BCC Minutes 12/08/1992 R Naples, Florida, December S. 1992 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners ~n and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the ~i!-"' following members present: CHAIRMAN: Michael J. Volpe VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders John C. Norris Timothy J. Constantine Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: John Yonkosk¥, Finance Director; Ellie Hoffman and Kathy Meyers, Deputy Clerks; Neil Dorrill, County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; David Weigel and Ramiro Manalich, Assistant County ~ttorneys; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; William Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; George 'Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Bob Blanchard, Long Range Planning Director; Robert Fahey, Solid Waste Director; David Russell, Solid Waste Department Superintendent; M~ke McNees, Budget Direotor; Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director; Fran Stallings, Natural Resources Director; Ray Bellows, Planner; Diane Flagg, Emergency Services Education & Quality Control Manager; Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board; and Lieutenant Byron Tomlfnson, .' ~ Sheriff's Office. Oi Page 1 ~/Xten #3 AGENDA - APPROVED WITH CHANGES December 8. 1992 Commissioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews ;~ 'and carried unanimously, to approve the agenda with the changes as · detailed on the Agenda Change Sheet and the following additional ~': changes: Item #12B1 - Petition PUD-92-8, Alan D. Reynolds, of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., representing Power Corporation requesting a rezone from "A" to PUD for property to be known as the White Lake Industrial Park - Continued to January 5, X993 (Requested by the Petitioner). Item #9B - Resolution with general language indicating the interest of the Board regarding affordable housing credits - Added. 07 Page 2 .Item #3A CONSENT AGENDA - APPROVED AND/OR ADOPTED December 8, 1992 The motion for approval of the consent agenda ks noted under Item Item #4 MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 30, 1992 STRATEGIC PLANNING HO~SHOP AND ~G~ ~ET[NG O~ NO~BE~ 24, 1G92 - APPROVBD Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously, to approve the Minutes of the October 30, 1992 :::~,..ifjStrategic Planning Workshop and the Regular Meeting of November 24, Item #SA EMPLOYEE SERVICE AWARDS - PRESENTED ~ *-- Commissioner Vo/pe congratulated the following employees and presented their service awards: *'~ .Elizabeth S. Gaw, Library - 15 years '.~':'', .. Helen A. Ortega, EMS - 10 years .',.~" -... Mark A. Nobles, Utilities/Water Operations - 5 years !/ 'Item #6A2 BUDGET AMENDMENTS 93-39/42; 93-44/45; AND 93-47 - ADOPTED Commissioner Volpe moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and .' carried unanimously, that Budget Amendments 93-39/42, 93-44/45 and :93-47 be adopted. :(422) :'Item #6D INTERIM FINANCIAL INFORMATION AS OF 10/31/92 - PRESENTED John Yonkosky, Finance D/rector, presented the Interim Financial Report for the month of October, 1002. He noted that the report details the first month of the year and therefore, does not reflect a lot of activity. He reviewed w~th the Commission each page of the report. Page 3 December 8, 1992 "Itsm #8A1 CARNIVAL PERMIT 92-6, RE PETITION CP-92-6, COLLIER COUNTY AGRICULTURAL FAIR & EXPOSITION, INC. TO CONDUCT A CARNIVAL JANUARY 15 THROUGH JANUARY 23, 1993 ON THE EAST SIDE OF C.R. 846 - APPROVED SUBJECT TO WAIVERS Community Development Services Administrator Brutt announced that this tS a request for a permit from the Collier County Agricultural Fair & Exposition, Inc. to conduct their annual carnival from January ~' 15 through January 23, 1993. In addition, he indicated that relief is : ~ being sought from the surety bond, carnival fee and the occupational · - license fee. .-~' "'; Mr. Brutt reported that all requirements are In order, as rsflected in the Executive Summary. He stated that staff recommends "' approval of the permit to conduct the annual fair, sub~ect to con- sideration of three previously mentioned waivers. Commissioner_ Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, that Carnival Permit 92-6 be approved, subject to the waiver of the surety bond, carnival fee and the occupational · license fee. Page 4 December 8, 1992 PRELIMINARY REVIEW AND APPROVAL OF DRAFT AGREEMENT WITH WESTINGHOUSE COMMUNITIES RE JOINT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES/PERMITTING ACTIVITIES FOR VANDERBILT BEACH ROAD BETWEEN U.S. 41 AND AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD - APPROVED IN CONCEPT; STAFF TO COME BACK WITH TERMS OF AGREEMENT Transportation Services Administrator Archibald advised that this item relates to the envfronmental aspects of Vanderbtlt Beach Road between U.S. 41 and Airport Pulling Road. Mr. Archibald provided a handout depicting the wetland slough as it is located on the property between Airport Road and U.S. 41 in the area of Goodlette-Frank Road and Vanderbilt Beach Road. He indicated .!/]i/'that the exhibit outlines Alignments ! and 2 of Vanderbilt Beach Road. Mr. Archibald announced that the environmental agencies involved in the review and approval to build Goodlette-Frank Road indicated ~they would not approve Vanderbilt Beach Road until the impacts of the two roadways and the adjacent land development could be assessed. Mr. Archibald reported that staff has negotiated a contract with the firm of Wi/son, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. to undertake a corri- dor study associated with the different alignments and environmental impacts tn addition to surveying. He stated that the amount of the preliminary contract is $250,000. He revealed that staff has concluded that there would be a benefit with the County and developer ~otntly undertaking a preliminary phase of the environmental studies. He indicated that staff has reviewed the advantages of a two party agreement. · In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archlba]d stated that staff .will be dealing with the same types of problems on Vanderbilt Beach Road similar to those of Livingston Road. He noted that staff is of the opinion that there should be some cost sharing between the deve- loper and the County. Commissioner Volpe noted that the County's cost of the preliminary work is approximately $320,000. County Manager Dorrlll explained that the agreement identifies a pro~ect that will cost $320,000. He reported that Westinghouse has Page 5 December 8, 1992 agreed to advance the money for that project and receive credits for road impact fees only. The following persons spoke with regard to this Item: Mr. Lou Hoegsted Mr. Bill Barton Mr. Fred Tarrant Colmllissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously, to approve the agreement in concept; Staff and Westtnghotlse to work out terms of agreement and bring back to the Commission for consideration tn early January, 1993. $$$ Recess 10:15 A.M. - Reconvened 10:40 A.M. '"' ~:~(Item~gB R~SOLUTION 92-64?, INDICATING THE INTERES? OF THE BOARD RE AFFORDABLE HOUSING CREDITS - ADOPTED County Attorney Cuyler advised that this resolution is in response to previous direction to draft general language Indicating that the Board does not believe that Collier County is obtaining a fair share of the tax on deed monies that are sent to the state for affordable housing and then returned to the County. County Attorney Cuyler explained that the resolution requests that the legislature consider an amendment to Chapter 420 to more equitably distribute those funds. Commissioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried unanimously, that Resolution 92-64? be adopted. Page 6 December 8, lgg2 (3240) Item #SF1 LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF NAPLES AIRPORT AUTHORITY AND THE PROVINCETOWN-BOSTON AIRLINE INCO~PO~TED - CO~I~ED TO ~2/22/92 Education & Quality Control Manager Flagg reported that the intent of this agreement is to consolidate helicopter operations and the Sheriff's Office aviation and maintenance personnel Into one facility. She revealed that Eastern Express is trying to sell the lease through ~! ~ the bankruptcy court and by purchasing same, the County would have a facility for the next 2! years. County Manager Dorrill stated that the County will be purchasing .~ ~, the lease agreement and the lease payments will accrue to the Airport ~ Authority. He indicated that the County will be purchasing the lease- ;~'i hold improvements on the property for $185,000. Tape ,2 ' In response to Commissioner Constantine, Ms. Flagg revealed that it would take approximately $25,000 to renovate the facility for the ' County's needs. Me. Flagg explained $92,§00 in grant monies were saved due to suc- cessful negotiations of the new helicopter. She advised that the State has given approval to spend the saved dollars for the purchase of the lease and/or hangar extension. : A discussion ensued with regard to liabil~ty issues, lease without - lease purchase and other legal issues. The following persons spoke with respect to this item: Mr. Allen Schantzen Mr. Ross Lewis w/letter from James P. Lennane Commissioner Volpe remarked that it appears additional information Commissioner Constantine suggested that a sketch of the facility be provided to the Commission to visualize what can be used for EMS space and what can be used for office space. :ii~:,'.;. Comm~ssioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews :i' and c&r=led unanimously, that this ~teh be continued and brought back on December 22, ~992. ~OOK ~0~A%[ 50 Page 7 *" * December 8, t992 1120) Item #8Gl STATUS ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION AREA PROG~M - REPORT ACCEPTED= STAFF TO COME BACK 1/19/9S TO IDENTIFY MECHANISMS THAT ALREADY EXIST ii~ Environmental Services Admlntstrator Lorenz divulged that the pur- i![:p?Se of this item is to brief the Board on the Development of the Natural Resources Protection Areas Program (NRPA). Mr. Lorenz reported on the types of areas that would eventually be f? considered as NRPA's; types of protective mechanisms= and the adoption process.. Be requested that the Board accept the report and direct to proceed as out//ned in the Executive Summary as reflected in Attachment "A". ;i,~:"COn~m~issi°ner Volpe expressed concerns with regard to duplicative "!.'State agency requirements. Long Range Planning Director Blanchard advised that the iden- tification of natural resource protection areas help define the area :W~ere' development will be allowed to occur in addition to providAng an .~i:~ environmental perspective of what the county will look like in the future. Be emphasized the importance of this program. Mr. Fred Tarrant spoke with regard to this item. .:~f.Commissioner Norris stated that he feels there are currently suf- [cient environmental laws in place and suggested, if possible, that this program not be continued. :~,~;,z,,-:, Mr. Lorenz explained that staff would l~ke to present the Commission with a packet, identifying the particular areas to be pro- -:'-~itected with the proposed protective mechanisms and these will become part of the amendment cycle to the Growth Management Plan. i'%'~?~!" ::' Com~iesioner Constantine moved, seconded by Co~ss~oner Matthews ~d ca~Aed ~Amously, to accept the report~ staff to come back on 1/19/9~ with & visual overlay depicting mechanisms that already exist. e~e,De~mut~ Clerk Meyers replaced Deputy Clerk Hoffman at this time a~= 2704) #9A 'RESOLUTION NO. 92-653 REQUESTINGT~AT,THE STATE OF FLORIDA ISSUE ~]~AL~ EAGLE LICENSE P~ATE TO RAISE MONEY FOR HABITAT ACQUISITION AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION - ADOPTED D~cember 8, 1992 ~-','~. County Attorney Cuyler discuss~d that this Resolution w~ll request ~:the State of Florida to issue a Bald Eagle l~cense plate s~milar to the panthe~ ~Chris Straton indicated that the proceeds of the sale of these ,~llcense platea will be placed into trust funds for habitat acquisition e~v~ronmental education. Co~l/es~one~ Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews i an4 cal~'ied 1~nanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 92-653 requesting State of Florida ~ssue a Bald Eagle l~cense plate to ra~se ~°n~ fo~ habitat acquisition and environmental education. December 8, 1992 ~,:~,',(27981 ... i. :,I .~?*?I tern #8G2 R]~COMM3~NDATION THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY CO~ISSIONERS ACCEPT THE THREE LO.ST QU~IFIED BIDDERS FOR BID ~92-1971 "BIO.SS PROCESSING" AND E~ER I~O ~ AG~E~NT WITH THE LOWEST QUALIFIED BIDDER ~IVERSAL WOOD RE.CLING, INC. - BID IRREGULARITY WAI~D, BID AW~DED TO ~I~RS~ WOOD ~CLING, INC. (KENETECH AND LANDTECH ~E QUALIFIED IN ~ ~ OF DEFA~T) David Russell, Solid Waste Department Superintendent, reported -.~'~, , that,, ~ . Bid #92-197! provides for Biomass Processing Service at the Naples and Immokalee Landfills and involves the volume reduction of ':? logsi limbs, stumps and trimmings into mulch. He noted that the spe- *',.'~%':ctftcatlons were prepared to secure an experienced contractor at the .,{;~lowest possible price, and that the low bidder, Houle and Chambers, ~'~'· was eliminated due to lack of experience, making Universal Wood . .-Recycling, Inc. the lowest responstve~btdder at $9.99 per ton. He * 'specified that Kenetech has the most extensive experience. ?:;: Mr. Russell summarized that Staff recommends that the bid be · -,.- awarded to Universal Wood Recycling, as their experience is sufficient and they are the lowest responsive bidder. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Russell explained that con- sideratton was given for County Staff to perform the work, however the ~ost was close to the bids received without considering the cost to .%~. acquire the equipment and maintain it as well, ,~:~ Mr, Russell noted that there are two bid protests, Kenetech and !{:.,' ~oule and Chambers, He informed the Board that the Purchasing Director addressed both protests and responded to them, Dudley Goodlette, representing Kenetech Resource Recovery, Inc., indicated that hts client has filed a formal bid protest pursuant to t~..,;~ ~ the County's established purchasin~ policies and procedures. i'?'_':: ~'!'~';, 'H . Goodlette deemed that after revte'~tng and analyzing the bid ~ '.. 'process utilized fo~ this bid, Kenetech is the lowest responsive and ?;":':*~*~.'" ~qualtfled bidder based on the bid criteria established by Staff at the · outset of the bid process. #3 Page l0 December 8, ]992 ~iro Manalich, Assistant C.ounty Attorney, advised that minor Irregularities can occur with the bid process, but tn this case do not warrant that this bid be redone. ,,,3 . The hearing for the bid protest took place at this time. ~.~' ~ichael Taaffe, Attorney w~th Abel, Band, Russell, Coll~e~, Pltchfo~ R Go~don and representing Kenetech, ~ev~ewed that ~'~3~Ke~etech's b~ conforms ~n all ~espects to the bid specifications and has no deviations. He discussed that a ~equest fo~ a formal heamtnG ~'~o be conducted by an ~ndependent hea~ng off~ce~ was den~ed. He '~.~nd~cated that the County's Purchasing Dl~ecto~ d~d not pursue any ~,~ndependent verification but ~el~ed strictly on the ~nformat~on sub- by the Solid Waste Department, and also did not contact or any of Kenetech's references. He made the following obser- Universal Wood Recycling listed their bid as contingent upon 15 days payment. Mr. Taaffe maintained that this option allows the bid to be lower because they are saving money by being paid sooner; 2. Landtech is not a Florida corporation, is not authorized to do business in the State of Florida and owns no equipment; 3.. Kenetech indicated they will dedicate 3 pieces of equipment, which Universal Wood Recycling will not; , . 4. Kenetech has 8-10 County contracts with long term duration and - has extensive experience. · : Mr. Taaffe summarized that long term experience is in the County's :" best interest for this bid award and that Kenetech will gladly par- "tlctpate' in a hearing conducted by an independent officer. .L. Sam Rosarita, with Pace Consulting and Engineering, indicated that ~:':"' ~e :.represents Unlversal Wood Recycling, Inc., and dlstrfbuted copies ' of a letter to the Board. He declared that Universal Wood Recycling is committed to providing the County with the services specified 'within the bid scope. He asked the Board to consider Staff's recom- ' '.:mendations, since they are familiar with the ~perations of the 0ounty' s Landftll. .~;L?~ Steve Ca,nell, Pu~chastnu Director. mentioned that Houle and . .Chambers are not present and might not contest the bid. Mr. Carnell · tn ~esponse to M~. Taaffe's statoments, detallod the followfng: ..::::' . BOO}( riS[:~ ~ ~;~.~ Page 1 1 December 8, 1992 ' "1~ ' Consultations were held with the Solid Waste Department; Solid Waste contacted references for each of the recommended bidders including Kenetech; Standard procedure for payment is a thirty day basis; A bid bond was required at the time the bid was tendered: The bid was a unusual bid with a tremendous amount of response. Mr. Russell further explained that the specifications for the bid ~.i]%'.: :included the following performance factors that allow the County ge: ' ~.:;: i .... ?"~"lo""If the processor leaves the site before the backlog is caught ~.,:;:,:~:' . up it is grounds for default; and ' ';' 2. If he leaves the site for a period of 90 days it is also , .J;:~ .... grounds for default. '- /. Mr. Manalich read a portion of the legal determination on the :'Harry.Pepper v. City of Cape coral' case, which affords guidance as tl the purpose of the bidding process. ." Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, to waive the bid irregularity, accept Universal Wood Recycling, Inc. as the lowest qualified bidder, and to find that . ,: Ksnetech and Landtech are qualified in the event of default. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews :.. carried unanimously, to direct Staff to prepare and advertise a Rate :,~,: ~ Resolution reducing the btomass tipping fee to $13.50. '../ PUBLIC COMMENT Paul Gtovannettt distributed a handout and discussed the proposal ,:currently before the Land Acquisition Advisory Council of the CARL :'!:,'::'" Program. He distributed a map of the subject property, which is ..... ieferred to as the Belle Meade project, encompassing approximately .!139,000 acres. He stated that he is opposed to the acquisition as :ir'will not address agricultural runoff and a new design should be ¢'~' ' 'formulated to mitigate the degrading effects. He requested that thfs action be deferred to the 1993 ranking and selection cycle. f,...~ Howard Galbut spoke to thl~ tssue~ ~tattng that this is an Page 12 Decmmber 8, 1992 taking of property, 40,000 acres, and will affect the iii:'County's budget and fiscal policy for many years. /: Cliff Schneider with Wilson, Miller, Barton and Peek, stated that -. he reviewed the CARL Land Acquisition Committee Staff Report for the ii,~::(...'Belle Meade Project and concluded that It does not address how the .~ii~L~urchase of the land will quantlftably protect the natural resources ~ .. 'and that it ignores the agricultural runoff. ~!::i~':'.,:~ .... ~: ~Glenn Sfmpson and Bill Branan spoke to this issue. 'The Board expressed a general consensus to take no formal action .! . on this request, because it was presented under Public Comment. ~In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorney Cuyler advised fff;t'ha~ it ts generally inappropriate for the Board to take formal ' actton~ ;i:./,' .... County Manager Dorrtll mentioned that if any individual ':: .,Commlsstoner would like to write to the CARL Selection Committee and · ~, ,, ,~:!';'~: express his or her concerns they have that option. /i?RKSOLUTION_ N0. 92-654 RE PETITION SN'R-92-6, 3. H. BEALS REPRESENTING COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, REQUESTING A STREET NAME CHANGE FROM LS'½ROAD TO RAILHEAD BOULEVARD LOCATED IN RAILHEAD INDUSTRIAL PARK ~i ADOPTED Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on November 22, 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with j,/.,, the Clerk, public hearing was opened. ':'[ Frank Brutt Community Development Services Administrator 'reviewed the Petit/on, noting the street location as being in North liar County on Old U.S. 41. He explained that the owners desire the name change so that it is appropriate with the Industrial Park. Comstsstonar Sounders moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and -" carried 4/0 (Commtsstonc~r Constant/ne absent), to close the public .hearing. .,~'(!}-. :Commissioner Norris moved, seconded by Commissioner Saunders and carried unanimously, to adopt Resolution No. 92-654 approving a street Page 13 December 8, 1992 change from ~GELS'"~oad to .Ratlhead Boulevard, located tn the Ratlhe~d Ind~trtal Park Subdivision. Page 14 December 8, 1992 [~tem.~13Sl -.RESOLUTION NO. 92-655, RE PETITION CU-92-11, MR. GARY BATES REPRESENTING THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH OF IMMOKALEE REQUESTING CONDITIONAL USE 4 OF THE RSF-3 ZONING DISTRICT TO ALLOW FOR A CHILD CARE CENTER - ADOPTED WITH STIPULATIONS Legal notice having been published in the Naples Dally News on ~;~'~ ~""'SNovember 18 1992, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with .i~':;]?::..'the'Clerk, public hearing was opened. ,Ray Bellows, Project Planner, referred to the details of the ~..'"~':-Executive Summary regarding this Petition, noting that the property ~ ' is located at the southeast corner of S.R. 29' and Lake Trafford Road ";:,:'in Immokalee. [ ~.. . Mr. Bellows reviewed that this existing church facility is <"~"'~'.~eqUesting permission to add child care for up to 25 children and will not change the original provisional use that was granted for the :.:.'(>'::church, nor will it increase the size of the existing facility. ~' Mr. Bellows summarized that the Petition is consistent with the Immokalee Master Plan and the Growth Management Plan. He noted that the Petitioner has requested modification to Stipulation A of the · Transportation Section of the Agreement, specifically that impact fees - be' calculated on a site specific basis, and that the language within ' ~ :'..this stipulation be amended to read as follows: "Ordinance 92-22 requires an impact fee for day care centers to be paid at the time that building permits are issued. If no building permits are required then the fee shall be paid prior to the commen- cement of the child care operation and shall be calculated on a site specific basis." Mr. Bellows indicated that Staff agrees to the modification of the stipulation. Commissioner Saunders moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried ~lnanimously, to (:lose the public hearing. Commissioner Saunder~ moved, seconded by Commissioner Norris and carried unanimously, tc adopt Resolution No. 92-655 approving Petition CU-92-11, subject to Staff's st~pulations and the modification of the stipulation requested by the Petitioner. Page 15 (~1 ? . . '~, It em #24 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' COMMUNICATIONS December 8, 1992 ~ .~. In response to. Commissioner Constantine, County Attorney Cuyler indicated that he will provide a memo regarding political signage as soon as possible. ~:/'--.. ~ - Commissioner Volpe discussed that on the Agenda for the City/County Meeting of December 9, 1992 an item regarding the Beach ~ .Renourtshment Contract is proposed to be added. County Manager · Dorrill indicated it would be more appropriate to discuss this at a .'regular Board of County Commissioners meeting. ,-..'. County Manager Dorrill mentioned that as a result of reapportion- ment he has received a request to locate on the second floor of Building F, an office of U.S. Congressman Porter Goss. He indicated he will prepare a proposal for the Board to review. County Attorney Cuyler announced that he has redistributed the City/County Beach Renourishment Advisory Committee Ordinance with some Changes. Commissioner Constantine moved, seconded by Commissioner Matthews and carried ~nantmously, that the following items under the consent agenda be approved and/or adopted: $'s Item ~16Ala ELEVEN, BERNARD M. COLLINS AND COLLEEN P. COLLINS OWNERS OF RECORD RESOLUTION 92-648 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE FOR LOT 12, BLOCK ~66, MARCO BEACH UNIT RESOLUTION 92-649 PROVI'DING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE FOR LOT'16, BLOCK 218, MARCO BEACH UNIT NO. SEVEN, GUILLERMO ESTEVA AND MIREYA ESTEVA OWNERS OF RECORD 'Item #16Alc See Pages _ . V ) Page 16 '""' * , December 8, 1992 .''.i' RESOLUTION 92-650 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF "' ABATEMENT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE FOR* ALL OF TRACT 10, OF WIGGINS BAY PHASE I, HA.RIG MANUFACTURING CORPORATION OWNER OF RECORD ~Item ,16Ald 'RESOLUTION 92-651 PROVIDING FOR ASSESSMENT OF LIEN FOR THE COST OF ABATEML'NT OF PUBLIC NUISANCE FOR LOT 9, BLOCK 7, CARSON'S ADDITION IN : IMMOKALEE, LULA MAE WILKERSON OWNER OF RECORD · :i, Item ,16A2 ' '/ '.j i, ACcEPTANcE OF SECURITY FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. GROVe", 59.464, "PIPER'S Item #16A3 ACCEPTANCE OF SECURITY FOR EXCAVATION PERMIT NO. PHASE III" 59.461, "TOLLGATE ...... SeePages '~ i RESOLUTION 92-652 AUTHORIZING PRELIMINARY ACCEPTANCE OF ROADWAY, ~ ' . DRAINAGE, WATER & SEWER IMPROVEMENTS iN CRYSTAL LAKE R.V. RESORT PHASE THREE - WITH STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY "' ~'Item #16A5 ~ .': ACCEPTANCE OF WATER AND SEWER FACILITIES FOR CRYSTAL LAKE R.V. RESORT, .. "PHASE THREE -- WITH STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IN THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Item #16A6 FINAL PLAT OF "COLLIER'S RESERVE" - WITH STIPULATIONS AS DETAILED IN "~THE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Item #I6B1 *,.:~REIMBURSABLE UTILITY RELOCATION COSTS UNTO FLORIDA POWER AND LIGHT '~:~COMPANY AND UNITED TELEPHONE OF FLORIDA RE PHASE II AIRPORT-PULLING ROAD SlX-LANING IMPROVE~!ENTS See PaGes ': Item #16C! ~//.,~- CO--CT BE~EN COLLIER C0UN~ AND T~INING AND EDUCATIONAL CENTER .'.FOR ~ ~ICAPPED INC (T. E. C. H. ) TO PERFO~ LANDSCAPE ~INTENANCE .~ ~,,'., ,,, ~' ~ · .~.,,):. ' Page 1Y December 8, 1992 [!iI ' AGREEMENT FOR GRANT MONIES AVAILABLE THROUGH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF -' ' AGRICULTURE AND CONSUMER SERVICES RESOURCES FOR LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS AT VANDERBILT BEACH PARK Item ~16D! .'NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO EXTEND PAYMENT OF SEWER ' IMPACT FEES FOR LYNNE HIXON HOLLEY AND TOM J. JOHNSON, JR., TRUSTEES · ' See Pages //6~"- //3 · i' Item ,16D2 -)..:.NOTICE OF PROMISE TO PAY AND AGREEMENT TO EXTEND PAYMENT OF SEWER %:.:.~ .~iIMPAUT FEES FOR ADC DEVELOPMENT GROUP, AN OHIO PARTNERSHIP ' :, See Pages , //~ -- //~, Item ~16E1 BID ~92-1979 AWARDED TO STEVENS & LAYTON FOR THE RENOVATION OF T~E MARCO ISLAND SHERIFF'S SUBSTATION PARKING LOT - IN THE AMOUNT OF $29,244.75' .... · Item #16F1 ','','!::CONTRACTUAL SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR MEDICAL EXAMINER SERVICES BETWEEN :::..ii:DISTRICT TWENTY MEDICAL EXAMINER AND THE COLLIER COUNTY BOARD OF · j.) 'COUNT~ COMMISSIONERS · i'J'/"Item' #16H1 - Continued to 12]15/92 Item *16H2 ,[%. STIPULATED FINAL JUDGMENT RE EASEMENT INTEREST ACQUIRED ON PARCEL 177, 194, 194.1, 351 AND 143 IN THE PINE RIDGE INDUSTRIAL PARK .T.U Item #16E3 - Continued to 12/15/92 · .WORK ORDER ~ABB-IO WITH AGNOLI, BARBER & BRUNDAGE FOR ENGINEERING SERVICES ON THE NORTH NAPLES LIBRARY ADDITION AND THE NORTH NAPLES EMERGENCY SERVICES CENTER See Pages December 8, 1992 CERTIFICATES OF CORRECTION TO THE TAX ROLLS AS PRESENTED BY THE PROPERTY APPRAISER' S OFFICE No, 713 No. 408 1982 1983 1984 32/0~/92 12/01/92 No. 287 1985 12/01/92 198~ 1987 12/01/92 12/01/92 No. 421 12/01/92 No. 297/298 1988 1989 12/bl/92 11/25/92 & 12/01/92 1990 No. 11 & 324 No..225/226 !991, 11/25/92 & 12/01/92 11/25/92 & 12/01/92 No. 62/71 1992 11/24/92 - 12/03/92 TANGIBLE PERSONAL PROPERTY 1992 -No. 53/54 ~1/18/92 ': No. 57/62 EXTRA*GAIN TIME FOR INMATE NO. 61090 11/24/92 - 12/02/92 · .. :Item ~16J MISCELLANEOUS CORRESPONDENCE - FILED AND/OR REFERRED The fo/lowing miscellaneous correspondence was filed and/or referred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Page 19 Decembar 2, 1992 There belng no further business for the Good of the County, the ': 'meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 1:50 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL MICHAEl. VO~.PE, CHAIRMAN .... ~ ,~ ~proved by the Board on as presented-;.r l--" or as corrected Page 20