BCC Minutes 10/09/1992 WCOLLIER COUNTY STRATEGIC PLAN MEETING October 9, 1992 9:00 a.m. HRS Building Reported by: Debra A. Smith Deputy Official Court Reporter Notary Public State of Florida at Large OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS Carrothers Reporting Service, Inc. 20th Judicial Circuit - Collier County 3301 East Tamiami Trail Naples, Florida 33962 TELE: (813) 732-2700 FAX: (813) 774-6022 1 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLI,TER CO~INTY. NAPT,Fg. Fl, ~Tn~ 2 APPEARANCES COUNTY CO~MISSION BOARD MEMBERS: Michael Volpe Saunders Max A. Hasse Anne Goodknight Neil Dorrill, County Manager Dr. Jane Pokowski Thomas Olliff Thomas Conr ecode Bill Lorceny Ken Penau Anthony DeBlasio Tim Constantine Nettle Phillips John Norris Mike McNees Jennifer Edwards Leo Oaks Mike Arnold George Archibald Dave Davenport Dave Petrow Carl Loveday OPPICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 3 COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Just by way of introduction, and correct me if I'm wrong, but this is the third year that the Board has actually participated in the Planning process and it seems to me that eaCh year it becomes a little bit better and a little bit more meaningful then perhaps it did, at least for me, the first year. I think for myself and the others will speak for themselves, but I think it's a very important process for us to have some direction and to set a road map for County Government for our upcoming fiscal year. Ideally, in the perfect world where we should be at some point in time, and hopefully we might be able to achieve that. Next year is that we would actually go throughout the strategic planning process in advance of our upcoming fiscal year. Obviously, we are in the 1992-1993 fiscal year already. But ideally we should have our strategic planning process completed. We should go through our program priority, budgeting, and then we can sit down through our budget hearings and have all of that done prior to the actual commencement of a new fiscal year. So, with everyone's agenda being as full as it is, it is ! 4 seems to me we can work towards getting this moved back a little bit so that we can have these sessions in the Spring of 1993 in anticipation of fiscal year 1993 - 1994. This year we have got some new people. I have asked -- Dr. Pokowski has been here before. I'm happy to have our public health people. I have also asked that the County Attorney's office participate at some level with us in the strategic planning process, because I think it will help the County Attorney's as well. with that, I'm excited about this process and it really Just gives us a little bit better appreciation of what help our other divisions are doing and it gives us a little bit better understanding of what the priorities are between each of those departments. With that, I don't know. Co~umissioner Hasse, do you have any -- COMMISSIONER HASSEz Only that I'm glad to see you're excited, Mike. I haven't seen this before. But needless to say, I think it's an ideal thing that you're doing here. I think it should be set up a little bit earlier so that we can look forward to what we want to see happen. So, it's a goods idea. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUN"I"f, NAPLES, FL 33962 Imll I II III III I II _ I ..III I I I ~ _ II ............ III IIII I 5 COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ Mr. Saunders? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Yeah, I agree it should be conducted in the Spring before we get the budget review. And with that I'm ready to hear what you have to say. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: In addition, it would be nice for some of the staff people that don't know some of the faces that are here, John Norris will be the new commissioner and commissioner elite from East Naples to Marco Island. John was here last year during the strategic planning process. And also we are fortunate to have some candidates for County Co~mission, for office, some of you may or may not know Tim Constantine, is a Candidate for District 3, Golden Gate. Also recognize Steve Ritter and, I believe Mr. DeBlasio, is that the right pronunciation. I have not had a chance to meet you but I recognize your face from TV the other evening. Both candidates for County Commission 5 and we 13 welcome you, as well, this morning. And to assist you, ¥13] think what we'll do, Dave, we'll make one quick circle this morning. If you would just give your name and the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 division, County Co~u~ision of Government that you're representing Just so we might be able to relate the face with the person. MR. PETTROd.. I'm Dave Pettrow and until Tuesday, I think I'm still Development Services Director and Community Development Administration. MR. DAVENPORT: Development Admin. MR. RITTER: MR. ;%RCH IBALD ~ transportation. MR. ARNOLD ~ Administrator. MR. OAKS ~ MS. EDWARDS ~ County Manager. MR. MCNEES~ MR. NORRIS: Dave Davenport with Community Steve Ritter. George Archibald representing I'm Mike Arnold and I'm the utilities Leo Oaks, Administrative Services. Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the With the County DeveloExaent. I have already been introduced. MR. CONSTANTINE DR. POKOWSKI ~ Administrator. MR. OLLIFF~ I'm Tim Constantine. Jane Pokowski, Public Bealth Mike Olliff, Public Services Division. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 7 MR. GONRECODE: MR. LORENY: MR. PENAU: Divison. MR. DEBLASIO: Tom Conrecode. Bill Loreny. Ken Penau with Emergency Services Anthony DeBlasio. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Ms. Goodknight is here. She had to take a personal call across the hallway, and she should be here in Just a minute. Mr. Chairman, the overview will be very brief so that we can move on to the proposed work program for this Fall. But in terms of the accomplishments, I do agree with some of the statements of the Board that is that we have become a little more sophisticated each year in terms of having a work program coincide with the budget. And also the telephone survey of registered voters in the late winter, early spring. And there is some rhyme and reason that the county Government did follow that thre point line of attack beginning with the survey of registered voters, to find out what they feel the best County Services are and where improvements need to be made. And it then brings us to the tentative budget and also then, proposed OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 work program, strategic plan for the fiscal year that we are to begin. With that in mind, a quick overview of last year for those people that are statistically inclined. We'll sho~ that about 82 percent of all of the proposed work programs was completed on the original schedule that had been intended. Each project was started for the remaining 18 percent not completed on the original schedule. Some of that was intentional due to a revised schedule. But in terms of -- I'll hit Just a highlight to give you a point of reference and then we'll be prepared to give -- the other thing we did differently last year at your suggestion was that we had a mid-year review performance against the indicator dates that are in the manual that show actual activity. And we did give the Board a mid-year update in May of last year. In terms of the executive office, one of the things that was proposed but not accomplished is proposed this this year, is to look at the level of municipal service taxing units by District, and to take a crack at trying to establish an operating side of the budget; a base level as far as County wide for things that run the gamit~ from library periodicals and operating costs to law enforcement and response time, the number of deputies as a percentage of calls. But then to explore having MSTU be created to tax individual Districts or geographical areas or higher level services that are desired. And that might, for instance, in Naples Park entail increased street lighting or improved subdivision drainage. It could, once again, ask that an additional level of service be provided for law enforcement, for example, for Marco Island or in the case of Immokalee. Also in the case of Immokalee, could entail increased landscape and beautification and the costs associated with owning and operating a municipal swimming pool. Those are some examples that would be above and beyond a base level of service that would be proposed to be created. County Commission would then be asked from its general fund to fund a base level service. But individual Districts that are desirous of enhancing service or amenities in their community would be asked to pay for the benefit extended with that. That was something we suggested last year that we did not work on much. Frankly, because so much time was devoted to the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 10 first year of the zero base priority program budget. And we are suggesting that we follow up on that. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Mr. Saunders? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Just one comment. Seems to me that there are essentially two different types of governmental services we are talking about. One I would categorize as the enhancements: Libraries; arts; rebeautification~ local streets; street lighting. And the other category would be considered those fundamental services that people need for their protection: Law enforcement; emergency medical services; fire protection. So we'll get into the establishment of base levels of service. I think the philosophical battle is going to be, should some communities get better police protection simply because they elect to have an MSTU establi;shed? One other thing we are talking about is street lighting. It's all together different when we are talking about police protection. So I think the ~'~ fundamental ball is going to be over that distinction. My bias at this point is to feel that law enforcement and emergency medical services are fundamental obligations every local goverment--that OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 11 everyone should be entitled to the same degree of protection, regardless of their economic situation or where they live. So I do distinguish that from the other types of governmental services. CO~MISSIONER VOLPE: I think that's a point well made and ! think we saw that. When you are talking about Pelican Bay the concept of using a larger MSTU rather than doing it by a neighborhood -- doing it within, say a planning community. The philosophical issue remains and that is even if we had, say the North Naples planning community, which would encompass not only Pelican Bay but also Naples Park, you still have the question about these essential services for protection. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS~ The issue that we raised with Pelican Bay is simply that. Is it really right for one person to feel safer in one neighborhood than in another neighborhood because of the level of the governmental services there. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: The other point argued with that is this. We'll begin to address the remaining issues, the ones that which you did agree with. That's the tax equity and it seems to be increasingly an issue OPFXCXAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 12 in higher assessed value neighborhoods. And too, frankly, what benefit do we derive directly because all of us derive the benefits indirectly from having increased level of opportunities throughout the community. But, for example, the operating costs attended can be with a swimming pool, can generally be shown to benefit a particular district or a community. And if you live in highly assessed value home on Marco Island, it's a little more difficult to show the value of that. And so there are some opportunities to go upon the tax equity issues. Again, recognizing, the Commissioners would agree it's more on the base level of the government services. Also just for recapping then quickly, the remainder of the executive office work program last year. We continued to make a substanital commitment to our quality improvement teams. We can set a very lofty goal, as indicated last yearl very, very lofty goal of some 30 percent. Only about 20 percent of the total work force is currently involved in the quality improvement teams. And OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 13 we'd like to t~y to expand on that. We have a new quality improvement coordinator who replaced mid-year. There was some slippage in the overall schedule. On a bright note, our first team has gone through the entire process, the 7 step process, and that involved budget with the department. And I believe it's early in November that they will truly be making this coming week, they will be making their final presentation as an employee work group as it relates to improving on a process as it relates to budget amendments and executive s~marys and the level of detail and the overall quality of information. I know that is something that the Board has talked about and previously tried to improve on. So we'll continue to make a push for expanding our employee and quality improvement and decision making teams in the coming year. COMMISSIONER VOLPE.. In that regard as I recall during last year we talked about the evaluation of that entire program and I'm not sure that that will come up during this session. But we had, and I don't remember the exact topic in which the discussion arose, but I remember we had had something like a quarter of a million 14 dollars which was budgeted and I think this is the third year in the program. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILLz We had a large first two year start up cost. I don't know what our actual cost budgeted is this year. Direct cost fifty-eight thousand MR. MCNEES: dollars. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: And I think part of that we have committed. This is currently the only employee training program that we have. In fact, we don't do any outside consulting, training improvement process. This is the remaining program that we have. COMMISSIONER VOLPEz But the costs have come down considerably. Because the initial costs were -- COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: We have taken on a series of our own employees and had them certified as teachers or continuing educators within this process. And our own people do the continuing education and training team leaders, facilitators and group training process. Now the remaining cost of the license associated with the programs that we use, materials that we buy, some remaining small level consulting services. But total OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FI. 33962 4 15 County wide, so far, approximately a thousand employees now. Because we are working with Dr. Pokowski as far as they have expressed an interest in Joining us this year in that program. DR. POKOWSKI: It has worked out well. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: I think they are very happy so far with it, because we have actually added employees outside of our family employees. COMMISSIONER HASSE, Does that include anything with the constitution officers? COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Not thus far. The constitution officers haven't elected to participate. have had some conversations with the clerk, the clerk's administration, and they have expressed some interest in learning more about it. But aside from that -- COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ Has it been offered to them? COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL= I don't know that we had marketed it the way that we should or at least or reminding them to send representatives to participate in some of the training sessions. That's how Jane found out about what we are doing. And she got some people to with us. And they're now training their own people for Ot~ICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 I I ~ I Jill __ I I IIIIIIIIIIII III III I II I_ IIIIII L 16 an assistant program. c&l~~ t. So there is no reason that we Moving on with the administrative service section, all of the major goals in the program were worked on during the past year. Those included the installation of a maintanance program as part of our self-insured health insurance or group health insurance for those employees that are on maintenance pharmaceutical. We now buy those from bulk wholesale from a national warehouse process that was listed as one of the productivity improvement programs from last year. We have also implemented a flexible benefits plan for employees to be able to take early cafeteria-type reductions from their pay as a way of those being paid at a reduced rate of gross pay. And for Federal Income Tax purposes, it is done as a employee benefit. There's no associated cost to the County Ccmunission as an employer to do that. And perhaps the biggest program of the year was their having been on and won back the fleet management program. And the first year projected savings, I think were a hundred thousand dollars. And I'll ask Leo, since -) ) OFF'lC'TAT, COURT 17 we have Just finished the year, if you can Just share with the Board what the year ending savings in the fleet motor pool program were over the prior year. MR. OAKS: The actual, this was through June because we are finishing up the year-end quarterly report, we'll have that next week. But through June of this year, we have saved two hundred and ninety-two thousand dollars versus actual expenditures for the prior year contracted service for one hundred and seven thousand dollars or below for this year; and that is through June. We expect through 9/30 the year-ending that we have saved approximately a hundred and twenty thousand dollars versus what we spent, actual expenditures for the same period last year. CC~{MISSIONER SAUNDERS: What was is the total expenditure? MR. OAKS= Our budget this year was two point nine million. And, again, we expect to come in probably about a hundred and eighty to a hundred and eighty-five thousand dollars. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Are you able to maintain the same level of services on the vehicles? OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 '4 18 MR. OAKS: We survey our customers and reviewed the status on down-time, equipment availablity. We have done some things like contracted out on what we call our ATM equipment. First of all we have preventative we use on the trucks. We used to do that in-house. We typically thought we could do more efficiently at a reduced cost by contracting that out to the Quick Lube Services in the area. And we have also eliminated, or I should say, we have increased our field up-time for the vehicle operators, because they don't have to come all the way down to County Barn Road to get their vehicles serviced. They Just pull in, we have a contract that we get and the vehicle pulls in and they call us and we give them a work order number. They do the work and advise us. And we save about seven thousand dollars, alone, just on that one ATM program. So far it's worked out well. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: We are doing some fairly novel things. We have found out on average it was costing us about forty dollars for oil and the associated filter and lube. And you can have that done for a fraction of that cost. So we don't do that anymore. We OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 19 mchedule through an annual bid for a quick oil change. And somebody has our annual contract for that. Interestingly enough, our fleet management savings and motor pool savings this year was so substantial that even at a recent meeting that the chairman and I were at, the city manager asked us to give him a proposal for heavy equipment and diesel repair. And I have asked Leo to send them a proposal. So we may be -- he may be closing some of the heavy diesel garages at City Hall and chosing to work through us as his vendor. And we have also indicated that we would like to hear maybe what his costs are for his vans and light trucks. It Just doesn't make any sense, frankly, to be operating three major public works garage facilities within five miles of one another; those being the school facility here in Collier, the large facility here on Goodlette Road and the other facility on County Barn. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: And the school facility was, and I suspect that the School Board, as well has some interest in the involement with this type of a shared arrangement. And, you know, for the future it seems to me that is really one of those ways where that type of a 2O consolidated effort can result in a significant cost savings. MR. OAKS.. We were able, Mr. Chairman, to work cooperatively with the city and the School for both fuels and lubricants, as well as automotive parts and tires. So we have been working on a cooperative purchase arrangement with those agencies, actually, over the past eighteen months. MS. PHILLIPS: quick lube, as well. May I say something? I used the But you need to do some safety checks because they either put too much oil in my car, not enough oil in my car, too much brake fluid and it caused me some extensive problems with ball Joints in my c~r. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILLz Contract Administration has always checked to make sure we are getting what it is that they had bid on. MS. PHILLIPS: We had to keep taking my car back. They put too much in your car; they put too little in your ca r. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL~ Moving on now to the Emergency Services, the primary goals associated~with ~) ~,) OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 21 that was the final decision and implementation of the Immokalee Health Care Program for Emergency Medicine, and the c~mmission was able to complete that this year. And there were two areas in emergency services, though, that remain unresolved. And one of those being the final -- page? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Could you refer to the I can't give you the page because I've got mine down to two pages. The two remaining areas that need to be disposed of or completed, one was divisional center to include a new emergency operations so the County, I think, tends to critique the hurricane. We'll point, again, to the fact that.the County's Emergency Operations Center had been in the same location in the same building now for the past nineteen years. And it's the same size and generally the same capabilities besides them now having a computerized facility. And the County has certainly grown substantially in the last 20 years. And I have asked, again, in fact there is some vacant space, unfinished space on the third floor of this building and we may be evaluating that OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 22 early in the year. We have to have a more complete and just physically larger emergency operations center. If all of you recall, the existing center has some physical limitations of what it can accomplish in times of emergency. That is one area. You also will recall in the emergency services division, they do not own any of their office or operating facilities. We rent or lease all of those and we would like to try and consolidate and get out of some of our current rent agreements when the terms expire. And to consolidate, again, those facilities perhaps on the third floor of this building. We have gotten away from a proposal previously that we'll build a large multi-million dollar facility on the airport property. We have sort of down-sized that by our expectations. And the emergency operations center that can also serve as an office complex in times of non-emergency and maybe locate some of that on the third floor of the existing substantially finished building. But it would take some -- MR. SAUNDERS: generator? Does this building have an emergency OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 23 COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: It has an emergency generator and it is also partly tied into the central chosen complex now that has it's own emergency supplies. So we wouldn't have any redundant cost for those types of things. The other thing in emergency services that remains unresolved. And we'll need a determination by the new Commission. And the first consolidations of the program and the Board has asked to see a proposed financial analysis and, in a sense, a hypothetical budget for what a consolidated fire and EMS department would entail. How that compares against the existing independent and dependent fire districts. costs associated with EMS. Plus, and added into that, the And that, again, is shown this year. And we would hope to give the Board an opportunity to make a final decision one way or the other with respect to what you would like to see happen with both fire and EMS. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: completed analysis has been done? COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL.' I don't know that he does. Ken, do you have any better information concerning that? Do you know, Mr. Dorrill, if a t~ 24 MR. PENAl3: No. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL.' I don't believe that he does. The last time that I spoke with him about it was probably two months ago. He has agreed to work with us and in turn, I would like to see the budget office take a crack at creating the hypothetical and combining EMS and fire budget County wide just to see what the cost is. On Environmental Services -- and I'll ask somebody to help me with the page number -- COMMISSIONER VOLPE ~ Thirteen. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL~ -- we had an extremely good year having completed both the management plan and also getting a great deal of the way through the Habitat Protection Ordinance; both of which are in final form. And we have dates to do a public hearing on it early in this new year. The Board also undertook a program admittedly a controversial expansion of the landfill and completed the solid waste master plan that you did the workshop on earlier this week; and substantially completed all of the preliminary analysis as it relates to the storm water utility program. Again, the Board will need to make some major 25 decisions early in tho new ysar as it relates to both solid waste and the storm water utilities system. As to which final direction that you are desirous of moving forward in. In Public Services, I guess the single biggest achievement of the change in the recreational forest complex. There was a decision earlier in the year for the Board to build its first recreational forest complex at the Vineyards Community Park Site. And to build a youth and adult soccer complex in conjunction with the Vineyards Elementary School. Mr. Olliff and also. Mr. Conrecode Just did an outstanding Job. The Board, I believe, gave authorization at the beginning of the s~mer. The staff went through an accelerated design and bidding phase of construction. It was handled very well, I think, with the amount of hurricane activity that we had in the late summer. The facility is complete and expanded parking and landscaping are in. The facility will be dedicated by the County Commission and the fourteen hundred Optimist Youth Soccer Children a week from Saturday, I believe; is that correct? So there will be fourteen hundred children and moms 26 and dads and maybe a couple of County Cc~missioners out there a week from Saturday. A really fast moving, very responsive program related to the parks capital plan having resulted in this completion. The Transportation: I would have to say the most substantial accomplishment in the past year dealt with the final determination and increase to the road impact fees. Responding to the associated backlog with that, Hoard has also provided the right-of-way access ordinance and a very aggressive road construction program that involved interim financing on four very large road programs, three of which are currently under construction. The fourth about to start and the other related road project for the year was completed, that being Radio Road. Construction is currently underway on Immokalee Road, Pine Ridge and Airport. Construction final paving will be done next week on Goodlette Extension and also the completion of the signal at the intersection of Goodlette and Immokalee Road, including North Collier Hospital. So we have Just had an extremely aggressive road building year. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 27 I think it's safe to say that the single biggest work program element in the coming year in transportation is going to be responding to the remaining road deficiency and making the final determination on the ultimate repayment of the thirteen million dollars interim financing that was borrowed to build the roads that I Just mentioned. And that will be a major, major goal in the area of work -- COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Mr. Dorrill, at the last budget hearing in September, we directed you to take a look at reestablishing this committee to revaluate some of the other services and perhaps take a look at where we are hitting with our road building program. We have a fifty-five million dollar shortfall objective for 1993 and 1994 which is a shortfall we cannot deal with effectively in terms of trying to fight it. So we need to find other alternatives to deal with it. One of them was the discussion of evaluating priorities, and perhaps even suggesting a lowering of established levels of services on certain roadways. I guess the question is, what steps are you prepared to take in order to reestablish our community or OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL ..... ]1 ...... t ~ II ~, , ,, 33962 7 28 what direction do-- COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: I'm going to ask Jennifer to give me a little help. We are going to have a presentation on that in just a few minutes. I believe that is shown as a goal in the budget office and there is a time schedule there. And it will involve you having to appoint a citizen task force and so we have identified that as an early work program. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: There has been one recommendation also, I think it's a goods one. To try to get as many people that were on that committee and get them to come back. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Mr. Saunders, one issue was raised at the budget workshop. The -- both people in both management and the County Attorney's Office raised some questions about the extent to which we could get back into a reevaluation of the services As a part of that process, I would remind you that we have been through this, at least a discussion, that we have been through the process about six months earlier in terms of evaluation the service work. So we may need some input from the County Attorney's office as to whether that is OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 7 29 possible alternative. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: We have incorporated that. I think you're going to have to get an opinion from the County Attorney's Office as well as seeking a legal opinion from the Department of Community Affairs just to establi£h some guidelines for your citizens committee to reevaluate their services. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I think we may have to have two parallel tracks going. I think you need to go ahead and go through the process of reconstituting the committee. I agree with you it's important to have some preliminary discussions. But I suspect that in your final analysis, they are not going to be able to tell you whether a proposed reduction in certain roadways is going to be acceptable until that has been raised. It takes many months to get these things approved. We are going to be talking about that budget, it may seem incredible, but in six months from now, we are going to be talking about where we are going to find the five million dollars and the time is going to go by very, very quickly. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: I agree. And I have been told this morning that there are some other things OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 I iiiii i iiiiiiiii III I I IIIII i iiii i ii I IIIII II iii i I I IIIII II I iiiiiii 3O happening as it relates to the challenge of the County's adopted growth management plan that could force our hand even earlier than six months. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Those hearings with the governor and the cabinet within a two week period or so, as it relates to that whole issue. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I presume there's an appeal period also or an appeal process from the cabinet. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: The other work may start almost immediately. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: That's right. But the thirteen million dollar loan that has been there for almost eighteen months now, maybe not that long, and we have had those discussions about the source of repayment and I am not sure that we, you know, what the alternatives are that are being -- I mean, you know fifty-five million dollars has yet been spent. The thirteen million dollars has been spent. We can work at how not to spend the five million dollars. But I don't know what to do about the thirteen million dollars we already spent. COUNTY MANAGER DO}tRILL: I heard a commission CD 31 candidate earlier in the week saying that we would just borrow and bond more money to build roads. And I chuckled because we have borrowed all that we can borrow. We have raised impact fees all that we can raise the impact fees. And the State has told us, and you will build your roads to these required governmental services. So, unless we can get some relief and find some additional money which is the same song that has been sung now since 1987. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: We may have lost the opportunities when you were talking about the impact fees. As part of that plan there was an opportunity to extend, as I understood it, from our consultants to get us beyond the 1994 dropdead date. But obviously that is a very important challenge we are going to have to face. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: The one thing we may need to evaluate, and this may have been completed, but the the way we calculate existing levels of service; there may be other alternatives as to the way we are determining what those current levels of service are or what the road capacities really are. I don't know if you've maximized the ablity to get us to the point where £3 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 7 32 levels of service are more accurate. I think we had that situation on Pine Ridge Road where we thought the level of service was D or something and it turned out to b~ A. Have you looked into that on a County wide basis? MR. ARNOLD: Yes, we have. Not only on a length by length basis. There has been some recent legislation that allows us to take a second look at some of the levels of services on connection roads, not necessarily arterial roads. So we are looking at that as a part of our updating our LOS roads. We'll take that into con si deration. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: That may be one area you need more money for staff or experts and may be an area where the Commission will be willing to spend some money. CO~MISSIONER VOLPE: Isn't that the issue that we have discussed at different times about peak seasons, peak hours, peak times. Has that modification been implemented, though, throughout the transportation network? C~) MR. ARNOLD: Yes, it has. There's been a recent change in addition to that. A change allowing what's referred to as the highest power calculations. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL .... II [ ~ ...................... 33962 LJ Illl[ I Il J III Il IlllJ I I _~1 I Ill Illllll Illl I lll Il I ILI I Illlll ...... 8 33 Typically, our figures are even more optimistic than that. I think what we are all talking about is taking away the level of service to be able to push out or defer a project and that is exactly what we are doing. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: And I agree with Commissioner Saunders. We'll be running an ad next week to fill and sort of reconstitute the citizen's, I forget what we call them, but it's citizen's level of service committee that establish the levels of service for everything from parks, to roads, to response time. And it seems like the original committee had twenty-three members on it or something. And we ought to try and see in the interest of Just learning to encourage people who served previously because they have a good working knowledge of the terms and various legal issues. The final two divisions, one being Community Development: I would say the year of Community Development was a year of significant change. Somebody bark out a page number -- page six. Community Development went through a series of two reorganizations. One, to save money as a result of an increase in revenues associated, and the other reorganization having to do .3 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLYER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 34 with a two phase review of Just management and organizational structure. Some of those suggested changes and savings resulted in a substantial decrease in employees in the division. Associated decrease in the amount of money that it takes to run the division, and organizational changes and in some cases some consolidation, in some cases some demotions. The final affects of that now Just going into place. So we'll have a new orginizational structure and in sc~e cases new team members going into 1992 and '93. Because of the sensitivity of the division being a stand alone enterprise function, we have to monitor revenues on a month-to-month basis in this division. As there were times last when we monitored revenues on a week-to-week basis because they were not development services using any property tax. It is a sole enterprise function. And that will continue, I believe, to be accOunted for in the coming year. Oddly enough, on-. of the major proposal areas they have worked on last year was a proposed post-hurricane recovery plan. That was something the Board had committed to do as a part of the growth management plan. And a OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 35 substantial initial effort was made on that. The plan will actually be completed this year. But because of some of our early work in that some Collier Officials have even, I know Ken was recently appointed to a governor's task force to go to Miami and Metro Dade County and assist them in some post recovery efforts and was actually asked by the Governor's office to participate in that. So we are fortunate that we have sc~e staff people that are at least recognized through the State for their hurricane planning and post recovery efforts. And that is an area that we need to finish in the coming year. The other major responsibility will be to keep the Board on the schedule with the remaining land development regulations. The most controversial one I think that we will see yet as it relates to the hitting of the development against the environmental interest, will be the ~{abitat Protection Ordinance. I don't know exactly where that is in final development phase. It's scheduled to go to the planning commission in the not too distance future. But that will probably take a series of weekly meetings for the Board to work its way through. And, 36 again, be very controversial as it hits developers and environmentalists. And it's one of the major environmental proposals the Board made with the adoption of the road management. Finally, in utilities: The utilities, again, have very capital contruction intensive year. In addition to the completion of the sewering of East and South Naples for the first time and a completion of the South County Regional Water Improvement was a major achievement for the work program. The final decisions and the start-up of construction for the County's reverse osmosis-type membrane softening, North County Regional Water Treatment Plant, expansion of the well field and expansion of the potable treated water storage capabilities located throughout the County entailed almost forty million dollars wocth of construction last year as it related to water and sewer. It was the single largest capital improvement undertaken in the County. A great deal of credit for that goes singularly to Mike Olliff for having set that thing on schedule and on budget. The other major area that emerged but did not get OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL _~ . IIII ........... 33962 37 completed was the analysis of the acquisition of the remaining private sectors utilities. The Board received a report on that about mid-year and, again, the new Board is going to have to make a policy decision concerning whether or not they want to acquire the remaining additional private regulated utilities. Those being SSU, serving the Marco Island, and YAC servicing the Golden Gate City Area. There will be two major areas within the work program in the coming year. And with that, that's sort of a quick look at the year that we have completed. I think given the type of year it was and with the fiscal and budget constraints, that you have completed well over 80 percent of the things that you set out to do. It is good testimony for the workers of this Board and your willingness to work together as a team. You have accomplished a great deal this year. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: In terms of where we proceed from here, Mr. Dorrill, why don't you take us through each of the-- COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: What we had intended and what you all had said earlier, that you wanted to work up OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 38 until Just before lunch. We will be working out of the little notebook-type document now. And there was an opportunity for -- we were going to start with the Board of County Commissions. We did not receive any written comments from the Board. But the Chairman on at the last two meetings was encouraging Board Members to, if you have any particular work programs or goals or things that you want to explore or accomplish of the Board that this would be your chance to start. We are scheduled to talk about the executive offices and start the administrative services division as time is available. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ One of the issues that I think has been identified, going back to the Nesbit Study, as far as perhaps some objective or goal of the Board, maybe on the issue of goverments, as we moved into the 1990's the question about the overall issue of governments and whether it's an opportunity for the Board to initiate revisiting the question of government or some other type of issue as it relates to how we govern this c~munity. And that is something in terms of, I'm not sure whether there is any desire on any other members of the Board to perhaps identify that as a goal for the up-coming fiscal OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 yeaF. 39 So at least to begin the process, which the process, perhaps some of you have all participated in at one point in time; those of you that you have been on the Board for a period of time. And I think, when was the last time -- does anyone recall -- MR. SAUNDERS) 1981. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: recent was in 1981. Again in '70 and the most So it's been over ten years. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: at that time? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Mr. Saunder's, were you here No, ! got here after that. CO~MISSIONER VOLPE.' I Just think it's a very topical issue. I think it's something that as the cc~munity begins to grow, at various different times we have heard many discussions about whether there is a different way we should be addressing the issue of goYerments. And trying to form one seems to be one of those issues, and I'm not familiar with them. But it seems to me that maybe as the elected representatives j that we ought to identify that as a goal of the Board on 13 the issue of a -- OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 4O That is reviewing it. You're COMMISSIONER HASSE: talking about -- COMMISSIONER VOLPE.. I'm just -- the only issue in the governing process is to determine whether there are any changes that should be proposed and how we should go about the issue of those changes. You know, I think just as these are supposed to be workshop sessions and I don't kno~ if there are any members of the media, but they are welcome. When you look at what has transpired, my personal observations, we are talking about our constitutional officers. When you have people running for sheriff your comments are about, you know, these essential services. When you have the kind of the money that is being spent on political campaign, it seems to me that -- that -- that the positions that we occupy are viewed as being you know, politically sensitive. And we are lobbying and so on. But you shouldn't in the area of law enforcment. So I would like to see that issue at least discussed. Mr. Saunde rs? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I spoke to the County Attorney this morning and told him that I needed some 41 information on both the charter government and on the seven member commission. As a matter of fact, I have drafted a letter to the constitutional officers. Which basically says that there has been a tremendous amount of interest form the public in reference to the current government and in reference to the seven member commission. Two cc~missioners at large and that being discussed with the city Counsel and the County Commission has discussed it on various occassions. And that one of the constitutional officers I know that this issue is starting to brew a little, and I coincide in my letter to them. I would provide them information to the County Attorney. The point I would like to make is I would not want to suggest that we put this down as a goal for study in 1992-1993. I think it's something we need to look at. But when you put it down as a published written goal, then it seems to have a stamp of approval at the outset. ) And I think it's the type of issue that we need to bring . the constitutional officers in before we do get that 33 formal stamp of approval. -- I would suggest that we do need to study it. we do OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 42 need to get information from the County staff. We do need to get the County Commission to redo it in a way that pro~ides sufficent notice to the constitional officers. This will be -- you think we've had battles with the constitutional officers on any other issues before? You haven' t seen anything yet. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: How do we initiate the process. I understand what you're saying that, yes, it is something that I think that has been discussed publically. And it is an issue I think is topical. But if we don't identify it as an issue of importance as far as these constitutional officers are concerned, and I'm not suggesting for a moment that we do not involve the other consitutional officers, as well as. But where do you begin the process? COMMISSIONER HASSE: I think you should call a meeting to some experts and see what they come up with. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: It doesn't have to be part of the strategic planning process. But maybe the government' ._--- is involved in that process, the County Commission Officers and assistant-- COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I don't disagree at all in OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 43 the concept that we need to evaluate this. The only thing that I'm suggesting is some caution on the procedure that will be involved. And I'm not afraid to bring the issues up that are controversial. But I think we owe a certain degree of respect to the constitutional officers. They are, from a constitutional standpoint they are equivalent to us. But I think before we make a decision as a body, even to do something informally, I think we need to consult with them first. That's the only caution. I agree with you a hundred percent as to the concept of it. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ As a part of the recent discussions, obviously one of the issues identified during the meeting was the question of communication. And currently as the Chair, I have been invited to participate in their regular monthly meeting. And that may go a long way in terms of providing a forum. That can be discussed with them at one of their meetings. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: What I currently know about charter government could be reduced to about one minute. I think, at a minimum, this Board would want to at least study the options that are in place. The OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 44 Statutes provide for a series of different types of charters. And the one saving grace here for this Board might not be proceeding ahead. The charter review process resembles the tourist development tax process. If and only when the Board became interested in Joining the charter, you have to appoint a charter to the review commission. And it's at the sole discretion of the charter review commission of what the final charter will resemble. And you would have to appoint a citizens commission to evaluate charter options and bring those back. I think the last time I checked there were over a dozen Counties now that have Charters. And they arrange from ones that have started early to the strong Metro Governments of Dural and Dade County to Charters similar to the ones in Sarasota. And in Charlotte County for all practical purposes look very comparable to Collier County. There was a charter government but constitutional officers remained totally independent and elected at large from the voters. Charters have changed them to include very interesting citizen initiative opportunities that they OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 45 don't otherwise have. And the one on the top of everybody's list is the recall of elected officials. And as you are aware no~, there are no mechanisms to recall elected county officials short of removal of office by the Governor. But increasingly, when a voter assu~ing it being what it is, you see recall of elected officials. That you will see in the case of Orange County and Orlando, a county executive, who essentially is hired as the county manager but for all practical purposes would resume as the existing chairman on the commission. And they would become the chief executive officer of the County and then the county administrator in Orange County actually works for the county chairman. The county administrator does not work for the Board. Almost a strong mayor-type form. $o charters are beginning to run the gamit. There are some charter provisions even in some counties that require certain referrenda or passage of higher than some threshold expecting budget or millage increase. So they can Just resemble many different types of things. We didn't do anything other than to give you a report on what's out there and what the legal method 46 would be. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ It's a management issue but it's also an issue in terms of voter initiative. And also we are hearing more and more about tax equity. And as I understand it I have limited knowledge of these other forms of government. But there are opportunities through a charter to have additional revenue services identified. Whether it's a utility tax, which happens to hit here in Naples. You know, we don't have the opportunity now under our current form of government and so our primary source of revenues are our ad valorem taxes and sales taxes. But in terms of perhaps a tax equity issue, there is an opportunity to, and I'm not suggesting the fact it seems to me that is one of those issues we might be interested in exploring. Other related issue in my own mind and it came up at a different context. me is a very important issue. But Everglades city to I mean, we have, essentially a bankrupt city and that's an overstatement. But they haven't beem able to pay the bills for the Ochopee Fire Department. We sent them the water treatment plant from Lely. '3 I don't know that we ever got paid for it. I don't know if we have any expectation of getting paid for it. They have got three hundred and fifty residents. What is the future of Everglades city? Where does that community fit within the overall county gore rnment ? We need to be concerned about those people's tax equity issue. I don't know. I mean, but it's a focus that seems to me needs to be identified. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: There is a problem here because they are now at ten mill. And conversely the County Commission millage damage this year, county wide is about three -- three and a quarter. So, you know, there are some awfully upset people that do have higher assessed values. And there are some very upset businesses because the people that are really carrying the city of Everglades are very, very few who are paying a full ten mill tax on the property that they own. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: But I don't know how -- how currently, you know, there is any possibility of county government addressing the concerns of the residents within the City of Everglades. I think when you' re talking about the city I -- I 47 OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 48 don't know, again. Think into the 1990's. I don't think the -- Commissioner Shannahan? COMMISSIONER SHA~AHAN: On the issue of charter government it hasn't been maybe 18 months ago or so where there was a, I guess, it was a Naples Daily News sponsored news program at one of the major hotels where charter government specialists came in and divulged the governments that were here and it was a indepth discussion in terms of our charter government, forms of charter government, the Jacksonville style of government all of that is readily accessible. At that time in the last four years there has been at least one, maybe more than one citizen group that has at least formed to evaluate the possibilities and whether the community was ready to consider charter government. So, in going on for the last several years, in spite of the fact that the last or '81 or '82 was the last formal time it was brought on the table. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I was reminded by Lyle Richardson yesterday that issue was defeated by 4 to 1. COMMISSIONER SHANAHAN~ The sensitivity of the constitutional officers is only underscored in evidence OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 49 by what happened the last week. And they were not taken into consideration, at least in their minds, last week. So exploring at least with them and letting them know that it's an exploratory possiblity and not necessarily a conclusion that the Board comes to. And the type of, as you said a moment ago, you can have the charter form of government which gives a completely different taxation opportunity and still have the constitutional officers. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Most of the changes that have occurred since 1981 have been the removal of officers or the removal of the budgetary. Those types of provisions weren't even available in 1981. The other immediate observation was that there are 80 percent -- the population of the County has almost doubled since the last time the community. Just they weren't here. There are a lot of people like They have only moved here in the last few years. There is almost a whole new cc~nmunity in Collier County since the last time they have voted. But final two points on that and then if you all have any others. There are two very good clearing houses for information and I don't think the Ccxumission should even consider hiring anybody to provide information. OFPICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 5O Because through the institute of the government of Florida State University and the Florida Association of Counties, your staff can get more information then you would ever want to try and evaluate on different government forms. So there is an abundance of information for little or no cost. Any charter review c~mmission would have to propose a County wide referrendum that at the earliest could not occur until the Spring Gubernatorial Primary of 1994, unless the County Commission decided you get in such a hurry. So, the earliest that you would looking at something would probably be '94. COMMISSIONER SHANA~IANz In view of the fact, you that there is a considerable amount of interest in charter government at least in evaluating it at this point in time for the community, as well as the possibility of corporations in a number of places in the community. So, you know, it's very timely to check the possibilities and other opportunities. And not to forget what Burr said initially about the consideration of the .even member cc~mission. That is something that should be explored. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLTE~ COrl.~TV. ~;~pt~c. ~ ~c~ 51 COl{MISSIONER VOLPE: That process has got to begin someplace. So if we do not identify it hereby working with the constitutional officers who are addressing the issue of overall governments in our community. I don't knc~ where the initiative comes from. the body, have to come up with that. This is where we, And the frustrating part of it is that Just as, I think, has been identified, this is the citizen's initiative. It seems that we ought to be responding to what it is, and I believe what Commissioner Shanahan said, that there is and this is not a novel thought that I have come up with. The Nesbit Report started back in 1990. So, if we are going to respond to that and pick it up because to leave it with them, to leave it with the DDC or to leave it with the Chamber of Commerce doesn't seem to me to be the proper role we could be playing as the electected representatives. COMMISSIONER HASSE: to leave it with anybody. I do not think it's necessary Sit down with the constitutional officers and see what they are talking about and get somebody to preuent it to us to understanding this thing. Now I have been involved in OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 52 charter gcvernment as well as the managerial portion of government like we have now. And in years gone past it was coming from charter to managerial forms of government elected officials form of government. Now, perhaps it's switched itself back again. I don't know. But I think we have got to get some experts and let's review and see what's available to us without any cost. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I think we have all said essentially the same thing in terms of it's an issue that needs to be evaluated. I think what we are suggesting is what is the most appropriate procedure to have this type of issue begin to be evaluated. It's my belief that the best way to do it is to contact the constitutional officers to generate some direction from the County Attorney and from the County Manager in reference to the issue. And then at some point in the future, let the constitutional officers know about the other elements of government know that this is an issue that is going to have to be discussed and to do it in a procedure that recognizes everybody's sensibilities as well as [,,,.) OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 53 everybody's constitutional authorities. If we simply, today, decide to add this as a strategy for 1992-93 then we are really Jump-starting this issue without having a full basic knowledge. It's so important that this could very well be the issue of 1994, if we get started. And I think we just need to, I don't want to overstate, be cautious, but I think we Just need to be orderly in the proceedure we developed to look into the best thing to do; which, I think, is get some information. I've got a letter that I'm sending to the constitional officers today that says that the information has been requested. And then a few weeks after we've got it, let's decide whether we want to schedule a workshop and spend a half a day talking about charter government. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Can we revise the letter to follow up on some of the concessions? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS.. The letter basically lets them know the issue has been raised and the information has been requested. to send it to them. And as a courtesy to them, I'm going As a matter of fact, the last paragraph says, that, although, I'm not promoting the seven member commission, I do have to respond to public OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 54 request. I do so in reference to the issues, blah -- blah. So, I think the ball is starting to roll. I just don't want to push it down the mountain too quickly. COMMISSIONER HASSE: Nothing wrong with a review of it. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL.. Just as is an observation, another thing that might be good is to get the newspaper involved very early this time. Because if not, that will come back to haunt you. I can even remember the editorial they wrote the day after the adoption of the budget where you were suggesting a County wide policy for pay. And by the time that got through and was written on the editorial page, they had accused the Board of a power grab leading up to a discussion concerning the charter government ready to fall. And unless the newspaper at the editor's level, not necessarily the staff level but the editor's level from the very early information and even workshop process, the newspaper is going to beat this Commission every step of the way, if they have a different opinion about what's going on or whether somebody is involved in a power grab. You may want to encourage the editior of the newspaper to participate in OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 55 the earliest stages of discussion so that they realize what it is. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS~ This is also a very long term program, as you said March of 1994, at the earliest. It's going to take that much time. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: The question you are all saying that it's an issue that's important. We need to begin the process. It's going to take two years of questions, where does the process begin. And if we can begin the process by having some information to bring all of us up to speed, then we will know a little more about the subject. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL~ Just so the Board can reach some concensus. Is that something you would like to see occur in the fall, as quick as November or early December as let's have an information workshop or is it something you want to wait until after the holidays to talk about? COMMISSIONER VOLPE: I guess the answer to the question is, how long, I mean, I think we have got consensus in terms of direction to at least begin to assemble the information. The question is, how long does 56 it take to present it to the Board. Seems to me we are in October already and to do it sometime this fall might be difficult to do. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL.. I think it would be early December in order to do an adequate job and to have a presentation specifically. If I was going to ask the Florida Association of Counties and the Institute of Government to give us some help in, you know, in facilitating the workshop or something. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: we don't need to rush it. I think my reaction would be Let's leave enough time to get the information. I will discuss it at the forum and at that time we could begin the process of collecting information. And then the first of the year, we can schedule the first workshop. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: It's a kind of thing that could take on a life of lt'~ own or it will dis. COMMISSIONER DOKRILL~ I agree with Commissioner Saunders. Nothing strikes fear into the hearts of the constitutional officers any quicker than that. And they usually want to blame the County Manager for trying to take over what it is they are doing. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 14 57 SO the Board needs to play a very strong role and the newspaper needs to be brought along carfully so this thing -- COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: We don't really care too much if the constitutional officers blame-- COMMISSIONER VOLPE: From the Board's perspective, are there any other roles that we can identify? COMMISSIONER GOODKNIGHT: I have three of them. I would like to look at combining the three airports in the County to some type of airport authority. Whether it is an independent or a dependent. This is very important because I think that some of the things that have happened at Immokalee Airport and Marco Airport is going to need a group to look at it. I think there is going to be funding available through some of the projects transportation agencies and other agencies. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL~ So that I understand you, could that also go a full step further than that and maybe even consider getting the County Commission out of the airport business and combining them with the Naples Airport? OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 58 COMMISSIONER GOODKNIGHT: I wouldn't like to necessarily see it combined with the Naples Airport. I think that what happens in Naples, happens and what happens in Immokalee happens. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Your concept is a similar quasi independent authority working under the County Commission? COMMISSIONER VOLPE: How about the fourth airport, Everglades city? COMMISSIONER GOODKNIGHT: There's three. Immokalee Everglades and Marco. The next thing is Commissioner Saunder's mentioned Just the other day and I would like to see the staff begin to do a lot more work on the thing and bring it back before the Board and that is the utility authority. I think that is something that is very important and is going to need .to be done for the future of this County. Because I think that is one of the most important things this County can do for the safety, health and welfare of the citizens. And the utilities is certainly part of th~ safety and welfare of the citizens. And the third thing I think that needs to be done OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 59 there needs to be some planning done as far as paving the rest of those roads out in Golden Gate Estates. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: That could coincide with my suggestion on creating district image to use for a benefiting. And I think there are going to be a number of those things. Because like I said, Immokalee seems to be interested increasingly in lighting and beautification and I don't know what it's going to be on Marco. On the utility authority, again some of the preliminary discussions had said that that would remain a County Commission function but would be given broader dependent authority status. But under the Commission as opposed to something like mosquito control district. COMMISSIONER GOODKNIGHT: I think more in the way that we operate in Immokalee, actually. I think from when we were talking about it a number of years ago, there were so many people were saying they had a problem with the utilities commission, that they thought that since they elected us, that we should have some type of a say so in it. So I think the Board of County Cc~missioners should continue to approve budget, the overall budget. I think there are a number of things OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 6O that the Board of County Cc~missioners could do. But then after we leave the day-to-day operations every week, we have a number of items on the agenda that end up on the agenda that the Board the County Commissioners approve. COUNT"f MANAGER DORRILL.. Because it's increasingly what that is as a utility matter. But does the Board have any interest on expanding on that concept to also maybe include thim storm water and draininage utility aspects? Not necessarily along the same line. But we had a discussion the other day. Failure to make some significant decisions on funding is going to get us in worst and more serious problems. We even had a very serious staff discussion the other day about the County Commission Just getting out of this water management business entirely and suggesting that the Big Cypress Basin Board receive either expanded legislative approval to do all primary and secondary stormwater utilities County wide. Now, I know that is not potable water that's stormwater. But everybody keeps telling me that the Federal EPA is making stormwater the single biggest ~4 61 environmental issue of the '90's. And we are not going to be equipped and, again, since there is sort of a quaisi dependent authority at Big Cypress Basin, would you all have any interest in looking at that as sort of along the same thing? COMMISSIONER GOODKNIGHT: My only concern about the thing, and I agree that needs to be done, but I'm not sure and I think it could be best to place it with the Big Cypress Basin. This is strickly a Governor appointee who has no responsibility to the general public at all. Their responsibility is to South Florida Water Management and the Governor. How many people in Collier County has ever had an opportunity to talk with the Governor on a one-to-one basis compared to how many have had an opportunity to talk to a County Commissioner or actually having a chance to input to the County Commission. And the County C(x, mlssioners should bu the overall part of it. But as far as putting it out to the Commission to where they would handle day-to-day operations. It is no longer one of those things that the Board is going to have to choose between. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: In reference to authority OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 62 that was first presented in 1986, I was opposed to the authorities at that time. Because there were a lot of policies that needed to be made. And we all recognize that growth management is heavily depended on the availability of water and sewer and utilities. And if you' re going to control growth and manage growth, you' re going to have to control the location of your utilities. So we made the major policy decisions in reference to water and sewer. We developed the comprehensive master plans and then we got to a point where most of the decisions were more operational in the lines going to be as opposed to where the plans going to be. Where you are going to extend the lines to a certain location versus should that location have a line extended at all. So once we got into the mode of more of an operational standpoint as opposed the policy making, the idea of the utilities authority became attractive to me and I support-'" that. ' In reference to drainage, I think we are at the 3 same point now with where we were with utilities four or ~ five years ago. We have major policy decisions that need to be made before the County Cern%mission should turn over OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 63 some independent authority to make those decisions. I would say it would be premature with reference to drainage and it certainly is at this point in time. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: With respect to utilities, I think the idea of perhaps having some type of a Commission, but being a dependent Commission as opposed to an independent authority, obviously we are the elected representatives of the people. There isn't anything that touches our life more than water and sewer. Therefore, these are the powers a County government has in the 1990's that it didn't have in 1980. We weren't a provider of those types of services. I think that this is one of those essential services that Just as police protection, that we as the elected representatives of the people, need to be involved in, not necessarily the day-to-day operations of it. But there are specific policy decisions that are going to have to be made in the utilities area. And if we're talking about acquisition of some of the utilities,' we are talking about the irrigation system. Those are areas where there are so many policy decisions to be made. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 64 I support having, perhaps, another level of another body perhaps similar to the planning commission with some decision making. To actually put that out as a mosquito control or something, I'm certainly not supportive of that concept at all. COMMISSIONER SHANAHAN: I think it was in '86 when the Cc~mission, we had a advisor make a requistion at that time, but we ruled on it. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Bill Barton? COMMISSIONER SHANAHAN: Yeah, Bill Barton. And there's a considerable write-up on it. There's a ream of paper on this subject. I don't think there's a better time to move in the direction of the utilities authority and make the determination as to whether they should be dependent or independent. My own personal view and my own personal support would be in the way of a dependent utilities authority. But I think it needs to move ahead. I think it needs to get off the dime. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I don't have any trouble with the dependent, as long as it has decision making powers. You don't want a situation where there's a Hearing before that Board and it comes back befo[e the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 Z5 .1.6 65 County Commission. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: No, not on routine matters. COMMISSIONER GOODKNIGHT: What my intent was the overall master plan to be approved by the Board of the Cc~uaissioners and the overall appeal of rate hikes of utilities if there was a need to increase the utilities. The Commission agreed to it and the Public appealed it or something like that, and finally appealed by the Board of County Commissioners. But I think that the overall master plan needs to be done by the Board of County C(mumissioners. And then again-- COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: It's kind of a high -- With that in mind, I think the best way of accomplishing that would be a proposed review and amencknent to the special act of the Florida Legislature that sort of gave the utility division expanded hours to Saturday. Because some of what you're suggesting is that there be almost a mini County Commission to be able to vote and award certain bids and do certain things that a small administrative level on appeal would the Commission have become involved in major issues on the annual budget and appeal rate increases and OFFXCXAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLTE~ COI]NT¥. ~]APT.~C. m '~'~ac~ 66 things. But you' re probably going to need sc~e authority by the Legislature to do that. Because I don't know if the existing Statutes would let you sort of appoint an advisory board but you would delegate some of your responsiblity to the advisory board. There's not a mechanism to do that. COMMISSIONER HASSE: What about an authority? COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Well, I think you can do that again and have the County Commission determine the neglect of the responsibility of that authority by the change in the Legislature. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Some of this may be in that report. But whether to call it a dependent authority -- I'm sure there are opportunities for some routine matters for the Board that without delegating, you know, it's Legislative functions; delegate certainties of those facts to the dependent authority. The manager and I met with the City of Naples recently and those agreements between the City of Naples and Collier County we have talked different times about updating all of those agreements. And I don't know ) OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 67 whether that is going to be a goal of your department, Mr. Arnold. But we talked about it and came up with contacts at Pelican Bay. But to my knowledge nothing has ever happened in that regard. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: We discussed it at the last Joint City, County workshop right after the City Manager had been here several months. And he asked for some time. The only reason-- the trouble that the city was having at that time. And it came up again recently. They wanted to have a review of the service agreement and service the proposed areas. And we have been ready for And if the city is I don't know with over a year to have that discussion. now ready to reopen that discussion. the recent termination of the public works director, was he directly responsible for the utility situation? MR. ARNOLD: tlc was involved in it in terms of what we were going to do in service areas. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: I guess we are trying to work as a Board and trying to set our goals. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: We have a proposed joint official meeting of the City, County government on December the 9th. And if you're interested, we can have OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 68 that presentation ready for that joint City, County meeting. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: I just had one other thought talking about the issue of governments here. In the Joint meetings that we have had with the City of Naples and with the School Board as the manager has reported, there are opportunities for County government to work cooperatively with the City the Naples and with the School Board. The manager mentioned in the context of the fleet management, I think there are some real opportunities there, as well as we have discussed with the School Board. I have asked Mr. Olliff to get together a collection of all of the Joint lease agreements between Collier County and the School Board in terms of those areas where we, the County, are maintaining school properties, where we are maintaining ballfields for them and the joint use of those facilities. So, the overall concept would be how do we, not talking about consolidated type of government, but yet ino~ terms of the better use of interlocal agreements between Collier County as an entity and the School Board and the OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 69 City of Naples. And perhaps identifing those areas where whether it has to relate to some of our obligations under our growth management plan, if there is an opportunity to to the interlocal agreement with the City of Naples. I'm not sure what specific areas are there. But we have got some sort of agreement with the helicopter or Medvac. Just in terms of -- what I'm trying to do is with some of these shared services, if there's an opportunity for Collier County Government to participate with Lee County or Charlotte County or ~endry County or Glades County. I'm not sure what those opportunities would be. But I'm not sure that we have ever explored where there would be some opportunities for a more cost efficient way of providing some types of services. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: The only issue that has ever come up that is given the vast geographical areas that I was interested in was public transit. And this Board knows that I feel that historically public transit systems are huge money losers. But if this Cc~mission ever gets interested in the transit system, I would be more than glad to want to do with that an agreement with Lee Tran and let them run some Lee Tran facilities into OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 7O Collier County as determined by the MBA which has the highest corridors where public transportation might work in Collier County. Do that as an extension of South County Lee Tran Court routes; in and around Bonita, Fort Myers Beach. And run Lee Tran routes in Collier County. Aside from those types of things, I can't imagine off the top of my head where there would be a regionalization of government. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Well, we mentioned yesterday a workshop as it relates to solid waste. I mean -- COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Conceivably at some point we could be sending our garbage to a regional landfill. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: But I guess the concept simply as an overall goal if we should be looking at those opportunities that may exist where the three governmental entities of the entire County would would cooperatively in terms of services; whether it's management or something beyond that. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: I guess I could characterize it as long-term planning issues of opportunities and specifically when we are looking at even joint ventures. Unlike the motorpools or the garage 71 opportunities, if we Just have a single government motorpool garage. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Or within the use of an interlocal agreement. We have an agreement with the School Board but yet we have got port-a-Jons out there because we are not able to use the facilities. Maybe there is no opportunity to use those facilities. Is there some type of arrangement that could be arrived at through the School Board? I have discussed, as well, the School Board has the Naples Park Elementary School a hundred and eleven on the weekends. Is there an opportunity to use their parking lot for additional beach access parking? And then, as corney as it sounds, having a little tram that would carry people from-- I'm talking about weekends where they are not using those facilities. ~7~ere would be no additional cost to factor. Then we have got a tram in there as a way to transport people. there. And those And there's going to be a sidewalk are the kinds of things we might be able to explore with the School Board. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: I understand what you are OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPt, RS. Pt. 39g~ l? 72 saying. And the presumption is and has been those discussions do take place on a regular basis anyway. So I think ~ry, if I understand this correctly, you think what Mr. Volpe is suggesting is that perphaps that communication process needs to formalize more than it has in the past. So that we are exploring opportunities we might be talking about right now. But I think that's probably more of an awareness issue, more of a communication issue. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: I don't dispute that. Mr. Saunders. The only thing is that this is an opportunity for us, as a body, to give those directions and say, this is what we want to see happen and this is what we want you to do. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Mr. Chairman, if there are no other Board Officers, this might be a good opportunity to take a break and give the court reporter a rest and then we'll move on. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: about noon? COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: COMMISSIONER VOLPE, Our plan was to go on until 11:30. 10 minutes then. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 l? 73 (Recess was taken from 10:40 - 10:50 and proceedings continued as follows. ) COMMISSIONER VOLPE: What opportunites are there for the public to have some input into the planning process other than the telephone survey. And I don't know, maybe for next year we out to schedule some town meeting or something. Because what I did not really intend to happen today, what I really didn't intend, to solicit public input from people that are here just to kind of share with us during this. This is really a session where we can roll-up our sleeves and talk among ourselves and see where we think we want to be. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL~ This was intended to be an overview of last year, a quick introduction for this year. There is no reason why we should have to wait a year to do something different next year. There is no reason why a part of one of our sessions to review the remaining divisions, that we couldn't open it up to anybody and everybody that wants to come and bend the ear of the Commission. Fold them into either a morning or an afternoon because that was one things I was going to ask you. When did you want to try to meet again. And we can OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 74 set time aside for public comment or input. I'm not opposed to that. But I would do whatever the Board wants to do. COMMISSIONER VOLPE: Any of the others have any feelings about that one way or the other? COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS: Yeah, I think we ought to encourage the public participation. Because whenever we do that we obviously get some good ideas and some good information. But I think perhaps we should -- and it may be better to have it at the County Commission office or the chambers so that we can set it up-- COMMISSIONER VOLPE: If we do that, we are going to end up with the problem we have had for the last two or three years is we run out of time to do it right. We have never had enough time to do it right and if we get you know, a lot public input during the actual process itself. You know, it seems to me that if we held a session in advance of our strategic planning meeting and said, okay, it's an evening meeting. You all come out and tell us what's on your minds and take a copy of this year's plan. OFFICIAL OOURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 75 But, I guess that's looking to next year and this year, you know, on-- COMMISSIONER S~ANAHAN.. It seems to me if we advertised a workshop relative to strategic planning and identified some specific areas that he wanted to put on up, for example charter government, utilities authority and the future of those, and any other items -- COMMISSIONER VOLPE: But the idea is for them to tell us, not for us to tell them. I mean those are the reasons that we have identified. COMMISSIONER SHANAHAN: Well, I think the people would like to provide input on those subjects, without a doubt. And given the opportunity, ! don't think that any of the public really recognized these strategic goals of the planning sessions to open the public. CO~MISSIONER SAUNDERSz Every type of function we perform should be open to the public. And I understand why we are doing it that way and I agree with. Mr. Shanahan that we really for the future need to not only invite the public, but encourage the public. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ Does everyone agree though that the public input should preceed the actual sessions OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 76 with we sit down with our staff. Because whenever I've been involved with the strategic planning in the past it has been an opportunity for the staff together with the Board to sit together and work out, you know, among the staff and the Board to go over papers and records rather than do that in the Public Hearing process. COMMISSIONER SAUNDERS~ I Just don't think we are going to get that much public input. I mean if we are lucky we'll have a dozen, half a dozen people that will show up and want to speak. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILLz Ideally, sort of what you said at the beginning you gave a little disclaimer that said really what this is our plan of work that began last Thursday, on the first day of the new fiscal year. And what we would like to work torwards is for me to have an actual strategic plan to coincide with the budget. And what we would like to work for next year would be to have a finished strategic plan to be separately tabbed and included in the budget book for next year. So that you could have the Board's plan of action sukmitted and presented and considered at the same time the budget is and have it all become part of the same document. 77 So you could say, here's what we want to accomplish next year and you turn over and say, here is what it's going to cost to accomplish not only this, but routine governmental services. And have it all as part of the same -- on the same sequence. You know, because we have never really done stuff like this until the last two years. And this is our third attempt. We are a little out of sequence for this. And so we are going to try to go with this next year. The public's opportunity to comment could occur as early as January or February when Mike comes with the fiscal policy, the proposed fiscal policy. And then we will receive public input, and then do your phone survey and then have a proposed strategic plan. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ At least submit to the Board Members and outline the process. I mean, we can begin to improve on it perhaps. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILLI You might be able to do that as early as January and receive anybody and everybody that wants to come and give you a piece of their mind or some suggestions. And then use that in conjunction with phone surveys to have a proposed OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 19 78 strategic plan that would be done and finished in May of '93 and be submitted. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ Why don't you outline that for the Board and bring that to us so that we can take a look at it. How you think the Board should move along with the process next year. Is that agreeable? And at least we can decide, because we are going to be talking about this again. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL: Then maybe as part of a regular board meeting or set aside a portion of a regular board meeting in January you can receive public comment concerning tentative strategic plan for the fiscal 93-94 and then have all of these documents combined into one and then we'll really be on the right track. MR. MCNEESz We did a three month study and there are a number of recommendations. And I don't see several of them in here. So I'm talking about this year. COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ As it relates to the goals for the Board of County Co~missioners or does it relate to one of the various divisions? MR. MCNEES~ It relates to both. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL= Well, the opportunity to OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 > ~9 79 accomplish that could come as early as next Tuesday if you wanted to share in the public comment at the Board Meeting. And at that forum the public meeting, raise the issue of civic association. And then either get a response or agree to amend to this current work program. COMNISSIONER VOLPE.. Why don't I suggest since you are here, why don't you share with us real quick the two issues. ~tg. MCNEES: Number one, is I think the opportunity exists for improvement in efficiency and effectiveness in working with them. In my observations during the two months I spent out here there have been about six county government functions. They all function separately. There's not a lot of ¢~munication in both directions. And I don't know who's responsible for what. But quite frankly, I did not see or we did not any see responsibility bein9 taken by anyone to bring county go~ernment together at one whole session. And that is one of the things we would like to see. We suggest quarterly meetings of the County C~mmission and identify areas that we could work together on, function more effectively on and that we could OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 80 coordinate. And that is one of the things we would like to go over for the 92-93 fiscal year. We also urge you to continue the hiring freeze. To look at positions that are still frozen. Look and determine -- there is more than a million dollars in the budget for which there is no plan. As those positions are still frozen and no plan, we would like a systemized look at those positions to determine whether we really need them. Because many of them have been frozen for over a year no~. The third thing is that we would like to have a study of additional revenue sources for county government. Relieve the ad valorem tax burden by additional revenues sourcss, aa well as looking into existing revenue sources to make sure that they are adequate. They are scoring in all areas and taking advantage of the revenues. And I appreciate the opportunity to present those three things. COMI~ISSIONER VOLPE: Well, I think the first issue about the interchange in exchange between the constitutional officers and the Board of County Commission has been identified at the level of at least a OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COONTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 81 chair member meeting on a monthly basis, bi-monthly basis. To meet with the board probably is a good idea in the past we haven't been able to share with. The Clerk of the Courts have always been in attendance at our budget workshops. COMMISSIONER HASSE~ Well, I think what's being said here is that prior to Just batting the budget around there has been concerns of the different departments of the C~lssion. And Just work out some of these pzoblems! I think it's important. CC~J~ISSIONER VOLPE~ On the opposing position, I think the Board agreed that Hr. Dorrlll took a first cut and eliminated ten or eleven positions with an understanding that we would go back and evaluate those. COUNTY MANAGER DORRILL~ In some instances though you have heeded the advice of the civic association and then you have ignored it. I'll give you Just two examples. In the manager's tentative budget we proposed to remove cmununity park centers and two fromm each of the com~unity park sites in the County. And we also suggested to remove a number of vacant librarian support OFFICIAl, COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 82 staff positions. And in both cases I took them out of the budget and you put them back in the bud/et. And they continue to show on the hiring list, and now rolled over into the ne~ fiscal year. That's an example of about nine positions where they have been parked in the hiring £ree~e for a year. And we think you ought to take them out. The County Commission has recently said, well no, for other reasons, we would like to see more librarians and more cc~nity park centers. COI~I~ISSIONER SA~l/DERSz ! think what the civic association is suggesting that there are positions that eere proposed. They are not saying, eliminate the~ all. They are saying take a look at the~. The problem with the library support star[ and the and co~unity parks is that these are people that are really providing direct services to the center. And so there is a 9rear reluctance on my l~rt and I think under the County Commission's part to eliminiate those types o£ positions where people really ieel the need for. That's the tug and pull. But I think the civic association is mote realistic. I think they are saying to eliminate those that are not necessary. Go through OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COr-LIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FI, 33962 83 the process to do that. CO~ISSIONER VOLPE~ I'm Just trying to identify -- stress as you said, there are three issues that haven't been addressed. I'm suggesting that they have been addressed and contacts of additional ~evenue sources was the earlier part of this discussion in terms of the government as one of the opportunities that ex~st. If we get beyond this question about govermaents, is that there are additional revenue sources that becosw available, if you do change the current form of 9overn~ent. ~hether it's a franchise tax and so on and so forth. COUNTY tlANA~ER DORRXLLs ! think they have suggested prilarily fees. And again I'm sitting here, we are sort of lurching beck and forth. Me* re telling Brad we're going to take a co~prehensive look at fees. And your proposed and adopted budget said that you were going to double beach impact fees or beach use fees. And then before we got to the beginning of the year, you totally el~lnated the~ all and said layoff ten positions. And we see~ to be lurching back and forth on so~e of these things. It see~s to M to be a wasted effort to go out and do a co~prehensive look at all fees or services when lnc~easingly, people are saying, ! pay my taxes and don't want to pay anything tore for noLbingo ! don' care whether it' s garbage. I don't care ~hether it' going to a park l whatever it is. ~bey don't want to anything Bore for anything. They want you to pay for it out of their ad valorma tax. And ! continue to su~ait that their ad valorem taxes are on the average, very bigb to begin witb. We need to Bake a little better policy Judgement as to a policy standpoint this Commission do you want to be a fee revenue commission or increasingly rely on ad valorem taxes or so~e of both, and reserve the right to pick and choose as you go along the way. A reviev of fees and services would be a za~ber significant understaking frma the staff. And you need to be generally cmmitted to raising fees, So-- CONNXSSZONER VOLPE~ This is the whole issue. obviously, you know, it seesm to ~e that there is a portion of our ccamunity that's not paying anything. ~nd I can be specific. You talk about a lot of people who reside in toblle homes. They pay very little in the way of ad valore~ taxes. It sero to Be that what we are OFFZCIJ~ COUR'I" RE'I)OR~KR,~, CO[,[,T~R cYq)rTIq'TW, Iq~,I~T,P'C~. q~', ~Qc~ 8S talking about, bece As tax equAL'2 vbere evez2bo4,/ should iXrZ aouel~l, ng. And, you Imce, ! don't, knc~ vhetber those are oplmrtunlt/oo tha~ we can exp3.ore under the curran~ arrangomen~. But tmybe that Lo one of those areas that you are suggmsting ye ought to begin to expiate. ~ou start taking a person who lives in a nanufactured home at s~xt7 tb~ueand dolXars v~th a t~anty-£Xve thousand dollar boBomtead extnptlon that person pays a hundred dollars in ad valorem tam. ~ PJClJEBSs What Z'a talking about Lo enbanced services. #e are not talking about fee services. Enhanced services and Is tbs fee 1flex oo~er/ng Lt and if not, do we vmt to charge 8 fee 1ertl. And L£ as, vbit sbouXd that fee level be. COUBTY HAIIAGn IX)RRZLLt Well let Be CirL7 OUt one for exception. 'Beaches are going to be a prim amiga of anything tlwt Z vouXd c~X1 a leisure service. And Brad's going to taX! you that £rcu an enterprising fee nature, you ought to look at your leisure and pubXlc libra~7 card. Charging for kids pooX or increasing fees for rscreation&X And you ought to consider charging for a '~ to go to tim wLImLng programs. But COURT RB~~ (X)LLXn C~, IIAFLBS, FL 33962 none Of[ those dc)n~t begir~ tO COral: Cur those. ~u~ ~f you start t~k~n9 a~ut c~eat~n9 or ~a~s~n9 fees for =ec=eat~onal public sea/ceo to include things like library ca=ds, ota=t t~kin9 a~ut selling lib~a~ ~ds, n~ fee me.anita to hold d~n ~e ad valorem su~rt of discretiona~ ty~ things, tough. Th~ are going to ~ck ~at Cmisslon ro~ like th~ did the other ~y when you t~ked a~ut doubling ~ach fees. And we ellBl~ted th~ ~1 to~the~. ~HHISSIO~R H~SE~ N~ you s~ke Just · oblle hone ~=ks. W~i, you're pro~bly ~ ~y the least ~ount of taxes. But, you kn~, fo= ~fo~ble housing and t~t'8 ~at those ~ople a~e looking for. ~ose are the ~ople that a=e ~kin9 a~ut f~ve o= six hunted dollars a month on Soci~ Sec=~ty and things like that. ~d we a=e h~pln9 th~ to a ~gEee. ~d that is what we shoed t~se ~n't ~g~n to c~er ~e ~st of those. But if you start talking about creatin9 or raising fees for recreational public services to include things OFFICIAl, COURT REPORTERS, COI, LIER COUNTYw NAPLES, FL 33962 like Itbrary cards, start talking about selling 11b£ary cards, ney fee mechanism to hold down the ad valorem support of discretionary type things, it's going to be tough. ~hey are going to pack that Commission room like they did the other day when you talked about doubling beach fees. And we eliminated them all together. ~ISSIONER BASSE: Now you spoke Just now of mobile home packs. Well, you're probably right. They pay the least amount of taxes. But, you know, for affordable housing and that's what those people are looking for. Those are the people that are making about five oz six hundred dollars a month on Social Security and things like that. And we are helping them to a degree. And that is what we should be doing. fees for recreational public services to include things like library ca~ds, sta£t talking about selling libzary cards, ne~ fee mechsnlem to hold do~n the ad valorum support of discretionary type things. It's going to be tough. They':?) are going to pack that Cmunisalon room like they did the other day when you talked about doubling beach fees. And._-~ we eliminated them all together. COUNTY RANAGERDORRILLs I'm not opposed to what OFFICIAh COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 II · I II Il IIII the civic association is suggesting at all. Because this County has never done a comprehensive review of fees and alternate revenues. And I think they're defining alternate revenues as anything that is not ad valorumo But what Brad is sort of doing he's sort of like the Captain of the pirate ship. Be wants to walk the Commission out to the plank and your only choices are either to Jump off the end of the plank into that sea of fee revenue. Or turn around and try to come back the plank and he's standing at the other end. liR. ESTESf I think the process is a public one. And you come to the public and say, you either want a higher taxation or you want fees. COUNTY ~AGER DORRILI~s All I*m telling you ia they PLR. ESTES ~ make a decision. wanting, cost. distributed in terms of cost. ...7 ~. I~II, I, IPS~ Plobile homes happen to be fabricated homes, because that Is all they can afford. That is a necessi ty. ~on't want either. I realize that. The public has got to And all of these services that they are And they are terribly and inequitably OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTYv NAPLES, FL 33962 89 COI~MISSIONER HASSE= That is exactly what I was trying to tell you. I kno~ you're t~king a~ut two ~fferent things here, ~sic~ly. ~ when you t~k a~ut ~a~ge these fees fo~ this, ~hat an~ the othe= ~ng, ~t~s makes ~t ~at mu~ mo=e ~ff~cult fo= the ~ople that exist in this area. ~HHISSIONER SH~~ You kn~ one thing we nee~ to do with the ~a~ ~rking sit.fiSh Is one of th~, at least ~n ~ ~ind, re~ly identifies we have got to fin~ a w~ for ~e ~ople to c~e In here as to=ists fr~ out of state and out of t~n and out of the Count~ and use ~e facll~ties a~ not p~ a~thing. Peo~e ~at live here year round shoed ~ve ac~ss to the ~sic facilities. But ~ople that c~e in here and ~e~ly put the ~ess=e, there Is a lot of ~n~ on ~e table on ~a ~a~ ~zking fees as an e~mple. If the statistics a~e ri~t, ~ ~e tim that ~ have th~, ~e great~t ~j .-~ ~rcentage of uses of our ~a~s is for tourists. So out"' of Co~ty, out of State out oi Count~ th~re not payingz) a~thin9 to help us at all. But the entire huron is on~ ~e citizens of this c~unity. We need to find a w~ to OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 9O balance the situatuation through fees. If we don't do it through fees, inpact fees, user fees, gasoline taxes and etcetera, it's going to come fro~ ad valorem. And everybody in this roc~ has taken the ~osition of ad valorem; ~ god, we are not going to, we are going to ~aintain and etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. It's not going to happen. You can't do it. It can't co~e together. There are a lot of people that are unhapl~y about the fact that we took the beach parking fees out. So there is certainly a blend. Nobody wants to pay anything. Nobody wants to pay any more taxes. Nobody wants any more fees. But they all want the se~vices. Everyone of them want the se~vices. And we are obligated to provide those se~vicss. Sometimes the government has to provide services that an ordinary business wouldn't provide. ~tS. PHII, I, IPSs We must get everything back on the totKlsts more because we shou/d deserve something for living here all the time. COP~tlSSIONER SHANAHANs I know there are some ramifications relative to charging someone from out of County, out of State, stcete~a, and not charging the 0WI~ICIM, COU~T REPORTERS, COLI, IER COUNTY, NAPLES, FI, 33962 91¸ (:OlqlqlSSlONgR SAONDERSs Off the top of you~ head ~o~mt~y h~ su~ ad v~o~ taxes a~e ~id ~ the ~ ~zlton t~n ~ othez business? In the o~de~ of ~gnitu~ is It t~o =illion dollazs In ad valo~? ~. ~gS~ No~ I don~t think so. ~XSSIO~R S~N~RS~ ~e ~lnt Is ~at the tourists do ~ a certain ~ount fez the ~a~es th=ough s~es taxes and 9as taxes. I agree we need to ~m~ize and increase the anouflt o~ funds we a~e getting ~m the resists ~rou~ resist d~elo~nt taxes. ~st w~. sut ~ think it*s a lithe bit ~ an ~erstateMnt ~o say ~at the resists a~e ~ting a f~ee ~ide, ~ a~e ~lng their hotel bills. ~e point ~ w~t to Bake on fees~ I su~o~t But we have ~ot to find ways to circunvent that. And I think the If You have a charging fees vheKever reasonable. lnpoztant vo£d here is, reuonable. se=vice and you cha~ge a fee for that services and at end of that day you£ net cevenue after o/1 the costs of collecting it and keeping t£ack o£ it is so mnall that you ~eally haven*t accomplished anythtn9~ then why 9° through the exe~cise. And beach packing seems to ~e to OFFICIAL COORT REPORTERB~ COl, bIER COt~NTY, NAIf, ES, FL 33962 be one of those things where we are bringin9 a significant a~ount of staff tl~e and staff people to collect a fee that is going to be at the end of the day very small. So, ! think we need to explore those sources and those fee opportunities where the fees will actually 9enerate a lot of money at the bottom line. fe~ thousand dollars here and there is Just too much of bu~eaucrac7. COUNTY Fb~NAgGER DORRII, I,~ Without ~aking B~ad the villain, ! think Brad is telling you if it costs of a quarter of a million dollars a year to run your beach p~ogra~ rather than a car, then you ought to be charged fou~ bucks a car. And the proposal was to charge two bucks a car~ but we went the other direction. And l think what the civic association is asking £o~ ia a comprehensive revie~ of fees and chazges foz services that benefit the user as opposed to somebody who Just a property taxpa~ez. J~nd I'm telling you that that would be a worth~hile but very, very controversial and d~fficult think to do. COMMISBIONER SBANAHANI There's a great deal to be said foz raising the beach packing fees to fouz bucks OFFZCIAI, COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY~ NAPLEB~ ~ 33962 93 five bucks. But to exclude the local people fro~ paying that four or £1ve bucks -- COMMISSIONER VOLPE~ I think in terms of the overall assessment, I think where we can start charging fees, we should. But Just the observation in terms of what the tourists are paying. And also I would like to count the nt, aber of vacant homes in this community in May, June, j,,ly, August and September. August -- you know where you have got these homes that are paying ad valorem taxes on an annual basis and only here part of the year. And we who are permanent residents and here twe/ve months of year are beneficiaries of that input. COUNTY HANANGER DORRILL: We could at least conclude my offering at least briefly touching on a couple of things here. One thing, we have already ccauaitted to do an expansion of HSTU. I have already been directed to do and prepare an inventory of positions in the hiring freeze. And I have committed as part of that to evaluate and consolidate the County departments that are responsible for capital improvements. Which phase II of the management review task team. The Board is already familiar with those. The OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 94 additional one ye have to propose is to try to 9et some indicatation fro~ the Board about how you feel about the annual report. The County Nanager's ordinance requires the County ltanager to produce an annual report. The first one that I ever worked on almost thirteen years ago, ! think it was 320 pages. And at that time Mary Francis brought to ~y attention the number of pages produced by the word processing staff. And it was awful. I ~ean it was a doctnaent that absolutely nobody read. And we ~ade a thousand copies of the thing. Over the years we have tried to make it less bu~eauocratic, but still highlight the achievements of the County Commission for the preceeding year. Over the last two years the Cc~lssion has been concerned with the cost of producing a glitzy color l~lnted pamphlet. And, again, ! think a lot of people may read, but then thro¥ away. We have done different things to try and eliminate a lot of things, in those pie charts and in those narratives, and highlight more Just projects that have been done and services that were offered, or achievements or awards that were won. But again this year we have very, very little money OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 ~3 in the annual suppo£t areas. I don"t kno~ what, if any response, the co~lssion gets in tersm of the what the annual report is accc~plishing. We have been developing so~e alternatives to again, ~ake it less bureaucratic V perhaps and tell a little bit more of the story about the good things in the Co~lssion, without it being division, ~f division, bu~eaucratic fact filled report. COPJ~ZSSIONER VOI, PEs Is that a separate report or to could it be integ~ated with our annual comprehensive fiscal report that has a lot of that same information in it. Could to be combined with so~e other document or is required to be separate? COUNTY ]qAHAGER DORRILLs The County Kanagerte Ordinance is not specific. I would like to do it outside of the annual independent audit. ! could submit to you that may be outside mid-~anage~ent therets a lot of people that are technically qualified. The independent financial audit is not the sa~e as .... COH/~I$SZONER VOLPEs Probably the -- ..~ CO~NT~ ~NAGER I~RRILLs We have a lot of requests for annual reports and then we distributed those last yea~ through the library. I lo,gat ho~ ~any thousand OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERSw COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 copies we sade. But we want to 9et away frae a high cost, color picture, pie charts and a lot of narrativt to something maybe a little bit more -- CONNISSIONRR SAUNDERSs I guess the question you are asking, do we ml~d as a Cc~ission going to a three or four or five p~ge stapled together thing that you run off here at the County aa opposed to being what you · entioned, eliminate the color photos and I certainly have have no olrJection to that. I have been with the Board for six years and I have never gotten one l~one call or one cc~ent concerning the pamphlet. So ! think if that's what you' re looking for, then certainly eliminate the cost. COUle~ NAII~e.R DORRILLI And one option would be leybe it could £eaesble & little lore closely either an e~plolfee newsletter, county sanager'a eta£f report done in-ho~ee with our o~n laptop co~puter publishing systems and things. ~e might have a~e black and white pictures but try and take a little lore simple, a little more achieve~ent, leas words, lees coat approach. CO~IlS$IOI~R VOLPEs One thin9 you mentioned about the capital projects and perhaps conaoli~atin9 capital OFFICIAL COURT R~-PORTERS, COI, LIER COUNTY, I~.PLES, FL 33962 97 pro~ects. One other issue is to co~e up with a centralized billing. Everybody's talking about utilities billing and E~tS billing and, you knme, who's handling that, Is ths~s an oppo~tunity to cantralize ou~ billing mystm? COUNTY ~ER DORRILLs ~he~e was -- I got a suggestion £rc~ a county e~ployee last s~n~e~ that we out to look into a consolidated county department ~evenue. And ~bether it's an Elt8 bill, a utility bill or the coeme~cial accounts fo~ solid waste, that rather than have £ou~ or £1ve or six dl££erent departments doing that that we have a single consolidated department of ~evenue as an extension to the bodget o~£ice, rather than having every department doing their o~n accounts receivable. CC~ISSIONER VOLPEt It makes goods sense to me. mean ! have £orgetten who's doing E~S billing? C0~NTY I~AN~3ER DORRILLs Jack l~ockler. CO~HISSIONBR VOLPEz Mho's doing utilities billing? COUNT~ MANAGER DORRILLs Utllit~es. ., COHHI$SIONER VOI, PE~ $o, as a part of your overall plan youmre talking about captial projects, ho~ about looking at the Department of Revenue. You kno~, as a OFi~CIM, COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FI, 33962 spin-off. COPlltISSIONRR I~ASSEs To rake another de~=~ent an~ not take ~ople f=~ ~e de~rt~nt that is doing the wo=k -- ~~ ~ER ~LLs It wo~d ~ done the sa~ w~ -- we used to have a long-range planing de~rtment, a current planing ~~ent, and a gr~th management planing de~~nt. And what we did was we took ~l~ees out ~ those de~nta and ~l~lnated sine of t~se ~sitions and we c~bined the~ into one. ~d we o~y have one ~~nt head for planning n~. We eli~iniated the other two debutant heads and sec=etarl~ staff and s~e of those ~sitions, and that you~e sugg~tion along t~se lines. ~NNISSI~RR V~PBs We ~ve got to bring that to~ther and s~h~ ~ntr~ize that. I ~n't ~. ~ia Hocker, does he do a~thin9 other than billing? ~. P~s ~at's ~l~r~y his ~in- ~ISSIO~R VOLPE s ~ared up to ~ that. ~ ~o~. a=e ~e~e and Is he ~ ~1 ~e ti~ to send And utilities, ! mean, they're'.~ Who wo=ka with Mockle= and how~ OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 99 the bL%ltng out for EMS? KR. PENAUs lle has a staff of four. COMNISSIONER ~ASSEs Four~ well possibly that staff of four could handle the billin9 for the several other departments that we have here at the sa~e time? I don't know how it would be done, unless you took people from each of these departments. COMMISSIONER VOI, PE~ That is what we can ask the smnaqement to do is to co~e up-- COiINTY ~h~NAGER DORRILLs That would be in addition to also lookin9 at consolidatinq people that bill capital i~prove~ents -- COmmISSIONER VOLPEs Doctor, who does your billing? DI~ POl0~Slls for our clinical activities ou: clinical staff. And ws also have an enviromental billing. It's so~ethin9 we can sxplore. I think particularly envi~onsental. COUNTY ~ER DORRILLs of Revanue is something that ~akea a lot of sense. And that is all that I had, so we ~ay be at good atoppin9 point at least for today. But before we 9et to leave stye indication when you would like to do this again? A consolidated Department .'). OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 100 suggest ion. input fro~ input no~. COI~ISSION~R VOLPI~ This is October the 9th. why don't -- ! don't kno~ whether everyone has got their calendars with the~o ~s Friday morning a good day? Do you have any suggestions, Nr. Dorrlll, in terss of when we need to do this? This was the prelisinary session and it see~s to N that, you kno~, ye don't -- I don't know whether you feel it is necessary to have all the division adsinistrators here during the entire process. COON~ NAN~ER DORILL~ No. But I did want them all to be here this morning. CONI~ISSION~-R HASSEs I'm wondering if we are talking now there are several of us who aren't going to be here in another ~ontho T~m wondering if it should not be done with the nee commissioners. That is Just a It seess that it would be proper to have them as well as us. ~nd we are giving our CONNISBXOI~R VOLI~s That is ceztainly an ~te~tive. ~e ~nal~ration ~at we had was ~at, you.~ kn~, this is a continuing p~ocess. ~d we a~e building~ on e~ien~ o~ ~e l~t two o~ ~ee yea~s. ~d It se~d to ~ t~t the~e ~s no ~o~e that a~e mo~e OFF~CIJ~L COURT REPORT, S, COLLIER COUNTY, II~PLES, FL 33962 101 familiar with the process; where we have been and where we would like to go. to have seem input. There are opportunities for others But whoever happens to be those people, it seens to ne start doing strategic planning aa one of their £1rst reoponsiblities is going to be a little difficult. nee cc~aissionere. until after. CONNISSlONBR An orientation will be held for the As a s~jgestion we could put it off Perhaps what we could is wait a couple of weeks, schedule another session to let the people that are ~oing to be on the Board in the future. CO#WISSIONER VOLPgt With the Board's permission maybe at a Tuesday smetin~l ! could come up with a couple o~ dates and present them to the Board at that time. COOI~I~ IqANAGER DORRILLt What we had contemplated was t~o additional morning sessions. You could do three divisions on one day and four divisions on another day. And spend about an hour per division. That seems to me to be a reasonable a~ount of tiM. CONIIISSIONER VOLPEs Anothe~ six hours? COONTY ltANAGER IX)RRILL~ llaybe do them on Friday OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 102 mornings. And eveLTbody said we need to start almost imuediately. By f~ay, have as part o£ the published tentative budget the strategic plan. #e'll let the chairman bring some suggestions back to the Board. COPtqlSSIONER VOLPB not all of us. available -- F,S. GOOD~IGHT ~ COl~! TSS IONER VOLPK COMMISSIONER BASSE but I can alwaYs come. COMHZSSI ONe-R VOI, PB And the four of us, perhaps If there are any of others that won't be Next Friday. Anything come to mind -- ! have alwaYs got something to Trying to conclude the p~ocess then before saY the Biddle of November. Thank you for your tine eye.one. (Proceedings concluded) STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF COLLIER ) I, Debra A. Smith, Deputy Official Court Reporteg and Notary Public in and for the State of Florida at Large, do OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLIER COUNTY, NAPLES, FL 33962 103 hereby certify that the £o=egotn9 p=oceedings we=e taken before me at the date and place as stated in the caption he=eto on Page 1 he=eof/ that the £o=egoing compute=-asststed tgansc=iption, consisting oE pages numbe=ed 2 th=ough 101, inclusive, is a t=ue reco=d of ~y Stenog=aph notes taken at said p=oceedings. Dated this 23rd day of October, 1992. OFFICIAL COURT REPORTERS, COLLZP-R COiINTY, NAPLES, FL 33962