Ordinance 74-05ORDINANCE NO. 7A~5 AN ORDINANCE AMEr~]DING ORDINANCE NO. 73-'2, THE COI.LIER COUNTY BUILDING CODE, BY ADDING SECTION 518 THERETO REQUIRING THAT GROUP "B-i" OFFICES AND GROUP "A" OCCUPANCIES, BUILDINGS IIAVING FLOORS USED FOR HUMAN OCCUPANCY LOCATED MORE THAN 75 FEET ABOVE THE LOWEST LEVEL OF FIRE DEPARTMENT VEHICLE ACCESS, SHALL HAVE I~STALLED; AN EMERGENCY FIRE. DETECTION ALARM CO~IUNICATIONS SYSTEM, GENEPJkL CONTROL STATION, SMOKE CONTROL, ELEVATORS, STAND-BY PO~rER AND LIGHT SYSTEMS, ESCAPE A/~D EXIT SYSTEMS AND FIRE SPRINKLER ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM; PROVIDING FOR SAVINGS, LIBERAL CONSTRUCTION, CONFLICT AND PENALTY CLAUSES; PROVIDING FOR APPEALS; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA, that Section 7-3 of the Code of Collier County, Florida be amended to read as follows: SECTION ONE: Section 105.3 - DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS Section 105.3 - Add new subsection (d) to read as follows: (d) Plans'for all buildings shall indicate how required s{:ructural and fire-resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration of a required fire-resistive wall, floor or partition will be made for electrical, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes and systems and also indicate in sufficient detail how the fire integrity will be maintained where required fire-resistive floors intersect the exterior walls. Section 404.3 - SPECIAL REOUIRE~NTS, GROUP "A" OCCUPANCY Add paragraph 3 to read as follows: 3. Fire Detection Systems required for multiple i dwellings and town houses. Section 1127. New Section 412.8 - SEPARATION BET~EEN TOWNI{OUSES Add the following new section: 412 8 - SEPARATION BETWEEN TOWNHOUSES Each townhouse unit shall 'be considered a separate dwelking unit and may be separated from adjoining units by the use of exterior walls meeting the requirements for zero clearance from property lines as required by the type of construction and fire protection require- ments, or when not more than three (3) stories in height, may be separated by a single wall meeting the following requirements: 1. Such wall shall provide not less than two (2) hours fire resistance and shall not contain plumbing, piping, ducts or electrical hardware. 2. Such wall shal'l extend from the foundation to the underside of the roof sheathing, and the underside of tho roof shall have at least one hour fire resistance for a width not less than four (4) feet on each side of such wall. 3. Each dwelling unit sharing such wall shall be designed and constructed to maintain.its structural integri%y independent of the i unit on the opposite side of the wall. " NEW SECTION 51~ ~ SPECIAl, PRO- VISIONS FOlt I!IGII RI~I.~ GI~OI]I~ "A" OCCUPANCY AND GROUi' "1~.1" OI,'I.'ICE ]lUll.DINGS ^dd new .b'ecli¢,n ill8 as follows: .S'I,;GTION 51s ~ SI'IffCI~L I'ROVISIONS FOIl Ill(HI ]dlSl.ff GIfOUI' A OCCUI'ANC.I' AND GIIOUI' I1.10FI,'ICI? IH;II. IHNGS (.) SCOI'I? 7'l, cn~ r('q~drrmrnts oppl~ fo b.i~h~s I~uMn9 Group It.l of/ices .mi Gro.p A Occupancie~. ]htlbl- laps bal'i))9 /learn 1trail f.r h)tmn)l occupn.cy located ))~trc fhn)t ~5 Jarl tlbet'c the h))v~st level of Fire Dc- portmc))t ),~blclc access shall t,,.f,.,rm to the rcq)tire- ).c. ts of this Nc~tion ia .dditlo~) t,, other apl,ftc.blt rrquircm~))t.~ of II, is Cmlc. (hi COMI'A RTMIffNTA TIO,N) I. Compartmcntotlnn shall l,c provhled in t,.ihli.ff t. p,',,,.i, le areas o/ )'cf.fie for the buihllntt occttlmnts. This ),lay be provblcd a. InstalbHion of a bovt:ont.t exit. divhti.~ Mo)'ll title two or ))tore nrcan of npl)royimnfel~ th~ so)ns ~i:e )lt, t czcct'd~))ff 30,000 tqan)'e /ecl, or b. .q.l,.dividlna thc b.ihl(n9 (.to 5 Morp co)n- pttrtm('nta bjl (~,tc,~l~l)ti):tl thc stni)',.I, oJt with rntnkc I,nrrfcrs tt'rrlt bth fl,.)r nr through thc linc of smoke. i,roo/ chains.rcs for all stab'watts or a.g other od which will protect n~ni,tst thc l~.l,cmc.f of smol,'c from ella co)),l)ort),lott to Otlofhqr. ~. Ope.in.on in exterior wall located above onc a)wthcr Mtall bc protected by approvtd flume barriers richer cxtcndlng SO inches I,t'~o)~d the aztec';or wall i)t thc l)Itt)~e of the floor or blt vcrtlcnl g. I[ori:o.tnl rxlt walln )t~rd for compart)ncnthtiI a. buildttlg dmtt ht) l'c )to t, pc)ti)ffln which ~could liar- vdt frttnnfcr n/ s)..lCc /rom one comport)neat to thc other cxccl)t /or )'tqm'red exitS. (c) I"IRI~ I)ETJ~CTORS A)t apprpt'o~ ~stc~n which wdll provide for nitro- emile smoke dctcctors tenM.ff a,tsibta or invisible particles of comb.sCion shall bo installed in c)'crF room co.tahd.9 buildi.ff service cq.ipmc.t, nnd thc rctu~t air porlion of cvc~ air conditioainff and mcchanlcal ventilation sttstcm that scrvcs floors othcr than thc floor on which th~ cquipmcnt is located. De. tcctors set to opcrute within tho acceptance o/ UL 168 or equivalent scnsitit, ittt shall bo located at cnch opc)tinll into lbo vertical (d) 1,'IRIg A LA An approved fire alarm ~Fstfm Mmll be installcd and shall bc dcsi.qncd to octi;,ata tho v~ca otamn compnrtmcntation design. Thc nnn.ncintor panel and controls Mmll I,c located in the central control (c) VOIGE ALARM SY,$'TEM Both the llre detection stl~tem nnd il:./irc nbrrm tqtnta)n shall a)(t~)tnllfolttt activate n roicc nC. rat rico- tO)); ertlF and oft g pra-d(dr~.,i.,',l adtctive basin dc. pc)talent upon thc compnrtmcnfation design. Tho cottral cotttrot ~tation shall contain co)ttroln /~ the voice alarm ~Vstc)n so that a ~clcctive or aCh- cml t'oico ala~* ~y bo t~nuatlg i,titfntcd. Upon actft, atbn of the voice alarm sitslcm n pre- recorded ~netso3e nbnll bo nutnmatfcnlllt tra.smittcd ~,~ o)t~ o/ the ymca communication (/) VOICE COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Thoro shall ha two (9) apl,tOted, electric, lip ~upcrvltcd eom.mate, lion sFstems ns follows: 1. A Oeo-wall fire daparlmcnl tgs~ Tbs sltsb~m Mmll provide t.,'o.wnlt cation eapnbilitits betmccn the ct.tad cnutrut stat{on a~ tho [ottowfn~ orcnn: l;levators, aim'aCer lobbies, eor~dors a.d stairways. ~. A one. walt (public address) eommn.lcation sltstem [~ transmf~slon el the voice alarm snesaa~o fo lite I, uildl.3 eec.pa)tls. Thc s~Mcm shall prnt,fdc one-lcn~ comnt~tnicnfimt capabilities bal.'eon the central control station and thro.ghout the follow. in~ terminal nrcnn: Elevators, elevator Iohbles, rldort, sfnbnvalts, office areas exrecdinll o~tc tbo.net.d (I,O00) tquore feet i~t nrta; thccll{)t{I lo/ifs, and hotel ~ttent rooms or strifes. Tbs two.wall fire department comm.nicnflan tOPi )))aF b~ combhicd with Ibc OHC-liRtlI (Imblia ad- 60 CI~NTI:A L CONTROL .~2'A TION A central control statio, for fire department operatlo.n elmll I,e proridcd in a. apl,roved location. It ahnll ce.tala the voice eomm.nieatlon Imnel; ]ire dclcetinn nad alarm s~slcms l,.ncln; sftlfltS i.dicntor~ public lclcl,hone; a coatrol tnccbnnfa)n, lo ltnloch Mnir- WUll doors and sprinkler valt'c und w. tcr flaw dc- factors and slamlbV power controls. (hi SMOKE CONTROL Natural or ~neehn.icnl vcntfbttion for the re- *novnt of the prod.ets of coml,.stion shall be pro- vldcd in ercrlt storlt and shall co.stat of one or e/ the/olh)wi.9: 1. Panels or .'htdnws in thc exterior well .'bich eon t,o ope.ed from nn approl'cJ location other thnn the [ire floor. Such venting facilities shall bc pro- vbled at the rata o/ fro square/cci ~cr 50 lincul /cci of cxtcrior wall in each sfo~ a.d dlsf~butcd around the ))ed)ncter at )tot ~,ore tbs. 50 foot i. tcrrats. ~ueh panels shall be elcarl~ identified ns req.lrcd the/ire dclmrlmc, f. ~. Approved lempered ~lass maF be .sad in llcu of ope.able panels, $. When ]ir~ sp~nklcrs are installed in eom- ~llanco ~qth ~ectbn 818 On), tho ~aeebnaieal ba.dli.~ cqulpntcnt ,nn~ ba dcsi~ned lo assfst eompllsh smok~ femoral, Under ]ire conditions, the return end exba)tst air ~hnll bc toot'ed direetl~ to tho outsldc wlthmtt rc.¢irculatim~ to other scctio)ts bnibl;ntls. The supplit fan shall procble 1o0% fresh air. .I .$. A draft or shafts thru.lib which smoke ond heat can bc ?nccha.i,:nllll vented to tl~e outdoors. The siee of thc Mm/t si, nil l,e ..i/otto throughou~ and of r.rh dimct~Mo..~ os fo proride t:O olr ~ha.pes per hnl~r i~z U~c Iqr[,,c~:t cnmi.,¢~rfutcnl tcrved, Oprni.[In inlo lbo Mm/t Mmll be pr.footed with o. onto.relic picce Muffler loc. roi as I, igh in lbo room as posslbla tt.d dcsi.oncd lo vent thc entire compartment. 5. A n~ other approved desivn which will produc~ tq.ivalcnt result8 tls }tm~ be aCCel,tel, In lo tb~ Iluild- i.o Official. (i) ICI.I;VA TORS 1. At lc. st o.c elevator /or ~';ro Ilcpn)'tn~nl access to nag /loot ~dmll ba providcd. Thc clcvotor shall open into. a lobby, which ~.a~ ~crv¢ mld;tlonal elevators, and slmll be ~clmratcd /rom ll~ o/ tl, c b.ihlln~ blt to.sir.etlon as requircd for cor- ridors. M, cleo. for mt, il l,c within a smnkeproo[ C~O~IIrC. ~. Each clecalor cnfra~tce arcs Mmll bo provid~ with hcol ..d mnokc scnsf.~ clements which ~ll c~.s¢ thc clct'ator doors fo t'CN/O/H ch,scd attd tho cle- ~'alor to bF-pnss tl~e floor tt,]tctt there is a temporal.re ./ ~50' 1". or a :mtoL'c obsc,r, ti,,a o/ 0.03 optical dcn- ~itV per fool or more ot fho.ccitin~ hci~bt or ut an ctc,'at;o, of twch'c (1;~) feet ~vl~iehcrcr thc ch'vuf.r r.t~.t,,:c. ,t;nid doit:cie, ri rltoll I,~ i. ler- con.rated fo thc cmc,',qtactl sere{cc rcqttlrcd let P4, o.d rct.r, the car or c.rs to lbo .mbt floor .'bore lI~c duorn shall open nmi rc.ttt[n t,pcn. Thin scctlua slmll OPldll tn buth l,as~c.ilcr find frei:Iht cie- & Ii. ch elevator ca~l stat{on shnll ]talte aH ill.ml- · ~alctl ~;.qn acl~r~tfcd bit lite emrrocnc~l rclttr~t o~d fi~'e' ftltlr~t ~:lL~fCol wbirh reads "l;mcrflotclt--Use the )¢wit ~. At least, o.c clcvntor crib shall be of such npc.cd borizonlal (j) STANIHIY I'OW1;I: AND LIGIIT 1. A pcr.~ncntlF installed rtand, bIt power pcn- cratlon ~FMem co.fm'.d,t~ fo Nb'PA 7o.1971 ~hnll I,o provided. TI, c sgtslrm shall be equipped with s.itnblc mcann far n~ttomat;callF starti..q the yencrt~tor scl ltl,Cra [.;htrc o/ Ibc ~tortnal ch'eh'i,'al ser*,lce and /or a.to.mtic trous/cr ami opcratio. ./ all rcq.ircd Irieal /..ctlo.s ~t fttll 1,,,tt'cr within si.rig seco.ds s.ch tmrm.l scrrice /.il.re. S!tMcvl s.pcrvisions .t.amtal start and frf. tsfcr fcaturcs, shall be provM- cd tit lite Central Co.trol Si. lion. A. on-prcmisa fuel s.pplF sn//icicnt /or ~tot less lites two bonrn /~tll demand opcraflon of the ~ltnlctn Mmll be provhlcd, All power, li~hti.~, si~nol, and communication facilities l,rochlcd ,rider the reqtdra. menf~ of lhls section shall be frans:arabia nla~tdbll powcr sFslcm. The power rcq.ircvte.~ shall bc deferrals, cd so os to provide scrvlce to, bur'.of llmitcd Iowb~p : I. Fire ab.'m s~:dcm, b chtdin~ rmo]:c defectors. 2. ];~it ami othcr cmar,qc.cll I[.qhl~t9. 8. ~ire protection ~. Ifcq~drcd meeha.lcal vcntltation. 5. Fir~ Dclmrlment elevators. 6. Voico com.,unlcnfio~t ttVstem. ~. Thc Stet.rlbil ]',,ti,er ~vnfrot $1~tlll I,c lcstrd eft intcrvals o/ ~tot fire. tot liters 30 dolts .nd nltall fin ccrt;ficd I,y 'the b.itdi..q olt,~tcr fir dcri~.atcd ~t:l,'~l. ,S'n~d eertl/ied Ion shall be ar. iubte to the buiblln~ (k) ,S'EISAIIG GONSIDHRATIONS In ,~cismlc Zones ~ and .* fha anchorage o/ fha [ollowin~ *seth.steal and cleclricnl eq~tlpmcn ~ reqolrcd blt the section shall be dcsi~ncd in oecordonco with Section 1~0~ /or a lateral/orca fi.ned on a "Cp' o/ 0.5 ttnlcss data a.bstanllatinp a lesser x, nl.~ is [u rnishcd: I. 1,2lcvnfnr drive on,l n.nl,Cnnlon ~. ~'tandby po.,cr and lightin~ [,tcilitics, 3, Fire I,umpa .ad other /irc 1,rolrcli~t cquipmott. (l) EXITS All stairwng doors which arc to be locked /rom tho ttafrwnF slda $1toll bovc Ibc' calmbililll o/ bc;~t.q unlocked rctnotely ltpon a signal /rom ibc. Ccnirat Control Station. I. Emcr~,c~ cF h'lcpbones shall ba prnt'idcd at not less than cvcrlt fifth fluor in each required stairwa~ ..bare fha doors b.re the cnl,nbilit~ of being locked 2.. ]~cq.ircd slttir.:npn ~b. II be pr~nsttt~zcd Ia a tt~ftlf.t.m O/ 0,15 inches o/ wolcr col. mn ~f'bcn tlm Mtn/t is proridcd with ttmi. hn.tn of ~500 cfm cha~dcat cxltaNnt at thc roof. ,~prblklcr pr. fcefinn map be prol'blcd as an al- fern. Ilea fo comlmrloto.lnlbm: 1. 1/ lite sprhd,'lcr ~pstcm is Iqldraulicalltl tlc- Mo.cd .n;.~ II, e poromclcrs oct Jorlh in Choptcr O[ ~tWI'A 13.19?3 ond thc/oltou'i.a: a. Shut off yah'cs a.d water flow doritos Mmll ho propblcd ttt fha riser connccllon on each floor. addition to net.nti.~ a toeut alarm on thc /loot which lite water/Iow is detected, s.ch rah,ca M,.II hc supcrviscd bF a contin.n~tslg t~ltt~t}tcd control station or blt a central station. b. lJach /loot shall ba ~upl,llcd b~ ~ or more ~tandplpcs. A t each l,o;.t o/ comwclion o/ thc sprlnk- Icr sl/stem fo lbo stondplpn thc're M~all be l,,'ovidcd a shttt-o// valve, n wa/ar, flow dvlcctor .nd a chcck vtth,e or approved anti-l, ackflow device. ~. l'Odn~ malt bc enpper t.be or steel pipe with ,~ ~ti~dtnum slzc o] f.hc or I'O~c required, Sobh'r ctm- nccl;o:ts for coppcr lt~bc ~tlaF bc ~tscd .'~lh nut fhnn 95 percc.t tin .nd 5 percc, f d. l'itchina of lines is eot rcqnlrcd. e. A ~nlnfmmn of 2 /ire 7,ttmps i.dcl,cmle.tl~ driucn shnll bo provided, cnch calmble of ¢tcllvc:.ing a vdnimum of ~00 ~.llo.s per vdu.te. walcr cq.al fo a 20 tnfnnft dcmnnd or 15,0~ oallonn on a combined spanker and ttandpfpe, ~,hichcvcr the a.mtlcr, shnll be prnvfilcd. This ~uppIF Mtall bc avnilablo aufomatlcatly ii the prlncipat s.l,l,17 fails. g. Op~rntfon of th~ sprhikcr svstem shall acti- ra~e l/re rofce comnmnic, flon ~stetn. 2 80 £. IVhcn thc autmnn~ic ~l~rlnkh'r xlJxlrm dc. ~cr;hcd al,.vc is im:l.llcd, th~ /oHowing rcd.clion~ [r.m Ihi~ c.,Ic .re I.'rmillcd: o. In .11 "l;-i" .rc.t,..~i~s'-O//icc o/ 'J'lll,C I co.sfr.ctio,, Ibc lmrl;I;o..% col. mos, fr.~':w~:, girdcr~, I,c. ms .m~ /to~l's re. It he red.ccd bF one (I) hour, h.t no cnmponm~t nr anncm61II ah. Il be le~n tlm~t one (I) bt,.r. (Sec Sectlon ~OS.5(b),) Ol,C.- in,ts in corridor w.lln ~ball bc prntcctcd t, ll m~I/ clo~;ntl ti~lltt, fitt;.9 d.nrn mccting thc rcq.iremcntn /or thc p. rlitbm, In Gr..p A Occulm.cir~, corrblur omi dwcllintl troll .r Il.cst room $cI,.r. ti,~ns sl,.ll not bc b. Thc o.e nmi oma.bid] inch hose Ii. cs t~tl tlo:- c, (~.ml;artmrnlotion a.d ~p. mh'el protection ~l.;red bit .Nrcfloo (I,) ~,l,t!t be omigted. d. Mo~,..l /i,c .I.,'.,.n ~,mlt ba wait'cd. ' ' .- ,qI':CTI¢IN 7{).3,4 -- I'I~(YI'I.:CTION ()F DO(')R OI'I.:NIN(';,q IN \V..'~l,l.,%.' ANI} I',\IUITFION$ Amvnd sul,-secti.n (d) tn rra~l ns foll.,ws: (d) In o,r h,,,~r /irc t'~:Mstir~ corridors, smnkc bnt';'icr,, tt~td I'crl;ral e.ct.~mrcs (three gtaries o; lcss i~t I, cig;ld}, ..lcx.~ t,H, crw[sa nl,cck[icd, all door .pen. inNn si,till I,c l,r. lt,'lcd .';th tf ti~ll~t fittinfl smoL'e and drn[t ..~.~C,,ll, ltt (i,.'l.,li,9 door,/r, mc ..d hnrthrnrc) I, rtr[nN o /{re i,r.t, cfi*,n r. tinfl ./ 20 mi,.tcs wl*r. tcslcd i..ccord..cc with ANT.II L'.132 wltbo.t the ht,,~c ntrc. m. .q'.id d.or,~ ah. II I,c cquipl*cd with tin Ol,l,rO:'cd scl/-ch,:'i.tt der;ce. ~ Sl.xTrlt'}N 703.8 -- I,'IRI.: I)A311'I,;R.R Amc,n,~ Svction 70/;.g--Fire Dampe)'s, hy nclding Para- grnl,h (f): ([) GrilL~ or I,o, rres. Grill& hmvrrs nr other ol,~.i,,gs oc,'.rri.~l i, fire w. lls ,,r I,.rtitions ah. Il occ.rr{~t~ /ti smol,'r ~,tlVr{crR, I'crlic.t caclosnrc& cot'- -- .qECTI('}N ~o-I --- RE.KTIH('TIONS ON IN- 'l'l.:l~lt'}l~ fist.; OI.' CO311;USTJIII.I.: 3I,%TJ.:RIAI.S 'Revise Seclion 70-1 by ad,ling a new sulJaection lo read follows: SECTION 701.~---I'L UMDING, I~'I.ECS'I?IGA I, A ND AIN IIANDLIN~ SYSTL'31S IN Nl~,l I B [, I In Tltl,a I nad 7'~l,e II Conair. ct;on, *natcrinls' which do ~tnf qaalifp as .oncomh.stil, lc in accordn.cc with thc rt'q.lrcmc.ts of part v.c (11 o/ the deft.i- finn .o/ Noncomh,M'ible 31atcrial co.tM.cd i. Ncctlnn POI.f. shall ~tnt l,coclrate or be co.ce, lcd withi. [irc-rc.niMirc ansc,.I, Itl .nlex~ o'.ch,xed blt or totnllll cmbcddcd witbin lntllcrbds which.c.ml,lll with thc rc- qtth'cmc, tn of part o,c (I) t,f thc dcfi.itfi,n n/ Non. tn. trrlnls nnd moth,Mn of pt'Acre, flint I,a v,: b(cn to.ted in Accord. nee with Section 1o(~1 (n) (c). Amend Section 1115.3 0') and mhl new Note 1: (e} Thc ,se o/ windcrn or circular ntolru,,F.q in ?,ro- hlbited in st. ir.mFs serrin9 n~ rrq.ired c~ifs. be used q thc rcq.ired width t,/ r,~n is pro- vblcd tit et l,oi.t *tot tnore ti, OH I.,eh'e (IW') from the tddc of lite. Mtth'tcny ti'here lite wblth o/ trc.d I,c Irss tba. sLr i.rl,~ (~") du:elUn9 u.lt o~. nn czit i.'oridi.tt thc wblth of trc.d (~; ~,r,t Iesn ll, n. tc~ im'hcs (~0") and the sm. Iht radi.s i.~ m,t h~n ti,an t.'icc tlc wMth of thc M. ir.,aF. All trca,ls in .'It one /lt~bt hct.:ccn I. ndin.qa ah. Il I, nve id,'.t&.l dj. menMonn ..itl. i. n one.9..rttr i.eb (~") tolcr- " ~ SECTION 1117.1 ~ I}OOItWAYS, GI';NERAL Amend )mragrnph (fL tn read as follows: [) All doors in smoke barrier& hnrizontnl exits, nfttlrtcttlt e))cln~.)'c,q o)td other doors nl)cni.,o between root)La Anti fir(,-['alrd corridors nhtdl be self C/AShby oral ~o mai. tabled nr shall be i,r. rkh'd with npproccd door hohlhqt dcrlcr~ of the fall s.fe O/pc which will rclcose th~ dnnr(s) ca.nin[I it to el.sc when aclivah.d I)y hiLl,roved ][sh.d smoke del(,ch)rs srnsing visil)h, or i.vlsible I,nrlich's of cortd),t~lion. NI.;W SECTION 112T -- I.']l[I; I)I.;TI.;C'flON S'; s'rl.:.xi S Add new Section 1127 :ts follows: .qk~CI'lO.V I I2';--I.'IRI; I)I';TI';(:TIO,V SYSTEMS ].'.)'crt! thcclli~ !! cottdomi)li.m ami/or low)tho.sc ~l, nll he pror{ded lc[Ih ,n ol)prnrcd listed delcrtnr, scnsi.p riniblc or in- riMI, h, 1,artlclcn ,,[ o,ml,.stln., ;nat. lied ;,t ncrord- once It,{lh. the t.o)l)tf(tclurcr'a listing, Who. nel.ntcd the detecto; n mill, lc a ht rm. ~ NI,;? SECTION 1702.8.1- ACC).;,e,.q TO ~l{AWI, .qI'ACIC Add new Secllon 1702.8.1 'as follows: SECTION 1702.S.t--ACCESS 7'0 Ci:AWL SPACE Usable, crawl si,nets under' b.ihll.gs n,ilhoul b.se- ),cars shall bc ?,rnvided tv;th n minlm,m of nne (I) ncccsn opc,ln~ )(or leas thnn Cillhlcc, (IS") i,chcn bll I,'enlll-fottr (2~") inches. Access olw,[,{I ~'holl bc s'c.dltll .4'('esniblc (,.d l)rovidcd with . door t,r de- vice that maF h,' cnsil~ retoOl.Cd or opcratcd. 2 eAsE 2g APPENDIX "B" -- TABLE 1 - I"IP, E RESISTA:~CE Jb¥1'IiK;S FOR NOir-LOAD BEARING WALLS AND I~AI~TITIONS Add tho 1ol ]ow~ng f ~ ~'c~ ratt~ngs to A[q,cndJ.>: B, 'P~b]c: - Fi]-q Wall or Purtition Assembly Minimum Nr)m~nal Thickness for Fire Ratings Indicated (inche:~) 4 tlr 3 }Ir 2 Hr 1 Hr Brick - Clay or Shale 60.S.U. #2 Brick ]lollow - Plastered or Unplastered N.B.S. 8 ~4 (1) Vol. 35 (1) Units at least 71% solid. AI~PENDI>'. "B" - TABI,E 3 - FIRE RESISTANCE RA'¥INGS FOR I,OAD-BEARING WAL],S AND PAR'i'ITiO/,!S Add the fo]lowing fire ratings to Appendix B, Table 3 - Fire I~esintancn Ratingn for Lonc]-BearJng Walls an(] Partitions: Wall or Partition Assomb] y Members Framc.~d Into Wall or Partitions Combustible None or Non- Combustible 4 hr 3 hr 2 hr 1 hr 4 hz' 3 hr 2 hr 1 hr Solid Br]ck Walls Solid - (clay or shale) 6 4 O.S.U. T-!971 T-1972 ]follow Brick Wa]in Hollow units (clay or shale) Unplastered 8 (19) Plastered 8 8 (19) (19) 8 (19) N.B.S. (19) Units at least 71% solid. BOOK i! T;\[ILI7 7 - AI'PENDJX "b'" - FIRr, }U:SIS'i'ANCE PJfFJNGS FOR MATF, RIALS ANI) CO:ISTI{UC'I'IO:i - IVifiE B-45 Add a new one-hour assembly to the Wood Joist Construction on. E].oorJng - Wood fi. eot consisting of 23/32" Interior .... ~ ....... ' ........... ~ ....... riot g],~,) wi~h t. onuue and groove side joints. Butt joints of plywood centered ow;~r 2 x 10 joJnt~: ~l~nced 24 inches on center (no bridging required). Under- ]ayment bonded to joists with adhesive meeting the requircmcntb of AEG-01. Plywood joints are protected with 5/8" Type X Wallboard 6" wide centered eve:' underside of T&G joint and stap]ed in position. Ceilinu - 5/8" Type X gypsum wallboard installed on resilient furring channo, ls formed of 25 MSG galvanized steel, spaced 16" o.c. p~rpendicular to joists using 1" wallboard screws spaced 12" o.c. in the field and 8" o.c. at ends. UL Design L 513, R 5229-2. SE(:TIO:,I TWO: Conflict and Severance. If any section, sub- section, sent(ncc, clause, phrase or portion of this Ordinance Js for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by ~ny court of comp('tent jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, d~sLJnct ancl independent provision and such holding shall not affect thc v;ilJdity of the r().m,-,ining portion hereof. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with other applicable law, the mo~'e ]-c;~trict ive shall appJy. If any part of this Ordinance conflicts with nny part, it si]all, be severe(] and the remainder shall hay(? full force. SECTIC)N 'I'IlI~J<E: ],Jberal Conntruction. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be libe'~ally ¢:on~{trucd to eff¢.ct]v¢:ly curry out its purposes in the interests of l)ut~l]c health, safety, welfare and convenience of tho visitors to nn(] tho c.itiz(-ns and res]dents of Collier County and of the Sta[c of Florida. SECTION l:'OIJl/: P<~na] ty. A violation of ~ny provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor an(] .qhn]] ])e prosecuted in the name of the State in the County Court by t]~c Prosccut~][~ Attorney, and u~)on conviction shall, be punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to ex(ccd 60 days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each v~r~l,-~l ~nn and cnch day n violation continues shall constitute a sei)arnte off(.'nsc. The Board et County CoHuui~iu~,~:rs shall have the power to collaterally enforce the provisions of this Ordinance by a~propr~ate Judicial Writ or proceeding notwithstanding any prosecu- tion as a mis(]emeanor. SECq'ION FIVE: Appeals and Variancer'. Appeals and variances shall be in accordance with the Collier County Code of Laws and Ordinances Chapter 28. SECTION SIX: Emergency. Be it declared that an emergency exists and the immediate enactment of tl~Js Ordinance is necessary, therefore, notice require- ment.q are waived and this Ordinance shall take effect immediately upon ]tn l~]nceln¢'nt in the United Stotes Maj.] to the Secretary o£ State. ORDAINI'~D [)Y THE P, OAI~[> OF C¢)I]~;'?Y CO~.MISSI©NEP, S, COI,L]ER COUNTY, I.'LORID~'~-~ ,thin /_'.'J day of February, 1974 r~ a rg.ax-c~ T. ~]ark of Circuib' .Court c, ¢- ('- ;,,,r, BOAteD ©].' (:C)U;~'?Y COM.qI,),,I Approved as to form and legality: Collier County Attorney OrJgina] and duplicate mailed to the Secretary of State, Certified Mail No. _ /" ~.j ,. /'</ this ..,f~_ day of February, 1974. Ben D. Driver, CPA Fiscal Officer, Deputy Clerk