TDC Minutes 04/01/2011 R April 1 ,2011 MINUTES OF THE COLLIER COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING Naples, Florida, April 1, 2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Collier County Tourist Development Council Subcommittee, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 10:30 AM in a REGULAR SESSION in the Conference Room of the North Collier Government Center, 2335 Orange Blossom Drive, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Commissioner Georgia Hiller Jerry Gibson Clark Hill Rick Medwedeff Robert Miller ALSO PRESENT: Jack W. Wert, Director - Convention & Visitors Bureau Kelly Green, CVB Office Administrator 1 ,-)'1 ~ ~ COLLIER COUNTY BOARI> OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS .... TOURIST DEVEI.OPMENT COlJNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA April 1 ,2011 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM 1. CAI,L TO ORDER - CHAIRMAN HILLER 2. CHANGES/APPROV AL OF AGENDA 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Sunshine Law Review - Jack Wert b. Mission and Vision of CVB c. Goals and Objectives of Committee d. Input from Committee Mt'mbers on the foJ/O\'I'ing Topics: - Individuals or organi:l.ations to invite to the subsequent public meetings - Format of the Public Meetings - Questions Committee Members will ask attendces 4. REVIEW POLICmSFOR F'Y 11 GROUP MEETING INITIATIVE 5. QUESTION & ANSWER PERIOO 6. SUBCOMMITTEE DISCUSSION 7. RESEARCH MATERIALS 8. NEXT MEETING I>A TE/LOCA TION -10:30 am April 15, 20.11, N. Collier Govcrnment Building Confercncc Room 9. AO.JOlJRNMKNT April 1, 2011 1. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Hiller: . 10:45 AM . Quorum was established. 3. NEW BUSINESS: a. Sunshine Law Review - Jack Wert . Requirements: Meetings are to be noticed, open to the public, and recorded. . All communication between members, i.e., written, electronic, and/or telephone, must be one-way; dialogue is not allowed . The presence of two or more TDC members at a meeting triggers application ofthe law . Penalties: removal from office, 60 days in prison, $500 fine for each violation 2. CHANGES/APPROVAL OF AGENDA: Jerry Gibson moved to approve the Agenda as submitted. Second by Robert Miller. Carried unanimously, 5 - O. 3. NEW BUSINESS: b. Mission and Vision of Convention & Visitors Bureau . Mission Statement: To promote year-round, distinctive, world-class vacation and group meeting experiences resulting in positive economic growth and stability for Collier County . Vision Statement: To be recognized as the most desirable year-round visitor destination in the world c. Goals and Objectives of Subcommittee . Concern: Collier spends less money on advertising than any other County in Florida . Promote the County through: o Advertising o Online marketing o Public Relations/Media o Promotion - the "value added" components of a media buy o Direct Sales . Funding Sources: public (TDC) and private (Industry) Chairman Hiller suggested scheduling a workshop with the Board of County Commissioners, the Lodging Association, and Staff to discuss issues before bringing the Plan to the TDC. Consensus: Available dollars should be funneled into advertising which has been proven to be the most effective use of the funds and structure a year-round marketing effort. 2 April 1, 2011 d. Input from Committee Members on: a. Individuals/Organizations to invite to subsequent meetings b. Format of Public Meetings c. Questions for Committee Members to ask attendees 4. REVIEW POLICIES FOR FY-11 GROUP MEETING INITIATIVE: . Analyze allocation of funding . What are other destinations in the State doing to obtain funding? 3. NEW BUSINESS: c. Objectives of Future Workshop Meetings . The Chairman and members discussed potential for four informal workshops . Formal Workshop with TDC to review and approve Annual Plan . Institute pre-season workshops to preview strategy (high/low season) 5. QUESTION/ANSWER PERIOD: . How have other Counties financed beach renourishment projects without using their TDC money? . What are alternative sources of funding? . What is the percentage allocation required for reserves? . Clerk is conducting an audit - when will results be available? 6. SUBCOMMITTEE DISCUSSION: . IfTDC funds were used to for a non-tourism related project, a percentage of the profits should be directed to TDC instead of General Fund. 7. RESEARCH MATERIALS: 8. NEXT MEETING DATE: April 15, 2011 at 10:30 AM There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 12:20 PM. TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL SUBCOMMITTEE Commissioner Georgia Hiller, Chair The Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee Chair on as presented or as amended 3