Ordinance 74-29ORDINANCE NO. 74-2~ . AN ORDINANCE ~ENDING COLLIER COUNTY ORDINANC~ NO. 74-12 DY CHANGING THE ZONING DISTRICT CLASSI- FICATION OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW FROM "~-5","C-2W" and MF-3W to Planned Unit D~velopment (PUD) AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, S~ott F. Lugert! J0hn.R. Wood~Trustee..and..First National Bank and Trust' Co. of Naples, Trustee owner(s) Of the property hereinafter de- scribed, petitioned the Board of County CommisSioners of Collier County to change the. zoning classification of the real property hereinafter described: NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: 1. The Zoning Classification of the hereinbolow described real property in Collier County, Florida is changed from "MF-5","C-2W~ and "~-3w" to Planned Unit Development (PUD) and is subject to all conditions as herein after described and~ the Official Zoning A.tlas described as Exibi'~ A of Ordinance 74-12 is hereby amended accordingly. I BACI(GROUND II:4FORMATION 'PARK SHORE UNIT A 'Planned Un]l Develc~pmqnt_ It i~ proposed fhat Unit 2 J~e c'onverled fo 'PUD zoning. c: General. D~scrlpt;on o..r~Pro[ect; : , .. ~. Fx;sf;ng Leqa[ Slafus. Park Shore Unit 2 was ¢,pproved by CollJer C~unly end placed or record in Plat Book 8, Pages 54 end 55, on 6prfl 1969. Lond~ wilhJn bnJt 2 were zoned MF-5~ C-2W~ and MF-3W on January 9~ 1~68 fo accommodate Ihe planned res.[~enfbl~, commercb./~ recreoflonal ~nd accetsory~ , · ' ~e essentbl developmont'compo~ent~ ~t Park Sho;e Un;t 2 aie as 1. Slt6s"for lnll ~levator apartments, al~ tho gulF. ' .'" 2. ~reo largo bc~cl~front comm~s areas. ' , ,'., " Two bayrr~t f~nho~e n~rtment cjusters, 5.: T~vo commercbl parcels lo'ate, al'at fha lnter,~¢cllon oF Pork ..Shore Drive and Gull: Shore Boulevard. · '~ .. · 6.. A bayrront apartmenl 'site. .: 7. A 100 ft.' wlde ' public beach, access strip, Including parkJ.ng facilities. 8. A 200 f.~. ~.,'ide, qpproxlmat.e 2 acre private beach access ~rcel. ~ · 9. Boat docl~,, extending into lh~ waters' elr VencHan Bay: .. 10. Portions el: Gull: Shore Boulevard end Park Shore Drive. OwnerShip.. ~. Lands wiIhln Park Shore Unit 2 ara held by the irollowlng c~vners: Lot I~ BI. ack 12 is c~,ned by the owners of apartment~ in Horizon House; portions of L. ots 6 a'nd .7, Block 12 are owned by owners 'o.f apartments in Sur[sedge and Gult'slde, lhe remainder is owned by Por~ Shore, a' Partnership; Lots 10 nnd 11, Block' 12 are'owned by John R. Wood, Trustee; Blocks 14, 15~. 16 and 17 are a~ned by The First NaHonal Bon~ ot' Naples, Trustee; lbo remaining lands in the Unit are owned by Park Shore, a Pariner~h~p. Deve[opment end Sates Mechanism. Th~ basic land [mpr?vements.wilhin Park Shore Unit 2 have l~een acccmpl;shed by Park Shore, a Partnership~ which ~s the development organization. Build;rigs wilhln ir'ark Shore Unlt 2 will be dev. elo~d o) by Perk Shore, a Partn~rship~ or b) by development groups wl',o ha'ia acquired or will acquire bu[ld~n~ par.eels from Park Shore, a Partnership. Adm~n;stratlve and sales offices ore maintained and operated by the development orgaMzatlon 'w~th locotlons occurring both. wlth[n the lruture commercial complex and on Ihe site ot" residentbl structures which are being constructed and sold. The development orgon]zaffon maintains its o.vn m?rketbg t'orces and also markets in a conventlonol manner through all other area real estate organi~aH.on~ STATISTICAL INFORMATION' Description o~' Project Participants: Developer: Pork Shore, a Partnership, 4050 Gull~ Shore Boulevard Norlh~ ' Naples, Florida 33?40. '' ' Land Planner: William R.. Vines,.A.I.P., 1170 Third Street South~ Naples, Florida 33940. Engineers: Wilson, Miller, 15art~, Sell & Peek, Inc., 665 Ffflh Ave. nut South, Naples, Florida 339~0. "' · Attorney: Carroll, Vega, Brown and' Nichols, 2660 .A~rport Road, ix/aples, Florida 33940. ' b. 'Le~l Description of Subject P, roperty~ Park Shore U~it 2, Plat Book 8, Page.s 54 and 55, Publ'ic Records of :.Co'filer. Co0r~ty, Florida. ' ; " O~ Topogro h Planned modlfica~'ions of the or~glnal natural topographic condlt~on, in Unit 2 are nearing completion, Jn accord with all rec[ulred local, state, and federal author,zed wor~., ther'e ~vill bo no permils; After completlon of tho presently ' ' a~dilJ0~al topographlc changes except finish gra~ing which will occur durlng building cons~'ructlon, parldng~, d.rlve,, and landscape installation. Predevelopment end postdovelopm;nt topographic maps are ~ file in Ihe office et~ the' County .. Engineer and the ol'~'ice of lhe project engineers, Wil~on-MJller-P, erton-Soll & d. Land Area. Unlt 2.. contains 92 acres o~' land~ 34 acr'es of water, for a gross plaited area " of 126 acres. " A'maxlmum of 1,773 multi-t'arnily units are planned for Unlt 2's 126 acres. These ..' units would produce a gross denslt.y oF'f4 &velllng.unl!s per acre. Deductlng tho ." . lnciea$o the gross density to' 14. 9' c~elli~,g 'units 'pc) acre. If' the density. Is '' ~lculoted For the 'la'nd a~:ea, exclusive Of tho water 'area, 'the figure is 19.3. Nalural Features. '4. Exlsllng natural features whlch'have been and c/re to be preservec~ consist of the gulf beach, for.dune, and a s~zeable portion of Ih. natlvo cabbage palm hammock which ile's landward of the for.dune. A Iow wall and stabilized fill. has been placed landv,'ard of th~'natural fbredbne, broa.dening lbo.dune and raising, ils peak elevation. ,,,Traffic Ways. Public streets wilhln Unit 2 consist of Gulf Shore Boulevard, Park. Share Drive, and ilori'zon Way. All other traffic clrculaHon wlth;n Unit 2 will occur on · private drives. h. Fire Protection. Unit 2 is in tKe l~lorlh Naples F~re Contrbl District. Ac'cess for fire control .. equipment, fire resistant constructloh, and internal fire control features, includ- ing standpipes, hoses and pressure pumps, in elevator structures, have been and are to be provided In full compliance with City, County, State,..an.d Natlonal fire codes. The entirely of Unit 2 Is su.pplied w~th central water and sewer service by Ih. City or Nap!es. Electric power, 'telephone, and cable televlslon service Ts undergroun'd throughout the proiecf.. . Approgec~ 'engln'ee'r'ing' Plans for pa~;n~, gr6d~hg, drainage, w, ater supply syst.em; sanitary sewer, collection system, and sanffary sewer force ma~n and pu'mp~ng. III staHon are contained wllhtn W~Ison~, t, AHler~ Barton & Soil Plans File No. D-38, · Sheets 1 thru 21, enlHled Park Share Un;t No. 2 Development Plans; Wilson, Miller, Barton & Soil Plans No~ S--58~ Sheets 1 thru 3, entitled Pork Shore Unit Lo. 2 Bulkhead an'd Venetian Silo Plans; and' W[lson~ Miller, Barton & Soil Plans No. S-67, S-75, and S--104, which ara the pians For the I'o~v gull' Front ~eawall. These plans, all approved by Collier County, are on file tn of.f.~ces.oF the project engineers and ~n th~ County Building Department. Exhibit A, the record plot atr Park Shore Unit 2,' on'which additional p/an inf.ormat~on has been placed, is attached to and 'made a port of this PUD document. All at' the tracts and areas d~scussed by th~s document are shcwn on Exhibit A. RECREATIONAL OPEN SPACE LANDS AND FACILITIES o. Al' lbo soulhern end of' UnH 2/ extending f'rom Gull' Shore Boulevard to lh'e Gulf, 100 ft. wide Horizon Way has been platted and dedlcated to the general · public. Horlzon Way Functions as a general' public beach access poMt, and has been developed with 43 of Fstreet parking s. paces~ See EXHIBIT A. · .sltbs ahd the' gulf mea'n hlgh water llne: .., .. ,.. 'l'e.a[.ed.b~, owne~i ~f'~vellJngs" In'Ih. adjoining bul~d;n0 sit'i,' are ia be natural .. ""' ' ."' "j '."~nd beach in ~Ft, londsco~eU open s~ce ;n. ~rt, and ore't; c~tot~ no ...... ~" ' " '~" ......... ~'-.: .....~'~' ~ : ..... Z...~' ." b. West of the junction of Park Shore Drive .and Gulf Shor~ Boulevard, a 200 ft. wide tract of gulf front land, approximately 2 acres in area, is to be dedicated 'to oil Pa~k Shore propert~ .o~vners,. both Ihose on the mainland and those on beach· The Developer ts to ~nstall' oFfstreet parJdng spaces and I~ndscapb'g wilhln Ih. tract, as Indicated on EXItI~IT A* · '~ "' * '~ '- ' "' : .... ~'*'1 ....... '* ' .c. PIotL~d bea~htr'~nt pa~.lc~ 'commons, I Rff, llS,i,' bnd.,Tn Ifa between ~ebchfror4 I:>uJld~ng' ' The~e beachFront commons:, owned.and/or '.'' BOOK IV structures ether than small recrcoHon shelters, scot benches, walL~oys, ornamental rctolning walls, statuary, Founlalns, etc, ,4, meandering beachf.ront promenade, no~, partblly developed,' is to e~/end the length of. the beach .wilflln the beach- 'front commons. Sqe EXHIBIT A. · i. 'In lhe easterly edge of Ibc.Gulf Shar~ BouleVard right alr way btcrm~ttend pods air offstreet i~rk~ng.are planned, along w~lh bayshore sidewalk and sealing areas .in landscapb~ strips fronHng on the bay.. See ~XI-tlBIT A. i~oat do~klng t'acillt[es which ate intended to serve res~denls in the Immediate area are to be conslructcd in Venetian. Bay ai sho.vn on EXHIBIT A. M~nlmurn dock lease period shall be three months, and overnight lodging on boats shall not be permHted. Charier f~shing operations are prohib~ted. SPECIFIC DEVELOPMENT AREAS a. PlaHed Beochfront Commons "R"~ "S", and "T". Th'ese beachfront commons lands, lying bc~een lhe beachirront bu[[d;ng corridor and the Gulf air Mex~co~ shall function as permanent gulir-irront open space. The lands shall be' cwned and/or permanently l',.osed in common by owners of .. the property within the bu[Idbg 'corridor~ shall be commonly used by occupants ot' bu]Idbgs in the build;ng corridor, shall be devoted to landscaped open space and recreation facilitles~ and may only contain such structures as ore necessary .to their open space and recreational function. No portion of these lands shall be utilized for offstreet Parldng or a~cess drives. Commons "R" has been Part,ally lahdscaped. Pr~or to lrurther development of the beachfront commons, development plans, lnclud!ng landscape plans, shall'be submitted to and approved by the County' Planni~g'D[re~/or~ " "' ': ' ' .... ' . Plaited Build~n~ Sites 1. thru .15, less the southerly 200 ft. of' Lot 13, Block 12. These'buildlng sites shall be used solely for multiple family residences and customary mulH-fari~ily residence accessory uses and slructures. oo Selbacks - Pr~nciFal and Accessory. Bu~Idln.qs.. . Any building housing accessory uses ~,h~ch is' in excess of 2 stories in halght is defined as a pr~nc~l~l bu~ld,~ng. No building/ prlncipa*l or accessory/ shall bo clo~er Ihan 50 ft. to a Iot I~ne whkh abuts a beach- front commons. No building shall bo elmer '~han 50 ft. to the Gul~ Shore ~lvd. Hght o~ way~ or' ~half ~ls buildbg ho~ght~ whichever greater. No bu~Id~ng, pr~nd~l or ac~esso~ s~all be closer to a s~de ~rd lbo than 25 ft.~. or ~hal~ the building he~ght~ whichever ~s greater except that i~ adio;n~g.lots are.jointly planned, bu;ldbgs may be clmer to Ihe;r cerumen :~de lbcs than required obove~ so l~g as no ~o bu;td;ng~ ~ adjoining lots are closer together than 50 ff. or one-half o~ their c~- b]ned he~hts; whichever ~ greater. Bel~ ground and ~rtlally 9round structures~ pr~nc~l and acce~sory~ which are covered w~th lan~ scapbg and/or wlth outdoor recreaHonal ~ac~llt~es~ the elect;on o~ which Is no h~gher Ihan 2 ft. above the fin~shed grado~ may bo bu~t w~th~n required yards. Gulf-~r~t structures shall comply wilh the County C~stal Setback RegulaHon 'so I~g as it ~s ~n e'ffe~t~ and w~th lhe State of 25 d~elllng units per acre. 3. M~nlmum D~elllno Unit Floor Area· 1,200 sq. ft. 4. Minimum offstreet Parkln~l. Florida Coastal Selback Regulation at such Hmo as it becomes effective. Mnxh~um. Density. 2 spaces per d,vellbg unit/ which may bo located on Iho building slte and/or withb lhe c. djo[nlng parking commons. 5. Minimum Recreational Open Space. ;750 sq.ft, for efflc~ency or 1-be'dream apartments: 150 additional sq.ft, fcc each additional bedroom. Re~reallonai open space includes landscaped ground area; ground and roof area which' ha~ been developed for recrea- tional use by apartment resldenls; and 'open apartment balconies. Open space credited to each apartment, proiect includes that which ~s on the building s~te plus that which occurs in the common,s area ass.~gned lo that building site. (Sea NOTE on p;14.) None. The ~obtherly 200 ft. of Platted Lot 13, Block 12. This trqct of land shall be owned and used by Park Shore property owners for .beach ac. cess~ or(street parking/ lan~Isc'aping~ end outdoor recreation facilities. A l~each club or pavillion~ ~ay be d.~vel~oped subject to separate approval by the Planning Commission. Building setbacks shall be Identlcol..to that required on lbo a'l:x:rtment sites In Ihe remalnd~,r el Block 12. 'd. Access Commons "A" and nB'. These platted tracts are Io be .usbd t'or common vehicular.access drives; vehicular ' parkln~ covered or uncovered; landscaping; 'ornament*al eniry s:~uctores; 'sta;uary, · ' "''' The tw~>"trocts Shol'i bo ~:Lvned founta~ns~, walks~, and publlc utilit]es t'acdH,es, '.' or permanenlly leased and used in co?ninon by owners of the abutting plc~tted building lots. No covered parking structure shall bb higher than ! story, nor 'closer to Gull' Shore Blvd. r. lght of*way than 50 l't.~ nor closer t~ any giber boundary ot' the access commons' than 25 ft. '" Plalled Blocks 14 and 15. These plaited Blocks art in pa;t land aad in part man made walers wlth~n Venellan Bay. Tl~ese Blocks shall be used for mull']pie I'amily restdcntlol structures, clrfstreet' parkln0, and accessory recreational lracilltles. The residential structures may exlend on 'pilings ]'rom the land mass wilhin the plaited Blocks over tho waters of Venetian Boy~ so long as the slructures extend no further lhan the platted property and building limit lines. [:ach al' the plotted Blocks constitutes a site ]'or a 33 dwelling unit, 66 ofi'slreet parking space, multiple family cernplex not e.xcecd~ng 3 stories in height. "Minimum al.yell;rig unit ]'lear area shall be ],500 sq.ft; ?r~ncipal buildings wilhin each block shall be no closer to each olher than 25 Ft. S;r~ce the:e blocks, upon developmenb will constltufe small islands connected to Gulf'Shore I~lvd. by a narrow' caus.?voy, required recreaHonal open sp".ce area and landscaping requirements are not applicable. ~lalted Blocks ]6 and' 17. .. These tracls may be utilized ]'or development ot* commercial complexes comprising retail shops; offices, rest~uranls, cocktail lounges, {no facilities for dancing shall be permitted. No llve, Paid enlertalnmenb musical or other, shall be permltled.) personal service establishments, financial institutions, clinics, pr.veto clubs, dock;ng facillt~es, and uses which are customarily accessory in commerclal areas. Structures may extend into the waters Of Venetian ~ay so long as they do not extend post Ih, platted property and bu~lding llm;t lines. A marine fuel sales t'ac~l~ty may be established c~n platted Block 16, or. on'a perm;tied dock y.,h~ch extends int, the waters of Van,Hen Bay from platted Blo. ck ~6, or on a permitted doc$~ which extends · 'into the waters al' 'v'enelion Boy s~ut*.h 0~r' Block 16 or;d r{0rth of. BIo~:k '15." .1. Minimum Set~acks. ']0' ft. from Pork St'~or.e. Dr. lv~ right .or*wa.y wilhin '10i~'t:l*. b.F the' I~ed~trlon~ ~v~lL'way under Iht bridge approach; 25 f!. t:rom ali other rt0ht oFway'llnes. AAaxirnum Build;nrj Helgh[. ~ 3 stories, 3. Parking: As rcqulre, d t'or commercial uses by the ColHer County Zoning C~rd~nonce. Ouldoor L;g~t;ng. Shall be indirect' or oi such Icky intensity as. io avoid glare o~ olher ~ntorForence wilh the en~oymont.o[ nearby res~dentlal'properHes. No [lashlng or movln0 Hghls shall ~e permiHed. ~s buH. dh~g site sholl bo used solely Jar mult~ple-[amily residence development and customary mulli-[amily resldence accessory ~es and structures. 1. Minimum Setbacks. '... ' Front yard - 30 It. plus 1 fl. for each ~ fl. over'45 Side yard- 15 ft. plus 1 It. [o~ each 2 It. over 45 Rear yard - 25 ft. Fr~ the se~bll plus I ft. ~or each 2 ~. M~nlmum Floor Area. 720 ~q.ft. per unlt. 4.Minlmum O[[slreet Parking. 2 s~ces'per ~elllng uni~, 5. f141n~mum Recreational Open'S~ce,, . 750 sq.[t, for 1-bedroom.apt.t 150 addlHonal sq.ft. [or each additional ' bedro~, LSnds~gpln~,Reflu~roMonts in OFFst/eet Parkln9 Ar~as. ,~.. . With lbo excopti~ ,el BlocV~ 14 & ,15t.development oF 9[~str~et ~rklng ar~as in. hJ i. Sign Regulations: ' · . Signs erected in Blocks 16 and 17t Park Shore L~nlt 2t shall comply, w~th County zonlng regulaHons SecHon 11.34~ ParagraF~. 9. Signs in the remainder ot' Porl~ Shore Unit 2 shall .comply with County zon~ng,.r,egulaHons Section 11.34t paragra~ 7, " No ~ambl~n'g shall be permltted wlthln o. ny of the land 'or water area embraced ' by Park Shore Unit 2. k, Dancln~ and Staged, Enterlalnment P/'ohlblted. Danclng and staged entertainment is prohlbited throughout Ih, enHrety of Park Shore I,,Inl/2. Staged entertalnmen, t Is considered to be a performance . . by on~ or rno~'e pald enterla~ners~ musical or eib,r,', .. .' PRIVATE RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS. .. ,,-. In addltlc~ lo*oil developmenl wJl'h~n Pc~rk Shore Unit 2 being subject to Lhese' PUD standards and oil other applicable g. overnmental regulaHons~ private restrictive covenants have been established and pla. ced .of recbrd, which limit actlv~t;es on lhe lands within Unit 2 in a manner.which is commensurate with the high develop.- ment and mb;ntenance quality standards which have. been set '~y the'Developer. The restrictive covenants provide that building construction, once begun, shall ba diligently continued until completi~; television or other antennas shall not be vislble from the street, waterway, or adioTn?ng property;wiring of all kinds shall be underground; pets shall be limited to dogs and cats not bred or kept f~' commercial purposes; clothes'lines and drying yards shall not be visible from streets, waterways, or adjoTn- ~ng properties; properties shall be kept..fr~e of weeds, underbrush~ refuse, trash or other unsightly matter; outside garbage and refuse containers shall be ,.underground or in fully enclosed hlns; noxious, offens~ve~ or nulsancesome activities are prbh~b;ted; commercial vehicles and tra;Jcrs shall not be parked overnTght; land elevation changes which inlerl'ere will:~ planned drolnage or cause other hardship to adjoining properties are prohibiled. These reitrlcllve covenants run wilh the land, and are enl'orceabla by the Dev'eloper, ils successors or assigns or aggrieved property m~ners. The restrJctlve covenants may only be modified by a majority vole of lhe land owners. Buildh~g plans must bo approved by the Developers, whose cbjective is to insure high overall proiect visual quality. The covenant of reslrlctlons for .Park Shore Unil 2 has been recorded in Oft'icbl Record Book 439~ Page 201. All of the tecreallonal and other commonly owned property wilhJn Unit 2 is to be managed and me;ntalned by a Property Owners Assoclotlon made up of Ihe c~vners ~t' properlles which include on undivided inlerest in the commons. At the time of purchase, each properly owner commits fo paymenls of assessments levied by the ' Properly Owners'Association et' which' he is a member, wil'h the proceeds of these os'.essments being expe/~ded upon management and maintenance activities wilhln the c'ommons. Determination elr what specllri¢ management ahd maintenance activities lo undertake and what amounts to osses~ in order to occompl~sh this work is deter- mined by the Property Owners Association Beard el~ Directors. The Declaration' of Restrictive Covenants trot Commons A has been recorded in Official Record Book 518, Page 892; for Commons S in Official Record Book 439, Page 212; For Commons B in Official Record Book 439, page 222; t'or Ceruleans R in Ot'l'icial Record Book 330, .Page 362. Th~ follawing table provides siaHst~cal data on the various building sites wilhln Pork .Share Unlt 2: ' ' ...... ' .... .' ParccI Commons "R" · Fractional Commons Gross Lot Area Aria Area (sq. r_t..) .~sfl. rt, ) .. (scI. rt.') 228,690 Principal Use Recreational . open space Maximum Dwellings -0-- Commons "S" · ' · 283,140. Recreational open space Commons "T" 185,130 'Recreational open space Commons "A" · Commons Lot I, ~loc~ 12 Lot 2, Block 12 Lot 3, Block 12 Lot 4, Block 12 Lot 5, Block 12 Lot 6, Block 12 Lot 7, Block 12 Lot 8, Block 12 Lot 9, Block 12 ....... Lot 10,' Block 12 Lot'11, Block 1~ Lot 12, 'Block' 12 S 200' Lot 13, .'~'. l~lock i2 Remainder Lot' 13 & Lot 14, Block 12 Lot 15, Block 12 NOTE: 120,870 108,900 99, 840 106,000 136, 9O0 12.8,730 37, 920 47,0.50 119,850 125, 9~0 167,710 166,040 38, 115 38, 115 38, 115 38, 115 62,772.5 62,772.5 71,847.5 71,847.5 47, 1 ~ 47, 190 93,640 93,. 0 127, 860 212,400 185,465 139, 840 92,565 98,630 185,800 158,985 147, 015 ' 137, 955 144, 115 1 99, 672.5 '191,502.5 209, 767.5 167,040 173, 150 ' 2~1;350 25?, 680 3 97, 865 232,405. '. Parking · Parking A,r!ments A~rtmenls A :.artments A :,artments · A :)artments A~rtmenls Apartments Apartments Apartments Aparlments Apartments Apartments Beam Park A.I~. rtmen!s Apartments 78 (actual) 84, · 79 113 (actual) 113 (actual) 126 150 ' 148 (actual) 229 134 Maximum Dwellings .permitted on Lots in Brock 12 is computed on the basis ot' the Lot area plus /he I'racHonal area that Lot, t~mes 25. Exbmple: Lot 5, Block 12 is 136,900. sq.ft, in area, plus 1/6"olr Commons "R" plus 1/4 of Commons "A" equals 199,672 sq.ft. divided by 43,560 equals 4.5838 acres, times 25 equals 115 maxlmum . dwelling un;ts. · · 2, ri 333'"' Commons '"A" oreo is dlstr[buted equally among Lots 5, 6, 7, 8. Commons "B" area is dlstrlbuled 1/4 to Lot 11, 1/4 to Lot 12, 1/2 fo I'racllonal Lot 13 and Lot 14. Commons "R" area is distributed equally amc~ng Lots 1,2,3,4,5,6. . Commons "S" area is distributed equally among Lots 7, 8,[9, 10, 11, 12. Commons "T" area is dlstr[buted 1/2 to fracHonal Lot 13 and Lc~t. 14, 1/2 to Lot 15. Parcel Area J'n Scl. Ft. Principal Use Maximum Dwell~nas BI ock '11 '109, 5 90 Apartm .eh t.s 60 Block 1.4, within property and building' limit 'line Block 15, wiIhin property and building, limit line Block 16,. within property and building I[n~it ".. llne Block 17, within property and building limit llne 134, 65 0 Apartments 33 (actual) 133,890 . Apartments 33 (actual) 171,790 · .Commerce 194,300 .... ' Commerce -0- SECTION T;';O: ' - · J : · "~3~ '" ' ' 'Conflict Severance Construction and Penalty. In ~he event this Ordinance conflicts, with other applicable law, the more restrictiee shall apply. If any part of this Ordinance con- flicts with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall.have · full force and effect and be liberally ~onstrued. [ ' . ..... 'If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion .of this Ordinance is, for any reason held invalid o'r unconstitutional. · by any court of competent jurisd'iction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion thereof. .The' provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed an.exercise of' · :the police power of Collier County for the protection of the public ~,..health, safe~y and welfare and therefore shall b~ liberally construed ,. to accomplish ~hat purpose and implement the legislative intent and :[.declarati~)n. .... ' .. . .. : '. .. .. 'If s~ch a ~iolation'ts co~tin~ing, each· da~"s ~ioiation or sepa~ite' act sh~l.1 be a s6parate offense. - . SECTION THREE: .... ' ' Effective Date. ........ · .. o ' This Ordinance shall become effecti~e upon ~eceipt of notice that t~ ~s filed with the Secretary of State. Dated: July 30. 197W · ATTEST :. ' ' MARGA]~ET T. SCOTT Clerk. of Circuit Court Deputy Clerk ." ...~ .,.,'' " .: ·". ...,,,'~ ~ ~.~ ,,,., :.,, .... ',.,'"'. .... ..., ,.'vf, .... ,.;,~.., .., ~;~,~-. · ., ~, ,. ~ · ~ ','//' '.' BOARD OF COUNTY CO~IISSION.£RS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ,,. Cliff~ Wenzel, Char, an Approved as to fo~ a~d legality: David Emerson Brunet CoIlier County Attorney