BCC Minutes 05/13/1992 S Naples, Florida, May 13, 1992 LET IT Bf REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the Ccunty of Collier, and also actinG as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have besn created according to law and having conducted business here~n, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. in SPECIAL S~SSION in Building "F" of the Government Comp]ex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Patrtcla A. Goodnight Max A. Hasse, Jr. Butt L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Kathy Meyers and Annette Guevin, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Dennis P. Crontn, Assistant County Attorney; Brenda Wilson, Assistant County Attorney; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuy]er, County Attorney; Sue Filson, Ad=inistrative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Byron TomlJnson, Sheriff's Office. Page May 13~ 1992 ORDINAJI~-I 92-33, R~ ZSTABLISI~4ENT OF AR EDUCATIONAL FAOILITIZS SYSTEM IMPACT FEZ - ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on April 16, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Dennis P. Cron]n, Assistant County Attorney, reported that there are four areas where modifications have been made: 1) the enrollment projections have been updated with data provided by the School Board; 2) the value of currently owned undeveloped property that the school board own~ has been factored into the formula for the impact fee; 3) the proposed capital improvements tax rate of 1.75 mills for fiscal year 1992-1993 with a reduction to 1.5 mills for fiscal years 1993-1994 through 1996-1997 has been factored into the formula: 4) the size necessary for construction of elementary schools and middle schools has been increased, and it is an increase of 5 acres to both parcels. Mr. Cron~n noted that the net result of these four modifications to the Study is a reduced impact fee for single family homes to $1,778, for multi-family homes it is now $827, and mobile homes it is now $1,234. Debbie Cogk, Chairman of the School Board, related that the need for this impact fee is due to the growth of the enrollment in the schools. She stated that the proposed Orolnance will provide taxpayer relief, specifically, the Ordinance will reduce the amount of taxpayer ~upport to 50)( and then require that growth ~tself pay 50% of the bur- den of that cost. Mr. Cronin advised the Board that the Ordinance has a review requirement s~.eclfically stated on a time-to-t/me basis, whereby the Board will have the flexibility to recalculate the fee. James S~esky, Attorney for the School Board, commented that the Board is the adopting body of th~s Ordinance and has the ultimate control over it, and can repeal the Ordinance. Dr. Thomas Richey, Superintendent, expressed support for the Impact Fee. Page 2 May 13, 1992 Robert Wilson, Assistant Superintendent of Business Affairs for Collier County Public Schools, spoke in favor of this Impact Fee and referred to a Capital Outlay Workshop Document (copy not provided to the Clark to the Board). He suggested that the Board approve the Impact fee but should not reduce it. Barbara Berry, Ron Webster, Jim Stesky, and Dick Siegel spoke tn favor of the ~roposed Impact Fee. Ted Bailey spoke in opposition to the Impact Fee. Tim Ferguson, Attorney representing Collier Building Industry Association, referred to a report compiled by Dr. James C. Nicolas (copy not provided to the Clerk to the Board), for the St. Johns Impact Fee and noted that it Includes a credit for payment that continues aftem the Impact fee, i.e. people that have to pay taxes once they have paid the impact fee. Mr. Ferguson further reviewed Dr. Nicolas' Study and compared it with Mr. Young's Study. Mr. Young t~tated that he does not agree with Mr. Ferguson's interpretation of Dr. Nicolas' calculations. Mr. Young e.xpressed these Issues: a) Dr. Nicolas' Study was done tn 1987, five years ago, and there are increases tn the cost of the schools tn that time period; b) the impact fees adopted prior to the St. Johns case typically were limited to either land only, or it was limited to land and buildings, but without taking into account the capital requirements to provide a fully functioning school; c) no case law was in existence when prior Impact fees were adopted, and people were taking a conservative, limited position; d) St. Johns School District did not include ancillary costs. Mr, Young r.sported that Mr. Feriluson is asking for a double cre- dit, as he ts taking Mr. Young's figure which already has a full cre- dit, and asking to have a second credit applied. Mr. Ferguson submitted that a balance ts needed, and a more reaso- nable impact fei? amount should be provided. Recu~d: 6:45 P.M. - Reconvaned: 6:55 P.M. at which tin Deputy Clerk Ouavin replaced Deputy Clerk Meyers see The following people spoke regarding this item: Whit Ward Kathryn Stephens Dyre] Delaney ~ O~FI;[ 04 Kenneth Hunt Page 3 ¥olanda Duet.in Stuart Kaye Jan Curran (presented petitions) May 13, 1992 Ross Mclntosh Bob Pearson Ce~lool~aer Hawse ac. ted, seconded by Co~atmatoamr Shanahan and carrled unanimously, to clo~e the ~bltc heart~. T~ ~3 Co~lssloner Volpe supported the consultants' methodolo~ and r~por~, s~atlng in his opinion ~t ~s a legally defensible document. Co~tssloner Shanahan agreed, stat~n~ this ~mpact fee ts very fair, e~ttable and defensible. Co~lsslone~ ~asse co~ented this impact fee will have a tremen- dous Impact on the people who can least afford ~t. He encouraged the Board to discuss Instituting a new construction advisory co~tttee to be utilized not only by the School Board, but by the Board of County Co~]ss~oners as ~,ell. Co~Jssloner Goodn~ght stated she recognizes th, needs o~ the school system, however, people ~n the rural areas of the County will not be able to afford to build homes. She saJd currently, almost one- hal~ of ~he teachers Jn Immokalee co,ute from Hendry or Lee Counties, because they cannot afford to live Jn Collier County. She urged the Board to look at the overall cost of impact fees. She reminded the ~ard of Its record of support for affordable housing, yet ~mpact ~ees mfs be~n~ lev~ed to the point where rents will be unaffoFdable and single family homes will be too expensive to purchase. Co~issJoner Saunders Inquired Jfa mechanism ts available whereby the Board may exempt Jn this ordinance, the payment of school impact fmem for low Income housing7 County Attorne~ Cuyler responded ]n the affirmative and referred to the Affordable Housing Standards within the ordinance, stating the~e hava been suggestions by the Affordable Housln~ Co~ittee and othe~s that the Standards are too low and should be raised. He sa~d the BOaFd has been hesitant to do that until there Is an income source Jn oFdm~ to pay what otherwise would be paid by these un,ts. Ass~st~t County Attorney Dennis Cron~n remarked the School Board Page 4 May 13, 1992 Is required to provide funds for any waiver qualified for In this ordinance. Coutsstoner Saunders commented the Table provides levels that are so iow for the sale of units that no one will ever be able to construct housln~ under those standards. He questioned If the federal standard of a family of four earning $24,000 or less can be used from the b~gtnntng, so the Board does not have to look for another funding source7 County Attorney Cu¥1er Indicated the Board ts allowed to do that, however, those fees must be made up by someone else because there will be children in those homes who will have an impact on the school system. Commissioner Saunders suggested the capital ml]lage be adjusted to make up the difference. Mr. Cronin ILdvlsed that is provided for automatically in the ordi- nance within Section 3.05.a. Colltselone~ Shanmhan moved, seconded by Contseloner S&unders mnd c~rri~ 3/2 (Co~miesioners Goodnight ~nd Haeee spread), to approve the c=ltuts' recognition for school t~act f~m for single- 81,234; tht t~s tB~ct fees ~ t~le~nted tn 120 ~ys; t~t lp~ndtx 'i", t~ affordable housing st~dards, ~ adjusted ~ resolution ~ the ~ud of C~mty Coutsmloners; ~d that Ordln~ce 92-33 ~ adoptec ~ ~ ~ ~tsrsd into Ordtn~oe ~ok No. ~2. County Attorney Cuyler advised the ordinance will be amended to allow the Board to adopt the affordable housing standards by resolu- tion. ~lmmion~r Smuterm ~et, seconded ~ Coatmmtoner S~ ud o~rrl~ ~t~mly, to dtreot St~ff to ~e the ~ ~n~nt tn all t~t fa or~tnuc~m for the affordable housing st~rds. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 9:00 P.M. Page May 13, 1992 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL , ',~,...' '.'. ~>~", MICH J. VOLPE, CHAIRMAN ATT~T.'.'., . '' 'i'-v~ saM~S..'C~'.GiLi~S ,t 6f~ /T~"~{~ :approved by the Boar on as prese~md ~ or as corrected 07 Page 6