Ordinance 69-01O O ToM ADAMB August 15, 1969 James R. Adams, Esquire County Attorney Collier County Naples, Florida 33940 Dear Mr. Adams Pursuant. to the provisions of Chapter 69-32, Laws of Florida, Regular Session 1969, this will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 14 enclosing a certified co~y of Ordinance No. 69-100 relating to Chapter 67-836. We have renumbered the ordinance as Collier 69-1, and it.was officially filed in this office on August 15, 1969. Trusting that you will feel free to call upon us whenever we may be of service, I remain Si nc ex ely, TOM ADAMS Secretary of state William L. Griff+n.~ Director~ Laws Div~ion WLG/lc BOOK 1 PAGE 03-A ORDINANCE NO. 69 - 1~ AN OP-,DINANCE AtiENDINO CHAPTER 67-836, SPEC~L ~ OF ~RIDA, C~INfl ~E ~ OF ~E CO~T ~T~ ~ SAID A~ TO ~E ~I~L CO~T OF X~LEE, COLLI~ CO~ F~RIDA'~ ~NGI~ ~g DES~I~ION OF ~E G~~I~L DI~ION OF SAID CO~Ti ~NGI~ ~g OF ~E CO~T TO ~I~ APP~ ~Y BE TA~ ~OH ~E CO~T ~T~ BY SAID ACT; ~OVIDI~ FOK!-AN ~IVE DATE ~tEREAS, it has come to the attention of the Board of County Commissioners of Collier ,County, Florida, that doubt and confusion exist because of the name of the C~iminal Court of the Justice of the Peace, Fourth District, Collier County~ Florida, being similar to that of another court havin$ no connection there- with, and %qHEREAS, the Constitution of th~%tate of Florida of 1968, specifically Article VIII, Section 6'(d)'and Attic1· VIII, Section 1 (f), and H. B. 235 of the 1969 Lesisla~ure enacted in pursuance thereof, empowers the Board of Count~ Commissioners of the several counties of the State.to amen~ or repeal by county ordinance any local law relating only to unincorporated areas of a county on the effective dace of said Article, and ~tEREAS, Chapter 67-826, Special Laws of Florida, is a local law relating only to unincorporated areas of Collier County and was in force on the effective date of said Article~ NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. The Title of Chapter 67-836, SpeCial Laws of F~orida, is hereby amended to read: .. An act relating to Collier County, Florida, establishing the Criminal Court o£ Immokalee, Collier County, F~o~da~ ~n the seos~aph~ca~ a~ea described aa T~ah~p 46 South, Ranges 28 ~st, 29 ~sC and 30 East; To~sh~p 47 South, Ranges 27 ~st, 28 ~st, 29 ~st and 30 ~st; and T~ship 48 South, Ranges 27 ~st, 28 ~sC, 29 East and 30 East, Cotlier County, Florida; presc~bins the o~ the co.ti pr~ldinS fo~ a Judge a~d the erection, compensation and duties of said Judge.and successo~ ]udses ot the cou~t; providtnS fo~ the pa~ent of office expenses and sala~les within ttm~s of Judge and clerks of cou~C ~ county f~ne a~ for- ~eiC~e f~d; p~ovid~n~ fo~ p~actice and procedure in sa~d cou~; p~ov~dins fo~ an a~bitration ,p~ocedu~e for budseta~y d~spuCas; providins,fo~ seve~ab~tity; p~ovidins an ef~ective dace. SECTION 2. Secti~n' 2 of ~apter 67-836, Spectat of Florida, is amended to read: .~: Court established: ,Upon the effective date of this act, there shall be established in the geographical areaa':~oflC~llier coUnty, Florida, described as T°Wns~lp-46 South, Ran8es 28 ~sc, 29 East and 30 ~stl~T~ship 47 Souch, Ranges 27 ~st, 28 ~st, 2?~.~st and 30 ~at; a~ T~ship 48 South~ Ranges 27 ~st, 28 ~st, 29 ~sC and 30 ~sCf h co~ kn~ as ~he Crimi~t Co~t of lmm:o~alee, Coltie= County, SECTION ~. Section 3 o£ Chapter 67-836, SpecialLaws of Florida, is amended t° read: Jurisdiction: The court herein and hereby established shall have crimt~l Jurisdiction o£ any misdemeanors co~mitted within the gao= · graphical area described in Section 2 hereo£. Said Jurisdiction shall be concurrent with the criminal Jurisdiction of any other, courtO~:~: courts established in the count7 having like Jurisdiction. The process of the said cou~t shall run throughout the State. The Judge of the court herein and hereby established shall be empowered to act and shall be deemed a coroner, and shall be empowered to exercise the functions of a co:one: aa set fo:tE.:~n Chapter 936, Florida Statutes. SECTION 4. Section 4 (2) of Chapter 67-836, Special Laws of Florida, is amended to read: The Judge shall be a resident of the geo- graphical area ~r~thin the Jurisdiction of the court, and shall be elected for a term of four (4) sears by the electors of said geographical area. A vacancy in the office of Judge shall be filled as p~ovided by law. SECTION 5. Section ? of Chapter 67-836, Special Laws of Florida, is amended to read: Holdtn~ of Court: ~l~e board of county commis- sioners of Collier County shall furnish suitable quarters for the holding of cou~t within the geographical area within the Jurisdiction of the Couzt. SECTUON 6. Section 8 of Chapter 67-836., Special Laws of Florida, is amended to read: Practice and Procedure: P~actice and pro= cedure in the cou~t herein and hereby established shall be the same as in cou~ts generally ~aving like .lu~isdiction, except in all cases the .tudge shall be the of ~acc. Should a c:ial by t~y be de- manded by any defendan~ so entitled, the case shall be bound ~e~ fo~ ~iat to anothe~ co~C in ~he eo~y havi~ diction to t~y the same and t~ials. Appeals shall be governed by the Florida Appellate ~ules of C~imi~l ~o- ced~e, as amended f~ time ~o time, and shall be to the Circuit Co~t of the ~en- t~eth J~ictal C~c~t, Collie~ Co~ty, Florida. SECTION 7. This Ordinance shall take effect upon re- C ceipt by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County of official acknowledgment from the office of the Secretary of State' that it has bee~ filed. BOARD OF CO~ COI4HISSIO~r~RS OF COLLIER COU~, FLORIDA 3