Minutes 06/17/2011Please find enclosed the signed minutes for the 6 -17 -11 Horizon Oversight Committee along with the signed resolution 09 -38, which created the ad -hoc committee. Please contact me at 252- 6819 if you have any questions. Thank -you, Mike Bosi, Staff Liaison to the Oversight Committee. !�� NOV i 7 2011 BY: ..................... ** Fiala _ Hiller Henning --\,x! Coyle Coletta ✓ Misc. Corres: Date: II10 Z, Item : (U =2 Iq C ^Hies to: Horizon Study Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes June 17, 2011 9:08 A.M. Meeting Called to order. 9:12 Roll Call, Eckhardt, Humphries, Testers present. 9:15 Approval of Agenda motion by Pat Humphries 9:17 Mark Teaters was appointed Chair motion by Pat Humphries 9:18 Eckhardt pointed out that the Committee was a non jurisdictional committee and not fully subject to sunshine laws 9:20 Chair wanted the minutes from April 8t' meeting clarified to note that the Committee did not authorize the former Chair to discuss presentation with individual Commissioners. 9:30 Discussion centered on question of whether members e-mail accounts were subject to public records request. 9:35 Committee requested clarification from the County Attorney's office regarding the Committee and the Sunshine Laws 9:39 Motion to modify the minutes to reflect the direction to former chair was to discuss the expansion of the CIGM with the County Manager and Administrators, but not Commissioners. The motion passed unanimously 9:42 Staff liaison Bosi indicated that he need to come away from the meeting with the specific concerns expressed by Chair in the e-mail read into the record at the May 20 Public Hearing � regarding the retraction of the support the CIGM expansion. 9:45 Chair explained that Jim Flanagan had questions, but he could not make it to today's meeting. The Chair clarified that no political motivations behind withdraw of support of the expansion of the CIGM_ The Chair then explained that it was the actions of the former Chair that created to issue. Members of the community were present in the meeting of Commissioner Hiller and Chairman McDaniel and in that meeting; Mr. Testers indicated that misrepresentations were made regarding the CIGM and that created the questions which motivated the change in support for the expansion of the CIGM. 9:55 Eckhardt spoke about the characteristics of Growth Models and gave an example and gave an example of floor areas and what they would show compared against reality. It was clarified that vacancy rate was not a major component of the CIGM. 10:00 Eckhardt clarified that the Committee wasn't just about the Golden Gate Estates. 10: 14 Jack Sullivan, member of the public felt the CIGM was used inappropriately in regard to a specific GMP amendment and felt that wasn't the specific purpose of the CIGM 10:17 Staff clarified that the only output of the CIGM was dwelling units and the population associated with those units. 10:20 Discussion of Growth Modeling and how it takes the long term perspective. 10:25 Discussion on the market area analysis of the GMP analysis the role of the CIGM within that analysis and the relationship between long range planning and short term projects. 10:30 Commercial vacancy rates for the County discussed in detail. 10:35 Humpries felt there was no need for more commercial square footage due to oversupply in market. 10:40 Jack Sullivan pointed out that the CIGM did not support the two applications for commercial in Golden Gate Estates. 10:45 Michael Ramsey of the public in attendance felt the Committee was way off base from purpose of creation. Felt that the CIGM has a business bias and only use population as the factor in demand, but left out other important components. The Model is silent to natural resources limitation and that the Committee has missed opportunities to offer input on important issues contemplated by the Phase Two Committee and accepted as position points. 10:45 Humphries read written statement relating to CIGM and the Golden Gate Estates. Included as scanned attachment to these minutes. 10: 50 Chair pointed out that the CIGM leaves out greenspace and that other factors need to be considered regarding applications that the CIGM does not contemplate. Also CIGM based upon urban standards. 10:54 Chair would like to see stricter guidelines for how the CIGM is utilized within the County. 10:58 Discussion centered upon what's best for the citizens, is not considered by the CIGM. 11:00 Ramsey pointed out that the Golden Gate Estates aren't protected like individual developments 11:04 Discussion centered upon the CIGM was being claimed to do much more than simply project population by the development community. 11:07 Discussion concerning that the BCC may not understand the limitations of the CIGM based upon claims made by individuals as to what it does. 11:10 Discussion upon how the State and the federal agencies do not provide the protection the Estates that should be afforded. 11:15 Staff provided a summarization of the concerns over the CIGM that were expressed during the meeting: 1. The role of the vacancy rate in the CIGM. 2. Incorrect representations of exactly what the CIGM does and what it doesn't do. 3. That the benchmarks or standards in the CIGM are based upon Urban standards and doesn't fit the rural areas of the County. 4. No guidelines for how the BCC was to utilize the CIGM 5. The CIGM only considers population and felt that this limitation is not fully understood and misrepresented by certain parties. 11:20 Motion to have staff summarize the motion and send to Committee for their approval 11:25 Motion to adjoum was passed unanimously. Mark Tea ers, Chairman, Horizon Oversight Committee Date RESOLUTION 2009- 38 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, TO ESTABLISH THE HORIZON STUDY OVERSIGHT COMMITTEE AS AN AD -HOC COMMITTEE; PROVIDING FOR CREATION AND PURPOSE; PROVIDING FOR TERMS, APPOINTMENT OF MEMBERS AND FAILURE TO ATTEND MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR OFFICERS, QUORUM, AND COMPENSATION; PROVIDING FUNCTIONS, POWERS AND DUTIES, AND PROVIDING FOR DISSOLUTION OF THE COMMITTEE. WHEREAS, on January 13, 2009, the Board of County Commissioners reviewed the Collier County East of County Road 951 Infrastructure and Services Horizon Study and directed staff to act upon the contained recommendations; and WHEREAS, one of the recommendations approved by the Board was the establishment of an ad -hoc oversight committee to ensure for the utilization and updating of the Collier Inter- Active Growth Model (CIGM) and to prioritize the position points established within the Study during the public participation phase; and WHEREAS, the Board desires to establish an ad -hoc oversight committee to ensure the Horizon study is acted upon. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that: SECTION ONE: Creation and Purpose of the Horizon Study Oversight Committee. Pursuant to the provisions of Collier County Ordinance No. 2001 -55, as amended, the Board of County Commissioners (Board) hereby establishes the Horizon Study Oversight Committee (Committee) as an ad -hoc committee to assist the Board in maintaining the CIGM as an appropriate additional planning tool and ensuring that the position points identified in the East of County Road 951 Infrastructure and Services Horizon Study are appropriately acted upon. Page 1 of 3 SECTION TWO: Terms of Office, Appointment of Members; Failure to Attend Meetings. The Oversight Committee is hereby created as an ad -hoc Committee for a period to expire three years from the effective date of the resolution appointing its members. Membership of the Committee shall be sought and appointed in accordance with Collier County Ordinance No. 2001 -55, as it may be amended or by its successor ordinance, and shall serve the full three year term. The Committee shall be comprised of three (3) members and one (1) alternative member, and shall represent the citizens, business owners and property owners within the Study area. The members shall serve at the pleasure of the Board. The County Manager shall select a staff liaison to attend the Committee meetings and assist the Committee. If any member of the Committee is absent from two (2) or more consecutive meetings without a satisfactory excuse, such member's position may be declared vacant by the Board as prescribed by Collier County Ordinance No. 2001 -55, as it may be amended or by its successor ordinance. SECTION THREE: Officers, Quorum; and Compensation. At the Committee's first meeting, the membership shall elect a Chair and Vice - Chair. The presence of a majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall adopt rules and procedures for the transaction of business and shall keep the records of meetings, findings and determinations. The members of the Committee shall serve without compensation, but may be reimbursed for travel, mileage and/or per diem expenses only if approved in advance by the Board. SECTION FOUR: Functions, Powers, and Duties of the Committee. The functions, powers, and duties of this Committee shall be to further the goals of the East of County Road 951 Infrastructure and Services Horizon Study. This may include the following: 1) Providing for the prioritizing of position points established within the Collier County East of County Road 951 Infrastructure and Services Horizon Study. Page 2 of 3 2) Ensuring that the position points and areas of concern expressed by the public are acted upon by general purpose County government in a logical and timely manner. 3) Providing for the monitoring of the annual updating of the Collier Inter - Active Growth Model. 4) Providing for recommendations upon the appropriate and beneficial utilization of the Growth Model as a supplemental planning tool, as well as identify areas for the potential additional areas of application. All meetings shall be open to the public and shall be governed by the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law. All meetings shall be held after reasonable public notice is provided as to the location, time, and subject matter of the meetings. SECTION FIVE: Dissolution of Committee. At the conclusion of three years from the effective date of the resolution appointing the committee members, the Committee's services shall be dissolved; however if the Board, by resolution, extends the term of the Committee, dissolution shall occur at the end of the extended term. This Resolution adopted after motion, second, and majority vote, this day of ;�bryari 312009. DWIGHT E. BROCK, CLERK , ylal too. A est u y Clerk .. 0 gaature oA A0proved as 46. foTm and 1`egal suffciehcy: Steven T. Williams Assistant County Attorney BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY FLORIDA By: DONANA FIALA, CHAIRMAN Page 3 of 3