Ordinance 74-11AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDIIIA~¢CE NO. 74-5 TIlE COLLIER COUIITY BUILDING CODE, BY ADDING SECTION 518 TIIERETO REQUIRING THAT GROUP "B-l" OFFICES AND GROUP "A" OCCUPANCIES, BUILDINGS HAVING FLOORS USED FOR tIUMAN OCCUPANCY LOCATED MORE TitAN 36 FEET IN HEIGHT, EXCLUDING ELEVATOR AND EQUIP~LENT TOWERS; SIIALL HAVE INSTALLED: AN EMERGENCY FIRE DETECTIOI; ALARM COI~MUNICATIONS SYSTEM, GENERAL CONTROL STATION, SMOKE CONTROL, ELEVATORS, STAND-BY POWER AND LIGIlT SYSTEMS, ESCAPE AND EXIT SYSTEMS AND FIRE SPRINKLER ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR SAVII~GS, LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION, CONFLICT AND PENALTY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF CO~TY COI~ISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Section 7-3 of the Code of Collier Coun~ Fl°rids be amended t° read as f°ll°ws: SE<TION,ON : ' Section- new s seotio to read as Id) Plans for all buildings shall indicate how requirg~.~~y structural and fire-resistive integrity will be maintained '~~ where a penetration of a required fire-resistive wall, floor or partition will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing .and co~unication conduits, pipes and systems and also indicate in 'sufficient detail how the fire integrity will be maintained where r~quired fire-resistive floors intersect the exterior walls. Section 404.3 - SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS, GROUP #A" OCCUPANCY Add paragraph 3 to read as follows: 3. Fire Detection Systems required for multiple dwellings'and town houses. Section 1127. New Section 412.8 - SEPARATION BE~{EEN TOWNHOUSES Add the following new section: 412.8 - SEPARATION BETWEEN TOWNHOUSES Each townhouse unit shall be considered a separate dwelling unit and may be separated from adjoining units by the use of exterior walls meeting the requirements for zero clearance from property lines as required by the type of construction and fire pro- tection requirements, or when not more than three (3) stories in height may be separated by a single wall meeting ;ne following requirements: 1. Such wall shall Provide not less than two (2) hours fire resistance and shall not contain plumbing, piping, ducts or electrical hardware. 2. Such wall shall extend from the foundation to the unde~sid~ of the roof sheathing, and the underside of the roof shall have at least one hour. fire resistance for a width not less than four (4) feet on each side of such wall. 3. Each dwellihg unit sharing such wall sh~ll be designed and constructed to maintain its structural integrity independen~ of the unit.on the opposite side of the wall. ,% HI:W I~C?ZOH 518 - ~RO~ZSZOfiS fOR HIGH RZS~ GROUP OCCUPANCY AND GROUP 'B-I' BUZLDINGS SE~ION Sll - SPECIAL PRO¥ISIONS FOR HIGH RIS£ GROUP A OCCUPAJ4CY ARD GROUP B-1 orrlc£ ia) SCOP£. These roqulrements apply to buildings houainq Group B-i and Group A Occupancies. Sutidinqs having ~loocu used ~o~ human occupancy located more than 36 teat in height, excluding elevator and equipment lovers, shall contor~ to ~he require- ments of this Section in addition to other applic&ble requirements ot this Code. (b) COMPARTMENTA T/ON r (e) VOICE A£ARM SYSTEM Both tho llre detection eystem and' the/ire atarm tltetem shall auto~tkall~ ~tlvate a.voict ~cnt upon the cem~rl~ntation delian. Th~ c~t~l c~{ro/ttati~ thai[ c~tain controls J~ tl~ vo~e ala~ ~1 vofC~ ~ ~y be ~nuall~ initiated. reco~ meaJa~e t~il be automaticaHy transmitted ~ on4 o/ ~he ~c~ com~nlcaHon IVlt~a. (/) VOIC~ C03IMUNICA T/ON SYSTEM There .~ll be t~o (~) approve~, elcc~dcall~ ~pe~b~ ~ommunicatlo~ tvtte~ 1., A tw~way /ire de~rtmenl comm.nkati~ qt~ Tho tV~tcm ~ll provfdt (wo.waV communi. cat~on ca~bilitfe~ between the central control ~tation a~ ~t follow;ap areas: Elevator,, elevator Iobble~. e~t and t. A ~e~ay (~bZ~ addre.) c~munica~ion m~/a~4 to t~ buitdlnp occu~n~.' T~ t~ttc~ M,all ~o~4 ~e~ag corem.niceties capabilltiej betwe~ ~ c~trat con~rol station and ~hro.~hout the/oHow- ~g te~i~l areas: ElcO'ate., elet'atbr iobbic~, cot. L Co;ap~r~.~n~etio,~ ah-Il 6s provided tn e~'ery ' .bu31~in~ to prot'/He areal e/ re/u~e /0r the ack,penteL fA;. ~"V be pro,'ideal bV:. a. I~talta~ion of a ~dzon~t e~ diuidin9 a .s~ into two or more areal o/ approzfmatctg the ~n~.aL-e not exce~fn~ 30,000 square feet, or b. Eu~i~df.g tha buildin9 into $ tto~ tom- · ~rtn~nLa by ~ntt~tptln9 the stalrsha/t with ~oke bar~crt eve~ 5th floor or thro,~h fha I~e o/~oke. proo/ enclo~*trcz for all ttalrwaFs or a,p other ~ which u'ilt protect agalnat the ~.emeti{.o/smoke /root one compaTt~ettf ~ another. t. Op~ings in exterior walt located verGcaltg · above one another shall be pro~ctcd b~ approved /~Ine bar'cra either czt~tdln9 ~0 ~nchcs bcpond the eztcrior wail in ~he pinna o/ the floor or bg vertical panels not less than 3/cci in height. 3. llorlzontat e~f: u'allt u~ed for com~rtmcntlng a buildlnp M~atl have ~o openings which would mil transfer ~/ smoke /rom one compartment to the other e~cept for required exit. (~) gl~E DETECTORS An ap~ovcd tvst~n which wits provide lev auto- ~t~ tt~ke detcctora tcn~;n~ ~.ia~bla or int~ibte partlclcs o/ combuttion shall be installed ~n zverF ·oom conta[n~n9 6,Udin~ Icruice eq.lpment, and Oat rth(~t ~ir portion e/ ere~ air co,ditionin~ and ~Kchan;cal ventilation aVatc~n thflt tort'cs //oort other than O~a floor on which the cqulpmcn~ ia located. De- ~c~rs )ct to operate within U~o acceptance o/ UL 363 or equlralcn~ lensitiL'itg el, all be located at each opcnin9 into the a'ertkal the/t. id) FIRE ALARM An approved llre stain s~stcm shall bo installed a.d shall be des;good to seth'ate the voice a?a~n t~ onlit and on a ~clectlvc basit depc.d~t .pon the comt~rt.wntat~n dcMan. Tile nn..ncMtor panel and controls ~hatl bc located in the central control ttati~. r'Mort, stairwells, office arose exceeding one thousand ¢1,000) ~quare feet in area; dwelling unite, and hotel guest roo~ or eui~J. ~h~ t~wav'/ire de~rtmeni communlcaff~ tern ~V be combined with the one.wav (p. blic ad. dre.) commun~ation (gl CENTRAL CONTROL STA~IOX A c~trat c~t~! elation for llre department ope~d~ limit bt ~rorlded tn an approved Io~aflo~. It t~att contain the roke e,,mm,nlc~tion ~,,rt; /ire detection and ata~ tgsten~ ;~neln; status indlcntort and e~troh [~ eleratort and air hnodlin~ tVstcml: ~tbt~ telephone; a control ,techanli,t to unloeg ttair. waV.dogrs a~ sprinkler ratve and water flow dc. te6fort and ttandbp power controls. · ih) SMOKE CONTROL Nature[ or mcchankat v~tilatlon for die re. ~val ~[ th~ pr~,ctt o{ eombu~tion tills b~ pro. ~ed in e~'e~ tto~ and alkali c~titt of oat or more o/the/oitowing: 1. Pandz or window~ in Iht ez~r{o~ wail which . eon be opened/~m an approved toc~tion other than ~e lire floor. Such ~'~lin~ /acililiet shall be pro- ~dtd at the rat~ o/90 square Ice'S per S0 llncal /cci el ezte~o~ watt in each tto~ and ditt~bKted aro,~ ~e perimeter aL not ~ora than 50 /eot intel'alt. Such ~clt shall be clcarl~ identified aa req,lred by the fire de. remit.. t. App~vcd tempered tlass mag be used e/~cnbl~ .3. lF~en /;re tpdnglcrs a~e installed in eom- pilsner wlt~ Sectfon 5It On), the mechanical air eompti~h Imo~e removal. Under lire co?tdition~, ret.~ and exhn,~t air shall ba mo~ccl dlr~cet~ to o,tsido tt';thottt re-elto,fallen to oil, er sections o/ the ,l. ,4 dial: er oho/it U, ro,ph ~oh~h smol~ one i~ Ihe I,~r~csl cnm;mrtmcnl ~crued. Opcnin~l into ~nd d~i~ncd lo wn~ ~ cnllro ~rtm~L . 3. ~n~ aUltr approved dcM~n wldd; ~iR p~du~ · q~t'al~t rcJult~ a~ maV' bz a~cp~bla to t~ (i) 1. At lcatt eno clcualor /or ~r~ ~cparln~g a~ to nny /Io~ sha~ bo pro~d~.. 2'h~ cic~al~ .41~I[ open into. a IGbbV, which ~,aV tc~ elevators, and sl, aR be sr~rul~ front thc remainder v;dors. An elevator ?nov bc within a :t,t,,l:cp~o[ clo~urc. '' .L ~ach clcrator entra,c~ arco sl,~ll bo provid~ · ~h heat and smokn Jcn~,~ clcme~t~ which cauJo II~ clcvnlor doorJ lb remain c[o~cd and ~l~a ele- vator to b~-pass the/Ioof when there is a tcmpcratstr~ of ~50' F. or a smoke obscurallo,t al 0.03 optical dcn. s(tV per loot or ~,orc at th~.cclting hcioht or aL an elevation of lu.ch,e (12) /ecl ~vldchcvcr is lower lho elevator e,tranee. .~n~ detectors zhalt bo intg~ eon~tectcd ~o fha cmcro~nc~ tcri icc rcqulred bF Chap- ~,l~ere Ih~ doors M, oll open ~,d rcmaln ope}~. Th~' sect[on shall el,ply to both ;~ssc)tger and [rd~ht c1~. .ratorJ. ~. Each cie'valor call station shaft havo an ill,ont- natcd slfln nclir'alcd I,y U~e emcrocncv retu~ scrv{c~ end fire ularm svMcnt which rcad~ 4. AL I~st one clct'n~or cab shall be o/ s~ch ~S lo acco,t?nod~lc n, amb,la,c~ ~tretchcr in ils opened horlzonfal patella,. (j) STAN~Y POWER AND LIGIIT "· . cratlon sF~tc.t co,[or,ti, g to N~'P/t 70.157J shall bo prov;Jcd. Tho zttslcm shatl be cqripped ?cilh · ,wans [or nufom~:tieatl~ start{.9 tho generator Icl upon foil.re o/ thc ~ormnt clcctrlcnl ser[,ic~ a?,l /or au~o),ntie tro~ts/cr and opcrntion o/ all rcqtdrcd cleo-' Irlcol f..clJnns at /.II power .'ilhin sixty seedbeds s~tch ~,or,,ml scrrlce /uil,re. SllSfC~t Sltpcrt'~ionz with .?}ta..at tlart ami fro:ts/er fcnturcs, shall bc grovfd- cd al .lite Cot&al Co,th'al Statio~t. An on.prcmice fact :.ppl!/'s.//ieicnl /or not less. than two balers /till dc.tn.d opcrntion of fha ZFstc?n sh~ll bc provided. All power, liohti.9, signal, and co~tt?tltollctl~io~t facilities 7,ro,,idcd ~(n(lcr th~ req.irc. '1neats of Ods section ti, all bc Iransfcrabl~ to fha. start(thy 1)ewer sVstcm. . Thc power rcqrfrcmcng shall bc dclc~fn.cd ~o as to provlda so'vice to, but '.at limilcd fo, Ilia J. PirC alarm ~u~lc)n. (hal,din9 *moka detectors. 3. Fire .protectia~ cqulpntott. 4. [icg,fred ~necbanfcnl S. Fire Department ¢lov~t~rL t. Volta eomm,m~cation sysl~ . . t. Tho Stnndb~ I'awer svsle~ si, all bc tested at, in~rvnls o[, t,o/ 9raffler thnn 80 ~gs und .hall bo so · cerfi/icd bV 'tl,~ b~ihlJn7 owner or dcni~.,ztcd ,tg~nt. Sold corel/lcd ~ shall be arn~bl~ to t/to beddin~ e/tidal or/ira al/taint u;,~ (k) BEISMlC CONSIDERATIONS In ~ahm~ ~on~. t and $ the ancho~ge [oflo,vln~ mechanical ante clecfr~nl eq,dpmcn t rcquircd bg the laotian shaft bo deMoncd in accordanc~ ~ectlon 1~06 /or a lateral Iorce betted on n "Cp" ./u~lthed: I. El~afor drluo and sunpcllxfon t~stmns. t. ~tnndb~ power and lial, tln~ /acililict. $. Pira pu?n],~ and oft, er/ira piotccti~t cqripmcnt. (ti EXITS All tta~ru,oF door. which arc to bo tochcd [rom ~1~ xlafrwav sida shall haw the' cal~bilitg o/ bci,g unlocked rct,toret~ upon a donor /rem fha. Central Con ~rot Sin tiaa. 1. ~mer~encff telephoner ~hnlt 6a I,rovMcd Io~ than tve~ /;/th floor in each rcq,lred tt,lrwap whera tl~a doom havn the enlmbilit~o[ bcl,g Iockcd /rom Ibc stair,e,n~ s~c. ~., Required stafrwa~s shall b~ ~rcssr~:e(l to a Inbtbnnm o/ 0. I5 inches O/ tauter col, mn tohcn the ' ~l~[l (s provided with n ?~inimu.t o[ cha,fcnt exlmust at lite too{. . (mi PIRG SI'h'tNI(LER A LTEI:NA ~IVE ~prlnkler protcclinn mnF be prot,~led lcrnfllh'~ to cotnparl.ienlnt[,)tl :. . 1. I/ Ore sprlnl,'lcr sVslc.I is hFdraulieallF dc- signed ttnlng tl, a per,,tclcrs :cf forth o/Nb'PA J$.lO?~ and thc [otlou'i,9: a, ~hu( of/ ,'ah'cs and ~lcr /to,v dct'iccs shall bo prorblcd at Ibc riser co,nccUon on each/thor. addition lo act,ntin9 ~ rocor alarm on thc ~l~or upon ~h~h Uw water/lam is dc{ccted, s,ch rah,cs shall bc tupcrrlsed bV a eontlnnouslF ,mnned control stntlon or bY n central stat/on. b. Haeh floor' ~lmtt bo s,ppticd b7 ~ or more ,tandpfpcs. A~ cnch ;,o;,t o/con,cci[mt o/ fha spr;,k. let tyMem.fo fha standpipe there th,Il b~ provhlcd a Il.ti-al/ rah,c, a scaler, flow (Ictcclor n.d a cltcc~ ~alv~ or approved anG-b.ckfloW dcricc. C. ]'ip[n9 shay be coppcr (t(bc or treat plpc u'iUt tm ,l[nlm,m sf=c o] t,cbc or pfpc rcqrired. ~ot, lcr co)t- ncctfot, s for cai,per t,be maV bc u:cd with ~tuL less tha~ 95 percent tfi~ nnd 5 pcrce,~ ~d. l'i~cldng al llnc~'is ~ot ~cquircd. e. A lnbt;.tU~t'O/ ~ /irc ?).tnl, S i.dc],c)tdcntl~ 4rlven shall bc ~rorhted. cnch ca;~ble el dclivc,'h,9. [. In ~cls,tfc go,e~ ~ a,ul $ a, on.sltc Irattr Cqnnl to a ~0 ~.fn.fe d~.*and or 15,0~ pallons on ~ combined ~]~rb~ker and ~t~dplpe. fha ~medler. Mmll bc prnvided. Th~ ~,PpIF ~hnll bc auailabl~ a]tlo~.~mt;callg ii thc prbtcl])aZ ;ul,pl~ /ails. g. Op~raffon o/ tho si,rbd:er tgsfem shat[ act;- ' 1~o fha vofco commrnffatfon t~slcm. [r~,r t~is c(,,lc ttrc 7,c-~ni,cd: ~/ T~ I c~str~ctio., (he ~rtlti~ns, ~.~, ~ (1) hour,.b.L ~o co,.p~cn/ i~ 1hun one (1) ho.r. ~ ~n co~or ~culls tight [ilth~ dnors ,ncctintl 'thc r~ni~ments [or thc ~rGtinn. In ~ruup A Occ~i~ntlc d~cllin~ .nit or puc~t room reduced. b. Thc one and o~c-bal/ ~ch hnzf :les intended tot m~c b~ oCCUlm~(~ ma~ be e~ittcd. gaited b~ Sectim~ th) ..qt bc omitted. d. Man.al/ire alarms ~na~ b= u'aicc& · "' ~ SECTION ?03..f ~ PIIOTI.:CT}'ON OF' DOOR Op ,I~.\']NGS IN WAI.LS AN'D PARTITIONS Amend sub-section (d) to rca~! ~s follows: (d) [~L one h.nr [;rc resistire corridors, smoke ba~;ern n~ rcrtica[ enclns)tren (Ht~c stnrle~ er leu in I,e;vl, l), ~:~:tcea oil, er,elsa ~t,er[ficd, ail door ings M, nl[ be protected with a lighl [itti.9 ~moh~ d~/t assrmt, t~ (inrlmHn~ door, [rnme o.d hardware] bnri.F n /ire I)rotrrt;,.~ ratin~ o/ ~0 mbntlcs trhtn lcsfcd in accords,ce ~?{[1, ~,~T.I[ !~-I52 t(,~tho, t thc hose ~trcnm. .%rid doors sl, nll be cg.[l)i,cd with nn al,i)roecd sclf-clu~'i,~ der;ce. ~5EC'I'I~3N '/03.8 ~ FIRI*; DAMPERS An,end Section 70.3.8--Y'ire Dumpers, ]ay tdding l'arn- g~ph (f): (/) Grill~ or l.n.rres. CrLTls, loKt, r~s or ell, er epcni,,~s oc~i,~ i. /ire walls or ;mrtitions ~bnll I, nre Ibc ~.lc (ln),u,rr rcqtt~rcmc,f~.as ~or ~ttcf~ tChfR ~ . ocrurrb~ in z,nol:c barrlcrn, rertient o(ctositret, cor. rldor w. lls anti r,'qhircd lc.ant ~epo~fio.s. -- Sl,'.c'rio× ~01 -- RE.q'rRTCTIONS OX TEItlOR USE Oi,' COMIIUST]$1I.I; 3IATI;RIALS ],cvlsc Section 704 by adding a new subsection to read as follows: $I'TCTIO,\' 70~.{--PI. U31RINC. EI.EC?'RICAL AND ~iI: IIANDLI,N~G 3'}'~7'~'3IS I,V ~AT~D ~DMBI. IGS · In TVl,e I ami TFi,e Il Construct;on, ~flter;n~s' used for ~,[I,fn~. ro)tthtfl, racclrnFs or t~ttCt tel, lch do tier qt(nlJ/It ns ~oneo.d,.stible in accords.ce with the r,'q.ircmc, ts o/ part o.c (1) e/ the defi,i- tf~n pi No.eo.th.~til, le 31ntcrinl cnntni, ed fit .~eefio. . ~0I~, shall .et pcnct~tc or be ce.elided within [irc.rrslsth.a nssc,.I,l~ Ittllen~ r~tclr,~C(t hF or fot,dlF embed(lcd .'[tbh~ .mtrrin{s tel:ieh..rnntld~ ?('ifh fbc TO'- . q{tirc.tc, tx of part o.e ti) of thc drlinitio. 0[ Non. ~ ~n ~I15~ {c} ~d add n~e Rote 1: Tha ~ o[ ~nd~ ~ d~ulnr $foirluaRl ti pro- ~l~ M lisle'nFs sc~in~ nj rog,ired exits. be ~cd i/ fhe required ~vi,llh t,/ r,ot in pro. 0~) t~ the side of the Itttinca~ where the .(~d~ are ~n~ow~. b,L in .o raze sb,dl --~th e/I~d be less titan sit inches (6") ut a,~ Circnfer stnir~ mnF be' ItSelf ~;dlh e/ tr~d in ting tess fbnn lc~t incites (lO") exd the smnllcr radit, a in .~nt less fl, tilL /.'fcc thc ~MtK vi thc sfairma~. Afl trcnds flight bctmc~t landingg slmll I, nL'C itlc. ticat di- ~si~t ~tl, i. a on~finrter bteh (~{") toter. .. "e-- SECY/ON 1117.!- DOORWAYS, GENERAL Amend pnmffraph Cf) to read as follows: [) All door~ in smoke barriers, I, ori:ontnl stflinraV enclo~.rea e,,d etl~cr doers hi)em'nfl between r~ms and Ii.rated condors al, nil be scl/ clnMn~ and to snaintabtcd ar thnll be prorMed mith nlq,rot'cd ..door i, otdin~ dcrirrs o[ lite fall r,[c IFI,C which will rcl~ the d~r(n} caunf.~ it to float when aclivah~ Jnvinible p~rficlcn of comhu~liun. . lCF.~V SECTION I127 ~3-'lR~ r)IcrHCT10N SYSTI~Lq Add new ~tction 1127 ns follows: SECTION ltfv--rlRg' DETECTION SI'STEMS }Jr~ dwcllln~ I,dt ttqthin n~l alert,lent, bo.sc, c~dontblium a.d/ar tole. bo.se shall he 7,rovfde, I with e)t al,prot'ed listed detector, tc.sin~ rlsibfe or ~&il, te ;~rtlcles of combustlo., h~st. llcd in deYord~ a~CC ~[tl~ ~lte ~totlTt[acfl~rc~'8 ffsfbt~. H"hcn net.areal lite dclceh)r' zudibfa alarm. ~' ~1~3~ CRAWl, SI'ACI~ Add n~& ~tlon ~702g.1 ~s follows: " '~ble ~nwl s~ee$ undcr'l.,fhHnfl~ w;tho.f l, trse~ ~ts shall bc 1,rot. bled with a t,thdm.m pi o,e (1) ece~s opod..o sst less limn cf~lttcc. (IS") i.ehca by (,ee.t~-fo.r ('24") inehe~. Access npcn;.~ sl, nll be rendilF ncce~sit, tc n,d ;sroi.idcd with . dour ur'dc- t'tee that mag I,e cnnit~ remorcd or el)cra fed. ~ APPENDIX B · : APPENDIX "B" - TABLE 1 - FIR]3 RESISTANCE RATINGS FOR NON-LOAD · BEARING WALLS AND PARTITIONS Add the following fire ratings to Appendix B, Table - EirQ Rgsistance Ratings for ~on-Load Bearing Walls and Partitions~ Wall or Partition Assembly Minimum Nominal Thickne== for Fire Ratings Indidated {inches) 4 Hr 3 Hr . 2 Hr 1 Hr Brick - Clay or Shale Brick Hollow - Plastered or Unplastered N.B.S. 8 · (1). Vol. 35 60.S.U. (1) Units at least 71% solid. APPENDIX "B" - TABLE 3 - FIPd3 RESISTANCE RATINGS FOR LOAD-BEARING WALLS AND PARTITIONS Add the following.fire ratings to Appendix B, Table/3 -Fire, Resistance Ratings for Load-Bearing Walls and Partitionsi Wall'or Partition Assembly Solid Brick Walls Solid - (clay or shale) Members Framed Into Wall or Partitions None or Non- Combustible Combustible 4 hr 3 hr . 2 hr i hr 4 hr 3 hr 2 hr O.~.U T-1971 · T-1972 1 hr }lollow-Brick Walls ]]ollow units (clay'or. shale) Unplastered Plastered (~9) 8 8 N.B.S. ~4 (19) Units at least 71% solid.' TABLE 7 - APPENDIX "B" - FIRE RESISTANCE RATINGS FOR MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION - PAGE B-45 Add a new one-hour assembly to the Wood Joist Construction section. Flooring - Wood floor consisting of 23/32" Interior Group 1 Underlayment grade pl~ood'(Exterior glue) with tongue and groove side joints. Butt joints of plywood centered over 2 x 10 joists spaced 24 inches on center (no bridging required). Underlayment bonded to joists with adhesive meeting the ~equirements of AFG-01. Plywood joints are protected with 5/8" Type X Wallboard 6" wide centered over underside of T&G Joint and stapled in position. Ceiling - 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard installed on resilient furring channels formed of 25 MSG galvanized steel, spaced 16" o.c. perpendicular to Joists using 1" wallboard screws spaced 12" o.c. in the field and 8" o.c. at ends. UL Design L 513, R 5229-2. SECTION TWO: Penalty. A violation of any provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted in the name of the State in the County Court by the Prosecuting Attorney, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to exceed 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each violation and each day.a violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. The Board of County Commissioners shall have the power to collaterally enforce the provisions of this Ordinance by appropriate Judi*cial Writ or proceeding notwithstanding any prosecu- tion as a misdemeanor. SECTION THREE: ~ppeal.. a. Any person aggrieved by this Ordinance or any adminis- trative decision in its application shall file a written request to the Board of County Commissioners not later than thirty (30) days after the disputed decision is final, which shall at a public hearing hear the complaints of such aggrieved person. The public hearing shall be held within thirty (30) days of the filing of the hearing request. After a complete hearing of the complaints the Board of County Commissioners shall, within fifteen (15) days render its decision in writing affirming, overruling, or modifying the adminis- trative decision or granting a variance from the provisions hereof based upon hardship unnecessary in the publ$c interest. b. If any person is aggrieved by a decision of the Board of County Commissioners they may within fifteen (15) days of the disputed decision request a re-hearing. The Board of County Commis- sioners may in its discretion grant or deny.the request which decision shall be final. SECTION FOUR: Severance. 1. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or uncon- stitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portio~ hereof. 2. Conflict. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with other applicable' law, the more restrictive'shall apply. If any part of this Ordinance conflicts with any part, it shall be severed and the remainder shall have full force. 3. Liberal Construction. The provisions of this Ordinance ,.7 shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes in the interests of public health, safety; welfare and convenience of the ~isitors to and the citizens and residents of Collier County and of the State of Florida. SECTION FIVE: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon becoming law. ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS', COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, on this qth day of April ,,, 1974. ATT]~ST: .~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS marga~t/T. ~cott,'o,,, ' Cliff~r~ wen-zelV Chef. an Clerk~ o~ ,C~rcuit CoUrt / I ~ :m , ' .' .....' ,~ , Collier Co~ty Attorney