Ordinance 69-03 IYATIC O? IrLORIOA THl: CAFI?OI. TAI. I. AHAI I t I: 3i1'~ 04 october 27, 1969 James R. Adams, Esquire County Attorney Board of County Commissioners Naples, Florida 33940 Dear Mr. Adamst Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 69-32, Laws of Florida, Regular Session 1969, this will acknowledge your letter of October 24 and certified copy of Collier County Ordinance No. 69-3 relative to the minimum housing code. The ordinance was officially file~ in this office on October 27, 1969. Trusting thatyou will feel free to call upon us whenever we may be of service, ~ remain Sincerely, TOM A~MS Secretary of State Administrative Code WLG/lc BOOK 1 PAGE 13-A County Ordinance No. 69-3 AN ORDINANCE TO BE ENTITLED AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING A METHOD AND THE PROCEDURES FOR TIlE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS TO ENFORCE THE REPAIR, CORRECTION, VACATION, REMOVAL, CON' DFRNATION OR DEMOLITION OF DANGEROUS BUILDINGS WIiICH THREATEN THE HEALTH OR SAFETY'OF OCCUPANTS OR THE PUBLIC; DEFINING A' DANGEROUS BUILDING AND ESTABLISHING HINIHL~ STANDARDS OF PHYSICAL CONDITION AND STATE OF REPAIR; PROVIDING ORDINANCE IS APPLICABLE ONLY TO HOUSING, PUBLIC OR PRIVATE; PROVIDING AN APPEAL PROCEDURE AND FOR COSTS THEREOF; PROVIDING MANNER OF GIVING NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS; PROVIDING THAT ORDINANCE IS CUMULATIVE AND SUPPLEMENTAL TO OTHER. AUTHORITY; PROVIDING FOR .H.A. RDSNIP AND SPECIAL CASES; PROVIDING METHODS OF ENFORCEMENT; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIE~ COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. All territory within the boundaries of Collier County, which is outside the corporate limits of any municipality thereof, shall be embraced by the provisions of this Ordinance. SECTION 2. The purpose of this Ordinance is to provide a method by which the Board of County c~is'sioners of Collier County may require chat substandard housing, ~hich is a threat to the health or safety of the occupants thereof or of the general public, be repaired, corrected, vacated, removed ot .demolished. SECTION 3. For the ~urposes of this Ordinance, and unless the context clearly indicates a contrary meaning, the following words and phrases shall have these meanings assigned to them: (a) Dwelling Unit: Any room, or suite of rooms, with or without facilities for regular cooking, and occupied by a person or family as a place of residence. (b) Family or Family Unit: A group of persons, not necessarily related by blood or marriage, livir~ together as a single housekeeping unit. (c) Building: Any home, residential structure or dwelling unit, whether public or private, (d) Board or Board of County Commissioners: Board o~ County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. SECTION 4. It ia hereby found and determined that any building located in the County of Collier is a "dangerous build~ng' and a public nuisance when the same is not built, constructed, re- pa~red, kept, maintained and occupied In a condition of at least equal to the following standards which are hereby defined as minimum standards for the protection of the public health and safety: (a) AIl habitable rooms, toilets, bathrooms, public halls, corrido~s, stait~ays, lobbies, £oyers, common or public areas, and all other rooms used at night, shall have at least one electric fixture or outlet. installed and maintained so that it may be used as a source o~ illumination fo~ such space; i£ electric power service is available from a distance less than one-hal£ mile from the building involved. (b) Each habitable room, including toilets and bath- rooms, shall have not less than one windowwith an area of not less than ten per cent (107.) of the floo= area of the room and at least half of which window area may be opened for the admission of outside air, or a mechanical ventilation system capable of pro- viding fresh air at least equivalent to such window ventilation. (c) Windowa~shall open or face directly upon a yard, street, alley or court, and if the same faces upon a court, there shall not be less than three feet of clear space between the outside of such win- dows and the property line. (d) No wall or other nominally vertical structural member shall list, lean or buckle to such an extent chat a plumb line passing throush the center of the topmost portion or level the:eof falls outside the middle third of its base. (e) Foundations shall be level. (f) No floor, ceiling, roof or beam o~ other nomin- ally horizontal component of a dwelling unit shall ass in excess o£ allowable engineering practices. The roof of a dwelling unit shall not leak. (h) Ingress to and ed:eSs from any dwelling unit shall not require passing through anothe: dwelling unit. (i) All~ind~;s, doo:s and other apertu~ea opening to the outside or to the other unscreened areas shall be tightly screened with screening of ~16 mesh oF finer. (J) Yards adjacent to any dwellin~ unit shall be graded and maintained so as Co drain water oE£ the or in=o drainage structures on the lot and no standing or stagnant pools of water shall be permitted on any yard or lot. (k) Each dwelling unit shall have not less than one sink, one tub bath, or shower bath, and one flush type water closet, each connected Co a water system or to a well and pressure system, all maintained in good ope:aCing condition with all Joints, pipes, valves and connections sound and watertight; provided, these standards shall not be required in the case of buildings where water system connection is not available and electric power service is not available from a distance of less than one-half mile. (1) Where any dwelling unit shall be occupied by more than ten persons, a~ additional sink, an addi- tional tub bath o: shower bath, and an additional flush type water closet shall be installed and main- tained for each additional ten pc:sons, or £raction thereof, above the first ten. (m) .Required plumbing fix:utes shall each be in a fully enclosed room, not necessarily the same zoom, accessible without leaving the shelter of the roof of the building in which the dwelling unit having such plumbing fixtures.is located and without passing through any other dwelling unit. (n) All drains, outlets and outfalls from any quired plumbing fixture shall be connected to a sanitary sewer system o: to a septic tank which shall be constructed and maintained to meet the standards and requirements of the county and of the State Board of Health. (o) Floors, ceilings and walls of any,room shall be built and maintained so as to be reasonably tight and secure against the entrance of rodents, household pests and vermin. (p) Every sleepin& room or multi-purpose room used for sleeping shall provide a minimum of three hundred (300) cubic feet of sir space.and forty (60) square feet of floor space for each person twelve (12) years old or older occupying the same and a minimum of two hundred (~00) cubic feet of air space and fc=ty (60) square feet of floor space for each person under the age of twelves(12) years occupying the same, vided that no sleeping.room shall have a floor area of less than sixty (60)~'square feet.,. (q) The total floor area of all habitable rooms in a dwelling unit shall b~such as to provide at least seventy-five (75) square feet of floor area per person of the family twelve years of age or olde: and at least forty (60) square feet of floor area per person 3 of the family under t~e~ve (12) years of age; provided that in computing required floor area under this or the preceding paragraph only those portions shall be included having a ceiling height above them of' at least seven feet six inches (7'6"). (r) The provisions of the foregoing paragraphs shall apply co all buildings except where express reference is made Co dwelling unit, buc where such reference . made to dwelling unit, then such standards shall app£y only to a building designed for or used as a dwelling unit. SECTION 5. The owners or their agents, custodians or lessees of dangerous buildings are required to rep. ir or correct the same, or otherwise to correct or improve the condition making same a dangerous building, and if said persons or one of them should fait to repair or correct such dangerous buildings, or correct the condition causing same to be a dangerous building, or correct such other violation or substandard condition aa may exist, then the said Board may, by appropriate action, condemn such dangerous build- ing, vacated, abandoned or demolished. Provided, notice and a rea- sonable opportunity, consisting of not less than six (6) months, shall be afforded the o~ner or other person affected to do the necessary work or take the necessary corrective measures before the said Board orders such dangerous building condemned, vacated, abandoned or demolished, 'Provided further, before the Board orders such dan- gerous building condemned, vacated, abandoned or demolished, notice as hereinafter provided and a public hearing thereon, shall be afforded the owner of and any person having any right, title or interest in or to the same. SECTION 6. Authorized personnel engaged in enforcing the provisions of this Ordinance may enter any building, structure, or premises, at reasonable times, to make inspections or perform other duties required in the administration of this Ordinance. SECTION 7. Any person, firm or corporation aggrieved by any order, requirement or decision of any administrative official made under the provisions of this Ordinance may appeal such order, requirement or decision to the Board of County Commissioners who shall order a public hearing thereon and cause a notice of the date, time, place and general purpose thereof to be published once at least thirty (30) days in advance of said hearing in a newspaper of general circulation in Collier County. If the appellant has furnished his address, a copy of the notice shall be mailed to the appellant on or before the day of such publication. Within thirty (30) days following said public hearing, the Board shall affirm, modify or verse, in whole or in pare, the order, requirement or decision appealed from. The appellant may be required to pay the cost of said notice and an appeal fee, not to exceed Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), which shall be paid into the General Fund of the County, all of which costs shall be refunded to the appellant if the order, requirement or de- cision appealed from is either modified or reversed. SECTION 8. Notice to any owner or other persons concerning any substandard condition, and notice of an7 hearing or other pro- ceeding pursuant to this O~dinance may be served by registered or certified mail return receipt requested, add:eased to the party be served at his residence address or a: his business address, or by personal service in the same manner provided by the statutes of State of Florida for personal service of original process in civil actions, except that such service may be made not only by the persons named in such statutes, but also by any officer, agent or employee of the County of Collier, in which case return and proof of service may be made by affidavit, or, if after diligent search and inquiry neither the business nor residence address of the person to be served ts kno~,m to the officer, agent or employee of the County of Collier makifi8'sfich,.search and inquiry, service may be effected by publishing notice four times, one week apart, in a newspaper of general air- culation published in the County of Collier qualified to print legal adverCisements, the first of such publications to be at least thirty i 09 BOOK (30) days before the time requ~ed for any action or the time set for any public hearing as stated therein. Any notice of a hearing shall describe the land affected. ~e~e any p~ope~ty o~ any ~here~n ts o~ed by ~enan~. by ~he en~ire~y or by Join~ ~e~n~s, each tenant shall be deemed ~o be the a~enC off ~he other and notice Co one of them shall be deemed Co be notice ~o both or all, and service upon one of them shall be deemed to be service upon both all of Chem. SECTION 9. ~e Board ~y ~fde exceptions to the standards se: fo::h tn ~his Ordinance, ~o amend ~he standards se: fo:th tn ~his Ordinance, and Co p~omulsate ~easonable standards by resolution provide for hardship cases, special cases and :he e~ec: of n~ developments in the butldtn8 co~uc:ion industry, and ~o pass all necessary ordi~nces and resolutions and ~o p~°Vide all necessary proced~es ~or said p~poses. SECTION 10. Any ps:son, ~i~m o~. co:potation v~olatin8 any provision o~ this Ordinance, upon conviction ~he~eo~, shall be punished as provided by law. SECTION 11. I~ is declared :o be the lestslacive in:enC that, i~ any seccion~ sub-sec:ion~ sentence, clause, phrase~ or other provision o~ chis ~di~nce la held invatid, the :e~inde~ of the O:dt~nce shall not be affected. SECTION 12. This Ordinance shall take e~ec: as ~ovided by law cohering!,., oF co~