BCC Minutes 10/19/1992 S Naples, Florida, October ]9, ]992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in SPECIAL SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Richard S. Shanahan Part,cia A. Goodnlght Max A. Nasse, Jr. Burr L. Saunders ALSO PRESENT: Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerk; MarJorie Student, Assistant County Attorney; Bob Blanchard, Growth Planning Director; Dave Pettrow, Development Services D~rector; and David Weeks, Senior Planner. Page October 19, 1992 Commissioner Volpe announced that Commissioner Goodntght would be arraying late. Ta~e ~A (~o) Xt~ ~A OP. DI~lC~ IS. 92-74 ~E PETITION R-92-?, COld,UNITY DE~'ELOPMENT SER~JICES DI~FISXON ~S~ING T~ ~ OF CO~ C~XSSIO~ ~Q~STING ~~ ~ZO~ OF ~SID~I~, C~CI~ ~ I~$~I~ ZO~D ~O~I~ ~ V~IOUS ZONING DIS~ICTS - ~ED ~O~NG ~ ~I~ C~ISSION'S ~C~ATIONS WI~ ~ ~CE~1ON OF PAGES !!:~ sewage treatment plant. Legal notice having been published An the Naples Dally News on September 29, 1992, aa evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. David Weeks, Senior Planner, reported that this item deals with subject properties that are not zoned consistent with the Growth Management Plan and are unimproved and undeveloped, and the Board is to consider rezoning the properties to a zoning district that is con- eletent. He reviewed that the Planning Comm~sston heard this Petition on October 1, 1992 and referred to the details within the Executive Su~u~ary. Mr. Weeks noted that one vote will be taken on this Petition, however straw votes can be taken as each property [s considered and the formal motion will Incorporate the straw votes. Ce~a~Aui~ner ~oodntght arrived at this tl~e. Mr. Weeks referred to Page l, parcel 6 and parcel l0 and noted that Staff recommends rezontng the property from IndustrJa! to Agr~- cultural, however the Planning Commission recommended that the parcels retain the Industrial Zoning. Mr. Weeks indicated that POD Industr~a! Zoning allows the ability to 1/ntt uses tn the future. Bruce Anderson, Attorney, requested that his Barton Collier Document Exh/btt Book be accepted into evidence and the Board con- curred, labelling it Petitioner's Exhibit 1. He referred to pho- tographs of the property, which evidenced expansion of the neighboring He noted that the Conditional Use of the Page 2 October 19, 1992 variance approvals for the sewage treatment plant expansion were based upon the fact that the abutting property was zoned Industrial. He concluded that it Is inequitable and incompatible for the County to expand its oh-n industrial-t~l~e use on Its Industrial Zoned property while at the same time removing it from the abutting property. MarJorie Student, Assistant County Attorney, advised the Board that should the property be downzoned to Agricultural, there will still be a minimum beneficial use. Mark Morton with Barren Collier Companies, spoke to this Item. ~toner Shanahan ~oved, seconded by Co]missioner Smunders and carried 4/1 (Co~niseloner Volpe opposed), to allow parcels ! and 6 to re~atn straight Industrial Zoning with no conditions. tn continuing, Hr. Weeks referred to page 10, and summarized that Staff recommends parcel 6 be rezoned from C-4 to TTRVC for consistency and compatibility. He noted that the Planning Commission recommended to allow the property to remain C-4. ~toner Hamss moved, seconded t~ Commissioner Go~tght and cax-rt~ u~l¥, to allow p~rcel 6 to retain the C-4 zoning. Mr. Weeks referred to page 11 and summarized that Staff recommends that all the properties not fronting U.S. 41 retain their existing zoning to allow compatible development, and the C-3 properties, par- cels 152, 130 and 2.1 to be rezoned to the Agricultural Zoning District. He noted that the Planning Commission recommended that par- cels 130 and 152 retain the C-3 zoning. Jean Quesnell spoke to this item. TIp~ ~ Commtsatoner Shar~ moved, seconded by Commissioner Huse and carried unanimously, to accept Staff's recommendation for all parcelm on page 11, with the mxception of parcels 130 end 152. Comulssionor Shm~uhan moved, seconded by Commissioner Haooo to mllow parcels 130 and 152 to retain the current C-3 Zoning, u the Plamx:LlJgCoumteaton recoumended. The iaotton fa/led with Comttssioners Goodn/g~t0 Saunde~e and Volpe opposed. Page 3 October 19, 1992 Co~m/smtonsr Saunders ~rved, seconded t~ Co~almsioner Goodnight to a~rm Staff's reco~ndatton to rezone p~cels 130 ~d 152 to &~t~~1 Zoning. The mot/on failed with Co~tseloner~ Co~tsstoner Shanahan stated that based on the results of the motions the C-3 Zoning remains in place. · ~e ~~ at 10:50 A.M. - Rec~vened at 11:05 A.M. Mr. Weeks referred to page 14, and noted that parcel wlthdra~ from consideration to enable Staff to investigate the legal status further. ~~ ~t~ly, to close the ~bltc hearing. ~e~t~ S~ ~ed, seconded ~ Co~testo~r Hues ~d c~rt~ ~t~ly, to adopt Ordinate No. 92-~4 a~rovtng the recom- ~tt~ of the Collier Cowry Plying Co~teston as it relates to all ~rttes d~e~ssed tn Petition R-92-~ with the exception of ~s 1, 10 ~d 11 ~d Chat the Ordinate ~ entered into Ordt~ce ~k Mo. (698) D~~ ~s~No ~ ~ oF c0~ co~zsszo~ ~Q~STZNa A ~Z~ ~ =~ TO ~, ~ AS O~GE BLOSSOM G~S ~ - ~~ ~ ~CTION IN ~ER OF ~LLING ~ITS TO Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 29, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Mr. Weeks explained that the current Orange Blossom Gardens PUD allows for multi-family residences at a density of 7.2 units per acre for a total of 84 dwelling units. He noted that Staff recommends the property be rezoned from "PUD" to "PUD" and lower the density to 3 unite per acre, allowing for a total of 35 dwelling units, because the property should be treated ae being within the traffic congestion area. The following people spoke to this item: Page 4 October 19, 1992 Bill Hoover Bob Lockhart, representing the property owner Wayne Hook Mr. Lock_hart requested that the density be changed to a total of 42 dwelling units. Commissioner Saunders questioned the definition of 'adjacent' Ms. Student read into the record the fo/lowing definition of 'adjacent' taken from Webster's Dictionary: "Near to, close to, next to". She discussed that the definition of adjacent within the Land Development Code does not necessarily apply to the Comprehensive Plan and since the definition is not in the Plan the dictionary definition can be applied. C~es~on~r Shanahan ~x~ved, seconded b~ Couise/oner Hesse and C~ZTAed unanimously, to close the public he.ring. Ooa~a/~oner Saunders ~ov~d, seconded b~ Co~isstoner Huse and c~A~ ~i~1¥, to adop~ Ordi~ce No. 92-~5 appr~ing ~he rezone of ~ ~ Blol~! Garde~ ~u to Ill~ a total of 40 ~31ing ~Atl, ~ t~t the Ordi~ce ~ entered into Ordi~ce ~k No. 57. O~I~ ~. 92-~6 ~ ~ITXON ~87-~0(~), GR~ ~IN~ D~~ ~S~ING ~ ~ OF CO~ C~ISSIO~ ~Q~STING A ~Z~ ~ ~ TO ~' ~ ~ ~ODFIELD ~S - ~D ~~ COLLI~ CO~ P~ING C~ISSXON'S ~C~ATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 29, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publicatfon filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Mr. Weeks reported that Staff recommends no change to the density, because an interconnect will be provided to the north of the subject property and an access will be provided to U.S. 41. He noted that there is one change that the property owner objected to which is the provision requiring that a 20' strip of land to be set aside for future canal widening and maintenance easement which ia to be changed to an unlimited width of easement. He reviewed that the Planning Page 5 October 29, 3992 Co.mission recommended all of Staff's changes with the exception that the water management easement remain at 20'. Grad¥ Minor spoke to this ~tem. Con.intoner Saundere ~oved, seconded ~ Co~tss~oner S~ ~d cml~ ~tmly, to cloee the ~bltc he~tng. ~t~ S~derm ~ed, eeconded ~ Co~ismloner Sh~ ~d ~~ ~~ly, to adopt Ordt~ce No. 92-76 a~r~tn~ all of the PI~ ~te~ton's reco~tto~, ~d t~t the Ordtmce ~ ~te~ ~to ~t~ce ~ok No. ST. ltn ~D Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on September 29, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with the Clerk, public hearing was opened. Co~n~oner Saundere ~oved, seconded by Co~alastoner Shanahan ~nd c~rrtedun~n~ously, to close the public he&ring. Cm~/m~oner Sa~ndsrs ~oved, seconded by Co~mlsatoner Shanahan ~~ ~~ly, to adopt Ord~ce No. 92-77, a corr~t~ ord~- ~ ~t~ the leal deecrlpt~on~ am Snd~cated ~n the ~ ~ tMt the Ordl~ce ~ entered ~nto Ordt~ce ~k Page 6 October 19, 1992 There being no further bus~nese for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair -Tlme: 12:00 P.M. ¸%., BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS/ BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD{S) OF SPEC~L DISTRICTS UNDER ITS MICHAEL J. tVO~E, CHAIRMAN ~roved by the Board on or as corrected Page 7