BCC Minutes 03/22/1993 W (Productivity Committee Report) Naples, Florida, March 22, 1993
LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in
and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning
Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as
have been created according to law and having conducted buslnese
herein, met on this date at 8:30 A.M. in WO]~SHOP SESSION in Building
"F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the
following members present:
CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders
VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine
John C. Norris
Michael J. Volpe
Bettye J. Matthews
ALSO PRESENT: Annette Guevin and Sandy Hurley, Recording
Secretaries; Nell Dorrill, County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant
to the County Manager; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services
Administrator; Mike McNees, Budget Director; 3elf Walker, Risk
Management Director; Tom Wh~tecotton, Human Resources Director; Steve
Carnell, Purchasing Director; Gary Arnold, Emergency Management
Coordinator; Guy Carlton, Tax Collector; Abe Skinner, Property
Appraiser; and Sheriff Don Hunter.
March 22, 1993
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Legal notice having been published tn the Naples Daily News on
March 18, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication filed with
the Clerk, a workshop was held to discuss the Productivity Committee
Report and Staff Responses.
Conuntssioner Saunders welcomed several members of the Collier
County Government Productivity Committee in attendance.
Darn PTOCIII~ng Sub=onlttee
Marc Gertner, Chairman of the Data Processing Subcommittee, asked
the Board to adopt a resolution declaring it to be the basic goal of
the Board of Gounty Commissioners to establish a County-wide
integrated and interrelated computerized information system. He said
it is their belief there should be a strategically planned and coor-
dinated approach to developing and managing integrated information
services for the County.
County Manager Dorrtll reported on the various computer systems
now being operated within Gollier County government. He noted a
Master Planning Committee is now working to develop and propose refi-
nements and further cooperative agreements.
Responding to Commissioner Matthews, County Manager Dorrill stated
Community Development Services has a very small system for building
permit tracking activities, however, much more of their work should be
automated. He said an employee task team is looking into a
Geographic Information System (GIS) that produces a County-wide,
digitized system of mapping, plotting and overlaying various maps,
such as tax maps, EMS maps, water and sewer lines and County right-of-
way. He said they are in the very early stages of exploring a totally
cooperative GIS system that would use the Property Appraiser's base
maps as they re/ate to his tax folio information, however, the system
ks very expensive and it will be at least three years before that pro-
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posal will be presented.
Commissioner Matthews questioned whether Collier County may be
able to share the GIS system currently in use by the South Florida
Water Management District?
Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator, indicated that is
one of several options the employee task team is exploring.
Commissioner Volpe mentioned discussion has been taking place for
several years concerning integrating the County's information ser-
vices. He indicated there are issues of confidentiality that must be
addressed, and asked if it is a realistic goal to have a completely
integrated and interrelated system among all the Constitutional
Mr. Ochs replied it is an achievable goal at the technical level,
leaving the legal and confidentiality issues to solve.
Commissioner Saunders referred to the Productivity Committee's
recommendations, and suggested the Board consider establishing an
Automatic Data Processing Board (ADPB) as requested.
Commissioner Constantine asked Mr. Ochs to elaborate on why an
integrated system may not meet the legal requirements of each agency.
Mr. Ochs responded that some of the Constitutional Officers, pri-
marily Sheriff Hunter, have confidentiality and security issues that
need to be dealt with for a great deal of the information maintained
tn their data bases.
Mr. Gertner commented that this issue was discussed in great
detail with the Sheriff's representative. He said the County will
never interconnect and share all data, but information should be
shared to the extent possible.
Guy Carlton, Tax Collector, explained the two platforms involved
in the information system being utilized by his agency, one of which
is controlled by Tallahassee and all those transactions are not at his
discretion to share with anyone. He indicated a willingness to share
what Information he can with other components of Collier County
government, although it is outdated the day after it is provided to
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hie agency.
Abe Skinner, Property Appraiser, notified the Board that his
agency is currently working on the GIS system. He agreed with County
Manager Dorrtll that the information for that system should come from
his mapping system. He suggested this expenditure may be added to the
upcoming fiscal budget which will enable the system to be completed
within one year. He mentioned he is now working on a system called
Waveland, which will connect through the Sheriff's Office to the Clerk
of Gourts and which will enable everyone within the system with a
minimum amount of re-write, regardless of the type of equipment, to
have access to any of his records.
Sheriff Hunter reported he is not opposed to saving money,
however, issues regarding confidentiality of records need to be
resolved. For instance, he said, regarding payroll, the names and
addresses of his employees, their spouses, their children and schools
their children attend, cannot be published per State Statute. He
added the confidentiality is extended, pertaining to intelligence
files and where individual patrol units may be located. He emphasized
he needs to be assured that information can be preserved before he can
participate in an integrated system. He remarked the original
integrated system in 1978 had many problems, such as screen delays,
which are unacceptable in a public safety arena. He agreed with the
establishment of an ADPB.
Commissioner Constantine questioned what steps are being taken to
insure that an agreement is reached between all Constitutional
Officers and the Board of County Commissioners?
County Manager Dorrill proposed as the data processing committee
ts initiated, that an interlocal agreement be developed with each
individual Constitutional Officer and the Board, which will specify
the bylaws, charges, goals and expected timeframes of achieving an
interconnected and interrelated computerized information system.
Sheriff Hunter communicated "black box" technolo~, which permits
softwares to communicate, is currently being used by his agency to
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communicate with the Clerk's Office in an effort to reduce duplica-
tion, where the same document is entered two or more times. He gave
the example of the booking process in the County Jail, stating that
information is shared by the Judges, the Clerk's Office and the State
Attorney's Office. He said they all access that information through
the Sheriff's Office and the "black box" or "highway" technology. He
concluded, therefore, the ability to interconnect exists, which leaves
the issue of legal concerns of the shared functions.
In response to Commissioner Volpe, Sheriff Hunter advised the
efforts to interconnect the various systems are being coordinated by
the respective directors of information systems of the Constitutional
Officers. He said a Constitutional Officer/Data Processing Director
committee meets on a regular basis to discuss the functions of the
various systems, what kinds of information can be shared and what
types of systemic developments have occurred.
Mr. Ochs elaborated that a group was formed during the past year
to look at ways of further interconnecting the various computer
systems and developing a long range master plan to establish technical
standards. He said that committee has been meeting regularly under
the chairmanship of the Court Administrator, Paul Brigham.
Paul Brigham added data is now being compiled from a user survey
sent to all agencies. He said preliminarily, two or three issues have
begun to emerge; specifically, the legal requirements of each
Constitutional agency, the need for a standard add-a-dictionary so
that interfacing and interconnecting between the different computer
systems is easier, and the desire to complete the electronic highway
between all the agencies.
In response to Commissioner Matthews, Mr. Brigham stated this
group is separate but interconnected through membership of the same
technical people with the committee referred to by Sheriff Hunter.
Mr. Skinner referred to a hand-out provided to the Board, which he
stated is information he received in the most recent Constitutional
Officer/Data Processing Director meeting. (Copy not provided to the
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Clerk to the Board.) He indicated he ts concerned with the possibt-
l~ty of adding another layer of bureaucracy through what is being pro-
The following person spoke regarding this item:
Dick Laymon
Commissioner Constantine requested that Staff be directed to
answer the legal and security concerns within 60 days, and present a
cost savings report within 90 days.
In response to Commissioner Norris, County Manager Dorrill indi-
cated that is a feasible timeframe.
Commissioner Saunders suggested that the County Manager prepare a
resolution establishing the general po/Icy of attempting to con-
solidate information systems wherever reasonable, working with the
Constitutional Officers to achieve that goal. With regard to Mr.
La~mon's suggestion of p/acing an independent, neutral person tn
charge of coordination efforts, he said at this point, he believes the
Constitutional Officers should work directly with the Board of County
N~an lteeonrce~ Subcommittee
Art Largent with the Human Resources Subcommittee, reviewed their
recommendations for revising the employee benefit package. He said in
comparison to other Counties and local private industry, the employee
portion of dependent health care coverage should be increased, while
vacation and sick leave should be decreased.
County Manager Dorrtll explained employees are granted the ability
to accrue sick time because Collier County does not have any t~pe of
disability Insurance. He also indicated providing partial reimbur-
sement of sick leave at termination or retirement has proven to be an
incentive not to use sick time during the year.
Mr. Ochs reported on a proposal he will present to the Board
during the budget process to change the employees' portion of depen-
dent health care. He said as of October 1st, an employee's contribu-
t/on will increase from the current $65 to $90 per month.
Hatch 22, ~993
Additionally, he said, any new employees h~red on or after October let
will be required to pay $125 per month for dependent health care.
Commissioner Saunders inquired if other communities distinguish
between the number of dependents that are covered?
Mr. Oche responded in the affirmative, stating some areas have a
three-tiered rate plan. He indicated at Board direction, he will
investigate that type of program for Collier County.
In answer to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Ochs explained Collier
County's group medical plan covers all County government employees,
therefore, any changes the Board makes will be applied to the
employees of all the Constitutional Officers.
County Manager Dorrlll communicated his intent to develop propo-
sals to revise the total number of days available for annual leave
based on the number of years of service.
Commissioner Volpe called attention to the concept of Preferred
Provider Organizations (PPO). Me noted since the Collier County
Medical Society does not currently have any PPO's, a number of the
larger employers in Collier County, such as FP&L and United Telephone,
are participating through a Lee County Plan.
County Manager Dorr~ll reported Mr. Ochs is developing a PPO con-
cept for both physical and behavioral illnesses.
Mr. Ochs elaborated that during the budget review, he will pre-
sent a detailed itemization of recommended health plan design changes,
whether they be deductible or co-payment changes, as well as any
managed care programs they may suggest be put in place, including the
PPO concept.
Purcha~ln~ Departl~nt Subcouittee
Jay Morgan, representing the Purchasing Department Subcommittee,
summarized their findings upon review of the Purchasing Department and
their procedures. She explained the main area of focus was on field
purchase orders. She said when the limit was reduced to $300 from
$500, the additional amount of work placed on employees in the
Purchasing Department resulted in no real benefit. She suggested the
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Board consider reinstating the previous field purchase order limit,
which will give Purchasing greater time to analyze term and blanket
contracts, which will eventually lead to no need for field purchase
County Manager Dorrill concurred with the subcommittee's recommen-
Steve Carnell, Purchasing Director, commented when the change was
made in 1991, the Board was reacting to concerns about how small
purchases were being managed. He said through this process, they have
learned those concerns can be addressed while still having the higher
field purchase order limit.
$olldN~te Management Department Subcoalttee
Mr. Gertner stated all the recommendations of this subcommittee
have been implemented and will be In place for the FY94 budget. He
said the only item that has not been completed is the recommendation
for some form of citizens participation advisory committee. He noted,
however, the Solid Waste staff ts holding meetings with Interested
members of the community.
Ms. Morgan communicated the main point of this subcommittee was to
acknowledge program budgeting, which has corrected many problems and
created a positive attitude. She said another recommendation is to
implement a three or five year Operations Strategic Plan.
Commissioner Saunders stated a majority of the Board of County
Commissioners has indicated an interest in establishing such a plan.
County Manager Dorrlll agreed that is the next logical step In
terms of long range planning.
Commissioner Saunders reported having obtained a guarantee from
County Attorney Cuyler that he will provide the Board at the March
30th regular meeting, a list of the land use decisions currently made
by the Board of County Commissioners which can legally be handled by
the Planning Commission. He said that will result tn more time for
the Board of County Commissioners to deal with strategic planning.
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Commissioner Saunders thanked the Productivity Committee for their
time, interest and dedication in presenting their report and recommen-
*** Recessed: 10:35 A.M. - Reconvened: 10:45 A.M. at which time
Recording Secretary Hurley replaced Recording Secretary GuevAn.
Tape #2
Item ,2
Legal notice having been published in the Naples Daily News on
March 17, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi/ed with
the Clerk, a workshop was held regarding the 800 MHZ Communication
Emergency Management Coordinator Gary Arnold provided the Board
a list of definitions and details on various communication systems.
He noted E. F. Johnson Company offered to instal/ an alternate mu/ti-
net switch on the system, but the Board was told by the former Manager
that the County system is considered an Administrative system and was
not a Public Safety Radio system. He noted that E. F. Johnson offered
Collier County a choice after a test period to buy the switch for
$42,000.00 or to remove the switch at no cost. He reported on the
problems of the noise and the coverage areas of the radio system and
said he contacted E. F. Johnson in reference to the coverage of
Collier County, however, calls have not been returned. He stated that
Staff feels the maintenance agreement fee of $36000.00 per year is an
exorbitant amount for the problems in the system. He said staff is
recommending that the agreement be discontinued and a new vendor be
found to provide the coverage the County needs at a lower price,
noting that the present agreement does not cover response time or down
Captain Wayne Graham of the Collier County Sheriff's Office
stated that he has completed a five year plan study in communications
and provided the Board with a report on the situation on the public
safety Communications within Collier County. He noted in the study he
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Hatch 22, 1993
looked into the 800 MHZ system and found that this system would better
eerve the needs of public safety.
Sheriff Hunter supplied the Board with a document from the
Department of General Services and referred to a case written by
Kourosh Bastani with the State Division of Communications. He quoted:
"Radio communications in Collier County is primarily suffering from
communications channel congestion due to channel over crowding".
Sheriff Hunter cited the paragraph on page 6 of the report stating
that, "Additionally there is an insufficient quantity of availability
channels based on the Division's knowledge of frequency availability
in the Collier County area, therefore, the VHF High Band is not
suitable in view of the shortage of channels available for the system
design which will meet the County's current and future needs". He
said the report also states the UHF Band is not suitable in view of
the shortage of channels available for a system design which will meet
the County's current and future needs. He stated on page ? of the
report, the 800 MHZ band is the only viable band that will satisfy the
County's current radio and future communications needs, and it is
recommended that the current radio communication system and equipment
be phased out and a new 800 MHZ trunked radio communication system be
phased in for all of Collier County communication needs. He suggested
methods of funding for the system and indicated a $12.50 surcharge on
all moving violations in Collier County could be applied. He said
Collier County could sell time on the 800 trunking system to other
users in the system particularly the local Governmental Agencies such
as the School Board, Park Services and the City of Naples. He said
the state of Florida recently contracted with a radio system vendor to
convert the 800 megahertz trunking system statewide and they will be
going with the digital system within the year. He noted the Public
Safety Committee reserved the 806 megahertz frequencies. He said if
the County does not use the frequencies, the system will lapse in
approximately January, 1994, unless sufficient and certain progress
has been made. He said the 80S is desired because it represents a
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less expensive system.
Commissioner Volpe asked if the Sheriff*s Office was consulted
when the system was installed?
Sheriff Hunter replied that he was consulted about the system but
was not asked to participate and it was not represented to him that
the system would be used for public safety.
Mr. Arnold approached the Board stating that the vendors, G.E.,
Motorola and E. F. Johnson have different ways to provide wide
coverage, and all three have different schedules for the digital
system. He said the Board needs to determine which vendor can provide
the best coverage in Collier County and whether the digital system can
be provided. He said that Motorola can have the product on the market
within 60 days and E. F. Johnson said it would be at least three
Sheriff Hunter stated that the Sheriff's Off,ce is very
interested in proceeding with the full development of a specification
on the system, and perhaps the Board of County Commissioners could
participate with the City of Naples, the School Board and the Fire
Department in putting together the final plan and specifications
necessary as soon as possible before the 20 channels are lt'.st that are
assigned to the Sheriff's Office.
The following people spoke regarding this item:
Jack Pointer Dell Osmon
Chief Nutley
County Manager Dorrlll noted that the accomplishment of the
workshop is to develop an inventory of need and the budget for County
public safety devices.
Commissioner Saunders commented that a decision needs to be made
as soon as possible regarding the purchase of the switch as the exten-
sion expired in February.
County Manager Dorrill suggested the Board give final and quick
evaluation on the E. F. Johnson switch, noting that he and the Sheriff
will continue to develop an ~nventory of equipment that needs to be
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purchased such as hand-held and mobile radios, and base dispatch c,~n-
rets. He indicated he will then develop a generic spec to be brou(]ht
back to the Board of County Commissioners.
Commissioner Saunders suggested that a study should be prepared
on how many towers are needed for the 800 system.
Sheriff Hunter replied that he has already made the contacts, and
the State of Florida is attempting to identify the site location for
the towers.
Commissioner Saunders stated discussion of the interlocal commit-
tee will take place at the Board of County Commissioners meeting on
March 30, 1993.
There being no further business for the Good of the County, the
meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 12:15 P.M.
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