Ordinance 74-35 ORDZNANCg NO._ 74-35 ' AN ORDINANCE AMENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANC~ NO.74-12 BY C[iANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSI- FICA'I'ION OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW FROM SF-5,M?-2,C-2,C-3 TO E-2 A~ricultural Estates District AND PROVIDING a~ ~~ ~A~ WHEI.%EAS, the Coastal Area Planning Commission has received Petitions, advertised, held public hearings and recommend zoning area and district boundaries to be approved and adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida: NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TII~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: 1. Thc zoning classification of the hereinbelow ~escri~ed real property in Collier County, Florida is changed from SF-5,MF-2,C-2,C-3 to E-2 Agricultural Estates District. and the Official Zoning Atlas described as Exihibit A_~_ of Ordinance No. 74-12 is hereby a~ended accordingly: SECTION ~'~O: Ail ~olden Gate Estate pro'perties presently zoned "SF-5,"MF-2", C-2","C-3" lying within the Coastal Area Planning District 'Conflict, Severance , Const uct~on and Pena _. ~. .,... ~ In'%hc event this Ordinance conflicts.with o~her applicable"law, the more.restrictive shall apply· If any part of this Ordinance con- fli~ts with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall. .have * ' full forcc'and effect and be ltberally..6onstrued. · .. If~n~ ' ' ' ' is~s~cti~n, s~'n~ence', 'clause, ~hra~e or port,on section,' of ~his Ordinance is, for any reason held invalid o~ unconstitutional by Any court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof.' '. "The' provisions of this Ordinan~ shall be deemed an.exercise ~f'. ' ' the.police power of Collier County for'the, protection of the public. health, safe~y..and'welf~re and therefor~ shall'b~, liberally construed to accomplish 'that. purpqse and implement the. legislative tnten~ and' . declaration. ' . . . " '. : "' · ' "' ' '. '. " ~hhll be a separate offense .... ' ' . . . . SECTION TH;tEE: . · .. ' · ' Eff "" ' · .',... .. ec ye Date. : ': Th~s Ordinance shall becom~ effective upon ~edetpt of not'ice that it is' filed with the .Secretary of State. . Dated: '8-20-74 · "' "" .' ,...' .B6ARD OF C0~CTY CO~.~4ISSION. ERS ATTEST :. ' · MARGA]~ET T. SCOTT , ' ',.. .Cler~of Circuit Court. . '.' ' Deputy Cl~rk ... COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA · . . ''..... Cliff6rd Wenzel~' Ct~irman Approved as to form ~d ].egali~y: · ' ' ..~.. :'..:~,,~." ~,'. ' .... . David Emerson Brunet . . .~. !..' . .~,.".a..~..:..£j,,, ~..'. , .' .......... /' 'CoIlier Couhty Attorney .' · · . :.... · ,.? .:~,,,,~.. ~.~. : ... .. .. .. .. · . . . ... ~,%~. ~.~. ~. · . . . . · . . ..:. . .. : '" . '~°' '. ' ~~,'d ',' .'% -'. · ' * * ', ' , * . · ' ' · ' * , ,../,, ". 6~.~.~.', , .' .... . ., .. . · . . '.". . . . . . .. . . * ,.2.',.,.1....~..:.'.~,~ ~ .-. . . : ..' · ... . ' . :. .. .. . . . ;. ... ., ': .. : .',(,~ ~y.~...: ~ . ..'.' . '~' . .....' , ; · . ~ .' % -. , ..- · . ' .. ' · . :~. · ~ '..'" '' .. ... 2