Minutes 02/04/2011 Horizon Study Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes February 4,2011 9:05 A.M. Meeting Called to order by Chairman McDaniel 9:07 Roll Call, Teaters, Humphries, McDaniel present, Eckhardt excused, late notification 9:09 Approval of Agenda 9:12 Approval of October 29,2010 Oversight Committee minutes 9:15 Brief discussion economic cycles and rescission since the 1970's with Dr. Van Buskirk and Committee and public 9: 18 Chair McDaniel recommended that the Committee establish a policy of an open format in where the public can join in on Committee discussions at any time. The proposal was agreed upon by the other members. 9:25 Discussion of the Florida Department of Transportation FDOT and their current attempt to link land use modeling and transportation planning in a better manner. Dr. Van Buskirk described the program and the FDOT interest in the CIGM potentially being a pilot model. 9:35 Discussed briefly the FDOT study to date and the Committee requested a copy to be forwarded to each member. 9:37 Dr. Van Buskirk began his demographic trend analysis presentation which focused on the shift in Collier's demographic composition from 1970 to 2009 based upon the US Census. Presentation is available for review at Growth Management/Comprehensive Planning Section. 9:50 David Farmer asked a question regarding the decrease in the percentage make up of agricultural activity to total economic activity. Question was "Did drop in overall percentage in overall mix represent a decrease in Ag activity or increase or expansion in other non Ag related economic activity. It was recognized that it was a bit of both effect by Dr. Van Buskirk. 9:59 Chair McDaniel questioned numbers from the 1990 Census related to median age and requested if he could see the numbers on the graph with the percentages, if going to use in a presentation to the BCC 10:10 Committee commented on the growth of schools and government within the decade of the 1990's as one of the largest growth sectors. 10:25 Break 10: 35 Dr. Van Buskirk discussed strategies recommended to maintain an appropriate land use budget for the County with the encouragement of 50 acre minimum set asides in the towns and villages of the RLSA and RFMUD Overlays. Each member provided their own perspective on the strategy but felt like the recommendation was appropriate. 10:45 Tim Nancy of the Public felt the County needed to be more competitive with adjacent counties related to the utilization of technology in the Ag sector. 10:50 Chair McDaniel stated there was a need for a commitment to the CIGM and Teaters pointed out that were limitations to using the standards of the Commercial Centers in the CIGM due to those being based on Urban density, not the low density areas such as the Estates. 10:55 Discussion then moved to topics for annual presentation to the BCC in May. 11 :00 Presentation needs to focus on benefits of developing the CIGM for the entire County 11 :05 The Committee direct staff and Dr. Van Buskirk to: . list the benefits of the CIGM, but also to highlight the cost savings associated with the model, . to include the last page of the demographic presentation related to changes over the 40 year period, . then show the population projections over the next 30 years and describe the changes in the demographic and economic mix to attain desired diversification, . point out that DCA has already accepted the Growth Model as a professionally accepted source for population projections, . note the FDOT land use/transportation modeling effort and the potential for the CIGM. 11 :30 Motion to adjourn was provided by Teaters, seconded by Humphries and was passed unanimously. I L- qI7(( ( Date