WPS Agenda 12/19/2011COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE WIGGIN'S PASS SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA DECEMBER 19, 2011 MEETING AGENDA WIGGINS PASS SUBCOMMITTEE MONDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2011 9:00 A.M. —12:00 P.M. RISK MANAGEMENT TRAINING ROOM, 3311 TAMIAMI TRAIL E., NAPLES I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Roll Call IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda V. Public Comments VI. Approval of Minutes I. May 17, 2011 VII. Staff Reports 1. Public Participation in Subcommittee meeting 2. Public Documents Posting VIII. New Business 1. Power Point from FDEP Meeting with New Figures a. Review of Minutes/FDEP November 2011 Meeting b. Review of Wiggins Pass Project Description c. Review of Geotechnical Investigations and Reports 2. Review of RAI Request and Responses 3. Discussion of Inlet Management Plan Work to Date 4. Discussion of Letter of Consistency IX. Old Business X. Announcements Wiggins Pass Subcommittee Scheduled Meetings XI. Committee Member Discussion XII. Next Meeting Date /Location January 17, 2012 Human Resource Conference Room 9:00 a.m. -I 1:30 a.m. XIII. Adjournment * Public speakers are requested to do the following for any items presented to the Board. Each document should display thepresenter's name and title of document. Provide a total of 7 copies of each handout, to be distributed as follows: 3 Board Members, I Minute Taker, I County Attorney; 2 CZM Staff members. * The following websites provide information, agendas and dates for this subcommittee: httn: / /www.collierzov.netlIndex .asox ?na a =18 http: / /Www.collierjeov.net/Index asnx ?haze =2390 All interested partied are invited to attend, and to register to speak and to submit their objections, if any, in writing, to the board prior to the meeting if applicable. For more information, please contact Gail D. Hambright at (239) 252 -2966. If you are a person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding, you are entitled, at no cost to you, to the provision of certain assistance. Please contact the Collier County Facilities Management Department located at 3301 East Tamiami Trail, Naples, FL 34112, (239) 252 -8380. Public comments will be limited to 3 minutes unless the Chairman grants permission for additional time. Collier County Ordinance No. 99 -22 requires that all lobbyists shall, before engaging in any lobbying activities before the Board of County Commissioners or advisory boards, register with the Clerk to the Board in the Board Minutes Records Department. May 17, 2010 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY COASTAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE WIGGINS PASS SUBCOMMITTEE Naples, Florida, May 17, 2010 LET IT BE REMEMBERED that the Coastal Advisory Committee — Wiggins Pass Subcommittee in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. at the Human Resource Training Room located at 3301 Tamiami Trail E, Building B, Naples, Florida, with the following members present: Chairman: Joseph A. Moreland Robert Raymond (Excused) Victor Rios Inlet Management Work Team Jack Kindsvater Dick Lydon Nicole Ryan Jeff Raley (Excused) ALSO PRESENT: Gary McAlpin, Coastal Zone Management Director Gail Hambright, Tourist Tax Accountant Steve Keehn, Coastal Planning and Engineering Maura Kraus, Principal Environmental Specialist May 17, 2010 I. Call to Order Chairman Moreland called the meeting to order at 9:12 AM. II. Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. III. Roll Call - A quorum was established. Also in attendance via teleconference — Sabarna Malakar, Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems. IV. Changes and Approval of Agenda The Committee formed a consensus to follow the agenda until 11:00 AM to allow Boater Characterization Study Presentation to be given by Dr. Sweet. Gary McAlpin will request to the BCC to accept Sabarna Malakar, a representative from the FDEP as a Work Team Subcommittee member. Committee continues to seek members to fill two vacancies. Victor Rios moved to approve the Agenda as submitted. Second by Dick Lydon. Motion carried unanimously: Subcommittee 2 -0, Work Team 3 -0. V. Public Comments —None. VI. Approval of Minutes — April 19, 2010 Correct Page 3 — 2nd Paragraph 2nd sentence should read: As part of the "RAI" process. Dick Lydon moved to approve the April 19, 2010 Minutes as amended. Second by Nicole Ryan. Motion carried unanimously: Subcommittee 2 -0, Work Team 3 -0. VII. Staff Reports Gary McAlpin reported receipt of an e-mail forwarded from Sgt. Dave Bruening, Collier County Sheriff's Office. (See attached) Cpl. Todd Byrns of the Marine Bureau emailed Sgt. Bruening stating Wiggins Pass is closed at dead low tide. Cpl. Todd Byrns reported checking on a couple who was stuck on Saturday along with other boats. Staff will post the information on the website for the public and give notice to Pelican Isle Yacht Club and the U.S. Coast Guard. Chairman Joseph Moreland suggested Staff include the coordinates and depths when posting boating information. VIII. New Business 1. Review/Discussion of May 4, 2010 FDEP.FPS Meeting in Tallahassee Steve Keehn, CPE gave a brief presentation and summarized the topics discussed and pertinent concerns at the FDEP FPS Meeting in Tallahassee for the Subcommittee. (See attached) May 17, 2010 • FDEP expressed interest in meeting in the future on the Inlet Management Plan and the Modeling effort. • Collier County clarified ebb shoal sand and the method of determination on the direction of bypassing for the park. • FDEP has requested Collier County demonstrate an alternate means of placing sand where the greatest need was regardless of volumetric measurements. • Hot spot issues need to be addressed in the project description or contingency plan. • The Request for Additional Items (RAI) response needs to define responsibility and cause for full re- nourishment or intermediate re- nourishment. • There is no hard bottom affecting the inlet accept for the Delnor Wiggins Park. Hard bottom was described as small coral reef. • FDEP requested Collier County develop a Biological Monitoring Plan. Steve Keehn stated the Inlet Management Plan will need language to address the greatest need more than volumetric. He further stated the County did not have to do the work per the plan. The plan can define who will do the task. Gary McAlpin stated the Subcommittee will describe the scientific criteria, the type of monitoring and what stages heighten the re- nourishment event. What triggers a dredging and re- nourishment will be included in the Inlet Management Plan. It was noted Jeff Raley and Bob Brantley agreed Delnor- Wiggins Park does not have severe erosion. Gary McAlpin clarified FDEP does not believe Collier County has identified where the hard substrate is and would like more samples taken. FDEP believes the hard substrate to the north is clay and is very significant. Rock substrate and clay anchors the pass. FDEP wants to make sure, if the rock is removed, what the control feature is. Collier County will need to address the above before the permit will be issued. It was noted hard bottom will be addressed as rock substrate. Rock bottom is considerably lower than the dredge limit. Victor Rios expressed concern on the impact of any actions taken that may have an effect on other areas. Gary McAlpin responded the DEP has the same concerns. The Inlet Management Plan will need to convince DEP the issues that are legitimate and important to Collier County and the recommended plan will solve the issues permanently and correctly. He stated another study group was formed to identify the best solutions and they decided doing nothing was not an option. The issues to focus on are: • Erosion and habitant destruction to the north of Barefoot Beach. Wiggins Pass does not have safe boating conditions at low tide. Effective solutions to address the area in a cost effective way, in an environmental manner. May 17, 2010 FDEP concerns are: • Geological assessments. • Hydraulic assessments. • What happens if actions taken impact Delnor- Wiggins State Park and what Collier County will do to correct. Steve Keehn stated FDEP recommended Barefoot Beach be declared a critical eroded area. FDEP will fund 33% toward ebb shoal building on Barefoot Beach, which will meet one of the Inlet Management Plan objectives. He proposed the following steps be done out of sea turtle season. ➢ Initial construction outside of turtle season. ➢ Major maintenance dredging every four years. ➢ Intermediate ebb shoal dredging, ➢ Create a contingency and monitoring plan. ➢ Ebb tide shoal re- building. He also stated it would take several years to re- nourish the beach - 250,000 cubic yards of sand were previously used. He stated Bob Brantley suggested one ebb shoal re- nourishment. Steve noted he has never heard of a project where this has been done. Gary McAlpin stated the modeling will tell what the optimum approach to replace the sand will be. 2. Physical, Biological, Contingency, Construction and Inlet Management Plans and Key Points Gary McAlpin distributed and addressed the following "Significant Items requiring discussion/resolution on Wiggins Pass Channel Project" to FDEP for them to issue permitting. (See attached) • Physical Plan • Biological Plan • Contingency Plan • Construction Plan • Inlet Management Plan • Letter of Consistency Staff recommended inviting National Marine Fisheries and the US Army Corp to a future meeting to discuss the Biological Plan. Staff also suggested inviting Outstanding Florida Waters to discuss what their trigger points are. It was noted a Biological Opinion will be required. Steve Keehn recommended Staff be proactive. He suggested Staff not wait for the permit before writing a letter to request permission from Delnor- Wiggins State Park for the land use. May 17, 2010 3. Discussion /Identification of Major Issues Gary McAlpin reviewed the Physical, Biological and the Contingency Plan issues for discussion and resolution. He distributed the criteria for the Letter of Consistency (See attached) and stated the letter would be exactly as Mr. Lorenz requested. 4. Responsibilities for Resolution of Major Issues and Who Reviews Joseph Moreland suggested having a point of contact on the Committee, to keep current on each topic and receive documentation for distribution to the Committee. Dick Lydon stated having a point of contact makes sense and he inquired as to the cost to provide the requested additional items for the RAI Response. Gary McAlpin responded $150,000 has been approved for the EIS Study and Permitting by the CAC and will be submitted for approval from TDC and the Board of County Commissioners. Gary McAlpin recommended Nicole Ryan be the contact person on the Biological Plan and items associated with ecology and environment issues. Staff will be the point of contact for The Construction Plan. He asked the Committee members to let him know if they would be interested in being a point of contact on any plan. Nicole Ryan responded positively and volunteered to work on the Letter of Consistency. 5. Timing of RAI Response The Staff objective is to have RAI Responses ready to submit to DEP in 90 to 120 days. Sneakers Doug Fee stated he was happy that the State is involved. He made a comment on RAI Response #19. He expressed concern with the funds expended for the process and he does not believe anything has been done at the County level such as meetings or reviews. He asked who will write the EIS. Gary McAlpin responded Bill Lorenz will be assigned the task to write the Letter of Consistency based on County Boards approval. On his initial review, he did not find any problems with the scope. The Consultant of record on the project is Coastal Planning and Engineering. They have done the majority of the environmental work. Doug Fee asked if the County will be able to meet a "zero" level of water quality in the construction of the project. Gary McAlpin said yes, they have never had an issue with increased tepidity levels. IX. Old Business 1. Discussion of Nearshore Placement of Sand for Maintenance Dredging During Sea Turtle Season Gary McAlpin clarified the Coastal Advisory Committee will try to avoid any beach re- nourishment during turtle nesting. CAC proposed main re- nourishment be done during turtle nesting season and Maintenance Dredging will be done over a May 17, 2010 four month period and could be done as a nearshore re- nourishment and outside of turtle nesting season. Nicole Ryan distributed a packet of various documents for the Committee's review. (See attached) Activity Description - The project is to widen and deepen Wiggins Pass with subsequent maintenance dredging every two years. She reviewed: ➢ (Pages 8 & 9) -Permit No. 0142538- 001 -JC ➢ (Page 18) - Wiggins Pass Maintenance Dredging, Modification No. 0142538- 004 -EM She provided the following sketches to show the difference between nearshore and offshore. ➢ (Page 23) — Beach Fill Site Plan reflects nearshore disposal site 50' away from beach. ➢ (Page 24) - Proposed Offshore Disposal Area sketch reflects offshore disposal. Wiggins Pass Policy and Planning Guidelines ➢ (Page 26) — No. 10. Summer maintenance dredging to reduce cost and complexity, with offshore placement. Attachments ➢ (Page 31) No. 5 Project Description ➢ (Page 34) No. 23c Construction Description ➢ (Page 36) Collier County Sea Turtle Protection Plan Annual Report, 2005 — Reflects Emergences. ➢ (Page 37) Summary of All Monitored Beaches, 2005 - Reflects 4,200 Hatchlings Emerged Maura Kraus stated the summary was representative of current times. Land Development Code 3.04.02 ➢ (Pages 39 & 40) Species Specific Requirements — Sea Turtle Protection 5 and 5c. Nicole Ryan expressed concern vibrations from pipes could disturb female sea turtles. She recommended maintenance dredging be done after the nesting season. She provided an email received from Fish and Wildlife stating they always recommend that the work be done outside sea turtle nesting season. Maura Kraus stated she shares the same concerns as Nicole Ryan and added lighting attracts predators and is a bigger concern. May 17, 2010 Speakers David Addison, Biologist for the Conservancy of SW Florida stated since 2000 water head nesting had declined more than 50 percent. Hatchlings will be attracted to light and will go to them. This will have the hatchling wasting energy by swimming toward the light and put them in further jeopardy from predatory fish. He urged the Committee to wait until after turtle nesting season. Gary McAlpin proposed the following: ❖ The major part of construction will be done outside turtle nesting season with sand placed on the beach. ❖ Maintenance dredging of the anticipated 40- 50,000 cubic yards of material will be taken out of the pass over an approximate 4 year period and will bring in a cutter -head dredge with work to be done out of turtle nesting season with onshore placement. ❖ Spot dredging will only be performed during daylight hours and the scope of the work would be approximately 5 -6,000 cubic yards of material during the turtle - nesting season to be taken offshore. He asked if this proposal would satisfy the needs of the Community. Nicole Ryan, Maura Kraus and Dave Addison agreed the proposal would work. It was noted the equipment will be moved back into the channel away from the beach each night during turtle nesting season. Staff will address the three conditions and include options when submitting for a dredging permit to be done anytime over a one -year period. It was noted Fish & Wildlife Service and Fish & Wildlife Conservation define the turtle- nesting season. Joseph Moreland stated funding for any kind of dredging comes from the tourist dollar beach re- nourishment fund and their goal is to spend it for beach re- nourishment. He asked if there was a safety or emergency hot spot dredge required during turtle nesting season and therefore cannot be used for beach re- nourishment, would the funding be lost for that particular dredge. Staff will research with the County Attorney's Office. Joseph Moreland recommended type of dredging terminology be defined. Staff suggested the following terminology for dredging events: • Capital Dredge is a one -time event. • Maintenance Dredge is performed every four — five years outside of turtle nesting season with a small cutter -head dredge. • Spot Dredge is triggered by a navigational problem at the mouth of the pass. Nicole Ryan moved to modify the direction of the Inlet Management Plan for the three dredging maintenance options. Second by Jack Kindsvater. May 17, 2010 Gary McAlpin recommended the Committee refrain from voting until Staff receives an opinion from the County Attorney's Office. Joseph Moreland tabled the motion. Speakers Doug Fee agrees with the way the project is going and thinks the County should follow the Land Development Code. He believes in the process and the public be made aware. He urged the Committee not to do any work during turtle nesting season. Susan Calkins stated she was happy with the Subcommittee's decision to go forward but not during the turtle nesting season. Michael Seef congratulated the Subcommittee on the decision not to dredge during turtle nesting season. He stated he appreciated all efforts to avoid damage to the turtles. Donna Reed Caron stated consideration of maintenance dredging during turtle nesting season is "incremental at its' finest" and would be a bad move. It has never been done during the 13 years she has been a resident. She added any dredging should be done outside of turtle season and boaters should not be in the water in the middle of hurricane season. She commented boaters should be smart enough not to bring their boats to that area during low tide. She expressed it was a waste of taxpayers dollars. X. Announcements Mr. Sweet has been scheduled to give a Boater Characterization Study presentation after the meeting is adjourned at the same location. Gary McAlpin asked the Committee for suggestions on representatives from the Friends of Barefoot Beach and the Boater Community to serve on the Committee. Staff would like to fill vacancies over the next month. XI. Committee Member Discussion — None. XII. Next Meeting Date The next meeting of the Wiggins Pass Subcommittee will be held on Monday, June 21 at 9:00 AM. May 17, 2010 There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the Chair at 12:00 pm. Collier County Coastal Advisory Committee — Wiggins Pass Subcommittee Joseph A. Moreland, Chairman These Minutes were approved by the Board/Committee on as presented , or as amended Notes from a meeting on the Wiggins Pass Straighten and Inlet Management Study At FDEP on November 17, 2011 The meeting began 1:30 pm following the outline shown in II below and using a power point slides to illustrate the topics and facilitate the discussion. Those in attendance were: Robert Brantly, Lainie Edwards, Subarna Malakar, Jennifer Koch, Vince George, Alex Reed, Steve Keehn and Gary McAlpin. The major issues discussed and guidance provided are summarized below: a. The power point illustrated that the proposed channel has been wetted in the recent past, and was full depth thru the flood shoal as shown on historic charts. In addition, the amount of unsuitable material is concentrated in the transition zone between the flood and ebb shoals. The existing channel is located between two massive hard substrates in the ebb shoal, and the proposed channel dredging will not alter this controlling geological features. b. The county assumes that the any biological monitoring will be integrated into the program used for the major beach nourishment project. c. FDEP appeared to be supportive of the findings from the geological investigation, but still has some concerns. i. Jen requested copies of the un- annotated lines from the seismic record. She also informed us that suitable and unsuitable sands depend on the location in the inlet — previous dredged at that site and un- dredged areas follow different rules. ii. FDEP was not supportive of placing unsuitable material (rock, clay, peat) near shore, ebb shoal or old channel, but supported using old borrow area as disposal locations. iii. FDEP said comment on the field investigation should be expected in mid - January. iv. Robert and Jen are concerned about placing coarse material in old flood channel. They thought that peak ebb flows caused by river discharges may move this material. Steve pointed out that this material is on the surface of the existing flood shoal and the existing discharge has not lead to any significant erosion of the flood shoal. In fact the shell self- armors the shoal. d. Robert noted that an adapted dredging (maintenance) program would be important and said that side cast dredging was allowable. Multi- option maintenance program is supportable, including side casting, different levels of dredging(major and spot) and flexible disposal locations. Wiggins Pass Geology and Permitting Outline 1:30PM 1. History of Pass Configurations a. Pass entrance stability b. Flood growth and ebb channel rotation c. Channel straight 80 years ago d. Flood Vibracores — Light Color sand over dark 2. Design Depths and widths 3. Geological field investigation results a. Hard substrate reflector map b. VC and JP refusal depths. c. Straight channel not change stability d. Quantity of silty, clay, peat and rock material 4. Proposed alignment 5. Disposal Plans a. Blind Pass Categories standards b. Disposal Locations 6. Permit Issues - What are the prospects for a permit? 7. State Park concerns a. Lack of documentation b. Parks preferred bypass locations c. Stump Pass impacts not anticipated WIGGINS PASS CHANNEL STRAIGHTENING WITH EROSION MITIGATION DECEMBER 2011 The goals for the Wiggins Pass navigation improvement study as developed by Collier County and a Wiggins Pass Modeling Evaluation Committee are: 1. To Provide a safe channel for boating 2. To address erosion at Barefoot Beach 3. To lengthen the dredge cycle, accomplished with the least impact on the environment 4. To provide a solution that is economically effective. A non - structural alternative is an objective for the inlet design in order to improve navigation. The committee, which formulated the main goals for Wiggins Pass, represented a broad range of local stake holders appointed by the County government. Figure 1: Project Component Map The project recommended in the 2009 modeling study and based on comments generated by the 2010 permit application is summarized below. Refinements were developed during the last year based on a new field investigations and further consultation with agencies. It addresses not only navigation, but also improved sand bypassing, modifications to channel dredging, improved locations for sand disposal and an updated inlet management study. It accomplishes improved navigation and sediment management by a combination of straightening the channel, major and small maintenance dredging and new sand disposal practices, as illustrated in Figure 1 above. Almost every task listed below contributes to both navigation and inlet management, and further refinements to this plan are expected. It also addresses balancing inlet bypassing based on FDEP inlet management principles. A 10 -year plan is proposed to achieve the project goals. 1) Initial construction of straightened channel i) Dredge compatible sand from ebb channel — 41,000 cy (Range 24,000 to 58,000 c.y.) ii) Dredge flood channel — 36,400 c.y. iii) Dredge incompatible material — 7,500 c.y. iv) Build beach, nearshore, ebb shoal and scour repair with compatible sand — 38,200 c.y. v) Fill meander with compatible sand — 39,200 c.y. vi) Upland or offshore borrow pit disposal of unsuitable sand -7,500 c.y. 2) Major maintenance dredging — 50,000 c.y. every 4 years with disposal balanced to favor adjacent Gulf shoreline with greatest need based on equalizing volumetric changes. i) Place beach compatible sand in beach, nearshore or ebb shoal. 3) Intermediate ebb channel dredging as needed i) Excavate and clear ebb channel at the bar and laterally place about 8- 10,000 c.y. in the north ebb shoal to promote regrowth. 4) Create contingency, monitoring, and inlet management plans i) No direct mitigation expected 5) Nourish critically eroded area on Barefoot Beach and rebuild ebb shoal every 10 years with 100,000 c.y. to supplement bypassing until the shoreline and shoal recovers (this is part of a separate permit and project). The plan addresses concerns expressed by FDEP BBCS and Park Service, and other local interest groups. The engineering report will be supplemented with addition geotechnical field investigations and analysis to develop an Inlet Management Study as defined in RAI #1 and FDEP BBCS letter of May 2011. A structural solution using a jetty, breakwater or T -groin has been suggested as an economical alternative, but is not supported by FDEP BBCS, and local policy and plans. Given the local coastal processes, a simple but workable structure would be difficult. Intermediate and small scale dredging to clear the channel at the bar and pumping dredge material to an area approximately 300 -1000 feet north of the inlet would serve three purposes. Clearing the channel and feeding the re- growth of the ebb shoal are two of these purposes. If dredging could be conducted using smaller equipment during the calmer times of the year, it would also be very economical. The method for determining the size and location of bypassing operations between the north and south beaches will be based on equalizing the volumetric change rate for an equal distance north and south of the inlet based on the 2001 surveyed profiles. Only volumes dredged in the ebb shoal will count, since flood shoal dredge and fill operations are a zero sum operation. Each of the 5 tasks above supports improved navigation and inlet management. The engineering report has identified three reasons why the 1995 inlet plan did not perform. First, the sediment transport direction is not predominately southerly. The disposal location and a 50:50 split of bypassed sand to adjacent beaches was imbalanced. The sand needs to be disposed of closer to the inlet and approximately 2/3 needs to go to the north. This imbalance disposal since 1984 needs short term supplemental sand to address past practices. The new plan addresses the imbalance, recovery of the north ebb shoal, the Barefoot Beach hot spot south of R -14 and improving navigation. The size of the new channel is summarize in the table below. Wiggins Pass Channel Dimensions Station Location Bottom Width ft Depth (ft, NA VD Overdred e ft 15 +00 Ebb Shoal 240 -12.0 1.0 0 +00 Ebb Shoal 160 -12.0 1.0 C6 Throat 160 -7.7 1.0 C10 Flood Shoal 130 -7.7 1.0 C15 Flood Shoal 130 -7.7 1.0 C26 East Channel 82 -7.0 1.0 C31 South Channel 123 -7.2 1.0 C35 I North Channel 1 70 1 -7.0 1 1.0 u� w L i Rk v � o \/ D '{ o FD" sU p �Vm/ Z o � C (D O 3 w C I m N o oN cc T m m V I 3 • /D i Rk v � 3 D '{ cam' cn CD 0 0 114< cn t r < x f. a� IV O �f s AMk I� —s f. a� IV O f • O � 1 � r p � D cn v �,- � O Q. cn c: m �- o 0 �. �- � o su 7C3 v 0. o n = � o � C— v t� -h � -0 cn � � o t� m p 3 o Q D• con cs3 U) �- � D � Q cn � o -� u o ° N v cC• � o D ° o � o M m o �- cn n O �, c ,t Lu in E3 — CD CD O cn (C_ ) cD 3 3 rnCD cn < 2 O E5 -n -n _ O T _ (n � p C' O O SU - � p � --+% O � 1 � r p � D cn v �,- � O Q. cn c: m �- o 0 �. �- � o su 7C3 v 0. o n = � o � C— v t� -h � -0 cn � � o t� m p 3 o Q D• con cs3 U) �- � D � Q cn � o -� u o ° N v cC• � o D ° o � o M m o �- cn n O �, c ,t 0 — O 3 rnCD ° o - v 7" T U) U) L ft CD 0 0 CD 3 pe, 00 zz m z 0 z m m z 0 If A \ ƒ\ C, M Nc H 0 a H > > 0 m C� ,)Go o ) o= Z18 ■ ❑ ! e, eI z � -� � CD �CD o s CL -0 _ O o _. 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APPENDIX D WIGGINS PASS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW November 2011 (Abridged) WIGGINS PASS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW Table of Contents INTRODUCTION........................................................................................... ............................... 3 GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS .................. ............................... 3 InvestigationDetails ........................................................................................ ............................... 3 Equipmentand Methods .................................................................................. ............................... 5 NavigationSystems ................................................................................. ............................... 5 Hypack Inc.'s Hypack 2009/2010 a Data Collection and Processing Program ..................... 5 BathymetricSurvey ................................................................................. ............................... 5 Seismic Reflection Profile Surveys ......................................................... ............................... 6 VibracoreSurvey ..................................................................................... ............................... 9 RESULTS...................................................................................................... ............................... 11 Reviewof Existing Data ................................................................................ ............................... 11 1979 USACE Vibracores ....................................................................... ............................... 11 2006 Humiston and Moore Vibracores .................................................. ............................... 11 Results of the 2009 and 2011 Investigations ................................................. ............................... 12 2009 CPE Jetprobes ............................................................................... ............................... 12 2009 and 2011 CPE Vibracores ............................................................. ............................... 13 2011 CPE Geophysical Investigations ................................................... ............................... 18 DISCUSSION................................................................................................ ............................... 18 SUMMARY /RECOMMENDATIONS ......................................................... ............................... 20 LITERATURECITED .................................................................................. ............................... 21 List of Figures Figure 1. Geophysical and geotechnical data collected within Wiggins Pass . ............................... 4 Figure 2. EdgeTech X -STAR SB -216s sub -bottom profiling system ............. ............................... 7 Figure 3. Athena electric vibracore system .................................................... ............................... 10 Figure 4. Fencepost diagram analysis ............................................................ ............................... 17 Figure 5. Channel sediment characterization ................................................. ............................... 19 Figure 6. Rock, rubble, shell or sand reflector in the outer ebb shoal ........... ............................... 20 List of Tables Table 1. Jetprobe refusal elevations ............................................................... ............................... 13 Table 2. 2009 and 2011 vibracore refusal elevations .................................... ............................... 14 Table 3. Vibracore color code scheme showing the range of sediment differentiation ................ 16 1 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY WIGGINS PASS, COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW List of Appendices Appendix 1- Vibracore Logs Appendix 2- Vibracore Photographs Appendix 3- Individual Vibracore Granularmetric Reports Appendix 4- Individual Vibracore Grain Size Distribution Curves /Histograms Appendix 5- Fence Post Diagrams Appendix 6- 2011 CPE Wiggins Pass Seismic Data (Digital Copy Only) 2 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY INTRODUCTION Maintaining a navigation channel through Wiggins Pass is a high priority for Collier County. The existing meander in the channel is detrimental to safe navigation and causes impacts to the adjacent shoreline. In response to safety concerns, the County is pursuing a permit to straighten the pass. To characterize the sediment within the Wiggins Pass ebb shoal, flood shoal and tributaries, Coastal Planning & Engineering Inc. (CPE) compiled and reviewed existing geotechnical data. In 2009, following the review of existing data, ten (10) jet probes were collected to determine the extent and depth of subsurface rock within the inlet and ebb shoal. Based on the results of the jetprobe investigation, six (6) vibracores were collected to further characterize the channel. Figure 1 shows the location of historic vibracores and the location of the jet probes and vibracores collected by CPE in 2009. Figure 1 also shows the location of the preliminary channel realignment and proposed cuts, developed in 2009. This alignment is preliminary and will be refined during modeling, design and permitting. Following the 2009 work, the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Bureau of Beaches and Coastal Systems (BBCS) requested an analysis of the geologic control on the inlet that is provided by limestone, peat and/or clay substrata (Request for Additional Information (RAI) dated March 24, 2010). In 2011, CPE collected geophysical (seismic reflection profiling and bathymetric) and geotechnical (vibracore) data within the Wiggins Pass flood and ebb shoals as a basis for addressing the substrate concerns raised by the FDEP. The investigation plan was developed in coordination with CPE, the FDEP BBCS and Collier County. The geophysical and geotechnical data that was collected in 2011 is shown in Figure 1. GEOPHYSICAL AND GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATIONS Investigation Details In 2009, ten (10) jetprobes were conducted in the Wiggins Pass ebb shoal and flood shoal. On August 12, 2009, six (6) widely- spaced vibracores were collected from the pass. Following review of the jetprobes and analysis of the cores, the FDEP raised questions about the nature of the substrate and whether or not it was acting as a geologic control to maintain the position of the channel. To address these concerns, CPE collected geophysical data as well as additional geotechnical data. Between August 10 and 11, 2011, a concurrent seismic reflection profiling and bathymetric survey was conducted. During this survey, approximately 7.9 nautical line miles of geophysical data was collected from the ebb shoal, flood shoal and tributaries. Between August 17 and 18, 2011, sixteen (16) vibracores were collected from locations determined in coordination with CPE, FDEP and Collier County. The geophysical and geotechnical data collected in 2009 and 2011 is shown in Figure 1. 3 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY Equipment and Methods The 2009 investigations included jetprobe and vibracore collection. The 2011 investigations included a concurrent bathymetric and seismic reflection profiling survey, as well as determination of sediment composition and thickness via vibracoring. The geophysical and geotechnical data was collected under the responsible charge of a professional geologist registered in the state of Florida. The collection and processing of this data is described below. The geophysical and geotechnical equipment used during the investigations is also described below. Navigation Systems All navigation and survey control for the geophysical survey and positioning for jetprobes and vibracores was conducted under the direction of a professional surveyor registered in the State of Florida. The navigation and positioning system used for this survey was a real -time kinematic (RTK) global positioning system (GPS) with dual frequency receivers. A local RTK GPS base station was deployed to provide high accuracy conditions to the receiver on the survey vessel. The base station for the survey was set in Delnor- Wiggins State Park at a location that provided the clear horizon needed to minimize phase- measurement effects caused by multi - pathing. The base station position for the RTK GPS system was surveyed and established prior to survey operations. Horizontal and vertical positioning checks were conducted at FDEP second order monuments before and after the survey within the project area to confirm network and survey accuracy as required by 5J -17 F.A.C. The base station transmits carrier phase and Doppler shift corrections via radio link to a receiver onboard the survey vessel. The receiver on the survey vessel can then apply the carrier phase and Doppler shift corrections to the position of the vessel as measured by GPS satellites. Hypack Inc.'s Hypack 2009/2010 ® Data Collection and Processing Program Navigational, magnetometer, and depth sounder systems were interfaced with an onboard computer, and the data was integrated in real time using Hypack Inc.'s Hypack 2009/2010® software. Hypack 2009/2010® is a state -of -the -art navigation and hydrographic surveying system. The location of the fish tow -point on the vessel in relation to the RTK GPS was measured, recorded and entered into the Hypack 2009/2010® survey program. The length of cable deployed between the tow -point and each towfish was also measured and entered into Hypack 2009/2010®. Hypack 2009/2010® then takes these values and monitors the actual position of each towfish in real time. Online screen graphic displays include the pre - plotted survey lines, the updated boat track across the survey area, adjustable left/right indicator, as well as other positioning information such as boat speed, quality of fix measured by Position Dilution of Precision (PDOP), and line bearing. The digital data is merged with positioning data (RTK GPS), video displayed and recorded to the acquisition computers hard disk for post processing and/or replay. Bathymetric Survey The Odom Hydrographic Systems, Inc.'s Hydrotrac, a single frequency portable hydrographic echo sounder, was used to perform the bathymetric survey. The Hydrotrac operates 5 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY at frequencies of 24, 33, 40, 200, 210, or 340 kHz and is a digital, survey -grade sounder. A 210 kHz transducer was used for the bathymetric survey. Prior to the start of the survey, a reconnaissance survey of the second order FDEP monuments was conducted to confirm that the survey control was in place and undisturbed. RTK GPS was used to locate and confirm the survey control for this project. To achieve the required accuracy, the hydrographic survey was controlled using second order FDEP monuments. Horizontal and vertical RTK GPS positioning checks and sounder calibration were performed periodically throughout the survey (typically at the beginning and end of each survey day). The sounder was calibrated via bar - checks and a sound velocity probe. The DIGIBAR PRO sound velocity meter is used to find the average sound velocity needed to calibrate the Hydrotrac sounder prior to performing the bar - check. Bar checks were performed from a depth of 5 ft. to the maximum depth of the survey area. Analog data showing the results of the bar check calibration is displayed on the sounder charts at 5 ft. increments during descent of the bar. Real -time navigation software ( Hypack) was used to provide navigation to the helm in order to minimize deviation from the online azimuth. This software provides horizontal position to the sounding data allowing real -time review of the data in plan view or cross section format. A Trimble RTK GPS and a TSS Motion Compensator were used onboard the survey vessel to provide instantaneous tide corrections as well as heave, pitch and roll corrections. Soundings were collected at intervals sufficient to provide an accurate depiction of the seafloor. Cross lines (tie lines) were collected to verify survey accuracies. Upon completion of the field work, data was edited and reduced with CPE's internal software programs and Hypack 2009/2010®. The observed tide data was compared to local predictions and other regional gauges for verification purposes. The offshore raw digital data was viewed and edited in Hypack 2009/2010®. Digitized data was scanned for noise and compared to the analog record. False soundings were removed and a comma delimited ASCII file was created and exported. The bathymetric data collected in 2011 was used to determine seismic reflector elevations. No bathymetric contour map or surface was created based on this survey. Seismic Reflection Profile Surveys "Chirp" sub -bottom seismic - reflection data is used to show sedimentary stratigraphy. The use of chirp sub -bottom data allows common stratigraphic layers to be mapped throughout the study area while determining the thickness and extent of those stratigraphic layers. An EdgeTech X -STAR SB -216s was used to conduct the seismic reflection profile surveys (Figure 2). The X -STAR Full Spectrum Sonar is a versatile wideband FM sub -bottom profiler that collects digital normal incidence reflection data over many frequency ranges. This instrumentation generates cross - sectional images of the seabed. The X -STAR SB -216s transmits an FM pulse that is linearly swept over a full spectrum frequency range (also called a "chirp pulse "). The tapered waveform spectrum results in images that have virtually constant resolution 6 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY with depth. The Chirp systems have an advantage over 3.5 kHz and "boomer" systems in sediment delineation because the reflectors are more discrete and less susceptible to ringing from both vessel and ambient noise. The full -wave rectified reflection horizons are cleaner and more distinct than the half -wave rectified reflections produced by older analog systems. The X -STAR SB -216s, the newest model in the EdgeTech suite of Chirp Full Spectrum Sub -bottom towfish, differs from the older X -STAR SB -216 (which had four (4) 6" diameter transducers) by having a single 13" diameter low frequency transducer and a single 6.5" diameter high frequency transducer. The new low frequency transducer provides more low frequency energy at all pulse settings, which allows deeper penetration of seafloor sediments while at the same time maintaining the high resolution of the original configuration. Figure 2. EdgeTech X -STAR SB -216s sub -bottom profiling system. In order to minimize noise related to the survey vessel and sea conditions, the seismic towfish (which operates as both the source and receiver for the sub -bottom system) was deployed and towed behind the research vessel. The sub - bottom system was interfaced with RTK via Hypack 2009/2010® navigational software. The location of the fish tow point (as referenced to the RTK antenna), together with the length of cable deployed from the tow point, were entered into Hypack 2009/2010® in order to account for the fish layback and provide accurate positioning of the seismic fish during the survey. The sub -bottom system was operated by the Discover -SBO software program. At the start of the sub - bottom profiling survey, the sweep frequencies of the outgoing pulse together with the different gain settings available within Discover -SBO were adjusted to obtain the best possible resolution for the survey. The data was 7 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY continuously bottom - tracked to allow for the application of real -time gain functions in order to have an optimal in- the -field view of the data. Automatic gain control (AGC) was used to normalize the data by strengthening quiet regions /soft returns while simultaneously reducing/eliminating overly strong returns by obtaining a local average at a given point. A time - varying gain (TVG) was used to increase the returning signal over time in order to reduce the effects of signal attenuation. All sub -bottom data was recorded on the acquisition computer's hard disk and transferred to a USB memory stick and/or portable hard drive at the end of each survey day to back -up raw survey data. A printed hardcopy of the data was also produced as the data was collected. Notes regarding line name, time, event, and direction of collection were recorded for the beginning and end of each survey trackline. Post collection processini of the seismic data was completed using Chesapeake Technology, Inc's SonarWiz.MAP +SBP software. This software allows the user to apply specific gains and settings in order to produce enhanced sub -bottom imagery that can then be interpreted and digitized for specific stratigraphic facies relevant to the project goals. The first data processing step was to calculate the approximate depth of the reflector below the sound source by converting the two -way travel time (the time in milliseconds that it takes for the "chirp pulse" to leave the source, hit the reflector and return to the source) to feet by utilizing an approximate value for the speed of sound through both the water and underlying geology. For this survey, a detailed hydrographic and geologic sound velocity structure was not available, so CPE geophysicists used an estimated sound velocity of 1.6 meters per millisecond (m/ms) in order to convert two -way travel time to feet. This estimate of the composite sound velocity was based on several assumptions including the speed of sound through water which is typically 1.5 m/ms as well as on the speed of sound through the sediment which can vary from 1.6 m/ms for unconsolidated sediment to >1.7 m/ms for limestone. CPE geophysicists then processed the imagery to reduce noise effects (commonly due to the vessel, sea state, or other natural and anthropogenic phenomenon) and enhance stratigraphy. This was done using the processing features available in SonarWiz.MAP +SBP®; AGC, swell filter, and a user - defined gain control (UGC). The SonarWiz.MAP +SBP® AGC is similar to the Discover -SBO AGC feature, where the data are normalized in order to remove the extreme high and low returns, while enhancing the contrast of the middle returns. In order to appropriately apply the swell filter and UGC functions, the sub -bottom data was bottom - tracked to produce an accurate baseline representation of the seafloor. Once this was done through a process of automatic bottom tracking (based on the high - amplitude signal associated with the seafloor) and manual digitization, the swell filter and UGC were applied to the data. The swell filter is based on a ping averaging function that removes vertical changes in the data due to towfish movement caused by the sea state. The swell filter was increased or decreased depending on the period and frequency of the sea surface wave conditions, however, special care was taken during this phase to not remove, or smooth over geologic features that are masked by the sea state noise. The final step was to apply the UGC. The SonarWiz.MAP +SBP® UGC feature allows the user to define amplitude gains based on either the depth below the source, or the depth below the seafloor. For this survey, the UGC was adjusted so that the gain would increase with depth below the imaged seafloor (and not the source), mimicking a time - varying gain. The user was able to remove the 8 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY noise within the water column, increase the contrast within the stratigraphy, and increase the amplitude of the stratigraphy with depth, accounting for some of the signal attenuation normally associated with sound penetration over time. After data processing, sub - surface data interpretation was performed using SonarWiz.MAP +SBP® software. Using the SonarWiz.MAP +SBP® platform, processed seismic profile lines were opened to digitally display the recorded sub - surface stratigraphy. Using the software's Sonar File Manager, color coded vibracores were added directly to the seismic profiles. Each vibracore was plotted on the line that fell closest to its location. If a vibracore was collected more than 50 ft. away from the closest seismic line, it was not plotted onto the seismic record for correlation/interpretation purposes. In areas where the subsurface stratigraphy can change suddenly over a short distance, it is impractical and potentially inaccurate to try to correlate vibracores over 50 ft. away from as -run seismic data as they may not correlate to the geophysical data due to natural undulations in the stratigraphy. By plotting distant cores on seismic data one increases the potential of improperly interpreting the subsurface stratigraphy by forcing the two (2) distant datasets to correlate when, in reality, they may not. All seismic data was reviewed to determine if any stratigraphy within the vibracores was discernable within the seismic stratigraphy. The shallow water depths in the study area presented difficulties in geophysical data collection, requiring the use of a shallow -draft vessel and smaller geophysical system. In some cases, the water depth prevented vessel access to portions of the study area, including large portions of the nearshore ebb shoal. Where the depth of the water column was sufficient for boat access, high resolution seismic data was limited by the small relative distance between the towfish and the seafloor. These conditions required the use of the smaller, higher- frequency EdgeTech 216s towfish deployed from a small vessel, effectively limiting the seismic penetration and quality when compared to the use of the standard, lower - frequency EdgeTech 5121 towfish. This reduction in seismic signal penetration due to shallow water conditions was further exacerbated by significant signal attenuation due to coarse ebb and flood shoal geologic materials. Vibracore Survey Vibracores were collected to characterize the physical properties of the sediment within Wiggins Pass and groundtruth the seismic data. Prior to collecting vibracores in State waters for this investigation, CPE was required to apply for a vibracore de minimus exemption. A de minimus exemption is issued in lieu of a permit, when the proposed activity will have insignificant impacts. In order to obtain a de minimus exemption, a Joint Environmental Resource Permit (ERP) application was submitted to the FDEP BBCS for review. This application required a general project description and a map outlining the area of investigation within which the proposed vibracoring would take place. The application was also forwarded to the Bureau of Survey and Mapping, Division of State Lands, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and the Florida Division of Historical Resources (SHPO) for review and comment. A de minimus exemption was granted by BBCS on August 3, 2011 to collect up to twenty (20) vibracores in an effort to identify sediment quality within areas of possible channel realignment of Wiggins Pass. As a condition of the de minimus exemption, all cores were required to be collected within 50 ft. of the as -run remote sensing survey tracklines. 9 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY Vibracores were collected by Athena Technologies Inc. using Athena's custom designed and built vibracore system deployed from a sampling platform (Figure 3). Athena's system consists of a generator with a mechanical vibrator attached via cable. The vibrator is attached directly to a 3 -inch diameter, galvanized sample barrel. The sample barrel is lowered to the seafloor through a moonpool in the deck of the sampling platform by attaching lengths of drill stem. The vibracore machine is then turned on and the sample barrel is allowed to penetrate until it reaches target depth or refusal. Vibracoring was conducted off the RVArtemis. Upon removal of the vibracores, they were measured, marked and cut into 5 -ft. sections. The cores were then labeled, and transported to CPE's office in Boca Raton, Florida. There, the vibracores were split and logged by describing sedimentary properties by layer in terms of layer thickness, color, texture (grain size), composition and presence of clay, silt, gravel, or shell and any other identifying features. Wet Munsell color was determined in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Materials Designation D2488 -00 for description and identification of soils (visual - manual procedure) (ASTM, 2009). The vibracores were digitally photographed against an 18% gray background. This is the standard reference value against which all camera light meters are calibrated. Use of an 18% gray background is preferred by the FDEP as it provides a known reference color. Sediment samples were obtained from irregular intervals based on distinct layers in the sediment sequence. The unsampled half of each core was then archived. Figure 3. Athena electric vibracore system. Sediment Grain Size (Mechanical) Analysis. During sieve analysis the wet, dry and washed Munsell colors were noted. Sieve analyses were conducted on all sediment samples in accordance with American Society for Testing and Materials Standard Materials Designation D422 -63 for particle size analysis of soils (ASTM, 2007). This method covered the quantitative determination of the distribution of sand size particles. For sediment finer than the No. 230 sieve (4.0 phi) the ASTM Standard Test Method, Designation D1140 -00 was followed (ASTM, 2006). Mechanical sieving was accomplished using calibrated sieves with a gradation of half phi 10 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY intervals. Additional sieves representing key ASTM sediment classification boundaries were included to meet FDEP standards. Weights retained on each sieve were recorded cumulatively. Grain size data were entered into the gINTO software program, which computes the mean and median grain size, sorting, and silt/clay percentages for each sample using the moment method (Folk, 1974). Granularmetric reports and grain size distribution curves were compiled for each sample. RESULTS Review of Existing Data The historic data that was compiled in 2009 is discussed below. Note that the historic vibracore logs reference different vertical datums. Some of the cores are referenced to Mean Sea Level (MSL) while others are referenced to NGVD29 or NAVD88. For some cores, a datum was not provided. Where possible, the elevations have been converted to NAVD88 in the text for consistency. The 1979 USACE and 2006 Humiston and Moore vibracores have been included in the discussions below to provide a general characterization of the Wiggins Pass ebb shoal, flood shoal and tributaries. However, it should be noted that these cores should not be used in any future design work. 1979 USACE Vibracores In 1979, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers ( USACE) collected borings from Wiggins Pass. Five (5) borings (CB -WP -1, IA, 113, 2 and 3) were collected from the ebb shoal. The vibracore logs for these borings are presented in Appendix 1. Munsell Colors, silt content and mean grain size are not provided. The five (5) borings collected from the ebb shoal indicate that the uppermost 13 -15 ft. is predominantly fine - grained, shelly quartz sand that is tan to gray in color. The easternmost boring from the ebb shoal has 6.0 ft. of shell underlain by fine- grained, shelly, quartz sand. Two (2) cores within the ebb shoal (CB -WP -IA and CB- WP -1B) have a limestone layer at an elevation of approximately -10.0 ft. MSL ( -10.2 ft. NAVD88). This limestone is likely of limited extent since it only appears in two (2) of the five (5) cores. 1990 Coastal Engineering Consultants In 1990, Coastal Engineering Consultants (CEC) identified a rock ledge located at an elevation of -7.0 to -10.0 ft. NGVD29 ( -7.4 to -10.4 ft. NAVD88) at the entrance of the inlet. The approximate location of this ledge is shown in Figure 1. This ledge was considered a significant geological feature in 1990, and was used to restrict dredging and the channel location for the inlet. 2006 Humiston and Moore Vibracores In 2006, Humiston and Moore collected six (6) vibracores (WP- 06 -01, 02, 03, 04, 05 and 06) from the Wiggins Pass tributaries. The vibracore logs, photographs, granularmetric reports and grain size distribution curves are provided in Appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Munsell colors are provided on the vibracore logs. It is assumed that they represent wet conditions. It appears that dry and washed Munsell colors were not determined. These vibracores indicate that the uppermost 2 to 4 ft. of sediment in the tributaries is predominantly gray, fine- grained, quartz 11 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY sand with trace silt, trace shell fragments and trace whole shell. Shell increases from trace to little in cores WP -06 -04 and 05 which are both located at the junction between the tributaries. Underlying material is coarser grained and brown in color. Median grain size increases with depth. Organic content also increases with depth. Color ranges from gray towards the surface to brown at depth. Since the top of core elevations are approximate, these cores should not be used in any future design work. Results of the 2009 and 2011 Investigations The results of the geophysical and geotechnical investigations conducted by CPE in 2009 and 2011 are discussed below. 2009 CPE Jetprobes Ten (10) jetprobes were conducted by CPE in 2009 to investigate the extent of the rock substrate identified by CEC in 1990. The 2009 jetprobe investigation was limited to the ebb shoal and a small portion of the flood shoal. Nine (9) were conducted within the ebb shoal (WPJP- 09 -01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 09 and 10) and one (1) was conducted within the flood shoal (WPJP- 09 -08). They encountered rock refusal at elevations ranging from -8.2 ft. to -21.7 ft. NAVD88 (Table 1). WPJP -09 -07 and WPJP -09 -03 did not encounter refusal. The jetprobes conducted by CPE in the ebb shoal may indicate the presence of a rock ledge that extends across the mouth of Wiggins Pass. The rock is shallowest along the margins of the current channel and deepest within the channel. One (1) of the jetprobes (WPJP- 09 -01) corresponds to the rock ledge identified by CEC in 1990. This probe encountered refusal at -10.2 ft. NAVD88, which is in close agreement with the elevation of the CEC rock ledge ( -7.4 ft. to -10.4 ft. NAVD88). The single jetprobe conducted in the flood shoal met refusal at an elevation of -21.7 ft. NAVD88. It is important to note that jetprobes provide limited information. In this case they only provide information on the elevation at which refusal occurred. Although refusal is generally attributed to rock, the nature of the rock cannot be determined by the jetprobes. Refusal could be caused by a massive rock unit, a stiff clay unit, a rock fragment layer of limited extent or a single rock fragment. 12 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY Table 1. Jetprobe refusal elevations. ID Refusal (ft. NAVD88) WPJP -09 -01 Rock Refusal at -10.2 WPJP -09 -02 Rock Refusal at -14.1 WPJP -09 -03 No Refusal at -23.7 WPJP -09 -04 Rock Refusal at -10.3 WPJP -09 -05 Rock Refusal at -8.7 WPJP -09 -06 Rock Refusal at -8.2 WPJP -09 -07 No Refusal at -23.1 WPJP -09 -08 Rock Refusal at -21.7 WPJP -09 -09 Rock Refusal at -14.0 WPJP -09 -10 Rock Refusal at -12.5 2009 and 2011 CPE Vibracores In 2009, based on the results of the jetprobe survey, CPE collected six (6) widely spaced vibracores. Two (2) were collected from the ebb shoal, three (3) were collected from the flood shoal and one (1) was collected from the tributaries. In 2011, CPE collected sixteen (16) additional vibracores. The locations of the vibracores were selected based on consultation with the FDEP. Six (6) vibracores were collected from the ebb shoal and ten (10) vibracores were collected from the flood shoal. The vibracore logs, photographs, granularmetric reports and grain size distribution curves/histograms for the 2009 and 2011 vibracores are provided in Appendices 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively. Refusal elevations are provided in Table 2. 13 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY Table 2. Elevation of Refusal. Vibracore ID Refusal Elevation (ft. NAVD88) WPVC -09 -01 No Refusal WPVC -09 -02 No Refusal WPVC -09 -03 No Refusal WPVC -09 -04 No Refusal WPVC -09 -05 No Refusal WPVC -09 -06 Rock Refusal at -14.0 WPVC -11 -01 No Refusal WPVC -11 -02 No Refusal WPVC -11 -03 No Refusal WPVC -11 -04 Rock Refusal at -19.4 WPVC -11 -05 Rock Refusal at -15.0 WPVC -11 -06 No Refusal WPVC -11 -07 No Refusal WPVC -11 -08 Rock Refusal at -20.6 WPVC -11 -09 Rock Refusal at —23.4 WPVC -11 -10 Rock Refusal at -13.9 WPVC -11 -11 No Refusal WPVC -11 -12 No Refusal WPVC -11 -13 Rock Refusal at -19.8 WPVC -11 -14 No Refusal WPVC -11 -15 No Refusal WPVC -11 -16 Rock Refusal at -17.3 Note: The term "rock refusal" refers to refusal caused by rock fragments greater than or equal to 1.5 inches in diameter. The eight (8) vibracores collected from the ebb shoal (WPVC -09 -05 and 06, WPVC -11- 02, 03, 04, 05, 06 and 07) indicate that sediment within the ebb shoal ranges from shelly to silty. The shell content is highest towards the surface of the shoal where there is shell hash, Shelly sand and/or trace to some shell (in the form of whole shell and shell fragments). This shelly layer ranges in thickness from 1.5 ft. to 8 ft. It is thickest directly adjacent to the existing channel 14 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY (vibracores WPVC- 11 -05, 06 and 07) and thins away from the channel. The shell is typically underlain by a fine - grained sand layer that ranges from 0.5 ft. to 5.6 ft. thick. This layer typically contains trace fines and may contain trace wood fragments or trace rock fragments. This layer is underlain by sand containing little to some fines. Six (6) vibracores indicate the presence of isolated rock fragments throughout the ebb shoal. These vibracores have trace to little rock fragments at elevations ranging from -4.2 ft. NAVD88 to -16.4 ft. NAVD88. It is important to note that rock is in the form of isolated rock fragments. The 2009 and 2011 vibracores show no evidence of a continuous rock layer. With the exception of one (1) vibracore (WPVC- 11 -06) all of the vibracores collected from the ebb shoal contain trace wood fragments below an elevation of -5.2 ft. NAVD88. One (1) core within the ebb shoal (WPVC- 11 -04) also has a 0.5 ft. thick layer of peat. This is the only core within the ebb shoal that contained peat. There is a 1.4 ft. thick, black (wet Munsell value of 2.5) organic clay layer from -9.6 ft. to -11.0 ft. NAVD88 in WPVC -11 -06 and a 0.4 ft. thick black (wet Munsell value of 2.5) organic sand layer from -8.9 ft. to -9.3 ft. NAVD88. These organic layers are not continuous, as they only appear in two (2) of the eight (8) vibracores collected in the ebb shoal. The thirteen (13) vibracores collected within the flood shoal (WPVC- 09 -02, 03 and 04, WPVC- 11 -01, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16) indicate that sediment in the flood shoal is predominantly fine - grained, quartz sand with trace silt, trace shell hash, trace shell fragments and trace whole shell. Shell content and mean grain size are highest towards the surface of the flood shoal and decrease with depth. Organics are lowest towards the surface of the flood shoal and increase with depth. There are isolated rock fragments found at elevations between -1.1 ft. to - 23.8 ft. NAVD88. With the exception of a single core located on the western side of the flood shoal (WPVC- 09 -04), which has a 0.9 ft. thick organic clay layer at an elevation of -7.8 ft. NAVD88, there is no evidence of a continuous layer of organic clay. Additionally, there is no evidence of a continuous layer of peat. There is isolated peat in the form of pockets and lamina containing little peat between -9.8 ft. and -14 ft. NAVD88. The single core (WPVC- 09 -01) collected from the tributaries, indicates that material in the northernmost tributary is predominantly fine- grained quartz sand with trace silt. The uppermost 0.6 ft. contains trace shell fragments and trace shell hash. Organics increase with depth. There is a 1.9 ft. black (wet Munsell color value of 2.5) organic clay layer with a mean grain size of 0.18 mm at an elevation of -7.0 ft. NAVD88. The wet Munsell color values (excluding the organic clay layer) range from 3 to 6, with a typical value of 5. Mean grain size varies from 0.18 mm to 0.22 mm. CPE reviewed the 2009 and 2011 vibracore logs for sediment quality. Table 3 lists the criteria for color coding the vibracores. 15 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY Table 3. Vibracore color code scheme showing the range of sediment differentiation. Color Code Description Green Sand ( <5% fines, may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Light Green Sand (5 -10% fines, may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Yellow Sand (10 -20% fines, may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Purple Shelly Sand (may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Tan Peat and Organics (may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Orange Organic Clay (may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Cyan Clay (may include trace ( <10 %) rock fragments) Dark Blue Rock or Rock Fragments ( >10% rock or rock fragments) Fence post diagrams were created to provide cross section views of the ebb shoal and flood shoal. The locations of these cross section views are depicted in Figure 4. A series of eleven (11) diagrams designated A -A' through K -K' were created and are presented in Appendix 5. Six (6) of these diagrams cover the ebb shoal (A -A', B -B', C -C', D -D', E -E' and F -F'). Although there is no obvious correlation between the cores shown on these fence post diagrams, several general trends can be seen. The various sediment types are interbedded and occur in patches throughout the ebb shoal. These diagrams indicate that the ebb shoal typically contains Shelly material (shell hash, shelly sand or sand with >10% shell) overlying fine- grained sand with variable amounts of fines (5 -10% fines). There are isolated pockets of rock (>10% rock fragments) throughout the ebb shoal. Although the layers containing rock fragments do not appear to correlate, they are most abundant to the north and to the south of the current channel. Based on the fence diagrams, it appears that the northern portion of the ebb shoal (immediately north of the existing channel) is slightly siltier than the portion of the ebb shoal that is south of the existing channel. The portion of the ebb shoal that is immediately north of the current channel also contains more shell than other parts of the ebb shoal. There is a single occurrence of peat (a 0.5 ft. thick layer in WPVC- 11 -04) and a single occurrence of organic clay (a 0.9 ft. thick layer in WPVC- 09 -04) within the ebb shoal. Because these sediment types each occur in only one (1) core, they likely represent isolated pockets. 16 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY A series of four (4) diagrams designated A -A', 13-13', C -C' and D -D' show east -west cross sections across the flood shoal. Diagrams J -J', K -K' and G -G' show north -south trending cross sections across the flood shoal. Like the ebb shoal, the flood shoal is typically comprised of shelly material overlying fine- grained sand with variable silt and clay contents (trace to little; 0- 20%). The silt content increases towards the tributaries. These diagrams also show the presence of a shelly deposit to the south of the pass. Two (2) fencepost diagrams were created to characterize the tributaries. It is important to note that these two (2) diagrams are based on the 2006 Humiston and Moore vibracores, which are not being used for design. These profiles indicate that sediment in the tributaries is predominantly Shelly material overlying sand. The silt content increases towards the east into the middle tributary. 2011 CPE Geophysical Investigations After interpreting the seismic data collected within Wiggins Pass in 2011, several acoustic reflectors of interest were identified. Within the flood shoal, the top of a possible organic clay layer was identified (Line _12_1— of_2). However, the reflector was faint and difficult to identify in some locations. This of was partially correlated with nearby collected vibracores (WPVC- 09 -04), with some vertical offsets resulting from horizontal offsets between the core location and as -run seismic trackline locations. The presence of this reflector appeared to be laterally restricted within the vicinity of the flood shoal. This reflector is shown in Figure 5 and represents the base of sand. As shown in Figure 5, the elevation of the base of sand ranges from -8 ft. to -23 ft. NAVD88, with the deepest elevation in the existing channel and the shallowest directly adjacent to the current point bar. The sand above this reflector is predominantly fine grained sand with trace silt and trace to some shell hash. An unknown reflector was identified in the outer ebb shoal. This reflector is shown in Figures 5 and 6. The acoustic signature of this reflector is indicative of a coarse material, possibly shell hash or rock rubble. However, since no cores were collected in the outer ebb shoal, the nature of this reflector cannot be verified. Reflector elevations range from — 6 ft. NAVD88 at the channel margins to -27 ft. NAVD88 in the outer ebb shoal (within the existing dredge template). There appears to be a topographic high just north of WPJP- 09 -10, where the elevation of the reflector rises to -7 ft. NAVD88. The adjacent jetprobes (WPJP -09 -09 and 10) met refusal at -14 and -12.5 ft. NAVD88 respectively. This indicates that this "hill" may represent an area where coarse material dredged from the existing dredge template has been disposed. In addition to the two (2) reflectors identified and shown in Figure 5, the seismic data indicates the presence of large volumes of coarse shell -hash and shelly sands throughout the flood shoal deposit. Upon the completion of processing, all of the seismic data was then exported as a "Web" based project of HTML /JPEG files viewable in any standard web browser software package (Appendix 6). A trackline map is also provided in Appendix 6. 18 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY DISCUSSION Channel Sediment Characterization The 2009 and 2011 CPE vibracores and the 2011 geophysical data were used to characterize the sediment within Wiggins Pass. Although the 1979 USACE vibracores and the 2006 Humiston and Moore vibracores were used to help characterize the sediment in Wiggins pass, they should not be used in any future design work. The 1979 USACE vibracores are too old to meet current FDEP standards and none of the cores meet the FDEP's current preference for 80% recovery. They are also missing mean grain size, Munsell color and silt content information. The 2006 Humiston and Moore vibracores are missing a vertical datum. Although a vertical datum of NGVD29 was provided as an addendum to the vibracore logs, the original datum is not clear and the elevations are listed as approximate. Geophysical and geotechnical data within the preliminary channel alignment was reviewed to provide a rough approximation of the distribution of sediment within Wiggins Pass. Five (5) sediment types were identified. They are sand ( <5% fines), sediment containing 5 to 20% fines; clay, rock (in the form of rock fragments) and shelly sediment. Currently, the preferred placement of sand dredged from the channel realignment is the adjacent beach. Shelly sand will be used to fill in the old channel meander. Sand with 5 to 20% fines will be placed in the nearshore. Sediment that is deemed unsuitable by the FDEP (i.e. rock or sediment with >20% fines) will be taken to an upland disposal facility. Figure 5 shows the characterization of sediment within the preliminary channel alignment. Areas that have not been filled on Figure 5 contain sediment that is suitable for beach placement. SUMMARY /RECOMMENDATIONS During this investigation, CPE geologists reviewed existing geotechnical data and collected geophysical data and additional geotechnical data in 2009 and 2011. A review of the vibracore and seismic data, indicates that the Wiggins Pass ebb shoal, flood shoal and tributaries are predominantly fine- grained sand with pockets of shelly sediment (shelly sand or shell hash), organic clay and rock fragments. The seismic and vibracore data indicate that these sediment types do not occur in continuous layers, which is consistent with reworked sediments associated with inlets. With the exception of a single core (WPVC- 11 -04) there is no evidence of a peat deposit. Since this is the only core that had peat (a 0.5 ft. thick layer), it is likely an isolated occurrence in Wiggins Pass. Additionally, no continuous rock layer was found within the inlet. No controlling feature was identified directly adjacent to the current channel alignment. LITERATURE CITED ASTM, 2009. Standard practice for description and identification of soils (visual - manual 21 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY procedure), designation D2488 -09a. 2009 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, volume 04.08: Soil and Rock; Building Stones; Geotextiles. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials. ASTM, 2007. Standard method for particle -size analysis of soils, designation D422 -63. 2007 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08: Soil and Rock; Building Stones; Geotextiles. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials. ASTM, 2006. Standard methods for amount of material in soils finer than No. 200 (75 um) sieve, designation D 1140 -00. 2006 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Volume 04.08: Soil and Rock; Building Stones; Geotextiles. Philadelphia: American Society for Testing Materials. Folk, R.L., 1974. The Petrology of Sedimentary Rocks. Austin, Texas: Hemphill, 182p. 22 COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING, INC. A SHAW GROUP COMPANY APPENDIX OVERVIEW Introduction: These appendices contain the geotechnical data that was collected for use in the Wiggins Pass Channel Realignment Project. Vibracores were collected from Wiggins Pass Collier County, Florida in 1979, 2006, 2009 and 2011. The 1979 USACE cores and the 2006 Humiston & Moore cores have been provided for general characterization purposes only. They have not been used in the design. The vibracore data is provided in the form of vibracores logs, vibracore photographs, granularmetric reports, grain size distribution curves/histograms and fencepost diagrams. Vibracore photographs, granularmetric reports and grain size distribution curves/histograms are not available for the 1979 USACE vibracores. Siesmic reflection profiling data is provided in the digital report copy only. 1) Vibracore Logs Laboratory and descriptive information for each vibracore is presented on the log sheets. Unified Soils Classification terminology is used in the core layer descriptions and key grain size information (mean grain size, fines content and sorting) for each vibracore sample is presented under the Remarks column. Multiple layer intervals are sometimes represented by a single sample. The Box or Sample column is used to identify the specific sample that represents a specific layer. A) 1979 USACE Vibracores Five (5) historic vibracores were collected during an investigation conducted in 1979, and their log sheets are presented in this sub - appendix. B) 2006 Humiston & Moore Vibracores Six (6) historic vibracores were collected during an investigation conducted in 2006, and their log sheets are presented in this sub - appendix. C) 2009 CPE Vibracores Six (6) vibracores were collected in 2009 for use in this project and their log sheets are presented in this sub - appendix. D) 2011 CPE Vibracores Sixteen (16) vibracores were collected in 2011 for use in this project and their log sheets are presented in this sub - appendix. 2) Vibracore Photographs Photographs of the 2006, 2009 and 2011 vibracores collected from Wiggins Pass, are presented here. A) 2006 Humiston & Moore Vibracore Photographs Photographs of vibracores collected in 2006 are presented here. B) 2009 CPE Vibracore Photographs Photographs of vibracores collected in 2009 are presented here. C) 2011 CPE Vibracore Photographs Photographs of vibracores collected in 2011 are presented here. 3) Individual Vibracore Granularmetric Reports This appendix contains individual grain size distribution curves/histograms for the vibracore samples collected in 2006, 2009 and 2011. A) 2006 Humiston & Moore Individual Vibracore Granularmetric Reports This sub - appendix contains individual granularmetric reports for the vibracore samples collected in 2006. B) 2009 CPE Individual Vibracore Granularmetric Reports This sub - appendix contains individual granularmetric reports for the vibracore samples collected in 2009. C) 2011 CPE Individual Vibracore Granularmetric Reports This sub - appendix contains individual granularmetric reports for the vibracore samples collected in 2011. 4) Individual Vibracore Grain Size Distribution Curves/Histograms This appendix contains individual grain size distribution curves/histograms for the vibracore samples collected in 2006, 2009 and 2011. A) 2006 Humiston & Moore Individual Vibracore Grain Size Distribution Curves This sub - appendix contains individual grain size distribution curves for the vibracore samples collected in 2006. B) 2009 CPE Individual Vibracore Grain Size Distribution Curves /Histograms This sub - appendix contains individual grain size distribution curves/histograms for the vibracore samples collected in 2009. C) 2011 CPE Individual Vibracore Grain Size Distribution Curves/Histograms This sub - appendix contains individual grain size distribution curves /histograms for the vibracore samples collected in 2011. 5) Fencepost Diagrams Fencepost diagrams that were created to provide cross sectional views of the ebb and flood shoals are presented in this appendix. 6) 2011 CPE Wiggins Pass Seismic Data (Digital Copy Only) This appendix includes seismic records collected in Wiggins Pass. The files are in HTML format and are therefore only included in digital format. A map showing the location of the 2011 geophysical tracklines is also included in this appendix. APPENDIX 1 Vibracore Logs 1979 USACE Vibracores DMLLING LOG t}rN1 South Atlantic rtriktatr netr� i „ajVMRTff„41e. [„,�#MELYNKtl. O$Aa F��hi YCp4'. 1Y T. T,I,IC�gME533}# OYXREWRG Stiff OR BARREL A S. "PTM MLLGO INTO NOpt 9. TOTAL OEPFN.OF NOLS; 13.51 ELEVATi ON IlfTN LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS �Fi@P�tl#iY 6 It r SPLIT SPOON Pus 1'e District TOTAL NUMBER LORE BOXES ELEVATION GROI&Rii MATER 9TARTEO pATR NOLt IM/ P"VATIt1N TOO Of IiULR TOTAL CORE.RKCAYtRY FaR r: v)wtsttalt DRILLING i• r ouch ,At Lpt3G IlttLt AT1o3I' 0 Jacksonville E�� tr t k. PROJECT WIGGINS PASS � sax• Ml. Slit, wNO YYPE OP T mar �y. u>+ � �, X. LOCATl4NZCaww.. o a } RE SEINU M M . a. DRILLING xrM.0 r , x tENiNATOO Of ORILL Acker r s Enlineers, i#end .... HOLE NO, n (A. .h ... WW* aae! aCnd ta tty nn x 4? L NO. DO OVER. It�areAt cap YNWa£UNOSSC OUNOR t SAMPLES TAKE" C CB-WPl A 5. NAmi Of ORILL-�R t4 TOTAL NUMUER COAB. En Vt R. GORDON is ELEVATtO)# CNCtuxa!*AVER 7 da S. DIRECTION OP HOLE [jY�BwreGxCENC 6t.ED _ . . . N$. ]wTt }OLE It me rBt9... EC.SMYn6R43Cb 1/11/79 1/11/79 7. TIiiCKNES3 OF OVt:R.$ij,(OEN M ELEVATION TOP OP HOLE •• �.. - s. OEPTR ORMLED wto ROCK lo:. TOTAL tORS NECOVE#8Y£OR. UORINt'i. :} g, 9, TOTAL OE-TH Of ROLE... 15,...0' t� ,!� t+ R R T : P-OL. -. 16 £LEVATtbN O£ "TN LCOERO CLAWPSCATtoa OV WAYERIA" {p'., C3P8to.d %CORE sawmw Aeu^RKS RECOy SAMPLE iA'h3tt23nR rFmtl, *k+1"tu.., d.Pttt �t d Ear NO L »wtr.rt�to .tom, It.e�� . , BIT OR BARREL BIS /0.5 ft. w Vitas SAND, fine, quartz, tan, N'-RODS Shelly (SIB) -10.5 -10.7 a.7 LINSTONE, hard, gray IOCI 1 W She #-RODS .. SAND, fine, quartz, tarp, slightly Shelly (5) 50 2 • �' 4 i i �20'PO 15. ` • -20.0 NOTES hammer with 30A 1140# 1. SAMPLES SAND OBTAINED FROM WASH Of drop used on 2.0' split MATER. Spoon. i1 -3/8" I, I. X Btt O..D. c tr E . � . 18 3 6 rvtst t� (E3rtDH9 ARE, S?$SL7LET£. I d PAtC ' PLATE ieY rr� >I� Ai �r 1D DkiLLING Corps of Fp jnea r-a HOLE iiiftFCT174F U °ti7bk:.s # y i T, 4 µ.._ y� If, OAT" §3C5 I 7 ,.� riP� ii, t. %. Vhi'9 i�>i erFg 6P 4d`x.f 1 e� YNICx tti OF ovep -lvo)1 FN CLAD #FCC cra 0 r x DEPT" a Vr wi OF MA eRAL, a 1!!7t — ( d R-.11"? -7.0 01 SA IM), fine, quartz. gray (SP) S 1 -9.0 .3 LIME TIE Ysari r Y....._..__. M H SAND, fine, quartz, gray (S) So f -20.0 13. ui NOTES: 1. SAMPLES OF SAND TAKEN FP 's WASH WA TM War -? -1, 1 Me- WWI 3111" dvon ""(0 Sri e ,o' split IX X ��'0i0�) no_• no, t._a —tYY –G 4 cllulSl+ } #ST4Y44ATPpN Si1tCT DRILL114G LM South Atlantic Jacksonville District $F1 sf4 r f. f'RG2 GT W S_2$ AMO TY EMIT_ WIGGINS PASS , . v r 4 N Al ar �X. LqC{J _2 6?a1u+ra5+n0 ` wr o+t �ryr.t S _B _.. +�l F't#:t + p' 6I ♦ „,«..,,,,• .� #2 YANHU PiCT5. RtR'S OFSIGHA TYSR Of' BRILL S. DRI14I5 GS{1Q YcY AckerAcker ,__Eorps of Engineers P$. TOTAL. RU, �T 6VER- 013"Ck1Ml MB.b � fBif Eal lT6AR nx(t ! R. fIOL$ Y40) rAi -h—, .. ;F—l" x1#4.1 ..W fit. .—b.0 _ UR @.ER SAMPLES TAKFN I - iP- __. y« RAf4R �F iPRl4 L.EFI 14« TOTAL NUMBER CORY? BOXES R. GORDON 15v CLJE dATiO4 0MOUNO WATER Tidal ' PIREC71Oi OF PMOLE Y.Y.YEr:4e. MMC4YpR_'x o %. FRai•Y aKRY. Own! TK xcfL sxAR`a __ - • jSv ATtQN TcW OF NO" 3« T{�1G44WF19 iii i?YK RI4it YAP '.« fig, °:. T AS«KCf1V!'RY iftYYt R4hYYYti 33 '_G ORC !# Q, iE4''TYt f�fi Yf„4M:D Yff'�{,x Yd4Crt ^,,. _,.•.•�.•....,-, iq. m. YoTA4 ovprYM of 4Moix 13.51 E Y + R i; MAN '4+d1'ti6il �4�Yf�E�ATM4}fp _!f 12xT�RYAR.S � I% T41 BGENtl i Sr:MCtt ltMhi ARMOLE M��►MANK9 .•.». fb #pt4nax ,f w+AYaitofe� dr#.Ad Y � w�rMftrrfegp. ♦Ya, Oi .fitni_fawxtlP p Bit ot- Harrel .,.' HELL. sandy � SPLIT SPOON PuskefL � :.. 30 1 . e Pushed 341 I4 ffi w ..3�f .0 5 .m 33 3 Ra i4YY m5 -10.5 36 4 YY A## - 12.43 6.01 SAND, fire, quartz, gray, 341 5 l2 slightly silty, (SP) -13.5 10 6 R K 1 20 6 7 -15.0 8 '- 543 r7 " P, -15.5 RA #P Ei ♦ 50 8 (l -18.0 .1. 30 � R _ 44 =1�.6 13.5... •1g.5 '�(� -_ 140# hammer with 3011 drop used on 2.01 splii spoon. (1 -3/8" I.B. X C. FORM l a u .f PLAU 21D WRILLIK LOG [­v i th Atlantic ". PROJECr WIOOINS PASS +9.R "T:C4L 1"CLANW" r,. 'THICKNESS ON OVERBURDEN L DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK at"" HOUC 7..�t "_... ELEVATION UVPTM t.E.GENd CLA53I r -7.5 thLLAIWM Jacksonville size #AD Tvl or I ar�c,a V OP BIT OR BARREL M® 14C FORM 18 36 "oeviou3 F—DONS ­9 OBSOLEre. `vnvaEcr I PLATE 220 1 WIGGINS PASS -1.3 vs#jv.J IL. i Pushed 20 l SPLIT SPOON %ELLS, sanely -9.0 30 -1 tt.5 8 30 3 5 IJ 0 10 SAND, fine, quartz, tan -13.5 7 (SP) N II 3 fi 30 5 5 -15 0 4 140# hammer with 0° drop used on 2.0` split spoon, (1 -3J01' I.D. X ' i 21, O.O.) 1 1 i B 14C FORM 18 36 "oeviou3 F—DONS ­9 OBSOLEre. `vnvaEcr I PLATE 220 1 WIGGINS PASS 2006 Humiston & Moore Vibracores Core WP -06 -01 Core top elevation approximately -6.9' NGVD'29 DRILLING LOG' ...... — Atlantic i�)iggins Pass, October 2006 z Locmum (Coordin a ies or Station) 385858.01E, 712073 . 85N, NAD83 3. DRILLING AGENCY Athena Technologies 4. HOLE NO.(As shown on drawing title NVP-06-01 and title number) Hole No. WP-06-01 I 1Nb1ALLA11VN SHEET I OF 1 SHEETS I 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF SIT 3" Vibracore ll.D .Irt" ­��TumfakouEvxiio—N SHOWN TBM or MSL NIA 112.MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OFDRILL Athena Technologies Vibracore System Id ioTi1 NO. 6F 6Ni6is-mbEN " 1 DISTURBED -'- iUNDISTURBED j SAMPLESTAKEN j 0 0 i 114 TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES I 5. NAME OF DRILLER Sexton 115. ELEVATION GROUND WATER Tidal 1COMPLETED 116. DATE HOLE 31 OCT 06 31 OCT 061 -i. DIRECTION OFA&E' STARTED F-_,I _DEG. FROM VER-tf�j- xi VERTICAL INCLINED 7. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 8.3' Water Denth 7. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN N/A 8. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE in 51 9. SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR ELEVATION I DEPTH !LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % CORE BOX OR I REMARKS (Description) RECOV. SAMPLE (Drilling time, water loss, depth of ERY NO weathering, etc., if significant) , a b c d e f 9 0-33; Fine grained sand(M)and Samples: WP-06-01-A 0-3.3', WP- 06 -01- ::::::' mud /finer grained layers (5GY6/1). B 3.3-8.9' SC (150: 0.16mm,'YAlissing #200: 10.2 3.3-8.9': 5YR3/2 fine grained mind. Stained with either organics or iron. SP d50:0.22min,%P,,tssitig#200:1.9 -5 -10— -15— . ....... -20 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) Core WP -06 -02 Core top elevation approximately -4.9' NGVD'29 0 -2.6': 1-mc graine sand, slightly Samples: bVP- 06 -02 -A 0-2.6', WP- 06 -02- -:: muddy. Mottled (NS) & (5GY'6 /1). B 2.6 -8.8' SP d50: 0.14mm, %Passing #200: 7..8 2.6 -8.8': Fine gained sand, organics . ' . ' . ' Present (2.6- 3.4'). Grades From above Unit between 2.6 -3.4'. Color 10)'R4 /2 & 51'R2/1 (5,2 -7.5) SP d50: 0.20mm, "/ Passing 14200: 1.6 -5 1 I t 1 -10 -15 -20 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) Hole No. WP-06 -02 DIVISION DRILLING LoGI South Atlantic Y INSTALLATION 1 OF 1 SHEETS + ' 1 PROJECT -SHEET 10 SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3" Vtbracore gg i Pass, October 2006 U - - -- i11. DATM FOR ELEVATION SHOWN (7BM or MSL) -Wiggins LOCAON (Coordinates or Sfatlon) 2 TI N/A 385462.5413, 711993.99N, NAD83 112. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL . 3. DRILLING AGENCY 1 Athena Technologies � T tbracore System Athena Technologies g - 13 TOTAL NO. OF OVERBURDEN (DISTURBED (UNDISTURBED 4. HOLE NO.(As shown on drawing title NW-06-02 I SAMPLES TAKEN 0 0 and title number) -_. -_ 114. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 3 5. NAME OF DRILLER Sexton 115. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER Tidal 6. DIRECTION OF HOLE - _..__...._.j------ -- - -- STARTED (COMPLETED 116. DATE HOLE 31 OCT 06 ' 31 OCT 06 r, r1 X� VERTICAL - 1 INCLINED - _ - .. _, __KNE_ DEG. FROM VERT ; - -- " " - -- —L -'— 17. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 6.3' Water Depth 7 THIC_ E SS OF OVERBURDEN N /A 18. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING $,$' 8. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK O 19. SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR 9 TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 10.5' I ELEVATION ' DEPTH i LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS ` %CORE BOX OR T� REMARKS - ! (Description) - RECOV- ! SAMPLE ' (Drilling time, water loss, depth of ERY NO. weathering, etc., ilsignificant) a b i c d e f g 0 -2.6': 1-mc graine sand, slightly Samples: bVP- 06 -02 -A 0-2.6', WP- 06 -02- -:: muddy. Mottled (NS) & (5GY'6 /1). B 2.6 -8.8' SP d50: 0.14mm, %Passing #200: 7..8 2.6 -8.8': Fine gained sand, organics . ' . ' . ' Present (2.6- 3.4'). Grades From above Unit between 2.6 -3.4'. Color 10)'R4 /2 & 51'R2/1 (5,2 -7.5) SP d50: 0.20mm, "/ Passing 14200: 1.6 -5 1 I t 1 -10 -15 -20 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) Core WP -06 -03 Core top elevation approximately -6.9' NGVD'29 Hole No. 'VW-06-03 DRILLING LID IVIS�ON South Atlantic INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3" VibraCore-- Wiggins Pass, October 2006 ---------- 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION SHOWN (TSM or MSL) 2. LOCATION (Coordinates or Station) N/A 385158.25E, 711937.75N, NAD8312. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Athena Technologies Vibracorc System 3. DRILLING AGENCY Athena Technologies 113. TOTAL NO. OF OVE RBURDEN DISTURBED UNDISTURBED 1 SAMPLES TAKEN 0 4. HOLE NO.(As shown on drawingtillO WP -06 -03 and title number) i. 5. NAME—OF DRILLER Sexton 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 2 — '- 15. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER Tidal 6. DIRECTION OF HOLE -- _- __ -___ -C wLETED 16. DATE HOLE 31 OCT 06 31 OCT 06' X VERTICAL 11 INCLINED DEG. FROM VERT — 1 17. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 8.3' Water Depth 7. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 18. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING--8.8' ------ — ------ 8. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK O 19. SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 11.5' ELEVATION DEPTH LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS %CORE (Description) RECOV- BOX OR SAMPLE REMARKS (Drilling time, water loss, depth of ERY NO. weathering, etc., if significant) a b c d e 0-2.1% 5GY6/1 TO 5 Y6/1 mottled Samples: WP-06-03-A 0-2.1', WP- 06 -03- sand. Slightly muddy from 1.5-2.1. B 2.1-6.1',WP-06-03-C 6.1-8.9' SP d5O; 0.16mm, %Passing #200; 4.2 2.1-6.1': 5Y8/1 to 10YR4/2 clean, fine grained sand. SP d50:0.20min, 51,1'assing 4200:2.3 -5 ----- --- --- – 6.1-8.8'; Mixed sand and shell L fragments. N6 to 5Y8/1 color. GC d50: 0.29nim, %Passing #200: 3.5,'Vo Gravel: 11.4 L L L-11 -10— -15– — ----- - -20 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) Core WP -06 -04 Core top elevation approximately -1.1' NGVD'29 DRILLING LOG'l South Atlantic i1.PROJECT Wiggins Pass, October 2006 2. LOCATION (Coordinates or Station) �384972.51E,711856.56N,NAD83___ 3. DRILLING AGENCY Athena Technologies 4. HOLE NO.(As shown an drawing title WP-06-04 and title number) 5 NAME OF DRILLER Sexton - - -Gilbbi N i. DIRE OF HOVE VERTICAL INCLINED DEG. FROM VEI 7. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN---­-- N/A 8. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 12 -5 Hole No. WP-06-04 SHEET I OF 1 SHEETS 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3" Vibracore 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION SHOWN (TBMorMSL) N/A 12, MANUFACTURER'S 6ESmNAiiori 6F-URiCL Athena Technologies Vibracore System V. --l- ---- *'--' 13. TOTAL NO. OF OiERBURDEN DISTURBED !UNDISTURBED SAMPLES TAKEN i 0 0 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 2 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER Tidal ! 16. DATE HOLE STARTED -TC-04P—LETC6--- 31 OCT 06 1 31 OCT 06 17. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 2.5' Water Depth 18. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING 10.7' ------- --- -- 19. SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR ELEVATION j DEPTH i LEGEND CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS %CORE BOX OR REMARKS (Description) RECOV- SAMPLE (Drilling time, water loss, depth of ERY No. weathering, etc., it significant) b c d f 0-4-1': N7 sand with moderate shell Samples: WP-06-04-A 0-4.1', WP- 06 -04- content decreasing do encore. SNV B 4.1-7.0',WP-06-04-C 7.0-10.5' d50; 0.21 mn), %Passim, tM0:1.2, Gm cl: 119 4.1-7.0': Mottled 5GY4/1 venfine -5 sand and N6-N7 sand. SP d50: 0.17mm,'Y.,Pis.,jng 4200:4.1 7.4-10.5': A-lonJed 10YR4/2 to 5Y6/1 fine sand. Borrowed SP d50: . . . 020min, ° ,Passing ;l 200: 3.1 -10— -15— 1 -20 1 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) Core WP -06 -05 Core top elevation approximately -2.6' NGVD'29 Hole No. WP-06-05 DRILLING LOGIDIVIStIN INSTALLATION I SHEET 1 OF i SHEETS South Atlantir 1. PROJECT — Wiggins Pass, October 2006 10. SIZE AND TYPE OF 1317 3" Vibracore ......... 11. DATUM FOR ELEVATION SHOWN (TBM or MSL) 2. LOCATION (Coordinates or Station) N/A 385037.21E, 711753.SON NAD83 12. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Athena Technologies Vibracore System j - 3. DRILLING AGENCY _ Athena Technologies _ g — 4. HOLE N0.(As shown on drawing tide and title number) WP -06 -O5 ! 5. NAME OF DRILLER Sexton ---_-._------'---'._.._..---------------' 6. DIRECTION OF HOLE _._ VERTICAL INCLINED DEG. FROM VERT _.- - 13. TOTAL NO. OVERBURDEN 1 DTURBED UNDISTURBED I IS SAMPLES TAKEN 0 ( 0 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 2 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER Tidal -- ------ -.— _....------ --- '--... -- 'STARTED COMPLETED 16. DATE HOLE 31 OCT- 06 31 OCT 06 . --- -'-7 17. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 4.0' Water Depth 7. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN N/A 18. TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING 8,3' i 8. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0 SIGNARE OF INSPECTOR 19. TU 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE 10.2' ELEVATION a DEPTH I b j LEGS END CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS %CORE (Description) RECOV- I ERY e d e BOX OR REMARKS SAMPLE : (Drilling time, water loss, depth of NO. weathering, etc., ifsignidcant) f 9 L 0 -2.4': N7 to 5Y8/1 sand and shell -': I fragments. SSG' d50:11.20tnm, Samples: WP- 06 -05 -A 0 -2.4, WP- 06 -05- B 2.4 -8.3' °/ Passing #200: 1.1, °/ Gravel; 3.9 - -- 2.4 -83: N-lotticd 5GY6 /1 and N6- . . • . N7 sand. SP d50. 0.20mm, `V6Passing . ' #200: 1.3 -5 -10 i i -20 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) Core WP -06 -06 Core top elevation approximately -3.9' NGVD'29 Hole No. WP -06 -06 - - - -- - DIVISION ;DRILLING LOG South Atlantic - - - -- ._ _ - INSTALLATION i SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1 PROJECT 10 SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3 Vtbracore Wiggins Pass, October 2006 _ .. _ 11 DATUM FOR ELEVATION SHOWN (TBM or MSL) I 2. LOCATION (Coordinates or Station) N/A I 385165.27E, 711550.57N, NAD83 - -_ _- 112. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL 3. DRILLING AGENCY j Athena Technologies Vibracore System Athena Technologies , _ 13. TOTALNO. OF OVERBURDEN ' I t DISTURBED UNDISTURBED I . 4. HOLE NO.(As shown on drawing title WP -06 -06 - SAMPLES TAKEN 0 1 0 — ' -- -- - ---� and title number)., 14. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 2 . 5. NAME OF DRILLER Sexton ..__ —.._._ _ . .__ 15. ELEVATION GROUND WATER Tidal 1 6. DIRECT�ION, OF HOLE --- -- __ - - - -� - - - -- —_ _ � -- _ 16. DATE HOLE --- -- T--- '6TARTE,0 - COMPLETED -- -- �� 31 OCT 06 ! 31 OCT 06 u VERTICAL J INCLINED DEG. FROM VERT - _ --- 17. ELEVATION TOP OF HOLE 5.3' Water Depth 7. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN — _ _ _ _ — _ 1g, TOTAL CORE RECOVERY FOR BORING _ 8 DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK O I19. SIGNATURE OF INSPECTOR 9. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE ELEVATION i DEPTH LEGEND ! CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS i % CORE i BOX OR REMARKS (Description) RECOV- SAMPLE I (Drilling time, water loss, depth of i ERY l i NO. weathering, etc., if significant) a I b c d e f g 0 -2.9': 5Y8 /1 fine sand, clean. SP Samples: WP- 06 -06 -A 0 -2.9', WP- 06 -06- d50: 0.19mm, %Passing 1#2000 1.7 B 2.9- 7.7',WP- 06 -06 -C 7.7 -9.1' 2.9 -7.7': 5YR3/2 grading to IOYR6 /2 fine grained sand. " Burrowed. SP d50: 0.20mni, "/Passing #200:2.4 -5 -. 7.', -9.1': N7 sand with shell fragments. SW d50: 0.44hnm, %Passing 4200: 4.2, %Gravel: 11.7 -10 -20 ENG FORM 1836 PREVIOUS EDITIONS ARE OBSOLETE PROJECT HOLE NO. MAR 71 (TRANSLUCENT) 2009 CPE Vibracores Legend for Geotechnical Data (SP), (SM), etc. Refers to the Army Corps of Engineers Unified Soils Classification System. Class types are defined primarily by grain size, sorting and percent of material passing the 200 sieve. Classification of materials on the core logs based on visual field examinations are identified on the core logs under the Classification of Materials Description. Classifications based on laboratory sieve analyses are identified on the core logs in the Legend and under Remarks. Grain Size Terms Cobble — retained on the 3.0" sieve Gravel — greater than the #4 sieve and less than the 3.0" sieve Coarse: greater than the 3/4" sieve and less than the 3.0" sieve Fine — greater than the #4 sieve and less than the 3/4" sieve Sand - greater than the #200 sieve and less than the #4 sieve Coarse - greater than the #10 sieve and less than the #4 sieve Medium - greater than the #40 sieve and less than the #10 sieve Fine - greater than the #230 sieve and less than the #40 sieve Fines — (silt or clay) passing the #230 sieve Proportional definition of descriptive terms Descriptive Term Range of Proportions Sandy, gravelly, etc. 35 % to 50 % Some 20 % to 35 % Little 10 % to 20 % Trace 1 % to 10 % Note: Information is after ACOE Atlantic Division Manual # 1110 -1 -1 titled Engineering and Design Geotechnical Manual for Surface and Subsurface Investigations CPE Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2481 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone # 1 -561- 391 -8102 Legend for Geotechnical Data Well graded grayels or Inorganic sifts and very fine UVV gravel -sand mixtures. ML sands, rock flour, sandy sifts little or no fines or clayey sifts with slight plasticity GP'.: ' ' Poorly graded gravels or gravel -sand mixtures, MIi Inorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or no fines whittle or no fines Shti ■ silty soil d, elastic silts GIVI Peat and other highly organic soils SC Silty gra*els, gravel- sand -sift mixtures OL 1 I I Organic sifts and organic sift-clays of low plasticity GC Clayey gravels, gravel- sand -clay mixtures OH / Organic clays of medium to high plasticity, organic silts e o e e Well graded sands or gravelly CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, '9ravelly clays, sandy o a o sands, little or no fines clays, sifty clays, lean clays SP F_- " Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays no fines Shti ■ Silty sands, sand -sift mixtures PT Peat and other highly organic soils SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtu res SP -SM Poorly- graded silty sand 0 SVV -SM o Well- graded silty sand SIVI-SC silty clayey sand (WV -GM p Well- graded silty gravel ML -CL Inorganic silty lean clay GM -GC Clayey silty gravel Note: Information is after ACOE Atlantic Division Manual # 1110 -1 -1 titled Engineering and Design Geotechnical Manual for Surface and Subsurface Investigations The naming convention used by Coastal Planning and Engineering incorporates key information about the item in the title. The naming format uses the following information: • Abbreviated area narne (two letters that will be used throughout the project) Abbreviated data type: jet probe (JP), vibracore (VC) or surface sample (SS) • Collection year (YY) * Identification number , �C[it.�.�,� t" or cttl`L -£lo" � �,. >tC�� =::I�..��?s'is in Flic case a_�a Jet s:,�; �; -3.. ""C'Veloped Its , aa;tf t.. ,. u-a Cli co npa,011c ai �t'.i "la3 Format examples: A) WPVC -09 -03 B) WPVC -1 1 -0fi Example A is vibracore number 03, collected in the Wiggins Pass area of Collier County in the year 2009. Example B refers to sample number 1 taken from vibracore number 06, which was collected in the Wiggins Pass area of Collier County in 2011. Note: Information is after ACOE Atlantic Division Manual # 1110 -1 -1 titled Engineering and Design Geotechnieal Manual for Surface and Subsurface Investigations Rnrina Desinnatinn wp\ /(' -nq_oi DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION - - - SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass 2009 Vibracores 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -09 -01 X = 385,297 Y = 712,138 Mechanical Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena 12. TOTAL SAMPLES t 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Neal Wicker 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL iVERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED i 15. DATE BORING 08 -12 -09 09:06 08 -12 -09 09:07 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -6,4 Ft, 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft, 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 8 Ft, 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 9.0 Ft. PB ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) C w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. CW Od C� REMARKS -6.4 0.(] J 0% Shel H lW Flash caated from visual estimate of shag <4.75mm and >2.8mm -7.0 0.6 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, shell 1 Sample 91, L)ep = Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 1.36 III fragments typically up to 0.5 ", 2 (1.25 "x0.75 ") Shell Hash: 1%, Fines (230):3.00% (SW) III shell fragments @ core top, 1.0" dark gray -8.9 2.5 III (2.5Y -4/1) pocket of increased fines and little organics 0.4' graV (2.5Y-6/1), (SW). Sample #2, Depth = 3.0' -9.7 3.3 OLanae i CLAY, little sand, sand is distributed in I nd pockets up to 1.0 ", material mottles 2 Mean (mm): 0. 18, Phi Sorting: 0.51 Shell Hash: 0%, 1 Fines Sorting: : 0.51 (SP) ght brownish gray (2.5Y -6/2) sand Sample # 3, Depth = 4.0' in transition @ base of layer, black 3 Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.49 2.5Y -2.5/1 OL . Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 4.13% (SP) fine grained, quartz, trace organics, , organics distributed in laminae and -12.2 5.8 ts up to 0.75 ", light brownish gray Sample #4, Depth = 7.0' 10YR -6/2 SP . 4 Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.44 SAND, fine grained, quartz, some organics, Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):1.60% (SP) -14.4 8.0 trace silt, 3.5" brown (10YR -4/3) pocket of decreased organics @ 4.4', (0.25 "x1.5 ") pocket -15.4 9.0 of clean sand @ 4.2', very dark grayish brown 10YR -3/2 (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace silt, trace organic clayey laminae, light olive brown 2.5Y -5/4 (SP). No Recovery. End of Boring AJ rUKM 7630 MUU11-ItU 1-UK 1 Fit F LUKIUA UEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 •20 VV Rnrinn liacinnnfinn V\ /PV('._(1Q -n,? DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 GF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass 2009 Vibracores 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -09 -02 X = 384,818 Y = 711,731 Mechanical Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena 12. TOTAL SAMPLES , ' 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Neal Wicker 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING ; DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL i i3TARTED iCOMPLETED i t Q INCLINED ' 1 15. DATE BORING ' 08 -12 -09 09:39 08 -12 -09 09:40 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3.1 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 10 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 11.0 Ft. PB ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) n W W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. -W Col CZ REMARKS -3.1 0.0 '77 A m2 Shell Hash caludated f o visual astnWe of shell <4.75mm and >2.8- -3.7 0.6 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole 1 Sample #1, L)ep = Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 1.02 -4.5 1.4 shell, shell fragments and whole shells typically up to 0.75 ", 2 (1.0 ") whole shells @ core top, 2 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):1.54% (SW) Sample #2, Depth = 1.0' (1.0 "x2.0 ") rock fragment @ 0.2', 1.0" clayey Mean (mm): 1.32, Phi Sorting: 2.84 pocket @ 0.1', shell hash increases with depth, 3 Shell Hash: 6 %, Fines (230):1.08% (SW) -6.6 3.5 " light gray (2.5Y-7/1). W). Sample #3, Depth = 2.2' Mean (mm): 0.23, Phi Sorting: 1.35 SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, little shell fragments, little whole shell, trace silt, Shell Hash: 1 %, Fines (230): 1.42% (SW) whole shells up to 1.5 ", shell fragments up to 4 Sample #4, Depth = 4.5' 1.0" li ht a,-,/*:, rV-7/1 N iQXfV . Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.64 9.1 6.0 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):4.26% (SP -SM) Sample #5, Depth = 6.5' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace -10.0 6.9 silt, trace whole shell, whole shells and shell fragments typically up to 1.0 ", organics 5 Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.58 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 3.86% (SP) distributed in pockets up to 0.5 ", 3 (2.0 "x1.5 ") shell fragments @ 2.8' and (1) @ 3.5', 3.0" Sample #6, Depth = 8.3' pocket of mottled very dark gray (2.5Y -3/1) 6 Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.51 organics and gray (2.5Y -5/1) clay @ 3.0', Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 3.12% (SP) -12.6 9.5 pocket of increased organics from 1.7' to 2.0', light gray (2.5Y-7/1), (SW). -13.1 10.0 5 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little organics, trace -14.1 11.0 clay, little organic laminae throughout, 2.5" pocket of wood fragments @ 53, color is mottled with gray (2.5Y -6/1) and, dark gray 2.5Y -4/1 SP -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, little organics, trace clay, clay is distributed in laminae and pockets up to 0.5" dark olive brown 2.5Y -3/3 (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace organics, trace organic pockets up to 0.5 ", clay distributed in laminae and pockets up to 0.75 ", licint olive brown 2.5Y -5/3 (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little organics, trace clay, clay distributed in laminae and pockets up to 0.25" dark olive brown 2.5Y -3/3 (SP). No Recovery, End of Boring JA.! rumw is m MUUlrltU t-UK 1 tit rLUK1UA UCP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 20 25 Rnrinn nimeinnn +inn 1AlDxlr nn n4 DRILLING LOG DIVISION v01 VV'VV -VJ INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass 2009 Vibracores 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL AUTO HAMMER WPVC -09 -03 X = 384,548 Y = 711,832 Mechanical Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. t t DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena ' 12. TOTAL SAMPLES , t t 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Neal Wicker S. DIRECTION OF BORING t DEG. FROM t BEARING 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER ® VERTICAL VERTICAL i Q INCLINED ' 'STARTED 'COMPLETED 16. DATE BORING ' ' ' : 08 -12 -09 10:10 08 -12 -09 10:11 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -2.9 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 8.9 Ft. 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10.0 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR PB ELEV. (1t) DEPTH (H) Z W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % N J O6 W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. C6 REMARKS -2.9 0.0 A my Shel Flash WcJated from visual estprete °f shell <4.75m and >2.8mm • hey SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace sit, Sample #1, Depth = 0.9' = shell component is shell hash, shell fragments ", 1 Mean (mm): 1.30, Phi Sorting: 2.23 -4.5 1.6 ° .. and whole shells up to 1.5 1.0" reduced shell pocket 0.4' light 2.5Y Shell Hash: 9 %, Fines (230): 1.09% (SW) Sample #2, Depth = 2.1' ra -7/1 GW . -5.4 2.5 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments and whole shells 2 Mean (mm): 0.26, Phi Sorting: 1.48 Shell Hash: 2 %, Fines (230): 2.45% (SW) typically up to 1.0 ", (2.0 "x1.5 ") she fragment @ 2.0', 2.0" shelly pocket @ base Sample #3, Depth = 4.3' component is shell hash, shell fragments and ", 3 Mean (mm): 0.31, Phi Sorting: 1.08 whole shells up to 1.25 light gray (5Y -7/1), Shell Hash: 1 %, Fines (230):1.41 % (SW) (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell -9.7 6.8 fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole shells and shell fragments up to 1.25 ", trace organic day pockets up to 1.25 ", 1.0" wood fragment @ 6.2', 2.0" pocket Sample #4, Depth = 7.1' Mean (mm): 1.01, Phi Sorting: 2.68 Shell Hash: 5 %, Fines (230):2.99% (SW) -10.2 7.3 .; 4 -11.8 8.9 of increased whole shells and shell fragments 5 Sample #5, Depth = 8.5' Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.57 6.3' light gray 2.5Y -7/1 (SW). Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):4.53% (SP -SC) SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell, trace 12.9 10.0 silt, shell component is shell hash, shell fragments up to 1.25 ", and whole shells up to 0.75 ", (1.5 "x1.0 ") rock fragment @ 6.9', (1.0 "x0.75 ") rock fragment @ 7.2', gray 2.5Y -5/1 ), (GW -GM). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little organics, trace clay, organics distributed in pockets up to 0.5 ", increased organic clays between 7.8' and 8.4', color is mottled with grayish brown (2.5Y -5/2) and dark cirwAsh brown 2.5Y -4/2 (SP-SC). No Recovery, t i End of Boring CA 1 CAIDea 40NC ..�r�.r.r -.. - NV It/1VY1vir-u rVl[ 1 HE rLUMIUA UCt' JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 20 Rnrinn %A /D\ff` fin nA DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT S. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass 2009 Vibracores 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM :HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -09 -04 i X = 384,269 Y = 711,617 Mechanical Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. - DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena 12. TOTAL SAMPLES I 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Neal Wicker 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING ; DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED i 17. 18. DATE BORING 08 -12 -09 10:30 08 -12 -09 10:31 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -5.0 Ft. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 10 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 11.0 Ft. KD ELEV. DEPTH = W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % OA (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. XIL OQ REMARKS -5.0 0.0 A my SheN Hash calculated from visual estimate of sher <4.75mm and >2.8mm. • o SHELL HASH, little shell fragments, little whole sample 41, Depth = -6.0 1.0 . shell, trace sand, trace silt, shell fragments and whole shells up to 1.75 ", light gray (5Y -7/1), 1 Mean (mm): 2.04, Phi Sorting: 2.04 Shell Hash: 11 %, Fines (230): 0.84% (SW) -6.7 1.7 2 GW Sample #2, Depth = 1.3' Mean (mm): 0.44, Phi Sorting: 1.95 . SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, 3 7.8 2.8 trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments and whole shells up to Shell Hash: 4 %, Fines (230):1.56% (SW) Sample #3, Depth = 2.2' 3.7 III -8.7 1.5 ", (1.5 "x1.75 ") rock fragment @ 1.6', gray 5Y-6/1 (SW). Mean (mm): 0.52, Phi Sorting: 2.09 Shell Hash: 5 %, Fines (230):1.29% (SW) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell 4 Sample #4, Depth = 4.5' -10.3 5.3 fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace while shell, shell fragments up to 1.75 ", whole Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.67 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):14.02% (SC) shells u to 1.25" light gray 5Y -7/1 SW . Organic CLAY, some sand, little shell hash, firm Sample #5, Depth = 6.8' clay, black 5Y -2.5/1 OL . 5 Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.88 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):6.65% (SW -SM) Clayey SAND, fine grained, quartz, little silt, -13.2 8.2 trace organics, trace shell hash, dark gray 5Y-4/1 (SC). -14.1 9.1 4 Sample #6, Depth = 9.6' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace organics, trace shell hash, trace silt, Gay -15.0 10.0 distributed in laminae and pockets up to (2.0 "x1.0 "), (2.0 "x1.0 ") shell fragment @ 6.4', 6 Shell Hash) 200, Fines Sorting: .12 (SW) -16.0 11.0 1.25" whole shell @ 7.1', (2.5 "x0.5 ") worm tube 7.5' gray 5Y -5/1 SW -SM . Clayey SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", (1.0 "0.75 ") worm tube R 9.0' dark gray (5Y-4/1), (SC). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, shell fragments up to 0.75 ", (2.0 "x0.5 ") worm tube 9.9' gray 5Y -5/1 (SW). No Recovery, End of Boring _ _ -_ vry rvr%m IDJV Irlvulrlr-u rum I HE rLVK!uADEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 `TA 25 Rnrinn npczinnnfinn V\ /P \ /r- (1Q -nl; DRILLING LOG DIVISION --- --- -- - -- - -- --- -- -- -- INSTALLATION SHEET 1 of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT Iddalkh, 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass 2009 Vibracores 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM :HORIZONTAL i VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East : NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -09-05 X = 383,865 Y = 711,530 Mechanical Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY t CONTRACTOR FILE NO. i DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Neal Wicker 14, ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING t DEG. FROM t BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED INCLINED 16. DATE BORING 08 -12 -09 11:00 08 -12 -09 11:02 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -2.2 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 9.7 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10.6 Ft. KD ELEV. DEPTH o W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS ode KW Od (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. REMARKS -2.2 0.0 J mq Shell Hash calc-lated from tisuel estimate of shell <4.75n and >2.8- .; h y AND, fine grained, quartz, i e s el Sample ep = -3.2 1.0 fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell component is shell hash, whole shells up to 1 Mean (mm): 1.21, Phi Sorting: 2.23 Shell Hash: 9 %, Fines (230): 0.89% (SW) 2.0 ", shell fragments up to 1.75 ", 2 (1.25 "x0.5 ") Sample #2, Depth = 1.8' coral fragments @ 0.2', (1.75 "x1.5 ") rock 2 Mean (mm): 0.43, Phi Sorting: 1.85 -5.0 2.8 fragment 0.4' light gray (5Y-7/1), GW Shell Hash: 6 %, Fines (230):1.19% (SW) . SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole u ' ' shell, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", whole shells Sample #3, Depth = 4.3' a. typically up to 1.25 ", (2.0 "x1.75 ") whole shell @ 3 Mean (mm): 1.18, Phi Sorting: 2.49 1.1' light gray (5Y-7/1). SW . Shell Hash: 9 %, Fines (230):1.42% (SW) a: SHELL HASH, little shell fragments, trace sand, -8.4 6.2 trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments up to 1.75 ", whole shells up to 1.5 ", (2.5 "x0.5 ") organic pocket @ 4.6', (2.0 "x3.0 ") sand layer @ 4.7', 1.0" rock fragment @ 6.1', light gray Sample #4, Depth = 6.4' Mean (mm): 0.43, Phi Sorting: 1.62 Shell Hash: 4 %, Fines (230):4.66% (SW -SM) Sample #5, Depth = 6.9' -8.9 6.7 4 5 5Y -7/1 ), (GW . 6 Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.54 SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, trace organic day, trace silt, 1.5" organic day Pocket 6.6' dark gray (5Y-4/1). SW -SM . -10.8 8.6 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):10.09% (SP -SM) Sample #6, Depth = 7.6' Mean (mm): 0.17, Phi Sorting: 0.49 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230):4.93% (SP -SM) -11.4 9.2 7 -11.9 9.7 8 Organic SAND, fine grained, quartz, little silt, -12.8 10.6 trace clay, trace shell hash, black (5Y- 2.5/1), SP -SM . Sample #7, Depth = 8.9' Mean (mm): 0.26, Phi Sorting: 1.52 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell hash, Shell Hash: 3 %, Fines (230):6.90% (SW -SM) trace silt, trace day pockets up to 0.5 ", dark Sample #8, Depth = 9.5' gray 5Y-4/1 SP -SM . Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.40 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 2.53% (SP) SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, shell fragments up to 0.75 ", trace clay pockets up to 1.0 ", light gray 5Y -7/2 SW -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, trace silty pockets up to 0.25" light gray (5Y-7/2), (SP). No Recoverv. End of Boring aru rvl%m 1000 IvlvulrlCU rum 111t rLVK1UAUEv JUN 02 JUN 04 10 i6'1 20 25 Rnrinrl nPSinnatinn WPVr_0Cl_f1F DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass 2009 Vibracores 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL a AUTO HAMMER WPVC -09 -06 X = 383,476 Y = 711,498 Mechanical Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. i DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 1 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Neal Wicker 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL isTARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED ' 15. DATE BORING . 08 -12 -09 11:24 08 -12 -09 11:26 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -4.7 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 18. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 9.3 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10.0 Ft. KD ELEV. DEPTH Z w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % WJ Os. (n) (ft) Depths Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. X2 REMARKS -4.7 0.0 W Shall Hash cakilated from visual est note of shall <4.75mm and >2.8m AND, ine grained, quartz, little shell hash, Sample al, Uepth = -5.7 1.0 trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole shells up to 1.0 ", shell fragments r 1 Mean (mm): 0.28, Phi Sorting: 1.17 Shell Hash: 2 %, Fines (230): 1.41 % (SW) up to 0.75" light gray (5Y-7/1), (SW). Sample #2, Depth = 1.9' u •� SHELL HASH, little shell fragments, trace sand, 2 Mean (mm): 2.07, Phi Sorting: 1.96 -7.5 2.8 trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments typically up to 1.0 ", whole shells up to 1.5 ", (3.0 ")2.0 ") shell fragment @ 1.1', 1.25" rock Shell Hash: 12 %, Fines (230): 0.77% (SW) Sample #3, Depth = 3.2' Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.95 -8.2 3.5 3 fragment @ 1.6', (2.0 "x1.5 ") shell fragments @ 4 Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 2.70% (SW) -9.6 4.9 2.0' and 2.2' gray 5Y -6/1 GW . Sample #4, Depth = 4.1' Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.65 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, III trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 5.19% (SP -SM) -11.0 6.3 III silt, shell fragments typically up to 0.75 ", (1.5 "x1.25 ") shell fragments @ 2.9' and 3.2', -11.7 7.0 4 gray 5Y -6/1 (SW). Sample #5, Depth = 7.8' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organic clay, trace shell hash, trace silt, 2.0" organic day 5 Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.49 g.p @ 3.6', (1.0 "x1.5 ") organic clay pocket 4.4' very dark gray (5y-3/1), SP -SM . Shell Hash: 0 %, Fines (230): 3.01% (SP) 13.7 pocket 4 Organic CLAY, trace shell hash, trace sand -14.7 10.0 pockets up to 1.0" black 5Y -2.5/1 ), (OL . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organic clay, trace silt very dark gray (5Y-3/1). SP -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace silt dark gray (5Y-4/1), (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organic day, trace silt gray 5Y -6/1 SP -SM . CLAY, trace shell hash, day partially lithified, rock refusal a 10.0' gray 5Y -6/1 (CL). No Recovery, End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 Its] 15 20 25 2011 CPE Vibracores Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2481 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. ift Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone # 1 -561- 391 -8102 (SP), (SM), etc. Refers to the Army Corps of Engineers Unified Soils Classification System. Class types are defined primarily by grain size, sorting and percent of material passing the 200 sieve. Classification of materials on the core logs based on visual field examinations are identified on the core logs under the Classification of Materials Description. Classifications based on laboratory sieve analyses are identified on the core logs in the Legend and under Remarks. Grain Size Terms Cobble — retained on the 3.0" sieve Gravel — greater than the #4 sieve and less than the 3.0" sieve Coarse: greater than the 3/4" sieve and less than the 3.0" sieve Fine — greater than the #4 sieve and less than the 3/4" sieve Sand - greater than the #200 sieve and less than the #4 sieve Coarse - greater than the #10 sieve and less than the #4 sieve Medium - greater than the #40 sieve and less than the #10 sieve Fine - greater than the #230 sieve and less than the #40 sieve Fines — (silt or clay) passing the #230 sieve Proportional definition of descriptive terms Descriptive Term Range of Proportions Sandy, gravelly, etc. 35 % to 50 % Some 20 % to 35 % Little 10 % to 20 % Trace 1 %to 10% Note: Information is after ACOE Atlantic Division Manual # 1110 -1 -1 titled Engineering and Design Geotechnical Manual for Surface and Subsurface Investigations " � CPE t, Coastal Planning & Engineering, Inc. 2481 N.W. Boca Raton Blvd. Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Phone # 1 -561- 391 -8102 e2end for Geotechnical Data Wall graded grayels or � Inorganic sifts and very fine GN gravel -sand mixtures, ML sands, rock flour, sandy silts little or no fines or clayey silts with slight plasticity Poorly graded gravels GP or gravel -sand mixtures, wl little or no fines GM Silty gravels, gravel - sand -sift mixtures GC Clayey gravels, gravel- sand -clay mixtures 1�jWell graded sands or gravelly sands, little or no fines MH MInorganic silts, micaceous or diatomaceous fine sandy or silty soil d, elastic silts OL 1 I Organic sifts and organic sift -clays of low plasticity OH r Organic clays of medium to high 1 plasticity, organic silts CL Inorganic clays of low to medium plasticity, gravelly clays, sandy clays, silty clays, lean clays SP _ Poorly graded sands or gravelly sands, little or CH Inorganic clays of high plasticity, fat clays no fines .' Silty sands, sand -sift mixtures PT Peat and other highly organic soils SC Clayey sands, sand -clay mixtures SP -SM Poorly- graded silty sand ° SVfV -SM ° Well- graded silty sand SM -sC Silty clayey sand MH GvV -GM Well- graded silty gravel ML -CL M Inorganic silty lean clay GM -GC IM Clayey silty gravel Note: Information is after ACOE Atlantic Division Manual # 1110 -1 -1 titled Engineering and Design Geotechnical Manual for Surface and Subsurface Investigations Legend for Geotechnical Data The naming convention used by Coastal Planning and Engineering incorporates key information about the item in the title. The naming format uses the following information: * Abbreviated area name (two letters that will be used throughout the project) • Abbreviated data type: jet probe (JP), vibracore (VC) or surface sarnple (SS) * Collection vear (YY) * Identification number o r L. I tp ?i,s,.l. .� �, �: "i ii? vi2�:' i, >`s td %fit �� ?. are 7i . fl "i < ill uc, i to c "'hZir aci" i_ e _,. ,J. l colli ail "C �i "1<61� 1 ":iii Format examples: A) WPVC. -09 -03 B) WPVC -11 -06 S .' Example A is vibracore number 03, collected in the Wiggins Pass area of Collier County in the year 2009. Example B refers to sample number 1 taken from vibracore number 06, which was collected in the Wiggins Pass area of Collier County in 2011. Note: Information is after ACOE Atlantic Division Manual # 1110 -1 -1 titled Engineering and Design Geotechnical Manual for Surface and Subsurface Investigations Borina Designation WPVC -11 -01 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -01 X = 384,207 Y = 711,485 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED ' UNDISTURBED (UD) i Athena Technologies, Inc. t 12. TOTAL SAMPLES ; 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG. FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL i INCLINED i 18. DATE BORING ' 08_17 -11 14:04 08 -17 -11 14:06 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3,3 Ft, 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 17.8 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. KD /BF ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. OW -on REMARKS -3.3 0.0 J Q mw Shell Hash calulated from visual estimate of shell <4.75mm and >2.8m _ SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole 1 am e e = Mean (mm): 0.34, Phi Sorting: 1.59 shell, whole shells up to (2 "x1.5 "), shell frags. Fines (230): 0.85% (SW) up to (1 "x0.5 "), (0.75 "x0.25 ") coral frag. @ 0.3', 2 Sample #2, Depth = 1.5' -5.7 2.4 gray (2.5Y-6/1), (SW). Mean (mm): 0.17, Phi Sorting: 0.69 Fines (230):1.34% (SP) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, shell frags. up to 0.75 ", (1 "x0.75 ") whole shell @ 23, Sample #3, Depth = 4.5' light gray (2.5Y -7/1 SP . 3 Mean (mm): 0.35, Phi Sorting: 1.61 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, Fines (230): 1.00% (SW) trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole -9.2 5.9 shell, trace wood, whole shells up to 1.5 ", shell frags. up to (2 "x1 "), (1.25 "x1 ") rock frag. @ 2.6', Sample #4, Depth = 6.5' -10.2 6.9 (1 "x0.5 ") rock frag. @ 3', wood frags. up to 0.5" @ 4.5', shell hash increases with depth, gray 4 Mean (mm): 0.25, Phi Sorting: 1.89 Fines (230):17.18% (SC) 2.5Y -6/1 SW . Sample #5, Depth = 7.5' -11.7 8,4 5 Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.96 Fines (230):13.77% (SC) SAND, fine grained, quartz little clay, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace whole -12.5 9.2 shell, shell frags. and whole shells typically up to 0.75", (2.5 ")2 ") whole shell and (3 ")2 ") shell -13.6 10.3 fra . 6.1' black 2.5Y -2.5/1 (SC).. SAND, little clay, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace wood, shell and wood frags. -14.8 11.5 ' ' typically up to 0.5 ", (2.5 "x1 ") wood frag. @ 7.9', black 2.5Y -2.5/1 (SC). Gravely SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, trace clay, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, gravel component is rock up to 3 ", shell frags. up to 1 ", whole shells up to -17.8 14.5 0.5" light brownish ra 2.5Y -6/2 GW . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, clay distrib. in clayey pockets -19.6 16.3 up to (2 "x0.75 "), whole shells up to 0.75 ", shell frags. u to 0.5" light ra 2.5Y -7/2 SW . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace -21.1 17.8 shell fragments, trace shell hash, clay distrib. in clayey pockets up to 0.25 ", shell frags. up to 0.75" light gray 2.5Y -7/1 (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, grayish brown 10YR -5/2 (SP). -23.3 20.0 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little silt, trace clay, clay distrib. in pockets up to 0.5 ", dark olive brown 2.5Y -3/3 SP -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace silt, clay and silt distrib. in laminae, light gray 2.5Y -7/2 (SP). CLAY, little sand, soft day, sand distrib. in laminae, color is mottled gray (5Y -5/1) and, olive yellow 2.5Y -6/6 (CL). No Recovery. SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 End of Boring -0 -5 IM IR, -20 25 DRILLING LOG DIVISION 1. PROJECT Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Collier County, FL 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES WPVC -11 -02 X = 383,679 Y = 711,568 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. Athena Technologies Inc. 4. NAME OF DRILLER Palmer McLellan 5. DIRECTION OF BORING n DEG. FROM n BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0,0 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0,0 Ft. 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 10.0 Ft. 0 z boring Uest nation WF'VG -11 -O2 INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM :HORIZONTAL i VERTICAL Florida State Plane East : NAD 1983 NAVD 88 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER i DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) 12. TOTAL SAMPLES , t i 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER iSTARTED COMPLETED 15. DATE BORING ; 08 -16 -11 15:16 08 -16 -11 15:17 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3.4 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 6 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR BF ELEV. DEPTH w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values _'%a nn component is shell hash, whole shells up to 2.0" and shell fragments up to 1.5 ", gray (5Y -6/1), SM . SAND, fine grained, little shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, shell fragments up to 0.5 ", Iw_a /l I IC1An Shelly SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace rock fragments, trace silt, shell component is shell hash, shell fragments and whole shells up to 2.0 ", rock fragments typically up to 1.5 ", (3.0"x2.0") rock fragment @ 1.5', gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace silt, trace whole shell, trace wood, whole shells up to 0.5 ", clay distributed in pockets up to 0.25 ", wood fragments typically up to 0.5 ", 1.5" clayey pocket @ 2.8', 1.0" wood fragment @ 3.0', ra 'sh brown 2.5Y -5/2 SP . SAND, fine grained, quartz, little clay, trace silt, black 5Y -2.5/1 (SC). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little clay, little silt, trace shell hash, 2.0" shelly pockets @ 3.8' and 4.4', shell component is shell hash and shell fragments up to 2.0" black 5Y -2.511 (SC). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace silt, color is mottled dark gray (5Y -4/1) and, black 5Y -2.5/1 (SP-SC). No Recovery, End of Boring 5AJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 OOA X11 REMARKS my Shal Hash calcJaled from Nsu d estimate of shel G1.75" and >2.8m 1 Sample Depth = 2 Mean (mm): 0.60, Phi Sorting: 1.98 Fines (230):12.30% (SM) 3 Sample #2, Depth = 0.6' Mean (mm): 0.31, Phi Sorting: 1.34 Fines (230): 0.98% (SW) 4 Sample #3, Depth = 1.7' 5 Mean (mm): 2.17, Phi Sorting: 2.20 Fines (230): 0.53% (SW) 6 Sample #4, Depth = 3.0' Mean (mm): 0.13, Phi Sorting: 0.55 7 Fines (230): 3.01 % (SP) Sample #5, Depth = 3.4' Mean (mm): 0. 13, Phi Sorting: 0.62 Fines (230):13.07% (SC) Sample #6, Depth = 4.2' Mean (mm): 0.14, Phi Sorting: 0.68 Fines (230):14.42% (SC) Sample #7, Depth = 5.5' Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.60 Fines (230): 6.01 % (SP -SC) -0 Q 1E Borinq Designation WPVC -11 -03 SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 10 15 20 -25 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT A1111111111111L 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM :HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -03 X = 383,808 Y = 711,843 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES t , 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING ; DEG. FROM i BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL iVERTICAL Q INCLINED 1S. DATE BORING : 08 -17 -11 12:46 08 -17 -11 12:48 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3.0 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0,0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 12.8 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 16.0 Ft. KD /LC ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) O W a CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. -W Od CQ REMARKS -3,0 0,0 J my Shel Hash c&daled from vimoi estimate of shel W.75mm and >2.8m SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell Sample Depth = fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell 1 Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.60 4.2 1.2 fragments up to (15"4.5 "), whole shells up to Fines (230):1.76% (SP) 11 W 1.0 "x0.75" gray 5Y -6/1 SP. 2 Sample #2, Depth = 1.6' 5 2 2 2 SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole Mean (mm): 0.40, Phi Sorting: 1.96 Fines (230): 0.94% (SW) 3 -6.4 3.4 shell, shell fragments up to (1.75 "x1.0 "), whole shells up to (1.75 "x1.25 "), ligjS (2.5Y -7/2), (SW). Sample #3, Depth = 2.8' Mean (mm): 0.62, Phi Sorting: 1.62 Fines (230):1.75% (SW) 4 SAND, fine grained, quartz, hell hash, Sample #4, Depth = 3.6' trace silt, trace whole shell, hells up to Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.85 (1.0 "x0.5 "), 0.5" wood fr@ 3.4', Fines (230):14.69% (SM) (3.0 "x1.0 ") silt pocket @ 2.increases Sample #5, Depth = 7.0' with depth, silt decreases pth, light 5 Mean (mm): 0.25, Phi Sorting: 1.96 brownish gray 2.5Y -W . Fines (230):13.60% (SC) SAND, little silt, trace day, hell hash, dark gray 2.5Y -4/. SAND, little clay, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole -12.6 9.6 shells up to (1.25 "x0.5 "), shell fragments up to 1.0 "x1.25" v dark gray 2.5Y -3/1 (St). Ir -13.4 10.4 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, litt le silt, trace day, trace rock fragments, trace shell fragments, clay distributed in pockets up to 1.5 ", rock fragments up to (2.5 ")2.0 "), shell fragments up to 0.5 ", grayish brown (2.5Y -5/2), -15.8 12.8 GM SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, silt distributed in pockets up to 1.0" and laminae, color is mottled light gray (2.5Y -7/1) and, grayish brown 10YR -5/2 (SP). No Recovery. -19.0 16.0 End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 10 15 20 -25 DRILILING LOG I DIVISION 1. PROJECT Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Collier County, FL 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES WPVC -11 -04 X = 383,827 Y = 711,653 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. Athena Technologies, Inc. 4. NAME OF DRILLER DEPTH Palmer McLellan CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS S. DIRECTION OF BORING ; DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED 0.0 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. 0 2 trace shell fragments, trace silt, whole shells boring ueSI nation VVf- VU -11 -U4 INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM i HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) 12. TOTAL SAMPLES , 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES ' 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER STARTED iCOMPLETED 15. DATE BORING ' 08 -17 -11 13:16 08 -17 -11 13:18 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3,0 Ft, 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.4 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR BF ELEV. DEPTH W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values -3.0 0.0 j SHELL HASH, little whole shell, trace sand, trace shell fragments, trace silt, whole shells W;11]�tIIIIil M�01 ME X REl�lT�l1 0 -16.4 F 13.4 Y J and shell fragments typically up to 2.0 , (3.0 "x1.5 ") and (3.0 ")0.5 ") shell fragments @ shell hash, trace silt, 1.0" clay pocket at top of layer, 2.5" whole shell @ 2.2', dark gray SAND, trace day, trace shell hash, trace silt, I trace wood, wood fragments up to 1.0 ", black I (5Y- 2.5/2). (SM). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little clay, trace shell hash, trace whole shell, whole shells up to 0.5 ", 2.0" shelly pocket @ 5.0', shell component is shell hash and shell fragments up to 2.0 ", (5.0 "x0.5 ") wood fragment @ 4.6', dive gray 5Y-4/2 (SC). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace silt, trace wood, clay distributed in pockets up to 0.75 ", wood fragments up to 0.5 ", color is mottled grayish brown (2.5Y -5/2) and, black 5Y -2.5/1 (SP-SC). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little silt, trace clay, trace wood, clay distributed in pockets up to 1.0 ", wood fragments up to 0.25 ", silt decreases 'd with depth, color is mottled light gray (2.5Y -7/2), a. light olive brown (2.5Y -5/3) and, olive brown SANU, tine grained, some coral, little rock fragments, sand is quartz and carbonate, coral fragments up to 3.0 ", color is mottled pale yellow (5Y -8/2) and, grayish brown (2.5Y -5/2), (GW ). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace Gay, trace silt trace wood, clay distributed in pockets up to 1.0 ", wood fragments up to 0.25 ", color is mottled light gray (2.5Y -7/2), light olive brown (2.5Y -5/3) and, olive brown (2.5Y -4/3), End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 O� O2 my 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 REMARKS She1 Hash cakWated from Nsual estimte of shel <4.75mm and >2.8m Sample #1, Depth = 0.8' Mean (mm): 1.87, Phi Sorting: 2.39 Fines (230): 0.66% (SW) Sample #2, Depth = 2.1' Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.59 Fines (230):10.24% (SM) Sample #3, Depth = 2.7' Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 1.08 Fines (230): 50.73% Sample #4, Depth = 3.2' Mean (mm): 0.14, Phi Sorting: 0.66 Fines (230): 9.88% (SM) Sample #5, Depth = 4.3' Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 1.01 Fines (230):14.92% (SC) Sample #6, Depth = 7.3' Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.57 Fines (230):4.10% (SP -SC) Sample #7, Depth = 8.7' Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.54 Fines (230):18.63% (SM) Sample #8, Depth = 11.3' Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.39 Fines (230):5.12% (SP -SM) 0 5 10 15 20 25 Boring Desianation WPVC -11 -05 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT A1111111111111116, 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL i VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL [::] AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -05 X = 383,851 Y = 711,458 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. ' DISTURBED ' UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES , 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED 1S. DATE BORING 08 -17 -11 07:45 08 -17 -11 07:46 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -4.7 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 10.3 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.0 Ft. BF ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) O Z lu CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS MW 0-4 O G REMARKS W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. Ca -4.7 0.0 ma Shell Flash sn caicdarea r v seals a shell <a.zs >z.amm SHELL HASH, some sand, little shell fragments, trace rock fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments typically up to ", ", Sample #1, Depth = 3.0' 1.75 whole shells up to 2.0 rock fragments ", "x1.5 ") 1 Mean (mm): 0.74, Phi Sorting: 1.71 typically up to 1.0 (4.0 shell fragment @ "x0.25 ") Fines (230): 0.94% (SW) 1.0', (1.25 coral fragment @ 3.3', (2.25 "x1.0 ") coral fragment @ 4.0', (2.0 "x1.25 ") rock fragment @ 5.1', gray (2.5Y -5/1), (SW). -11.3 6.6 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, trace wood, silt distributed in pockets up to 0.5 ", wood Sample #2, Depth = 7.6' p fragments up to 0.25 ", 3.0" shelly pocket @ 2 Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.37 -13.3 8.6 6.8', shell component is shell hash, shell fragments and whole shells up to 1.011, grayish Fines (230): 5.30% (SP -SM) Sample #3, Depth = 9.0' -14.1 9.4 brown 2.5Y -5/2 SP -SM . 3 Mean (mm): 0.14, Phi Sorting: 0.31 Fines (230): 3.61 % (SP) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, trace -15.0 10.3 o wood, wood fragments up to (0.5 "x0.25 "), light brownish gray (2.5Y-6/2), SP . Gravely SAND, fine grained, quartz, little silt, -16.7 12.0 trace shell hash, gravel component is rock fragments up to (2.5 "x1.5 "), gray (5Y -5/1), GW . No Recovery. End of Boring SAJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 -5 10 15 -20 25 to 1.5 ", whole shells up to 2.0 ", gray (2.5Y -5/1), DIVISION DRILLING LOG 1. PROJECT Wiggins Pass Inlet Management Collier County, FL 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES WPVC -11 -06 X = 383,866 Y = 711,309 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. Athena Technologies, Inc. 4. NAME OF DRILLER Palmer McLellan 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20,0 Ft, 0 ELEV, DEPTH W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values -5.2 0.0 j SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace silt, SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, clay distributed in pockets typically up to 0.25 ", trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole 2.0" clayey layer @ 12.2', 2.0" very dark grayish shell, whole shells up to 1.0 ", shell fragments 13.6 brown (2.5Y -3/2) sand layer @ 13.4', color is typically up to 1.25 ", shell hash increases with mottled light gray (2.5Y -7/1), light gray depth, (2.25 "x1.75 ") shell fragment @ 4.0', gray 14.5 (2.5Y -7/2) and, light brownish gray (2.5Y -6/2), (5Y -6/1), (SW). -9.5 4.3 SP. Clayey SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, SHELL HASH, little sand, little shell fragments, -10.6 5.4 trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments up to 1.5 ", whole shells up to 2.0 ", gray (2.5Y -5/1), MM111 silt distributed in laminae, day distributed in laminae and pockets up to 0.5 ", grayish brown No Recovery. End of Boring 5AJ FORM 1536 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 boring uesl nation vvF'VG- 'II -U6 INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL AUTO HAMMER Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) � , 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES ' 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER STARTED COMPLETED 15. DATE BORING ' 08 -17 -11 08:22 08 -17 -11 08:24 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -5.2 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.6 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR BF OA. GQ REMARKS 0 Shd Hash cWcdated from visual estimate W shel <4.75mm and >2.8mm. Sample #1, Depth = 2.0' 1 Mean (mm): 0.26, Phi Sorting: 0.97 Fines (230):1.09% (SW) Sample #2, Depth = 4.9' 2 Mean (mm): 1.10, Phi Sorting: 1.82 1 Fines (230): 0.67% (SW) Sample #3, Depth = 6.8' 3 Mean (mm): 2.81, Phi Sorting: 1.61 Fines (230):1.22% (SW) 0 61 Sample #4, Depth = 10.5' 1C 4 Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.40 Fines (230): 2.22% (SP) Sample #5, Depth = 14.1' 5 Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.57 Fines (230): 43.85% (SC) Sample #6, Depth = 15.6' 6 Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.50 Fines (230):8.06% (SP -SM) 1E �c e grained, quartz, little shell hash, l fragments, trace silt, trace whole l hash increases with depth, whole Lshells -13.2 8.0 o 1.0 ", shell fragments up to 1.25 ", ra 5Y -6/1 SW . SHELL HASH, little shell fragments, trace rock fragments, trace sand, trace silt, trace whole shell, 1.0" day pocket @ 7.0', whole shells up to 1.25 ", shell fragments typically up to 1.0 ", (2.5 "x1.0 ") shell fragment @ 7.5', rock fra ments up to 0.5" gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace silt, clay distributed in pockets typically up to 0.25 ", 2.0" clayey layer @ 12.2', 2.0" very dark grayish -18.8 13.6 brown (2.5Y -3/2) sand layer @ 13.4', color is mottled light gray (2.5Y -7/1), light gray -19.7 14.5 (2.5Y -7/2) and, light brownish gray (2.5Y -6/2), - - -- SP. Clayey SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, MM111 silt distributed in laminae, day distributed in laminae and pockets up to 0.5 ", grayish brown No Recovery. End of Boring 5AJ FORM 1536 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 boring uesl nation vvF'VG- 'II -U6 INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL AUTO HAMMER Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 12. TOTAL SAMPLES DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) � , 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES ' 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER STARTED COMPLETED 15. DATE BORING ' 08 -17 -11 08:22 08 -17 -11 08:24 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -5.2 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.6 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR BF OA. GQ REMARKS 0 Shd Hash cWcdated from visual estimate W shel <4.75mm and >2.8mm. Sample #1, Depth = 2.0' 1 Mean (mm): 0.26, Phi Sorting: 0.97 Fines (230):1.09% (SW) Sample #2, Depth = 4.9' 2 Mean (mm): 1.10, Phi Sorting: 1.82 1 Fines (230): 0.67% (SW) Sample #3, Depth = 6.8' 3 Mean (mm): 2.81, Phi Sorting: 1.61 Fines (230):1.22% (SW) 0 61 Sample #4, Depth = 10.5' 1C 4 Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.40 Fines (230): 2.22% (SP) Sample #5, Depth = 14.1' 5 Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.57 Fines (230): 43.85% (SC) Sample #6, Depth = 15.6' 6 Mean (mm): 0.20, Phi Sorting: 0.50 Fines (230):8.06% (SP -SM) 1E �c Borina Desianation WPVC -11 -07 5AJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 -20 KI DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -07 X = 384,049 Y = 711,670 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. ' DISTURBED ' UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES I , 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING a DEG. FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED i 13. DATE BORING 08 -17 -11 10:50 : 08 -17 -11 10:52 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0,0 Ft, 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -5.1 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 9.6 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 12.7 Ft. BF ELEV. ( ) DEPTH (ft) w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. C W Xf O� REMARKS -5.1 0.0 A my shell Flash calculated from visual estimate of shell 0.75mm and >2.8mn. SHELL HASH, little sand, little shell fragments, trace rock fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, rock fragments typically up to 1.0 ", whole Sample #1, Depth = 1.8' shells up to 1.5 ", shell fragments typically up to 1 Mean (mm): 1.56, Phi Sorting: 1.90 2.0 ", (2.0 "x1.5 ") rock fragment @ 1.3, Fines (230):1.20% (SW) (2.5 "x1.5 ") shell fragment @ 1.0 ", (3.0 "x2.0 ") -8.6 3.5 shell fragment @ 1.4', (1.75 "x1.5 ") rock fragment 3.5' gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). Sample #2, Depth = 4.6' , little Gay, little organics, trace rock ts, trace shell hash, trace wood, clay 2 Mean (mm): 0.23, Phi Sorting: 1.38 -10.4 5.3 ed in laminae and pockets up to 0.5 ", gments up to 1.0 ", rock fragments up Fines (230):13.78% (SC) o 0.5" black 5Y -2.5/1 SC . Sample #3, Depth = 6.2' fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace 3 Mean (mm): 0. 19, Phi Sorting: 0.74 l hash, trace silt, trace wood, clay ", Fines (230): 7.34% (SP - SC) ed in laminae and pockets up to 1.0 -13.1 8.0 ments up to 1.0 ", clay decreases with depth, olive graV (5Y-4/2), (SP-SC). Sample #4, Depth = 8.8' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace silt, 4 Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.31 -14.7 9.6 silt distributed in pockets up to 0.5 ", clay distributed in laminae, grayish brown Fines (230): 3.30% (SP) 10YR -5/2 P). No Recovery. -17.8 12.7 End of Boring 5AJ FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 -20 KI Borina Desianation WPVC -11 -08 5A) FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 ;7 -10 15 20 -25 DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 DRILLING LOG of 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM :HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East : NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -08 X = 384,332 Y = 711,891 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. ' DISTURBED ' UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM BEARING :STARTED COMPLETED ® VERTICAL VERTICAL Q INCLINED i i 1S. DATE BORING 08 -17 -11 08:55 : 08 -17 -11 08:57 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -4.2 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.4 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. BF ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) 0 w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. 911111 Od Ca REMARKS -4.2 0.0 W J m W Shell Hash calculated from visual estimate of shell <4.75mm and >2.8mm. SHELL HASH, some sand, some shell Sample #1, Depth = 0.8' fragments, trace rock fragments, trace silt, trace 1 Mean (mm): 1.42, Phi Sorting: 2.15 -5.8 1.6 whole shell, whole shells up to 2.0 ", shell fragments typically up to 1.0 ", rock fragments Fines (230): 0.69% (SW) up to 0.5 ", (3.0 ")2.0 ") shell fragment @ 1.4', Sample #2, Depth = 2.9' gray 5Y -5/1 SW . SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, 2 Mean (mm): 0.59, Phi Sorting: 1.63 trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole ° Fines (230): 1.00 /o (SW) -8.4 4.2 shell, whole shells up to 1.5 ", shell fragments u to 1.0" gray 2.5Y -6/1 SW . Shelly SAND, trace silt, shell component is shell Sample #3, Depth = 6.6' hash, shell fragments and whole shells up to ", "x1.5 ") 3 Mean (mm): 0.75, Phi Sorting: 2.05 2.0 (1.0 rock fragment @ 6.9', gray ° Fines (230): 1.10 /° (SW) (2.5Y -6/1), (SW). -13.01 8.8 Sample #4, Depth = 9.7' SAND, some shell hash, trace shell fragments, ", "x1.5") trace silt, shell fragments up to 1.0 (3.0 ")2.75 ") 4 Mean (mm): 0.84, Phi Sorting: 1.90 whole shell @ 10.2', (2.0 whole shell @ Fines (230):5.88% ( SW -SM ) -14.8 10.6 10.5' light gray 2.5Y -7/2 SW -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, silt distributed in pockets up to 1.5" and laminae, Sample #5, Depth = 13.0' color is mottled dark olive brown (2.5Y -3/3), 5 Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.33 brown (10YR -4/3) and, black (2.5Y- 2.5/1), Fines (230):6.10% (SP -SM) (SP -SM). -20.0 15.8 ' -20.6 16.4 _' Gravely CLAY, gravel component is rock fragments up to 2.5" gray 5Y -6/1 ). (GW . No Recovery. -24.2 20.0 End of Boring 5A) FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 -0 ;7 -10 15 20 -25 1° fragments @ 14.9', 1.0" rock fragment @ 14.8', arav (2.5Y -5/11. (CL). CLAY, carbonate, trace rock fragments, trace shell fragments, clay is partially lithified, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", rock fragments up to 1.5 ", End of Boring 5AJ FORM 'I S36 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 boring Liesl nation WPVC -11 -09 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, dark OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. grayish brown 10YR -4/2 (SP). Wiggins Pass Inlet Management T 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL [:] AUTO HAMMER 7 WPVC -11 -09 X = 384,334 Y = 711,763 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. I DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Fines (230): 5.81 % (SP -SM) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES i ; 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 15.0 14. ELEVATION GROUNDWATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING DEG. FROM n BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED � � 15. DATE BORING : 08 -17 -11 09:23 : 08 -17 -11 09:24 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -6,6 Ft, 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.8 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. KD ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. 000 OXA. REMARKS -6.6 0.0 J OQ my Shd Hash calm"ted from visual estimate M shel 0.75mm and >2.8mm. SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, bample Depth = 0 -7.6 1.0 trace silt, trace whole shell, whole shells up to 0.5" gray 5Y -6/1 (SW). 1 Mean (mm): 0.33, Phi Sorting: 1.18 Fines (230): 1.11 % (SW) SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, trace rock fragments, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole shells up to Sample #2, Depth = 3.2' (1.5 "x1.0 "), shell fragments up to 1.5 ", rock 2 Mean (mm): 0.94, Phi Sorting: 2.54 fragments typically up to (1.25 "x1.0 "), Fines (230): 1.10% (SW) (1.75 "x1.5 ") rock fragment @ 2.7', 1.0" silty -11.6 5.0 pocket @ 2.9', 0.5" wood fragment @ 4.0', 1.0" clayey pocket @ 5.0', 2 (4.0 "x1.0 ") grayish 5 brown (1 OYR -5/2) sandy pockets @ 4.2' and Sample #3, Depth = 5.7' 4.8' gray 2.5Y -6/1 SW 3 Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.71 -13.1 6.5 . Fines (230): 3.02% (SP) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace -13.9 7.3 organics, trace shell hash, trace silt, organics distributed in pockets up to 0.5 ", clay distributed 4 Sample #4, Depth = 6.8' Mean (mm): 0. 18, Phi Sorting: 0.62 in clayey pockets up to 0.75 ", grayish brown Fines (230): 7.76% (SP -SM) 10YR -5/2 (SP). 5 Sample #5, Depth = 8.1' -15.6 9.0 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace silt, trace wood, clay distributed in clayey pockets up Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 0.61 Fines (230): 5.38% (SP -SM) to 0.75 ", wood fragments up to 0.5 ", dark Sample #6, Depth = 10.5' 1 C grayish brown 10YR -4/2 SP -SM . 6 Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 0.38 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, "x0.25 ") Fines (230): 2.70% (SP) (1.0 wood fragment @ 7.9', light 1° fragments @ 14.9', 1.0" rock fragment @ 14.8', arav (2.5Y -5/11. (CL). CLAY, carbonate, trace rock fragments, trace shell fragments, clay is partially lithified, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", rock fragments up to 1.5 ", End of Boring 5AJ FORM 'I S36 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 ( L)"Inlsh gray (L.0T -0/L), SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, dark grayish brown 10YR -4/2 (SP). Sample #7, Depth = 13.1' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace silt, 7 Mean (mm): 0.25, Phi Sorting: 0.66 clay distributed in clayey pockets up to 1.0 ", Fines (230): 5.81 % (SP -SM) -21.1 14.5 (3.0 "x1.0 ") gray (2.5Y -6/1) clayey pocket @ 13.7', very dark grayish brown (1 OYR -3/2), -21.6 15.0 1° fragments @ 14.9', 1.0" rock fragment @ 14.8', arav (2.5Y -5/11. (CL). CLAY, carbonate, trace rock fragments, trace shell fragments, clay is partially lithified, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", rock fragments up to 1.5 ", End of Boring 5AJ FORM 'I S36 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 Bnrina Desinnatinn WPVC- 11 -1f1 DRILLING LOG I DIVISION INSTALLATION - - SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT S. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -10 X = 384,526 Y = 711,946 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. i 12. TOTAL SAMPLES i 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED iCOMPLETED Q INCLINED � � 13 . DATE BORING : 08 -16 -11 16:31 08-16 -11 16:33 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -4.5 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 18. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 9.4 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 11.5 Ft. KD ELEV. DEPTH = w CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS % O� (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. ><< O REMARKS -4.5 0.0 J mh Steel Hash calcJaled from Nsual estirta[e of steel e4.75mm mm and >2.8 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole Sample #1, Depth = 1.3' shell, whole shells up to (1.0'x0.75 "), shell 1 Mean (mm): 0.34, Phi Sorting: 1.59 fragments up to 1.0 ", 0.5" silty pocket @ 2.1', Fines (230):1.12% (SW) -7.2 2.7 gray (2.5Y-6/1), (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell fragments, little shell hash, trace silt, trace Sample #2, Depth = 4.0' whole shell, whole shells and shell fragments 2 Mean (mm): 0.63, Phi Sorting: 2.27 typically up to 1.5 ", (2.25 "x1.25 ") shell fragment Fines (230):1.04% (SW) -9.6 5.1 3.6' gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). Sample #3, Depth = 5.3' Mean (mm): 0.97, Phi Sorting: 2.40 Fines (230): 1.11 % (SW) -10.1 5.6 SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole 3 shell, shell fragments typically up to 1.0 ", whole Sample #4, Depth = 6.6' shells up to 1.25 ", (2.0'x0.75 ") shell fragment 4 Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.56 -12.2 7.7 52 ra 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). Fines (230): 6.57% (SP -SM) fine grained, quartz, trace day, trj �SAND, organics, trace silt, clay distributed in poc Sample #5, Depth = 8.5' upto 1.0" grayish brown 10YR -5/2 SP - 5 Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.66 -13.9 9.4 Fines (230):11.95% (SC) SAND, fine grained, quartz, some rock fragments, little clay, trace organic�=tween k fragments up to 3.0" and distributed 9.1' and 9.4' dark ra 2.5Y -4/1 C . No Recovery. -16.0 11.5 End of Boring JPW rUKM ltS3b MUUII-ItU 1-UK I Fit F•LUKIUADEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 •20 25 0 c c v. C a LL Boring npsinnatinn WPV( -11_11 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL E] AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -11 X = 384,490 Y = 711,731 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. i i DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES ; 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED INCLINED 15. DATE BORING : 08 -16 -11 13:56 08 -16 -11 13:58 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -1.1 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.2 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR 8. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft, TD ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) = W W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. O-1 XIL REMARKS -1.1 0.0 J O i my Shel Hash wkdated from visual estimate of shel 0.75mm and >2.8- SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell fragments, little shell hash, trace silt, trace Sample , #1 e #1, Depth = 2.0' whole shell, shell fragments and whole shells 1 Mean 0.39 Phi Sorting: 1.23 , up to 1.0 ", light gray (5Y -7/1), (SW). Fines (mm): 0.39 (SW) -4.6 3.5 Sample #2, Depth = 4.0' SHELL HASH, some sand, trace shell 5.5 4.4 fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments up to (1.5 "x1.0 "), whole shells up to 2 Mean (mm): 0.77, Phi Sorting: 1.57 Fines (230):1.05% (SW) 3 -6.4 5.3 1.5" gray 2.5Y -6/1 SW . Sample #3, Depth = 4.7' Mean (mm): 0.17, Phi Sorting: 0.52 Fines (230):1.70% (SP) Sample #4, Depth = 5.6' -6.9 5.8 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, shell fragments up to 0.5 ", organic lamina @ 4.9', 4 -7.5 6.4 5 clayey lamina @ 5.0', light gray (2.5Y -7/1), Mean (mm): 1.55, Phi Sorting: 2.42 Psilt, 6 Fines (230): 0.61 % (SW) -9.3 8.2 SHELL, little sand, trace shell component is shell hash, shell fragments u p to (2.0"x1.0") and whole shells u to 1.5" gray 5-6/1 S . Sample #5, Depth = 6.0' Mean (mm): 0.30, Phi Sorting: 1.33 Fines (230):1.16% (SW) -10.0 8.9 4 -10.8 9.7 6 Sample #6, Depth = 7.1' Mean (mm): 0.32, Phi Sorting: 1.80 Fines (230):1.16% (SW) SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole shells up to 1.0 ", shell fragments -11.3 10.2 7 up to 0.5" light gray (2.5Y-7/1), SW . 8 Sample #7, Depth = 9.9' -12.9 11.8 Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.61 Fines (230):11.19% (SP -SM) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", whole Sample #8, Depth = 11.0' shells up to (1.5 "x1.0 "), organic lamina @ 7.9', Mean (mm): 0.49, Phi Sorting: 2.06 li ht qray (2.5Y-7/1), (SW). Fines (230):2.96% (SW) SHELL, little sand, trace silt, shell component is Sample #9, Depth = 13.6' hell hash, shell fragments up to (2.0 "x1.0 ") and 9 Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.23 whole shells up to 1.5 ", gray (5Y-6/1), (SW). Fines (230): 2.47% (SP) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell -17.3 16.2 fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, shell fragments up to 1.0 ", 1.0" organic pocket @ 9.4', 3.0" whole shell @ 9.5', light gray 2.5Y -7/1 SW . SAND, fine grained, quartz, little silt, trace day, ve dark gray 2.5Y -3/1 SP -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, -21.1 20.0 trace whole shell, whole shells up to 1.0 ", shell fragments up to 1.5 ", clay, shell fragments and hole shells decrease with depth, light brownish gray (2.5Y-6/2), (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, silt distributed in laminae and pockets up to 0.25 ", color is mottled light brownish gray (10YR -6/2) and ra •sh brown 10YR -5/2 (SP). No Recove . End of Boring SA) FORM 1836 MODIFIED FOR THE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 0 10 15 20 25 Rnrinn nacinnafinn WP \/(:_11 -17 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 of , SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF 61T 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM/DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURERS DESIGNATION OF DRILL Cj AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -12 X = 384,677 Y = 711,723 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. ; 12. TOTAL SAMPLES ; i 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING VERTICAL � VERTICAL ,STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED 15. DATE BORING 08 -16 -11 13:26 08 -16 -11 13:27 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3,5 Ft, 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 18. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.6 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. BF ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) Z Z W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. O� Kf REMARKS -3.5 0.0 A Oa mq Shall Hash calcJated from Nsual estimate of shel W.75n n and >2.&nm Shelly SAND, trace silt, shell component is shell Sample Depth = -4.6 1.1 hash, whole shells up to 1.5" and shell fragments up to 1.0" ra 5Y -6/1 (SW). 1 Mean (mm): 1.17, Phi Sorting: 2.11 Fines (230): 0.84% (SW) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell hash, Sample #2, Depth = 2.0' trace silt, shell hash decreases with depth, 0.5" 2 Mean (mm): 0.26, Phi Sorting: 1.20 -6.3 2.8 wood fragment @ 2.5', light gray (2.5Y -7/1), (SW). Fines (230):1.13% (SW) Sample #3, Depth = 3.5' -7.5 4.0 3 Mean (mm): 0.32, Phi Sorting: 1.53 Fines (230):0.95% (SW) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments typically up to 1.0 ", -8.0 4.5 1 whole shells typically up to 1.5 ", (3.0 "x 2.75 ') whole shell @ 3.0', (2.5 ")2.0 ") rock fragment @ Sample #4, Depth = 5.5' 3.6' light brownish ra 2.5Y -6/2 SW . 4 Mean mm : O.p9, Phi Sorting: 0. ( ) 9 69 Shelly SAND, trace silt, shell component is shell Fines (230): 4.34% (SP -SM) -10.6 7.1 1.0 ", (3.0 ")2.5 ") shell fragment @ hash, whole shells and shell fragmii 5Y-6/1 (SW). . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace dalt, Sample #5, Depth = 8.5' trace wood, clay distributed in poc 5 Mean (mm): 0. 19, Phi Sorting: 0.50 0.5 ", wood fragments up to 1.0 ", d Fines (230): 2.57% (SP) -13.7 10.2 brown 2.5Y -3/3 SP -SM SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace si lt, trace wood, wood fragments up to 1.0 ", clay Sample #6, Depth = 11.2' distributed in laminae, light olive brown 6 Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.44 -15.6 12.1 2.5Y -5/3 (SP)- Fines (230): 1.11 % (SP) Sample #7, Depth = 123 Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.55 -160 19 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, trace wood, wood fragments up to 0.5 ", light brownish 7 gray 2.5Y -6/2 (SP). Fines (230):6.23% (SP -SM) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, light dive 8 Sample #8, Depth = 13.4' -17.9 14.4 brown 2.5Y -5/3 SP -SM . Mean (mm): 0.15, Phi Sorting: 0.30 Fines (230):1.59% (SP) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, white 5Y -8/1 (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace silt, 5 -20.1 16.6 clay distributed in laminae, silt increases with depth, light olive brown 2.5Y -5/3 (SP). No Recovery. -23.5 20.0 End of Boring SAJ rUKM -I04ta MUIJIFIEIJ 1-UK I FIE FLORIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 Wi 20 25 Rnrinn ndneinnnfinn \A /D \/(`_1 1 _14 DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -13 X = 384,749 Y = 711,975 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY ' CONTRACTOR FILE NO. : DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. i 12. TOTAL SAMPLES i ; 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING ; DEG. FROM i BEARING ® VERTICAL :VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED � � 15. DATE BORING � 08 -16 -11 13:00 08 -16 -11 13:02 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -3.8 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. KD ELEV. (f!) DEPTH (ft) Z w W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. Oj O 6 REMARKS -3.8 0.0 J G2 my Shell Hash caktlated from visual estimate of shell <4.75mm end >2.8m SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, 6ample #1, Uepth - -4.8 1.0 trace shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments up to 0.75 ", whole shells 1 Mean (mm): 0.37, Phi Sorting: 0.97 Fines (230): 1.04% (SW) -5.7 1.9 up to 1.25 ", 1.5" rock fragment @ 0.1', "x1.25 ") rock fragment @ 0.1', (3.0 "x2.0 ") 2 Sample #2, Depth = 1.4' Mean (mm): 1.58, Phi Sorting: 2.32 XT(2.25 rock fra ment 0.3' gray 2.5Y -5/1 SW . 3 Fines (230): 0.63% (SW) -7.0 3.2 SHELL, some sand, trace rock fragments, shell component is shell hash, shell fragments and whole shells up to 1.5 ", rock fragments up to Sample #3, Depth = 2.6' Mean (mm): 0.25, Phi Sorting: 1.10 Fines (230):1.46% (SW) 7.9 4.1 2 0.75" gray 2.5Y -6/1 SW . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments and Sample #4, Depth = 6.3' whole shells up to 1.25" gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). 4 Mean (mm): 0.27, Phi Sorting: 1.16 SHELL, some sand, trace rock fragments, trace Fines (230):1.28% (SW) silt, shell component is shell hash, shell fragments up to 1.5" and whole shells up to 12.3 8.5 1.25 ", rock fragments up to 1.5 ", gray Sample #5, Depth = 9.0' -13.3 9.5 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). 5 Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.67 Fines (230): 7.02% (SP -SM) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace whole shell, -14.5 10.7 whole shells typically up to 1.5 ", shell fragments up to 1.0 ", (2.0 "x1.5 ") rock fragment @ 4.7', 6 Sample #6, Depth = 10.1' Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.53 Fines 230:3.45% SP (11.2' 15.2 11.4 (1.5 "x1.0 ") rock fragment @ 4.7', (3.0 "X1.5 ") 7 Sample #7) Depth = whole shell 7.0' gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). 8 Mean (mm): 0.84, Phi Sorting: 1.86 -16.4 12.6 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, 0.5" wood fragment @ 9.1', very dark grayish brown 10YR -3/2 SP -SM . Fines (mm): 4.84, (SW-SM) Sample #8, Depth = 12.0' Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.40 -17.0 13.2 9 13.7 -17.5 SAND, fine grained, quartz trace day, trace silt, 10 clay distributed in clayey pockets up to 0.5 ", Fines (230): 6.40% (SP -SM) -18.7 14.9 (3.0 "x0.75 ") silty pocket @ 10.6', grayish brown 10YR -5/2 (SP). 11 Sample #9, Depth = 12.8' Mean (mm): 0.19, Phi Sorting: 0.59 -19.8 16.0 Fines (230): 9.37% (SP -SM) Sample #10, Depth = 13.4' Mean (mm): 0.14, Phi Sorting: 0.41 SHELL HASH, little sand, trace whole shell, whole shells up to 1.0 ", 0.5" wood fragments @ 10.8' and 11.0', 3.0" sand pocket @ 10.9', light Fines (230): 3.17% (SP) gray 2.5Y -7/2 SW -SM . Sample #11, Depth = 14.4' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, "x1.0 ") Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.48 trace silt, (2.0 clayey pocket @ 12.5', Fines (230):13.35% (SC) very dark brown 10YR -2/2 SP -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace day, trace silt, 23.8 20.0 grayish brown 10YR -5/2 SP -SM . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace silt, silt distributed in laminae, light gray (2.5Y -7/1), (SP). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little day, grayish brown 2.5Y -5/2 (SC). Sandy CLAY, some rock fragments, trace shell fragments, day is partially lithified, rock fragments up to 3.0 ", shell fragments up to 1.0 ", -gray 2.5Y -6/1 (CL). No Recovery. aiju ruKm -jOSo muulrltu FOR T HE FLUKIDA DEP JUN 02 JUN 04 End of Boring 10 15 20 25 Rnrinn liacinnnfinn WP\ /('. -11_1A DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION - - - SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -14 X=384,775 Y = 711,866 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) 12. TOTAL SAMPLES Athena Technologies, Inc. i 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM i BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED � � 15. DATE BORING � 08 -16 -11 14:26 08 -16 -11 14:28 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -1.1 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.9 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. KD ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) c W W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values % REC. 11:W 06 X2 REMARKS -1.1 0.0 J lay Shel Hash calculated from visual estimate of shell <4.75mm and >2.8 Shelly SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace rock fragments, trace shell fragments, trace silt, Sample #1, Depth = 1.3' trace whole shell, shell component is shell 1 Mean (mm): 0.77, Phi Sorting: 2.02 hash, rock frags. up to 1 ", whole shells up to ", Fines (230): 0.91 % (SW) -3.71 2.6 1.75 shell frags. typically up to 1.5 ", (2 "x1.5 ") shell fra 0.2' 2.5Y -6/1 SW Sample #2, Depth = 3.2' Mean (mm): 0.52, Phi Sorting: 1.70 Fines (230):1.16% (SW) -4.4 3.3 . gray . SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell hash, trace organics, trace shell fragments, trace silt, 2 shell frags. typically up to 0.75 ", (3 "x2 ') shelly 3 Sample #3, Depth = 4.0' 6.0 4.9 pocket @ 3', shell component is shell hash, shell frags. up to 2" and whole shells up to 1 ", Mean (mm): 0.23, Phi Sorting: 0.66 Fines (230):1.32% (SP) gray 2.5Y -6/1 (SW). 4 Sample #4, Depth = 5.5' -7.2 6.1 Mean (mm): 0.25, Phi Sorting: 1.64 Fines (230):9.99% (SW -SM) SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, shell frags. up to 0.75 ", (3 ")2 ") organicy 5 Sample #5, Depth = 6.8' -8.7 7.6 pocket @ 3.5', (1.25 "x0.5 ") whole shell @ 4.8', light gray (2.5Y-7/1), (SP). Mean (mm): 0.22, Phi Sorting: 0.58 Fines (230):1.86% (SP) 6 -9.6 8.5 Sample #6, Depth = 8.1' Mean (mm): 0.38, Phi Sorting: 1.71 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell fragments, little silt, trace organics, trace shell hash, trace whole shell, shell frags. up to 1.5 ", 7 Fines (230):1.54% (SW) -11.2 10.1 whole shells up to 1 ", grayish brown (2.5Y -5/2), SW -SM . Sample #7, Depth = 9.2' Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.56 -12.0 10.9 8 Fines (230):4.17% (SP -SM) Sample #8, Depth = 10.5' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell hash, trace silt light gray (2.5Y-7/1). (SP). 9 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace -13.1 12.0 Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sating: 0.63 Fines (230):7.86% (SP -SM) -14.3 13.2 whole shell, shell frags. up to 1.25 ", whole shells up to 1.5 ", silty pockets up to 0.5 ", light 10 Sample #9, Depth = 11.5' Mean (mm): 0.21, Phi Sorting: 0.51 15.3 14.2 brownish gray 2.5Y -6/2 (SW). 11 Fines (230): 3.61 % (SP) Sample #10, Depth = 12.6' SAND, fine grained, quartz, little organics, trace clay, trace silt, clay distrib. in clayey pockets up Mean (mm): 0. 17, Phi Sorting: 0.45 to 1" dark grayish brown 1 OYR -4/2 SP -SM . Fines (230): 2.21 % (SP) 12 Sample #11, Depth = 13.7' SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace organics, trace silt, clay distrib. in clayey Mean (mm): 0.69, Phi Sorting: 2.18 -18.0 16.9 ' ' pockets up to 0.5 ", very dark brown (10YR -2/2), SP -SM . Fines (230): 3.87% (SW) Sample #12, Depth = 15.0' Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.40 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace organics, trace silt, day distrib. in clayey Fines (230): 3.76% (SP) pockets up to 1 ", very dark grayish brown 10YR -3/2 (SP). -21.1 20.0 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace silt, (3 "x1 ") silty pocket @ 13', grayish brown 10YR -5/2 SID. SHELL, some sand, trace silt, shell component is shell hash, shell frags. and whole shells up to 1" light brownish gray (2.5Y-6/2), (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, little organics, trace silt, color is mottled dark grayish brown (1OYR -4/2) and, very dark brown (1OYR -2/2), SP . No Recove . oiv rvmivl IOSO mvulrlCu rVK 1 Mt rLUK1UA ULF JUN 02 JUN 04 End of Boring 10 15 20 25 Borina Desinnatinn WPVC- 11 -1.r, DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEMIDATUM :HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL Q AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -15 X = 384,937 Y = 711,907 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) i Athena Technologies, Inc. 12. TOTAL SAMPLES ; 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER S. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED i 1S. DATE BORING ' 08 -16 -11 12:28 08 -16 -11 12:30 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -1.9 Ft. 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0.0 Ft. 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 16.2 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. BF ELEV. (ft) DEPTH (ft) Z ILI W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. �W Gil Of REMARKS 1.9 0.0 J Q D% Shell Hash cakJated from Visual estimate of shell <4.75mm and >2.8- SAND, fine grained, trace shell fragments, trace Sample #1, Depth = 1.0' shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole ", 1 Mean (mm): 0.33, Phi Sorting: 1.69 shells up to 1.0 shell fragments up to Fines (230):1.26% (SW) -3.8 1.9 1.75 "x0.75" gray 2.5Y -5/1 (SW). SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace clay, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace whole Sample #2, Depth = 2.8' shell, whole shells up to 1.5 ", shell fragments 2 Mean (mm): 0.190 Phi Sorting: 1.22 -5.8 3.9 up to 1.0 ", clay distributed in pockets up to 1.0 ", gray 2.5Y -5/1 (SW). Fines (230): 2.43% (SW) SAND, fine grained, quartz, some shell hash, Sample #3, Depth = 4.7' little shell fragments, trace silt, trace whole 3 Mean (mm): 0.65, Phi Sorting: 2.13 shell, whole shells up to 2.25 ", shell fragments Fines (230):0.90% (SW) -8.3 6.4 up to 2.0 ", (1.0 ")2.0 ") rock fragment @ 5.6', (3.0 "x1.5 ") rock fragment @ 4.2', gray (5Y -6/1), SAND, fine grained, trace shell hash, trace silt, ra 5Y -6/1 (SP). Sample #4, Depth = 6.7' Mean (mm): 0.23, Phi Sorting: 0.81 Fines (230):1.13% (SP) Sample #5, Depth = 7.3' -8.9 7,0 4 -9.4 7.5 5 6 Mean (mm): 0.59, Phi Sorting: 2.54 Shelly SAND, fine grained, trace silt, shell -11.1 9.2 ' ' component is shell hash, shell fragments up to 2.0" and whole shells up to 1.0 ", gray Fines (230): 8.42% (SW -SM) Sample #6, Depth = 8.5' 2.5Y -6/1 SW -S Mean (mm): 0.18, Phi Sorting: 0.57 SAND, fine grained, trace clay, trace shell hash, 7 Fines (230): 3.34% (SP) trace silt, trace wood, clay distributed in pockets Sample #7, Depth = 10.4' -13.4 11.5 up to 1.0" and laminae, wood fragments up to (3.0 "x0.5 "), dark grayish brown (1 OYR -4/2), Mean (mm): 0.24, Phi Sorting: 0.51 Fines (230): 2.62% (SP) SP . Sample #8, Depth = 12.6' grained, trace clay, trace silt, trace 8 Mean (mm): 0.72, Phi Sorting: 2.05 stributed in pockets up to 2.0 ", wood Fines (230):1.95% (SW) -15.7 13.8 ESAND up to 1.0 ", clay distributed in pockets li ht olive brown 2.5Y -5/3 (SP). Sample #9, Depth = 14.7' Shelly SAND, fine grained, trace silt, shell g Mean (mm): 0.16, Phi Sorting: 0.53 component is shell hash, while shells up to 1.5" ", Fines (230): 13.22% (SM) -17.8 15.9 and shell fragments up to 1.0 light gray 2.5Y -7/2 (SW). SAND, fine grained, little silt, trace clay, clay Sample #10, Depth = 16.1' Mean (mm): 0. 15, Phi Sorting: 0.46 10 distributed in laminae gray 5Y -5/1 ), (SM . Fines (230): 5.10% (SP -SM) SAND, fine grained, trace silt, light gray 5Y -7/1 SP -SM . No Recovery. -21.9 20.0 End of Boring u tUKM 9tsib MUUIFIEU FUR THE FLOKIDADEP JUN 02 JUN 04 10 ib7 •20 25 Rnrinn Ilacinnnfinn WP \ /r_11_1R DRILLING LOG DIVISION INSTALLATION SHEET 1 OF 1 SHEETS 1. PROJECT 9. SIZE AND TYPE OF BIT 3.0 In. Wiggins Pass Inlet Management 10. COORDINATE SYSTEM /DATUM HORIZONTAL VERTICAL Collier County, FL Florida State Plane East NAD 1983 NAVD 88 2. BORING DESIGNATION LOCATION COORDINATES 11. MANUFACTURER'S DESIGNATION OF DRILL AUTO HAMMER WPVC -11 -16 X = 384,973 Y = 711,790 Electric Q MANUAL HAMMER 3. DRILLING AGENCY CONTRACTOR FILE NO. DISTURBED UNDISTURBED (UD) Athena Technologies, Inc. ; 12. TOTAL SAMPLES i i 4. NAME OF DRILLER 13. TOTAL NUMBER CORE BOXES Palmer McLellan 14. ELEVATION GROUND WATER 5. DIRECTION OF BORING i DEG. FROM 7 BEARING ® VERTICAL VERTICAL :STARTED COMPLETED Q INCLINED � � 1 5. DATE BORING : 08 -16 -11 11:25 08 -16 -11 11:27 6. THICKNESS OF OVERBURDEN 0.0 Ft. 16. ELEVATION TOP OF BORING -2,9 Ft, 7. DEPTH DRILLED INTO ROCK 0,0 Ft, 17. TOTAL RECOVERY FOR BORING 14.4 Ft. 18. SIGNATURE AND TITLE OF INSPECTOR S. TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING 20.0 Ft. KD ELEV. DEPTH C W CLASSIFICATION OF MATERIALS MW OIL (ft) (ft) W Depths and elevations based on measured values REC. REMARKS -2.9 0.0 J my% SheA Hash caWated from visual estimate & shill <4.75mm and >2.8mm. SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell am a Depth = -3.9 1.0 fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments up to 1.25 ", whole 1 Mean (mm): 0.27, Phi Sorting: 1.41 Fines (230):2.44% (SW) 2 -4.7 1.8 • shells u to 1.0" ra 2.5Y -6/1 SW Sample #2, Depth = 1.4' Mean (mm): 0.48, Phi Sorting: 2.25 o . SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell fragments, little shell hash, trace silt, trace 3 Fines (230):1.39% (SW) -6.5 3.6 whole shell, shell fragments up to 1.5 ", whole Sample #3, Depth = 2.5' shells u to 1.25" gray 2.5Y -6/1 SW Mean (mm): 0.46, Phi Sorting: 2.27 Fines (230):1.15% (SW) . SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace shell fragments, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace Sample #4, Depth = 4.7' whole shell, whole shells up to 1.0 ", shell 4 Mean (mm): 0.17, Phi Sorting: 0.52 -8.9 6.0 fragments typically up to 1.5 ", silty pockets up to 0.5 ", (2.0"x1.0 ") shell fragment @ 2.6', 0.5" Fines (230):1.69% (SP) -9.8 6.9 wood fragment @ 3.0', light gray (2.5Y -7/1), (SW). 2 SAND, fine grained, quartz, trace organics, trace shell hash, trace silt, 1.0" silty pocket @ 3.8', (2.5 "x0.5 ") clay pocket @ 4.1', (2.5 "4.25 ") Sample #5, Depth = 9.1' wood fragment 4.1' gray 2.5Y -6/1 SP . 5 Mean (mm): 0.23, Phi Sorting: 0.65 SAND, fine grained, quartz, little shell Fines (230):1.97% (SP) fragments, little shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, shell fragments and whole shells -14.0 11.1 typically up to 1.5 ", (3.0'X1.0 ") shell fragment @ 6.4' gray 2.5Y -6/1 SW . SAND, fine grained, quartz, little peat, trace shell hash, trace silt, trace whole shell, whole Sample #6, Depth = 12.5' shells up to 1.0 ", peat distributed in laminae and 6 Mean (mm): 0.17, Phi Sorting: 0.54 pockets up to 3.0 ", (1.75 "x1.5 ") rock fragment Fines (230):14.44% (SC) -16.9 14.0 @ 8.8', (2.25 "x0.75 ") wood fragment @ 10.1', (2.0 "x1.5 ") shell fragment @ 11.0', light brownish gray 10YR -6/2 SP . _ SAND, fine grained, quartz, little clay, (3.0 "x1.0 ") white (2.5Y -8/1) pocket @ 11.3', gray 2.5Y -5/1 SC . ROCK FRAGMENTS, some sand, trace clay, trace shell hash, rock fragments up to 3.0'X1.0" gray 2.5Y -6/1 GW . No Recovery. -22.9 20.0 End of Boring JAi i-VK1Vi "1830 MVUIrItU l-UK I Mt t-LUKIUAUt1' JUN 02 JUN 04 10 15 20 25 APPENDIX 5 FENCEPOST DIAGRAMS GACollierM950063 WIGGINS PASS GEO\ MXD \REPORTFI(3URES \F um 4.mx0 m U t A W N OZ d O . o. ao a � 2 ��N a O °. 3.0 . 1 tD T o °IDmSfif °3�? m 3 -gym F < O B 0 m z m y O (7 0> a N 9 d Q a Z � 3� � o D ° n o o �R 3 0 ' z �. fD m � a ° d m _ g d N 3 nc 0 C N m N Z r + e • > O 0 It {{(yip N N N W t0 N j I7 S n n n P. V V V 3 m m m m 3 v d @ g Q o 0 ® I T N N O O m O O ° O A � N p m ni V f° o m 3 p W y m m 3 y m 0 E _ n S N 00 � O E O � � � I � ���i j� � � i�E i���, j�l l� I`� �� � �, it E ✓y � � � �. 4DO w f a5 a R> m fi _ p W �p g, ' Z 4 c a '� 7' o oz s� �z y,2 O O ' W A Z A �Z SID r lb N O M G) N A O W O W A N O O Z L 2 O All W LEGEND Sand ( <5% fines, may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Sand (5 -10% fines, may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Sand (10 -20% fines, may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Shelly Sand (may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Peat and Organics (may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Organic Clay (may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Clay (may include <10% rock and /or rock fragments) Rock or Rock Fragments ( >10% rock and /or rock fragments) M CD N 0 7 LU CD CZ O D Z- D 0 00 00 Elevation (ft) ............. 13 N ° A ..... ...... ...... ...... ...... .................... c to to p. c < m m o tO Q rt a e a n �Q ° ! to n N O fl CD N 0 O — C CD 7 � -t• Q r- C2 r Q «Z CD 3 CD ........... ............................... ......... ......... :.............. .................. ................................ ..IN 0 v CD v C N O 7 Q_ CD Q_ 0 N CT Q A Q. O 7 3 0 Q N C W d Q C m N M co 0 :3 u 00 N cn CD CL 0 00 Z 00 OD Elevation (ft) O 00 Of t N CO SE co C) ............................................. ......... ............ ........ ........ 7 ............. C =r ................. ......... ......... ................ rm =0 O ................... ........ ........ ........ ws* (D 8 ........ ........ ........ ................ .. .......... : ........ ........ .......... : .......... : .......... : ........ ........ .......... :- o C, 0 " S' to tG 2- CD N 0 C (b O Cb 3 (b rt m m ............. .................................. ......................... ........ ....................................... ........ ...... 'I., I I I I I I 9 a a zz ;z CD 0 :3 C4 CA 0 CL 0 0 3 (D (D CL .c 2- C (D co co C) 7 ............. C =r rm =0 ws* (D 8 ........ ........ ........ ................ .. .......... : ........ ........ .......... : .......... : .......... : ........ ........ .......... :- 00 no C, 0 " S' ....... ....... to tG 2- CD N 0 C (b O Cb 3 (b rt m m ............. .................................. ......................... ........ ....................................... ........ ...... 'I., I I I I I I 9 a a zz ;z CD 0 :3 C4 CA 0 CL 0 0 3 (D (D CL .c 2- C (D co GuKL MMUL PVSIS - A SILL M CD LU O 7 Q w CD a- 0 _ Z D 0 00 00 N n v �rt ° 7 N X S O A N O W wow CO L4 L4 CIA LM ��wms+r nv I 01. < rn ro c= m o f° p a a s' r' �N 00 O no ° ? rt G ° O R. n O N ^� aJ l / cn O — E ,1 O =3 Q CO D) CD 3 CD Elevation (ft) ........: .......... :.......... .................................. ....... ....... ....... ...... ...................... o I I 1 o W Of A N v v S N n O n. n_ O 7 N CAQ' n W d O 7 3 M ° N C N n_ n c m N ra w A N O W Of A N LM M A N O 4 a p a a s' r' S e.....:.... • . 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All meeting will be held the 3'd Monday of each month from 9 to 12 noon in the Risk Management Training Room, 3311 Tamiami Trail East unless otherwise noticed: January 17, 2012 (Monday January 16t" is a holiday, this meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, 1/17/12) Meeting will he held in the Human Resource Conference Room (3303 Tanfiatni Trail East. February 21, 2012 (Monday February 20"' is a holiday, this meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, 2/21/]2) March 19, 2012 April 16, 2012 May 21, 2012 June 18, 2012 Meeting v* ill be held in the Coast Zone Conference Room 103 - A (3299 J'amianti Trail East) July 16, 2012 Meeting i4 ill he held in the lluman Resource Conference Room (3303 1'arnianli "frail East). August 20, 2012 Meeting will be held in the Coast Zone Conference Room 103 -A (3299 'Uamianii 'frail East) September 17, 2012 October 15, 2012 November 19, 2012 December 17, 2012