CAC Agenda 02/09/2012CAC REGULAR MEETING AGENDA FEBRUARY 9, 2012 Meeting ��w��������� ����=0 0�Nm��'~�°�� N�N����N.Nmm 0�kN���mm��w� ��mm�� N����o�N���� �� � COASTAL ADVISORY CO0@MITyEEKCAQ THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 9,2012-1:00 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES *Sunshine Law on Aqenda Questions *2012 CAC MEETING DATES I. Call 1oOrder II. Pledge mfAllegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval mfAgenda V. Public Comments VI' Approval of CAC Minutes 1. January 12, 2012 VII. Staff Reports — — Project Cost Peport 3. Collier Creek Dredging Completion Verbal Update 4. Clam Bay Marker Verbal Update 5. Vanderbilt Bathroom Verbal Update 6. RFP Engineering Consultants TDCReectinn Verbal Update 7. Structural Inspection/Repair Clam Pass Bridge — VIII. New Business — ConceDtual Plan/Schedule Collier County Main Beach Renourishment — Backup Material Z. Marco South Revised Schedule/Permit Application IX. Old Business X. Announcements 1. Public Notice for 2012-2013 Category "A �Grant �Alica_tions XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date/Location March O, 2O12 Government Center, 3n] Floor XII3.Amjournmment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting ifapplicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Mambrightat (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County pad|iUea Management Department located at 3301 EasLTamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99'22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limited to, addressing the Board of County Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register with the Clerk tothe Board at the Board Minutes and Records Department. CAC February 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 1 of 6 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, January 12, 2012 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F ", 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: John Sorey, III VICE CHAIRMAN: Anthony Pires Randy Moity Jim Burke Murray Hendel Robert Raymond Joseph A. Moreland (Excused) Victor Rios Wayne Waldack (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples Scott Johnson, Collier County Purchasing Department CAC February 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 2 of 6 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:00 PM II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management submitted the memo "2012 CAC Scheduled Meetings " for information purposes. Mr. Rios moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Pipes. Carried unanimously 7-0. V. Public Comments None VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. November 10, 2011 Mr. Rios moved to approve the minutes of the November 10, 2011 minutes. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Collier County Tourist Tax Revenue FY 12 Revenue Report" dated through December 31, 2011. 2. Project Cost Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 201112012 TDC Category "A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through 1/5/12. 3. FDEP Naples Beach Joint Permit /Storm Water Outfall Pipes Condition Gary McAlpin presented a copy of a letter from Robert Brantley of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to William Moss, City Manager, City of Naples and Gary McAlpin, Collier County Coastal Zone Management, Re: "Naples Beach Joint Coastal Permit No. 0222355 - 001 -JC — Stormwater Outfall Pipes condition" dated December 21, 2011, and related Resolution from the City of Naples. He provided an update on the County /City of Naples proposal to "decouple" the requirement in previous FDEP permit cited above that "The County shall submit a long range management plan (including identification of viable funding sources) for the removal of the storm water outfalls from the beach. CAC February 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 3 of 6 Submittal of an acceptable plan will be a requirement of the Notice to Proceed for the second nourishment. " 4. FDEP Clam Bay Markers Status — Update Gary McAlpin presented a Resolution from the Pelican Bay Services Division executed December 14, 2011 regarding the requirement for marking of Clam Bay as provided under the 1998 FDEP permit; and a Naplesnews.com article dated January 1, 2012 "Seagate's push for Clam Bay Markers spurned by State, going to judge next. " He reported the proposed installation of the informational markers in the Clam Bay waters is now subject to litigation. The Board of County Commissioners authorized Staff to move forward with any informational signs on County lands not subject to the litigation (beach signs, boardwalk signs, canoe launch area signs, etc.). Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney reported the Board of County Commissioners approved the Resolution executed by the Pelican Bay Services Division. Speaker Keith Dallas, Pelican Bay Services Division 5. Clam Bay Numeric Nutrient Criteria Executive Summary Gary McAlpin presented the "Clam Bay Numeric Nutrient Criteria Executive Summary" last revised January 11, 2012 prepared by Atkins and related backup material. He reported the item will be considered at a future meeting. Speakers Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida Mary Johnson, Mangrove Action Committee 6. Collier Creek Dredging — Update Gary McAlpin provided the document "Hideaway Beach Meeting Notes — 1/11/12" regarding a meeting between County Staff, Commissioner Fiala and representatives of the City of Marco Island and other interested parties. He reported an issue has arisen on where the sand from the dredging activity will be placed in relation to Hideaway Beach. The County represented in documents the sand would be placed seaward of the erosion control line, however Hideaway Beach District representatives were under the impression it was to be placed inland of the erosion control line. He outlined three options developed to address the issue on where the dredged sand is to be placed. Option I — Continue as currently approved by the Board of County Commissioners. Option 2 — Demobilize the dredge and move it to Naples for two months allowing time for the BCC to resolve the issue at a cost of $5000 to the County. CAC February 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 4 of 6 Option 3 — Continue the dredging activity and stockpile the 10, 000 cubic yards of material until the issue is resolved with Hideaway Beach District paying to distribute the sand based on a decision by the BCC. He sought a recommendation by the Committee. The Committee reached consensus and recommended either Option I or Option 3 be undertaken Mr. Pires abstained from the discussion and recommendation. 7. Conceptual Design Plan and Approach to BCC in March 2012 Gary McAlpin provided a verbal update on the conceptual plan for the major beach renourishment project. He has presented the conceptual plan to the City of Marco Island and intends to present it to the Coastal Advisory Committee and the Board of County Commissioners. It was noted the Tourist Development Subcommittee has several questions on the plan and requested Staff provide a presentation on it. Discussion occurred on the optimal timeline for the presentations of the Plan to the various parties. The Committee reached consensus and recommended the plan be presented in this order, and to these parties: the CAC, TDC, City of Naples and the Board of County Commissioners. The Committee directed Staff to answer any questions posed by the TDC Subcommittee. Mr. Pires abstained from the recommendation as he did not have enough information to make an informed decision. 8. United States Department of Interior Sand Lease Gary McAlpin provided a copy of a letter for information purposes from Steven D. Textoris of the US Department of the Interior, received 1/10/12 at the Coastal Zone Management Department. VIII. New Business 1. Clam Pass Joint Coastal Permit Work Order with Atkins North America Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve Work Order with Atkins North America, Inc. for Clam Pass Joint Coastal Permit under contract CE- FT- 09- 5262 -CZ for a not to exceed amount of $7,672. 00 " dated January 12, 2012 for consideration. Mr. Pires moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve a Work Order with Atkins North America, Inc. for Clam Pass Joint Coastal Permit under contract CE- FT- 09- 5262 -CZ for a not to exceed amount of $7,672.00." Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 7— 0. CAC February 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 5 of 6 2. Marco Laser Grading Gary McAlpin presented Schedule A, Work Order No. I for CEC Contract No. 09- 5262 for Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc. to assist the County in establishing a long term maintenance program to reshape the beach on Marco Island from monument R -135 to R -143. The Work Order is a time and materials scope of work at a cost not to exceed $35,190.00. Mr. Rios moved to approve Schedule A, Work Order No. 1 "for CEC Contract No. 09 -5262 for Coastal Engineering Consultants, Inc is at a cost not to exceed $35,190.00. Second by Mr. Moity. Motion carried 6 "yes" — I "no. " Mr. Hendel voted "no. " Chairman Sorey stated the approval is subject to Staff contacting the necessary governing agencies in an attempt to streamline the permitprocess. 3. RFP No. 11 -5772 "Beach Renourishment Engineering Services" Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve shortlist of firms for contract negotiations for RFP #11 -5772 Beach Renourishment Engineering Services " dated January 12, 2012. He reported Staff recommends the Board of County Commissioners approve the Committee's selection of firms and authorize staff to begin contract negotiations with the number one shortlisted firm, Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc. Mr. Hendel moved to approve Staffs recommendation listed above. Second by Mr. Burke. Motion carried 5 "yes" — 2 "no." Mr. Pires and Mr. Moity voted "no. " IX. Old Business Gary McAlpin reported the Vanderbilt Beach Restroom project is still in the permitting process. X. Announcements Gary McAlpin reported Dr. Bauer has been appointed to the Environmental Regulation Commission. XI. Committee Member Discussion 1. Wiggins Pass Channel Straightening — Update Gary McAlpin reported the next meeting of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee will be held on January 18, 2012. XII. Next Meeting Date /Location February 9, 2012 — Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor CAC February 9, 2012 VI -1 Approval of CAC Minutes 6 of 6 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 2:31 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee John Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 1 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REVENUE FY 12 Revenue Report 31- .Ian -9012 Budget 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Month History-Cum Histo - Monthly Collections Collections IFY FY 12 Net 3.4% 3.4% Fund FY 12 Current 12 Forecast FY 12 (5 %) Budget 8.0% 4.6% 183 2,153,300 2,153,300 (107,700) 2,045,600 13.8% 5.9% 184 3,262,500 3,262,500 (164,100) 3,098,400 22.0% 8.2% 193 310,900 310,900 (15,500) 295,400 34.8% 12.8% 194 1,516,100 1,516,100 (75,800) 1,440,300 50.6% 15.8% 195 4,371,800 4,371,800 (218,600) 4,153,200 68.8% 18.2% 196 0 0 0 79.2% 10.3% 198 1,435,500 1,435,500 (71,800) 1,363,700 85.3% 6.2% Gross Budget $13,050,100 $13,050,100 - $653,500 $12,396,600 90.4% 5.0% Less 5% Rev Res (653,500) n/a Aug 95.5% 5.2% Net Budget 12,396,600 n/a Set 100.0% Collections 580,844 0 n/a Total 100.0% 100.0% 13,050,100 3,350,329 Budget Tourist Tax Revenue I Collected to % aver FY 11 % over FY 10 % over FY 09 Month Actual FY 12 Cum YTD Date collections collections collections Oct 525,334 525,334 4.026% 9.71% 18.07% 31.38% Nov 691,705 1,217,039 9.326% 10.65% 26.46% 11.70% Dec 924,729 2,141,768 16.412% 23.29% 24.11% 15.79% Jan 1,208,561 3,350,329 25.673% 19.69% 14.27% 7.17% Feb 3,350,329 25.673% ....._ ____....._.._ Mar 0.0 L. ........... 3,350,329 25.673% I Apr 3,350,329 25.673% May 3,350,329 25.673% June 3,350,329 25.673% July 3,350,329 25.673% Aug 3,350,329 25.673% Sept 3,350,329 25.673% Total 3,350,329 3,350,329 17% 20% 14% Bal to Collect 10,012,912 Budget Comparison 5 Yr Collect 5 Yr Collect Budgeted Actual Month History-Cum Histo - Monthly Collections Collections Variance Oct 3.4% 3.4% 441,513 525,334 83,821 Nov 8.0% 4.6% 597,184 691,705 94,521 Dec 13.8% 5.9% 765,938 924,729 158,791 Jan 22.0% 8.2% 1,063,785 1,208,561 144,776 Feb 34.8% 12.8% 1,676,256 0 n/a Mar 50.6% 15.8% 2,063,999 0 n/a Apr 68.8% 18.2% 2,376,287 0 n/a May 79.2% 10.3% 1,348,215 0 n/a June 85.3% 6.2% 804,559 0 n/a July 90.4% 5.0% 653,390 0 n/a Aug 95.5% 5.2% 678,131 0 n/a Set 100.0% 4.5% 580,844 0 n/a Total 100.0% 100.0% 13,050,100 3,350,329 481,909 Tourist Tax Revenue I $2.5 0 f i 9 e - Budgeted, -Actual $0.5 i .__. __. _......... -__. ....._ ____....._.._ 0.0 L. ........... I Ob �pJ Oe la0 X2`0 2/1/20124:01 PM H' \Revenue ReporhMonthly Gas, Sales, and TDC Receipts CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 2of18 BED320RD 02/01/2012 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY CITY PAGE 1 ** NAPLES ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 124889 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 171672 257204 310088 863853 ** MARCO ISLAND ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 142329 171194 201691 244744 759958 ** IMMOKALEE ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 528 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 489 863 1067 2947 ** EVERGLADES CITY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 4057 5607 7144 9161 25969 ** COLLIER COUNTY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 253531 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 342743 457827 643501 1697602 ** OTHER ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** TOTALS ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 525334 691705 924729 1208561 3350329 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 3of18 BED330RD 02/01/2012 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX - YTD REPORT BY ACCOUNT TYPE PAGE 1 ** APARTMENT ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 896 435 1497 863 3691 ----------------------------------------------------------------- ** CONDOMINIUM ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 39952 21515 41082 82486 185035 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** CAMPGROUND /RV /PARK ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 1892 3546 5271 11540 22249 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** HOTEL /MOTEL ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 410547 599695 765114 796797 2572153 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** INTERVAL ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 4990 7843 11914 14375 39122 ------------------------------------------------------------------ ** MOBILE HOME PARK ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 228 517 543 1455 2743 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** SINGLE FAMILY ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 45283 13154 22328 52088 132853 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** REALTOR ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 21546 45000 76980 248957 392483 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ** OTHER ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS ------------------------------------------------------ ** TOTALS ** OCT NOV DEC JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP TOTALS 525334 691705 924729 1208561 3350329 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 4of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX NAPLES FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER ANJ UARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $76,843 $149,990 $236,963 $316,250 $512,938 $580,227 $570,569 $334,191 $217,611 $152,642 $175,256 $127,802 $3,451,282 2006/2007 $111,854 $151,746 $217,262 $291,277 $532,706 $589,595 $640,395 $340,926 $205,947 $156,476 $174,238 $145,286 $3,557,708 2007/2008 $122,094 $174,235 $231,470 $306,731 $564,747 $617,010 $664,907 $330,698 $233,938 $145,532 $172,641 $150,743 $3,714,746 2008/2009 $105,937 $154,246 $209,703 $298,657 $500,986 $528,321 $471,924 $327,310 $179,344 $133,913 $159,039 $120,786 $3,190,166 2009/2010 $102,425 $147,706 $202,271 $304,284 $473,406 $536,310 $578,659 $314,492 $192,256 $129,009 $150,982 $123,268 $3,255,068 2010/2011 $107,247 $144,923 $207,947 $296,553 $469,260 $537,127 $620,402 $342,016 $210,346 $150,143 $191,212 $144,535 $3,421,711 2011/2012 $124,889 $171,672 $257,204 $310,088 $863,853 TOTAL: $751,289 $1,094,518 $1,562,820 $2,123,840 $3,054,043 $3,388,590 $3,546,856 $1,989,633 $1,239,442 $867,715 $1,023,368 $812,420 $21,454,534 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 5of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MARCO ISLAND FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $71,763 $112,414 $147,512 $199,030 $344,074 $525,468 $576,530 $374,000 $261,791 $218,203 $208,955 $150,041 $3,189,781 2006/2007 $73,397 $88,576 $141,951 $189,026 $335,898 $517,149 $595,449 $379,673 $225,816 $216,858 $194,291 $183,007 $3,141,091 2007/2008 $165,745 $166,397 $93,819 $321,400 $408,079 $503,575 $666,564 $507,602 $140,088 $322,017 $245,721 $151,743 $3,692,750 2008/2009 $99,516 $168,129 $185,986 $280,663 $372,230 $457,015 $473,292 $324,558 $204,748 $183,654 $186,855 $210,702 $3,147,348 2009/2010 $124,837 $158,522 $168,816 $229,316 $364,347 $466,758 $550,969 $361,520 $197,005 $167,786 $223,954 $215,814 $3,229,644 2010/2011 $149,854 $169,786 $175,540 $198,803 $307,625 $416,029 $571,019 $363,648 $210,320 $192,412 $210,599 $230,248 $3,195,883 20/11/2012 $142,329 $171,194 $201,691 $244,744 $759,958 TOTAL: $827,441 $1,035,018 $1,115,315 $1,662,982 $2,132,253 $2,885,994 $3,433,823 $2,311,001 $1,239,768 $1,300,930 $1,270,375 $1,141,555 $20,356,455 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 6of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX I M M OKALEE FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $842 $1,151 $1,306 $1,450 $1,683 $1,837 $2,050 $1,786 $1,900 $1,774 $1,602 $1,372 $18,753 2006/2007 $1,306 $1,258 $1,837 $1,447 $2,307 $1,932 $1,982 $1,691 $1,466 $504 $786 $1,159 $17,675 2007/2008 $731 $746 $776 $966 $749 $828 $2,806 $1,501 $887 $650 $488 $530 $11,658 2008/2009 $410 $553 $686 $687 $808 $1,137 $952 $944 $618 $723 $671 $468 $8,657 2009/2010 $676 $624 $558 $754 $633 $912 $580 $596 $541 $965 $670 $663 $8,172 2010/2011 $625 $470 $639 $649 $649 $768 $928 $937 $440 $990 $517 $667 $8,279 2011/2012 $528 $489 $863 $1,067 $2,947 TOTAL: $5,118 $5,291 $6,665 $7,020 $6,829 $7,414 $9,298 $7,455 $5,852 $5,606 $4,734 $4,859 $76,141 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 7of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX EVERGLADES CITY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $2,246 $3,922 $4,783 $6,921 $9,386 $15,217 $14,334 $13,423 $7,670 $3,754 $4,162 $3,331 $89,149 2006/2007 $4,678 $5,602 $5,705 $9,961 $12,884 $14,766 $16,860 $14,152 $8,653 $3,929 $4,101 $3,677 $104,968 2007/2008 $4,018 $5,424 $6,879 $9,724 $11,917 $16,032 $15,800 $11,327 $11,881 $4,136 $4,136 $3,481 $104,755 2008/2009 $3,443 $4,975 $7,186 $8,987 $11,486 $15,137 $15,206 $10,315 $5,932 $3,302 $3,729 $3,447 $93,145 2009/2010 $3,783 $4,473 $5,706 $8,704 $12,423 $15,656 $18,852 $10,467 $6,149 $3,705 $4,019 $3,055 $96,992 2010/2011 $3,270 $5,011 $6,326 $7,626 $10,020 $13,210 $17,210 $10,847 $6,870 $4,054 $5,237 $5,113 $94,794 2011/2012 $4,057 $5,607 $7,144 $9,161 $25,969 TOTAL: $25,495 $35,014 $43,729 $61,084 $68,116 $90,018 $98,262 $70,531 $47,155 $22,880 $25,384 $22,104 $609,772 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 8of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $86,479 $255,807 $446,229 $534,560 $867,498 $1,119,215 $1,277,646 $777,494 $465,272 $357,870 $335,272 $262,452 $6,785,794 2006/2007 $245,217 $358,486 $492,296 $564,991 $952,204 $1,215,359 $1,354,022 $765,087 $465,420 $368,234 $336,767 $289,157 $7,407,240 2007/2008 $233,050 $342,484 $467,648 $602,044 $937,713 $1,172,727 $1,363,500 $726,065 $479,408 $332,957 $334,056 $280,120 $7,271,772 2008/2009 $190,563 $291,340 $395,097 $538,743 $749,012 $973,781 $1,060,618 $566,718 $358,045 $258,429 $289,170 $234,304 $5,905,820 2009/2010 $213,228 $235,663 $367,743 $514,622 $827,789 $1,013,235 $1,256,966 $636,092 $393,674 $282,867 $289,743 $235,133 $6,266,755 2010/2011 $217,861 $304,930 $359,617 $506,087 $813,768 $1,058,980 $1,357,406 $639,303 $422,707 $332,170 $323,179 $259,566 $6,595,574 2011/2012 $253,531 $342,743 $457,827 $643,501 $1,697,602 TOTAL: $1,439,929 $2,131,453 $2,986,457 $3,904,548 $5,147,984 $6,553,297 $7,670,158 $4,110,759 $2,584,526 $1,932,527 $1,908,187 $1,560,732 $41,930,557 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 9of18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS NAPLES. MARCO ISLAND. IMMOKALEE. EVERGLADES CITY. COLLIER COUNTY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $238,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,534,759 2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241 2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $3,350,329 TOTAL: $3,049,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $10,409,225 $12,925,313 $14,758,397 $8,489,379 $5,116,743 $4,129,658 $4,232,048 $3,541,670 $84,427,459 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 10 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX APARTMENT FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $1,466 $198 $874 $1,987 $3,447 $6,076 $10,463 $1,504 $4,446 $1,740 $179 $29 $32,409 2006/2007 $2,403 $320 $1,387 $2,519 $3,479 $4,476 $7,976 $1,601 $624 $692 $1,447 $284 $27,208 2007/2008 $296 $2,797 $964 $2,770 $6,901 $4,396 $5,539 $2,817 $587 $1,045 $176 $158 $28,446 2008/2009 $675 $111 $1,162 $1,700 $3,571 $4,192 $7,489 $1,210 $710 $349 $63 $41 $21,273 2009/2010 $367 $165 $947 $2,776 $3,910 $4,729 $6,041 $2,607 $1,350 $799 $133 $150 $23,974 2010/2011 $1,113 $260 $1,018 $2,495 $4,802 $5,119 $4,555 $3,300 $2,706 $879 $140 $133 $26,520 2011/2012 $896 $435 $1,497 $863 $3,691 TOTAL: $7,216 $4,286 $7,849 $15,110 $26,110 $28,988 $42,063 $13,039 $10,423 $5,504 $2,138 $795 $163,521 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 11 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CONDOMINIUM FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $18,115 $9,286 $24,892 $46,267 $62,578 $172,726 $290,466 $55,985 $24,142 $17,905 $14,052 $10,670 $747,084 2006/2007 $17,081 $12,475 $21,751 $61,089 $79,540 $188,992 $323,240 $57,775 $23,138 $20,648 $14,595 $19,893 $840,217 2007/2008 $26,279 $14,948 $26,623 $60,871 $114,344 $203,054 $362,939 $60,403 $34,262 $19,440 $17,944 $15,076 $956,183 2008/2009 $18,344 $13,399 $23,789 $52,809 $91,805 $192,617 $347,817 $58,346 $23,642 $19,728 $12,954 $10,983 $866,233 2009/2010 $19,477 $14,463 $32,182 $63,689 $67,669 $240,487 $412,028 $65,444 $26,234 $23,042 $50,203 $55,623 $1,070,541 2010/2011 $84,551 $18,112 $30,208 $63,785 $91,669 $231,388 $462,079 $56,684 $32,886 $37,981 $18,278 $15,431 $1,143,052 2011/2012 $39,952 $21,515 $41,082 $82,486 $185,035 TOTAL: $223,799 $104,198 $200,527 $430,996 $507,605 $1,229,264 $2,198,569 $354,637 $164,304 $138,744 $128,026 $127,676 $5,808,345 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 12 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX CAMPGROUND -RV -PARK FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $2,009 $2,462 $6,622 $17,116 $21,543 $30,174 $33,024 $11,607 $5,331 $3,474 $3,313 $3,135 $139,810 2006/2007 $3,579 $4,746 $11,676 $11,640 $20,946 $27,551 $38,732 $9,843 $5,634 $2,542 $2,679 $2,917 $142,485 2007/2008 $2,813 $3,141 $5,568 $14,015 $22,010 $27,176 $32,516 $13,625 $3,740 $3,059 $2,716 $2,530 $132,909 2008/2009 $2,648 $3,212 $4,849 $13,465 $39,031 $26,499 $40,324 $8,261 $3,491 $2,910 $1,959 $1,859 $148,508 2009/2010 $2,494 $2,999 $5,825 $13,772 $21,117 $30,227 $41,973 $7,260 $3,551 $1,501 $3,616 $1,954 $136,289 2010/2011 $1,903 $3,102 $5,296 $14,095 $18,919 $25,457 $42,028 $7,013 $3,961 $1,735 $3,441 $2,802 $129,752 2011/2012 $1,892 $3,546 $5,271 $11,540 $22,249 TOTAL: $17,338 $23,208 $45,107 $95,643 $143,566 $167,084 $228,597 $57,609 $25,708 $15,221 $17,724 $15,197 $852,002 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 13 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX HOTEL -MOTEL FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $284,057 $467,480 $720,774 $761,245 $1,112,751 $1,512,646 $1,716,480 $1,253,822 $855,707 $647,441 $626,697 $488,099 $10,447,199 2006/2007 $371,144 $531,060 $735,510 $744,056 $1,163,479 $1,582,476 $1,772,635 $1,282,854 $829,704 $641,921 $614,936 $533,317 $10,803,092 2007/2008 $450,926 $600,629 $663,134 $899,608 $1,210,928 $1,557,503 $1,811,406 $1,370,272 $738,197 $715,412 $647,247 $503,218 $11,168,480 2008/2009 $326,143 $547,238 $683,525 $804,914 $926,626 $1,244,914 $1,240,850 $1,012,168 $653,733 $484,556 $539,652 $482,466 $8,946,785 2009/2010 $367,978 $469,435 $611,459 $712,102 $1,010,110 $1,243,041 $1,434,996 $1,081,251 $698,121 $477,576 $532,222 $454,761 $9,093,052 2010/2011 $333,456 $555,623 $619,659 $684,174 $953,504 $1,315,029 $1,587,010 $1,132,637 $737,285 $567,319 $611,275 $569,446 $9,666,417 2011/2012 $410,547 $599,695 $765,114 $796,797 $2,572,153 TOTAL: $2,544,251 $3,771,160 $4,799,175 $5,402,896 $6,377,398 $8,455,609 $9,563,377 $7,133,004 $4,512,747 $3,534,225 $3,572,029 $3,031,307 $62,697,178 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 14 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX INTERVAL FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $865 $2,254 $3,617 $4,037 $7,099 $8,669 $15,490 $9,765 $8,182 $4,710 $7,116 $5,100 $76,904 2006/2007 $2,028 $3,691 $9,886 $10,092 $19,130 $24,221 $26,340 $17,397 $9,043 $6,290 $12,221 $6,099 $146,438 2007/2008 $6,597 $7,295 $10,353 $10,716 $20,438 $19,074 $20,960 $13,613 $7,614 $7,215 $7,767 $6,333 $137,975 2008/2009 $4,897 $5,623 $7,807 $10,438 $14,909 $13,650 $20,868 $21,687 $10,080 $11,449 $13,356 $13,307 $148,071 2009/2010 $10,156 $9,509 $13,274 $20,198 $17,462 $28,801 $34,980 $31,383 $12,115 $19,999 $15,197 $9,839 $222,913 2010/2011 $7,444 $5,816 $13,426 $18,029 $17,347 $22,275 $27,152 $28,303 $16,540 $6,406 $14,542 $9,450 $186,730 2011/2012 $4,990 $7,843 $11,914 $14,375 $39,122 TOTAL: $36,977 $42,031 $70,277 $87,885 $96,385 $116,690 $145,790 $122,148 $63,574 $56,069 $70,199 $50,128 $958,153 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 15 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX MOBILE HOME PARK FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $26 $312 $554 $517 $129 $779 $2,399 $45 $51 $89 $14 $2 $4,917 2006/2007 $3,093 $482 $203 $620 $1,110 $2,831 $2,017 $700 $828 $133 $160 $170 $12,347 2007/2008 $172 $288 $768 $1,444 $3,492 $1,941 $4,349 $557 $218 $461 $348 $450 $14,488 2008/2009 $43 $162 $1,057 $1,229 $1,982 $3,139 $4,012 $1,175 $702 $228 $249 $194 $14,172 2009/2010 $438 $746 $974 $1,688 $2,479 $1,940 $5,061 $2,170 $911 $516 $292 $464 $17,679 2010/2011 $352 $705 $1,477 $2,940 $3,895 $4,309 $5,743 $1,692 $879 $312 $266 $257 $22,827 2011/2012 $228 $517 $543 $1,455 $2,743 TOTAL: $4,352 $3,212 $5,576 $9,893 $13,087 $14,939 $23,581 $6,339 $3,589 $1,739 $1,329 $1,537 $89,173 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 16 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX SINGLE FAMILY FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLYTOTALS 2005/2006 $9,710 $3,439 $4,409 $18,100 $17,773 $24,067 $52,042 $15,400 $5,945 $9,955 $6,729 $3,319 $170,888 2006/2007 $13,559 $4,549 $6,049 $20,838 $14,666 $23,955 $67,207 $13,573 $6,254 $16,936 $7,301 $8,453 $203,340 2007/2008 $17,673 $7,136 $12,482 $27,895 $15,617 $22,793 $82,815 $18,577 $11,121 $19,502 $8,797 $10,929 $255,337 2008/2009 $17,263 $11,147 $10,098 $33,205 $16,416 $33,371 $97,716 $19,903 $11,470 $23,375 $12,173 $9,587 $295,724 2009/2010 $24,226 $7,933 $12,349 $33,206 $16,749 $41,749 $113,111 $20,584 $9,537 $23,926 $12,516 $17,674 $333,560 2010/2011 $31,981 $9,989 $12,618 $39,011 $20,626 $40,342 $126,367 $27,892 $12,448 $28,622 $20,527 $9,345 $379,768 2011/2011 $45,283 $13,154 $22,328 $52,088 $132,853 TOTAL: $159,695 $57,347 $80,333 $224,343 $101,847 $186,277 $539,258 $115,929 $56,775 $122,316 $68,043 $59,307 $1,771,470 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 17 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX REALTOR FISCAL YEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $21,925 $37,853 $75,051 $208,942 $510,259 $486,827 $320,765 $152,766 $50,440 $48,929 $67,147 $34,644 $2,015,548 2006/2007 $23,565 $48,345 $72,589 $205,848 $533,649 $484,299 $370,561 $117,786 $32,077 $56,839 $56,844 $51,153 $2,053,555 2007/2008 $20,882 $53,052 $80,700 $223,546 $529,475 $474,235 $393,053 $97,329 $70,463 $39,158 $72,047 $47,923 $2,101,863 2008/2009 $29,856 $38,351 $66,371 $209,977 $540,182 $457,009 $262,916 $107,095 $44,859 $37,426 $59,058 $51,270 $1,904,370 2009/2010 $19,813 $41,738 $68,084 $210,249 $539,102 $441,771 $357,570 $112,468 $37,806 $36,973 $55,189 $37,468 $1,958,231 2010/2011 $18,057 $31,513 $66,367 $185,189 $490,560 $382,195 $312,031 $99,230 $43,978 $36,515 $62,275 $33,265 $1,761,175 2011/2012 $21,546 $45,000 $76,980 $248,957 $392,483 TOTAL: $155,644 $295,852 $506,142 $1,492,708 $3,143,227 $2,726,336 $2,016,896 $686,674 $279,623 $255,840 $372,560 $255,723 $12,187,225 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -1 Staff Reports 18 of 18 COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST TAX TOTALS APARTMENTS. CONDOMINIUM. CAMPGROUD /RV /PARK. HOTEL /MOTEL. INTERVAL. MOBILE HOME PARK, SINGLE FAILY. REALTOR FISCALYEAR OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY AUGUST SEPTEMBER YEARLY TOTALS 2005/2006 $38,173 $523,284 $836,793 $1,058,211 $1,735,579 $2,241,964 $2,441,129 $1,500,894 $954,244 $734,243 $725,247 $544,998 $13,334,759 2006/2007 $436,452 $605,668 $859,051 $1,056,702 $1,835,999 $2,338,801 $2,608,708 $1,501,529 $907,302 $746,001 $710,183 $622,286 $14,228,682 2007/2008 $525,638 $689,286 $800,592 $1,240,865 $1,923,205 $2,310,172 $2,713,577 $1,577,193 $866,202 $805,292 $757,042 $586,617 $14,795,681 2008/2009 $399,869 $619,243 $798,658 $1,127,737 $1,634,522 $1,975,391 $2,021,992 $1,229,845 $748,687 $580,021 $639,464 $569,707 $12,345,136 2009/2010 $444,949 $546,988 $745,094 $1,057,680 $1,678,598 $2,032,871 $2,406,026 $1,323,167 $789,625 $584,332 $669,368 $577,933 $12,856,631 2010/2011 $478,857 $625,120 $750,069 $1,009,718 $1,601,322 $2,026,114 $2,566,965 $1,356,751 $850,683 $679,769 $730,744 $640,129 $13,316,241 2011/2012 $525,334 $691,705 $924,729 $1,208,561 $3,350,329 TOTAL: $2,849,272 $4,301,294 $5,714,986 $7,759,474 $10,409,225 $12,925,313 $14,758,397 $8,489,379 $5,116,743 $4,129,658 $4,232,048 $3,541,670 $84,227,459 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -2 Staff Reports 1 of 3 FY 2011 /2012 TDC Category "A" Beach Maintenance Projects Updated 2/1112 from Financeal Program SAP Current Fiscal Balance Actual Balance in Estimated Project Fiscal Notes Comments Fund project No. Project Original Project Year Amendment Remaining in Expenditures Budget Cost Budget Budget WO /PO 195 70005 Breakwaters & $ 320,983.30 $ 320,983.30 $ 320,982.30 Jettie 195 80093 Wiggins Pass $ 79,489.18 $ $ 79,489.18 $ 79,459.18 Master 195 80096 FY 13 Beach $ 600,000.00 $ 740,000.35 $ $ 740,000.35 $ 740,000.35 Analysis Design City of Marco Island 195 80097 Hideaway Erosion $ 121,309.57 $ 121,309.57 $ - $ 121,309.57 (45- 124323) $121,309.57 CEC 195 80123 Marco Breakwater $ 25,923.80 $ - $ 25,752.30 $ 171.50 $ 25,923.80 (45- 119725) $200,000 195 80125 Naples Drainage $ 17,954.41 $ $ 17,954.41 $ 17,954.41 Designe 195 80165 County Beach $ 145,961.21 $ $ 15,555.25 $ 130,405.96 $ 145,961.21 CP &E $15,559.46 (45- 123777) Analysis 195 80171 Beach Tilling $ 17,500.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 17,500.00 $ 17,500.00 195 80203 Laser Grading N. $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 $ 20,000.00 Marco CAC February 9, 2012 VII -2 Staff Reports 2 of 3 Fund Project Original Project Current Fiscal Balance Actual Balance in Estimated Project Fiscal Notes Project No. Budget Year Amendment Remaining in Expenditures Budget Cost Comments Budget WO /PO 195 88030 N. Truck Haul $ 350,000.00 $ 794,298.04 $ 794,298.04 $ 794,298.04 Renourishment 195 90060 Clam Pass Ebb $ 72,389.04 $ 7,672.00 $ 42,530.30 $ 22,186.74 $ 72,389.04 PBSJ -FT- 4153 -01 @ Tide Shoal Study $50,676.25 (45- 100227) Beach Cleaning grant to the 195 90021 City Beach $ 77,480.00 $ - $ 75,850.00 $ 1,630.00 $ 77,480.00 Cit y p of Naples $75,850 City of Naples Cleaning (45- 124322) 195 90032 Wiggins Pass $ 88,377.75 $ 40,481.25 $ 47,896.50 $ $ 88,377.75 CP &E Modeling (45- 128747) $88,377.75 Near Shore Scuba Adventure Equip. Yearly Biological Monitoring Hardbottom West Marine Returning (150,000) to 195 90033 Monitoring & $ 30,000.00 $ 90,786.97 $ 2,581.70 $ - $ 88,205.27 $ 90,786.97 Captain Eric reserves Artifical Reef Sunshine Ace Hardware 195 90041 Doctor's Pass Jetty $ 111,010.16 $ - $ 111,010.16 $ 111,010.16 Rebuild 195 90044 Vegetation Repairs $ 75,000.00 $ 66,880.00 $ 43,000.00 $ 2,280.00 $ 21,600.00 $ 119,880.00 Earth Balance $75,000 Yearly Exotic Removal $43,000 (45- 127055) 195 90096 Naples Pier $ 55,000.00 $ 110,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ 55,000.00 $ - $ 110,000.00 City of Naples Grant @ $55,000. City of Naples Grant Annualized Repair (45- 114035) 195 90522 Wiggins Pass Dredging $ 50,000.00 $ 57,064.84 $ - $ 57,064.84 $ 57,064.84 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -2 Staff Reports 3of3 Fund Project Original Project Current Fiscal Balance Actual Balance in Estimated Project Fiscal Notes Project No. Budget Year Amendment Remaining in Expenditures Budget Cost Comments Budget WO /PO Earth Balance Cecils Copy Sunshine Ace Hardware Yearly Grant for beach 195 90533 Beach Cleaning $ 135,000.00 $ 287,629.01 $ 8,628.39 $ 18,421.99 $ 260,578.63 $ 287,629.01 World Waste Services, Inc. cleaning Collier County Operations (P &R) Welsh Companies Safety Products Vic's Boots 195 90536 County /Naples Beach Monitoring $ 260,000.00 $ 519,065.97 $ 109,295.97 $ 83,137.50 $ 326,632.50 $ 519,065.97 H &M Yearly Physical Monitoring (45- 128299) $183,367.50 TOTALS $ 1,592,500.00 $ 3,764,103.60 $ 387,968.88 $ 366,423.84 $ 3,009,710.88 $ 3,817,102.60 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 Staff Reports 1 of 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to authorize structural pilings inspection and bridge repairs to the Clam Pass Draw Bridge and approve a budget of $72,500 to complete this work. OBJECTIVE: To inspect the structural pilings and repair the Clam Pass Draw Bridge. CONSIDERATIONS: Annual inspection of the Clam Pass Draw Bridge has identified additional structural inspections and maintenance activities that need to be performed. Authorization of this item will allow staff to proceed with the inspection and repairs listed below. Work will be accomplished by utilizing a combination of Collier County maintenance staff and approved general contractors currently under contract with the County. Details are attached as backup. Description of work Estimated Budget Engineering & Permitting Mechanical Lift $ 5,000.00 Bridge Repairs (Braces, Blocks & Anchor Clips) $25,000.00 Perform Submerged Piling Inspection with Structural Engineer $15,000.00 Un -tor ue Bridge Lift Span $ 7,500.00 Replace Electrical Lift Mechanism with Mechanical lift Unit $10,000.00 Replace Gates /Hardware and Apply Seal Coat Protection $10,000.00 TOTAL $72,500.00 This item does not include any piling repairs that may result from the submerged piling inspection. The project management of this project will be expedited through the combined services of the facility management department and the coastal zone management department. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project will be from Tourist Development Tax; Fund 183- Beach Park Facilities. No additional carrying costs, operating or additional maintenance costs are expected with approval of this work. Using today's dollars, the total cost to replace this asset is in excess of $1M. This is a maintenance project and as such, subject to 100% annual depreciation. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: This item will go to the Parks & Recreation Advisory Board (PARAB) on February 15, 2012 and to the TDC on February 27, 2012 for approval. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. — RECOMMENDATION: To authorize structural pilings inspection and bridge repairs to the Clam Pass Draw Bridge and approve a budget of $72,500 to complete this work. PREPARED BY: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Director, Coastal Zone Management Department Cronin Engineering, Inc. 6627 Willow Park Drive Naples, FL 34109 Phone: (239) 593 -2157 April 5, 2011 Collier County Coastal Zone Management Collier County Government 3229 Tamiami Trail E Naples, Fl. 34112 Re: Clam Pass Park Bridge Clam Pass Park Naples, Fl. 34102 Gary McAlpin CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 1 of 15 Fax: (239) 593 -8820 OVERVIEW AND LIMITS ONE INSPECTION /REPORT Cronin Engineering, Inc. conducted an inspection of the above wood tramway /walkway on March 22, 2011. Collier County Coastal Management provided nautical transportation to the tramway to evaluate the existing condition of the wood framing of the tramway. We have not conducted a structural analysis of the tramway at this point in time. VISUAL AND PHYSICAL INSPECTION OBSERVATIONS A visual inspection of the wood framing and hardware of the tramway was conducted. The existing wood framing is approximately 10 years old. Below is a list of the bridge /tramway structural components and the assessed condition. 1. The vertical columns supporting the tramway were pressure treated wood piles. Due to the apparent high grade of pressure treatment of the piles that was visible to the naked eye and physically tested with a knife were found to be in decent condition. See attached photo's numbers 1 -2 on page 3. 2. In the drawbridge area the 4 x 14 pt board knee brace appeared to be in good condition and structurally sound. These members are showing signs of weathering which is common for exterior wood members. The 6 x 6 p.t. members attaching the knee bracing to the 4 x 14 p.t. cross support member appeared to be in good condition and structurally sound. The 3/4" HDG(hot- dipped galvanized} bolts with flat washers and nuts were found to be loose due to the lack of lock nuts and the constant vibration of vehicle and foot traffic. See attached photo's numbers 3- 7 on pages 4 -6. 3. The 3 x 8 p.t members on the west side of the drawbridge waterway were found to be easily penetrated with a knife and appeared to have some degree of rot. See attached photos number #8 on page 6. 4. 4 x 4 p.t. post attaching the tramway beams to the support beams has a split. See attached photo number 99 on page 7. CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 2of15 5. The 4 x 14 p.t. board beams that support the tramway appear to be in good condition and structurally sound. See attached photo number 49 on page 7. 6. The p.t. cross- bracing members between the piles appear to be in good condition with the exception on the span on the west side of the drawbridge area. Splitting has occurred where they are attached to south piling. See attached photo number 410 on page 7. 7. The (4) 6" x 6" x 3/8" angle steel connecting the top portion each of the p.t. knee braces appears to be in good condition. See attached photo number #11 on page 8. CONCLUSIONS The existing bridge /tramway wood members appear to be in decent condition for their age. We only require the replacement of the following: 1, All the existing steel hardware such as bolts, nuts, flat washers should be replaced with HDG (hot - dipped galvanized) bolts, nuts and flat washers. Recommend adding I IDG lock washers to each of the bolts, nuts, and flat washers. 2. Replace the steel angle clips at the top of the knee braces with one steel angle clip with (3) 3/4" x 8" HDG bolts, nuts, lock washers and flat washers at the top and side attachment points. 3. Replace split cross bracing and add blocking to middle of cross bracing and attach with 3/4" x 12" HDG bolt, nut, lock washer and flat washer. 4. Replace all 3 x 8 p.t. members. 5. Replace all 4 x 4 p.t. posts and hardware. The implementation of a maintenance program of the wood structure such as the addition of a stain every 2 to 3 years will increase the life span of most of the wood components used in the construction of the tramway /bridge. Periodic maintenance of the hardware such as checking for tightness at all the attachment points would cut down on the vibration. Sincerely, Derek P. Cronin, PE #553 2 Principal , - CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 3of15 CLAM PARK PASS TRAMWAY/BRIDGE PHOTOGRAPHS PHOTO #I: CLAM PARK PASS WOOD PILES PHOTO #2: PILES LOCATED AT THE DRAWBRIDGE AREA OF THE TRAMWAY. CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 4of15 PHOTO #3: 4 X 14 P.T. KNEE BRACES AT THE DRAWBRIDGE AREA OF TRAMWAY. SEE ARROWS. PHOTO #4: 6 X 6 P.T. POST ATTACHMENT POINT OF KNEE BRACING AT THE DRAWBRIDGE AREA. SEE ARROWS. 4 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 5of15 PHOTO #5: 4 X 14 P.T. MEMBER ATTACHMENT OF KNEE BRACING. SEE ARROW. PHOTO #6: 4 X 14 P.T. MEMBER ATTACHMENT OF KNEE BRACING. SEE ARROW. CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 6of15 PHOTO #7: HARDWARE AT THE ATTACHMENT POINTS WAS FOUND TO BE LOOSE; LACK OF LOCK WASHERS AND INTERMITTMENT VIBRATION DUE TO VEHICULAR TRAFFIC MAY HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO THIS CONDITION. SEE ARROWS. PHOTO #8: 3 x 8 P.T. BOARDS ON THE WEST SIDE OF THE DRAWBRIDGE WATERWAY WERE FOUND TO .HAVE SOME DECREE OF .ROT. CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 7of15 PHOTO #9: 4x 4 P.T. POST ATTACHING BOTTOM MEMBER TO UPPER SUPPORT BEAM SPLIT. UPPER AND BOTTOM MEMBERS APPEAR TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION. SEE ARROWS. PHOTO # 10: CROSS BRACING SPLIT AND DETERIORATED HARDWARE. SEE ARROWS. CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 8of15 PHOTO # 11: STEEL ANGLE CLIPS AT THE TOP PORTION OF KNEE BRACING APPEARS TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION. SEE ARROWS. 8 CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 9of15 From: Bart Zino .[ mai Ito: bzino@pbscontractors.coml Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2011 7:53 AM To: McAlpinGary; ddperonin(J1aol.com Cc: OchsLeo; RamseyMarla; WilliamsBarry; OlsonNancy; PerrymanClinton Subject: RE: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Gary, I may have mis- represented costs. The figure of "north of $200K" referred to the prescribed repairs to the bents and frames as well as the visual inspection. The coffer dam and inspection situation by itself is around $100K, plus permitting fees, and now if we are trucking muck and re- filling with stone, etc. there will be some additional money for that, but not $150K.. Bart Zino, LEED AP President PBS Construction, Inc. 4395 Corporate Square Naples, FL 34104 Office: 239 - 643 -6527 Fax: 239 - 643 -1080 Cell: 239 - 825 -3137 bzinoa)pbscontractors.com www.pbscontractors.com 2010 ent ntfil Builder of t1it� is Year ,�tr�rrriaarrt�Xt.�rtrtrfa' +z�' frc'+�dtc�t� I torhAt .5`rrwh went f. "Pra Ater From: McAlpinGary rmai Ito: GaryMcAlpin(a)colIier oq v.netl Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 20115:35 PM To: dperonin(d)aol.com Cc: OchsLeo; RamseyMarla; WilliamsBarry; OlsonNancy; PerrymanClinton; Bart Zino Subject: FW: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Derek, The last time we spoke, I indicated that we would inspect the piers at Clam Pass this year as part of our maintenance program. In our discussion, you indicated that the only way to positively inspect these piers was to open them up and do a physical inspection. We talked about a cofferdam, remove 3 feet of material and do a physical inspection. 9 piers are in the water. Working with Kelly Brothers and PBS, we discussed a 5 or 6 foot diameter metal culvert split in the middle for a cofferdam and access from the top of the bridge because of the shallowness of the water. We would use a mud pump to pump it out and do the inspection. Your firm would do the inspections and recommendations. CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 10 of 15 Problem is permits and the cost. Since this is just an inspection, do we need any permits if we truck the muck from the cofferdam to the landfill and backfill the hole with rock? The other issue is the cost. We really don't want to spend $250K for this inspection. We all agreed that a visual inspection is required but that was before we understood that it would cost so much. Do you have any experience with structural divers or penetrating radar? Any other suggestions or comments? We'll open it up and do a physical inspection if we have to but..... Comments? Gary From: Bart Zino jmailto :bzino(a)pbscontractors.coml Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 20117:46 AM To: McAlpinGary; PerrymanClinton Subject: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Guys, Sorry this is taking so long. Questions came up and the scope of work is getting larger. Regarding permits, what is the intent? Possible permitting needs are Building Permit? DEP Permit? Army Corp permit? Dewatering Permit? Anything else you can think of? Regarding any and all of these permits, we can do the admin, but I will not have engineering, drawings, surveys or other design services included. Don't forget the fees payable to all these agencies, I will not have that included either, and you will need to reserve some money for everybody. Give me direction as soon as possible and I will complete our proposal and get back to you. As it stands, the coffer dams and dewatering, and the repairs listed in the Cronin Report are putting you north of $200K. Let me know if we need to reassess before I go too deep. Bart Zino, LEED AP President 44 P'w PBS Construction, Inc. 4395 Corporate Square Naples, FL 34104 Office: 239 - 643 -6527 Fax: 239 - 643 -1080 Cell: 239 - 825 -3137 bzino(a)pbscontractors.com www.pbscontractors.com 2010 Builder of the Year oserh on tmfiaxrk exof 'ErvArima °A Florida Sorah we ,t Chapter CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 11 of 15 From: dperonin(a)-aol.com (mailto:dperonin @aol.coml Sent: Thursday, September 22, 2011 4:03 PM To: McAlpinGary Subject: Re: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Gary can arrange for a staff PE to dive underwater to evaluate the piling and avoid the coffer dams. Would require you to arrange for a boat. Would need some kind of water jet. Need to go 3' -4' below mudline and look at piles. My costs would be $250 hour engineer PE diving+ expenses scuba equipment. Not sure number hours involved. Assume 1 -2 piles per 8 hour day. Then report probably another $3,500.00 once field work is done. Call me to discuss at 239 - 593 -2157 Derek Cronin PE - - - -- Original Message---- - From: dperonin <dperonin(a)-aol.com> To: GaryMcAlpin <GaryMcAlpin(cDcolliergov.net> Sent: Wed, Sep 21, 2011 3:09 pm Subject: Re: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Gary I am looking into the options I will get back to you this week. Derek Cronin PE - - - -- Original Message---- - From: McAlpinGary <GaryMcAlpin(a)_colliergov.net> To: dperonin <dperonin(a)aol.com> Cc: OchsLeo <LeoOchs(a)_colliergov.net >; RamseyMarla <MarlaRamsey(a)_colliergov.net >; WilliamsBarry < BarryWilliams (a)colliergov.net >; OlsonNancy <NancyOlson(a)colliergov.net >; PerrymanClinton < ClintonPer ryman(a)colliergov.net >; Bart Zino <bzino(a)-pbscontractors.com> Sent: Tue, Sep 20, 2011 5:35 pm Subject: FW: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Derek, The last time we spoke, I indicated that we would inspect the piers at Clam Pass this year as part of our maintenance program. In our discussion, you indicated that the only way to positively inspect these piers was to open them up and do a physical inspection. We talked about a cofferdam, remove 3 feet of material and do a physical inspection. 9 piers are in the water. Working with Kelly Brothers and PBS, we discussed a 5 or 6 foot diameter metal culvert split in the middle for a cofferdam and access from the top of the bridge because of the shallowness of the water. We would use a mud pump to pump it out and do the inspection. Your firm would do the inspections and recommendations. Problem is permits and the cost. Since this is just an inspection, do we need any permits if we truck the muck from the cofferdam to the landfill and backfill the hole with rock? CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7-a Staff Reports 12 of 15 The other issue is the cost. We really don't want to spend $250K for this inspection. We all agreed that a visual inspection is required but that was before we understood that it would cost so much. Do you have any experience with structural divers or penetrating radar? Any other suggestions or comments? We'll open it up and do a physical inspection if we have to but..... Comments? Gary From: Bart Zino [mai Ito: bzi no(cD pbscontractors. com] Sent: Tuesday, September 20, 2011 7:46 AM To: McAlpinGary; PerrymanClinton Subject: Clam Pass Bridge Repair Guys, Sorry this is taking so long. Questions came up and the scope of work is getting larger. Regarding permits, what is the intent? Possible permitting needs are Building Permit? DEP Permit? Army Corp permit? Dewatering Permit? Anything else you can think of? Regarding any and all of these permits, we can do the admin, but I will not have engineering, drawings, surveys or other design services included. Don't forget the fees payable to all these agencies, I will not have that included either, and you will need to reserve some money for everybody. Give me direction as soon as possible and I will complete our proposal and get back to you. As it stands, the coffer dams and dewatering, and the repairs listed in the Cronin Report are putting you north of $200K. Let me know if we need to reassess before I go too deep. Bart Zino, LEED AP President PBS Construction, Inc. 4395 Corporate Square Naples, FL 34104 Office: 239 - 643 -6527 Fax: 239 - 643 -1080 Cell: 239 - 825 -3137 bzino @pbscontractors.com www.pbscontractors.com 2010 Builder of the Year American lrt,.&ute of Arvkile t Florida 5`rurthwev Chapter Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a p Cronin Engineering, Inc. CoA#8597 6627 Willow Park Drive Naples, FL 34109 Phone:(239) 593 -2157 Date: September 23`d, 2011 Gary McAlpin Collier County Coastal Zone Management RE: Clam Pass Bridge Pier Evaluation CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 13 of 15 Fax: (239) 593 -8820 SCOPE OF STRUCTURAL SERVICES: 1.) On site inspection of existing conditions of bridge timber piling. Evaluation will be conducted above water line in boat. Evaluation will be conducted below waterline in diving equipment. 2.) Physical tests with knife to determine structural integrity of timber piling. 3.) Written report of existing conditions of bridge piers. 4.) Reccomendations for pier repair and remediation if required. REQUESTED SERVICES BY COLLIER COUNTY: 1.) Permitting as required. 2.) Provide Boat and Captain 3.) Provide Safety "Buddy" Diver 4.) Provide Diving Equipment METHOD OF BILLNG: Professional Engineer $250.00 per hour WORK AUTHORIZED BY: Signature of Authorization rerek P. Cronin PE CAC February 9, 2012 VII -7 -a Staff Reports 14 of 15 - - - -- Original Message---- - From: McAlpinGary Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 3:35 PM To: OchsLeo; RamseyMarla; CampSkip; JonesHank; WilliamsBarry; O1sonNancy Subject: RE: Clam Bay Bridge Repair Leo, In response to the Clam Pass Bridge Inspection /Repairs: The County on initial recommendation from the Structural Engineer proceeded to develop a plan to install a cofferdam system around the bridge piles to inspect them in a "dry condition ". We also intended to perform the miscellaneous non - structural, non - critical timber and bolt replacements at the same time. The price for this inspection exceeded $100,000 and the structural engineer indicated that a very adequate in -water structural inspection could be performed at significantly reduced costs. During an inspection of the operations of the boardwalk it was discovered that the bridge mechanism at the span could not be open. This was verified by staff along with damage to the electrical motor that raised and lowered the bridge section. Currently scope is being developed that will address not only the inspection but also the bridge racking and the electrical /mechanical repairs. The scope and budget should be completed next week. Based on what we know now, We expect the cost of the inspection and repairs to be from $75,000 to $100,000. This does not include any significant bridge piling repair and /or replacement. This item will need to go to the TDC for approval later this month and depending on the budget price the BCC in February. Hank Jones from Facilities has also agreed to head this project up and get it accomplished in a timely manner. Gary Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. s a z a m LL U Q U GENERAL NOTES 1.STATE PLANE COORDINATES SHOWN HEREON ARE RELATIVE TO NORTH AMERICAN DATUM OF 1983, FLORIDA EAST ZONE AND WERE COLLECTED UTILIZING THE COLLIER COUNTY GPS NETWORK. 2. ELEVATIONS RELATIVE TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF 1988 (NAVD 1988) WERE OBTAINED ON EACH OF THE EIGHT NAILS PREVIOUSLY INSTALLED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING. ELEVATIONS WERE OBTAINED USING CONVENTIONAL SURVEY METHODS WITH A LEICA AUTOLEVEL AND ROD. ALL DATA COLLECTED IS WITHIN A CLOSED LEVEL LOOP AND ACCURACY ACHIEVED EXCEEDED FLORIDA MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS. 3. THE "2008" ELEVATIONS SHOWN HEREON WERE COLLECTED BY JOHNSON ENGINEERING ON AUGUST 13, 2008 AND CONVERTED BY COASTAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC (CEC) FROM AN ASSUMED VERTICAL DATUM TO NAVD 1988 DATUM BY COLLECTING NUMEROUS GPS OBSERVATIONS ON NAIL ID "C ". CEC APPLIED AN ADJUSTMENT OF - 88.45' TO CONVERT ASSUMED DATUM TO NAVD 1988. NAIL I.Q. O IN G 201t-ELEMIOR 2008 ELEVATION A 685258.9259 389232.9514 11.37 11.37 B 685246.2800 389271.1518 12.44 12.45 C 685255.2024 389291.9111 12.51 12.51 D 685252.6000 389314.1098 12.56 12.56 E 685241.9622 1389313.2520 1 12.28 1 12.29 F 685251.9212 389329.7051 12.51 12.51 G 685240.9571 389328.7666 12.49 12.49 H 685239.0716 389349.5041 12.51 12.51 COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT 04 � -01� ") COASTAL--ENGINEER ING_C SULTANTS, INC. FLORI A BU €5 �ACITHO)ZATtCoktNO. LB 2464 RICHARD J. EWINIJ, V /I PROFESSIONAL SURV Y6P AND MAPPER FLORIDA CERTIFICATE NO. 5295 NOT VALID WITHOUT THE. SIGNATURE AND THE ORIGINAL RAISED SEAL. OF A' FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND 'MAPPER DATE OF FIELD SURVEY: 04/01/11 DATE OF SIGNATURE: ,4. S- - if INC. YIArvNIrv4 JtKYi(;LJ RJE' -' ;4 TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY OF EIGHT HISTORICAL LOCATIONS PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED .. A CECI GROUP COMPANY C. P• 495' 25E -'- SeMng Florida Sl- 1877 PHONE: (238)643 -2324 ON THE EXISTING BRIDGE OVER CLAM PASS LYING IN SECTION 9, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, FAX' 238,643 -1143 cAD No. - - -- - 3106 SOUTH HORSESHOE DRIVE www.<oostalenginearing.com RANGE 25 EAST, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA __._,__.__ x7.311 NAPLES, FLORIDA 34104 E M it: engcalllarOCeci /Lcom 07311 -Bridgel NO. I DATE BY REVISION DESCR1PnDN CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business 1 of 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the Conceptual Plan for the FY2013/14 beach renourishment of Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Clam Pass, Park Shore and Naples beaches. OBJECTIVE: A conceptual plan has been developed that addresses various options and costs for the next major beach renourishment in Collier County. The renourishment is currently scheduled for FY 2013/14. Staff is requesting direction and approval from the BCC on how to proceed. CONSIDERATIONS: The BCC directed staff in the 2011 joint Collier County and City of Naples workshop to maximize the interval between major beach renourishments. To accomplish this, past beach performance was analyzed, the coast was modeled, hot spots identified and options developed that incrementally increase the scope and cost to maximize beach renourishment. The Conceptual Plan and the Conceptual Design Report are attached. The four options developed are: Option 1 — Execute the TS Fay FEMA design This would place 175,000 CY's of fill sand at a cost of approximately $10M on the beach. This sand placement would only restore the damage from TS Fay and not extend the life of this project whatsoever. It would not address any hot spot locations and would not include any Jetty work to stabilize the beach. Only a minor permit modification for the extra nourishment would be required. Option 2 — Execute the 2005/2006 design This would place 482,000 CY's of fill sand on the beach at an estimated cost of $19M. This would continue with the six year design project life that most likely can be extended. This project would not maximize the renourishment cycle and does not address the Clam Pass or Barefoot Beach renourishment needs. Additionally, it does not address the beach hot spots, the groins at Park Shore or the need for a jetty spur south of Doctors Pass. Option 3 — Execute the 2005/2006 design with beach and hot spot enhancements This would place 612,000 CY's of fill sand at a cost of approximately $24M on the beach. It would also include: The removal of the groins at Clam Pass ($400K); the renourishment of Clam Pass Park Beach (30K CY's at $950K); and the repair /rebuild of Barefoot Beach (100K CY's at $2.8M) which has lost 200 Linear width of beach over the last 15 -20 years. This approach does not maximize the renourishment cycle and continues with a six plus year design that has the potential to be stretched to a longer life. It does however begin to address significant hot spots that have been identified through beach monitoring and modeling. Option 4 — Execute a ten -year project that maximizes the renourishment cycle This option would maximize the time between renourishment events with a 787K CY renourishment with an estimated cost of $31M. This plan will increase the beach height (5 feet NAVD or 6.3 feet NGVD) as well as the construction width in sections as required to increase critical mass to resist erosion and produce a true ten year beach renourishment. A jetty spur on Doctors Pass is included to minimize erosion on the down drift beaches. In addition to renourishment of the Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beach, this option includes renourishment for Clam Pass Park beach, the rebuild/repair of Barefoot beach, removal of groins in Park Shore beach, the jetty spur to Doctors CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business 2 of 3 Pass and addressing the additional hot spots with additional critical mass through increased sand placement. A FDEP permit modification is required for this modification. Savings on the project cost could be expected if it was possible to achieve the following items: • Approximately $5M- $7M could be achieved if the TS Fay PW was extended. • $1M could be saved if this project is combined with similar projects from the Captiva Erosion Control District and/or the City of Longboat Key to share mobilization costs and take advantage of economies of scale. The economies of scale are significant as well as early bidding before contractors have committed their production capacity to other projects. • $lM - $2M savings can be expected if schedule flexibility is enhanced to allow year round renourishment. Examples of schedule flexibility that would result in a price reduction are: stockpiling sand off shore in the non -peak renourishment timeframe; early contracting that would allow maximum planning and minimizing equipment mobilization costs; schedule that permits renourishment during off season and/or low equipment utilization periods; ability for the contractor to pursue "projects of opportunity" with clear and specific guidelines /restraints and schedules that identify start and completion dates and with approval, allow the contractor the flexibility to manage the schedule. • Maximizing FDEP's cost share contribution to this project. • If the schedule cost savings are to be pursued, a FDEP permit modification must be applied for that will permit year round renourishment or renourishment during a portion of turtle nesting season. Turtle nesting season begins on May 1" and ends on October 31s` of each year. The FDEP, USACE, FWS and FWC will allow year round renourishment and FWC and FDEP have indicated they have "No Objections" to granting a permit for year round renourishment. No Collier County Ordinance prohibits renourishment during turtle nesting season. However, Collier County has always strived to be excellent environmental stewards and avoid any negative impacts to nesting by renourishment during turtle nesting season. Additionally, the Conservancy of SW Florida recognizes the importance of healthy, cost effective beaches to our local economy and both organizations agree and support without objection the following renourishment schedule. 1. Renourishment to begin on September 15, 2013 on the Naples beach segment which has the lowest nesting density of all beaches within Collier County. This will require any nest laid after 7/7/13 on a Naples beach segment to be relocated to a designated relocation area. Offshore mobilization can proceed prior to 9/15/13 and the landing of the offshore pipeline on the beach prior to 9/15/13 is permitted. Pipe and equipment staging on the beach will not be allowed before 9/15/13. 2. Renourishment will proceed from south to north renourishing the Naples, Park Shore, Clam Pass, Vanderbilt and Barefoot beaches. All renourishment activities will be complete by 6/1/14. This equates to an 8.5 month renourishment cycle. 3. A permit modification will be supported by the Conservancy of SW Florida to begin renourishment on 9/15 and complete all renourishment activities by 6/1 the following year. Recommendations: 1. Seek a permit modification to allow beach renourishment from 9/15 to 6/1 of the following year. 2. Options will be developed and presented to the BCC for their decision making as funding; schedule coordination and scope definition is resolved. CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 New Business 3 of 3 3. Scope manage this project based on direction from the BCC to match available funding with sand placement quantities at the time of renourishment. 4. Assure appropriate staffing, training and permitting of turtle monitors and relocation specialists. Work with State and Federal agencies in the development of this plan. 5. Aggressively pursue partnership with the City of Longboat Key and Captiva Erosion Control District to reduce mobilization costs and take advantage of economies of scale. Additionally, pursue early bidding before contractors have committed production capacity to other projects. 6. Maximize leverage with FEMA and FDEP to secure project funding. FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this project will be from Tourist Development Tax, Fund 195. It is estimated that the construction costs for Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Clam Pass, Park Shore and Naples Beaches will be between $20,000,000 - $30,000,000 depending on the project approach, scope and funds available. It is also estimated that the permit design, plans and specifications for this project will cost $400,000 to $600,000. Pre - construction, during construction and post - construction activities are estimated to cost an additional $800,000 and $1,000,000. No additional carrying costs, operating or maintenance costs are expected with approval of this Conceptual Plan. No additional carrying costs, operating or maintenance costs are currently anticipated as a result of the Beach Renourishment project itself. As the design and permitting process advances, the maintenance and lifecycle costs will continue to be evaluated. Using today's dollars, the total cost to replace the asset is $20,000,000 to $30,000,000. The project has an expected life expectancy of 10 years generating a hypothetical annual depreciation cost of $2 to $3 million. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. — RECOMMENDATION: To approve the Conceptual Plan for the FY2013/14 beach renourishment of Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Clam Pass, Park Shore and Naples beaches. PREPARED BY: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Director, Coastal Zone Management Department CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 -a New Business 1 of 7 January 26, 2012 - Draft February 3, 2012 — Rev. 1 Barefoot, Vanderbilt, Clam Pass, Park Shore and Naples Beach Renourishment The 2005/06 renourishment project was limited in placement scope quantities due to FDEP's concerns that sand would migrate to the near shore hardbottom marine habitat and smother it. What was provided was a six year beach design life that is currently being stretched to eight to nine years. The BCC directed staff in the 2011 joint Collier County and City of Naples workshop to maximize the interval between renourishments. Staff modeled the coast and developed four options for a Conceptual Design. • Option 1 — Execute the TS Fay FEMA design This would place 175,000 CY's of fill sand at a cost of approximately $10M on the beach. This sand placement would only restore the damage from TS Fay and not extend the life of this project whatsoever. It would not address any hot spot locations and would not include any Jetty work to stabilize the beach. Only a minor permit modification for an extra nourishment would be required. • Option 2 — Execute the 2005/2006 design This would place 482,000 CY's of fill sand on the beach at an estimated cost of $19M. This would continue with the six year design project life that most likely can be extended. This project would not maximize the renourishment cycle and does not address the Clam Pass or Barefoot Beach renourishment needs. Additionally, it does not address the beach hot spots, the groins at Park Shore or the need for a jetty spur south of Doctors Pass. • Option 3 — Execute the 2005/2006 design with beach and hot spot enhancements This would place 612,000 CY's of fill sand at a cost of approximately $24M on the beach. It would also include: The removal of the groins at Clam Pass ($400K); the renourishment of Clam Pass Park Beach (30K CY's at $950K); and the repair /rebuild of Barefoot Beach (100K CY's at $2.8M) which has lost 200 Linear width of beach over the last 15 -20 years. This approach does not maximize the renourishment cycle and continues with a six plus year design that has the potential to be stretched to a longer life. It does however begin to address significant hot spots that have been identified through beach monitoring and modeling. • Option 4 — Execute a ten -year project that maximizes the renourishment cycle This option would maximize the time between renourishment events with a 787K CY renourishment with an estimated cost of $31M. This plan will increase the beach height (5 feet NAVD or 6.3 feet NGVD) as well as the construction width in sections as required to increase critical mass to resist erosion and produce a true ten year CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 -a New Business 2of7 beach renourishment. A jetty spur on Doctors Pass is included to minimize erosion on the down drift beaches. In addition to renourishment of the Vanderbilt, Park Shore and Naples beach, this option includes renourishment for Clam Pass Park beach, the rebuild /repair of Barefoot beach, removal of groins in Park Shore beach, the jetty spur to Doctors Pass and addressing the additional hot spots with additional critical mass through increased sand placement. A FDEP permit modification is required for this modification. Savings on the project cost could be expected if it was possible to achieve the following items: • Approximately $5M- $7M could be achieved if the TS Fay PW was extended. • $1 M could be saved if this project is combined with similar projects from the Captiva Erosion Control District and /or the City of Longboat Key to share mobilization costs and take advantage of economies of scale. The economies of scale are significant as well as early bidding before contractors have committed their production capacity to other projects. • $1 M - $2M savings can be expected if schedule flexibility is enhanced to allow year round renourishment. Examples of schedule flexibility that would result in a price reduction are: stockpiling sand off shore in the non -peak renourishment timeframe; early contracting that would allow maximum planning and minimizing equipment mobilization costs; schedule that permits renourishment during off season and /or low equipment utilization periods; ability for the contractor to pursue "projects of opportunity" with clear and specific guidelines /restraints and schedules that identify start and completion dates and with approval, allow the contractor the flexibility to manage the schedule. • Maximizing FDEP's cost share contribution to this project. • If the schedule cost savings are to be pursued, a FDEP permit modification must be applied for that will permit year round renourishment or renourishment during a portion of turtle nesting season. Renourishment during turtle nesting season Turtle nesting season begins on May 1st and ends on October 31St of each year. The FDEP, USACE, FWS and FWC will allow year round renourishment and FWC and FDEP have indicated they have "No Objections" to granting a permit for year round renourishment. No Collier County Ordinance prohibits renourishment during turtle nesting season. However, Collier County has always strived to be excellent environmental stewards and avoid any negative impacts to nesting by renourishment during turtle nesting season. Additionally, the Conservancy of SW Florida recognizes the importance of healthy, cost CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 -a New Business 3 of 7 effective beaches to our local economy and both organizations agree and support without objection the following renourishment schedule. 1. Renourishment to begin on September 15, 2013 on the Naples beach segment which has the lowest nesting density of all beaches within Collier County. This will require any nest laid after 7/7/13 on a Naples beach segment to be relocated to a designated relocation area. Offshore mobilization can proceed prior to 9/15/13 and the landing of the offshore pipeline on the beach prior to 9/15/13 is permitted. Pipe and equipment staging on the beach will not be allowed before 9/15/13. 2. Renourishment will proceed from south to north renourishing the Naples, Park Shore, Clam Pass, Vanderbilt and Barefoot beaches. All renourishment activities will be complete by 6/1/14. This equates to an 8.5 month renourishment cycle. 3. A permit modification will be supported by the Conservancy of SW Florida to begin renourishment on 9/15 and complete all renourishment activities by 6/1 the following year. Recommendations: 1. Seek a permit modification to allow beach renourishment from 9/15 to 6/1 of the following year. 2. Options will be developed and presented to the BCC for their decision making as funding; schedule coordination and scope definition is resolved. 3. Scope manage this project based on direction from the BCC to match available funding with sand placement quantities at the time of renourishment. 4. Assure appropriate staffing, training and permitting of turtle monitors and relocation specialists. Work with State and Federal agencies in the development of this plan. 5. Aggressively pursue partnership with the City of Longboat Key and Captiva Erosion Control District to reduce mobilization costs and take advantage of economies of scale. Additionally, pursue early bidding before contractors have committed production capacity to other projects. 6. Maximize leverage with FEMA and FDEP to secure project funding. CAC February 9, 2012 V111-1 -a New Business 4 of 7 Great Lakes 2122 York Road Oredge & Dock Oak Brook. Illinois 6€7523 Company 630,574.3000 y 1 November 2011 J. Gary McAlpin, Director Coastal Zone Management 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 103 Naples, Florida 34112 Dear Gary, Re: Upcoming Beach Projects Thanks for taking time to meet with Sam Morrison, our Area Manager and me at the FSBPA conference. It is always good to see you. I wanted to reiterate some of the constructability comments we shared during that discussion which also included the folks from Captiva as well as Steve Keehn from CPE. Mobilization Savings. For sure, one of the biggest costs on a large scale dredging project is mobilization. We often encourage our clients and consulting engineer friends to combine similar projects whenever possible to allow for cost efficiencies, Based on our past experiences and your anticipated plans, combining projects with the Captiva Erosion Control District appears to be the right thing to do As we discussed, there are no hard and fast numbers to apply, but with mobilization costs in the general in the range of $2,000,000 to $5,000,000 per project there are certainly significant cost savings to be realized. Environmental Windows. Working around the turtle windows can result in significant cost savings also. Most of the industry's annual hopper dredge work gets compressed into the winter months by Federal budget delays and endangered species issues. This impacts our costs not only by increased scheduling pressures, but also puts the work into the more difficult weather months when working in the ocean becomes more dangerous and costly. Our industry typically has our best equipment availability in the summer months and as a result, the Corps and other clients look to schedule whatever projects that have such flexibility for those months when costs are reduced and schedules are more reliable. 3. Scheduling. Flexibility is always important for a vessel operator, like a hopper dredging company. There are two ways for you to show that flexibility and win favorable pricing. One is to bid the project with sufficient lead time to allow the contractor to get his support equipment (pipeline, etc) to the job site on a reasonable schedule. What is important for this point is that it is not critical when the work starts, it is more important when it ends. III you have scheduling issues, identify them, but provide flexibility wherever you can. In line with that, the second way is to provide as much completion time as possible and then not object to the contractor performing other projects often called "opportunity projects ". While it is difficult to quantify the cost benefits to you upfront, we can tell you that we do lower our prices for those projects on the order of 5% to 20% when such flexibility is allowed. Gary McAlpin CAC February 9, 2012 VIII-1 -a New Business 5 of 7 1 November 2011 4. Partnering. One of the best things you can have with industry is a good relationship. While in any given contract or project there may be issues and conflict, in a perpetual business like ours, we have to assure each other's success. Engaging us in the conversation upfront is valuable to us on a lot of levels as we hope it is for you. You have always been straight with us and that has allowed us to put our best price on the table. Good luck as this project moves forward, we look forward to working with you again. Please don't hesitate to contact Sam or I with other questions or comments. Regards Great Lakes Dredge & Dock Company William H. Hanson Vice President CC: Sam Morrison, GLDD CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 -a New Business 6of7 Subject: Collier County and FWC Video Conference Call Date / Time: Tuesday, January 17`h, 2012 —10:00 am Purpose: Discuss plan that would allow construction of next Collier County Nourishment Project to extend into sea turtle nesting season (requiring a modification to Permit No. 0222355 - 001 -JC) Collier County is interested in requesting a modification to Permit No. 0222355- 001 -JC which would, in part, allow construction of the next beach nourishment project to extend into sea turtle nesting season, if necessary. The duration of the project (including mobilization and demobilization), especially if the project is constructed jointly with other nearby counties, will likely make construction entirely outside of nesting season impossible; therefore, the County seeks the flexibility to construct during nesting season when necessary. Collier County is committed to sea turtle conservation, and believes that through proactive coordination with FWC a plan can be developed that will balance the need for nourishment of Collier County beaches with conservation measures that will avoid or minimize impacts to nesting and hatchling sea turtles. Collier County proposes the following suggestions as possible ways to accomplish this goal, and welcomes comments and discussion from FWC. Advance Planning and Coordination: • Local Coordination and Management: Collier County will ensure that all project activities comply with local codes and ordinances, and the County Manager can provide a letter which states this compliance and approves the project. The City of Naples is a partner in this project and can provide similar assurances. • Prepare Necessary Resources: Collier County will ensure that the necessary resources are available which will enable the County to conduct all sea turtle conservation measures (i.e., nesting surveys, relocation, data collection). If necessary, the County would apply for another FWC sea turtle permit and /or secure outside help with proper credentials, which would allow more trained personnel to assist with these activities. • Plan Potential Relocation Sites: For each construction reach, find potential suitable nest relocation sites that will protect nests and hatchlings from construction activities while also maintaining a safe environment with minimal impacts from lighting. Potential areas include those stretches of Collier County beaches not receiving nourishment, as well as areas back towards the dune in cases where fill will only be placed on a portion of wider beach sections. Wide beaches in less developed areas (such as gaps between large condominiums), parks and gaps in the fill are potential candidate sites. For example, Lowdermilk Park or the condominium gap in Parkshore between R49 and R50 have potential. Significant coordination with FWC will go into the final selection of relocation sites. CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -1 -a New Business 7 of 7 Pre - Construction Planning: • Determine construction optimal direction and timing: Once a contractor has been determined and it is time to schedule construction, Collier County will coordinate with FWC to devise a construction plan that would minimize impacts to turtle nesting. For instance, if construction is going to begin in sea turtle nesting season, it will make sense to start the project in the Naples Beach segment (which has the lowest nesting density of the project reaches) and then work north from there. By scheduling the construction in this way, the construction in the higher nest density areas may avoid peak nesting season. Minimizing impacts to higher nesting areas also reduces the management and effort required by sea turtle personnel responsible for relocation and monitoring. Implementation of Sea Turtle Protection Measures: • Compliance with all permit conditions: Collier County will conduct the pre - application meeting with FWC and the contractor. Throughout construction the work will comply with all FWC and USFWS permit conditions to avoid or minimize impacts to sea turtles, and FWC will be contacted with any questions or concerns that may arise. CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -2 New Business 1 of 2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Recommendation to approve the FY 12/13 Marco South beach renourishment /structure rebuild plan. OBJECTIVE: Obtain direction an approval of the FY 12/13 Marco South beach renourishment/structure rebuild plan. CONSIDERATIONS: FEMA authorized PW 0561 as a result of damages caused to the south Marco beach as a result of Tropical Storm Fay. This PW had an extended completion date of 8/23/2012. Staff has requested that this completion date be extended to 12/31/2014 to accomplish the modeling, conceptual design, permitting and construction of this project. Before spending funds, the CAC directed staff to take a holistic approach to this project; maximize the time between renourishment cycles; and integrate /evaluate erosion control structures with sand renourishment. To date no decision has been forthcoming for our time extension request. If this request is not granted only work completed by 8/23/2012 will be eligible for a 75% federal reimbursement. The CAC approved the expenditure of $89,000 for the permitting of this project on 10/13/2011. The TDC subsequently approved the same expenditure and scope on 10/24/2011. This authorization only included permitting and did not include design, specification, construction drawings, construction monitoring, project certification or closeout. It was done in an attempt to comply with purchasing policy; begin the long lead time permitting; and determine if this project could be completed by 8/23/2012. RFP 11 -5772 for Beach Renourishment Engineering Services was prepared to select separate consultants for the major Collier County beach renourishment and the Marco renourishments /structure rebuild project. The scope of work for these tasks included the design, specification, construction drawings, construction monitoring, project certification or closeout. Proposals were received from 8 firms and on 12/16/2011 a Selection Committee recommended a shortlist of firms and recommended staff to begin contract negotiations with the number one shortlisted firm for both projects. On January 12, 2012, the CAC endorsed the recommendation of the Selection Committee and recommended that we negotiate a contract with Coastal Engineering Consultants for Marco renourishments /structure rebuild project. It also recommended the same for Coastal Planning and Engineering for the major Collier County beach renourishment. The TDC on January 27, 2012 rejected a recommendation to move forward with the recommended contractor selection and directed staff to first bring forward a conceptual plan for the major Collier County beach renourishment project for discussion and approval. Currently this item is rescheduled to be presented to the TDC on 2/27/12 and the BCC on 3/13/12. Based on the above, the extreme tightness of the original schedule and a Marco Island Ordinance prohibiting renourishment during turtle nesting season the construction of the Marco South beach renourishment /structure rebuild project will be after turtle nesting season is complete this year. Construction will begin on approximately 11/1/12 and most likely take 3-4 months to complete. CAC February 9, 2012 VIII -2 New Business 2 of 2 FISCAL IMPACT: If the time extension for PW 0561 is approved by FEMA, the sand placement portion of this project will be eligible for a 75% federal cost share reimbursement. With an estimated cost of $1,800,000, Collier County's reimbursement would be approximately $1,350,000. If PW 0561 is not extended then Collier County would be eligible for 75% of the permitting and design costs with an estimated reimbursement of approximately $100,000. The total cost for both the beach renourishment and the structure rebuild is approximately $3,000,000. Tourist tax, Fund 195 will be used to fund this project. Funds have been projected in the 10 year schedule /funding forecast for Fund 195. TDC funds will be reimbursed by any monies received by FDEP or FEMA. GROWTH MANAGEMENT IMPACT: There is no impact to the Growth Management Plan related to this action. ADVISORY COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATIONS: Staff is recommending approval of this plan. LEGAL CONSIDERATIONS: This item has been reviewed by the County Attorney's Office, requires majority vote, and is legally sufficient for Board action. — RECOMMENDATION: Recommendation to approve the FY 12/13 Marco South beach renourishment /structure rebuild plan. PREPARED BY: J. Gary McAlpin, P.E., Director, Coastal Zone Management Department Collier County Government Communication & Customer Relations Contact: 239 - 252 -8848 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 102 www.collieri!ov.net Naples, FL 34112 -5746 www.twitter.com/CollierPIO www.facebook.com /CollierGov www.voutube.com/CollierGov February 9, 2012 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ACCEPTING CATEGORY "A" GRANT APPLICATIONS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA The Coastal Advisory Committee is currently accepting Category "A" grant applications for fiscal year 2012 -2013. The application is located on the following Web page http: / /www.colliergov .net /Index.aspx ?pale =1352 and is due by the close of business Friday, March 30, 2012. Applications can be mailed to the Coastal Zone Management office, 3299 Tamiami Trail East, Suite 103, Naples, FL 34112. For more information, call Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management director at 252 -5342 or Gail Hambright, Accountant, at 252 -2966. -End-