BCC Minutes 05/13/1992 W Naples, Florida, May 13, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners tn and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and a~ the governing board(s) of such special distr~cts as have been created according to law and having conducted bus~ness here~n, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patrlcia A. Goodn]ght ALSO PRESENT: Debby Farrts, Deputy Clerk; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Dennis Cron]n, Assistant County Attorney; Gall Addfson and Crystal Blankenshtp, Sheriff's Office; and Don Hunter, Sheriff. LAW E]~ORCE~[ENT IMPACT FEES May 13, 1992 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on May 10, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Randy Young, Senior Partner with Henderson, Young & Company, commented the purpose of tonight's meeting Is to explain methods for levels of service; give alternatives, including estimates of impact fees for various alternatives and estimates of operating budget implications for different alternatives; answer questions and receive direction. He proceeded to discuss the two typical ways in which levels of servtc,~ are developed for ]aw enforcement. Sheriff Hunter interjected that, although it has been popular to use as a bench mark the per capita number of ]aw enforcement officers as a way of predlcttng the need locally for law enforcement and public safety agencies, it really is Just a statistic which is reported each year, and which changes from locale to locale. He elaborated that in Collier County no calls have been elim~nated from the menu, i.e. anyone calling the Sheriff's Office wanting a Deputy Sheriff gets one, and, therefore, calculations reflect an actual consumption of law enforcement services and is much more accurate than Just relying on a statistic. Jane Fttzpatrlck, Associate Partner with Henderson, Young & Company, remarked the study is broken into two components, the first section relating to the patrol function of the Sheriff's agency and the second relating to criminal investigations. She proceeded to do a walk-through of the tables contained within the stu:]y relating to both components. Commissioner Volp, concluded that between now arid the ye~lr 2000 Collier County's law enforcement staff must be doubled, and Mr. Young concurred that It will in order to achtev~ the 50% avatlabil~ty fac- tor. Mr. Young pointed out that law enforcement management pro- 02, Page 2 feesionals have an association which has been wreetling with the issue of availability factor for a number of years, having revised its stan- dard from time to time, but with the preferred Guideline currently set at 50~. He proceeded to explain the Summary of Alternatives for Law Enforcement Levels of Service, concludinG that the dilemma faced by the Board of County Commissioners is that, as population grows and as the case load on the Sheriff's Office grows, to merely give the Department the same budget as the previous year or the same budget plus inflation but no net new officers is to reduce the availability factor. Mr. Young remarked his firm is very sensitive to the concern that there is a certain lack of logic to charging a flat rate impact fee regardless of a lot of other factors, be it the value of the house, the number of residents in it, the number of bedrooms, etc. Sheriff Hunter concluded one reason the County cannot have a sta- tistic defininG the number of employees to hire next year is due to variables unique to Collier County such as Ordinances which relate only to this Ccunty and which do not exist in other counties. Commissioner Shanahan reasoned the message here is that Growth should pay for growth and $75.15 per household will do it. Mr. Young interjected that the $75.15 will provide the Sheriff with the capital cost of keeping up with new officers, i.e. vehicles, etc., but does not pay the salaries. Commissioner Volpe suggested that, when it comes to safety and the security of families, law enforcement is a service the public is willing to give some type of priority to. A brief discussion ensued regarding duplication of service such as in the case of a barking dog where patrol officers respond as well as alTimal control personnel or perhaps code enforcement personnel. Following brief discussion, it was the consensus that this matter be presented back to the Board of County Commissioners by the end of summer and, therefore, be pf. esented to the CCPC (Collier County Planning Commission) during the. summer, and Mr. Young concurred the timing is opportune to coincide with budget decisions. 1992 There betn§ no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 5:00 P.M. Page 4