Minutes 10/29/2010 Q Horizon Study Oversight Committee Meeting Minutes October 29,2010 9:02 A.M. Meeting Called to order by Chairman McDaniel 9:05 Roll Call, Teaters, Humphries, McDaniel present 9:12 Approval of Agenda 9:13 Approval of April 30, 2010 Oversight Committee minutes 9:15 Comprehensive Planning staff began giving an overview of the Horizon Study from Phase one to Phase Three 9:20 Teaters and Humphries requested copies of the Phase One report 9:22 Chairman McDaniel cautioned against the outdate cost and information contained in the Phase One Report. 9:35 Horizon Study Overview completed 9:37 Discussion on the Rural Land Stewardship Area (RLSA) regulations and how development can move forward regarding that Overlay and the need for an accurate population forecasting methodology to assist with the development that is projected to come. 9:45 Doctor VanBuskirk began a PowerPoint on the Industrial Design model 9:47 Dr. VB clarifies that amount of Industrial is the choice of a location, not directly tied to need like provision of commercial space. 9:50 Chair points out that the US is still and Industrial Society 9:55 Dr. VB points out that as places mature the need for a diversification of economy is needed to replace the eventual decreasing presence of construction and development activity. 10:05 Dr. VB went through Research Methodology: Demographics, Employment Profile, Fiscal Impact, Multiplier Effects and Strategies to Overcome Industrial Deficiencies. 10:25 Chair requested to look at past decennial census to see trends within the demographic tracked. . . 10:27 Dr. VB discussed the labor force demographic breakdown and transition that is typical of that population as an area matures. 10:30 Break 10:45 Dr. VB discussed Industrial Composition expected at build-out and the concept of land budgeting to ensure appropriate allocations are provided for within an area. 10: 55 The Oversight Committee voted to have a demographic presentation from Dr. VB for their next quarterly meeting 11 :00 Pat Humphries requested a copy of Dr. Van Buskirk's Presentation 11 :05 Discussion focused on need to make every effort to get the CIGM as the official population projection source for the County, which is in the purview ofthe Oversight Committee's charge. 11: 10 Committee discussed potential timing of next meeting for later part of January and staff indicated that they would get back to the membership on dates available. 11 :12 Motion to adjourn was passed unanimously. 2/4/' ( . Oversight Committee Date