BCC Minutes 08/17/1993 B (Budget Workshop) Naples, Florida, August 17, 1993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to law and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 6:05 P.M. in BUDGET WORKSHOP SESSION in B~tld~ng "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: C~AIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris Michael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: John Yonkosky, Finance Director; Sue Carney, Recording Secretary; Nell Dorrill, County Manager; Dave Weigel, AmsAstant County Attorney; Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator; Frank Bru~t, Community Development Administrator; John Boldt, Water Management Director; Mike McNees, Budget Director; Michael Smykowks~, Sr. Budget Analyst; Ed Finn, Budget Analyst; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; John MadaJewski, Project Plan Review; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; Diane Flagg, Educational Quality Control Manager; ·nd Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant to the Board. Page 2 AUGUST 17, 1993 ~'~/.'" MAke McNeee, Budget Director, presented an itemized list of the · ltemm Identified at earlier workshops as discretionary. He recalled that items were ranked mandatory, essential and discretionary. Mr. McNees stated that the dollar amounts are not calculated as an exact cost, advising that if a particular program is eliminated he wall not certify that these figures will represent that exact change An the budget. Commissioner Constantine suggested reviewing the list item by item asking for comments from the Board as necessary. Commissioner Volpe requested clarification on these discretionary items, aa to whether they are to be deleted or added to the budget? Mr. McNeem replied that these items are funded in the tentative budget. ~dminietrative Services Commissioner Constantine asked what is the new product and in- house consultation? Administrative Services Administrator Ochs replied that a number of products are being purchased in conjunction with the recent com- puter upgrade which has been approved by the Board. ~man Commissioner Volpe inquired whether the Performance Appraisal Program is tied to the Pay-for-Performance Program? Administrative Services Administrator Oche replied that they are linked and in the past, the Performance Appraisal process was used as a basis for the merit payment when merit payment funds were una- vailable, but the annual and semi-annual performance review program is stall continued because it is a good management tool. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Ochs that the program is a combination of a portion of three members of staff of Human Resources who are involved in development of the performance objec- tives, including the disbursement of review forms and the completion ~00~ Page 2 AUGUST 17, 1993 ~nd return of those forms. Co~missioner Volpe inquired if the objectives would still be met without the funding that has been proposed. Mr. Ochs replied that the work would still be accomplished. Commissioner Matthews suggested having the department heads follow through on their own. Commissioner Constantine asked how effective this program is? Commissioner Norris agreed with Commissioner Matthews, stating that the department heads should handle the reviews of their employees. The consensus of the Board was that the Performance Appraisal Program should be deleted from the proposed budget. ~t~ODOl~t~ Planning Organization Co~sstoner Constantine requested clarification of miscellaneous projects. Ed F~, Budget Analyst, explained that the MPO does many things that are not associated with the state or federal requirements. ~1~ Pi~ ~ ~d Pe~tt~ng Frank Brutt, Co.unity Development Administrator, pointed out that fees are not charged for some services provided and a fee Ord~n~ce ~s go~ng to be presented ~o the Board for adoption on August 24, 1993 which ~pports this f~re. Co~iss~oner Constantine asked for c~ar~f~cat~on on Special Ass~ents. F~ank Brutt, Co.unity Developmen~ Administrator, explained that Special Ass~ments are when Staff is d~rected to prepare a report ~ch as comparing what other counties are doing on certain ~ssuee. Co~es~oner Matthews co--ended that she perceived tha~ as par~ of ~velopment Services. In ~ee~nee to Couts8toner Constantine, ~. ~oNee8, B~get D~ecto~, ~e~ited that $~2,BO0.O0 ts t~e cost fo~ a ~ii-tt~e O~alttV Page 3 AUGUST 17, 1993 ~-.~ - Improvement Coordinator position. Administrative Assistant to the Board Fi/son explained to i~:i,:.!. Comiastoner Norris that Professional Development is membership fees to the National Association of Counties and Florida State Association Meetings. Coutssioner Matthews ~estloned the cost of Advisory Board Assistant County Attorney Weigel replied that 10% of the Attorney's time ts spent on these requirements. U~lll~ Division - ~inance In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator, replied that another customer service representative Is needed to alleviate the back-up of telephone calls and the reimbur- sement of deposits. Mr. Arnold recommended that the Board postpone any budget decl- slons until the report being prepared by Coopers & Lybrand is pre- sented, which is expected before the final budget hearings. Conumtssloner Constantine commented that he would like to see the ~l~ourit of $192,700.00 under Collections, the O&M Program cut dowel. Mr. McNees was directed to flag this item. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator, replied that 17,000 trips to the Transfer Station would have to be handled at the landfill. Commissioner Matthews questioned whether the $283,200.00 Included salaries at the transfer stations? Mr. Lorenz replied that the figure does include salaries and remarked that the facilities must be manned. A discussion ensued on the importance of the transfer stations. Commissioner Volpe suggested working toward a plan at the Solid Page 4 AUGUST l?, 1993 Commissioner Constantine inquired Into the importance of Artificial Reefs. John MadaJewski, Project Plan Review Manager, replied that the ' reefa are popular with the fishermen. County Manager Dorrtll commented that the reefs divert materials that would otherwise end up at the landfill, such as large steel ttem~. In answer to Commissioner Constantine, Water Management Director Boldt explained that the Basin Reports are an attempt to get ahead in the planning work for the stormwater management systems in the county. Commissioner Matthews asked whether this information already exists? Mr. Boldt replied that surveys are not available. Commiaaloner Constantine and Commissioner Matthews indicated that they would like to see this item deleted. Commissioner Volpe stated that he would not like to see this item deleted because the Stormwater Management Plan is part of the Growth Management Plan at the preliminary stage. Commissioner Saunders announced that the consensus of the Board ia to leave it ln. OommtssAoner Constantine questioned the Median O&~. Michael Smykowskl, Sr. Budget Analyst, explained this is an expanded service. Comm~aeioner Constantine commented that he thought the expanded services were previously deleted. Commissioner Saunders reported that the expanded services for ,: .. Median OaM should be deleted. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Paul Brigham, Court Page AUGUST 17, 1993 Administrator, explained that the enhanced security covers the expallded hours of the Collier County Government Center campus. Commissioners' Volpe and Constantine expressed a desire to delete this item, however the consensus of the Board is to leave the item in. Commissioner Matthews mentioned that the O+ program ia Indicated ~lnder the Budget Office and questioned why it is specified under E~ergency Services? MAke McNees, replied that it would account for the times their staff were in team meetings. ~~ea Cm~itl! Projects Cos-missioner Constantine asked if the Increase In-House Design would eliminate the need for consultants? County Manager Dorrtll stated that the final report which will consolidate all the Capital Projects will be presented to the Board of County Commissioners by the middle of September, with implementation by October 1, [993. Coauaissioner Matthews requested a procedure for tracking costs in the program for the Engineering Department. Mr. Dorrill agreed to do so. Hr. McNees confirmed that if the program is approved, budget amendments will be presented at the first of the fiscal year. Az~I/T'I~I Of ~ l~cmtion of County Helicopter Commissioner Constantine recalled that the figure determined to build our own Helicopter Base is $690,000.00, and it was suggested that altarnattves be found. Diane Flagg, Education Quality Control Manager, provided the Board with a list of alternatives (copy not provided to Clerk); the first, to build a hanger facility at Naples Airport property with the lease term and the land rental cost for a 40 year period, and the other alternative is to construct a facility on Marco Island. In response to Commissioner Volpe, Ms. Flagg reported that the cost of 2 aircraft hangers is $452,000.00, but an EMS station would be included in the hanger. AUGUST 17, 1993 Conueissioner Volpe mentioned that one of the alternattveA is doing alterations to the existing facility. Me. Flagg advised that the Airport Authority Leasing Coemlttee chose not to approve that request because they have other plans for the east quadrant of the airport. Co'missioner 8sunders disclosed that no action could be taken on this item at this time. Conisaloner Volpe stated that he is not sure that all alter- natives have been explored. The following people spoke on the subject: Ohrl~ ~deraon ~k Graham ~arold ~al 1 Co~tsstoner Saundere atated that the consensus of the Board ia that the 83,000.00 item would remain. There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting .as adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 7:30 P.M. 07 Page 7