Ordinance 73-14R~cnAr~ (mc]c) July 31, 1973 Mr. Ben D. Driver Fiscal Officer Board of County Commissioners Collier County Naples, Florida 33940 Dear Mr. Driver: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 125.66, Florida Statutes, this will acknowledge your letter of July 30 and two official copies of Collier County Emergency Ordinance No. 73-14, which was re- cei:'ed in this office on July 31, 1973, The extra copy showing the filing date is being returned for your records. Kindest regards. Cordially, RICHARD (DICK)STONE By t.d (Mrs.) Nancy Kavanaugh Chief, Bureau of Laws NK/mc Enclosure BOOK 1 PAGE 242-A A TEMP, ORARY EMERGENCY COLLIER COUNTY ORDINA,N, CE :~,,~ ~.. . EXTENDING TIlE PROHIBITION OF qqlE TRANSPORTING e~ OF NURSERY PI,ANT MATERIA~ TO OR 1~]ROUGI[ COI,LIER ~ ~ CO~, FLORIDA FROM OR ~[ROUG}[ MONROE, DADE '~ ~. AND BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA BY AMENDING ORDINAN~ 'l '" BE IT ORDAINED BY TIIE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause any nursery plant, or. plant material, to be transported from, or through; Monroe, Dade or Broward Counties into or through Collier County, Florida. 2. Airy. person, firm or corporation aggrieved by this Ordi,a~cu shall file. an appeal, with the Collier County Agric.ul- tura~ Agent, to' ~he ~oard of. County C6mmissionors with a request. listing ~o quanti~y, an.d species of plants, points of origin, and destina~ion, ~imo, rou~e, means and vehicle license number of and by whAeh p~,n~s ar~ proposed to be transported ~n ~ontravontion of ~h~s Ordinance~ and precautions against spread of "Lethal A:'Violation of.any provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor .and shall be prosecuted tn the name of the State in the County Court by the Prosecuting Attorney, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed '$500.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to exceed 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each violation and each day a violation continues shall constitute separate offense. ~e Board of County Co~issioners shall have the power to collaterally enforce the provisions of this Ordinance by appropriate Judicial writ or proceeding not~,ithstanding any prosecu- tion as a misdemeanor. SECTION ~IREE: Emergency. ' Be it unanimously declared that an emergency exists and the immediate ena:tment of this Ordinance is necessary, therefore, notice requirements are waived and this Ordinance shall take effect imr~odiately upon mailing to the Secretary of State until repealed. SECT[ON FOUR: Conflict. In.the event this Ordinance conf. licts ~ith other law, the more r~trictive shall appl~' to tho extent of such conflict. SECTION FIVE: Severance. Should any. word, phrase, clnu~'e or section of this Ordinance be hel'd'invalid it shall be severed and shall not invalidate any other word, phrase, clause or section· ~avld Emol'so~l Brunet County Attorney ' BOOK ! 241