ordinance so that no taxpayer monies are ever used by the Council. Egon Hill concurred with Mr. Sheerar's position. Commissioner Shanahan reported the Children's Services Council has taken & very strong position not to request public funds and to attempt to continue operating as a private entity. Commissioner Vo]pe suggested the Board repeal the existing ordi- nance and a new one be adopted creating the Children's Services Council as an advisory board to the Board of County Commissioners. Commissioner Saunders communicated there are new programs being defined within MRS that will provide funding to independent Children's Page · May 5, 1992 Services Councils. He said it would be a m/stake to eliminate the indegendent Council at this time when funding may be available tn the near future. Co~tsston~r Volpe ~oved, seconded by Coniesioner Hues, to repeal Ordinance 90-64 tn 1ts entirety, ~d give direction to the C~ Atto~ to ~aft a n~ ordtn~ce to create a Se~1c~ C~ctl ~ a de~ndent authority ~der the direct Co~lsstoner Goodntght stated with the Independent Council there are no f~ds expended by the County, but ~f an advisory board foraed, there will be expenditures ~n Staff time and minute taking. Co~tss~oner Saunders mentioned the ~ssue of abolish~ng the Children's Services Council is no~ on the a~enda, and it would be unfair to do so without gtvtn~ the Council ~ call for the ~stlon, the ~tton fatl~ 2/3 G~l~t, S~ ~d Sauders o~sed). C~tsslo~r S~ ~, seco~ed ~ Co~tsstoner Go~tght ~ curtg 4/1 (Coutsstoner Sauders op~sed), to recall the alttg to the G~mor ud the ~d of C=W Coutssloners artts for c~i~tes. ~tssl~r Vol~ ~d, seconded ~ Co~tsston~r ~se, to Ord~e ~-64, a(b), to ellatnate the provtstou to ~ the ~tl~'s k.tcee C~ctl. ~ ~tton fatlg 2/3 ~t~t, S~ ~d Sa~rs o~sed). ~ ~ ~~Y ~UA~ ~A~ ~Y SI~ ~ ~C~ S~D L~T ~ ~ ~O~ DRIP; NO P~ING IN T~-~AY ~ ~ Bettye Pangle stated her concerns with the traffic, illegal parking practices and unsafe conditions for bicycles and pedestrians on Gulf Shore Drive. Tom Kuck, Transportation Capital Projects Manager, advised the Board that he is well aware of the problems referred to by Mrs.. Pangle. He said Staff has been directed to perform a drainage study Page 5 Hay 5, 1992 and a~ly for permits to widen Gulf Shore Drive. He added he la also aware of vehicles parking in the right-of-way and has contacted Compliance Services to try to enforce the restrictions. He mentioned another consideration may be to reduce the speed limit to 20 or 25 miles per hour on that roadway. He remarked the County ts presently constructing a five-foot walkway on the west side of the road. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Kuck stated the pro3ect should be completed within the next two or three weeks, adding the sidewalk is being laid tomorrow. County Manager Dorrill suggested Investigating whether the sidewalk may be reconftgured away from the edge of the roadway. Mr. Kuck advised there may be ma3or conflicts with landscaping of the commercial developments and residential areas. He stated he will look Into the suggestion, however, it may be too late because the contractor is prepared to pave the walkway. The following people spoke regarding this Item: George Johnson (presented petition) Pat Pilcher c~l~ ai~u~l¥, that Staff ludlately r~vlew reducin~ th~ limit on ~ulf Shore Drtv~ to 20 or 25 miles p~r hour; Illegal p~rktn~ tO h~ corrected l~edtatel¥; and Staff to evaluate realt~nln~ pro- posed pedestrian ~lk~a¥ ~y from the roadway. l~a~d: lO:10 i.N. - ~conv~ned: 10:30 &.N. wtt~t ~isslo~r ~~ ~tn~ present ~d at ~tch ~W ~ler~ l~rrts replaced ~ty Clerk ~in Itm ~A1 ~I~ C~ - ~0~ Jeffory Perry, MPG Coordinator, relayed staff's recommendation for adoption of an Interlocal Planning Agreement between The City of Everglades and Collier County pursuant to Policy 2.5 of the Aviation Element of the Collier County Growth Management Plan. He briefly sum- marized the elements of staff's request. Page 6 May 5, 1992 ~oolon~r Sa~n~re nove~, oeconded ~y ConaAootoner ~oo~ntght ax~ carrAe~ 4/0 (O~atooloner Shanahan not preoent), to approve tho Interlooal A~ree~ent with the City of Everglades. Page 7 May 5, 1992 ~ TO IqH~T[NG OF 6/2/92 ~ STAFF TO ~OVIDZ ADDITIONAL Commissioner Shanahan returned to the meeting at this time. Project Review Services Manager MadaJewskt sununartzed the intent of the item, pointing out this project has some specific distinction because ~t is embodied within the area of the Marco Shores DRI that is covered by the Comprehensive Settlement Agreement between the State, w~th Collier County a co-signer back tn 1982, which allowed for deve- lopment in specific areas of the Deltona Corporation holdings. He explained there have been numerous inquiries regarding this project due to a neighboring project which proceeded without County approval and has become "sort of a blight on the community". He confirmed staff has made sure this project complies wlth all County regulations, ~s ~n full compliance with the Settlement Agreement and that all the various agencies involved with the Settlement Agreement have reviewed m/%d approved the construction plans. The following persons spoke to the Issue of the "Granada Drive Extens ~on": · Kenneth Hildonen · 'V~rginta C. Read Terry Roszak Charlotte Westman, representing League of Women Voters of Collier County sRaised issue that there are roads in the area of Hawaiian Circle which have not been accepted by the County ~Read letter by Collier County Mosquito Control District and introduced petition that existing problems on Granada be corrected prior to any work beginning on Granada Drive Extension Terry Kepple, from Bruce Green & Associates, Inc., acknowledged that Mr. MadaJewski has addressed questions with answers along the same lines as what he would have given in response to the comments made regarding this Issue. Comm~saloner Shanahan stated that what ~s currently existing in the area is a dangerous environmental hazard, with standing stagnant water existing for two years, and acknowledged there are dead mangro- Page 8 May 5, 1992 yes existing as well as abandoned houses. He suggested stipulating, if legally possible, that the problems on Granada Drive be corrected before a/lowing the extension to proceed. Following brief discussion, and after questions posed to Assistant County Attorney We/ge/ regarding legal issues, Commissioner Volpe suggested continuing this matter to allow staff to review tests of the various waters in the canals and areas around Marco Island, which could provide basis to the issue of health, safety and genera/ welfare of the community. Commissioner Sh~ ~oved, seconded by Co~ieeloner l~, ~ tt~t staff to d~slop tnfomtto~ r~dtn~ ~obl~ wt~ fecal coltfom. Pro~ect Review Services Manager Mada]ewskt suggested the Board of County Coutssloners dtrec~ staff to, ~hrough certified letter, bring Barnett B~k to the table and set a time frame to either have them get the pro~ect corrected or, tn the alternative, staff's return to the Board of County Oo~lsstoners for further dtr~ction regarding removal of the st~ctures, barricading the roads, or whatever appropriate mea~res ~y be necessary. ~i~r S~ ~i~ ~~1~, to ~ the ~rrent ~er of t~ proart, ~ to r~ ~t ~ ~en Identified ~ a ~tentlal ~bltc i Ol I~OICI ~ STA~ Ol ACCO~ ~R VlOMTIOI II OMI lO. Community Development Services Administrator Brutt announced the applicant has requested that Carmen Marttnez represent him today. Carmen Marttnez conveyed that her daughter has requested today's hearing due to failure to receive proper notification to remove the Page 9 f, eXOtiCS from her property prior to the County's removal of same and related charge of 8700 for their removal. Commissioner Saunders left the meeting at this time. Community Development Services Administrator Brutt revealed that, prior to this violation, there was a violation on 6/24/9! which was settled, thereby proving notifications have been received by mailing them to the address staff has listed for Ms. Gonzalez, that being the address in the Property Appraiser's Office, and which is the same address notifications of the current violation were mai/ed to. Following brief discussion, Co~issioner Shanahan ~oved, sscor~ded I:~ Ce~e~t~ion~r ~xxtnight and carried 4/0 (Commissioner Smunders not pr~ent), ts ~ive the $100 ministration fee. Ita ~ A~ OF NATE~ FACILITII[~ FOR ~ST NAPLIS PUBLIC SAFETY FACILITY - $~q~D~"~l[ ~TIPULATION~ Co~u=unity Development Services Administrator Brutt explained this ts a standard consent item which missed the deadline for Inclusion as much. He relayed staff's recommendation for approval per the stipula- tions set forth on page 2 of the Executive Summary. Go~missloner Hesse moved, seconded by Commissioner aoodnight and c~z'rted 4/0 (Co~lssioner Saundsrs not pre~nt), ~r Staff'S ~~ stt~latto~. OR Book 1725 Pages 779 - 789 ~$~ %2-2~1 ~ ACQUISITION OF D~INAGE ~~ ~ ~~Y C~Z~ ~~ ~ ~I~. ~~E OR COllATION, ~QUI~D Transportation Capital Projects Manager Kuck provided a quick overview and update of the Westclox project and relayed staff's recom- mendation for adoption of Resolution 92-271. ~l~t~s~e~ ~oodnlght ~ov~d, seconded by C~ts~t~er Hu~ =tN 4/0 (~tssl~er Sau~rs not present), to aut~rtze t~ Pa~ 10 N~y 5, 1992 ~CXl~lstttOn by gift, purchue or conduction o~ t~ ~atuge eumnt ~ t~ c~tnctton eumnt r~tr~ for the coat.ct/on of Mtc/~ S~t tn l~l~, there~ ~opttng ~lolut/on 92-271. Page May 5, 1992 AM&J~ OF ~SlJl~ OF NAS'AK TlJtKS AT NAPLKS LANDF~LL AND ~)OJOKALKK LA3DI~ILL, BID #'92-18~5, TO I, JODKI~N RZCYCLIN~ INC. IN AMOUNT OF MODZFIC~TION TO T1~ ARNUAL RATE RESOLUTION BASED ON TH~ FROCESSING ~ ~ - APPROVeD/STAFF DIRECTED TO AITwrKRTISE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ~ SOLID NJ~STE RATE RESOLUTION Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz introduced this item by reminding the Board of County Commissioners of their earlier direc- tions to staff. Reginald Boucher, P.E., Solid Waste Management, reminded the Board of County Commissioners of their expressed concerns voiced at the April 21st meeting and reported staff's findings regarding surrounding counties' tipping fees and uses for tire chips. He briefly explained the page entitled "Bidders Qualification Comparison" contained in the agenda package. ~ioner Satmdsrm returned to the meeting mt this time. Mr. Boucher recapped staff's request that the Board of County Commissioners accept the three /ow bidders, i.e. Modern Recycling, Inc., Integrated Tire Inc. and Cumbaa Enterprises, and award to the lowest net bidder, Modern Recycling, Inc. Jim Goehrtg, Senior Engineer with Modern Recycling, Inc., made a brief presentation regarding his organization and confirmed it can provide either a performance bond or Letter of Credit. ~imstoner Sh&nahan ~ovmd, seconded by Commissioner Hume, to ~oept staff's re=o~rnd~tton. Solid Waste Management Director Fahey Interjected It was his %l~derst~dtng staff was to present an alternative to selection of an outside contractor. He distributed a handout entitled "Waste Tire Processing In-House Versus Contracting Preliminary Comparison Study" ·nd proceeded to explain the difference between tn-house and the alternative of contracting. County Manager Dorrtll explained staff's recommendation is to award the service contract to a capable vendor and, as part of the longer term, possibly consider consolidating the two programs and Page 12 May 5, 1992 acquire the capital equipment necessary. Mr. Boucher requested that the Board of County Commissioners con- sider, as part of their motion, authorizing staff to advertise for a public hearing regarding modification of the annual solid waste rate resolution regarding the tipping fee of tires. ~mlo~er Sh~nah~n ~ended his ~otion, Conissioner ~ ~ ~, ~d the ~tt~ c~rted ~tmly, to tncl~ ~ff~s ~tta r~dt~ s~srttstng for ~~ 92-275 ~I~I~ A ~FILL ~ED SOLID ~~ ~ ~I~ ~ SOLID ~ ~ ~ ~~ AU~ 29, Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz reiterated the com- lents detailed in the Executive Summary. T~pe eS O~A~t~r Hawse ~oved, seconded by Contsstoner ~t ~lntt~ 92-2~2 afft~tn~ the l~dfill ~t ~t~, ~t~tn~ ~he Solid Wute ~ter Pl~ ad~t~ on A~t 29, ~9~9, ~ dtsconttnuin~ the fo~tton of ~ Ad-Hoc ~tt~ ~~ to s~ the feutbtlt~ of The following persons spoke to this issue: *Ben ~alk~r, representtn9 Section 30 Property ~ers Association Charlott~ Westman, representing th~ Lea~e of Women voters of Collier County *Regarding th~ expansion, states he plans on subalt~tn~ v~rtfted cosplatn~ baseO on Florida Statute 163-3215 to the Board of cowry Co~tsston~rs Cowry M~a~er Dorrtll explained the County has bought a n~ber of ~rc~ls lo=at~d north of the present landitll and does not intend to have th~ l~dftll located within 100' of anyone's home. Displaying an exhibit, Environmental Services Administrator Lorenz Identified the site of the existing landfill, the property presently o~ed by the County, and the properties the County has a signed agreement with property o~ers for. Page Hay 5, 1992 Solid Waste Administrator Fahey confirmed the County is pursuing lands which have not yet been developed. ~ ~ll for the question, the ~otton carried unanimly. 33' Page Nay 5, 1992 ~te~ ~ (formerly #I~G1) ~ TO ~ FOR FROFESSIONAL SERVICES WITH DAVID M. GRIFFITH AND~IATE~, LTD., FOR THE DEVELOPg~E~T OF STORMWAT~R CHARGES - Peter Comeau, Stormwater Utility Mar, ager with the Water Management Department, explained the intent of the request for a change to the Agreement for Professional Services with David M. Griffith and Associates, Ltd. Gilbert Erltchman, member of TAG (Taxpayers Action Group), spoke to this Issue. Mr. Comeau stated this request will not change the fixed contrac- tufa! dollar amounts originally entered into with DMG (David M. Grifftth and Associates, Ltd.). ~t~ioner ~x~ntght ~ovmd, seconded by Co~issioner Volpe and '; ' c~t~ ~~ly, to a~r~ staff's recognition, u - Commissioner Hasse relayed a request by the Little League of Golden Gate to use one of the County's softball fields in the Golden Gate Commalrlit¥ Park for a fundratser. He explained staff estimates there will be a cost of approximately $325 for moving the bleachers, etc. Commissioner Goodnight pointed out it has been necessary to move the bleachers on a number of occasions without a charge to anyone. In response to Commissioner Saunders, Assistant County Attorney Wetgel stated that today's authorization is that the Ccunty will Insure petitioner meets all the permit requirements. O~lt~tol~er HI. lie ~ved, seconded by Co~iestoner Goodntght and cmxTl~ ~t~n~ly, to approve tn concept the Golden Gets Little ~ F~U~rItSeT event proposed to be held at the Golden Gate C~m~nl~T ~k. ~lC ~ O~ e~f~,AL TOPICS - May §, 1992 Dan Mayfield, representing himself and Danny Brett (phonetic), alleged he provided a letter to staff for circulation to the Board of County Commissioners and County Manager Dorrtll, (copy not provided for the record). He stated he Is only asking for the same con- sideration that his neighbors received. County Manager Dorrill explained Mr. Mayfteld owns property in the Pine Ridge Industrial Park that was petitioned for an assessment district for the County to build roads, drainage, water, sewer and street light facilities and, thus, conveyed to the County fee simple the necessary drainage easement behind his property. He confirmed that some of the necessary easements were purchased, some were acquired with property owners being provided culverts in lieu of purchase, and some were taken to condemnation. Following discussion regarding the potential cost to the County for providing culverts to Mr. Mayfteld and others, recognizing the concern that the budget will not support the number of requests received If the District must pay the cost of culvert Installation, staff recommended that Mr. Brett should pay $3,000. Commissioner Volpe voiced support for adhering to the original agreement to address the concerns of Mr. Mayfield and Mr. Brett, i.e. to share the cost, and County Manager Dorrill pointed out that no for- ~al action Is required. Commissioner Saunders suggested investigation of the cost being borne by the District with an evaluation to determine where the culverts can go. County Manager Dorrtll suggested having the design engineer pre- sent at a future Board of County Commissioners meeting to explain the rationale and determine what the cost would be to develop an alter- native drainage system, and it was the consensus that he make the appropriate arrangements. Charlte Andrews voiced concern regarding the attendance record of the CCPC (Collier County Planning Commission) and suggested that two unexcused absences is reason for dismissal and the person to be absent should report to the Chairman or to the Attorney's Office. OOO 37 Peg. Nay §o ~992 Clerk Hoffa~n replaced Deput~ Clerk FarrAe at thie tie eec Xte~ ~12C1 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 19, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Olerk, public hearing was opened. Growth Planning Director Blanchard reported that the property sub- Ject to this appeal ts a 9.1 acre parcel located in the Central Naples planning community on the west side of Goodlette-Frank Road, north of Frank Whiteman Boulevard. He indicated that the property is zoned RMF-6 and designated as urban residential on the Future Land Use Map. He annolznced that this designation permits residential development up to a maximum of 16 dwelling units per acre and permits other non- residential uses, i.e. essential services and institutional uses. Mr. Blanchard stated that the subject property is located within the traffic congestion area which results in a deduction to the base density and rather than four dwelling units per acre, this property wo~ld be allowed three dwelling units per acre. Mr. Blanchard referred to the zoning map on Page 4 of the Executive Su~u~ary and addressed the surrounding properties. Mr. Blanchard advised that staff originally issued a determination to deny the compatibility exception to retain the RMF-6 zoning, noting that the density on that designation is too high based on the i%lrrounding RSF-4 single family neighborhood. He indicated that RMF-6 development on this property would definitely be an Intrusion Into an existing single family neighborhood. However, during review of the appeal, staff and the property owner's agent agreed that the RMF-6 is too high based on the surrounding neighborhood but a recommendation to RSF-4 which requires single family detached construction Is probably 38 Page 17 May 5, 1992 inappropriate based on physical conditions that exist on this site. Ha reported that the easterly half of the property is Jurisdictional wetlands and would be undevelopable. Mr. Blanchard stated that an agreement was reached last week that if the appeal is withdrawn staff would reissue the determination and recommend that the RMF-6 zoning be retained subject to a density cap of three units per acre which is consistent with the Growth Management Plan and the development would be subject to the following five deve- lopment conditions, beyond the cap of three units per acre: 1. The easterly 4.5 acres of the subject property would remain a preserve area and development would be prohibited within that area. 2. No limitation on use types; property owner would be entitled to develop those uses which are permitted outright or with a conditional use permit within the RMF-6 zoning district. 3. Maximum building height of two stories which would include any under building parking. 4. 25' buffer area along the north and south property lines of the areas to be developed; 15' of that buffer area required to meet the standards of Section and Alternative "B" of the Land Development Code. 5. Request for modification of the provisions would require an application for rezoning. Xa~e #4 Mr. Blanchard reported that he was informed yesterday that the property owner would not withdraw the appeal. He indicated that staff is recommending approval of the RMF-6 zoning with a cap of three units per acre and the additional development conditions as indicated above. Ms. Sam Holland of Asbell, Hains, Doyle & Pickworth, stated that agreement was reached, as described by Mr. Blanchard. She indicated as agent, she recommended that Mr. Berio withdraw the appeal and accept the agreement, however, he chose not to withdraw the appeal. Mr. John Berio stated that he purchased his property 45 years ago. He revealed that he believes that staff's offer is inferior to the value of the land. He explained when the railroad was being built, a patch was placed on his lot which resulted in a valley of 2.5' - 3' He requested permission to fill in the low lying area of his property Page 18 Nay 5, [992 tO bring it up to where it was before the land was taken away. Ms. Holland revealed if there are sensitive lands on her client's property, he should be entitled to have the flexibility of multi- family. Mr. John Berio, Jr., urged the Commission to a/low his father the ~AaXi~ua~ allowable'density. There were no other speakers. Oe~/~elo~er ~zndsrs a~oved, seconded by Coamission~r Sh~nahan ~nd C~.'Tie~nt~ov~l¥, to close the public he·ring. Co~i~ioner Saunders ~oved, seconded by Coatssloner Shanahan and carried 4/! {C~issioner Volpe opposed), to approve RMF-6 zoning with · cap of 3 units per ·cra; st·fl to have ability during site plan .pprovml to require that ~ulti-f&mily buildings be lialted to two etorie~ in the vicinity of singls fully hc~es and that Resolution *2-27S ~ ~lopt~. Page 19 May 5, 1992 Ite~2¢2 ]~OLIITXON 92-274, RE PETITION CEX-026-SN-A, KEVIN G. COLEMAN OF CI~I~ AND LO~KN~0D REPRESENTING GERALD FLEISHER, TRUSTEE, APPEALING ~ PLANNING DIRECTOR'S DETERMINATION FOR DENIAL OF COMPATIBILITY ~][CEPTION A~FLICATION FOR PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF TOWER ROAD, 450 FEHT NEST OF STATE ROAD 95! - ADOPTED ALLOWING C-3 TO REMAIN WITH ADDITIONAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 19, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was'opened. Co~tssloner Volpe remarked that in addition to the agenda packet, the Commission ts tn receipt of a submittal from Cummings and Lockwood, bound In a black folder, dated April 28, 1992 (copy not pro- vtded to the Clerk's Office). Growth Planning Director Blanchard revealed that the property sub- Ject to this appeal is a 9.2 acre parcel located tn the South Naples planning community. He Indicated that the property is currently zoned 0-3 and designated as Urban Coastal Fringe on the Future Land Use Map. He divulged that this 'designation limits the site to a maximum resi- dential density of four units per acre. He noted that the property Is also within the traffic congestion area which results in a base den- sity of three units per acre. Mr. Blanchard detailed surrounding properties and zoning of same. He explained after review of this application, staff determined that it failed to demonstrate that a consistent zoning d/strict would be incompatible with surrounding land uses. He indicated that it was determined that the RMF-6 zoning district with a cap of three dwelling finite per acre would be compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Mr. Blanchard reported that SR-951 ts currently being four-laned which will Increase the road's capacity and improve the operating level of service (LOS). He remarked that $R-951 has an adopted LOS "E" and ts operating at LOS "F". He Indicated that development of the subject site at three units per acre would result in approximately 27 dwelling units and 27 multi-family units would generate 166 vehicle trips per day. He stated that 27 single family dwellings would Page 20 Hay 5, 1992 generate 2?0 trips per day. He noted that under C-3 Ifa shopplng center ts used as a representative use, there is the potential for 92,000 square feet of commercial activity on this piece of property which could generate 6,500 vehicle trips per day which would impact both Tower Road and SR-951. Mr. Blanchard divulged that the Compatibility Exception applica- tion has been denied and the applicant was advised that the property would be recommended for rezontng to the RMF-6 zoning district with a cap of three units per acre. He noted that the property owner has flied an appeal application, requesting that this determination be overturned, thereby allowing the existing C-3 zoning district to remain. Attorney Kevtn Coleman of Cummings and Lockwood, representing the appellant, cross examined Mr. Blanchard at this time. Mr. Coleman explained that he agrees with staff on numerous points, noting that an RSF-3 zoning district is not compatible on the site, however, staff proposes that the same three dwelling units, fashioned in a multi-family setting now makes the property compatible. He remarked that he objects to that conclusion and does not believe the evidence supports same. ~l~ew ~mmdere ~ov~, ~econded t:~ Co~isaloner Shanahan and c~x~'ie~ ~l~ly, to accept Patricta Newton, Joseph Xbner and D~vtd Kee u ~xperta in thta matter. Ms. Patrtcta Newton of Johnson Engineering, stated that staff's report accurately reflects the zoning, intensities, densities and the sllrrounding area in general. She Indicated that to rezone this parcel to a ~ulti-fa~tly use, I.e., RMF-6, would be sending a message to all ~ultl-fa~lly residents that they will not be afforded the same com- patibility protection that their single-family counterparts would recelve from incompatible uses. She affirmed that she believes that 0-3 zontng provides the compatibility relief that these proceedings are looking for. Mr. Joseph Ebner of Johnson Engineering, remarked that a distin- Page 21 Nay 6, 1992 ctton needs to be made, in that the request for C-3 zoning on this parcel ts different from C-3 zoning on SR-951, since banks, restaurants, service stations and other high traffic generators would be allowed. He indicated that the subject property would not have that exposure and their would be lesser traffic uses. He reported that this would be one of the transition areas as determined by the · arket and traffic ts not an issue. Mr. David Kee of Johnson Engineering, addressed environmental con- cernm. He reported that the majority of the property has been Impacted and there is not a lot of environmental sensitivity. Mr. Gerald Fleisher, Trustee and owner of the property, stated that he l~urchased this site in 1976 and did so because of the C-3 zoning which had the compatibility of similar zonings encompassing the neighboring properties. He indicated that his taxes have increased more' than tenfold in the past few years. He revealed that this pro- perry is impossible to market as a residential area with everything else that is taking place around it. He questioned who would buy a homesite or want to live in an area that is surrounded by commercial land, towers and the sewage disposal plant. He affirmed that the only logical use for this land is for commercial purposes. Attorney Dudley Goodlette advised that he believes that C-3 is compatible and urged the Commission to retain that zoning. Mr. Blanchard reiterated various points as to why he feels a con- etstent zoning district is appropriate on this particular site. He noted that Henderson Creek provides a natural buffer from this site. He reminded the Commission that the test to apply in the case of com- patibility exception is not whether the existing district can be made compatible with surrounding land uses, but whether the zoning district is compatible with surrounding land uses. There were no other speakers. Co~m/~ioner Sh~n~han ~oved, seconded by Cow=lsmioner Hume and c~xTled ~i~o~elF, to close the public hearing. Page 22 Nay 5, 1992 ~ieaer ~# aovsd, seconded by Coaatsslonar Shanahan ~~ ~~ly, to ~er~ t~ ~r~h Plying Dtr~tor's ~ter- ~t~ ef ~tal, u pr~td~ tn Sectta 10.5 of tile ~0; to ~h C-I mi~, ~bJ~t to the m~ devsl~t mt~ u ~ of t~ ~rW to the eut, there., adopting Re~lutt~ 92-2?4. Page 23 Nay §, ~992 ORD~ 92-2~, AMENDING ORDINANCE 91-42, POINT MARCO P~D TO COK~ECT TH~ ~ PLACEMENT OF ASTE~IOKS IN SEG'rION FOUR, SUBSECTION 'MAXIMOM ~LDIN~ W~IGHT" - ADOPTED Legal notice havtng been published in the Naples Daily News on March 26, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Planner Nino requested that Ordinance 91-42 be amended. He indi- cated that there were typographical errors in the final version of that ordinance, in that, an asterick was misplaced and a couple of other astericks were inadvertently omitted. There were no speakers. Co~mluloner S~unders ~cm~ed, seconded b~ Coniastoner Ha~e and carri~ 4/0 (Co~aissioner Shanahan out of the rooa), to close the public Col~t~ltcmer Seqndera iove~, ~econded by CO~liSaloner a~d carrie4 4/0 (Co.~tssioner Shanahan out of the rock), to correct tbs ecr~v~l~eT's error iJ indicated by Mr. Nino, and that Ordinance 92-2~ ke Mk::~te4 ~ entered into Ordinance Book ~o. 52. · ~ ~ee~oner ShanahAn ~oved, .econded by Commissioner ~ ~z-z-te4 ~/0, that the follc~lng ~te~ under the con~ent Iw ~ iD4/or Idopte~: It~a~A~ ~ ~ OF CI~DIT ACCEPTED AS SECURITY FOR SITE DEVELOPg~NT FF~o gl-l~O, 'JERl~f'$ FLAZA', LOCATED IN SECTION 3, It~ 91&&S K~OLQTX~II 92-269 APFROVING FOR ~ECOKDING THE FINAL PLAT 0Y 'SOLDAN ~O~DXFXgION" - NITE TH~ STIP~]LATIONS AS NOTED IN THE E][EC~TIFE ~ See Page .~_~ Xtra ~A~A4 ~SOF~FA'XOll 92-2?0 ~ING ~R ~CO~ING ~ FIN~ P~T OF 'FI~ ~~~ -- ~ ~ ~I~TIONS ~ N~ IN ~ m~x~ ~ SeePage Page 24 Nay 5, 1992 M&TI3t ~IT/*B~ ACCKI'TKD FOP, FALLZNG M&'I'K]~S, TRACT G - WITH THE Ff/FUL&TZOJrS AS JlOTED TN THE KXECUT[VK SUJOtARY See Page Xtem ~26B1 BID 02-1745 COFFR&C~ AJqOOFF ~Z~ ~ T~ ~KD ~ GEORGIA PACIFIC Item ~16B2 wtth~rmMn J3~ZC~I~ON O~ AN E&SB3~F~ AGRKB3qX]F~ FOR PARCK~S 122, 123, T225 AJFD T227 A]ID~AN~K OF CON~K~ANCE FOR ACQUISITION OF RIGHt-Or-MAY ~O ~ l~q~t-L~klK ZMPR~ ~POR RADIO ROAD (TRAJ~PORTATZON PRGJL"E lB3, 68O91 ) Item ~16D1 BID ~1-1706 fOR I]l AOTOKATI¢ SFRINKLER SYSTEM FOR TEE REGIO]ILT, MATER PI]IT ~ TO S~.UI EFTERPRISES OF tORT Iq~TR$, IRC., IN 2 Item ~16D2 RI, TEl DSPilTNIFT*S SAI(I~E ¢OLLECTIO~ STRATEG~J' FOR COMPLYING MZ'I'H THE F'KDB:RAL Lr, AD AND COP'IrKlq MONITORING REGULATIONS - AT AR AIFRUAL COST OF $1,400 SeePages ~X~'UTIO~ OF A NEM LEASE AGREEMENT BETNEEN COLLIER COUNT~, A POLITICAL ~MSI01~ O~ TEE STATE OF FLORIDA, ~ 30~ PAULICH, JR., AND JO~l~a~N~ PAULICH, FOR THE CONTINUED UTILIZATION OF OFFICE SPACE FOR Page 25 ~ §, 1992 T~ CO~LZ~ COU~ ~IF~'$ 0FrIG~ NORTH NAPLES SUB~T&TION See PaGes Xt~ ~QI mm~q~d to Xt~m ~ MYERS ]]JTH~ AMOqJlI'T OJ' 0127,873 1989 TAX ROLL · o. Date 291 04/20/92 1990 TAX ROLL 314 04/20/92 1991 TAX ROLL ~76/177 04/20/92-04/21/92 1991 TANGIBLE P'K~ONAL PROPERTY 1991-91/1991-92 04/21/92-04/24/92 Item ~l~,T M~C~,~I~O~ CO~I:R~P,ORDENC~e - FILED AITD/OR REFERRED The following miscellaneous correspondence was filed as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 26 Nay 5, 1992 BZD ~-1~2~ ~ ]~DDITION~L VOTING MACHII~$ - ANARD~D TO BU~IK~$S ~ COI~OFATIO~ IN TI~ A~IOUNT OF $2?,900 $&TI~F~'"T~ OF LI~N FO~ TH~ COST OF BLOC~ ~30, ~ B~J, CH UNIT ~IX, SeePage Xtra ~ OF ~ANCE OF T~O (2} DRAINAGE EASEMENTS, A #ARRAITI'Y FOR aw~M~XTXO~,.L ~0 FOOT RIGHT-.OF-NAY FOR ~STVIL~ DRIVE, AND A ~~ IYErD l~ AN ADDITIONAL 12 FOOT 0F RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR AIRPORT ROAD See Pages There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 5:45 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL t . ' OLPE, CHAIRMAN ,e"linu~ea. 'approved by the Board on as pres&~t~"' ~ or as corrected 000,, , 50 Page 27