BCC Minutes 09/22/1993 B (Budget) Naples, Florida, September 22, Z993 LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Board of County Commissioners in and for the County of Collier, and also acting as the Board of Zoning Appeals and as the governing board(s) of such special districts as have been created according to /aw and having conducted business herein, met on this date at 5:05 P.M. tn FINAL BUDGET $155ION in Building "F" of the Government Complex, East Naples, Florida, with the following members present: CHAIRMAN: Burr L. Saunders VICE-CHAIRMAN: Timothy J. Constantine John C. Norris M~chael J. Volpe Bettye J. Matthews ALSO PRESENT: Ellis Hoffman, Deputy Clerk; Annette Guevln, Recording Secretary; Netl Dorrtll, County Manager; William Hargett, Assistant County Manager; Jennifer Edwards, Assistant To The County Manager; Ken Cu¥1er, County Attorney= George Archibald, Transportation Services Administrator; Frank Brutt, Community Development Services Administrator; Leo Ochs, Administrative Services Administrator= Bill Lorenz, Environmental Services Administrator; Mike Arnold, Utilities Administrator; Tom O//iff, Public Services Administrator= Tom Conrecode, Office of Capital Projects Management Director; Mike McNees, Management & Budget Director; Mike Smykowkst, Jean Gansel, Ed Finn and Bob Byrne, Budget Analysts; Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director; Ron Cook, Utilities Finance Dtrector; Dr. Jane Polkowski, Public Health Unit Director; Roger Evans, Public Health Unit Business Manager; Tom Whitecotton, Human Resources Director; Ed Gehring, Building Review and Permit Director; Tim Clemons, Utilitles/Wastewater Director; Bill Griffin, Emergency Services Administrative Manager; Paul Brigham, Court Administrator; and Lieutenant Byron Tomltnson, Sheriff's Office. Page I September 22, 1993 Tape#l (08) Xte~#SA DISCUSSION OF MILLAGE RATES FUNDING THE 1994 BUDGET Legal notice having been published In the Naples Daily News on September 19, 1993, as evidenced by Affidavit of Publication fi/ed with the Clerk, the final budget hearing was opened to consider the 1993-94 tentative budget. Budget Director Mike McNees stated that under the terms of Florida Statutes, he ts required to discuss the proposed millage rates. He reported that the proposed mil/age rate for the General Fund ts 3.6729 mills which is 14.8~ above the roll back rate. He remarked that the net effect of that to the total County Wide Mil/age Rate i8 3.7146 mills which is -2.8~ below the roll back rate. He Indicated that the aggregate rate is 4.4550 mills which ts -0.9~ below the roll back rate. With regard to the agenda, Mr. McNees advised there will be a review of the list of the changes that were made to the Tentative Budget at the last hearing which will be adopted by resolution. In addition, he Indicated there ts a short list of pending items to be discussed followed by public comment and then the adoption of the appropriate resolutions for the 1994 Final Budget. Mr. McNees called attention to Page 5 of the packet which details the General Fund which is the largest ad valorem portion of the budget. He revealed that the total County budget, as it presently stands, net of internal services and transfers is $291,0§0,500. He reported that this compares to $297,000,000 which was presented tn the Tentative Budget. Mr. MeNses pointed out that Page 9 of the packet lists items that were discussed at the last budget hearing that will need to be adopted by resolution. Mr. McNees stated that Pages 10 and 11 of the packet relate to the Community Development Div~ston's request for an additional Off~cs Page 2 September 22, 1993 Assistant II to provide fee generating services. He indicated that the revenues that position Is expected to generate hays been budgeted and the position at $13,000 has not been funded. He remarked that If the Board desires not to fund the total of $22,900 for the clerical position, $86,300 tn revenue will need to be cut from the budget. Mr. McNees explained that the next Item for consideration is the $1.5 million in additional carry forward in the General Fund resulting from larger than expected increases in state sales tax revenue sharing that can be appropriated in the General Fund, added to reserves tn the General Fund or used to off set ad valorem. He recommended a com- bination of beefing up reserves and off-setting ad valorem. A discussion ensued with the regard to the $1.5 million. It was the consensus of the Board that those monies be used for transportation Improvements. Mr. McNees advised that the $1.5 million will not be budgeted as additional carry forward. He remarked when corrections to carry for- ward are brought before the Board in the new fiscal year, those monies will be appropriated Into either a capital reserve or directly into the Transportation Capital Fund. With regard to the request for the additional Office Assistant II In Community Development, the consensus of the Commission was to fund that position. Commissioner Matthews called attention to the Urgent Care situation in Immokalee which has not been resolved. She remarked that she would like to see this Included in the FY 93/94 budget. In response to Commissioner Saunders, County Manager Dorrill stated that historically, $275,000 has been provided to Naples Community Hospital (NCH). He suggested that this be taken from General Fund Contingencies and transferred to EMS tn order to provide payment to NCH. It was the consensus of the Board to fund the Urgent Care Center from Contingencies. Commissioner Constantine remarked that the Job freeze and wrap up Items also need to be discussed. September 22, 1993 County Manager Dorrill stated that the Board Members received a memorandum pertaining to the frozen positions. He Indicated there te now a total of 26 frozen positions with notes of his recommendations to either remove same or the Justification for proposing to keep those positions. Commissioner Constantine noted that all positions on the first page will be cut with the exception of the Operations Director. Assistant County Manager Hargett explained that the positions on Page 2 with Note 6 are intended to be transferred to the Office of Capital Projects Management (OCPM). He communicated if the Board does not consolidate OCPM, as previously discussed, there will be a very significant need in the Transportation Services Division for those people. In response to Commissioner Constantine, Mr. Hargett reported if Transportation Services is to be geared up as an individual division to deal with the transportation capital needs there will be the need for a considerable amount of resources tn terms of people filling slots. Commissioner Constantine called attention to the request from the Utilities Division for new positions. He noted he has a particular problem with the request for 5 grounds and maintenance persons. He pointed out that the preliminary report from Coopers and Lybrand recommends downgrading some of the existing positions to ~anttortal or maintenance positions which would take care of the grounds maintenance and facilities needs at the Wastewater Plants. Utilities Administrator Arnold remarked that he has no personal preference as to how this should be handled, however, there Is a con- siderable need for an additional Customer Services Representative. He revealed there is one full time employee dedicated to the impact fee financing arrangements and the Naples Production Park and Pine Ridge Industrial Park M.S.T.U.~s are currently being brought on line. He noted that financing requests continue to be submitted and this tea considerable administrative work load. In addition, he reported that Page 4 September 22, 1993 some people are satisfying their loans which is another paper trail. Mr. Arnold pointed out another critical position is the need for a Laboratory Technician at the North County Plant. He stated there is currently one Technician who takes care of the sampling and picks up the monitoring and sampling for the Pelican Bay P/ant. He indicated this person is having an extremely difficult time tn managing the man- datory testing. It was the consensus of the Board to fund the Customer Services position and the Laboratory Technician, but the other nine grounds/maintenance positions would not be funded at this time. The following persons spoke with regards to the FY 93/94 Budget: Frank Simons Dick Siege/ w/handout and view graph presentation Cheryl Miller Paul Mldney Fred Tarant Ophelia Allen Howard Allen, Sr. Jeff Walker, Risk Management Director, addressed concerns raised by Mr. Siegel with respect to workers' compensation increases. It was the consensus of the Board that Workers Compensation Reserves remain as is. Tape #2 The Board discussed the possibility with regards to a policy change for next year to budget for attrition and accrued stck leave upon termination. Commissioner Constantine questioned the change tn EMS funding. County Manager Dorrill reported that this was done approximately two years ago when the Board voted to establish a 50/50 split. He noted that 50~ of the money is from user fees and 50~ is from property taxes. He remarked that Collier County has one of the best collection rates tn the state in terms of the percentage of revenues paid by the users. A discussion took place as to whether the 3~ salary increases should be given on the employees' anniversary dates as opposed to October 1st. County Manager Dorrtll explained that it would be very [~00~, O00?A~£ 06 Page 5 September 22, 1993 awkward to give a cost of living Increase only on the anniversary date of the employee. He noted that employees hired the first week of the fiscal year would be getting their increase, however, others would have to wait almost an entire year before they received their increases. county Manager Dorrill recalled that the budget policy indicates that 3~ of total payroll available would be given October let, but to be distributed as Individual Constitutional Officers or the County Commission saw fit. He suggested if the Commission changes that policy to reduce the total amount of money, the Constitutional Officers should be given advance notice since the majority of them give their employees increases on October let. Commissioner Constantine advised that he favors a "tiered" approach rather than an across the board increase. He pointed out that an exemplary employee would receive 3~ as would an employee who drags his feet and this is not much of an incentive. He questioned whether a bell curve system with three levels could be set up. County Manager Dorrtll stated that a bell curve system could be evaluated very early in the fiscal year and by the time the budget calendar Is adopted for next year there would be a number of new pro- posals. Human Resources Director ~httecotton stated that staff will be presenting the Board with a pay plan on September 28th with a recom- mendation that employees that were hired prior to October 1, 1993, would get a 3~ increase. After a lengthy discussion, the Board concurred that employees who have been employed for one year or more would receive 3~ on October 1st and those employees with less than one year of employment would receive 3~ on their anniversary date and the savings from same going into Reserves. County Manager Dorrtll stated that he understands the desire of the Board Is that he is to come back no later than January 1, 1994, with a true pay for performance anniversary date proposal. Page 6 September 22, 1993 e.e Recording Secretar~ ~uevtn replaced Delmt~ Clerk Ho£f~an Co~tmmtones Saun~ese clomed the public heaslnQ. ~. ~c~eem psout~ed thsee up~ated coves ~eeoluttone f~om Count~ Attorney's Office that will be adopted b~ the Board. He the firs~ resolution, amending the tentative budget for ~ 94, docu- ments the changes made since the last hearing in the fund totals for each of ~he funds. He noted the back-up Information for th~s resolu- tion starts on page ~3 of the agenda package and continues through page 22. He asked the Board to adopt the amended resolution, including the back-up information. c~t~ ~t~y, to adopt ~olutlon 93-407 ~~ t~ ~ for ~ 94. Page ? September 22, 1993 Mr. McNees next referred to a resolution which is the cover for the millage rates on pages 24 and 25 of the agenda package. He said this resolution adopts the mil/age rates to be levied for FY 94. He read the resolution into the record in its entirety. Mr. Smykowsk~ read the millage rates into the record as required by State Statute. Commt~toner Volpe moved, mecondad by Commissioner Matthew~ ~nd carried ~t~ly, to adopt Re~lutton 93-408 f~lng t~ ~111a~ rates for ~ 94. Page 8 September 22, ~993 Mr. McNees continued, stating the next resolution approves the final budget as contained on pages 27 through 30 of the agenda package. Co~tes~oner Norris moved, aeconded by Coulee~onar Matthew~ ~nd carrled unanimously, to approve the final ~dget ~ ~d for ~ 94, there~ ~optlng Resolution 93-409. Page 9 September 22. 1993 There being no further business for the Good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair - Time: 8:00 P.M. ~ ~ · proved ~F the ~oard presented ~ or as corrected BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS/EX OFFICIO GOVERNING BOARD(S) OF SPECIAL DISTRICTS UNDER ITS CONTROL Page 10