CAC Minutes 10/13/2011 RRECEIVED October 13, 2011 NOV 10 2011 'soard of county Commissioners MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Naples, Florida, October 13, 2011 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business Herein, met on this date at 1:00 P.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F," 3rd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE CHAIRMAN: Fiala V/ Hiller Henning Coyle Coletta L John Sorey, III Anthony Pires Randolph Moity Jim Burke Murray Hendel Robert Raymond (Excused) Joseph A. Moreland Victor Rios Wayne Waldack ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Director, Coastal Zone Management Colleen Greene, Assistant County Attorney Gail Hambright, Accountant Misc. Corres: Dr. Michael Bauer, City of Naples rJge: ' 1I Cj It Z l*n*%;-aZ2Wr3 1 Copies to: COAST AL ADVISORY COMMITTEE (CAC) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CHAMBERS THIRD FLOOR, COLLIER COUNTY GOVERNlVIENT CENTER 3299 TAMIAMI TRAIL EAST, NAPLES OCTOBER 13,2011 -Sunshine Law on Agenda Questions -PUBLIC NOTICE l. Call to Order ll. Pledge of Allegiance Ill. Roll Call IV. Cbanges and Approval of Agenda V.Public Comments VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. September 8. 2011 Vll. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report 2. Proiect Cost Report 3. Clam Bay Markers 4. Long Range Funding Requests 5. Beach Easement ~ Verbal Report Only 6. Dune Restoration Report 7. FEMA Time Extension Requests - TropicalStorm Fay 8. Category "A" Ordinance Changes - VerbalReport Only VIII. New Business 1. Clam Pass W aterQualitv Presentation - Time Certain I :I5-2:30pm a. Backup Material b, Backup Material 2. Engineering Approval Marco South Renourishment a. Backup Material 3. Conceptual Design Presentation - Barefoot/Vanderbilt; Clam Pass/Park Shore; Naples Beaches a. Presentation b. Backup Material- Including Technical Memo Dated 8/31/11 IX. Old Business 1. \Viggin's Pass Channel Straightening ProjectDiscussion 2. Potential Project Deferrals Discussion X. Announcements XI. Committee Member Discussion xu. Next Meeting Date/Location November 10, 2011 Government Center, 3rd Floor XIll. Adjournment All interested parties are invited to attend, and to register to speak andto submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D.Hambright at (239) 252-2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Ple.ase contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department10cated at 3301 East Tamianli Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252-8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99-22 requiresthat.alllobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities (including, but not limitedto, addressing the Board of COlmty Commissioners) before the Board of County Commissioners and its advisory boards, register wi th the Clerk to the Boardatthe Board Minutes and Records Department. October 13, 2011 Any persons in need of the verbatim record of the meeting may request a copy of the video recording from the Collier County Communications and Customer Relations Department or view online. I. Call to Order Chairman Sorey called the meeting to order at 1:00 P.M. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda Mr. Waldack moved to approve the Agenda. Second by Mr. Burke. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. V. Public Comments Speaker Linda Roth, Pelican Bay Resident VI. Approval of CAC Minutes 1. September 8, 2011 Mr. Pires moved to approve the minutes of the September 8, 2011 meeting subject to the following change: • Page 5, Item VII.5a. - delete language mistakenly referencing the Executive Summary for Item VIIA and replace with the language: Gary McAlpin submitted the documents "Dissolved Oxygen Site Specific Alternative Criteria Development DRAFT INTERIM REPORT" prepared by Cardno Entrix " and "Collier County: Numeric Nutrient Criteria Clam Bay, Development of Site - Specific Alternative Water Quality Criteria July 2011 Draft " prepared by Atkins and "Standards and Assessment Section Comments on Collier County: Numeric Nutrient Criteria Clam Bay- Development of Site - Specific Alternative Water Quality Criteria (Atkins July 2011 Draft), " (a response from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection). Second by Mr. Hendel. Carried unanimously 7 — 0. VII. Staff Reports 1. Expanded Revenue Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "Tourist Tax Revenue Report — FY 2010 — 2011 " updated through September 2011. 2. Project Cost Report — Gary McAlpin The Committee reviewed the "FY 201112012 TDC Category "A: Beach Maintenance Projects" updated through October 3, 2011. 2 October 13, 2011 Mr. Rios arrived at 1:11 p. m. 3. Clam Bay Markers Gary McAlpin provided an update and submitted the following documents for information purposes: • Email from Pamela Keyes, Environmental Specialist, Coastal Zone Management to Gary McAlpin — Subject: Clam Bay Markers dated September 23, 2011. • Letter from Ryan Moreau, Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission to Gary McAlpin dated September 9, 2011 — Re: Permittee Collier County, Permit #11 -020 Clam Pass /Bay Canoe and Information Markers — Collier County. Speaker Ted Raia, Pelican Bay Resident 4. Long Range Funding Requests Gary McAlpin submitted copies of 3 letters from Vincent George, Project Manager, Florida Department of Environmental Protection — "Subject: Collier County Beach Renourishment; "Subject: Wiggin's Pass IMP Study" and "Subject: Marco Island Beach Renourishment" all dated September 19, 2010 and copies of related "FY 201212013 Local Government Requests for Collier County Beach Renourishment, Wiggin's Pass IMP Study and Marco Island Beach Renourishment" for informational purposes. 5. Beach Easement - Verbal Report Only Gary McAlpin reported a proposed easement for public access to those areas renourished with public funds landward of the erosion control line was considered by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The BCC chose not to pursue the easements and elected to complete the renourishment project utilizing conventional construction easements. 6. Dune Restoration Report Gary McAlpin submitted a copy of a letter from Earth Balance to Pamela Keyes, Environmental Specialist "Re: Collier County Dune Restoration — Sea Oat Monitoring — September 2011 Monitoring Event" and backup report for informational purposes. 7. FEMA Time Extension Requests - Tropical Storm Fay Gary McAlpin submitted a copy of his memo to Robert Seibert dated 9/30/2011 "Re: TS FAY — DR] 785" outlining the rationale for a proposed request for an extension of time to complete the permitting and beach renourishment for the beach damage caused by Tropical Storm Fay. 8. Category "A" Ordinance Changes - Verbal Report Only Gary McAlpin reported the Tourist Development Council has recommended the Board of County Commissioners consider a change in the Tourist Development Council Ordinance in the area of Administrative Costs. VIII. New Business 1. Clam Pass Water Quality Presentation -Time Certain 1:15 -2: 30 p. m. a. Backup Material 3 October 13, 2011 Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Review and recommend for approval the Clam Bay Water Quality studies conducted by Atkins and Cardno Entrix for Collier County and the Pelican Bay Foundation " dated October 13, 2011 and related backup material as follows: 1. Collier County: Numeric Nutrient Criteria for the Clam Bay - Development of Site - Specific Alternative Water Quality Criteria - Atkins 2. Dissolved Oxygen Site Specific Alternative Criteria Development — Cardno Extrix 3. Email Russ Frydenborg to David Tomasko dated 917111 4. Technical Note — Project: Clam Bay Numeric Criteria prepared by David A. Tomasko, PhD and Emily Keenan, MS of Atkins dated August 31, 2011. He requested the Committee approve the 4 documents following the following presentations: David Tomasko, Atkins - overview of his studies on the water quality of Clam Bay (document # 1). Doug Durbin, Cardno Entrix - overview of his report on dissolved oxygen site specific criteria (document #2). Speakers Linda Roth, Pelican Bay Resident submitted the document "CAC Meeting — 10/31/11 — Re: Clam Bay Water Quality NNC" for review by the Committee. Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida submitted a document commenting on the proposed Atkins Report to the Committee and staff for review and comment. Marcia Cravens, Pelican Bay Resident, Sierra Club Break: 3:18 p. m. Reconvened: 3:23 p. m. The Committee noted the Reports, as currently exist are comprehensive, but not cohesive with conclusions and recommendations. In order to facilitate actions /comments that may be requested of any party, they requested the documents be reviewed and submitted with an Executive Summary citing the recommended water quality criteria and a self inclusive report(s) with timelines, conclusions, recommendations and backup material as necessary. 2. Engineering Approval Marco South Renourishment a. Backup Material Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary (ES) "Recommendation to award two Work Orders totaling $146, 000 to Coastal Engineering Consultants for the design and permitting required to obtaining a FDEP permit for the Marco South Beach renourishment project along with modifications to the existing USACE permit" dated October 13, 2011 and related backup material. The Work Orders incorporated 7 tasks in total as identified in the ES. He noted staff is now requesting approvals of only 3 tasks: Task #1— JCP Permit Application (FDEP) in the amount of $20, 000.00 and Task 2 - USA CE Permit Modification Letter in the amount of $7, 000.00 and Task 3 - Permit Processing in the amount of $62, 000. 00 for a total of $89, 000.00. Ll October 13, 2011 Mr. Moity moved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve Work Orders totaling $89,000.00 (eighty -nine thousand dollars) to Coastal Engineering Consultants for the permitting required to obtain a FDEP permit for the Marco South Beach renourishment project along with modifications to the existing IISACE permit as indicated by Staff above. Second by Mr. Rios. Motion carried 7 "yes" — I "no. " Mr. Pires voted "no. " 3. Conceptual Design Presentation - BarefootNanderbilt; Clam Pass/Park Shore; Naples Beaches a. Presentation Steve Keehn, Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc. presented the document "Collier County Conceptual Renourishment Project Analysis, prepared by Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc. dated May 2011, Revised October 2011 " for consideration and related slideshow "Conceptual Engineering Report, Collier County Beaches, Florida" b. Backup Material Gary McAlpin presented the Executive Summary "Review with the CAC the Conceptual Design Report for Barefoot /Vanderbilt, Clam Pass /Park Shore and Naples Beaches " dated October 13, 2011 and related backup material. Gary McAlpin requested the Committee: 1. Endorse the conceptual design as proposed. 2. Direct staff to move forwards with permit applications and 10 year plan based on Alternative #3 as identified in the above Coastal Planning and Engineering, Inc report. 3. Endorse the timeframe for the project of 2013 -2014. Mr. Hendel left at 4:50 p.m. Speaker Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club Jeremy Frantz, Conservancy of Southwest Florida Kathy Worley, Conservancy of Southwest Florida submitted a map of travel for endangered turtle "Kyra." Mr. Rios moved to approve staffs requests listed above. Second by Mr. Moity. Motion carried 6 "yes" — I "no. " Mr. Pires voted "no. " VIII. Old Business 1. Wiggin's Pass Channel Straightening Project Discussion Gary McAlpin reported the composition of the Wiggin's Pass Subcommittee should be reviewed given its hiatus from activities. The meeting to be held on October 16, 2011 will be cancelled. The Committee directed staff to meet with Mr. Moreland to develop a list of potential participants for the Subcommittee/Work Group for approval by the Coastal Advisory Committee/Board of County Commissioners. October 13, 2011 2. Potential Project Deferrals Discussion The Committee directed staff to provide a list of projects which may be deferred for the purposes of re- allocating the funding to the beach renourishment project. Speaker Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club. IX. Announcements None X. Committee Member Discussion Mr. Moreland reported former Board of County Commissioner member Frank Halas is now a member of the Estuary Conservation Association. Mr. Rios requested the schedule for the laser grading on Marco Beaches and the status of the renourishment of Tigertail Beach. Gary McAlpin noted he will contact Mr. Rios with the scheduling for the laser grading and an update on Tigertail Beach. XII. Next Meeting Date/Location November 10, 2011— Government Center, Administration Bldg. F, 3rd Floor There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 5:08 P.M. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee Sohn Sorey, III, Chairman These minutes approved by the Board /Committee on Q ' as presented y or as amended 0