BCC Minutes 06/02/1992 R Naples, ~lortda, June 2, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals ~nd as the governing bo&rd(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in I~K~ULAR SESSION in Building 'F" of the Goverrunent Complex, East Naples, Florida, wt~h the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: R~chard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patriots A. Goodntght ALSO PRESENT: Jam~s C. Giles, Clerk; John Yonkosk¥, Finance D~rector; Annette Guev~n, Debby Farri8, E~lie Hoffman and Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerks; Nell Dorrtll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; David We~gel and Richard Yovanovtch, Assistant County Attorneys; George Arch/bald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; M~ke Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Tom Oll~ff, Public Services Administrator: Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director; Ron Cook, Utilities Finance D~rector; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Tom Kuck, Transportation Capital Prelect Manager; John Mada~ewskl, Pro,eot Review Services Manager; Phil Scheff and Jeff Perry, Planners; Sue F~lson, Admin~strative Assistant to the Board; and Deputy Tom Waller, Sheriff~s Office. Page June 2, 1992 ~1~ a/O, that th~ ~enda be approved w/th th~ change~ d~tail~d on the ~ ~ ~h~et with the follo~tng correct/on: 1. Item #16K2 - continued to 6/16/92. P&~e 2 Suns 2, 1992 COX~3rT &Gl:ND& - LFFROVZD LI~D/OR ADOPTED The ration for appr~al of the ~t Agenda tm noted under Itu M~N1]T~ OF TH~ R~I~R MEHTING OF FEBRUARY ll, 1992 - APPROVED seconded by Collmmtoner ~ and the mlnute~ of ~he ~1~ ~t~ of Oo~utimeloner Saunders congratulated the following Collier County employees and presented their service awards: L/sa Douglass, Pollution Control Kenneth Williams, Solid Waste Imidro Lemans, Road and Bridge - 5 years - 5 yearm - 10 years /te~B1 TRANSPORTATION SERVICES DIVISION, R~CO~NIZED AS ~MPLGFEE 2992 Co-~lssloner Ooodnlght congratulated Russ Muller, Transportation Services Division, on belng selected "Employee of the Month" for June, a~d presented him with a plaque tn recognition, as well as a $50 cash ~ard. Itm~Bla ~tOCL~tT~O~ FOH T~ ~IDA ~I~ PA~OL, DE~I~AT~N~ ~ T ~U~ Upon reading the Proclamation, Coulaaloner eeco~de~by Co~llio~r Harm and carrted u~ml~l¥, to &dopt the I~f~clmt~u for tbs F/ort~ ~t~ Patrol, dell~tlng Jm~e ? t~ough Page 3 1992 · /tm m Upon reading the Proclamation, Comm/mm/onmr Bamme mo~m~, ~~ ~l~ti~ for t~ laplmm ~r ~on, ~ml~tl~ ~ 7 t~ ~ 13, 1~2, ~ Mmt/~l ~fm ~tl~ ~k. Page 4 3~e 2, 1992 Z ta ~ ~nd ~A2 BODG~Y ~ 92-291 MID 92-293 TII:ROO~ 92-296 - ADO~ ~e ~d, ~econded t~ ~tszLo~r ~ ~ that ~t ~~ts 92-291 ~ 92-293 t~ ~L~I~ 92-21A - ~~ not be~rd l~ tbs Bo4~d of County Cosxl~to~r~ on thee :~tem DXB~lt/CT 1 - lAST AID 90~TH IAPLLS ~IdlXTART m STBTKM - ]q~SOLUTX~ ~ ~ PII3~ZM/M&RYASSLSSMI3FT ROLL s/9/9~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on Nay 12, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator, proposed that Its. #12C1 through #12C5 be heard collectively. He noted that individual notices h~ve been sent to every property owner within the East and South Naples S~nitary Sewer System project. He recalled the original public hearings were held In 1788 at which tine the Board of County Coulssloners reviewed the tentative costs and directed Staff to proceed with the design and construction of the project. Ne said 9tell is no~ presenting the total costs and the tentative assessments. He su~s~rtzed the cost :eduction steps taken thus far and reviewed ways to further reduce :he assessments. Coutsetoner Shanahfm asked Mr. Arnold to articulate the need for this project. Mr. Xrnold explained the prlaar¥ purpose ts to ellalnate potential environmental and public health hazards Identified as a result of the ~any septic tanks and szmll package treatment plants built over the years. He mentioned Th(? Conservancy did a study on the degradation of Naples Bay In 1980, which potnfed to the high concentrafton of septic tanks in last and South Naples as a primary contributing factor. He Indicated these are the very factors that qualified Collier County for the significant amount of federal funding received froa the Invlron~ental Protection Agency, whose criteria are pollution and public health concerns. Coalestoner Saundere suggested Mr. Arnold address how the Board can lower the tmpac~ on property owners affected by this project, such Page 6 June 2, 1992 aa through a County-wide surcharge on sewer bills, because the clean up of Naples Bay ia a County-wide Issue. Nr. Arnold expressed the surcharge is an option that offers the best opportunity for significant reduction. He added within this pro- Ject, a considerable amount of repaying at a cost of $800,000 was accomplished throughou~ the five districts. He said monies are available tn two road construction M.S.T.D.'s which overlap the East ~. and South Naplea Sewer Project, specifically, $175,000 tn reserves ~,. which could be pledged to this project. He stated another $500,000 i lay be available through a prior M.S.T.D. which was collected to fund the design of the forerunner of this project. He indicated it is Staff's recomaendation that rebates be calculated to the applicable ~. properties and checks be issued or a credit be given on their tax i~) bills. He said that wtll result in a reduction of 2.?~ tn assessments within some parts of District ~. .. ~n response to Com-issioner Shanahan, Mr. Arnold explained a $1.00 per aonth ~urcharge to all sewer bills will generate $228,000 per year and collected over 10 years, will total approximately $3-millton. He said that savings could be applied to assessments or leveraged, which will have a net efffect of nearly ~1~ reduction in the assessments on a front-foot basis. Finally, he said, Sta~ff ts investigating the dedi- ' cation of Impact fee trust account money to this project, however, diacuaa~ons with bond counsel have not been completed. He concluded · Staff will ask to continue these public hearings for one week to further explore that opportunity. Co.missioner Saundera asked that the possibility of reducing the ;~: Sntereat rates being charged for both the impact fees and the ~ , Ilsess~ants be explored ~.~ The following people spoke regarding these items: Robert ~dgerton William Gracely Tom Mcgee Michael Belay ';" Tim Farguson ,~-~ eeo IttC/~ll= 10=40 A.M. - lteconvgned: 10:45 A.M. at which " Deputy Clark Farrla replaced Deputy Clark Ouevtn Tape Page 7 992 The following people spoke regarding these Items: T~pe ~ Joyce cheseer Phidias J. Pollts Edward L. Thompson (read letter that was not provided to Clerk to the Board Office) #tleon Whitehead George E. Smeed Frank Murphy Joe Krchnav! Jerry House (read letter that was not provided to Clerk to Board Office) Jim Stesk¥ George Waldron George E. Attewell Joanna Flashman (copy of letter read and provided to Clerk to Board Office) A/bert Kleiner (Surveys and letters provided to Clerk to Board Office) Shetla Roberts HaddIx Sue Murphy Rex M. Ho/m/in (distributed handouts not provided to Clerk to Board Office} Jim No/an Athaleah Robinson Howard M. Michel Genny Lentovtch R. Joyce Douglass Earl Mar/In Connie Capps (pictures provided to Clerk to Board Office) Rope O. Miller (copies of Exhtbtt "B" provided to Clerk to Board Office) Benjamin M. Welch David W. Ryndere (copy of map not provided to Clerk to Board Office) l~epnt~ Clerk Hoffm~n rep/aced Delmty Clerk Farrie at thio tim see The following persoas spoke with respect to the East and South Naples Sanitary Sewer System: Kathy Ward Ethel Johnson Commissioner Volpe stated that It appears that a conclusion cannot be reached due to the need for additional information and suggested that the hearing be continued. Co~alsetoner Shanahan remarked that some of the issues that need to be considered are the 8800,000 paving fund; $500,000 fund In the NSTD Section B; deletion of the schools $200,000; possibility of the surcharge of $288,000 per year for ten years; using cash reserve and Fu~d 301 to equate close to the surcharge po,Jslbtltttes; front footage ver~ square footage and acreage calculations; and re-evaluate District 5. Co-~Iseloner maunders suggested if there ts an increase tn esseesed values for properties In the assessment districts, that they b~ treated as a tax increment taxing scenario and take the increment Page 8 ?une 2, 1992 to Offer the cost of the project. He requested that Mr. Arnold speak with the Tax Assessor ar.d see If there are any Increases In .... aaeeam~enta In the East Naples area due to this project, and if there ~ are, perhap~ theme could be quantified and the tax tncrenent could be , · used to offset the comte. With rempect to the $200,000 from the ~ ech~le, he noted that those people that are not in the assessment dletrtct would benefit since they will be paying less school taxes to ;.~. c~er the $200,000. Ne indicated that he does not believe It would be ~: unremmonable to take the 8200,000 o~t of the county-wide ad valorem -..~ fundl as thmt ~verybod¥ ia paying that little Increment. He suggested that staff look at creative ways to reduce the assessments. · nd c~l~dunamlmouly, to contAnuo the lmbliche~tng~on ;. #12Cl - ~1~C6 unttl 3m~ g, 1992, &nd to 8cbodu3e mn lnfo~Bmtionm! !.,:. wol4wkl~ ~o~ F~A~, J~ 5, 1992. S/~/~ Legal notice having ~een published In the Naples Dally News on Nay 12, 1992, aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing wme opened. This Item was dtmcueeed In conjunction with Item ~12C1 above. end ~1~ ~ly, to c~t~ tb ~llc b~l~ m ltm · 1~1 - ~JC8 utll ~ 9, 1992, Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Dally News on May 12, 1992, al evidenced by Affidavit of Publlcatlo~a flied with the 3une 2. 1992 Clerk, I~bllc hearing was op~n~d. T~ie lt~ was heard ~ ~lg ~~11, to ~tt~ t~ ~llc ~1~ ~ Its · 1~1 - ~I~OB ~tll ~ [~'r l~gel notice having been published In the Naples Dally N~s on Nay 12, 1992, aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public ~arlng ~a.s o~ned. ~tB item ~e dls~s~ed In conJ~ctton ~tth ~tem ~12C1 a~ve. Z~ ~ ~/~/~ Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on May 12, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication flied with the Clerk, Imbllc hearing waf~ opened. Thle Itel ~ heard In conJ~ctlon ~lth Itel ~12C1 I~vl. g ~~ ~1~, ~o ~tt~ t~ ~llo ~~ ~ Its o~ ~ 1~ P.M. - ~ 1~10 P.M. ~runo 2, xo92 13~KJpr~0~ ~ TJlB VAdlATXOI~ OP RXOJET-OP-MAY AT OARXCA ROAD Mr. Jeff Brown of 163 Caribbean Road, stated that he ts appearing before the Board today, after appearing 1-1/2 years ago when he pro- posed to ~2bmit a plan within 90 days. He Indicated that as a cos- slates beg&n to investigate the various facets of the plan, there were s~ny Issues to review and all the entitles outside Pine Ridge were making decisions that affected Pine Ridge end the citizens that 3ire within Pine Ridge. In addition, he reported that the committee was initially formed to address The barricade issue on Goodlette Road. Re reported that it was learned that the committee would need to come up with a plLn that retrofitted the community which was built tn the early 19~0fs, prior to many of the zoning and County restrictions on Pud*e. Mr. Brown explained his goal of obtaining the Commtestonfe concep- tual approval of the plan; that staff be directed to Implement Phase I of the pin; &nd that staff be directed to study the conceptual plan sad prepmre a plan to be Implemented based on the concepts of that presented. Mr. Brown advised that the committee consisted of 10-15 members mad there hays been In excess of 100 hours of meeting. He revealed that the committee tried to develop a plan that could be tmplelented In ph&ses end associated to roadways In the area that were in the pro- cess of being constructed or being planned. He indicated that the various construction activities will have a significant impact on h~vtng access in and out of the Pine Ridge community on a safe basis. Mr. Brown detailed the following: Phase I of the plan are Items tJl~t should be Implemented immediately upon plan accept&mca; locate &nd Install additional fltop stgnage throughout the community; locate · nd ln~tall slgnage for no thru traffic at all existing access road- w~ys; locate &nd install signage identifying weight ltltte for trucks; vncate right-of-way at the Intersection of Goodlette Road &nd Carles Page 11 June 2, 1992 Road South; barricade east lane of Hickory Road at the northwest corner of Lot X, Section l, Second Pine Ridge Extension and cul-de-sac the intersection at Center Street and West Avenue; open Carica Road North to left turn only traffic and Center Street to right turn out; and restrict Caribbean and East Avenue to right turn in and right turn ~ut traffic aovements. Nr. Brown stated that Phase II should be coordinated with the con- tinuation of the widening of U.S. 41 and the lmpleaentation of the FDOT U.S. 41 access ~anagement plan: create three entrance read.aye that connect U.S. 41 and Trail Boulevard at the locations that align with Pelican Bay Boulevard North, Gulf Park Boulevard and Pelican Bay South; eliminate all other Trail Boulevard access cross medians the exception of the one at the southern coensrcial activity center; cul-de-sac ~rall Boulevard, south of Ridge Drive; reconstruct Trail Boulevard so traffic flows are directed to one of the three U.S. 41 entrances; and Install traffic control devices at Gulf Park Drive and Pelican Bay North on U.S. 41. Nr. Brown announced that Phase III should be coordinated with the scheduled extension of Vanderbtlt Beach Drive: design and construct an entrance at Caetna and Vanderbllt Beach Drive Extension; and vacate the Intersection of U.S. 41 and Hickory Road at Trail Boulevard. Mr. Brown affirmed that Phase IV ts the final phase of the Pine Ridge roadway reconstruction project. He explained with all other safeguards in place, two way traffic flow could be perattted st the intersections of Center Street and Cartca Road North and Goodlstts Road. Oonnteeloner ¥olpe eta~sd that he participated In the ~eettng last ~onth of the Pine Ridge Property Owners Aeeo.:tatton and noted that the residents are requesting conceptual approval of the plan as outlined by Mr. Brown. Tran~portation Services Adnlnlstrator Archibald advised that construction of Vanderbllt Drive is proposed to coe~ence in 1993 and be ccmpleted by 1995. Page 12 .Tune 2. 1992 Mr. Archibald reported that the largest coat to the County would be for the Installation of traffic signals along U.S. 41, and these costs ~cruld be subsidized by current development coultmenta from Pelican B~¥. Conlsaloner Volpe remarked that one of the purposes of the plan is to evenly distribute the traffic movements within the Pine Ridge co~unity as well as t~¢lng Into consideration the traffic from out- side the Pine Ridge Subilviaton. He noted that traffic counts on East Avenue are tn excess of 3,000 vehicles per day. Conlaaloner Saunders noted that Mr. Bro~n'a report suggests the vacation of the the right-of-way at Cartca Road and Ooodlette, and asked Nr. Archibald whether he agrees. In response to Commissioner maunders, Hr. Archibald advised that he concurs with the over-all plan that there has to be a permanent barricade of sase kind at that location. He Indicated that the Association recommends the vacation of sase. He affirmed that he does not feel that this should be vacated since It could prevent the County from ~lking a change In the future, and noted that there are quite a number of utilities running underneath that roadway. The following persona spoke regarding this item: Bill Yag Andrew Pavlick Yvonne Pavllck Richard Oraha~-Yooll Robert Berens ese I~lt~ Oink II~/~rm z~pl~ced D~mW Clark Roff~n at this N~, Archibald counted that If Staff la given the direction to proc~d with the Conceptual Phase i, it is going to take Staff 30-60 days to coM up with the final designs. The following people spoke concerning this Public Petition: Philip NcCabe Bob B~rens Lawrence I~lcroix Rick ~ones ~eff Brown ~md o~t-~led ~n~ni~ouely, to ~ccept the Conceptual Plan with the en~-ep- tJo~ et the ~catJon of the ~lg~t-of-~T mt ~i~ ~ ~ eeo ~ at 4:10 P.M. - ~~ at ~:28 P.M. oeo John MadaJewekl, Project Review Services Manager, noted that thio item was continued from the Nay 5, 1992, because of certain quest/one which arose at that meeting. Mr. MadaJewok! commented that Staff's position remains the sane as It was on May 5, 1992 that the project has obtained all the requisite I~ermlta and should move forward with conatructton. In response to Commissioner Volpe'e question concerning certain bacterial teats that were conducted on Narco Island, Mr. NadaJevmkl reported that the testa were not conducted tn the open waterways and bays, tmt were conducted only tn the backwaters. Mr. MadaJewskt recalled that the other teeue wee the project called the Villages of Barfleld Bay. He reported that Barnett Bank is holding the mortgage on the defunct project and ts now the legal owner of thio property. Mr. MadaJewekt Indicated that this project meets all the required 811d appropriate permitting, end lo in full'compliance with the Baltona Settlement Agrmenent, and Deltona ham modified the construction tine from 90 days to 120 days. Comateetoner Shanahan read Into the record a letter from Vtrgtnla Reed to consider the potential damage to Dogwood Drive that the construction will cause. Terry Kepple with Bruce Green and Associates, representing the dm~olcrpor0 con,anted that he te not sure If the developer te in agl*eeBent with repairing any damage to the roadway. Commissioner Shanahan commented that the condition of the road can Page 14 t "~,~ 3une 2, 1992 :'~i b~ &eter~lned no~, and there wall be a commitment to repair ~y ': ~ge don~ fr~ thts project. 3ol ~ctlla, attorney from Mtul, Florida, representing ~lto~, ~ ~ o~ ~ to ~o~, ~ t~ not ~r~ of ~ ~t~nt the County regulations. Commissioner Shanahan reiterated that should there be any da.~age to the road or any driveways or mailboxes that they are to be repalre~0 and a satisfactory agreement could be prepared. Mr. Nad&Jewsk! advised that an appropriate stipulation can be incorporated into the motion which will state as follows: "Prior to conducting the required pre-construction conference, the applicant and the Road Superintendent for Marco Island must field eva- luate the condition of the Do~wood Drive right-of-way. An evaluation report shall be prepared and utilized as the basis for determining if construction damage has occurred on Dol~ood Drive by the construction of Granada Drive extension. Upon completion of construction, a re- Inspection of DoG~ood Drive shall be conducted by both parties. Any construction related damage found during the inspection shall be corrected to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent prior to the Board of County Commissioners granting Preliminary Acceptance to thl~ project. Written clearance from the Road Superintendent must be sub- matted to Project Review Services to confirm that the project has been satisfactorily completed." ~iti ~tsorsl¥, to ~ppro~ th~ co~str~tlo~ pl~n~ ~nd for Oranada Drive htenslon subject to th~ aforementioned stlpu- latieo ~lklltte~ b7 #r. NadaJewski ~nd subject to the stipulations Page 15 Suns 2, 1992 I:~3IIDI~7OBS TO Tll APPROVAL OF THI FRIL13qZIARY SUBDIV/S][OII PL&T I~R Till lfl2JrTl~teg BOLLOW SUBDZVZfJZOI (Prl'ZTIOI PEP-01-16) - APPROVED W/TH frank Brutt, Co~sunity Development Services Ad=inistrmtor, spe- cified tht several tss~ee came up that should be Incorporated Into the subdivision plat. He noted that the subdivision Is small. He advised that the developer received s right-of-way ;-rmtt to block off the western edge of the subject property with a chain link fence with a gmte, ~hlch will prevent traffic from coming across Eatey Avenue into the Foxftre Project. He advised that Staff has no objection to the fence ms long as an emergency by-pass ts provided, and that should s fence remain, a five foot opening on the southern side would be allowed to enable the bike path and pedestrian access between the two subdivisions would be permitted. Hr. Brntt referred to page two of the Executive Summary and noted the three conditions to be Incorporated. ?ransportatton Servtcee Administrator Archibald explained that this Item Involves a little segwent of roadway in which Flamtngo Estates and Foxflrs Associations have Indicated they do not want the r~odway Interconnected, and Staff has never pursued the connection beyond tho existing easterly terminus of Estey Avenue at the end of the flamingo Estates Subdivision. Mr. &rchib&ld noted that tbs developer has requested to vacate the rlght-of-~my but Staff sees It as a possible future intersection with tbs extension of Livingston Road. Mr. Brutt suggested that the access be reserved but not opened, allow the chin link fence to be Installed and continue to main- tain the ownership of the right-of-way as well as Its availability. 3ack Conroy spoke concerning this Item and explained that bls wife owns this property and said If tho County wants the fence moved, they should pmy the full amount to move It. Jeff Perry, MPO Director, stressed the leportance of bicycle and m 000,, 32 Page 16 I,,,' children going to ~d from ech~l ~ .ell as the ~bllc going from ~ lie · prerl~l~el for · pJdestl'lu J~l blctcla path. Itel ~ Frank Brutt, ¢ossunit¥ D~velopMnt Servtceo Administrator, e~lal~ tht thio r~oJt lO for ~ extension of a Pr~toi~l Use for pr~rW l~ated on the ~et side of C.R. 951, 2,000 feet s~th of l~k R~d. Ne noted t~t thio Is the eec~d r~est, ~. B~tt mriz~ that Staff recomndo appr~ml or tb 33 Jeff Perry, ~O Director, explained that thio item to the annual tn~d~et re~at of which budget appropriations are requeeted to e~Eect ~ 3ul~ 1, 1992. He noted that the ac~al allocation ": General ~d ~enueo t~ ~de durtng the nor~l ~. Per~ mrtzed that thio enables o~ratlon at the ~rrent l~el of ~lce. ,v ~~~1~ to ~~ ~ ~t ~t ~t. To~ luck, Transportation Project Management Director, requeoted approval for up to $35°000 to continue Initiating ehort-torm p~r- attttn~ acttvitiee in relation to the Livingoton Road project. A dtecu~elon en~ued regarding the hondo for funding Llvtngeton Road, the intereot capitalized on thooe hondo and the time per/od r~tntng to fund the debt eervice. Count~Nan~ger Dorrtll orated in the wvent the project doet not procNd, it te hie recouendation to tuediatel¥ move ~o defease ~ ~ re~rrect the t~tng dt~trtct. ~ ~~ ~ OZB ~ ~. 042, ~~Z~ ~ ~ Cow, tySon&get Dorrtll recalled thio item wag continued from the ~tln~ of I~¥ 26, 1992, due to confuelon over amounte t~ginning with Page 18 prsllnln~-y deoign through the construction phase. Transportation Services A~tntstr~tor Archt~ld noted In roll,lng up ~tor dts~sst~, a ~ore detailed list of l~e~ ~der Cl~slflcatto~ 'l' ~d 'B' has been provided. He e~lalned Claasific&tion 'A" is composed pri~artly of project development acti- vities that the County's Progra~ Nanagement Consultant (PNC}, Gannett Wle~tng0 Inc., ts being asked to perform. He Indicated Classification 'B' con. lets of project ~mageaent functions to be ~un~ged by the PNC rathe~ th~n Staff. He said in total, he Is asking the Board to con- sider up to 1,400 hours of work at the unit price set forth In the contract for the 1~4C to undertake a certain level of responsibility for the V~nderbllt Beach Road project. In response to Couisstoner Volpe, Nr. Archibald indicated his e~l~ectatlon that the 10400 hours of work will occur over a period of it-10 ~onths. Ha utd the PNC will not only become involved in the Initial Identification ~nd management of the prolect, but will also ':. ~ssiat in~ittng the scope, going through the consultant selection proceee, ~onltortng the design and going through the bid and contract recommendation stages. Pro~z~O MoaoOe~ent ~a~n~mlta~t, Gannett Wlentng, Inc., to pl~vt~ ~ teeeleesl eeeeOeeent services to~ Vanderbtlt Beach ~ fo~ a ~# not. Page 19 ~.~. ,. 31/ne 2, 1992 3ohn ~oldt, Water Management Director, informed the Board that for .~ .~ears the County ha8 ~en applying herbtc/de~ to ~;~ ~atfo~d In order to c~trol the ~h of Hydrllla ~d Water ~t~ce 't~t tMeateu to render the l~e, along with the Co~ty'm ~lt r~ ~?. ~d fllhi~ pier, useless. He noted L~e Trafford has the re. ration 'of ~tng ~ of the ~st bass fishing l~es in the State. He re. fred ~('in recur years, this $?0,000 pro~ has been a Joint ~ding effort elth the ~rtlent of Natural Res~rces (D~), who ~ shared 50~ of '~ t~ cost. Re indicated D~ re~ires ~ a~ltcatton for f~dlng ,fll~tth thee W ~e let, h~ver, tn the Board's recent r~t~ of .~ Nater ~Mnt ~part~nt~s prtorlW pro~ ~dget, this ~;~.~a ~ rag veu 1~ ~c~ue it does not Involve critical flood c~t~l. ~e recmended the Board a~rove filing u a~licatton for ~..;. ~~ ~ tn order to keep the options o~n tn cue the C~ty'l ~ ~tchl~ i~ tn the u~t of ~35,000 cm ~ f~d later ~ing Wt dlll~ratlou. ~ stated ~ extension has been received on the ~ ftll~ M~dllne to ~u Sth. Co~ ~er ~rrill co~ented the C~ty ~a the only ~bltc [~lclll~ ed ~lt la. ch on that lake. ~ dlscretion~w, it ~ld ~ ~tse not to conttn~ the ~'~ ~1 ~llcatl~proc~ss for these Page 20 3iR #erd, Pelican Bay Services Administrator, explained this Item deals with the resolution to ftx the date, ttae and place for the public hearing to cons/der the special assessments for the operation mnd mmintenance of the Pelican Bay Services Dlvlslon for Fiscal Year ,.X993; along with retireMnt of the prior P.B.I.D. debt. He requested 'i'3~no 29, 1992, at 6:00 P.M. in the BencFlortda building be established for the public hearing. Mr. Nard noted minor changes on page 5 of the resolution dealing ii'With the actual acreages tn Ps/icon hy available for useomaent amd ;:tho per acrs ratem. He explained revisions to the total useesment for debt service, which should equate to $246.67 per assessable acre b~oed on the revised figure of 1,433.0857 assessable acres. He said smother change Is to the total assessment for maintenance of the ~z"eu, which should be stated as 8634.50 per assessable acre b~aed :?~n 1,433.0857 assessable acres. ~~ly, to ~Sopt Ite~olutlo~ 92-317 Httt~ ~ 29, 1992, Page 21 June 2o 1992 Ztm ~:Ul~/lk~~OOl~ltll,1~ r~OOT~Z~ItG'OUMTT C~T~I~O~IlI~ ~ZM~ ~'~ &UI'~ORZ~ 1'0 Z~'U~ ~Z~ #0R11~~ ~ ~M'DAPPROV'ZNG JLM ZN'IIltLOCALAgI~II~ ~ ~&ZD Don Pl~kworth, Counsel for the Collier County Housing Finance &uthority, asked for approval for the authority to enter into an lnterlocal agreement and to become part of the Escambta County single f~mily mortgage revenue bond Issue. He said this Is the fifth year that the Collier County Housing Finance Authority has entered Into a program with another County. He reported over the past four years,. the total amount of mortgages under these programs in Collier County has been $8.5-mtllton, and 140 homes. Oo~lllti,~m~ ~,alz,ndmrm moved, Hcond~d by Commiealonmr ihas~mhm.n and tim ~ ~~ ~ lam ~t~ ~ ~llie C~W for this ~llieb~l~ to ~t~ into ~~lu~t~ for t]~ Page 22 ?une 2, 1992 DZSCI~SZ,C~I C~ ~ ZW 'flZ CXTY OIP ~ - cozrsEzrs~ 'fo IZGOTXATZ TO IB3~TAZI OQ~ITT~ SI~'VZC~S Commissioner Saundere reported having met with the City Council to address issues of significance between the City of Naples and Collier Count~. He indicated the most pressing issue ie EHS Services. He advised tho City Council indicated their first preference is to have a unified County-wide ENS, however, they feel very strongly that their lm~uee ~ust be addressed by the County and if not, they will proceed to d~velop their own system. He noted they are applying for a Certificate of Need and are willing and prepared to go to court to obtain tt if the Board of County Co~ualaatoners ia not responsive to their needs. He said the City takes Issue with the quality and quan- tity of service provided. He stated they also feel there could be l~proveaent in response time. He remarked the City Is paying 28~ of the cost, but ts responsible for 12-13~ of the calls. Be asked the Board to consider that the rates are set not only to reflect actual cost of service, but also 'co reflect that there is a substantial non- collection rate outside the City limits. He mentioned one way to reduce the subsidy in the City ~ay be to put those bad debts in the unincorporated area into an unincorporated area ad valorem levy, so the City la not subsidizing the service as well ae the bad collection record outetde the City limits. He asked the Board to go on record recognizing the problem of the City Council and recognizing that it is preferable to resolve this issue than to have the City create Its own B]~ Service. Co~,aissioner Shanahan agreed that the Board should work to resolve the proble~m. He said he is in support of finding ways to improve collections and other ways to reduce the overall ZH$ costs. County Nanager Dorrill communicated the most equitable and only p~r~anent solution would be to create an East County ambulance district, and In addition to their contribution to the general fund, the Board would have to tax values in those areas with the poorest Page 13 1992 collection rate and with tho poorest assessed values to eoaehow · ubeldlze their cost of the operation, Ho said from a practical standpoint, that will never occur. Col~leeionar 0oodnlght COlmUnlcated that would be a very unfair approach to this problel. It N~S tho consensus that County Nanager Dorrtll aeet with City Noodruff on this subject. ORDZIZILI~IK/JI~F~fZBZIG FOR ~ZST FOR 6/9/92 Co~iissloner Volpe reported the Tourist Development Cotmcll (TDC) hal un~LulIouI1y adopted · conceptual plan to recoiaend to the Board of ~ty Co~lmlionerm, which ~lll include a two-cent le~ with In allo- cation of 60~ for ~ach renourls~ent ~d ~lnten~ce ~d 40~ for pro- lntlr~t~o~lly. He e~ld the Issue of one additional cent for a pro- [emmlal m~rtm stadium was debated at length, ~d It was the consen- ~m not to Include that le~ within the pl~ at this ~lnt In tt~e. ~stet~t Cowry Attorney ~tlson advised the Board on the legal r~lflcatlonm ~d options regarding ~ additional one cent le~ for s~rts facility. 8he ~lso reported on the advertising retirements :~d deadlines for the enabling ordinance to ensure that the ~llot Includes this subject. In reaCheS to Coutsstoner Sanders, Asststmt Cowry ,, NlllOn Itatid her preference that this subject be pl~ced on the ~ginda t, of the ~C ~e 9th leering, ~hlch will Ill~ enough tl~e to ~eit the dlidllnl ~ h~d c~rrylng the Idvirtlli~ent to the ne~s~r on that Ron NcLe~ore asked the Board to keep In mind that clear signals needed by the private sector aa quickly ae possible tn order to Itrategtcally approach the sports factllty Issue. It wis the consensus to place this subject on the agenda for the 3mis 9, 1992, Board of County Colileetonere Regular Neettng. ?. [ 000,,,,: 91 Page 24 D~SGUSSXOM OIP CIXLI~tI~tS SKRVXCIS COUI~XL CAIIDZDATES 3'une 2, 1902 Commissioner Volpe advised the Board that the request to withdraw candidates to the Children's Services Council was deemed untimely by ' the Governor and two appointments have been made. Xt~m ~IW Commissioner Volpe stated Dr. Polkowski has asked the Board to select a representative to the Nominee Qualification Review Committee for the District 8 Health and Human Services Board. He recommended that Tom Olliff, Public Services Administrator, be designated to serve on that Conlttee. Commissioner f~.~lers moved, ~econded by Coaaissio~er ~ and, c~z~lod~z~Bnimously, to appoint Tom Olll£f to the lomin4~ qumllfiutioa R~vlew Committee for the District 8 Health end Human Boe~. Sue raison, Administrative Assistant to the Board, stated she has raceived no resumes for appointment to the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board, therefore, she will re-advertise that vacancy. She mentioned there has also been a resignation from the Pelican Bay M.S.T.U. Advisory Board for which she will be advertising. is. Oommiootoner SheAahmn BaYed, seconded by Commiooion4~ Hesse end serried B/O, that the followin~ items .mbt the consent 8genda OASI BO~D ~ AS SE,JukXTY FOR I~)IDBCAPXNO FOR 8XT~ DKVIL~PMI3eT ~ liS. Ol':lOO, "SALVATZON O0~&TXOM ~ A, CC~F/'~D ~ APRXL CXRC~Z, LTD., See Pages Page 25 3une 2, 1992 II~I~,OT%~I ~'~-~14 FOR P~CORDZI~G TI~ FINAL PLAT OF '~T]UtCT 110, 0OLDIDI OAT~ B~T&TB~ UII'ZT IlO. 9, F~PL&T~' - M/Tll TR~ 8TTFUL&TZ0~ ~ ~ See Page /,,0~ Tte~ ~ PL&T OF uHUNTKRS MOODSN APPROVED FOR RECORDTJlG COMPLITB:D (~OII'SI~'UC~XOB' OF SJLII'I'A ~ ~OI:~.,K~A,RD ROADSXDI DZTCH 13~l~ql~Jl~Z~ ~ JtIFD FZJlAL FA'~4~RI" R.KT.,gAS~D '1'O APAC-J~z, ORXD&, TIIC. See Page, oonttnuod to 6/9/92 AOTHI3ItZ~ATZOII I~R CHAZIqMAII TO SZG31 A~ FOR A LZBJL&RY SKRVZCB~ AID OOIIBTII~'TZ(~ &CT, TZTLK ! GRAIIT FOR A BZLZIIGU&L PROFK~ZOIIAL T, ZBR&R/AII ~~1IM ~ ZIOIOKJLT, EE BRAZlCll OF THB COLLZI:R COUBTY PU~,ZO :,~.~' ~ 1~ ASSI:SSZNG ATTORBZT rets RKLATT~ TO C&SK IlO. ~O-IitB-d~&-MLB, PAZU3KL Bt). 11.3,6 (3091F11 & CHRIBTIWI LO]~) - Ill THI -',-. P-~r.- //5- / /~' ~ TO ~ A WORE ORDKR OLDER THI &JlJlU&L COFFRACT /OR ~TZOII OJt ~ MARCO ZSLA]ID ~I3qZrIP*S S~B~T&TZOJl PARK/3rO LOT - XI ~ JmOEmT Off $X0,600 93' P"g"" .,Tune 2, 1992 ~O~ 8TOClCL~SS POltC~A~ZilG ~OR COLLIEIt COUilTT - ~ TO FOR ~ II~IOV&L OF COLLIER COqTIITY ~ ~ ~-018 ~:~TAB~I~Z~ ~ ~ OF O~IC~ FOR ~ O~ TEE ~ ~ ~IOAD~AT MID I~tlkl~AG~ ADV/~OltT lid #~-1117 TO ~ IrlT! ~ COllSTI~CTXOll JdlD XNSTM, L,ItT/OII OF ~ ~ M&/'I~ ~t'/C'~.S IN P~LICaJI B, ItT- JLMJLRD~) TO ~I'D ~*-2~ FO~ T~ ~OLD~ ~&T~ LIBRJt~f JLDD/TZON JtND lI~MOD~Lll~ i~ ~ TO vJ~r~F~I~/LT B&Y CiFIISTRUC~ION I~C. - IN ~ BJ~ BID ]992 '~'~e following miscellaneous correspondence was filed as presented the Board of County Co~ieetonere: Page 28 3une 2, 1992 There being no further buetneee for the Good of the County, the leettng was adjourned by Order of the Chatr- Time: 6:40 P.H. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL :ei/a~proved by the Board J or as corrected Page 29