Bayshore Gateway CRA Adv Minutes 04/05/2011 g Ar 16h2A4
4069 BAYSHORE DRIVE, NAPLES, FL 34112 PHONE 239.643.1115 FAx 239.775.4456
The meeting of the Bayshore/Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Advisory Board
was called to order by Chairman Mr. Lindsey Thomas at 6:00 p.m. at the CRA Office Meeting
Room 4069 Bayshore Drive.
1. Roll Call: Present: Advisory Board Members: Larry Ingram, Maurice Gutierrez, Lindsey
Thomas, Jill Barry, Chuck Gunther, and Karen Beatty. Absent: Peter Dvorak. Absent:
Bruce Preble and Steve Main.
CRA Staff Present: David Jackson, Executive Director, Jean Jourdan, David Buchheit,
and Sue Trone, Project Managers, Ashley Caserta, Grants Coordinator.
2. Adoption of Agenda: Mr. Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
published agenda. Mr. Jackson asked to add one item to New Business: CDBG Grant
Application Resolution. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to approve the agenda as
amended: Motion: Mr. Dvorak. Second: Ms. Barry. Approved 7-0.
3. Adoption of Minutes: Mr. Thomas asked if there were any additions or corrections to the
March 1, 2011 minutes. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to approve the March 1, 2011
meeting minutes. Motion: Mr. Ingram. Second: Mr. Gunther. Approved 7-0.
4. Executive Director's Report:
a. Proiect Updates. Mr. Jackson advised that in the Board packages there was a
projects update memo. As a further update, he asked Ms. Jourdan to come
before the Board and receive recognition from Chairman Thomas as Collier
Fiala - ✓ County's Employee of the Month of March 2011. The Board and audience gave
Hiller _ =-rand of applause. David Buchheit gave a short power point presentation of
Henning ; the CRA's updated web site that will be launched in the summer. Mr. Jackson
Coyle 'ntr^duced Ms. Michelle Tricca, the wall art photographer that completed an
Colette �7 --' tic photo mural on a commercial building on Bayshore Drive. Ms. Tricca
essed great pleasure in the support she received from everyone, and had
more pictures than she anticipated and was continuing the mural on the north
facing wall. The Board and audience gave her kudos and congratulations. Mr.
Gunther made a motion to give Ms. Tricca some sort of recognition like a plaque
or certificate. Second: Mr. Dvorak. Approved 7-0. Mr. Gunther also asked for
staff to look at creating some sort of incentive or recognition program for existing
and future creative artists working in the area. Mr. Gutierrez gave an update on
the Bayshore Beautification MSTU Master Plan project
b. Presentations: Ms. Jourdan introduced Chris Scott and Patrick Vanasse of RWA
Misc. Corres: as presenters of the status of the CRA Overlay update. Mr. Scott gave a short
power point presentation that outlined the purpose of the Overlay, what RWA's
Date:12.\\'3\\' work has been to date, and some of the critical changes or improvements to the
'2.-A Overlay language had been. Mr. Ingram asked if the Overlay would affect
Item*: 1L.Q7 `-► current planned or permitted sites, and Mr. Scott explained that the land's
underlying zoning and uses would not be aff ted.
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April 5,2011 CRA-AB Minutes
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5. Old Business:
a. Request for Payment of Services. Mr. Thomas asked for a motion to approve
payment of CRA work order invoices:RWA — CRA Overlay s in the amount of
$720.00; Pizzuti Solutions, LLC - 17 acre MPUD rezone in the amount of
$8,331.99; Q. Grady Minor & Associates - Triangle Tertiary Stormwater
construction documents in the amount of $893.10; and HSA Engineers and
Scientists — Bevins site monitoring well abandonment. Motion to approve Ms.
Barry. Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved 7-0.
b. Linwood Way Repavinq — Quote Amendment. Mr. Jackson asked the Board to
reconsider last month's motion to award Better Roads quote through the County
Roads & Bridges Department to repave Linwood Way. The work order had been
issued to complete the work in April; however, due to the delay in the completion
date of the stormwater pond pump and pipe project, the repaving would be
delayed. Mr. Jackson reiterated that with oil prices fluctuating and the time delay
may cause the actual price to increase; therefore he asked for the Board to
authorize a Not-To-Exceed amount of$20,000 to complete the work. The motion
would allow the Executive Director to act quickly if the on-site situation changed.
Motion to authorize Linwood Way repaving and the Executive Director to
authorize the notice to proceed at a Not-To-Exceed amount of $20,000: Mr.
Gunther. Second: Ms. Barry. Approved 7-0.
c. RFP Residential Lots for Sale. Ms Jourdan reminded the Board that they had
previously approved the staff to issue an RFP to build houses on CRA-owned
lots; however when the Commissioners were approached, they felt that the
timing wasn't right. In view of better economic times and additional data on two
homes build on mobile home lots, staff felt a good case could be made to the
CRA Board to approve the RFP. Motion to move forward with the RFP to sell
land and build houses on CRA-owned lots: Mr. Thomas. Second: Mr. Gunther.
Approved 7-0.
d. Reconsideration of LIG 01-2010 Funding. Mr. Jackson asked if there were any
questions concerning the information presented in the Board memo explaining
the reason for the funding consideration of the 2010 Landscape Improvement
Grant (LIG). Motion to approve the reconsideration and fonNard the invoices and
paid receipts to Clerk of Courts Finance for payment: Mr. Gunther. Second: Ms.
Barry. Approved 7-0.
6. New Business:
a. CRA TIF Grant— SEG 01-2011. Mr. Jackson asked if there were any questions
concerning the information presented in the Board memo explaining the Sweat
Equity Grant (SEG) presented today for Ms. Spry's home in the Triangle area of
the CRA. Motion to approve SEG 01-2011 up to $1,000 for materials to make
improvements to Ms. Spry's home at 3180 Caledonia Avenue: Mr. Gunther.
Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved 7-0.
b. Consideration of Bayshore CAPA Letter of Intent. Mr. Jackson explained that
when the agenda was published there was a Letter of Intent from Bayshore
Cultural and Performing Arts Center, Inc. (CAPA) requesting consideration of a
future purchase, lease or use of the CRA-owned 17 acre parcel. Mr. Jackson
explained that since that initial letter, there was a coordination meeting called
and hosted by Commissioner Fiala that included the Executive Director, Jean
Jourdan, Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney, Steve Kutler, President of CAPA, and
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CAPA Directors Bill Drackett and Chick Heithaus. As a result of that meeting,
the County Attorney agreed to draft a 'first right of refusal' letter and forward it to
CAP to see if it served their objectives. The draft First Right of Refusal letter had
been with the CAPA members since March 25"' and CRA staff nor the County
Attorney's office had received a CAPA response. A copy of the letter was in the
Board agenda packet. Mr. Kutler stated that he was not sure if there had been
any conversation between the two attorneys and that CAPA was not ready for
this item to be approved by the CRA Advisory Board. Mr. Thomas asked if there
was any rush to take action tonight, and Mr. Jackson said no but that would put
a 30 day delay on the action; however would allow time for the attorneys to work
on the document. Mr. Thomas asked the Board if anyone had a problem with
delaying action until the May 2011 meeting. Hearing none he directed staff to
continue to work with CAPA and return in May.
c. Palm Beach Show Group Leasing Request. Mr. Jackson summarized a request
letter in the Board agenda packet that requested the use of CRA-owned land on
Davis Blvd for parking in 2012 for Palm Beach Show Group's annual antique
show. Mr. Thomas asked if the group would provide insurance, security and
shuttle service to their event site. Mr. Jackson stated they would in accordance
with Collier County Risk management requirements, and a lease agreement
would be executed also. Motion recommend to the CRA Board the execution of
a 30-day lease with Palm Beach Show Group for 30 or more days at the rate of
$1,000 per month: Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Gutierrez. Approved 7-0.
d. CRA Advisory Board Applicant Interviews.
i. Mr. Thomas stated that since there was only one applicant for two
CRA Categories, he motioned to recommend to the CRA Board
reappointment of Larry Ingram, Tamiami Trail Business owner, and
Stephen Main, Bayshore Drive Business Owner. Second: Ms. Barry.
Approved 7-0.
ii. Mr. Thomas recognized Mr. Michael Fernandez as one of two
applicants for the CRA At Large Category and asked Mr. Fernandez to
introduce himself and gave him the floor. Mr. Fernandez gave a brief
background of his business and relationship to the CRA, and he
answered questions from the Advisory Board. Mr. Thomas said than
you and asked Mr. Jackson about the second applicant. Jackson
stated that Ms. Vicki Tracy had a professional business conflict and
could not attend in person; however she did come in to the office and
did a video interview for the Board. After the Board viewed the video,
Mr. Jackson handed out voting slips, instructed the members to check
the box of one applicant and sign the ballot. The ballots were counted
and the vote was Mr. Fernandez 4 votes and Ms. Tracy 3 votes. Mr.
Jackson stated that the ballots were available for viewing by anyone
interested and that they would be made a part of the staff files.
e. Marketing Book Sole Source Contract. Mr. Jackson presented an offer by
Florida Real Estate Journal to produce a marketing magazine for the CRA that
was partially supported by advertisement sales. Mr. Jackson pointed out the
CRA/MSTU 2010 Annual Report that was produced in house and printed by a
local company. 3500 copies were printed and mailed for $6,000. The CRA staff
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could replicate this effort in-house again, and offer local businesses
advertisement spots at a significantly reduced rate than the Florida Real Estate
Journal. Mr. Jackson asked for the Boards permission to proceed with the
project with a target date of November-December 2011 so the magazine would
be distributed when the tourists are returning. Mr. Thomas asked if there was
any objection from the members, hearing none he asked staff to proceed and
report on status.
f. CDBG Grant Application Resolution. Mr. Jackson reminded the Board that there
had been to house fires in two months of which in one a life was lost. He pointed
out that the fires had brought focus on the lack of fire hydrants in many of the
CRA area neighborhoods, and that home owners took notice and have asked
the CRA to assist if able. Investigation revealed that there was an opportunity to
apply for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) that had an
application deadline of April 15th. The CRA staff could accelerate the internal
application process, hire a consultant to get cost estimates, contact the City of
Naples Public Utilities Department and East Naples Fire Department to apply for
CDBG funds to survey, study, plan, design improvements and install fire hydrant
and piping systems upgrades. Motion for the CRA to apply for a CDBG grant:
Mr. Gunther. Second: Mr. Ingram. Approved 7-0. Mr. Jackson asked the Board
to approve the attached CRA-AB Resolution that was required to be submitted
in the CDBG application package and authorize Mr. Thomas to sign. Motion to
approve: Ms. Barry. Second: Ms. Beatty. Approved 7-0.
7. Advisory Board General Communications. None.
8. Citizen Comments. None.
9. Adiournment: The regular meeting was adjourned at 7:18pm.
n.•r• ed and fo' '- •ed by Lindsey Thomas, CRA-AB Chairman.
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