Ordinance 74-50ORDINANCE NO. 74-50 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE COLLIER COUI{TY WATER ~1NAGEMENT POLICY TO EFFECT MAXIMUM BENEFICIAL USE, DEVELOPMENT, CONSERVATION AND PROTECTION OF THE WATER RESOURCES OF COLLIER COUNTY; TO REGULATE AND CO,~TROL THE USE, DIVERSION AND IMPOUNDMENT OF GROUND AND SURFACE WATERS; ESTABLISHING Tire DUTIES A/ID RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE WATER MANAGEMENT ADVISORY BOARD; REQUIRING THAT PETITIONS FOR THE REZONING OF LAND, ESTABLISHMENT OF BULKHEAD LINES ~D PER/4ITS TO DREDGE OR FILL A/~D PER/4ITS FOR %'rE..LLS BE REVIEWED BY THE W~TER MANAGE~[ENT ADVISORY BOARD PRIOR TO ISSUE OF SUCH PER/4ITS; REQUIRING A PERMIT PRIOR TO THE USE, DIVERSION OR WITHDRAWAL OF WATER, PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING, ALTERING, OPERATING, MAINTAINING OR 'ABANDONING ANY DAM, IMPOUNDM~NT, RESERVOIR, APPURTENANT WORK OR WORKS IN COLLIER COUNTY; REQUIRING A PEP~4IT PRIOR TO BEGINNING CONSTRUCTION OF ANY PROJECT TO ARTIFICIALLY RECHARGE ANY AQUIFER; REQUIRING A PERMIT PRIOR TO THE DISCHARGE OF INDUSTRIAL OR CO~94ERCIAL WASTE, OR PUBLIC MUNICIPAL OR PRIVATE SEWAGE EFFLUENT BY SUP~VACE DISCHARGE, DEEP. WELL, INJECTION OR OTHER METHOD; ESTABLISHING PRO.CEDURES; .PROVIDING EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; PROVIDING GUIDELINES FOR THE P. ER/.IITTING OF COMPETING REQUIRE}'-V. NTS FOR THE USE OF WATER PROVIDING EI.~ERGENCY PO~RS TO DEAL WITH ~'?ATER SHORTAGE; PROVIDING FOR INSPECTIONS OR REPORTS; REQUIRING THE INSTALLATION OF I{EADGATES, VALVES AND MEASURING DEVICES AT TIIE OWNERS EXPENSE AND AUTHORIZING SUCII INSTALLATIONS BY THE BOARD WITH TI-IE COSTS ASSESSED AND LiENED AGAINST TIIE OW~IERS LAND TO BE COLLECTED AS TAXES OR AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED BY LA, q; PROVIDING FOR THE REVOCATION AND MODIFICATION OF PEP/4ITS ISSUED; PROVIDING PENALTY SEVERANCE AND CONSTRUCTION CLAUSES AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE .IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI( OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: that there is enacted an Ordinance establishing the Collier Water Management Policy consisting of Articles I, I1 and Iii hereinafter. SECTION ONE 1.01 1.02 1.03 ARTICLE GENERAL ~urposg. The purpose of this ordinance is to establish the Water Policy of Collier County, Florida to effect the maximum beneficia~use, development, conservation and protection of the wate~ s ce~ of the County in the best interest of the public and t6(i!p~eve~ J the depletion, deterioration, waste, and unreasonable ~s~ ~f '~2 water resources. The following regulations are establ~she~ to control all water within the geographic boundaries of Collier County to carry out the intents and purposes of the Florida Water Resources Act of 1972 as amended and of this ordinance. Scope of Jurisdiction. The Board of County Commissioners of Collier County shall regulate and control all ground and surface water, including the use of operation of all water wells, dams, impoundments, reserve.irs, appurtenant works, and works within Collier County, unless specifically exempted from regulation or control by general law or special act. Powers and Duties. Th6 powers and duties of the Board of County. Commissioners shall include, but not be limited to, the following: 1. to protect the inhabitants, the land and 'other property within the County from a surplus or deficiency'of water as it deems beneficial to the public health, safety, welfare and utility; 2. to establish, maintain and control water levels in all canals, lakes, rivers, channels, reservoirs, s~reams ~nd other bodies of water within Collier County; 3. to reg~late and control discharge into or withdrawal from nj. 1 waters in Collier Coun[y; 1.04 4. to buy, sell, exchange, and distribute water; 5. to require each user of water to install and maintain a substantially accurate and servic~able m~asuring devic~ acceptable to, and at any point d~signated by, the Board to measure the water discharged or diver~ed; to require any user of water to report on such forms and for such periods as required, the amount, of water measured and to provide such other information as the Board may require; 6. to establish the minimum flow of all surface watercourses, and the minimum level of all ground and surface water to be maintained in Collier County; 7. to formulate plans for periods of water shorta:]e, and to impose restrictions in accordance with such plan when necessary .to protect the water resources of any area; 8. to determine the existence of an emergency in the County and to require such action as the Board deems necessary in accordance with law. 9. to cause ent~ upon any private property at such times as 'necessary or desirable to conduct inspections and surveys for the purposes of this ordinance· Definitions 1. "Act" means the Florida Water Resources Act of 1972 Chapter 373, Florida Statutes, and any amendments thereto. 2. "Alter" means to extend a dam or.works beyond maintenance in its original condition, including c~anges which may increase or diminish the flow or storage of surface or ground water which may affect the 'safety of 'such dam or works. "Appurtenant ~orks" means any artificial impro, vement to a dam which might affect the safety of such dam, or when employed, might affect tho holding capacity of such dam 'or of the ~eservoir or impoun~ent created by such dam. "Aquifer" means a hydrologic unit consisting of a geologic forma~ion, a rel~c~, groUP of formations, ~r part of a formation re].ated to water, wells or springs. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. "Artificial recharge" mean~ the introducti6~ of any fluid substance into any underground for~ation. :. "Board" means the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida. "Board, Water Management Advisory" (WMAB) means the Board established by the Board of County Commissioners to conduct hearings on permit applications in relation to ~ater Management, and make recommcndattons to the Board for approval or denial and to make recommendations to the Board for investigations, studies and capital improvements to carry out the public interest aims and purposes of this ordinance. "Closed system" means any reservoir or works located entirely within lands owned or controlled by the user and which requires water only for the filling,, replenishing, and maintaining the water level thereof. "Cone of depression" means the.depression produced in a water table or other p~tentiometric surface by the extrac- .tion of water from a well. Consumptive Use" means the use of water which depletes thc supply or renders it not available for rcuse in the area from which it is withdrawn. "Dam"'means any artificial or natural barrier, with appurtenant works, raised to obstruct or impound, or which does obstruct or impound, any of the surface waters in Collier County. "Department" means the Department of Naturhl Resources or its successor agency or agencies. "Diversion" means the moving o~ water from wells, aquifers, watercourses, or other bodies into a diversionary facility. "Diversionary Facility" means any artificial device(s) which divert(s) water Within'Collier County incluaing, but not limited to a well, ditch, ~anal, swale, dam, impoundment reservoir, water intake pipe, ~p~urtenant work, and works. 15. 16. 17. 20. 21. "Domestic use"~means any use.of water for individual personal needs or for %ogsehol~ pur~gs~.such as drinking, bathing, "Emergency" means When the public health, 'safety, wel'fare' or utility, or the health of animals, fish or aquatic life, or a public water supply or recreational, commercial, industrial, agricultural or other reasonable use of water is immediately endangered or threatened by insufficient supply, restricted source, deleterious quality or other condition of water in Collier County. "Emergency due to water shortage" means when an emergency exists due to a water shortage and the powers exercisable under this ordinance are not sufficient to protect the public health,.safety, or welfare, or the health of animals, fish or aquatic life, or a public water supply, or recrea- tional, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or other reasonable uses. "Ground ~ater" mcan= .'~- % ..... beneath tho surfaco cf the ground, whether or not flowing t~}ro~gh known and definite channels. "Impoundment" means any lake, reservoir, pond, or other containment of surface water, fresh or saline, occupying a bed, basin, hollow or depression in the earth's surface wi~h or without a current or single direction of flow and hauing a discernible shoreline. "Other watercourse" means any canal, .ditch, or other artificial watercourse in which water usua. lly flows in a defined bed or channel. It is not essential that the flowing be uniform or uninterrupted. "Person" means any and all persons, including, but not' limited to, any individual, firm, association, organization, partnership, business trust, corporation, company, the United. States of ~nerica, the state, and all political subdivisions, regions,, distric~s, municipalities and public agenc~s thereof. ~ 22. 23. "Prq~.ect works", moans any natural or art{.ficial surface wa~-~rcourse, impoundment, levee, dike, dam, floodway, pumping station, bridge, highway or othcr work or facility owne~, operated.or adopted by the Board. "Reasonable-beneficial use" means the use of water in' quantities necessary for economic and efficient use, for a purpose and in a manner, which is reasonable and consistent with tho public interest. 24. "Reservoir" means any artificial or natural holding area which contains or will contain water impounded by a dam. 25. "Stream" means any river, creek, slough, or natural water- course in which water usually flows in a defined bed or channel. It is not essential that the flow be uniform or unin6errupted. The fact that some part of the bcd or 26. channel shall have been dredged.or improved does not prevent'the watercodrse from being a stream. "Surface water"~means water on the surface of the earth, whether contained naturally or artifically, or diffused. Water from natural springs or w~lls shall be classified as surface water when it exits from the spring or well onto the earth's surface. 27. "Surface watercourse" means water upon the surface of the earth'S'whether contained in bounds created naturally or artificially,, which usually flows in a defined bed or channel. It is not essential that the flow be uniform or uninterrupted. 28. 29. "UndergroUnd formation" means any. geological unit, part of a unit, or group of units lying beneath the surface of the .ground. "Water" or "Waters in Collier County" means any and all water on or beneath the surface of the ground, including natural or artificial watercourses, lakes, ponds, or diffused surface water and water percolating, standing, or flowing beneath th~ sur£ac~ of.the, ground, including 1.05 all coastal waters within the geogkaphical boundaries of Collier County, as defined by law.. 30. "Water shortage" means when 'ali or part of Collier County has insufficient water available to meet the requirement~ of the permit system, or'when conditions require a temporary reduction in total use within an area to protegt water resources from serious harm. 31. "Well" means any excavation that is drilled, cored~ bored, washed, driven, dug, jetted, or otherwise constructed when the intended use of such excavation i~ for the location, acquisition, development, or artificial recharge of groundwater; but not including sand point wells.or other wells for obtaining or prospecting for oil, natural gas, minerals, or products of mining or quarrying, or for inserting media to dispose of oil brines or to repressure an oil or natural gas bearing formation or for storing petroleum, natural gas, or Other products. 32. "Works" means any artificial structure not included in 'the definition of dam and appurtenant work, including but not limited to;.ditches~ c~nals, condufts, channels, culverts, pipes, and other construction that connects to, draws water from, drains water into,'or is placed in or across the waters in Collier County, but shall not include wells. The Water Manaqement Advisory Board~ Duties and Responsibilities 1. The Water Management Advisory Board shall review, and advise the Board of County Commissioners concerning: (a) projects which affect the surface or ground waters of Collier County. The review shall include, but not be limited to, the chemical and biolo~ical quality of waters within Collier County and quantity of water resources considering re~ntion, impo%ndments, discharges, recharge and other factors affecting . quality and quantity of water ~esource~s. 2e (b) Projects, applications and petitions that require a hearing ~y the Water Management Advisory Board prior t~ approval including petitions for the rezoning of 'land use, ~latting of land, bulkhead lines and dredge and fill; permits for wells in excess of two inches (2") in diameter; requests to vacate or relocate easements and portions of plats; excavations and borrow pits; and others referred by the.Board of County Commissioners. Should an application be rejected by the Water Management Advisory Board, the applicant may obtain a hearing before the Board of County Commissioners by filing a written petition. The Water bIanagement Advisory Board shall recommend restriction of permits with reasonable conditions necessary to conserve, protect, manage or control waters within Collier County. ° The Board shall cause to be investigated complaint~ filed alleging that any p~rson without a permit is making a diversion, withdrawal, impoundment, or other use of water not expressly exempted by this Ordinance. .Fgllowing investigation the Board shall take appropriate action and notify the complainant. 2.01 ,ARTICLE II STANDARDS FOR ISSUE OF PERMITS, REVOCATION, MODIFICATION AND PRIORITY CLASSIFICATION; PROVISION FOR WATER SHORTAGE EMERGENCIES. Permit Required~ Unlawful 1. It shall be unlawful without first obtaining a permit as required by this Ordinance, for any person, firm, corporation or other legal entity, i~cluding a land owner, lessee or other'person with the right or d~ty to control the use of land, or for any well or pump driller, digger or installer or any contractor or other agent; (a) to use, divert, or withdraw any water within Collier County; (b) to construct, alter, operate, maintain or abandon any dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works in Collier County; (c) to begin construction of any project to artificially ' recharge any aquifer or intentionally introduce water into any underground 'formation in' Collier County; (d) to discharge industrial or commercial waste or public, municipal or private sewage effluent into the waters, adjacent soils or underground formations of Collier County by surface disc~arge,"deep well injection, or other method; (e) to connect or place structure in, on, under or across project works, as defined herein, or otherwise mar use of project works or lands of the County. EXEMPTION: No land owner shall be required to obtain a permit to withdraw water from his land for his reasonable-beneficial domestic use. ' 2. Each application for a permit shall bo accompanied by a~ n~n-refundable fee of ten dollars ($10) and]shall~e filed with the County Manager in a form to include, but not be limited to the following information~ii~, e (b), *name ~nd ~ddre~a*og thd'npp1~cnnC (t~ a co~poraCton,. hddrea~ of the local and principal bu8Sneaa office) (c) *the 8ource s~roa~ or **other ' surface 'va~Or, the n~o 9enerall~ used tn tho vicinity - if a ground water source, so s tare) material (e) the'quantity of water applied for, the use to be made of the water and any limitation including 'the nature of the use, method of withdrawal or diversion, and facts upon which the amount of water requested is based; (f) the place and land area where the water is to be used; (g) tke location of the well, or for surface water the point of diversion; · (h) the total land area owned or leased by the applicant from which water is to be withdrawn; (i) the signature of tho applicant or his agent (if a representative capacity, attach proof of a~thority - if a corporation, public di~*trict, county, municipality, etc., include a certified copy of tho authority by which the application is made) (j) other information required by the Board. The 'application must.be presented to the County Manager,s Office no later 'than thirty '(30) days prior to date of the Water Management Advisory Board meeting during which the application is to be heard~ Ten (10) days prior to t'he he*aring the applicat$on will be included on the Agenda :and the applicant will'be advised and invited to attend. The Board shall* hold.a, hearing on each~apPlication for a pe~it unless; . , · (a)* the app'ltcation or use is for less than 100,001 2.02 (b} the application is for less than .1,000,001 gallons per day, and there ate no substantiaI objections to the application. The Board, after proper investigation may approve the application with6ut a hearing. NOTE: The County Manager may issue a permit for an agricultural use without a hearing after receiving information and data substantiated by the County Agricultural Agent which demonstrates the reasonable beneficial use of water and its availability from'.the source designated. Standards Governing Issue of a Permit. 1. To obtain a permit, an a?plicant mu~t demonstrate that: (a) The applicant has right to the beneficial use of the land with a reference to the land's recorded title and any lease agreement, and (b) The intended use is. a re%sonable-beneficial use as dcfincd hc~cinabov=, is consistcnt with the public interest, and will not interfere with any legal use of water existing at the time of application, including both exempt domestic uses and uses exercised under the .authority of a valid permit. 2. In determining if a use is consistent with the public interest, the Board may consider, among others, the following.factors: (a) the maximum economic devei?pment of ~he water resources consistent with present and future uses; (b) the control of such watels for environmental protection, drainage, flood control, ahd water storage and other such purposes; (c) the quantity of water available for a reasonable- b.eneficial use; (d) the prevention of wastef%.]., u~economical, impractical or unreasonable uses of ,4ater reso,,rces; Ce) (~) :~.1~ ' ",'.,, (I,~ ' ~:'~ ....... .," ~ thc pre..qorvation ~nd enhancement of the water quality of the State and the provisions of the water quality standards and classi~ications as established by the Florida Department of Pollution Control; t~e State' water resources policy as expressed in tho Act. The Board may authorize the holder of a use permit to t'ransport and uso ground or surface water beyond overlying land or outside the watershed from which it is taken if the Boar~ determines that such tFansport and use is consistent tilth the public interest. 4. The Board may reserve'water from use by permit applicants in such locations and quantities and for such seasons bf the year as may be necessary to protect the public health, safety, welfare and utility or fish and wildlife. Such reservations shall be subject to periodic review and revision in c6nsideration of changed conditions. All legal uses of water at the time of the reservation shall not be subject to' this sub-section if not contrary to the public interest. 2.03 Permits for Existing Uses. 1. Ail uses of water An existence prior to the effective date of this ordinance, unless exempted by law, may be continued after adoption of this permit system if a permit is issued and a report made as provided hereinbelow: (a) within Collier County Water District Number 7 (#7) the location and size of each well must be reported to the County Engineer within six (6) months after the effective date of this ordinance. (b) each user of water.with.in Collier County, including Water Manpgement,'District .Number 7 (~7), must apply for a permit to continue use within six (6) mohths after the qffective date'of this ordinance. 2.04 (c) Failure to report or apply within the above period~ of 'time shall create a.~nclUsive presumption of abandonment of the use. I£ the user desires to'revive the use, he must apply for a permit in accordance with paragraph 2.64 herein. 2. The Board shall: (a) conduct an advertised public hearing if: (1) the Board has reason to believe the existing use is not a reasonable-beneficial use, or is not allowable under the common law of this state; or (2) the Board determines that a permit should be for a smaller quantity of w~ter than sought, or should contain substantial limitations· (b) issue a permit to continue an existing use after a hearing in accordance with Paragrap~ 2.01 herein- above, if the existing use is a reasonable-beneficial use as defined hereinabove and is allowable under the common law of.thi.s State. (c) be advise~ in'public hearing of the size, location and capacity of permits for withdrawals issued by the County Manager. Com. p erin,. Applications . 1. If two or more aPplications compete for the same type of use and source of water, as defined by Paragraph 2.12-2 (a) and (b) hereinbelow, that is inadequate for all, or that for any other reasons are in conflict, the Board shall approve or modify the applications to best benefi: the public interest. In considering the relative public benefits, the Board shall consider the following: .(a) purposes expressly declared to be in. the public interest in Section 373.016, Florida Statutes, zhall be given primary consideration;. (b) public users shall.be prefezred over ~rivate user's;., 2.05 2.06 (C) economically mora productive uses shall bo preforre~ over less ,~conomically Rroductive ~ses, 2. If two or m6re competing applications that equally ' qualify under subzection (1) above cannot be reconciled by modification, th~ Board shall give first preference to renewal applications., If none or all are renewal applications, preference shall be. given to tho first properly filed application. Duration of Permits. 1. Pe~its may be issued for a period not to exceed fiv~ (5) years upon source of supply, type of use, or both. 2. The Board may authorize pe~its for up to fifty (50) years in the case of a governmental body,.p~lic works, or p~lic service corporation if required to retire bonds for construction of water and wasto disposal facilities. Modification~ Renewal and Transfer of Pe~its. 1. A pe~ittee or tho County Manager shall apply fbr' the Board to approve.modification of an unexpired pe~itted use. If the modification is for an increase of 100,000 · gallons of water per day.or more, the application shall be processed as a new application for a permit as provided hereinabove. Application for an increase of ' less than 10%,000. gallons of water per day may be approved without a hearing'if the applicant demonstrates: (a} a change in conditions so that the water pe~itted is inadequate;.and (b) the proposed increase complies with Paragraph 2.02 hereinabove.,/ 2. If the modification is for a decreased need for water, the pe~ittee or the~Co~tY Man,get:shall notify the Board 3. The Bbard may;'grant, modificati°~.~ of~.other teas.of a pe~it.. A ~eari~g shall-be he14 ?if~ the'.mod~fication s~stant~ally affe6ts the-interest of the pUb].ic, or any .legal usor.. 2.07 2.08 4. Each renewal application shall be processed as a new application. Upon written request a permit may be transferred if the use remains the same. Terms and conditions of the permit shall be binding on the.transferee. Revocation of Permits. 1. After a hearinp, the Board'.mays (a) revoke any permit for nonuse of the water supply for a period of two (2) years or more~ (b) revoke, in whole or in part, any permit for any material false statement in an application to continue, initiate, or modify a use~ or in any report or statement of fact required of the user pursuant to this ordinanc~ or regulation hereunder~ (c) revoke or temporarily suspend in whole or in part, any permit for the willful1 violation of any condition of a permit~ '(d) suspend, in whole or in part, for a period not to exceed one year, any permit for the violation of any provision of this ordinance or regulation hereunder. 2. The Board may cancel any permit with the written consent of the permittee. E~e. rgency AuthorSzation for User Withdrawal or Diversion of lqater. 1. The County Manager may. grant emergency authorization to begin ~se, withdrawal, or diversion ~f.water' prior to issue of a permit whenemergency conditions exist if the use, withdrawal or diversion is being considered for a permit, and if unforeseen or ~.~foreseeable circumstances create an emergency. Mere carelessness or lack of planning by the applicant shall not b~ sufficient grounds to warrant an emergency authorization. .5. -15,.; e If a change in water quantity or quality occurs which prevex{ts further use of water for agricultural purposes, the permit~ee, or his designated ~gent, shall notify the County Manager cf this condition. The County Manager shall verify the condition and may authorize the relocat.ion of tho well to a site requested by the applicant, if the new site is determined not to be potentially damaging to the water source, within the standards established by thi~ Ordinance. If an existing well suffers structural damage requiring abandonment, the owner and user shall advise the. County Manager who will verify the condition and may immediately authorize the relocation. 2.09 Water Shortage Plan. 1. Declaration of water shortage: The Board may declare a water shortage exists within all or part of Collier County when it determines insufficient water is available to meet requirements, or when conditions require temporary reduction in total use within thm area to protect water resources from serious harm. 2. C'lassification of permits: For the purpose, of the water shortage plan each permit shall be.classified as follows: (a) Sour~e.C!assificattons; (1) (2) Ground Water. =he Board may further classify .ground water source permits accgrding to the aquifer or 6ther ground.water source. Surface Water. The Board may further classify permits according to the source .of surface water from which the water is to be withdrawn, diverted or impounded. (b) Use Classif~cation§;'' (1) Domestic Use includes individual personal needs or ho~sehold purposes, such as drinking, b'athing, heating, cooking, or sanitatien uses. .. ~: (2) Essential service incl%~d6s fire department, hospital or other emergency service.uses. (3) Public supply incl'ud~s use by municipal and private water systems. (4) Livestock includes uses for domestic or commercial livestock. (5) ~ricultural i~cludes uses for the production of crops and farm products. (6) Industrial includes uses f~r manufacturing, commerce, trade'and industry. (7) ~inin~ includes uses for the extraction, transporta~:ton, or processing of minerals. (8) Power includes uses for the production of electric power. (9) Recreational includes uses for water oriented recreation including, but not limited to fishing, boating'and swimming. (10) Golf Courses: use for the game of golf with a series of 9 or 18 holes each including tee, fairway, and pu~ting green ~nd often one or more natural or artificial hazards. The Board may establish additional reasonable use classifications as it deems necessary. .The above listing does not establish a priority ranking system. Provisions and restrictions: Upon declaring a water shortage within all or part of Collier County, the Board may impose upon any classification of permits the following restrictions: (a) provisions for water users in an area to make voluntary agreements with the concurrence of the Board or the County Manager to. provide for the mutual redu?~ion, sharing, or rotation of use; (b) provisions for tho distribution of.water to permittees in exchange for ceasing o~ reducing ground Water extraction; ' 4~ (c) regulations for ~hQ me~ering, or wQ].l pump revolution counting, and reporting of all water used,'dive~ted, impounded, extracted or withdrawn; (d) regu].ation~ to maintain minimum flows and minimum levels; (e) regulations to protect against salt water intrusion or other d~terioration of water quality including the closing and plugging of wells; (f) restrictions on the total amount of water that may.be used, diverted, impounded, extracted, or withdrawn during'any day, month, or year; (g) restrictions on the timing.of use, diversion, impoundment, extraction, or withdrawal of water; · (1%) restrictions on p~ping rates or diversion rates; or (i) such other provisions or restrictions necessary . to protect water resources from serious ~arm. Exercise of powers: In'declaring a water shortage and determining classes of permits to be restricted, the Board' shall consider the public interest and the following guidelines: (a) domestic use exclusive of lawn and ornamental plaht irrig2tion, normally has the highest priority; (b) users that ~upply necessities to people are preferred over other uses; (c) public users are preferred over private users of the same type of use and source; (d) users subject to serious loss of invested capital if supplies are reduced are preferred over others as neqessary to protect investments gonsidering the severity of the water shortage. The a~ove listing does not establish a priority ranking system. 2.10 2.11 2.12 Tho Water Shortacje Plan and Procedures. 1. Publication of notice: When a water shortage is declared the Board shall cause notice thereof to be published in a prominent place within a newspaper generally circulated throughout the area each .day ~or the first week of the water shortage and once a week thereafter as notice to all users of the water shor~, ge ~t~ the declaration is rescinded 2. Motice to permittees: The Board shall notify each affected permittee in the County by regular mail of any change in or suspension of his permit, or any other restriction of his use of water for the duration of the water zhortage. Review of orders: Orders d~claring a water shortage shall be final after review by the Board. Emergency Due to Water Shortage. 1. Decl~ara.t,.iqn of_emergency due to water shortage: If an emergency exists due to water shortage within any area of Collier CountY, and the Board finds that the water shortage 'plan is not sufficient to protect the public health, safety, welfare and utility, the health of animals, fish or aquatic life,~a public water supply, or recreational, commercial, industrial, agricultural, or other reasonable use, the Board may declare a water shortage emergency. 2. Ftme~rgency powe..rs.: Under a declaration of an emergency due to water shortage, the County l,~.anager may impose the provisions and restrictions above and be guided by the standard of public interest detailed above. 3. Compliance .and.....c!~allen~e to orders: A party affected by an. emergency order shall comply immediately, but may challeng? such order. Procedures Under Emergency Due to Water Shortage. 1. Publicatio~ of notice: Publication of notice of an emerg{=ncy due to water shortage shall be in accordance with ,'aragraph ,~2.10 (1) above. ' 2.13 2. l~otice tO ~r~aittoeS: The County Manager shall notify each affected pormittee by regular mail o~ any change' or suspension of his pnrmit, or any other restric- tion.on his use'for the duration of the emergency dua to water shortage. The County Manager may provide notice by anotker means reasonable under the circumstances if such notice is confirmed by regular mail. Existing Permits. Any user ho~d{.ng a permit or permit agreement for the use of water, execute~ or issued by ~he Board prior ~o July 1, 1973 shall request the County, in writing, to convert such permit to a permit under this ordinance. Failure to request such a conversion within two (2) years from the effective date of the imDlementation of these regulations shall be conclusive grounds for cancellation of the existing permit. ARTICLE III ENFORCEMENT & STORAGE PROCEDURES 3.01 3.02 3.03 General~. Unlawful.. It shall be unlawful, unless expressly exempted, to construct, alter, operate, maintain, or abandon any dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works in Collier County without first obtaining a permit as required by this ordinance. The Board and its agents have the authority to enter upon private property during respectable hours to inspect surface water works. The Board has authority to make repairs, if the owner fails to do so within a reasonable time, and cause the cost to become a lien upon the property and collected as taxes. Exemptions. 1. This ordinance shall not'be construed ko affect the ~ight of any natural person to capture, contain, discharge, or use water for purposes permitted by law, ko affect the right of any person engagod in tho occupation of agriculture, floriculture, or'hgrticulture to alter topography consistent with such occupation if the alteration is not primarily to impound or obstruct surface waker or change a water level. '' 2. This article does not apply to.construction, operotion, maintenance, or abandonment of a'closed system as defined hereinabove. Articl~ II applies to the taking and discharging of water for filling, replenishing, and maintaining the water level in a closed system. Permits for Construction or A].teration~ Unlawful. 1. Unless expressly exempted by'law, it shall be unlawful for' any person: 3.04 (a) to construct or altcr any dam, impoundment, reservoir or appurtenant works thereof where such impoundment. is located on a surface watercourse or relies on a surface watercourse for its supply or such impound- ment is grea~er than 320 acres in area, without a permit from the Board. ib) to construct or alter any works, as defined herein- above, within Collier County without first obtaining a permit from the Board if the County by rule or regulation so requires. 2. Application for a permit ~hall contain the following information~ (a) names and addresses of the applicant, the person to construct the work, the owner(s} of the land' upon which the construction is to be made and a legal description of such land; (b) location and general purpose of the work With plans and specificiat%ons. When required by the County such plans and specifications shall be prepared and certified by a Professional Engineer registered by the State of Florida; (c) other related information ~he Board requires. 3. The board may impose reasonable conditions as necessary to assure that the construction or alteration will not be harmful to water resources. Notice and Hearin~ Requirements. 1. Within thirty (30) days after receipt of an application for a permit, if the impounded or diverted waters will exceed six hundred forty (640) acres in'the area, the Board shall cause notice thereof to be published and a hearing shall be held prior to final ac~io~ by the Board on the application. 2. If no substantial objection is received, the Board may without a hearing approve~an application for a permit if the impounded oz diverted waters will no~ exceed six hundred forty (640) acres in area. 3.05 3.06 3.07 Completion Report· Within thirty .(30) days after.~the.completion of construction, or alteration of any dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant· work or works for which a permit is granted by the Board, the permittee shall file with the'County'Engineer, a written statement of completion. Inspections. During the construction or alteration of a dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works, the Board may cause to be made at its expense ~uch periodic inspections as it deems necessary. If work is contrary to the approved plans and specifications, the Board shall give the permittee written notice stating the .particulars not in compliance and shall order i~edia%e compliance. Failure to comply shall result in permit revocation proceedings. Upon completion of the work the County Engineer shall inspect dams, reservoirs, impoundments, appurtenant work or works annually, or more frequently if necessary. It shall be unlawful to refuse, deny or obstruct immediate entry or access by an authorized representative of the Board to conduct inspections. Permits for Operation or Maintenance, Unlawful. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or maintain any works, dam, impoundment, reservoir or appurt6nant works if located on a surface watercoorse or dependent on a surface watercourse for water supply or if comprising an area greater than 320 acres without first obtaining % permit in accordance with this section unless exp:-essly exempted. 2. Applications for an operation or maintenance permit shall be filed with the County .Z~gine'er. 3. The Board may include permit conditiOns necessary to assure .' 3.08 3.09 that the operation or maintenance is co[~sistent with Couhty and State lawn and policies concerning Water Resources. 4. A permit may be transferred to a grante~ of a dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work, or works or the land on which the same is located, if the use remains the same and the person granted the permit notifies the Board of the change of ownership within thirty (30) days after the transfer. ~ad~ates! Va.~v~.a~d Measuring Devices Required. 1. The owner of a dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works shall, unless determined by the Board to be unnecessary: (a) install and maintain a serviceable he~dgate or valve at the point where the water is discharged or diverted, (b) install a water discharge or diversion measuring device to the specifications, and locate~ ~t the point approved b~'the Board. 2. If the owner fails to construct or install such headgate, valve' or such measuring d~vice within sixty (60) days after the Board has ordered, the Board shall cause such installation and the cost shall become a lien against the owner's land and collected as taxes or otherwise as provided by law. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person to cause a measuring device to register other than the quantity of water diverted,, discharged or taken. ~bandonment~. Permit..Require~,._Unla~ful. 1. It shall be unlawful for any person to abandon any dam, impoundment, reservoir, or appurtenant work located on a surface watercourse or dependent upon a surface watercourse for ~ater supply or if comprising an area greater than '32~ acres with6ut first obtaining a permit in'accordance with'thi~'secticn unless expressly exempted. 3.10 2. Applications for an abandonment permit shall be filed with the County Engineers. :. 3. The Board may include Pormit conditions'necessary to assure that the abandonment is conzistent with County and State . laws and policies concerning water resources. 4. (a) If the Board determines that a dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works is not used or maintained under the authority of the owner for a period of three (3) years or more, it shall be presumed that the owner has abandoned and dedicated the facility to the public. (b) This subsection shall n6t apply to a permitted dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works owned or directly controlled by the State. Revocation and Modification of Permits. 1. The Board may revoke or modify a permit after a hearing if the Board determines that a. dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or wor~s is a danger to the public health, 'safety, welfare or utility or if its operation is inconsistent with County or State laws and policies concerning water resources. 2. Prior to revocation or modification the Board shall produce written notice by registered or certified mail to parties it determines to be directly affected, with a statement of the re~sons the permit may be revoked or modified. A directly affected party may fi~e a written petition for a hearing no later than ten (10)' days after the notice is served. 3. If the County Manager determines that the danger to the public is imminent, he may order a temporary suspension of the construction, alteration or operation of the works 'until the hearing is concluded. 3.1.1 3.12. 3.13 3.14 Declaring and Abatement on Muisance Works. Any J/am, 'impoun{~ent, reservoir, appurtenant work or works in visitation of the laws of this St~{ie, this ordinance or any standard, regulation, or orders of the Board, or condition of a permit shall be deemed a public nuisance. Operation of such dam, impoundment, rehervo].r, appurtenant work or works may be enjoined by the Board, or any citizen. The Board shall be a necessary party to any such suit. Remedi'a~ Measures Reqq~red, U~lawful. Based upon an inspection, the Board.may determine end order the owners of a dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works to make alterations and repairs to be made within a reasonable time certain. The owner may file a written petition for a hearing before the Board within ten (10) days after the order is served· If the owner fails to make the specified alterations or repairs within thirty (30) days, the Board may cause such alterations or repairs to be made and the' cost, including interest' and attorny fees, shall become a lien against the property until the Board is reimbursed. Emer9en.cy Authorization to Construct Works. 1. Authorization to begin construction of works prior to issue of a permit may be applied for, in writing, when emergency conditions justify.. No such permission shall be granted unless the construction of the works is already under consideraton for a permit under Paragraph 3.03(1) hereinabove. 2. The County Manager may grant emergency authorization. However, a serious set of unforeseeable and unforeseen circumstances must exist to create an emergency. Mere carelessness or lack' of planning.on the part of the.applicant shall not be sufficie~t grounds to warrant the granting of emergency authoriza~ion'. Emer.gency Measures. 1. If any dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant wor~ or works is hazardcus to' safety of life or property and time does not permit to issue and enforce an order to maintain or operate; or if imminent floods threaten the safety of any dam, impoundment, reservoir, appurtenant work or works, the Board shall take immediate remedial action necessary to prote~t the. public health, safety or welfare. In using the emergency powers provided by this. section, the County Manager may take ~he following action: (a) lower water levels by releasing water from any impoundment or reservoir; (b) empty impoundments'a~d reservoirs; (c) other action the Board determines necessary to safeguard life and property. The County Manager shall exercise control of such dams, impoundments, reservoirs, and appurtenant works until rendered safe or the emergency ceases. .SECTION TWO Penalty. A violation of any provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted in the name of the State in the County Cburt by the Prosecuting Attorney, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonmeht in the County Jail not to exceed 60 days, or by both 'such fine and imprisonment. Each violation and each day a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The Board of County Commissior. ers shall have the power to collaterally enforce the provisions of this Ordinance by appropriate Judicial Writ or proceeding no~,ithstanding any prosecution as a misdemeanor. ConE~Lct. In t:he event thi~ Ordinanco conflicts wit:h any oth~:r Ocdin~,nce of Co.~lier Counhy .)r othur a~E, iJ.c~,bl~ law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any portion of t:hJ.:~ Ordinance is in conflict with an Ordinance of any municipality within Collier County, it shall no% be effective within tho *municipality to %ho extent of such conflict . Severance. If any phrase or portion of %his O~dinance is for any reason% he].d inv~lid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, such portiop shall be doemed a separate, distinct and indcp~ndent provision and such holding shall not ~ffoct the validity of tho remaining portion. Liberal Cons%ruction. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be libcra'ily construed' to effectively carry out it~ purposes in the internist of the public health, safety, welfare and convenienco. EffectLve Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt notice that it has been filed with thm Secretary of State.. Dated: Dec;ember 23, 1974 BOARD OF COUNTY CO~5~ISSIO~IERS COLLIER COU~TY, FLORIDA ATTEST: MARGARET T. SCOTT Clerk of Circuit Court Deputy Clerk Th6maS p. Archer Chairman · '~,~,~. Approved as to form and legality: ·~ ~..'::J~,'"C.J". . ." "L~I,~': , . Davi~ Emerson Bruner · - · .~~...~, ... Collier County Attorney