BCC Minutes 09/23/1992 B Naples, Florida, September 23, 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that tha Board of County Comu~lsaloners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting aa the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 5:0§ P.M. in FINAL BUDGET SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following mesbers present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Burr L. Saunders Max A. Hasse, Jr. Patricia A. Goodnight ALSO PRESENT: Debby Farrls, Deputy Clerk; Jim Gl/es, Clerk of Courts; Nell Dorrlll, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; Oeorge Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Devaloplent Services Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Ssrvlcas Administrator; Tom Olllff, Public Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, idllntstratlve Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Otlllttea Administrator; Ken Baglnaki, Planning Services Manager; Tom Conrecode. Office of Capital Projects Management Director; Bob Fahey, Solid Waste Director; Dave Pettrow, Development Services Director; Ken Plneau, Acting Emergency Services Administrator; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Oreo ': Mlhalic, Affordable Housing Director; Dick Clark, Code Enforcement Supervisor; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Mike Smykoweki, Robert Byrne, Edward Finn, and Jean Gansel, Budget Analysts; Herb Luntz, Co~ueuntcattona Manager; Pat Hantftn, Data Processing Director; Sue '~ Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; Crystal Klnzel of the ~.. Sheriff's Office; and Lieutenant Byron Tomllnson, Sheriff's Office. September 23, 1992 FISCA.~ ~ [092-93 TKHTATZVE B[TDGET Legal notice having been published ~n the Naples Daily News on September 20, 1992, as evidenced by Affidav~t of Pub]~cat~on f~led w~th the Clerk, public hearing was opened to consider the 1992-93 Tentative Budget. Comu~ee~oner Volpe announced that tonight ~s the f~nal hearing on the budget for Fiscal Year 1992-93. During h~s wa[~-th~ough of the changes w~ch have occu~ed as a result of the Boa~d of County Co~ss~onerst actions of two weeks ago, Budget D~Fecto~ HcNee8 conf~ed that page A-1 of the agenda package reflects the proposed mil/age rates for all County ad valorem funds. He pointed out that ~he county-wide m~]lage rate being proposed ~onlgh~ ts 3.8936, which ~s 6.4~ below the rollback rate of two weeks ago. Referring to page A-3, he pointed out that the aggregate m~llage rate, ~.e. the ra~e which ~ncludes all special districts, lighting dlstr~cts and Improvements dtstr~cte as well as the County-wide funds, is 4.5780, which reflects a 5.8~ decrease. He advised that pages A-4 and A-5 provide a summary of county employee information per the changes made wl~hin the last few days as well as provide updated popu- lation statistics and employees to perm~ent population ~nformatlon. He disclosed that the budget has been built around a number of changes, one of which was the d~rectlon of the Board of County Co~ssloners to cu~ ~he budgeted salary Increase percentage from 3.25 to 2.25~, resulting In the County Manager's reco~endatlon to admi- nister the ~ncrease through his agency on a lump sum basis with each employee scheduled to receive a lump sum bonus of $780.00 as opposed to a pay Increase. He concluded tha~ ~n funds such as Road and Bridge, where the average employee makes less than $25,000.00, an across-the-board increase of $780.00 will, percentage-w~se, be more th~ It would have been had the 3.5~ been applied ~o ~he lower salary as originally proposed and, thus, ~he pay ra~ses w~ll be sh~fted from the higher salaried people to the lower salaried people wh~le ~ncreas~ng the budgets of those particular funds. Referring to page Page 2 September 23, 1992 B-l, he advised that the net savings tn all funds of the County Managerts Agency will be $296,674.00. Pursuant to the request that County Manager Dorrlll review his agency for potential positions which could be eliminated, Budget Director McNees confirmed that ten positions have been identified and are at this time recommended for elimination from the budget, the funds for which are identified on page B-1. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether the number of vacancies pro- posed to be cut is actually ZO or 11, to which Budget Director McNees answered that l0 positions are proposed to be cut with an additional grant-funded position slated for elimination but, without net dollar savings to the county, is not reflected on page B-1. Commissioner Goodnight initiated discussion of the proposed elimi- nation of five positions in the EMS Department, during which time Acting Emergency Services Administrator Pineau stated that, as growth appears to be An the North Naples area, staff has therefore been studying a site somewhat north of C.R. 951 and S.R. 646 for the next emergency services station. County Manager Dorrill questioned whether the other agency mana- gers' salary budgets have been adjusted as reflected An the Manager's budget and Budget Director McNees responded they have not. Jim GAles, Clerk of Courts, interjected he has previously informed Budget Analyst Gansel he will work with the Board of County Commissioners to mirror what ts adopted tonight for the County Managerts Agency in salary increases. Crystal KAnzel confirmed the Shsriff~s Office will also adopt wha- tever policy the Board of County Commissioners sets tonight in the way of salary increases. FoLlowing brief discussion, ~t was the consensus that Commissioner Yelps contact the remaining Const~tutional Officers, both tn writing and personally, to inform them of the Board of County Commissioners! intent to see that they conform their budgets to reflect the position taken tonight. September 23, 1992 In response to Commissioner Volpe, Budget Director McNees suggested that the resultant savings, totalling approximately $100,000-$150,000, realized from the combination of these agencies be placed Into reserves by Amendment at a time when an exact number can be calculated. Budget Director McNees explained pages B-2 and B-3 represent Transportation Services Director Archibald's recommendation for Iden- tified transportation projects, He relayed staff's recommendation to defer those projects Identified as "l" and "2" but fund the "3" and "4" projects from the ad valorem capital fund, estimating such action will cut 1.74 million doilars from the ad vaIorem tax roi1. He advised this ts the assumption on which the budget has been built. Following brief discussion, Commissioner Volpe concluded the Batter currently facing the Board of County Commissioners ts whether or not to make a determination that the identified transportation pro- Jects should be funded from Fund 301, I.e. the ! mill capital Improve- ment fund. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether it ts fair to say that Fund 30! has never been used for such a purpose, and County Manager Dorrtll answered tn the affirmative. The following persons spoke to the Issue of using monies from Fund 301 for Identified transportation projects: Brad Estes (1496) Scott LePers (1545) C~l~imeto~tr Volp~ ~ov~d, seconded b~ Co-~leelon~r Shanahan an~ carried 5/0, to make a one time policy decision to fund this portion of t~l project using the I mill capital improvement levy. Pursuant to a request of the Board of County Commissioners made at the previous Budget Hearing, Crystal Ktnzel of the Sheriff's Office distributed an itemized response to the comments made by John LePers regarding the Sheriff's budget, and proceeded to briefly summarize its contents. She also distributed a copy of .a Memorandua free Sheriff Hunter to Commissioner Volpe dated September 22, 1992 regarding the contractual arrangement for legal services provided to the Sheriff's Page 4 September 23, 1992 Office. (l~) Ed Scheerer read a statement from Frances Barsh regarding the David Lawrence Center. {2223) On behalf of himself, Mr. Scheerer posed questions regarding the David Lawrence Center. (2S75) David Schi~el gave a synopsis of the functions of the David Lawrence Center as well as its fundraising efforts and budget. (Sl2&) John LePore comaented on the written responses furnished by the Sheriff's Office to his previously posed questions concerning the budget. During his discussion regarding the helicopter which was pre- viously approved for the Sheriff's budget last Fiscal Year, Couleeloner Volpe pointed out he had voted tn opposition to same. (~42~} Arthur R. Lee distributed a Fact Sheet detailing his con- terns regarding the Inability of the Historic Preservation Board to fulfill the duties it is charged with under Ordinance 91-70, and suggested ways to assist In coepllance. T~pe ~t (O247) A. T. Felaberg endorsed the couents ~ade by Mr. Lee. He made a request for cooperation of staff and the Board of County Co~lssionere tn order to prepare the matter being addressed by the Historic Preservation Board, Including the map identifying highest areas of archaeological significance, for presentation to the public. (0598) John Douglas spoke to the issue of the preservation of historic and archaeological resources. (0444) Scott LePore distributed a handout reflecting his ~uggssttons for ways to affect budgetary savings in 1993, and expressed his views on the population estimates as well as employee- to-population ratio. He Identified points of Information extracted from the Greater Naples CIvic Association Report which he deemed to be of importance, and expressed his views on funding of roads with ad valorem tax dollars. (0~99) Wayne House extended an offer from the Southwest Florida Archaeological Society to assist the Collier County Historic Page 5 September ~3, 1992 Preservation Board in performing the duties It has been charged with. (0?49) Emily Maggto questioned the status of the MSTU for the Wiggins Pass dredging and expressed her views on the County's par- ticipation in the City's Beach Parking Program. (OP~S) Vicki C. Vaughn, upon distributing handouts which included a proposed maintenance budget projection, requested scaled a/location of necessary resources for projects which include U.S. 4! North from Laurel Oak Drive to Gulf Park Drive, portions of Bayshore Drive, and U. S. 41 South from Airport Road to S.R. 915. She discussed the allo- cations of the Collier County Transportation Division, and conveyed a request that the Board of County Commissioners reintroduce Its pre- vious commltmen~ for the maintenance on U.S. 4! North. Commissioner Saundere voiced support of the request for funding to maintain the new median, totalling $38,000, but asked that staff work with Ma. Vaughn to assess ways to reduce the County's obligation for maintenance of these medians, such as implementation of an "Adopt A Median" Program. During brief discussion, Commissioner Volpe questioned whether Ms. Vaughn ia satisfied that she has a commitment for $?,000 tn order to secure grant monies which the contractor needs to move forward with construction of the Bayahore project, and she answered in the affir- mative. He concluded there appears to be consensus among the Board of County Commissioners that commitment has been made to median beautifi- cation within the funds that are available for that purpose. County Manager DorrIll hypothesized that, if Pelican Bay can have their design completed and approved by December, and, if the project can be permitted by the State and constructed by May or June, he will be the first one to advise that a supplemental budget request ts needed for three months' worth of maintenance. Commissioner Volpe reiterated there is a need for a long-term funding mechanism for maintaining medians. {l~O0} Wilma Ferguson commented on the Sheriff's budget. (1Tl~) Fred Tarrant concurred with many of the points mentioned in Page 6 September 23, 1992 the letter read on Frances Barsh's behalf and with comments made by Ed Scheerer, David Schimmel, Scott LePore and John LePore. Upon announcement by Commissioner Saunders that a letter has been received from the State Attorney's Office requesting funding of a full-time Juvenile delinquency position in Collier County and the wit- ness coordinating office, Court Administrator Brigham communicated his understanding that early on in the budget process the Board of County Commissioners determined that a half-time position will be allowed for the Witness Management Department with the opportunity to revisit the issue later on. He reiterated the request for expansion to a full- time position. Commissioner Saunders stated he has no objection to increasing the position based on Mr. Brigham's comments. Commissioner Saunders pointed out that the Board of County Commissioners' salary Increase is 2.98~, which amounts to $1,047.00 and Is $267.00 over the proposed salary increase for County employees. Re reminded the Board of County Commissioners that, although for a preceding year but reflected in paychecks for Fiscal Year 1992/93, the County Manager was given a 4~ salary increase. He suggested such actions appear somewhat inconsistent with raising salary at a level of $780 for the 1,000+ County employees, and brief discussion ensued. Upon Commissioner Volpe reiterating Emily Maggio's request for an explallation as to why staff continues to maintain the MSTU for Wiggins Pass, County Manager Dorrill replied It is necessary that he consult with the County Attorney's Office to verify whether an Ordinance has been prepared to abolish the district. Regarding Emily Maggio's reference to the County's participation In the City's Beach Parking Program, Commissioner Volpe stated the issue has been debated each year. In reply to Commissioner Volpe, County Manager Dorrtll advised there Is a termination clause in the contract but, unless it is changed, the agreement ts a three year agreement and will run through 1995-96. Page ? September 23, 1992 Co.missioner Volpe concluded It would be unfair to take action regarding the matter of participation tn the City's Beach Parking Progra~ in the context of this Budget Hearing, and suggested the matter should be revisited at a later time. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Crystal Ktnzel of the Sheriff's Office explained that Attachment "B" of the hereinabove referred to handout Inventories the Department's vehicles and attempts to identify civilian, certified, marked, etc. She pointed out that 230 is basi- cally the number of deputies which are on routine patrol and that the Sheriff's Department has 406 vehicles. She stated a sumu~ary of the Modified Indianapolis Take Home Plan ts Included in the handout she distributed earlier in the meeting. Brief discussion ensued regarding reduction in the Sheriff's budget to $38,000,000.00. In response to Commissioner Volpe questioning what the average resident tn Collier County with a home valued at $100,000 and a $25,000 homestead exemption could realistically expect to pay in taxes, Budget Director MoNees answered $292.00. In response to Commissioner Hasse, Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board, advised the a~ount reflected in the travel budget Is $12,500, which represents $2,500 per commissioner, with an aggregate of $2,000 reflected In the mileage budget. Com~tssioner Hasse suggested reducing the travel budget to approximately 81,000 per commissioner and eliminating the mileage allocations completely, and the consensus was to comply with his suggestion. Upon Commissioner Shanahan pointing out the need to revisit the issue regarding expansion of the position with the Juvenile delinquency and witness coordinating office to full-time, it was the consensus to leave the position as currently funded and perhaps revi- sit the matter at a later date, If the opportunity presents itself. John LePore attempted to further clarify his earlier comments about the Sheriff's budget and, In so doing, referenced the Sheriff's Page 8 September 23, 1992 */RD (Youth Relations Deputy) Prograa which, in turn, elicited a brief explmnmtlon of the Progrmm and the advantagea of Ira existence from Lieutenant Byron Tomlineon, of the Sheriff's Department. R~SOLUTION 92-526 AMENDING FY 92/93 TENTATIVE BUDGET - ADOPTED Commlmmlon~r Shanahan ~oved, eeconded I~ Cow-teetoner Saunders ~d c~t~ 8/0, to ~d the ~ 1992-93 Tentatl~ ~t, there~ ~t~ ~/utt~ 92-526. Budget Director HcNees advised the Board that the ~tleage budget has prevlousl~ been cut by $500 with only $1,500 re~tntng ~d that staff will cut out that a~ount as well. Page 9 September 23, 1992 iil; II~SOT,~VTIO~ ~2-~27 ~I>OFI~I~O i,~ 92/93 NILr~O~ ~h~r~s - AI~OI'TgD Pureuant to Florida Statute, Budget Director McNees read verbatim the proposed Resolution Adopting the FY 1992-93 Millage Rates to be Levied and the accompanying List of ldlllage Rates. Ces~imio~er Shanahan ~, ~o~ ~ ~t~ 5/0, to ~pt t~ ~ 1992-93 Mlll~ ~tes to t~ ~tl~ ~lutlon 92-527. Page 10 September 23. ~992 RgS0~I;T~011 92-5~8 ADOFT. XIG l,f g2/g3 FXIEAL SO]:X:r~f - COll/l~tonwr Shlnlhan loved, teconded b~ Co~laalonar Goodalght and carried ~/0, to approve the budget b~ fund tnd adopt the N 1992-95 Ftna! ~zdget, therat~ mdopt/ng Reaolutton 92-528. Budget D/rector McNeee reported noticing that a port/on of page 0-2 ia mlaatng and, therefore, he presented a complete copy of same for the record. Page 11 September 23, ~992 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 8:10 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS · ATTESTI"~' · ~ ..' · .,.-~. ~ , .' ~ '..'., ,..~ / ..;' ~ · ~e pr.k~hted..~ ' or as corrected · Page 12