BCC Minutes 03/30/1993 R Naples, Florida, March 30, 2993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business here~n, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: VICE-CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: John Yonkosky, Finance Director: Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk: Annette Guevin and Sandy Hurley, Recording Secretaries: Nail Dorri11, County Manager: Jennifer Edwards, Assistant to the County Manager; Ken Cuyler, County Attorney; R~chard Yovanovtch, Assistant County Attorney: Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Admin~strator: Tom Oll~ff, l~ublic Services Adminlstrator= George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator: Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator: Fred Bloetscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator; Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director: Ken Plneau, Emergency Management Director: Ladd Ryziw, Engineer Project Manager; Fran Stallings, Natural Resources Director: Deena Quinn, Real Property Supervisor: Tim Clemons, Wastewater Director: Barbara Cacchione, Jeffory Perry, and Philip Schsff, Planners; Sue Fllson, Administrative Assistant to the Board and Sgt. Fred Schoenrock, Sheriff~s Office. Page March 30, 1993 (so) Comm/eelomer Norrle moved, ~econded I~ Co~te~lon~r Volp~ ~nd c~rrl~d unanimously, to a~prove the agenda w/th the chanG~e u iota/led on tM ~ienda Clmnge Sheet, and the following additional It~ ~1~1 - ltec~niotlon that tl~e Board of Count~ Commiaetonere ~/v~ th~ formal bid proce~a ~nd authorize the purchase of t~mnW mobile r~dtoo - I~v~d to llB. Xt~a#16E1 - R~co~e~mtation to approvo and execute an agrNment ~Ioh ~l~s for ~100,000 from ~C ~d T~st to ~ for a ~r- tl~ of t~ ~sl~ ~d e~l~r/ng e~s r~l~ to Initiate ~ c~tnctton of t~ ~l~n Gate Istates Coe~IW P~k facl- ltW - ~ to ac2. Page 2 ~ J~lZ]n~ - &]~ J~D/O~ ~DOPI~D lq~FCh 30, 1993 The motion for approval of the consent agenda 18 noted under Item (234) J~rch 16, 1993, ~TZOM DKSXGBEATZMG THE MONTH OF APRXL, 1993 AS CHILD ABUSE PREVEMTZO~NOMTH - ADOPTED Upon reading and presenting the proclamation to Me. Ltnda Parnell, C4N~Li~AO~r M~tthew8 Boy.d, oeconded by Cos~II~OMF Vol~ ~ ~i~ ~l~ly, t~t t~ pr~lmtlon desisting ~ ~nth of ~rll, 1005, u ~tld &~ ~~lon ~th b a~pt~. ,00, lO Page 3 ($78) GLK]~*I~ -MOACTXOMltW~OZRID Narch 30, 1993 Finance Director Yonkosky announced that there are no items requiring Board action on the Clerk's Report. Zt~ F.I~Z~II OF ~ FOR OBTAZMXM(J TlqAMBFIR OF DEVELOPMENT RX~f~ (TDR) OF ~ ~ DWV'~Z, OI~Ff COD~ - ~I'ArF TO ~.l~a BAC~ R~COI~I~ZlDATZOM~ ~ Planner Cacchione explained that the purpose of this item is to provide information on the Transfer of Development Rights Program (TDR} and receive direction relative to possible revisions of same. She re~orted that this program was developed tn 1974 and is part of the Land Development Code and provides for transfer of density from areas that are designated Sensitive Treatment ("ST") to areas that are zoned RMF-6, 12, 16 and "RT". Mrs. Cacchione advised that once the density is transferred, those areas that are "ST" are removed and made into public ownership. She reported that this program has been used from 1977 through 1981 approximately five times and 400 TDR's had been transferred under that program. Mrs. Cacchlone noted seven areas that may be potential problems as to why the TDR program is not being used, as identified in the Executive Summary. She requested that the Board d~rect staff to look at possible revisions to this program. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether there is a general rule as to what can be developed on "ST" land. Mrs. Cacchione reported that there is no general rule, but this would depend on the particular area, itself and the type of vegetation. She indicated that a sits development plan is required under the Ordinance, to determine the degree of vegetation that may be altered and the amount of same that is useable. She noted that the "ST" is an overlay on the basic zoning district. Page 4 Narch 30, 1993 Commissioner Saundere stated that it appears that a TDR program could be developed and a Density Bonus Rating System could be deve- loped that would ensure that the receiving area would not obtain too much density because there would be limiting regulations based on transportation and other factors. Commissioner Volpe suggested expanding the transfer rights from something other than "ST" zoned property. He related that the program should be broadened. He explained that mitigation banking should be explored. Mrs. Cacchtone concurred that the idea of mitigation banking may be a better way to acquire the larger pieces of property The following persons spoke with regard to this item: Todd Tares Bruce Anderson Commissioner Volpe remarked that there may be an opportunity to have a broad program and establish a mitigation bank.with the large developments and acquire some of those properties as part of a deve- lopment agreement through the use of the TDR program. Ce~ecimtoaer maunders ~, Rconded I~ Cmealmaloner Matth~ and ~~uzlan/~ly0 that staff be directed to evaluate an~ bring b~ck to the BCC re~ndatlon~ reg~rdln9 the Transfer of Development Eights PTog~mm; that the prograua be narrrowl¥ defined to the extent of the t~ of l~ ~ubJsct to TDR~s as that o~nsre of property that ~re not e~vlronl~ntall¥ ~euatttv~ or of true archaeological o~ historical value ars given the right to transfer those development rtghtm; that coua~dmratton be,given to varlou~ receiving sites or ~etho~ologtae but taking the density bonus progra~ and requiring that not onlF the criteria be ~et tn the Co~praheneive Plan and the LDC pu~c~ fro~ l~n~e ~bJmct to the TDR proffrmm and that those l~nds fra ~htch the TIH~'s ~e purchased would then become publlc.l~n~s or the~e ~mald be ~n environmental e~se~ent that would prohibit ~ ~eve- lop~t ef th~e l&nde~ ~nd that staff bring hack tnfomtlon with r~ to a .tttgtton bank. oo, O0'O,,G, 13 Page March 30° 1993 (18o8) JJ~:rD~ET AMI3JI:B(I~FT TO ZJJCRIASK THI MITROPOLTTAN PLAN~ZNG OR(LM~ZATZON (MPO) rOlJD BY $32,000 I~OR A SO~IO-ICONOMIC J~)RKCAST Jt~D CGMPR~HJ3~FVI PLA! COI~ZSTIICY GRANT - APPROVED MPO Coordinator Jeff Perry advised that this item is a budget amendment request. He revealed that the State has provided money for staff to develop a Socto-Economic land use forecast to be used in the computer models for the 1-75 master plan. He noted that a 100~ grant in the amount of $32,000 has been provided to perform this work. He requested authorization to proceed with a budget amendment for the MPO to receive the grant funds. Mr. Fred Tarrant spoke with regard to this Item. Commissioner Norris ~oved0 seconded by Commissioner Matthese~ and c~rled unanimly, to approve the necessary budget ~enbnt for the MPO to r~celve the 832,000 Soclo-economl¢ rorecnt and Consistency (l??S) Ita~AS M~TltOI~YLZTAN FLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) - APPROVED MPO Coordinator Perry revealed that this Item is an Interlocal Agreement and a Termination Agreement to reapportion the Naples Metropolitan Planning Organization, by adding two additional County Commissioners to the three Commissioners that have served on the MPO since 1982. Mr. Perry stated that as a result of the 1990 census reflecting a tremendous population growth tn Collier County, the makeup of the MPO was reviewed and a Reapportionment Plan was developed, with the addi- tion of two County Commissioners. Mr. Perry noted that the Termination Agreement terminates the pro- visions of the 1982 Agreement and the new Interlocal Agreement re- establishes the MPO with Its new membership. Mr. Perry advised that the new Agreement has a funding ratio Page 6 Hatch 30, ~993 equivalent to the ratio of the voting membership. He explained that the City has two out of seven votes, and be paid 2/?tbs of the local latch. Oc~tUi~r Constantine ~ov~d, seconded by Oomlmmtone~ ~rrSm ~tl~l~ tW Naples ~ ~d tWt the ~t~ ~ ~thoris~ to mrs ~ T~tMtlon~~nt. Page 7 March 30, 1993 UIIZTID TILKPHONE COMPABYATTORNKY ~ AJFD COSTS RI STZPULATKD Ir~lAL 3UDGI(KFf FOR THE RADZO ROAD WIDKIIZNG FROJBCT INVOLVING PARCKLS NOS. 225, 116, T22! A~D T226 - APPROVKD Transportation Services Administrator Archibald explained that this Item is the final agreement to settle attorney fees and costs involving the interest of the united Telephone Company relating to five Radio Road parcels acquired by the County through eminent domain action. C~mieetoner Volpo ~, seconded by Couuleeloner Iorrte and cmrrl~d 4/0 (Co. reckoner ~tt~ ~t of the r~a), to a~r~e t~ ~nt of mtton~ fee tn the total ~t of 81,707.14 for the ~, Z~. ~R 8IX-~NG D~Z~ ~R AZ~RT-~ING RO~ B~ ~S~P SI~I~TION ~O~D IN ~ ~ OF 8394,378.66; ~ ~ZDZZZNG COST Transportation Services Administrator Archibald stated that this item Involves the six-lane design of Airport Road between Golden Gate Parkway and Pine Ridge Road. He revealed that this road link currently has a Level of Service "F". He noted that more volume of traffic is being handled on that corridor than the designated capacity for that roadway. Mr. Archibald announced that staff ts in the process of developing the typical cross section that applies in this case in addition to negotiating an agreement for same. He Indicated that the future six- laning would best be accomplished by adding lanes within the median Mr. Archibald referred to a handout, depicting various alter- natives considered by staff and the consultant. He advised that staff has chosen Alternative #1 which places the s~x-lantng within the Page 8 March 30~ 1993 median and designating certain Improvements for the median area. Hr. Archibald indicated that the proposed cross-section has a large savings of dollars, as noted on the last page of the handout. He remarked that staff has Included a signal system study within the design costs. He suggested that this study be extended on Airport Road from U.S. 41 to Immokalee Road and tie this over to U.S. 41 at Pine Ridge Road to Immokalee Road. He remarked that the key ts to have the Intersections operating as efficiently as possible. Mr. Archibald pointed out that the design contract has been nego- tiated tn two phases. He reported that the Phase ! contract Includes basic services amounting to $295,212.45. He recommended that two tte~a be listed to the basic list of services: a signal design system extending to Immoka~ee Road tn the amount of $99,166.21; and a con- ttngent Item tn the amount of $28,998.?4 to Include landscaping as part of the basic contract service. Mr. Archibald stated that the second Phase Involves the major Intersection design at Pine Ridge and Airport Road, and staff would like to pursue this as a Joint effort with In-house staff doing some of the road design and the consultant doing some of the permitting work. He revealed that staff ts not asking the Board to act upon this Item at this time, however, direction ts requested to negotiate a contract whereby staff and the consultant would utilize their strengths tn completing the design and environmental permitting for these Intersection Improvements. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Archibald pointed out that when It becomes too dangerous to make a left turn exiting movement from a side street because of the volume of traffic and insufficient median storage for waiting, a signal system needs to be provided to protect the turning movements. Mr. Archibald advised that the blueprint for the closed loop system would extend from U.S. 41 to Inunokalee Road with the Implemen- tation from U.S. 41 up to Pine Ridge Road being the first element of same. He explained that the capacity of the system would need to be ;?5 Page 9 March 30, 1993 built in to be extended in the future to Include signals fro· Pine Ridge Road to Immokalee Road. Ladd Ryziw, Engineering Project Manager, reported that the design package does not include the design of new utility infrastructure. He indicated that he does not foresee the place·ant of a new utillt¥ either by the County or the City of Naples. He explained that the extsttng utility infrastructure lies withtn the corridor, and the cttrrent contract includes utility coordination and no ·ajar utility conflicts are anticipated. Commissioner Volpe questioned whether anything could be done to offset the $33,000 for the data collection costs, to which Mr. Archibald replied that when the final design is completed for a closed loop system detailed counts are required for the number of turning · ave·ants at each location tn addition to how they relate to the time of the day. He reported that this work involves 3 or 4 persons at each Intersection for a period of approximately 48 hours. He pointed out that a traffic counter cannot be used particularly when dealing with turning move·ants in the middle of an intersection of median. Mr. Archibald addressed concerns raised by Commissioner Saunders with regard to the sufficiency of the l? foot median in Option #l to accommodate U-turns, traffic and beautifying the medians to have an attractive corridor. He explained that Alternatives 2 and 3 would open up the median by a few feet, however, this would not be cost effective. Mr. Archibald cited the advantages of Alternative #! fro· an environmental standpoint in addition to maintaining a recovery area fro· the curbltne to the canal. Comm/eeto~er Volpe moved, seconded by Commtaatonar Constantine to ~p~l-o~ the t~stc minimum Phase I deal~n with the clam loop aipll- gatton ~tn for a contract price tn the amount of $394,3Ta.66 ~nd to con~t~ the Mien landecal)e design a~pect u · contingent item and that staff be directed to explore the poeaibiltttes of working w/th M~rch $0o t~ M~ec~mt Zmnd-o#nmro to hm3p wubmidizo the coot of In u~er to Co~ss~oner Sanders, Mr. Archibald stated that the desl~ of the trrl~at~on, under,round work, ve~e~atlon and ~s ~ncluded In the $28,998.74 median landscape ~ cmX1 ~or t~ ~tion. t~ ~tlon c~rl~ ~tmly. *** ~t~i~r ~t~tt~ loft the r~m at thio tt~ ~r. ArchiBald re~ested direction from the Board ~tth re~ard to Phase I~, ~d re~o~ended that staff ~roceed ~tth a project to mtze tn-house dee~ and ~hat a consultant be u~tltzed for perm~tng and ~y spec~al~zed work that may be necessary. c~tM 4/0 (C~t.lur Co~tntt. ~t of t9 r~), t~t mtmff ~ ~ *B', t~t t~ Tr~rtmtAon ~Acmm DAvJmA~ do ~t~ ~m ~ At rmlmt~ to ~rk mt t~ Anter~ctlon. Page 11 March 30, 1993 Zt~ ~2 ~ OF ~ OPTZOI~ FOR T~ P&JI~ SITES IN ~OLD~ ~1~1'~ ~&~ - Public Services Administrator Olllff provided a slide presentation depicting ll properties to be considered for a park within the Golden Gate Estates community. Mr. O//tff addressed the various sites (copies of photos of each site and the description of same are included In the Executive Suamary). In response to Commissioner Saunders, Mr. O//iff reported that the size of the typical community park ~s between 30 and 40 acres. Commissioner Constantine stated that he has had the opportunity to speak with a group of people desiring to buy or lease the 56 acre site and use it for fill property and then donate same back to the County for park land. Mr. Olliff replied that the 56 acre site has always been intended to be a passive-type park, however, the details of a proposal have not been considered, but this would work as a passive recreational park. Commissioner Volpe Indicated that he favors Park Site #! and pointed out the existing recreational amenities tn conjunction with Big Cypress Elementary School. In addition, he remarked that ties to the site would be easily accessible. Commissioner Matthews cited that she is tn favor of the park next to the school since the amenities of Big Cypress Elementary School could be utilized. The fo/lowing persons spoke with regard to this item: George Keller Chuck Stephan Matthew Hudson ~d c~r~le~ u~an/m~usly, that staff be directed to pur~ the tton of 8tte ,1 ~nd brtn~ beck addttlon~! information reG~rdln~ Olta Page 12 March 30, 1993 ese BICOII~Bd= 11:28 A.M. - RoconvaGod: 11:38 A.M. mt which tim Rocording ~ecretary Guevin replaced Deputy Clerk HoffBan. IqlCCI4NBIDATZON TO AFl'ROVE AND mCUTE A~ AGRIZIqKFF 14HXCH FROVXDK8 FOR 0200,000 IPRC~ THI (lAC LAJlD TRUST TO PAY FOR A PORTXON O1 THI DESXGN ABD ~I~IN~LTIG ~vJDI~F~ RE~Ullq~D TO INITIAT~ TH~ CO~TRUCTIOI OF lq~ GOLD~]I ~ItT~ B~fAI'~B COI~qUNITY PARK FACILITY - CONTINUED FOR 30 DAY~ ......... . .... r~'uperty Supervisor, presented a recommendation to approve an agreement between the Board of County Commissioners, acting as Trustee of the GAC Land Trust, and Collier County. She reported the Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee has recommended that the Board approve an expenditure of $100,000 from the GAC Land Trust to initiate the design and engineering of the Golden Gate Estates Community Park facility, which was to be constructed on the 56 acres along Immokalee Road. She said this recommendation was made by the Committee in order to encourage the development and construction of the community park on that parcel of land. She cautioned if the design and engineering of the facility ts not completed within 24 months from the execution of this agreement, the County shall refund or repay to the Trustee all funds within 30 days. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Chuck Stephans, member of the Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee, stated the intent of the Committee is to provide funds for the engineering and design of a community park facility on the 56-acre site along Immokalee Road, otherwise, the funds are not to be expended. County Attorney Cuyler noted the funds being discussed are the Trust Funds under the control of the Board of County Commissioners. He said the Golden Gate Estates Citizens Advisory Committee recommends as to whether or not those funds should be used for certain purposes, but it ts ultimately the Board's decision. Commissioner Volpe suggested this Item be continued to further explore what is the beet use for the 56-acre site. Comm/mto~r Volp~ ~:~,~t, ~econded by Commissioner Con~t~nttm ~ c8.1'~tod unmntmouol¥, to conttnuo thio item for 30 day~. Page 13 March 30, 1993 ~t~ ~D1 C&~ 1~11~ 8OOT~ COU)ITT ~EI~ER ~ERVIC~ &RE& - CONTINU~DI~)R $0 ~O Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator, recalled on February 16th, citizens in the Lely area reiterated their concerns with the South County Regional Wastewater Treatment Facility. He said. they also pre- sented questions regarding the zoning of the site and reductions tn the assessed values of their properties. He said at the conclusion of that session, the Board directed Staff to explore alternatives to expansion of the Lely plant, which is the focus of this presentation. In response to Commissioner Volpe, County Attorl~ey Cuyler stated their research indicates the site is legal and in conformance with the zoning re~ulations. He referred to a seven page memorandum provided to the Board that addresses both the zoning and construction con- siderations, ae well as the public hearings throughout the process giving the public notice. (Copy not provided to the Clerk to the Board.) Mr. Arnold continued, mentioning that representatives of Hole, Montes & Associates are available to provide an historical perspec- tive with regard to preparation of the 201 wastewater planning docu- ment and the companion 2986 sewer master plan; and representatives of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., and Malcolm Pirnie, Inc., are in attendance as co-consultants who have been retained for the update of the South County sewer master plan, part of which addresses alter- natives to the treatment requirements in the South County service area. Mr. Arnold communicated in 2992, there were four, unannounced Department of Environmental Re~ulation (DER) inspections, and no adverse affects of the noise and odor at the plant were found. He stated three groups of properties in the area, totaling 38 parcels, have been devalued by the Property Appraiser ranging from 20-20 per- cent at the request of the owners, however, it is not clear what cfi- Page 24 March 30, 1993 teria was used to make those reductions. He referred to aerial naps, one from 1985 showing the ?00,000 gallon plant still owned by the Lely Development Corporation and the status of residential development adjacent to that plant; and one from 1989 after the County took over the facility, showing the expanded 1.5 million gallon plant and clearly depicting construction of the expansion was ahead of the majority of homes in the Tanglewood area. Commenting. on previous discussion that these types of plants are never located In residential areas, he pointed out the existence of others in the City of Naples, Marco Island, Pelican Bay and throughout the State and country, concluding these plants are very common in residential areas. Mr. Arnold next addressed the chlorine concerns, Indicating Staff has investigated the possibility of relocating the chlorine building Into the interior of the site. He said that can be done very easily, but with a cost of approximately $500,000. He suggested that decision be delayed until a decision ts made on the alternatives to continuing, expanding or abandoning this plant. He advised Staff has reconfirmed with the East Naples Fire District, the County's respective respon- sibilities in the event of a chlorine incident. He said Staff is very clear on their areas of responsibilities and feel they can ade- cluatelY respond to any chlorine incident that may occur. He added training of employees is continuous, and there are very strict proce- dures for the handling of chlorine. Mr. Arnold communicated due to past concerns of residents in the area, over $600,000 has been expended to date on odor and noise control, lighting and berms. Mr. Arnold briefed the Board on the user rate increases associated with the various alternatives to be discussed by the representatives of Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc. and Malcolm Pirnle, Inc. He said some of the alternatives will result in a 50 percent Increase in rates for Collier County sewer customers, which for the typical user, will equate to between $140 and $150 per year. He stated four alter- natives will presented, ranging from fully abandoning the Lely site, Page 15 Narch 30, 1993 to the opposite extreme of the Lely site being ut/l/zed for all future expansions. Victor Burlburt with Halcolm Ptrnie, Inc., provided the Board with the South County Regional Hastewater Master Plan Update and described its contents. He said the focus of his presentation ts to address the location alternatives, the actual treatment or process Issues at this site or a new sitt~, and the disposal of the effluent. Tom Peek with Wilson, Miller, Barton & Peek, Inc., explained his firm's involvemen~ tn the project. Mr. Hurlburt presented for the Board's consideration, four siting alternatives to provide up to 24 mt/lion gallon per day treatment capacity through Phase ! and Phase 2 expansions. He expounded on the costs associated with Alternative D, which is completely abandoning the existing facility and constructing a 16-million gallon per day plant at a new location with all the particulars required for infrastructure to support the plant. He sa~d the cost Is projected at $90-million. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Mr. Hurlburt clarified that the $90-million expenditure is for a 16-million gallon plant, or Phase and does not Include construction up to 24-million gallons, which is Phase 2. Commissioner Constantine suggested it may be much longer than gtnally anticipated before the County reaches a population requiring a need for Phase 2, and may never reach the need for Phase 3. Commissioner Norris agreed that the need for Phase 3, or 32-million gallons per day, to serve a projected population of 320,000 by the year 20~3, is somewhat unrealistic. Mike Kennedy with Wilson, Miller, Barton a Peek, Inc., pointed out that the population, Including Golden Gate City, ts projected to reach ~35,O00 by the year 2005. He said that would necessitate a wastewater treatment capacity of 16-mtllton gallons per day. Commisaloner Constantine stated he wants to make sure that if the Page 16 March 30, 1993 County is proposing to construct a 24-million gallon per day plant, there will actually be a need for it in the timeframe being discussed. Fred Blostscher, Assistant Utilities Administrator, clarified that the population figures are those that the Growth Management Department has complied and submitted for the Growth Management Plan. Commissioner Saunders asked what the rate Impact will be, over and above what the rates are projected to be with expansion to 16-million gallons per day at the existing facility, if that plant Is abandoned and one of similar size is built at a new site? Mr. Bloetscher stated whether a new plant ts constructed for the entire need, or whether a new facility is built along with continued operation of the existing facility at its current capacity, the rates are anticipated to increase by 50 percent. He said to expand the existing plant from 8-million to 24-million gallons per day will entail a 19.2 percent Increase in rates. Commissioner Saunders asked that the Board be provided with a significant rate analysis using the various alternatives being discussed, and an indication of what the Impact will be if an Imme- diate five to ten percent rate increase is Implemented solely for the capital purposes of this project. After further discussion, Commissioner Saunders also asked that analysis be done on what the rates will be with the projected increase in the customer base. He requested that calculations be made regarding the cost of siting a future facility at the landfill. Commissioner Volpe asked that the analysis include a salvage value of the existing plant and the land value of the 58-acre Lely site. The following people spoke regarding this Item: Chris Lombardo Tony Plres Richard Lewis T~ ~4 James Ruble Paul Bellofatto Wayne Martin Jack Lawton at 'l:his timo ess (017) Commissioner Volpe noted In April 1991, the Board agreed before 000,', .1.03 Page 17 March 30, 1993 any expansion from the existing plant at the Lely site that there would be an advertised public hearing. Co~mlssioner Norris stated that the decision to be made is a very serious decision and the Board is asked to do this on the basis of cost. He said the information given today ts inconsistent. He stated that the grant is listed at 10.2 million dollars and he feels that it will not cost anywhere near that amount. He said at the time when the east and south County sewer expansion program came on line there was ?0 miles of sewer pipe set, 11.7 mt/es of roadway paved, 36 mi/es of roadway reconstructed and 50 lift stations installed with a 30 percent cost overrun for a total of 34 mi/lion dollars. He said ~ust to build a sewer plant within a five mile radius of another sewer plant, it will cost 5? mi/lion. He noted that the County should take over the project. Commissioner Saunders questioned whether Commissioner Norris would like a public hearing to be scheduled. Commissioner Norris rep/ted in the affirmative if County Manager Dorrill can supply new figures within the scheduled time period. The following person spoke regarding this item: Mr. Will Klock In answer to Commissioner Norris~ question, County Manager Dorrtll replied 30 to 45 days ls sufficient time to prepare figures and to schedule an advertised public hearing. c~u-~Amdsimommly, thmt this item tm to be brought bmck to the Bom~d tn SO to 48 4a~m. ~TX0~ITIUkT TI~ BOARD 0l C0UIIT~ C0I~IIBSI0M~ APPI~ A TO WTOD~ODOlt (~WTltOL 1~ AT THE SOUTll CO~MT~ lt~SXOMAL I~~ PT2LMT - COMTII~D TO 30 TO 45 DAYS County Manager Dorrtll recommended that this 1tam should be tabled temporarily pending the final setting of the workshop. c~t~ ~i~ly, to contt~e this item In 30 to 45 ~. Page 18 March 30, 1993 (1~7o) AMB3IIB~rT I0, 1 TO PROF~98ZOKAL KNQZIFr~KIqZNG BKlqVZCKS ABRK]Dfl~FT MXTH HAZI~ d~JD Sftfe'fl3~ I~R THI IJORTH COUIFTY REOZOHAL MASTIWATKR TRKATM~Ff Assistant Utilities Administrator Fred Bloetscher approached the Board stating that Florida Department of Environmental Regulation (DER) has enacted new regulations requiring that, prior to an expansion of a plan, a Reuse Feasibility Study must be prepared prior to issuing a plant permit. He said additional work is being completed to make sure that the existing system is working within the plan. Commissioner Matthews stated that she wants to be assured that there wall not be the same problems as the Lely project, pertaining to the odor control. Mr. Bloetscher replied that the plant has an odor control system and brand new heads have been enclosed and sludge will be processed with lime stabilization which will occur inside the building. He noted he does not anticipate the problems of the Lely project. Commissioner Volpe questioned if a population study has been completed within a quarter of a mile of the plant? Mr. Bloetscher replied that the North County Regional site has different configuration than the Lely site. He said it is a 70 acre site, noting that a large portion of the site is on Goodlette Road, and at the southern end is the future Pelican Marsh Development. He said Victoria Park Development and a portion of the South Hampton development has a berm on their properties. He said the actual plan is adjacent to Veterans Park and shows Commercial/Industrial Property. o~x~i~m~ni~o~ly, · e~vtoee A~e~ent with Razan and ame~wr for th~ North Count~lte~ional M~t~t~ Plant ~tp~n~ion be Page 19 March 30, 1993 RIOQIII~I~&TZOITO ~K A PRI~ 230134 GK]II3blLTOR FROM ~ lAST I&PL,B~ F'J3[I DZITRZG"L' fOR OSK BY THE COUIITY (3OV'E3~B4Z3~ AGKIIOZKS EXJRZI8 Emergency Management Director Ken Pineau advised the Board of the use for the generator in the event of a disaster. He said primarily the generator would be used for the Orangetree Agricultural Facility which ha8 been designated as the alternate Emergency Operations Center. He said the generator would also be used at Barton Collier High School and Immokalee High School. He noted that he has $1§00.00 in the Emergency Management budget to purchase the generator, but additional funds up to $6,000.00 will be required to purchase a trailer designed to house, protect and transport the generator and to make electrical system changes at the Agriculture Building. Comissioner Constantine questioned the cost of a new generator, to which Mr. Pineau replied approximately $19,000.00 for a 775 watt generator. and c~z'z'ledun,unimoGo~¥, to purchase a pre-owned gwn~rator from the · awt Jloplo~ F/re D/strict La the 8mount of $1,500.00; to expand fundg for ~ purchase of a trailer and to do elactrlca! work at tha Orengwr. reo&grtculture Center. DZSCUJ~IOIIOF&I~MOR&BIX~OF UJlDKIIITAIDZNO MZTH THX $OIFTll FLORIDA M&TIR~DIBTR/CT FOR THI COUIITY TO FUND F~FURI PURCH&BES OF CII~M LBJID8 ZN Tll AMOUNT OF $1,000,000.00. - DKNZILD Environmental Services Administrator Bill Lorenz stated to the Board that the memorandum of understanding (MOU) would provide the District with one million dollars to reimburse land purchases tn the Crew Trust Area, after the District signs the contract with the land owner and submits an invoice to Collier County. He sald the District is responsible for appraising the property and negotiating the purchase price, therefore the South Florida Water Management will own March 30, 1993 the property. Ne said at the time of developing the executive svmmary the Count~ Attorney's Office was interpreting if a Referendum was needed for the purchase of the property, noting that o''~ce Natural Resources Protection Area (NRPA) program has not been developed a public Referendum is not required for the purchase of the property. The following people spoke regarding this item: Mike Slayton Chris Prttchard David Addison Paul O'Netl Fred Tarrant Jack Pointer Commissioner Constantine reviewed page one tn the Conceptual Management Plan and questioned Mr. Lorenz on the 7th paragraph and page four under the Acquisitions Summary. Mr. Lorenz noted section three tn the M0U and stated that the District shall be responsible for ail and any necessary appraisals, surveys, Investigations, negotiations. Mike Slayton with the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) approached the Board and stated that the majority of acquisi- tions SFWMD realized in Collier County has been with the Nature Conservancy who has a limit of three percent that they use to cover administrative cost, which is broken down. He said It Is three per- cent of the first $500.000.00 of value, two percent on the second $500.000.00 of value, and one percent on anything tn excess of a million dollars. Commissioner Constantine questioned if It is exclusive that the Water Management will only deal with the Nature Conservancy and ts three percent the maximum mark up? Mr. $1ayton replied that is an official Nature Conservancy policy, and that is the agreement the Nature Conservancy has with the District on negotiating throughout the SF~MD. Commissioner Constantine questioned page four under Land Use-Past and Present which states that wetland is not suitable for agri- cultural, but then page five states the land is undergoing intense agricultural development. Mr. Slayton said that applications are not coming tn at the heart Page 21 March 30, 1993 of the swazp, noting that there ts an incremental impact of the fringe of the ~amp that works toward the middle. He said the expansion of citrus tn Collier County has been going on at a rapid rate for the past decade, road crop expansion continues, and In the southwestern portion of the Crew Area north of Immokalee Road urbanization ts starting to move forward into the same area. Commissioner Constantine questioned the percentage of the land that Is currently legally useable for agricultural and residential uses? Mr. ~iayton replied all the land ts subject to use, pending the result of a permit application. He said he is not aware of any permit applications that have been submitted or denied recently, noting that there are several PUD~s on the adjacent fringe. ~e said there ts a limited amount of unimproved pasture. Commissioner Volpe stated that this should be completed through a Referendum, and /et the public tell us whether it seems fit to spend a million dollars or more from the acquisition of these lands. He stated he cannot support this item through a MOU, noting he can only support it through a Referendum. Commissioner Matthews stated before she gives her approval she would like to learn more of the NRPA. She said she Is concerned about entering Into an agreement with or without the NRPA. Commissioner Norris said that he also ts not comfortable with the Government owning private property. He said that Collier County accomplish goals and protect wetlands tn other ways, such as the T.D.R. ts, Tax Incentives, and Mitigation Banking. Commissioner Constantine concurred that this Is not an essential or mandated item. He said he would not consider spending a mi/lion dollars or ten million dollars of public tax revenues as a prtortt~ item. He noted that this Is not in the best Interest for the tax- payers of Collier County. ~ 22 Nix'ch 30, 1993 Solid Waste Management Director Bob Fahe¥ noted that items #8G2 through #SGiO will be heard together. He explained that these items concern approval of the additional 9 parcels in pursuit of 360 acres, that will comprise the landfill expansion. He reviewed the aerial map of the future landfill properties. He noted that there are 87~ acres to be purchased in which 4? 1/2 acres will be for future expansion. He noted the object of the purchase is to meet the requirements of the Growth Management Plan which ts to have ten years of advance land supply for the Management of Solid Waste. He noted on August ?, 1990, the Commission authorized Staff to proceed with the pro~ect. He said the properties to be approved today total $400.000.00. Commissioner Constantine stated to his knowledge there is no spe- cific po/icy in place on what lands will be used for expansion of the landfill. Mr. Fahey responded that there has been extensive investigation of other sites as will as the site being discussed today. County Manager Dorrill stated that the investigation was completed by a Solid Waste Master Plan. He said that a target piece of property adlacent to west of the existing landfill and the properties northwest of the landfill were evaluated. He said an analysis was also completed as far away as the Orangetree Development and the Agriculture area near Immokalee. Commissioner Matthews questioned the endangered species tn the area? Mr. Fahe¥ replied that the northern section is a Red Cockaded Woodpecker habitat area that feeds in the southwestern area which will Page 23 Narch 30, 1993 be kept as a preserve area. He said that a portion of the area will not change in character when purchased. The fo/lowing person spoke regarding this item: Charlotte Westman Commissioner Matthews provided the Board with samples from a Materials 2eclamation Facility, (M.R.F.) in which she reviewed the procedures to staff and the Board. Commissioner Saunders questioned if Collier County considers a M.R.F. facility, would there be a need for a landfill. Mr. Fahey replied that due to anticipated growth in Collier County, the State plan that was adopted mandates that additional lands will be necessary. County Manager Dorrill stated that the Request For Proposal document should be revised to take advantage of new technologies. Cc~oner Volpe ~oved0 ~econded by Co~isa~oner Norr~ ~nd ~urcha~e of property for expansion of the Naples ~andfA//, Page 24 March 30, 1993 ThLB Ltem was heard Ln conjunction wLth Item #8G2. ~1~1os~ Volp~ Boved, ~econded by Co~a~Ll~toner No=~/~ ~nd c~ied 4/1 (~t~l~er C~t~ttne o~eed), to ~c~ of ~r~ for ~ton of the Page 25 Narch 30, 1993 R~I~/~TI0~TO FURC~L~ FROI~RTY LOCATED I~ S~IO~ 25, This item was heard in conjunction with Item #8G2. Oe~mi~lo~er Volpe moved, ~conded by Commissioner ~orr~8 ~ ~~ 4/1 (~~l~r C~t~tt~ ~e~), to ~rov~ t~ Page 26 Narch 30, 1993 Xtm~ 11~31iiiI~.TZOI't'O PORCR&SI PI~OPI:]IT~ LOCA~ Zl SlCTZOll ~5, lq:~r~RZP 4S IOOTI, ~ ~ ~ lOP. ~I:PAII~ZOI O~ ~ IAPL~,S LAJI'DI'ZLZ, (~ This item was heard tn conjunction with Item #8G2. ~mmio~mr Volpm movmd, emcondmd by Commiaatoner Mo~le ~ c~ig 4/1 (C~dssiaer Cout~tt~ o~), to m]rffm the ~~ of p~,r~ ~or e~lon of the Mmplmm Page 27 March 30, 1993 EAST FOR KXPAIISIO~ OF Till J~%FLK8 LAWDFILL STASK0 This item was heard in conjunction with Item #8G2. ~mloue~ Volpe moved, ~econded by C~5ootoner No~5o ~ ~1~ 4/1 (~t~t~r C~t~tine ~d), to m~r~ t~ ~ of ~~ for ~i~ of the Naples ~dftll. Page 28 March 30, 1993 RZCCI~EI~I'ZOI 1'O PV'R~E PROI~tI'Y LOCATED Ill S~CTZON 2B, 'l'mal~lP 49 SOOTH, RAIIGI 26 BAST FOR ~CPJIJSXOll OF THI II&PLKS LAID/'XZ~ (PARRXSH PVRCZiSE) - APPROVgD This item was heard in conjunction with Item #8G2. Cogmloatone~ Volpe iK~ved, aeconded by Comm~aalone~ ~o~r/~ ~nd c&t-Fled 4/1 (Cosmtoo/oner Con~temtLne oppoaed), ~o approve the lazrc~ of pr~porty for expansion of the Naples I~undft31. Page 29 Narch 30, 1993 RI~CI~I~EII~ATZOII TO PORCHASI~ PROFBI"T'Y LC)CAT'KD Zig SI~CTZON 25, TOMIIBHZP 4,9 SOITTI, ~ 2S ~ FOR KXPJU~ZOW 01 THZ IIAI~F,H T.,AIIDFZLL (~IDDKN ~) - Al'PROVED This item was heard in conjunction with Item #8G2. COalalS~ Volpe ~n~ed, seconded by Co~mL~eLoner Norr~ ~nd ~S~ 4/1 (~~l~er C~t=ttne ~Nd), to a~r~ t~ ~~ of p~~ for ~i~ of t~ Naples ~dftll. Page 30 ~arch 30, 1993 This item was heard in conjunction with Item #8G2. ~~~ Volpe ~ved, ~econded by Co~e~oner Norr~ ~ carried 4/1 (~ee~er C~t~ttne o~), to a~r~ the 199 Page 31 March 30, 1993 i~ICOMi~3~AI~ON TO PURCIIASK PROPERTY LOCATED IN SICTION 25, TOMNHHIP 49 ~3~FI, ~ ~6 r, ABT FOR KXPANBZON OF THE NAPLIS LANDFZLL (MCCGY This item was heard in conjunction with Item #8G2. Co~dootoner Volpe Bored., ~econded by Comtioeloner Xorr~o ~d c~i~ 4/2 (CmAolioner Conot~tlne o~eed), to a~r~e the ~c~ of pr~rW for e~on of tb Nap/es ~df/ll. .o, OCO,, : 2i0 Page 32 March 30, 1993 I~CqI~ATION THAT TR~ BOARD APFROV~ S~ OF C~ BRYAN, rf AL. V~. COLLZ~R CCK~TY LAN~UZT- APPROVED Office of Capital Projects Management Director, Thomas E. Conrecode, clarified to the Board that two items in the executive mary were written in a private hearing from the underwriters, adding that the executive summary states that the remaining portion of the settlement in the underwriters fund which is approximately $25,000.00 is an error. He said they have participated in the defense of the lawsuit to date, noting they are interested in bringing it to resolve. He noted all cost should be paid by the Pine Ridge Industrial Park project and when this is resolved it will be refunded into the Pine Ridge Industrial Park account. C~maimto~er Volpe ~mved, seconded by ComatmmIoner Iorrte and c&r~ied 4/0, (Commissioner Constantine out) to approve the Nttle~ent document of Carter Bryan, Et &l. Vm Collier County l~w~utt ~ p~y up to $116,000.00. (IOW) lte~l MZDIKll BB&ITTZFZCATZON, PHASE I - ANARDBD TO BB31TL~ ~.~"'FRXC CO.PiXY, I~. Ill ~ JM~CR1NT OF Commissioner Saunders said this item was taken off of the consent agenda by request of Commissioner Matthews, and is in conjunction with Item #8H3. Commissioner Matthews questioned if the work can be completed in house? Mr. Conrecode indicated that staff does not have the proper equip- ment to complete the project, but a member of staff will be super- vising the two projects. ~1~ 4/0 (~~t~r C~tntt~ ~t) tht Bid ~o. 93-2001 for lt~t~ ~ ~/at~ /~r~to for P~ 3S March 30, 1993 ~tiftati~, Ph~S~ l, be awarded to Bentley Electric Company, Inc., in the amount of $86,769.00. BID ~. 99-1999 FOR ~C~ ~ X~I~ATXON I~O~S ~R ~ ~l~ ~IrICATX0~, ~K I - ~D TO ~ This item is in conjunction with Item #8H2. Cecal#loner ~attbM ~oved, meconded ~ Co~ioeloner Norrto ~r~ 4/0 (Cml~oner Co~tt~ ~t) t~t Bid No. 93-1999 for ~ ~ l~l~tt~ I~r~nts for the I~la ~t~ ~ttfl~tt~ ~ ~ to l~la ~capl~. lnc. tn the ~t (11~) ~ ~860 ~ ~OXI~Y 5,000 ~ ~ OF OLD ~-41 ~ ~~Y C~tmim~er l~orrim ~,~d. seconded by Contamtoner 4/0 (C~io8t~er Conot~tlne ~t) to continue el~x ~L~X~ 93-138 ~ ~ITION ~-87-220, ~OS~ D. ~SS, IIX, OF ~l~ ~ '14~ OF ~ ~ A~I~~ (A) ZOning ~~ ~TIC CO~ ~ P~ ~R ~0~ ~A~ ~~Y 2,4s~ ~ ~T OF C.R. 9~1 ~OXI~Y Project Planner Philip Scheff approached the Board stating that this petition was first heard on January 5, 1993. Be said there Is currently an existing asphalt plant and concrete batch plant that is located 1.5 miles east of C.R. 951 approximately two miles south of S.R. 84. He said the Board decided to continue this item for 90 days to allow staff to complete an environmental assessment of the site. He said staff recommends approval of the petition, subject to stipula- Page 34 Narch 30. 3993 ttone. He recited the stipulation changes as well as the new stipula- tions aa listed In the executive summary. He advised the Board that the Impact fees are $17,094.07 and Mr. Scheff feels that the peti- tioner will not agree with the fee. Comtasloner Saundere questioned If any Impact fees were paid or required when approved tn 1988. Mr. Scheff replied that he does not recall that any impact fees were paid at the time. Coutastoner Saunders questioned If a project was developed before Impact fees were required, what would the basis be for going back and requiring the impact fees to be paid for an existing facility? County Attorney C'uyler replied that the provisional use would have expired without the additional consideration given this date. Mr. Scheff noted that the stipulations state that the newly com- puted road impact fees may be reduced by the amount of any prior payments. Commissioner Saundera asked if the petitioner ts tn agreement with the stipulations excluding the impact fees, to which Mr. Bonness replied that he would like to see the project extended to the life of the excavation instead of a five year basts due to the fact that the Quarry has a life of seven to eight years. to~ I~tttlon !~-07-22C exclmlln~ an gdlttonel ~seeee~ent of ~ ~, sn~e=t to the ~eletton o£ Sttpnl&tlon P, Stipulation T to ~ bec~ In fiv~ Fears for ~nother review. Upon ¢&ll for the qneetta, t~e ~otlon fatle~ 3/2, (Oo~/eelara Volpe ~ I~tthe~ Omlll~eelo~ew Volpa ~ove~, le¢ondl~ by Ostmatone~ Nltth~N~ O~2TtIN~ m~mnlmo~Bl¥, to approve Petition P~-87-220 with cb~M~a to Itip~lltion~ Q ~ T, with the Count~ Ma~B~ u the tnoo~m~ltiz~ stipulations B through F, thereby idopttn~ Resolution 0S-Ill, Page 35 March 30, 1993 KEOC~I~TION THAT TH~ ~OARD Off COUNTF COE~XSSXONERS NAXV~ T~ FORMAL IXD ~ AND&UTNORIZ~ T~ I~:;RCHASE OF Tw~Fn'~0BXLI ff.qDXOS - Mr. Bill McNulty, Communications Equipment Manager with the Sheriff's Office, approached the Board and stated that these radios are in need Immediately, noting that if Collier County approves the purchase of the new equipment, It would be one year away and the radios are needed as soon as possible. ~~ ~~ly, to ~ the fo~l bid process ~ ~~ t~ Xtra4 W ~ ~ ~88XO~ ~CA~X~ Commissioner Volpe questioned the Board on the begin time for the budget workshop to be held on March 31, 1993. Coutsstoner Saunders advised the Board that the meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m. and adjourn at 11:30 a.m. **s Oolmimio~er lox-rim ~ovl~, ~on~ by Costmmi~r Vol~ ~ ~t~ ~i~lF, t~t the foll~t~ ~ ~t ~ ~ a~r~ ~d/or adoptS: RECORDED IN OR BOOK PAGES Documents not received in C'lerk t~ Board office __ as of July 16, 1993 · 8'-2~0 FINAL FLAT OF "AXff.I~O~X' ROAD SUBDIVXSXONJt~D FRELI]~]]IAHT AC~PTJLIIC~ OF ~ ROADWAY, DItAXNA~, WAT~I~ A~D 81~1~X ~1~ - ~ ~TIPUT~ATXON~ AS DNTAXLED IN TH~ ~][~CUTIV~ STTI~L/~Y See Pages Itu ~%W See Pages March 30, 2993 RISOLUTXOg O0--1~B2 A~'J:3~oMLrI~ITlfG ~ RIS~BDZVZSZ~ OF TRAC~ 105, A lJq3J~0g OF A It~I~'~O~SLY REf~:)RZFI:D PLAT KMOW~ AS OOLDB3~ (JATI ISTATES See Pages THB RIO~ADr~sZOM OF TRA~ 48, A PLAT 13KMW AS ~3L1:)13~ 8ATI KSTATI~ il:l~:~Oll 03-104 ACK31OMT~DGZNG T~ lt~DIVZBZOM OF ~ WI:ST 165' 0Y 44, A J~I~TZON OF ~ FF.~V~OU~LY I~CORD~D FLAT ~ AS GOLDII:N GAT~ Zt~ ACC~FT~ OF ~1113~ FACZLZTZ~ FOR Ot~R ~AVXOR LUTK~RA~ CllURCI! - WXTH · 'Z']:I'~'I*XOII Al D~TAZLKD XM ~ ~X~'CUTZV~ ~ OR Book NOTE, Document not received in Pages C!crk :: Beard office as of 7/16/93 ACCKIPrA~ICI OIPMAIrKR ~ACXLZTX~S ~3R THZ OL3) GROVES ROAD - MXTH OR Book Pages NOTE, Document not received in Clerk to Foard office as of 7f16/93 PLAT OF.. "~.,ARZLLOM" - WZTH BTZPI]T.,ATZOMB AS DITAXLID Xtem See Page Xtma ~AJBI ~AL ~ MO. I WZT~ IM, RF~R ~, ZMC., ACC'~PTI'TG COMPL~/"~D COIITIOCTXOI OF GOODLITT~-FRAM~ ROAD (CARZCA TO I'MMOKALI~ ROAD), ~ RILI&SZ'IG I~HAL PATMB3FT AJFD AOTHORXZXMG BOZX3ET~ See Pages Page 37 Hatch 30, 1993 Item COlmIIL'OCTZO~ ~ TO RADZO ROAD CO~qt.,E~t'~']~, 11~. ~ CO~I'~Z'RUCTZOII ZM~tOVZNI]~I'~ TO ZI'~'IO~,Z,~'~ ROAD Pages 3 It# Jll14 R~M, IFTZGII ~1-114 ~TA~,XSBXIIG & NAXXN~I 81~gD LXNZT OF TIJ~rf~-FXV~ ~ I~ ~ O]I ~ IFEDXC&T~D TO I~T. XC U~ WZ~ ~LFL~S LAID, ~ FLORXDA MAI', CAP~ FT.,ORZDA LJU~ JLIlD CAF~ ~ DRAZ~rZgT.,D R~PAZR, ZZlC. IIOT~CI OB' PRI:BIZS~ TO PAY AI[I) AGRI'IMIXT TO K]i"'r3~l'O P&'t'MIB'T OF SIWKR ZMP~"T ~ ~O~ ~ DEC'OIL JtZlD FRZSC/LLA DKCOZL See Pages Moved to #8C2 ~ 38 14u~*ch 30, 1993 ~ OY $14,055 ~ T~ PAR~ AXD R~CI~ATZOI DEPARTleZ3rf ?O T~Z IqTl~Zllg ~ TKI PRKV~Oq~SLY APPROVI~ ~ FOR 14ASTK RIMOVAL AT THE ~ C~IT/K~~ TZI~ ABAT~IZRT ~ APPLICATION JU~D AGR~ZNZ31T ~ 431~)~R JK). 1 (IP'T' 92/93) T~ THX C*C)JlTRACT M'~TH fl13(ZJIQL~ HOS"L~f~:/LTURZSTB, ZI~. FOR GOLI:FJEB GATE PARKB~Y THE AliOUIT OY 020,024.28 Xte~ e1~31 BO. 200 ~.991 TAJ~3ZBLK I'KRSOJEAL PROPB3q'2'Y 1992 :3/22/03 Emted 3/18/03 Mm*ch 30, 1003 FOR ZBI,E&T~ ~'38888 BATZS~TZOB~ CFF LIKII FOR SKIq~'~CKS OF THI PUBLIC DKFKNDI3t See Pa~es ~ F/ --~ ~7~ The following m~ecellaneous correspondence was f~led and/or referred as presented by the Board of County Commissioners: Pa~e 40 March 30, :1993 Zt~~t -Mo~md to ,llB ~IVI~G T~ I~QUIIt~IT~ FOR ANNUAL ~-i~IC&TZON FOR CL,t~ZF~C&TION ~ BO~TE~D ~ ~OLLT ~ I~tOI~RTZKS :193.461 See Pages There being no further buetneaa for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 4:40 P.M. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S} OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL ~URT L. SAUNDERS, CHAIRMAN 232 Page 41