Ordinance 70-10 ORDIIiANCg N0 · ?O-10 AN ORDINANCE PROHXBITII~ THE TRANSPORTATION OR POSSESSION OF GUNS IN WOIF, ABLE CONDITION ON T~E %/. J. JANES MEMORIAL SCENIC DRIVE IN COLLIER COUN- TY~ FLORIDA DEFIITiI~G TERHS~ AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: Section 1. As used in this Ordinance the term '~un" shall in- clude any mechanical device capable of propelling a projectile, and shall include shotgun, rifle, pistol, revolver, air gun, gas gun or any device mechanically propelling an arrow, spear or other projectile. Crossbow or bow and arrow shall be includ- ed in ~he meaning of the term gun. Section 2. It shall be unlawful for any persons to be in pos- session of a gun as herein defined or to transport a gun in any vehicle on the right-of-way of the ~, J. Janes Memorial Scenic Drive, in Collier County~ Florida~ described as: A r=oh~-of-way of 100' in width along the so called "Main Line" of uhe logging railroad used by the Lee Tidewater Cypress Company from 1943 through 1957, said tract or parcel being 100 feet in width and lying 50 feet on dach side of a centerlino more particularly dore ibed as. follows: Commencing aC the SE corner of the NE~. of Section 13, Town: ship 52 South, Range 29 Eas~, Tallahassee Meridian, Collier County, Florida; thence N 0"02'%~ followtns said section line 1042.90 feet to a point on thc cen~erline State Road No. S-837; thence N 89"47'W along centerline of said road 154.34 feeu; ~o a poin~ of curve to the left having a central angle of 48"07' and a radius of.335.27 feet; thence following said curve to the lef: and through said central angle a dis=ance of 283.04 feet to a poin~ of tangency; thence S 42"06' W 759.10 fee~ to a' point; thence N 52"14'W 95.00 fee= ~o Pein= of beginning, said poin~ being N 66"41'50"W 1079.27 feet from the SE corner of said NE]6 of Section 13, and also the point of curve of a cur~e to the left, the tangent of which bears N 35" 08'E 167.83 feez ~o a Poin~ of %n~ersection, and having a cen:ral angle of 190"48' and a radius of 961.69-2 fee=; =hence following said curve to the l~ft t~rough said central angle 332.16'fee= to a point of tangency; thence N 15"20' E 830.74 fee~ to a pein= of ..curve of a curve =o =he left; having a radius of 1432.69 feet; thence following said curve to the lef= through a central angle of 6"05' a distance of 151.08 fee~ to a point of tangency; =hence N 9"15' E 343.87 feet':o of curve of a curve =o the left having a radius of 2010.12 fee=; ~henc~ following said curve to the left' through a central angle of 13"30'20" a distance of 473.79. fee= =o point of curve on curve, said curve being also to the left and having a radius of 2578'.53 fee~; thence following said' curve ~o the left through a central angle of 1"42'31.47" a distance of 106.72 fee~ ~o a point of intersection of the secti'on line between Sections I2 and 13 of Township 5Z South, Range 29 East, the ~angen= a~ poin= of intersection bears'N 5"57'51.47" ~' and said section line N 555.27 fee~ from ~he SE corner of said Section 12; thence co.ntinutng on said curve ~o the left through a central angle of. 11'52'08..53" a distance of 741.28' fee~ ~o a poinz of =angency; ~hence N 17e50' W 2027,29 fee:, thence N 18005' W 7339.00 feet to point of curve of a curve iefu having a radius of 4583.75 fee~; thence, following said · ~00~ -2- unless said gun shall be dtsasst~bled or othe=wise rendered totally inoperable and enclosed in a locked container. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect at the time provided by law. I Board of County Commlsslomerw,,,,,,,, Cle~ the Circuit ~urt ~/.