EAC Backup 09/07/2011 ENVIRONMENT AL ADVISORY COUNCIL BACKUP September 7, 20 11 (REGULAR MEETING) Teresa L. Polaski From: Sent: To: BrownAraqueSu mmer < Su mmerBrownAraque@colliergov.net> Friday, September 23, 201111:39 AM Grimshaw, Heather; Block, Alvin; P Whitehead; Marcia Cravens; nkole johnson; Anderson, Bruce; Margaret.Perry@stantec.com; Nancy Payton; Brad C; Sulecki, Alexandra; kuh@utl.edu; bcornell@collieraudubon.org; goldandrose@mac.com; amberc@conservancy.org; Bill Foley; Bob Kransowski; David Durrell; DHN; Don; Doug Fee; Eric Staats; Laura Layman; Minutes and Records; Mike Kirby; Nicole Ryan; Patricia L. Morgan; RKS (rks@jbglaw.net); SCHAPIN43@aol.com Deselem, Kay; Darco, Christopher; Kurtz, Gerald; Gina Downs; Judith Hushon; DL-EAC Staff List; Armstrong, Debbie September 7, 2011 EAC Minutes WMP LTR.pdt; MMP Coservancy letter.pdt; EAC 9-7-11minutes DRAFT.pdt; Lost Grove misc exh trom public speakers.pdt; Lee county Lost Grove letter. pdt; EXH K.pdt; Conservancy Lost Grove eac comments.pdt; EAC 9-7-11minutes DRAFT.pdt Cc: Subject: Attachments: The EAC DRAFT minutes and exhibits are attached. It you have any comments regarding the minutes, please send those directly to me. Summer 'E. .Jlraque Senior Environmental SpecialistlEAC Liaison Storm water and Environmental Planning Section Phone: 239-252-6290 Under Florida Law, e-mail addresses are pUblic records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by telephone or in writing. 1 GO WITH THE FLOW Comments based on review ofthe May 2011 Collier County Watershed Management Plan - DRAFT By W. James Flanagan III, concerned citizen September 7, 2011 In a big-picture look at the Watershed Management Plan, I would hope to see a graphic representation of the comprehensive above-ground and below-ground water flows within each of the defined Watersheds. With such graphic representation showing flows, clearer perspectives could be provided with a focus on the larger concerns of where impairments exist or are potential and the resultant remedial needs as water flows across the watershed. Differentials of impairments over flow and time would produce a functional analysis of both loads and flows. The methodology of sampling used mayor may not have allowed for this, but without it, it mayor may not produce results that are more specifically defining in the approach to mitigate the impairments of the watersheds. Such a graphic representation of these would be more helpful and user friendly to the reader and the general public as well, and may be more understandable to political leaders who ultimately will approve such a plan. Such representation needs to be comprehensive and conceptual so the focus is on the big picture vs. small spot-fixes that may have only a negligible effect in the individual watershed or on the Big Cypress Basin as a whole. Regardless of available funding (or lack thereof) for any large or small projects, the approach should be comprehensive and conceptual. A series of structural projects are indicated across the various watersheds, but it is unclear how these projects interface/interact/address the concerns beyond diverting flows. 'Parameters of "Potential Concern1l1 needs to be defined for the layperson and addressed relative to policy and how the process evolves, both in time, function parameters and money, into a "Concern", "Serious Concern" and "Critical Concern". This should be incorporated into the study with relative potential problems, solutions, and costs. In-Stream Water Quality - From the studies that are identifying "impairments" in the In-stream Water Quality, graphic representations across the watersheds indicating loads vs. flows might give clues to sources of impairments by mapping levels and differentials of impairments as/where the water flows along with identifiable source potentials of human and natural kinds. Pollutant Loads - Gross pollutant loads would identify intensity and locations and could be mapped across flows to create potential focus-locations for pollutant removal. - It is also noted on page 12 that "Further wet weather sampling is necessary to better define areas of agricultural nutrient concern", so I would expect that there would be a proposal and recommendation in .~._.._.._-_._.._~-_.._.._----_.._---....__.._--_._--_._--_.._--- Page 1 ~---_._-~._-------_.._--._....._-----._-._----_..__._.. the conclusions that would evaluate and quantify the needs to achieve such additional work necessary for providing a complete Collier County Watershed Management Plan. As well, Source-Identification studies are recommended to evaluate Iron sources among other factors that are likely to cause impairments. Figure 1-9. In-Stream Water Quality, Color From the graphics, In-stream water quality appears in most watersheds, but is not located in detail as to the measures and where the concentrations are, both across the watershed and across the Big Cypress Basin. Figure 1-10. In-Stream Water Quality, Dissolved Oxygen - From the graphics, In-stream dissolved oxygen is identified in watersheds, but not located in detail as to the measures are or where the concentrations are, both across the watershed and across the Big Cypress Basin. Table 1-3. Average Functional Values of Non-Urban Lands, by Watershed. - This chart might include as a matter of reference and comparison a column with "Total Watershed Acres" Measured Functional Values should define the methodology used in detail as the recommendation on Page 32 suggests that the functional values presented here provide performance measures for later evaluation of proposed projects. One would expect a very detailed explanation of the methodologies and provide for an independent analysis and vetting of their function prior to creating any binding performance measures and criteria. Within the annual pollutant loads discussed in 2.2: Quality of Discharge, I would expect that there would be peak and low values within the annual pollutant load data, and would hope that such would be analyzed across flow, volume and season for each watershed and for basins within the watershed. As well, results should be incorporated into this report indicating the duration and magnitude of an impairment of "potential concern" as a matter of reference and measure, and defining the time period of "potential concern" represented within the annual pollutant load data. * In general, graphic representations in the report are barely if not legible - especially the legends within the figures. Given that the Collier County Watershed Management Plan is a comprehensive plan, a comprehensive conceptual program plan, conceptual timeline, and conceptual but realistic funding plan should be spelled out within the conclusions and recommendations. Without timelines and funding sources, a plan can never be realized. A prioritization of capital projects should be functionally and schematically proposed, and a functional project plan should also be functionally and schematically proposed. ._._.....__...-..._......--..--......--.~......~-...._..-..._..._--...-...-..-.....----..-.........---..---. Page 2 --.-....-.---------.-......----.....---..-..-..-..........---.-....-....---.....-.........-.._......._....... Regulatory-based non-structural component and incentive programs have not been provided in the draft document. On page 61, "Evaluation and Recommendations for Regulatory and Policy Changes" states that "This section will be completed pending full evaluation of the comments received from the stakeholders during the week of May 12. At a minimum, a policy should be established for mitigation and reconstruction of wetlands lost to development within the Big Cypress Basin which should require such mitigation to be done within the Big Cypress Basin, not outside the County. The benefits of wetlands preservation are lost to wetlands mitigation banks outside the functional Big Cypress Basin watershed. Policies analysis and issues such as re-use water (for irrigation of for potential future potable water source with appropriate treatment) are not apparent within 1.2.2: Water Uses. Although the County's reuse water system currently may not produce enough irrigation water to make a significant impact on the water budgets, some consideration and discussion for alternative water sources should be part of the analysis. As well, consideration should be made to address the existence and long-term functionality of on-site septic systems in the most of the rural areas of the County, and as such, policies for arbitrarily raising groundwater levels and/or incorporating temporary water storage via control of canal structures must be made with science and understanding ofthe consequences, both on a system-wide basis as well as potential impacts on individual septic systems/homeowners. Future populations and transportation projects will have a significant impact on the flows and water controls. Given the future populations in the Eastern Lands east of Desoto Blvd and the lack of a future transportation plan for this area of the County, much attention should be afforded and accounted for in this plan. No mention of future populations or long-term perspectives is provided in either the Potential Structural Improvement Projects or as a look forward for planning and conceptualizing the future. The Recommendations provide for 27 "Structural Improvement" Projects. The description of these projects and their affect on each other need to be discussed further, and a comprehensive approach to the entire watershed must be conceptualized so that the next level of watershed functions and projects can be focused. Without a timeline and an inter-relation of proposed project and a complete watershed plan vision, these 27 projects are just 27 projects with an estimated cost of $25 Million, with no overlying conceptual far-reaching plan beyond. If it does not exist, there should be a Drainage Area Master Plan, a recommendation made at one of the stakeholder meetings. A comprehensive Surface Water Plan should incorporate storm water and include surface water approaches. An explanation of what comes after these 27 projects is warranted, unless these 27 projects complete the entire watershed management plan. '''--'.'--'--'''-'-----''-'''-~'''--''--''-----'-'-----'~'''-''-'---- Page 3 Finally, as a member of the Golden Gate Estates Civic Association, I would be remiss if I did not restate comments, concerns and issues of raised by our members pertaining to watershed Management and the Collier County Watershed Management Plan: * The need for wetland mitigation within our functional drainage basin * Evaluation and analysis of development permit applications adjacent to and impacting the Estates * Consideration of Surface Water management and Flood mediation issues and concepts to compliment, and maximize, the efficiency of the limited primary drainage system * Protection of the limited potable water supply for the Estates and Collier County * Improved coordination of permitting, operating, and regulatory agencies, including SFWMD/WPB, Big Cypress Basin, DEP, USACE, and Collier County Stormwater, to develop a comprehensive water management plan for Golden Gate Estates as a subdivision Two significant activities in the near term will greatly affect how water management proceeds in the Golden Gate Estates Area: FEMA flood map updates (with mandatory flood insurance for mortgage holders), and the upcoming restudy of the Golden Gate Estates Master Plan. Critical also are any RFMUD and RLSA plan updates. We hope to continue to work together with all agencies this fall, and on a continuing basis, to develop some effective, efficient, and positive changes for the long term benefit of both Golden Gate Estates and Collier County. I participated in several Watershed Management Plan Committee meetings, met with the consultants as part of a stakeholder group, have spoken before the Big Cypress Basin of the South Florida Water Management District, participated in FEMA Flood Map informational meetings, and have been part of a ongoing discussion amongst Civic Association members and the Board of Directors of the Golden Gate Estates Area Civic Association discussing community concerns and issues pertaining to watershed management, water resources, water supply, and water quality concerns. I am not an engineer, nor a professional in administration of governmental agencies. However in following the meetings, conversations and concerns, I bring my comments and review as a concerned citizen in an effort to improve and develop a realistic and comprehensive Watershed Management Plan that will be effective, visionary, realistic and achievable. I share my comments for the betterment of the County, to continue the dialogue and to provoke further thought and discussion on this issue prior to finalizing a Watershed Management Plan for adoption. Respectfully, W. James Flanagan III -----..-..--..--..------.----.---..---.------..-.-~- Page 4 ~-_.-._.-_...-.-...--_..---.._..--......-.-----...----...----- 0) en ::) "C s:: co ..oJ 0) s- ~ ~ .., ... ~ c: LL :,:, 0 0) () "C -- CD ~ CD 0) ..J .., CO .., UJ - CO s- O) s:: 0) C) G> f1) ;:) 't7 :; ~ g ~ ~ l :> ~ ~ :; LL ~ ~ .g ~ l! iJ ~ ~ ~ , ! 'IE nnd s_," l' .. . ~i!;~f i Il;:;~ .. i~ag..~ ~ I!i ii! .~: !i!!il co $dZ:'.a! ).. 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SpOOMp.IBl[ pUtlydn JO saI:Jtl 9917 PUtl pala1dmoo ST:1M. SPBdur1 pllT:111aM pa1l!UIlad as;:ll{llasJJo 01 UO!ltl~mW '11UU;:ld lOplSFP.1U::lUIQllT:1uT:1Ul .lalBM. 'aU!lS1X;:l gtil.t~Pun JO] pa1T:111!}'fUl pUB p:JmlU.tad A1sno!AQ.Id a,IaM. Ql1S ::lljl uo spuBJ1.aM.ltlIJ.l s~lOdaIJJT:11S A1unoJ .IamoJ :tlQ.rn s1l{l IIf SpUBJ1.::lM QHs-JJo pllT:1 ags-uo alll Ol spudm! IOJ 1B!lU~lod alp s1 a.lalp 's~uH ,\:jI~dQ.ld .1::l1~urpgd ~r(l UIO:g: )[013qlQS 100J O~ IT:1I!lU!S tll{Hh\. 'SpUBn;:lM :JHs-uO l3IIf1srXQ lUO,y )[:-l13ql;:lS 100J OS T:1 .AluO IIfT:11UfT:1lli IT!M uoplmdo l3U!Urur p:JsodOJd aql. 'llIQnT:1d GllT:1U'fB.IP S!l{l IIfBlU!13lli THM. uO!}B.I:Jdo llu!u!ur pasodo.rd ~ttL 'sPIml &tn:I:J al{l olUf q1nos PU'B ~SBa SMOIl uaIp IQ1BM QOT:1J.ms aru. 'S}u!od OMl 1T:1 ptlO({ MgJ:-lS~,IO;) Iapun MOIl U~l[l qorqM. 'sal[:-ll!p I13.mlrnOFll~ alp ol UfT:1.IP uaIll asaql. 'SPUT:111:JM upnUOo IfOfl[M. (s"V~M) S13alB UOpUa1aJ .ta1BM llu!lS!X::l OlUr sall.InIlosW UOHtl.mdo jT:1.mHU:JpaT:1 aIJl 'AIlua.unJ 'PtlOlI MaIOS:>y.tO;) SSOIOtl 'Al.I~dO.Id pafqns QIIlJO lpt10S pIm lS13a aql OJ pQll3:-l01 ;:l.W SPUBl Ch\31I;)) palIsIalBh\. UIG1SASO::lH !lmo~a~ Ma.los:>y.lOJ 18lu;}muo'{~Au:!I 'SIaUM.O A~Iado.Id Aq.mau ::ll{lJo SHaM. IS!lu:Jp!sa.I al{l paJJB A{aA!l1311au PIUO:-l q:Jfl[M T:1Q,m al{l U! SI:J1YM. Q:-lBJ.lUS pUB pUt10.Ia Qql 01 sjoBdlU! aA!lT:111au .IoJ IT:1F1UQlOd Ql{l oSfB s! a.tal{l 'SQI0Y qllll{:J1 JO SlUap!Sa.l~lfj :paJJT:1 oSI131I!M. Z8 '~rs liO :-lIDB.tl paSBQ10uI 'PBoll M::l.I:-lS){IO;) aUOIB OY]tl.t1 )pnll p:JsBa.l::JlI! a:-lua!.tadx~ II!M 'ptlO~ M:J.tOS)[.toJ llUOIT:1 pUB .IB:JU paltlOOT samunUJUIO::J IT:1!lu~P!sa.t IT:11l01l!PPT:1 aql ST:1 HaM. ST:1 'A1!1lnUIUIOo 1T:1puap!SG.I srl[.L }(:JOGPIfJlQfJ2l:.Qf.V3f'{]!..f:llt'!.J!!!QYD lS07~[lNnO:J 3.u07NYH:Jl;Ftl rSNm!mJ.djJO:J\ :S 'U.TQOUOO JO SQnSS! a~EO!UnU1UIOO Ol ssgoOld 2UpBQlf o![qnd aql U! QllleI!~!PBeI 01 pUB (Bsodo.leI S!lp Qllll1IIlAQ ,IQq~lO] OlJ]lllS lon.llS11! PUE UopllonddE S!t{l uo uomsod fBW.IO] IlQ)!1l1 p.1BOa: GIll SpU~lUIUlOOG.T JJ131S 'sao.mOSGJ: remreu aln JO UOPOQ10.Id Q.mSSB ol pue resodo.lcI S!Ill Aq PGl:JG]JB Gq II!M. oqM. s~Uap1SQl Aluno;) Q:;l'} aI~ :).OQlOlcI oj .raplo ill 'ilu!.IRQq J!aqllE aOUQP!AQ .10 SlUQUIUlOO ldQOOB lOU II!M. s.Tau01ss1UIIUO;) AlUna;) JO p.lBoa: A:).uno;) .lamO;) GIll 'llt1f.lBGq Gl[l re altldpH.1BcI lOU op nOA J1 'SSQoo.ld llu!uoz .mo U! sy 'silU!lBaq onqncI aql Uf alBdp'R-IIld lsnUl auo ssaooleI 2u!>>!uJ.Iad as[1 pmo!l1PUO;) Gl[l U! palap!SUOO aq ol.lap.TO ul 'aouap!^-G lualaduroo pUB fB!lUBlsqns Gln+PSUOO lOU saop S2U!.IIlaII o!Iqnd aq:). :).ll UOHBcIP1~I13cI lnoql!M. uO!lllo'fUnulUloo U;J:ijf.TM. 'aoYJo S,Aa11.TOny A1UnO;) ,lamO;) ol[l. pUll l:r:lllS luaUll1edaa M.O!AO(I luaIUdoIaAoQ pUll'} 7f! 2UfuoZ Aluno;) lOmO;) 01 2ulp1000V uo!snpno:::> 'IBsocIOld sIlll UO llupBoq onqnd palnpat:[os AUll JO .IO sllupaaUl UO!+llUlJOJU! pGlnpaI[6s AUB JO aIBMB lOU Sf JJlllS AlUnO;) a:;ll '.ladlld Sflll JO UOflll.lBda.ld G1Jl JO sy . 'SU.lGOUOO pm~ suonsanb .IP'V ssa.rppB pUB ,maIj Ol 'A:).uno;) aal UlO.T] SGp.lBcI pGlS01G1Ul q1fM. aUIll S!IfI. 'ilu!:).aGul pooq.loqqil!GupuOO:;lS tl P[oq ol.lap.lo Uf siltTf.lBGq fiB JO aouBnUfluo'J tl pGm rullonddB Gl{,l 'GpO;) A1Une;) .lQ!IIO;) ;:nn Aq PQ.l!nbG.l 10U S! srq~ asnBoaq luaplsQ.I AlUno;) GG12U!U!Ofp13 AUB 01 pGSP.lGApB10U SBM. 2UpGGUl IBUO!lBUI.lOJU! sflI,l 'A:).uno;) .lamO;) U! llU!lQ;JUl UOHBUUOJU! pooq,mqIjll!Qu pG.IInba.I B pal:Jnpuoo lUB::>!lddB al{,l SnUpEGH :>nqnd PUE .:ou>>GaW poolJ.IOqqnfGN 'pGAo.TddB S! IIo"!lll.1GcIo illl!UfUl S!Ijl J! s.TGJ!nbB lUQlG]J!P JO 'Burxrur.lGlU! .TO] IB!lUalOd Sf ;'l.Taq,l 'p~UIUI.I;'llap AntlJ aq lOtIUBO SlOBdUl! pUB G}!S loa[md Glp O} pG:j.Oauuo~ AnB~HnB.lpAq SJ Ba.rn SUI.I'S..r lB::>pH.NI. aIfl. 'AltIno:) aal UI 'lUGfPtllll .1G}BM.pUnO.1'B llU!lS!X;;J aI{llluanBIl" AP)I!I Il!M. S;'l>JBI au!U[ pGsodmd gI{l ;'lSI11:l0gq SloBduq ilU'fU!LU re!lUQlOd ilu!ltlUIBAG Il! lIrnpodUl! S! luaIpBlil .lGlBM.pUnO.1'B {BOOr Glp 'BUfPUB}SldPU[1 'lGJ!nbB Illpy.1I1S ;'lql JO (S)UOHOQ.I!P MOIl .lGlt'lM.pUnO.l~ GIl!UI.lGlap ol UO!lBnreAa .TOJ pgp!AO.lcI Gq P.ItlOI{S SlUG!pB.lil .IGlllM.pUno.lil ~HS-JJO pU1~ Gl!S-UO re::>Ol 'OSN 'MG!AG..l .to] p;Jnrurqns Gq PInoqs I{OII{M. SlU;J!Pll.lil pUll 'AlUBnb 'SIaAGl ,1G:j.BM.punO.I~ G.lGM pGPlAO.Td lOU OSIV 'pGP!AOlcI lOU S~M. Gl!S-JJO pUll Gl!S-UO I{loq .1OJ U.fGnBd G~lll1!B.lp .IG:).t!/" GOBJ.mS 2uPSfX;'l Gq,l . ABa: olalsg: lOlldUI! ApS.TaApB PIno::> ;;}sn pGsocIo.ld Gl{+ pUB '.TGlB.NI. llP!JOId ilITfpUlllSlno tIe 'At!a: O.IG~Sg: 01 MOIl ;'ll!S S!ql UIO.!J S.l;'l:j.BM. ;'lOBJ.InS aI{,l 'S:j.Ot'ldUl! aSOIjl aU!Ul.IG1Gp 01 UOllBUUOJIl! luapUJns s>Jolll uopBo!IdeIB aIfl. lnq 'uo!l1:l.lado 'BU!U!tJI pGSOdOld Gql Aq sao.mosa.lll3.1n1Bu ;'lql Ol S1::>lldUI! .TOJ {B!lUGlOd al[l S! a.laIIl. s;}:>,mosa-a I~.In}nN L1-:E COUNTY "'1\1.'II\\;l.:;llInRIIl\ Department of Community Developmenl \V_a s 2007 Aerial Photography Printed Mar. 2011 Lost Grove Mine September 7, 2011 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Naples, Florida, September 7,2011 Government Complex Naples, Florida with al Advisory Council in and LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Envir for the County of Collier, having conducted busin et on this date at 9:00 AM in a REGULAR SESSION at Administrative r, Judith Hushon (Excused) rew Dickman el Sorrell vid Bishof ina Downs Gary McNally ms, A istant County Attorney que, Sr. Environmentalist Specialist , Sr. Environmental Specialist enna, County Engineer Wil orenz, Director, Environmental Services Chris D' Arco, Environmental Specialist 1 September 7, 2011 I. Call to Order Mr. Dickman called the meeting to order at 9:00AM. II. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. III. Approval of Agenda The Council approved the Agenda noting Item VIlLA was to be heard prior to item VI.A. A. Phase Two of Collier County Presented by Bob Mulhere an , Second by Mr. Sorrell. Carried IV. Approval ofthe August 3, 2011 meeting minutes Ms. Downs moved to approve the minutes of the August 3, 201 unanimously 5 - 0, V. Upcoming Environmental Advisory Council A None VII. Old Business Item VIllA was heard before item VIA al update on the Collier o address land use, mobility and vehicle hours of travel (VHT) and ofitting of existing developments. t (www.colliergov.net/mastermobilityplan). ng the Plan, d Development of Recommendations (current Phase). licy Language. . Under Council! ns the following was highlighted: 1. Consideratl be given to incorporating existing examples of land use into the Plan (i.e. Mercato, es Boulevard). 2. Concern on the timing required for construction of any infrastructure/land uses under the standards identified in the Plan. An example was cited where a developer constructed and sold all the housing units (4500) in a multi use project without completing the commercial uses associated with the project increasing VMT and VHT on area roadways. 3. Concern on the marketability of potential standards identified, especially retrofitting (i.e. the preference/existence of gated communities). 2 September 7, 2011 Speaker Nicole Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida supports the Plan, however stressed the Policies developed will be the key to an implementing an effective Plan. The planning horizons in existing plans need to be incorporated into shorter term policies. She submitted a copy of an email to her from Nick Casalanguida, Deputy Administrator, Growth Management Division, dated September 1, 2011 which addresses concerns the Conservancy has identified. VI. Land Use Petitions A. Lost Grove Mine Conditional Use CU - PL2009-1412 Lost Grove Mine Excavation Permit EXP - PL2010-1526 All persons testifying were sworn in. . . . . . . risdiction over the project. overview of the surface water management tention Areas under the Rural Land . tive vegetation preserved meeting all Collier County requirements. . ter management system was permitted in 1980 by South Florida trict (SFWMD). . ows primarily from the northwest to southeast with final discharge into the CRE lands. . There are 2 phases: mining operation and reclamation. . During the mining operation phase stormwater will be retained 3 feet above a 25 year storm event with no discharge from the lakes. . During the reclamation phase, discharge will be controlled as required in current Collier County Ordinances. . The FDEPIERP states "the results of the preliminary well water testing have shown that the site may be mined without adverse affects to the regional groundwater quality" and 3 September 7, 2011 "the eventual replacement of that portion of the citrus grove with reclaimed quarry lakes should result in net improvements in water quality and quantity for the CREW lands through decreases in agricultural discharges and ground water pumping. " Dennis Roza, Roza and Associates provided an overview of the mining operations highlighting: . In order to limit disturbed areas, the mining will initiate in the northerly portion of the property and progress southerly, then easterly. . The mining is to be completed in "cells." . The maximum amount of product removed is antici . Hours of operation - Monday through Saturday, . Blasting permits will be required by the State placed as required. . The blasting will occur between 9 am a . Dust control will be in accordance w' and loading area will be paved. . Water quality monitor wells will b t 5 million tons per year. 6pm. all's Office with seismographs The entrance road transportation . . truck trips and will not have a . . Collier County for road maintenance in the e north and northwest of the project. eluding widening and resurfacing. er Services provided an overview of the d analyzing soil borings and ground water monitor wells (a . The c aries between 45 feet to 145 feet below existing grade. . The site to a depth 1 foot above the confining layer with lakes comprising the finishe eas. . Groundwater models indicate groundwater levels will increase due to the decreased agricultural irrigation currently occurring on site. . The land use change from agricultural to mining will create a reduction in on site water usage. . With respect to impacts on CREW lands, there will be an increase in groundwater levels. Tim Durham, Wilson Miller Stantec provided an overview on the wildlife aspects of the project highlighting: 4 September 7, 2011 . The site was originally permitted by South Florida Water Management District for citrus operations. . As part of the citrus operation application, the wetlands impacted on site were mitigated (via CREW) with no additional mitigation required under the current proposal. . The property is subject to 123 acres of primary panther zone and 1259 acres of secondary panther zone. . Off site mitigation is proposed for the impacts on the Florida Panther including conservation easements and a perpetual management fund for the site. Chris D' Arco, Environmental Specialist addressed the "Environmental Advisory Council Staff Report, Meeti Staff recommends the application be approved wit 1 noting Staff has submitted mber 7, 2011" for their review. s. Break: 10:30am Reconvened: 1 0:40am Donald Eslick, Concerns: Po the , the current lack of demand for e applications in the area. t proposed to be mined, potential negative sity Reduction/Groundwater Resource) area, impacts to the operation (90 trips/hour) and potential racter of the area. ned Ci zens pacts on the Lee County DRGR, the current lack of demand for ned, potential negative impacts on the character of the area, mpacts on Corkscrew Regional Estuary Watershed (CREW) lands. Matt Noble, Lee Con Government Concerns: The proposed use is incompatible with surrounding land uses (agriculture, CREW lands and residential with residences a near as 100 feet from the property line, 450 residences directly affected by the application), potential negative impacts on the Lee County DRGR (Density Reduction/Groundwater Resource) area and associated groundwater resources, potential negative impacts on area roadways with no mitigation proposed, insufficient setbacks from residential properties for mining activity (cited a recommendation from another Agencies of 1000' buffer),potential negative impacts 5 September 7, 2011 from blasting to area residents, potential negative surface water impacts, potential negative impacts to existing drilled wells, Documentation entered: Map showing the location of residences in the vicinity of the proposed project. Becky Sweigert, Lee County Government Concerns: Potential negative impacts on Florida Panther habitat, potential negative impacts on Wood Stork habitat without proposed mitigation ntial negative impact on on site and offsite wetlands, potential negative impac e and Collier groundwater resources, lack of demonstration by the app . project will not have an adverse impact on ground and surface waters inc e water supplies, lack of a remediation plan should any water re be negatively affected. Documentation entered: onditional Use - Exhibit taZity Data Alvin Block, Lee County Government (He noted Lee County Staff con d a review 0 document provided). 'ndicated in the Recommendations: acks from property lines; and surface waters; requiring rect access to Corkscrew road 1 from Frank Mann, Chairman, Lee County . ssioners to Fred Coyle, Chairman, Collier ommissioner - Re: Lost Grove Mine -2009-1412 and EXP-PL-2010-1526}. ications submitted to Lee County, Staff conducts an undwater studies to ensure compliance with County ining County permits as necessary). Neal Ott, Co Concerns: Pote impacts nt mpacts on area public and private water supplies, potential negative aracter of the area. Joe Staiger, Corkscrew Settlement Concerns: Potential negative impacts on private water supplies (numerous wells in the area are shallow wells), potential negative impacts on the character ofthe area. Hugh Starnes, Adjoining Landowner Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the Lee County DRGR area, potential negative impacts on the character of the area, previous determinations by Lee County Government that 6 September 7, 2011 due to environmental considerations mining activities should be prohibited in the area, potential negative impacts on CREW lands including public activities. Kim Staiger, Corkscrew Settlement Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the character of the area. John Ban, Corkscrew Settlement Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the character of the area, potential negative impacts on historic settlements and heritage, potential negati pacts on Lake Trafford, potential negative impacts on area public and private w plies. Kevin Hill, ECCL Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the Lee to Florida Panther including increa not conduct independent review these reviews to other Agencie ea, potential negative impacts 'lls, Collier County Staff did rovided and deferred Ellen Concerns: Potential negative i Documentation entered: ds, potential negative impacts on the character on wildlife habitat and activity. F from roadwa the issues n betw Lee and Collier County given Lee County Staff k of an independent review of issues associated with the ion by Collier County Staff, inadequate non mining activity buffers rties, potential negative impacts on wildlife habitat including of the Florida Panther, approval of the application is premature given d by Lee County Staff and others. Document entered: Copy of email from James Golden, SFWMD to Alan Whitehouse, FDEP dated April 1, 2011- Subject: FW: Lost Grove Mine ERP Application- which states "It appears that there would be more ecological benefit from preserving a substantial restored buffer (approximately 1000 feet wide) along the perimeter of the mine where it abuts existing natural areas and CREW, rather than preserving wetlands internal to the mining operation. " 7 September 7, 2011 Phyllis Sanderson, ECCL Concerns: Potential negative impacts on area public and private water supplies. Beverly MacNellis, ECCL Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the Lee County residents. Lena Boles, ECCL Concerns: The current lack of demand for the product prop Break: 12:58pm Reconvened: 1:34p Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club, Calusa Group Concerns: Public information concerns regarding I Meetings, deficient Staff Report with relation to the FLUE (Future Land lands. Documents entered: Package from the Si for Neighborhood Information . ew on the impacts of the use in negative impacts on CREW Bruce Williams Concerns: Potential negative i residential use of th of the area, potential negative property owner character of the area, potential negative urface w resources and watersheds, economic benefit to e environmental "cost," potential negative impacts on nd Development, Inc. stated: The project is not bject to requirements of the Lee County DRGR area, it is within the Rural Land Stewardship Area with mining as permitted conditional use. 2. The project has been issued a FDEP/ERP permit which addresses surface and groundwater impacts. Mr. English stated the project will provide a net benefit to groundwater in the area with increased storage and decreased discharges. Upon completion the mine will potentially discharge less surface flow waters than currently exists under the citrus operation. 8 September 7, 2011 Scott Manahan stated dewatering will be limited to a depth of 10 - 15 feet below existing grade, with a dewatering permit required from SFWMD. The concern for area shallow wells supplying water to individual homes is unfounded as modeling indicates an increased storage groundwater potential for the area. Mr. Talone noted the current MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) Plan incorporates widening substantial portions of SR82. Tim Durham stated the area of primary panther zone on from the areas identified as primary habitat. The appl' Wildlife Service requirements for negative impacts erty is a "300 foot buffer zone" I be subject to the US Fish and Cles. Mr. English stated the recommendation for a FDEPIERP review process. The applicant concerns of the FDEP. as generated during the ue and satisfied the ith Staff and the applicant's . or t lorida Panther given the r sunset. negative impact on surrounding . . ve impact on area drinking water wells and mining activity buffer from the property lines. ination fr the fueling of vehicles/equipment on site. 'vely impact surface and groundwater flows in the area. has no iewed the technical data associated with ground and ociated with the application. Other issues Steve Williams, environmental aspe s future traffic planning, funding of roadway improvements, etc. unty Attorney stated the Council is to restrict their review to the e application. The Applicants representatives confirmed: . A third party, independent firm will conduct a pre-blast inspection (for any property owner who agrees) of water wells, structures and/or any other applicable features of a property owner (the intent is to identify a list of qualified consultants, where a property owner can select the consultant with the inspection to be completed at the expense of the applicant). If damage occurs, the applicant will resolve the issue with the landowner. Blasting is 9 September 7,2011 subject to State Fire Marshall requirements (including the installation of seismographs and bonding by the applicant and the company conducting the blasting). . On site fuel tanks are intended to be double wall and placed in containment bunkers to help prevent fuel spills from entering the soil. Staff stated: . Issues related to wetland permitting, impacts on surface and subsurface water flows, etc. are addressed by State Agencies with the County re the applicants obtain those permits as necessary. Agencies determinations ar upon by Collier County for satisfying any requirements. The applicant agreed to submit to Staff, the MS hazardous materials to be used or stored on The Council (with input from Staff and th concerns identified and conditions which ma Ms. Downs moved to recomme Mine Conditional Use applica (EXP-PL2010-1526) subject to t missioners appro e Lost Grove ost Grove Mine Excavation Permit 1. mining operations" buffer a map titled "Lost Grove ther Telemetry, GPS Mortality ad as it runs in a northeasterly direction until "primary panther zone. " 'Perty and running northerly along the xlmately 4120 feet**. corner 0 e property and running southerly along the e of approximately 2060 feet**. e "scaled" from Addendum A, if conflict exists, the physical the Addendum shall govern. 2. The hours 0 be restricted to 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes before sunset. Daily ho operation to be numerically identified by signage at the entrance of the project conformmg as close as possible to the time of operation required for that day, 3. In order to protect off site wetlands, the project to meet the "pre-mining discharges" up to the level allowed by current Collier County regulations. 4. Exterior lighting to be shielded downward, directed toward the center of the site in the area of operation and not to exceed twenty feet in height. 10 September 7,2011 5. The installation of signs (in Spanish and English) on the entrance road educating drivers on the potential of panther activity on area roadways with requests to prohibit such nuisance activities as the use of the "jake brakes," etc, 6, All trucks associated with mine operations to be "cued" onsite. 7. No on-site activities associated with any aspects of the mining operation between lO:OOpm and % hour before the mine is scheduled to open the following morning (morning activity % hour before opening is to be "Administrative" in natur omplete the activities necessary to open the site for operations). Break: 5:01pm Reconvened: 5: 1 Opm Mac Hatcher Second by Mr. Sorrell. Carried unanimously 5 - o. VIII. New Business None IX. s ofthe Plan may not contain the necessary es not agree with the exact language in some age in others areas. Mr. develop the Plan. e for documen I in nature. It will be used as a guideline for Staff to such as rdinances, Codes or Policies, etc. necessary to implement will have input on the detailed language and standards developed he purview of the EAC). Mr. Dickman note it be moved forward t is a dynamic document, available to future changes and recommend gh the approval process. Mr. Bishofmoved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Collier County Watershed Management Plan. Second by Mr. McNally. Mr. Bishof amended the motion to include the following conditions: 11 September 7, 2011 1. Staff to review and comment on the conformance of the Plan with respect to any environmental applications presented to the Environmental Advisory Council for consideration. 2. Staff to provide an annual update to the Environmental Advisory Council on the status of implementing the Plan. 3. Staff to begin the process of developing a Low Impact Development (LID) Manual. Second by Mr. McNally. X. Sneaker Nicole Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida and Staff she has reached an understanding that: 1. The title of the Functional Assessment Map 2. Collier County will develop its own LID manual). 3. The best available data and technolog he met with Mr. Hatcher today Marcia Cravens, Sierra Calu Program for the Plan. All parties reviewed and modified as necessar IX. XI. There being no further business for the good of the County, the meeting was adjourned by the order of the Chair at 6:21 PM. COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL 12 September 7, 2011 Vice Chairman, Andrew Dickman These Minutes were approved by the Board/Chairman on as presented , or as amended 13 September 7,2011 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL Naples, Florida, September 7, 2011 for the County of Collier, having conducted busin al Advisory Council in and LET IT BE REMEMBERED, the Collier County Envir et on this date at 9:00 AM in a REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Government Complex Naples, Florida with r, Judith Hushon (Excused) rew Dickman el Sorrell vid Bishof ina Downs Gary McNally ms, A istant County Attorney que, Sr, Environmentalist Specialist , Sr. Environmental Specialist enna, County Engineer Wil Lorenz, Director, Environmental Services Chris D' Arco, Environmental Specialist 1 September 7, 2011 I. Call to Order Mr. Dickman called the meeting to order at 9:00AM. II. Roll Call Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. III. Approval of Agenda The Council approved the Agenda noting Item VIlI.A was to be heard prior to item VI.A. A. Phase Two of Collier County Presented by Bob Mulhere an . Second by Mr. Sorrell, Carried IV. Approval ofthe August 3, 2011 meeting minutes Ms. Downs moved to approve the minutes o/the August 3,201 unanimously 5 - O. V. Upcoming Environmental Advisory Council A None VII. Old Business Item VIllA was heard before item VIA al update on the Collier to address land use, mobility and vehicle hours of travel (VHT) and ofitting of existing developments. t ( www.colliergov.net/mastermobilityplan) . ng the Plan, d Development of Recommendations (current Phase). licy Language. . ns the following was highlighted: be given to incorporating existing examples of land use into the Plan (i.e. Mercato, es Boulevard). 2. Concern on the timing required for construction of any infrastructure/land uses under the standards identified in the Plan. An example was cited where a developer constructed and sold all the housing units (4500) in a multi use project without completing the commercial uses associated with the project increasing VMT and VHT on area roadways. 3. Concern on the marketability of potential standards identified, especially retrofitting (i.e. the preference/existence of gated communities). 2 September 7,2011 Speaker Nicole Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida supports the Plan, however stressed the Policies developed will be the key to an implementing an effective Plan. The planning horizons in existing plans need to be incorporated into shorter term policies. She submitted a copy of an email to her from Nick Casalanguida, Deputy Administrator, Growth Management Division, dated September 1, 2011 which addresses concerns the Conservancy has identified. VI. Land Use Petitions A. Lost Grove Mine Conditional Use CU - PL2009-1412 Lost Grove Mine Excavation Permit EXP - PL2010-1526 All persons testifying were sworn in. . . . . . . overview of the surface water management tention Areas under the Rural Land . tive vegetation preserved meeting all Collier County requirements. . ter management system was permitted in 1980 by South Florida trict (SFWMD). . ows primarily from the northwest to southeast with final discharge into the CRE lands. . There are 2 phases: mining operation and reclamation. . During the mining operation phase stormwater will be retained 3 feet above a 25 year storm event with no discharge from the lakes. . During the reclamation phase, discharge will be controlled as required in current Collier County Ordinances. . The FDEPIERP states "the results of the preliminary well water testing have shown that the site may be mined without adverse affects to the regional groundwater quality" and 3 September 7, 2011 "the eventual replacement of that portion of the citrus grove with reclaimed quarry lakes should result in net improvements in water quality and quantity for the CREW lands through decreases in agricultural discharges and ground water pumping. " Dennis Roza, Roza and Associates provided an overview of the mining operations highlighting: . In order to limit disturbed areas, the mining will initiate in the northerly portion of the property and progress southerly, then easterly. . The mining is to be completed in "cells." . The maximum amount of product removed is antici . Hours of operation - Monday through Saturday, . Blasting permits will be required by the State placed as required. . The blasting will occur between 9 am a . Dust control will be in accordance w' and loading area will be paved. . Water quality monitor wells will be t 5 million tons per year. 6pm. all's Office with seismographs The entrance road transportation . . truck trips and will not have a . . e north and northwest of the project. eluding widening and resurfacing. er Services provided an overview of the d analyzing soil borings and ground water monitor wells (a . The c aries between 45 feet to 145 feet below existing grade. . The site to a depth 1 foot above the confining layer with lakes comprising the finishe eas. . Groundwater models indicate groundwater levels will increase due to the decreased agricultural irrigation currently occurring on site. . The land use change from agricultural to mining will create a reduction in on site water usage. . With respect to impacts on CREW lands, there will be an increase in groundwater levels. Tim Durham, Wilson Miller Stantec provided an overview on the wildlife aspects of the project highlighting: 4 September 7, 2011 . The site was originally permitted by South Florida Water Management District for citrus operations. . As part of the citrus operation application, the wetlands impacted on site were mitigated (via CREW) with no additional mitigation required under the current proposal. . The property is subject to 123 acres of primary panther zone and 1259 acres of secondary panther zone. . Off site mitigation is proposed for the impacts on the Florida Panther including conservation easements and a perpetual management fund for the site. Break: JO:30am Reconvened: 1 0:40am Chris D' Arco, Environmental Specialist addressed th "Environmental Advisory Council Staff Report, Meeti Staff recommends the application be approved wit 1 noting Staffhas submitted ember 7, 2011" for their review. s. Donald Eslick, Concerns: Po the , the current lack of demand for e applications in the area. t proposed to be mined, potential negative nsity Reduction/Groundwater Resource) area, impacts to the operation (90 trips/hour) and potential racter of the area. ned Ci zens pacts on the Lee County DRGR, the current lack of demand for ned, potential negative impacts on the character of the area, mpacts on Corkscrew Regional Estuary Watershed (CREW) lands. Matt Noble, Lee COll Government Concerns: The proposed use is incompatible with surrounding land uses (agriculture, CREW lands and residential with residences a near as 100 feet from the property line, 450 residences directly affected by the application), potential negative impacts on the Lee County DRGR (Density Reduction/Groundwater Resource) area and associated groundwater resources, potential negative impacts on area roadways with no mitigation proposed, insufficient setbacks from residential properties for mining activity (cited a recommendation from another Agencies of 1000' buffer),potential negative impacts 5 September 7, 2011 from blasting to area residents, potential negative surface water impacts, potential negative impacts to existing drilled wells. Documentation entered: Map showing the location of residences in the vicinity of the proposed project. Becky Sweigert, Lee County Government Concerns: Potential negative impacts on Florida Panther habitat, potential negative impacts on Wood Stork habitat without proposed mitigation ntial negative impact on onsite and offsite wetlands, potential negative impac e and Collier groundwater resources, lack of demonstration by the app . project will not have an adverse impact on ground and surface waters inc e water supplies, lack of a remediation plan should any water re be negatively affected. Documentation entered: onditional Use - Exhibit rtality Data Alvin Block, Lee County Government (He noted Lee County Staff con d a review 0 document provided). 'ndicated in the Recommendations: backs from property lines; and surface waters; requiring rect access to Corkscrew road 1 from Frank Mann, Chairman, Lee County . ssioners to Fred Coyle, Chairman, Collier ommissioner - Re: Lost Grove Mine -2009-1412 and EXP-PL-2010-1526). ications submitted to Lee County, Staff conducts an undwater studies to ensure compliance with County ining County permits as necessary). Neal Ott, Co Concerns: Pote impacts nt mpacts on area public and private water supplies, potential negative aracter of the area. Joe Staiger, Corkscrew Settlement Concerns: Potential negative impacts on private water supplies (numerous wells in the area are shallow wells), potential negative impacts on the character of the area. Hugh Starnes, Adjoining Landowner Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the Lee County DRGR area, potential negative impacts on the character of the area, previous determinations by Lee County Government that 6 September 7,2011 due to environmental considerations mining activities should be prohibited in the area, potential negative impacts on CREW lands including public activities. Kim Staiger, Corkscrew Settlement Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the character of the area. John Ban, Corkscrew Settlement Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the character of the area, potential negative impacts on historic settlements and heritage, potential negati pacts on Lake Trafford, potential negative impacts on area public and private w plies. Kevin Hill, ECCL Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the Lee to Florida Panther including incre not conduct independent review these reviews to other Agencie a, potential negative impacts 'lls, Collier County Staff did rovided and deferred Ellen Concerns: Potential negative i Documentation entered: ds, potential negative impacts on the character on wildlife habitat and activity. F from roadwa the issues n betw Lee and Collier County given Lee County Staff k of an independent review of issues associated with the . on by Collier County Staff, inadequate non mining activity buffers rties, potential negative impacts on wildlife habitat including fthe Florida Panther, approval of the application is premature given d by Lee County Staff and others. Document entered: Copy of email from James Golden, SFWMD to Alan Whitehouse, FDEP dated April 1, 2011- Subject: FW: Lost Grove Mine ERP Application- which states "It appears that there would be more ecological benefit from preserving a substantial restored buffer (approximately 1000 feet wide) along the perimeter of the mine where it abuts existing natural areas and CREW; rather than preserving wetlands internal to the mining operation. " 7 September 7, 2011 Phyllis Sanderson, ECCL Concerns: Potential negative impacts on area public and private water supplies. Beverly MacNellis, ECCL Concerns: Potential negative impacts on the Lee County residents. Lena Boles, ECCL Concerns: The current lack of demand for the product prop Break: 12:58pm Reconvened: 1:34p Marcia Cravens, Sierra Club, Calusa Group Concerns: Public information concerns regarding 1 Meetings, deficient Staff Report with relation to the FLUE (Future Land lands. Documents entered: Package from the Si for Neighborhood Information . ew on the impacts of the use in negative impacts on CREW Bruce Williams Concerns: Potential negative i residential use of th of the area, potential negative t property owner g character of the area, potential negative urface wa resources and watersheds, economic benefit to e environmental "cost," potential negative impacts on Mr. Schrotenboe , nd Development, Inc. stated: 1. The project is not bject to requirements of the Lee County DRGR area, it is within the Rural Land Stewardship Area with mining as permitted conditional use. 2. The project has been issued a FDEP/ERP permit which addresses surface and groundwater impacts. Mr. English stated the project will provide a net benefit to groundwater in the area with increased storage and decreased discharges. Upon completion the mine will potentially discharge less surface flow waters than currently exists under the citrus operation. 8 September 7,2011 Scott Manahan stated dewatering will be limited to a depth of 10 - 15 feet below existing grade, with a dewatering permit required from SFWMD. The concern for area shallow wells supplying water to individual homes is unfounded as modeling indicates an increased storage groundwater potential for the area. Mr. Talone noted the current MPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization) Plan incorporates widening substantial portions of SR82. Tim Durham stated the area of primary panther zone on from the areas identified as primary habitat. The appl' Wildlife Service requirements for negative impacts erty is a "300 foot buffer zone" I be subject to the US Fish and Cles. Mr. English stated the recommendation for a FDEP/ERP review process. The applicant concerns of the FDEP. as generated during the e and satisfied the ith Staff and the applicant's . for t lorida Panther given the r sunset. negative impact on surrounding . . ve impact on area drinking water wells and ining activity buffer from the property lines. Other issues Steve Williams, environmental aspe s future traffic planning, funding of roadway improvements, etc. unty Attorney stated the Council is to restrict their review to the e application. The Applicants representatives confirmed: . A third party, independent firm will conduct a pre-blast inspection (for any property owner who agrees) of water wells, structures and/or any other applicable features of a property owner (the intent is to identify a list of qualified consultants, where a property owner can select the consultant with the inspection to be completed at the expense of the applicant). If damage occurs, the applicant will resolve the issue with the landowner. Blasting is 9 September 7, 2011 subject to State Fire Marshall requirements (including the installation of seismographs and bonding by the applicant and the company conducting the blasting). . On site fuel tanks are intended to be double wall and placed in containment bunkers to help prevent fuel spills from entering the soil. Staff stated: . Issues related to wetland permitting, impacts on surface and subsurface water flows, etc. are addressed by State Agencies with the County re the applicants obtain those permits as necessary. Agencies determinations ar upon by Collier County for satisfying any requirements. The applicant agreed to submit to Staff, the MS hazardous materials to be used or stored on The Council (with input from Staff and th concerns identified and conditions which ma Ms. Downs moved to recomme Mine Conditional Use applicat (EXP-PL2010-1526) subject to t IsslOners appro e Lost Grove ost Grove Mine Excavation Permit 1. mining operations" buffer a map titled "Lost Grove ther Telemetry, GPS Mortality ad as it runs in a northeasterly direction until "primary panther zone. " ']Jerty and running northerly along the xlmately 4120 feet**. corner 0 e property and running southerly along the e of approximately 2060 feet**. e "scaled" from Addendum A, if conflict exists, the physical the Addendum shall govern. 2. be restricted to 30 minutes after sunrise to 30 minutes before sunset. Daily ho operation to be numerically identified by signage at the entrance of the project conforming as close as possible to the time of operation required for that day. 3. In order to protect offsite wetlands, the project to meet the ''pre-mining discharges" up to the level allowed by current Collier County regulations. 4. Exterior lighting to be shielded downward, directed toward the center of the site in the area of operation and not to exceed twenty feet in height. 10 September 7, 2011 5. The installation of signs (in Spanish and English) on the entrance road educating drivers on the potential of panther activity on area roadways with requests to prohibit such nuisance activities as the use of the "jake brakes," etc. 6. All trucks associated with mine operations to be "cued" onsite. 7. No on-site activities associated with any aspects of the mining operation between lO:OOpm and Y2 hour before the mine is scheduled to open the following morning (morning activity Y2 hour before opening is to be "Administrative" in natur omplete the activities necessary to open the site for operations). Second by Mr. Sorrell. Carried unanimously 5 - O. s of the Plan may not contain the necessary Break: 5:01pm Reconvened: 5: 1 Opm VIII. New Business None IX. es not agree with the exact language in some age in others areas. Mr. develop the Plan. e for documen I in nature. It will be used as a guideline for Staff to such as dinances, Codes or Policies, etc. necessary to implement will have input on the detailed language and standards developed he purview of the EAC). Mr. Dickman note it be moved forward t is a dynamic document, available to future changes and recommend gh the approval process. Mr. Bishofmoved to recommend the Board of County Commissioners approve the proposed Collier County Watershed Management Plan. Second by Mr. McNally. Mr. Bishof amended the motion to include the following conditions: 11 September 7, 2011 1. Staff to review and comment on the conformance of the Plan with respect to any environmental applications presented to the Environmental Advisory Council for consideration. 2. Staff to provide an annual update to the Environmental Advisory Council on the status of implementing the Plan. 3. Staff to begin the process of developing a Low Impact Development (LID) Manual Second by Mr. McNally. X. Speaker Nicole Johnson, Conservancy of Southwest Florida and Staff she has reached an understanding that: 1. The title of the Functional Assessment Map 2. Collier County will develop its own LID manual). 3. The best available data and technolog he met with Mr. Hatcher today Marcia Cravens, Sierra Calu Program for the Plan. All parties reviewed and modified as necessa nce of developing a Public Outreach the Plan is to be continually C. Update mem None IX. XI. There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by the order of the Chair at 6:21 PM. COLLIER COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL ADVISORY COUNCIL 12 September 7,2011 Vice Chairman, Andrew Dickman These Minutes were approved by the Board/Chairman on as presented , or as amended 13 ,. a Conditional U$e Boundary . FWC Panther Telemetry 8-22-2011 CD USFWS Additional GPS Panther Data o USFWS GPS Data FP 188 ..t.. Panther Mortality 2011 Panther Zones Stan tee Consulting 3200 Bailey Lane Suite 200 Naples, FL 34105 tel 239.649.4040 fax 239.263,6446 Lost Grove Mine - Conditional Use Exhibit K - (2 of 2) Bear and Panther Telemetry, GPS and Mortality Data _ e ,<\t. q ,.;.1. '/ Feet o 500 1,000 lile information en Ihis map has been compiled by stantel; st.tffrom a vari6ty CfSOUrcfll and Is subjecHo change 'NIthout notice. Stantec makes no l'eJRMnlation& or warranties. e:w:prus or Implied, as to aCC\ItaCV. compl.teneaa,lIlTieUness, or rightl to the use of such infonnatfon. . ,. 1: p'e.-~e:i0'<':",,\ <'I.v'- rl'TT7~ ,.= no. \ \"Y> I V\ I'" lJ 0 e ev~;;+t 0 \1\ b v\-+ .- \000 ( w'lllc-