Ordinance 69-02?AI.I, AHAII I I'C
October 10, 1969
Board of County Commissioners
Collier'County ~o
Naples, Florida 33940
Attentions James ~. Adams, Esquire
County Attorney
Pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 69-32,
Laws of Florida, Regular Session 1969, this will
acknowledge your letter of October 9 and certified
copy of Collier County Or~inance ~1o. 69-2, which was
officially filed in this office on October 10, 1969.
Trus'ting that yo~;:wi11 feel free to call upon
us whenever we may be of service, I remain
Secretary of State
Administrative Code
Camping du~:lng the night: t:ime on the
right-of-way of the W; ,J. Janea Memorial Scenic Drive, des-
cribed as:
A right-of-way of 100' in width along the so called '~4ain
Line" of the logging railroad used by the ~ee Tidewater
Cypress Company from 1943 through 1957, said tract or parcel
being 100 feet in width and lying 50 feet on each side of
a centerline more particula~ly described as. follows:
Commencing at the SE corner of the NEb of Section 13, Town=
ship 52 South, Range 29 East, Tallahassee Meridian,.Collier
County, Florida; thence N 0"02'W following said section
line 1042.90 feet to a point on the centerline State Ro~d No.
S-837; thence N 89"47'W along centerline of said road 154.347;
feeE; to a point of curve to the left having a central"angle
of 48"07' and a radius of 338.27 feet; thence following'said
curve to the left and through' ~aid central angle a distance
of 283.04 feet to a point of tanSency; thence S 42"06' W ~"'
759.10 feet to a point; thence N 52"14'W 95.00 feet to Point
of beginning, said point being N 66"41'50'~ 1079.27 feet!from
the SE corner of said NEb of Section 13, and.also the Point of
curve of a curve to the left, the tangent .of which bears~'No35"
08'E 167.83 feet to a Point of ~ntersecti6n~ and having a
central angle of 190"45' and a radius of~96~.6~ fee't;.~ thence
following said curve to the left t~roUgh 'satd~centrali~a~gle
332.16 feet to a point of tangency; thence N 15"20' E~.8~0,74
feet to a point of.curve of a curve to'the left; having a
radius of 1432.69 feet; thence following said'curve to the
lef~ through a central angle of 6°05t a distance of 152.08 ~eet
to a point of tangency; thence N 9°15' E 343'.87 fe~%'to pein=
of curve of a curve to the left having a radius of'2010.12
feet; thence following said curve to the left' through a central
angle of 13~30'20" a distance of 473.79 feet tO' p%int of curv~
on curve, said curve being also to the left a~d having a radius
of 2578.53 feet; thence following said:~9.urve to the left
through a central angle of i"42'31.47" a distance of 106.72
feet to a point of intersection of the section line between
Sections 12 and 13 of Township 52-s0'Uth, Range 29~:East, the
tangent at point of intersection bears N 5°57'51.47'' W and
said section line N 555'.27 feet from the SE corner of said
Section 12; thence continuing'on said curve to the left through
a central angle o~ 11°52'08.53'' a distance of 741.28' feet to
a point of tangency; thence N 17°50' W ~027.29 feet, thence
K 18"05' W 7339.00 feet to point of c~ve of a curve to the
left having a radius of 4583.75 feet; thence following said
curve to the loft: through a central angle of 7°00'20'' a dis-
tancc of 560.44 feet to point of tangency; thence N 25"05~20''
W 1~7.29 feet to point of curve of ~ curve to the left having
a radius of 1&32.69 feet; th~mc~e following said curve to the
left throu~,h a central angle of 28"00' a disgance of 700.00
fee~ to poin~ of curve on curve, said curve being also to the
left and having a radius of 1033.811 fee~; thence following
said curve to the left through ~ central angle of 15"34 ' 58 . 36''
~ distance of 281.05 feet to point of intersection with the
north, line of Section 1, To%.~ship 52 South, Range 29 East, at
a point S 87"56'00'' E 1389.71 fee~ from the northwest corner
thereof and the tangen~ at said point of in~ersection bears
N 68"40'18.36'' W; ~hence continuing along said curve to the
left ~hrough a central angle of 21"57'01.64" a distance of
395.90 feet ~o point of tangent, thence S 89"22'40'' W 1001.68
fee~ to a point, said poin~ being N 0~37'20'' g 9.73 feet from
southwest corner of Sec. 36, ~p. 51 S, Range 29 E; thence' S
89"36'40'' W 2850.44 feet; thence S 89"58'00'' W 2464.69 feet to
a point, said point b~lng N 0"02'00'' W 9.74 feet from southwest
corner of Sec. 35, of said ~ship and Range; thence S89"39' W
,1320.00 fee~; thence S 89' 33'30" W 1323.88 feet to ~ point
which bears N 0"29'30'' W 5.26 feet from 9~r~er corner of
Sec. 34 of said To, ship an~ Range; thence S 89~26'10"W 775.51
~ '2 "W
feet to point of intersectiSn on To, ship line S 89 49 9
775.52 fee~ from said quarter corner Sec. 34; thence continue
S 89"26'10'' W 844.61 feet to point; thence S 89"10'10" W
1026.27 fee~ ~o a point, said point being S 0~49'50'' g 17.47
feet from southwest corner of said Sec. 34, said T~nship and
Range; thence continuing S 89"10'10'' W 12.77 fee~ to point of
curve of a curve to the right having a radi~ of 764.489 feet;
~hence following said curve to the right th':ough a central angle
of 15"00' ~ distance of 200 feet to poin~ of curve on c~ve, said
curve having a radius of 573.686 fee~; thence following said
cu~e to the right through a central angle of 50"00' a distance
of 500.00 fee~ to ~oint of curve on curve, said curve having a
radius of 688.156'fee~; thence following said c~ve to the right
through a central angle of 25~32'20'' a distance of 306.466. fee~
to point of tangent; thence N 0~17'30'' W 1720.89 feet; thence
N 0"21'10'' W 11,440.15 feet; thence N 0~52'50'' W 669.72 feet to
point of curve of a curve to ~he left having a ~adtus of 674.686
fee~; thence following said cu~e ~o ~he left through a central
angle of 42"08' a distance of 495.69 fee~ ~o poin~ of tangent;
thence N 43"00'50'' W 2081.41 fee: to a point; ~hence N 43"17'
45.21" W 5035.14 feet; thence N 45e28'41.17'' W 8460.08 fee~; thence
N 46~10'20'' W 532.55 feet to point of curve of a e~ve to the
lefz having a radius of 764.489 feet; thence follo~ng'safd cu~e
through a central angle of 17"10' a distance of 228.89 feet to
point of tangent; thence N 63"20'20'' W 63.95 feet to point of
curve of a curve to ~he lef~ having a radius of 1011.51 feet;
thence following said curve to the left =hroug~ a central angle
of 23~06' a distance of 407.65 fee= to point of curve on c~ve,
said curve having a radi~ of 2142.84 feet; =hence following said
curve to the left through a central angle of 4'31'19.42" a dis-
=ante ~f 169.11 fee~ to point of 'tangent; =hence S 89'02'20.58'~
approximately 2100 feet to the east line of See. 1, ~p. 51S,
Range 28 East.
is hereby p~:ohib£ted.
SECTION 2. '~l].ght ti. me" as used hete~.n means that
time between one half hou~ sfter~sunset and one hslf hour
be£o:e sunrise the following mo~ninS.
SECTION 3. Violations of this Ordinance shall be
punished as provided by general law.
SECTION 4. This Ordinance shall take effect at
the time provided by law.