Ordinance 73-24 PI,U~II'~ING Cf.}])]':" DY AI3OI'TING'. 'HIE SOUTHERN STANDARD PLU.~IliING CODE, 1971 EDITION, INCLU- DING APPENDIXP. S A AND B, AND TIIE 1972 RE¥I- SIONS TO 711]g SOU~IEItN STANDARB PLIJI,iBING COl)F,, l?ITI! A~II.'.RI).~IEN'I'S TIIERE'ro; PROVIDING PENALTIES, SEVERABILITI]~S AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, ~ ~ IT O}ll)AINED BY ~IE BOARD OF COUNTY ~O~IMISSIONERS OF COLI,IEI{ COUNTY, FLORIDA, gllAT SECTION 7-13 OF Till{ CODE OF '.CO],LIER COUNTY BE..A~IENDED TO READ AS FOL~I~'S: . SECTION ONE: Section 7-13. Ad'option of the Southern Standard Plumbing Code. ~he Southern Standard Plumbi~g Code including Appendixes A and B, and the 1972 Revisions to Tho Southern Standard Plumbing Code, lll6.Brown-~tnrx Building, Birmingham, Alabama 35203, with' amendments, a copy of which is attached hereto and ~naOe a part, '' hel"eof, as n~nended herein be arid is hereby adopted as The "Collier County P].umbtng Code" to protec.t the health, welfare, safety, co~,,on interest and convenience of the citizens and residents of, and visitors to Collier Count},, Florida. I copy of this 'Southern Standard Plumbing Code, as revised and amended, shall be maintained on i'ilo in the office of tho Clerk of the Circuit Co{:rt. 8EC'£]O~ TWO: Penalty: A violation of a~y provision of this Ordinance is a mis- ''demeanor nnd shall be prosecuted in the name of the State in the Coul~ty Coul't by the Prosecuting AttOrney, and '6pon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00, or by imprison- ~Gnt in the County Jail not to exceed 60 (]ltyS, or by both.such fine and i~np'ria~nment. Each violatibn and each day n violation continues shall const'itute a separate offense. .aqm Board o~ County Commissioners shall have the power to c~lldterally enforce tho p~'ovistons of this Orally. anco by appropriate Judicial l~'rit or pr~<eding .notwithstanding any prosecution as a misde~neanor. Should any provision of tho Sduth~rn Standard Plumbing C~de, an adop. ted, conflict x~ith'an amendment made hereby, Or should either conflict .with other Ordinfinees, Codes or Law, the'-~ore restrictivO shall nppl'y. ..,. If nny portion of this Ordinnn¢o or Code is declared un- 'constitutional, or hold /nvalid in 6ppltcatton, the validity of tho remainin~ portions a~d applicability %o other persons and circumst~nces shall not 5o affected thergby. SECTION FOUR: Public llo~rin[~ and Notice. The Bo~rd hereby calls a ~blic ]Iogring to bo hold , 1973. The Clerk shall causo'a Notice of this hcaring,,and, the titlo of this Ordinance to be posted at ~ti~e Courtlmu~e door for not less than thirty' (30) drys prior to ' , 1973 a~d to b~ published once each week for four (4) consecutive weeks prior to , 1973 containing the title, time, date and place of the public hearing. SECTION FIVE: Effective Date: ,.. . This Ordinance shall become effec~ive upon re.ce/pt of Official Acknowledgement that the Secretary of State of Florida has filed thiR Ordinance. ORDAINED BY ~IE BOARD OF COUNTY CO.%l~IISSIONERS OF COLLIER Fl,OR IDA . Til IS Date: ', ATTEST: DAY OF ..... ~/~J.~/ , 1973. Clifford/.// 1". Wenze~ Chairman Appf'ovcd a~ to .for..m and legality: D~vid Emerso~x Brunet Collier County Attorney