2010/2011 Board Minutes & Records 3301 Tamiami Trail East Building F, 4th Floor Naples, FL 34112 Expires: ~ 'J{l\\ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Name: Jeff Davidson, P.E. Date: 2010-10-01 Business Address: Davidson Engineering. Inc. 3530 Kraft Rd. Suite 301 Naples. FL 34105 Business Telephone: 434-6060 Email: jeff@davidsonengineering.com NAME AND ADDRESS OF EACH PERSON OR ENTITY REPRESENTED: Magnolia Pond Holdings. LLC: Land Trust #1: Rourke & Associates: Erv Stokes; Marsilea Villas II. LLC; Shoesop Properties. LLC; Emergent Development Group. Inc.: 850 NWN. LLC: CG2, LLC: City Gate Development, LLC: Collier County Solid Waste; URS Corporation: Rock Creek Holdings: First Assembly (Church on the Way): New Hope Ministries; Oaks Farms; PAC of Collier County. Inc.: North Naples United Methodist Church: Hodges University; First Haitian Baptist Mission Church: Waste Management PLEASE ATTACH ADDITIONAL SHEETS IF NECESSARY State of Florida County of Collier The foregoing registration was sworn to and subscribed before me on this day of ~\ ;1io' by Jeff Davidson, P.E. '2\A.'r- , who is personally known to me - ~ or has produced as identification and who did take an oath. o"""V PCl~ Notary Pubiic State of Florida ~ ~ r Jessica Ramos ~ c ,; My Commission 00789561 ~o, f\.o<ii Expires 05/18/2012 ~- BY: ~ ~ f[)...('{\(f\-- Deputy Cler~otary Public The annual registration fee is $25.00 per Lobbyist, according to Collier county Ordinance No. 2003-53,as amended by Ordinance 2004-05 and Ordinance 2007-24. Please make payment and mail to:Collier County Clerk of Courts or Dwight E. Brock, clerk of Courts (at the address listed at the top of the form). Receipt# 007112907 10/14/20102:22:07 PM Dwight E. Brock Clerk of the Circuit Court (QXlVDCcsDEqJD ~@C~@DCQ)~ Customer GAVIN GILLETTE, FREDERICK HOOD, TIM HANCOCK, JEFF DAVIDSON, RYAN WHITE, JAMES KRALL & KEISHA WESTBRO DAVIDSON ENGINEERING, INC. 3530 KRAFT RD STE 301 NAPLES, FL 34105-5020 Deputy Clerk BMR CASHIER Minutesand Records@CollierClerk.com 239-252-2646 Clerk Office Location Collier County Govt. Center Building F, 4th Floor 3301 Tamiami Trail East P.O. Box 413044 Naples, Florida 34101-3044 1 Product QUANTITY 7 DESCRIPTION BMR Lobbyist Registration UNIT COST $25.00 TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: Check# 8811 BALANCE DUE: AMOUNT $175.00 $175.00 ($175.00) $0.00 (f;;@UUO@[l(f;;u@[lf%o @@[f[f[) Page 1 of 1 Martha S. Vergara From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tocia Hamlin [Tocia@davidsonengineering.com] Friday, January 21, 2011 1 :28 PM Minutes and Records Ryan White; Jessica Ramos RE: Quarterly Lobbyist Client List Updates are due We have no changes to our lobbyist list. .com #' ~~ q ('.~~U & "<. ~~ "')Q - d~- CD" I'y P. yCf- p~W P 0~ ~~~J.~ ~#.t' . c..,~r ~iP.rf'~~'f '-....~ ~QJ~ ~ J ~. -~ .c- J.~ ::St F*- Thanks DAVIDSON ENGINEERING www.davidsonen~ineerin~.com Davidson Engineering, Inc. 3530 Kraft Road, Suite 301 Naples, FL 34105 Phone 239.434.6060 Fax 239.434.6084 Disclaimer: This e-mail, along with any files transmitted with it, is for the sole use of the intended recipient(s). Any unauthorized review, use, retention, disclosure, dissemination, forwarding, printing or copying of this e-mail or attachments is prohibited. From: Martha S. Vergara rmailto:Martha.Vergara(6lcollierclerk.coml Sent: Friday, January 21, 201111:34 AM To: dZieqler(6lbanksenq.com; ryovanovich(6lqcjlaw.com; avr(6lconsult-rwa.com; cwrenn(6lpizzuti.com; karlascott(6lwilsonmiller .com; karlascott(6lwilsonmiller.com; mwilliams(6lcmon .org; andyw@passarella.net; dlw(6ltrtrans.net; pwhite(6lporterwright.com; Ryan White; cagm(6lconservancy.org; Gezawdel(6laol.com; mjvolpe@rkmc.com; oqden(6labbinc.com; david(6lnapleszoo.org; bsyren@iohnsonenQ.com; kimberlvs@boylanenv.com; nicoler@conservancv.org; drankin(6lsprintmail.com Cc: michael.r.ramsey(6lramseyinc.net; picklaw@earthlink.net; tammie(6lenaDles.com; tmissimer@slb.com; efleminQ(6ldefenders.org; andrea(6lnaDleschamber .org; brianl(6lbonitabaYQroup.com; qkurth(6lgmail.com; ikorn (6lcohenlaw .com; jiofinson(6lparamontltd .com; shewitt(6lbankseng .com; vgrover@vipinsservices.com; kathy(6lcbia. net; d hcox(6lgtcom. net; bcornell (6lcoll iera ud u bon .org; con nellyp(6lwsei nc. com; cfdemattia(6laol.com; dhcox(6lgtcom. net Subject: Quarterly Lobbyist Client List Updates are due Hello Everyone, This is just a reminder that I haven't received an e-mail telling us the following: Changes to Lobbyist Client List (New or deleted) - with name (company/person) and address No changes to our Lobbyist Client list Also a list of Lobbvist's the changes applv to. 1