Ordinance 74-45 ORDINANCW. NO. 74~- 45 , AN .ORDI[IA~;CE AMENDI~;G ORDINA~CE' NO. 73-16 TO MAI~TAIN MI~TIMUM STZuNDARDS OF HYGIENE ' OF PUBLIC FOOD SERVICE, PROCESSI~;G ~D OUT- LET ESTABLISH;~NTS~ INCORPO~TI~G BY ~- FERE~;CE ~HAPTERS 381 A};D 386 OF THE FLORIDA STA%'UTES A[TD CHAPTERS 10D-13, 10D-14 10D-15 OF THE FLORIDA AD[4INIST~TIVE CODE; PROVIDING DEFINITIONS; P~SCRIBING A FOOD ' ESTABLISH[~NT PE~dIT TO BE ISSUED AFTER INSPECTION AND PRIOR TO ISSUE OF AN OCCU- PATIO:;~ LICE:;SE; PROVIDING FOR THE C~ATION .OF THE FOOD ESTABLISHmeNT REVIE~'; BOARD WITH THE. PO~R TO ~CO~ND ~VOCATZON OF A FOOD ESTABLISH[.~NT. PE~4IT; PROVIDING FOR INSPEC- TIO}; OF.FOOD ESTABLZSH~NTS BY THE HE~TH DEPART~NT, T~INING ~D EX~INATION OF FOOD ESTABLISH~NT ~CAGERS,' AND ~VOCATION OF PE~IT TO OPE~TE; PROVIDING ~i APPEALi PROVIDING PEN~TIES, SE~BILITY AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ~'~EREAS, standards pf hygiena for public food service establish- ments within' Collier Countyt Florida are necessar~ to protect' the p~lic health, s~fety and welfare.. . · ~:'~%~~ · ". ., COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA'~ · ' · . ..~ 1 Definitions. Law Inco~ orated b Reference: ' ~ ~ ~;:s;ons and ~efinitio~s 'of Chapters J86 of the Florida Statutes and Chapters 10D-~3, 10D-14 and 10D-15 of the Flor~Sa Administr~tive'C~de regulating food servi'ce, proces~ s.ing and outlet establis~ents ar~ incorporated by reference in this Ordinance as thoug~ se~ out fully herein. ' ' b.. The w6rd "manager" or "bupervisor" shall ~ean the person on the premises of a "food establishm~n%" with authority or the right to 'S%~ervise food.service employees or, in his absence, 'the person in cha~ge of, or actually operating or cleaning any~ . .. processing., storing preparation or serving area. '~--_ ~ ~1' 2. Pe~it Require~ Not Transferable~ ~evocation: ~ ~ a. Permit Required to Operate a Food Service, Pro~~ or Outlet Establishment: Ie shall be unlawful for any pers~o~ operate., or cause to be operatedf a food service, processing or outlet establishment within Collier County, including any municipality therein, without: 1) Prominently displa~in~ a curren~ unrevoked ' "Food Establis~ent Permit" issue~ ~o'th0'e~tablis~ent, in the name of the current owner, by the Director of the C~llier County Health Department or his authoriz'ed repre- sentative (hereinafter referred to as "Health Director"), and 2) Full compliance by the foo~ establishment with each provision of this Ordinance and the State la~ incor-. porated.hereinabove', and · · 3) A Manage=, Superviso~ or.other designated Person upon the premises 'during food processing,'preparation,.service~ and facilities, equipment.ahd utensil cleaning· b. Permit Not Transfe~able~ .No "Food Establishment permit is'transferable from any location to another. c. 'The Collier.Coun~y Tax Collector shall require evidence of the appropriate "Food Establishment Permit" prior, to.issue of an occupational license to process, prepare, serve or sell food. 3. Permit Ap~lication and Issues a. ApplicatiOn for a "Food' Establishment Permit" shall be made to, and upon forms'furnished by the County. Health Director. b. The County ~ealth Director ~hall~ 1) Ca~se an inspection to be made of the premises and determine that food establishment facilities, equipment and utensils are in compliance, with State and County regulations. 2) Issue a food service, processing or outlet establish ment perm].t,.as applicable. 4. Ins~ections: a.. Th~ Health Director shall knspect food establishments at.reasdnable times as he may determine desirable to insure com- pliance with State 'and County food health law~. Notice after such inspecti~n~ to the food estabIishment shall be by presenting a copy of the "Official NStice of Inspection" to the "Manager", or other des'ignated Person, or in his absen6~ a'person operating t~e food area. · ~b. If a food. estab1%shmen~ fails to substantially comply with health laws including Chapters 10D-13~'10D-14 and 10D-15 of the Florida Administrative Code; the Realth Director shall issue to ' the Manager a "Notice of Non-Compliance and ~earing"' before the food establishment review board. 5. Food Establishment Review Board~ Establishment'~ Term~ Duties and Power to Revoke Permit.' a. Appointment: The Board of County ComMissioners may by three (3) affirmative votes appoint two (2) members of the f6od industry a~d three (3) members of 't~e ~ublic not associated with the food industry to fgrm a five (5) member Food Establishm~nt Revie~ 'Board, which by three affirmative votes shall seIect a Chairman and Vice Chairman. Each appointed, member shall be a minimum of tweqty- one (21) years of age, a registered v6ter and resident of Collier' County and'not a convicted felon. An alternate me'mber shall als~ be appointed, who shall'vote at a'ny regular or.special meeting in the absence of an appointed member. ' b. Term: Each term of appointment shall be for a period of two (2) years except one (1) ea6h of the initial food industry and nob-food industry appointments shall be for a per~od of one (1) year. Any appointed member mgy be removed .by four (~) affirmative votes of the Board of County Co~missioncrs. Failure to at{end.%wo (2) consecutive.or three (3) meetings within a 12-month period shall constitute a resignation. c. The Food Establishment Board shall have'the power to: 1) Adopt rules of pr6cedure, maintain a public record of resolutions, acts and findings. 2) Hold a minimum of one (1) meeting each mont~ at a time, date and place convenient to the Board as determined by majority vote. Emergency meetings shall be held as. a deter- mined by the Chairman after.eight (8) hour~ telephone notice, or at~empte~ notice, to the telephone numbers furnished by each member. 3) With three (3) affirmative votes ~ave the Power to recommend revocation of a food establishment permit for the reason of'maintaining any co~dition in violation.~f this Ordi~ance. 4) Non-complianCe with the provisions of this Ordinance and the referenced laws, rules and regu.lations by a food establishment is deemed to indicate inadequate knowledge. In such.~case the Food Establishment Re%iew Board may direct the manager and/or supervisor(s) to successfully complete a training course.or, examination app~ovea by 'the Health Dirccto~ based u~on'the Florida Statutes, the Rules an~ Regula~ions of the Florida State'Division of Health and pr~fessional fooa establishment pra~ttce~. 5) Imme~iately .after a permit is revoked the Manager of the establishment sh~i1 be served a "'Notice of Rcvocation" by personal service of the' Health or Sheriff's Dep~rtment. Further, operation of the fo~d establishment shall be unlawful prior to reissue of the permit per paragraph 3) above. 6) 'Upon servi6e of a notice of revocation it shall be the duty of the MaDager and the Owner of the food establish- ment and the duty of the Health Director or his d~signee to stamp upon the face of the permit the word· "Void" in bold red letters, and enter the date of revocation with his initials. 7) Upon revocation of a permit, the owner or operato= may apply for reissue of a permit upon satisfactory inspection by the Health Department. 6. 'Appeals. Should any person be ag~rieved by any provision or application of this Ordinance he shall first s%{bmit an appeal in writing to the Board of. County Commissioners within ten (10) calendar days statin~ his name, the name.and'location of the food establishment involved, the. name of the manager and the nature.of the appeal. The Board may conduct a hearing after ten (10) days notice in Writing to the owner or manager.served by registered or certified mail. The aggrieved person may r~quest and r~ceive a hearing as.early as reasonable to. Afte~ a hearing, the Board may by three (3) votes.mjdi~y, suspend, confirm the action or take other action. 7.' P~nalty: .. Any person violating any provision of this Ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as provided b~ law. If such a violation'is Continuing, each day's violation shall be .~ separate offense· SECTION TWO: Severability. If Dny section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this regulation, is for any reason held invalid or uncon- '.. stitutional by any Court o7 competent'Jurisdiction, such portion sh'all be deemed a separate, distinct and independen{ provision and such hoiding Shall not effect {he v~iidity of the remgining portions. SECTION TH~EE: Conflict. '. In the event'this Ordinance conflicts with.~any other Ordinance .of Collier County or an~ municip~li%y therein.or other applicable ''law, the more restrictive shall apply. If any part of this Ordinance cosflicts with any other part,.it shall be seveFed and the remainder sha%l have fufr force and ~£fecf. SECTION FOUR: Eff~ctive Date. The provisions of this Ordinance Shall become effective upon receipt that. t~is Ordinance' has been filed with the Department of State· PASSED AND'.DULY ADOPTED BY. TH~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA this ...5th day of November, 1974. ATTEST: MARGARET T. SCOTT C~ of Circuit ~lerk - .::. BOARD OF COU~Y CO~4ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA Ap~ved as to fo~ ~nd legality= David ~merson Brier Collier County Attorney