BCC Minutes 06/18/1992 B Naples, Florida, June 18, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 1:30 P.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in Building "F" of the Covernment Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the "f'ollowing members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patricia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Annette Guevin, Deputy Clerk; Nail Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County Attorney; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Tom Olltff, Public Services Administrator; George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Tom Kuck, Transportation Capital Project Manager; Tom Conre¢ode, Capita/ Project Management Director; Sandra Taylor, Real Property Director; Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director; Capital Pro~ects Management Director; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director; Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources Director; Diane Brubaker, Administrative Services P/A Coordinator; Dan Pucher, Fleet Manager; Paul Brigham, Court Admin~atrator; Doug Mldgely, Public Defender; Sheriff Hunter, Cail "Addison and Crystal Blankenship, Sheriff's Office; Mike McNees, Budget i~i!: Director; and Ed Finn, Mike Smykowski and Jean Gansel, Budget .Analysts. Oi Page June 18, 1992 Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on 6/18/92, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi]ed with the Clerk, a workshop was conducted to review the 1992-93 tentative budget. Tape Mike Nct~eea, Budget Director, provided the Board with preliminary property t~ rates for Fiscal Year 1992-1993. ,'-Public Jean Gansel, Budget Analyst, presented the budget for the Public Defender Department. Doug Midgely, Public Defender, addressed the need for an addi- tlonal attorney and secretary. He said the request for 11 additional all-In-one accounts at a cost of $13,200 may be used towards a second attorney. ". Coun'tl,/Clrcu/i: Court Coots No. Ganeel noted a significant Increase lo being proposed in this ii.:,' budget, explaining the number of cases needing court appointed attorneys cannot be predicted. :ii,,~ Me. Ganael stated 17 additional all-in-one accounts are being ','requested at a coat of $20,400. She said that coot will be off set In i?'Pr°eecu'i°n fees, resulting in an increase of ,~ tn total appropriations. : Me. Gansel explained monies are placed In this fund from drug con- ii~:Vlctlon fines and are used for drug abuse programs. CT~I Justice Trust Fund Ma. Gansel said revenues tn this fund are .derived from court costs which are placed tn the general fund. She said approximately $225,000 will be transferred to the general fund to help offset State Attorney, Public Defender and Medical Examiner costs. ;U O(~)PIG£ 02 Page 2 June 18, 1992 , ' ',. Mike Smykowski, Budget Analyst, presented the Sheriff's proposed budgetl. He said there is an overall Increase of 4.3~, adding that ./ i/.four position transfers bring the total permanent positions up to 512. HI I&~d I 5~ lalar¥ Increase te proposed. He said the Sheriff's budget has also been Impacted by State mandated increases in retire- mint rates as well as increases tn Worker's Compensation charges, automobile insurance, copier costs and equipment rentals. He reported ji!'i,the Sheriff Ae proposing to expand total positions by 15, specifically /'one dispatcher, eight patrol deputies and six investigators. He i~.c&ted the capital axpenses required for these positions will be funded :'through the Law Enforcement Impact Fee, if enacted. /.:'?; Mr. Smykowskl noted a 1.4~ decrease in this budget. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Crystal Blankenshtp reported 100 bede ara under-occupied, and the Sheriff gains revenue from the federal government by offering those beds to federal prisoners. Sheriff Hunter added he is attempting to negotiate with the State government in offering beds, but the State is only housing prisoners for approximately 1§~ of their sentence and feels it is not worth their while to house prisoners through his department. A lengthy discussion ensued regarding the configuration of the Jail apace and the associated need for personnel to man the various areas because of the configuration. 911 ~e~wncF Phone System Mr. Smykoweki stated an additional technician position ts required due to the increase An the number of telephone access lines. He ~atd that position will be funded through available revenue. Conftoc&~ l~roperty Trust Fund Ms. ~lankenship said this budget will be expanded by four posi- :i' tions, which wXll be offset by avaXlable carry forward. She noted although this fund seems to be expanded, three of the positions are Page 3 June 18~ 1992 transferring out of the general fund account due to a change in the legislature which now allows youth related deputy aa/aries to be funded through this trust fund. :~"' Mr. Smykowski informed the Board that two Investigators and one '., data entry clerk are proposed to be added and funded by a Drug ~!i. Enforcement grant with a corresponding match from the Confiscated ..~/ Property Trust Fund. L~e En,fox'c:wment X~ct Fee Fund .' Mr. Smykowskt reiterated that vehicles, radios, and light bars for i!' the expanded law enforcement positions are proposed to be funded through the Law Enforcement Impact Fee. Sheriff Hunter explained if the impact fee ts not enacted, the capital costs for the expanded positions will be funded through lease purchase agreements and will not have an impact on the budget. COURT I~ELATEDA~I[CIES Court idainistration This item was delayed for the arrival of Judge Blackwell. Ms. Gansel noted two items in this budget are requested but not recommended. She said the first Item is $45,000 for a contract to work with indigent and Incapacitated persons, which will be offset with anticipated revenues. She Indicated the net cost of the program will be approximately $12,000. Judge Blackwell explained the need for the subject contract. He indicated new legislation permits the Courts to perform a guardianship service to treat Indigent and incapacitated persons at the Circuit level. He said most of the revenue needed can be raised by increasing filing fees, which must be done by the Board of County Commissioners through adoption of an ordinance. CounTy Manager Dorrtll stated he is not recommending this program because of the limited number of people to be served through a cost of 845,000. Page 4 June 18, 1992 Commissioner Goodnight suggested the Court Administrator work with the Social Services Director to coordinate this as a pilot program and rs-evaluate the need during next year's budget process. County Manager Dorrill proposed creating an expendable trust fund and prepare the ordinance necessary to increase the filing fees. He · said if the program is not successful through Social Services, he will return to the Board with alternatives. Judge Blackwell next addressed the second issue, the proposed reclassification of the Court Administrator position. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Paul Brigham, Court Administrator, stated his yearly compensation is $34,000 per year, while in comparable Counties, the salary range for his position is from SS,600 to $4,800 per month. County Manager Dorrill explained there have been no reclassifica- tion requests funded in more than two years. He said he cannot single out one position when he has 40 pending requests. It was the consensus to evaluate, through a survey of comparable positions, the reclassification of the Court Administrator. County Manager Dorrlll concurred, adding he will share the other 40 pending requests with the Board. He said for budgetary purposes this date, the reclassification should not be included and he will report back to the Board prior to the first budget public hearing. ~.;..AD~INX~RATIV~ SERVI6~S DMSION Edward Finn, Budget Analyst, noted the total appropriations tn this Division are down 1.2~ and total positions have decreased by ll.8X or eight positions. AdmJJ~ St'L'mt ion Mr. Finn stated this budget has Increased by 2.8~. :.,-~Purchash~D~part~ent Mr. Finn indicated this department has been reduced by two poet- ' ttone as part of the reorganization program. He said net expenditures Page 5 June 18, 1992 down 8.9~. Co~miaeloner Haase inquired if the elimination of the small stores function has proved cost effective? Steve Cmrnell, Purchasing Director, responded tn his opinion, his ~"?'department may be beyond what it can handle. He said small stores has been contrasted out to Marco Office Supply who will sell goods to the County and provide a portion of the delivery service directly to the departments. He indicated in that regard, he will be able to maintain service to ~he departments without a significant detrimental effect. He asked the Board to consider, however, that their workload is 'currently running 30-40% ahead of FY 92 due to purchasing policy changes the Board undertook last year with regard to lowering the field purchase order limit and putting more emphasis on centralized contracting. He concluded the County is buying more efficiently, but his department has fewer people to handle many more centralized tran- sactions. see Commissioner Volp~ left th~ ~ttng at thIm tls~ see F~ctlltiu :~!'.[ Nr. Finn noted this department has been reduced by three posi- tions. He said one expanded request has been received for $12,000 for Janitorial services for the North Naples and Golden Gate Library expansion projects. Real Proper~y Oeneral Fund Mr. Finn commented there has been one position elimination from this department. He said two expanded requests were not recommended by the County Manager, which are $26,000 to provide regular lawn main- tenance and $29,O00 for on-site management, both at the Immokalee Cemetery. Sandy Taylor, Real Property Director, provided photographs depicting the situation at the Immokalee Cemetery. Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, reported the Fund 301 budget contains funding for security fencing around the cemetery which will abate some of the vandalism. Page 6 June ~8, ~992 Hr. Finn indicated the 14~ decrease in thte budget is primarily due to the elimination of two Human Resource Analyst positions. Mr. Ochs explained a handout outlining pay plan recommendations for FY 93 and providing Options A, B and C which indicate the cost at various levels to maintain the competitiveness of the plan relative to the marketplace. He said the tentative budget includes a 4% increase in personal services appropriation which can be accomplished with Option B. · Mr. Ochs provided the Board with the results of a local survey whioh compares Collier County with seven large local firms in the ares Of group medical benefits. He proposed that the dependent care employee contribution level be raised to $65 per month as of October · (? Mr. Finn highlighted the reasons for the 11.9~ decrease tn this budget. Mr. Ochs provided the Board with a comparison overview of Fleet Management as a County Department as opposed to outside vendor perfor- mance. He ~aid expenditures are approximately 19% below those of the prior County Manager Dorrill noted consolidation of many areas con- cerning the County's motor pool, including Joint ventures with the School Board and the City of Naples, have resulted in a $600,000 i~:.reduction in expenditures. Mr. Finn explained this budget reflects completion of the dredging operation of Wiggins Pass. He said the forecast In current service shows & detailed inlet management study which will be funded by a ,msttlsmmnt with the previous dredging contractor. Page 7 June 18, 1992 Mr. Smykowskl gave a summary of Facilities Construction Capital ~-.%. .;i/' projects proposed and rejected for funding tn FY 93. Ta~ ~3 (4~) PUBLXO B~I17XC~S Mr. Smykowski noted four projects are proposed for funding from the Museum Capital Fund, totaling $368,600. Commissioner Shanahan pointed out the Robert's Ranch project has been delayed at Board direction, resulting in a savings of $65,000. ~t~r~ I~s~nt County Manager 9orrtll explained the water management Improvements proposed for FY 93, specifically the CREW Trust Mitigation Banking project. Commissioner Shanahan mentioned having received complaints about the physical condition of the Marco Island Library. Tom Olllff, Public Services Administrator, commented that facility Is more seasonal than most and is in need of space during that time of year. He stated expansion of the building has been deferred until there ia a more favorable balance in the general fund. P~k~ ~ndR~c~a&tton Mr. Smykowekt reported the principle projects In the Parks Construction Fund are Community Parks Phase II. He said $80,000 has been budgeted at each Community Park site for children's play areas and basketball courts. He Indicated $83i,000 has been budgeted for boat ramp projects, the Immokalee Middle School has been scheduled for rehabilitation at $200,000 and Clam Pass Boardwalk construction will cost $70,000. He noted the $1.3-mtllton incurred to build the three Community Centers has been deferred due to the failure to sell the Bluebill property, which was p/edged for repayment of that debt. Page 8 June 18, 1992 meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: Mr. Olltff advised the Board that the subject districts deal with funds remaining tn impact fee districts which have now been combined into one urban Impact fee district. He said It Is necessary to spend down the reserve left in each of these funds. Mr. Smykowski listed the various projects to be funded from Impact Districts 1-7. He also delineated those projects being funded through the Regional Parks County-wide Fund. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the 5:15 P.M. Page 9