Minutes 01/29/2010
Horizon Study Oversight Committee
Meeting Minutes January 29,2010
9:05 AM Meeting Called to order by Chairman McDaniel
9:07 Roll Call, Teaters, Watson McDaniel present
9:12 Approval of Agenda
9:13 Approval of November 20,2009 Oversight Committee minutes
9: 15 Motion of Committee to move to Public Comment on agenda, vote - unanimously
9: 18 David Farmer, member of the public, provided comments regarding the CIGM and
distributed memo with specific questions of the CIGM Mr. Farmer stated he was a supporter of
the CIGM, but would like areas of memo addressed to better understand the model, its
capabilities and limitations
9:25 Chairman McDaniel stated County needed a point person to be CIGM spokesperson, but
recognized staffers come and go. Stated felt staff misrepresented the capabilities of the CIGM
during the January 19, 2010 BCC transmittal hearings for the Growth Management Plan (GMP)
amendments. Emphasized the need to reiterate with staff what model is and limitations. Felt that
too much weight was placed on the ClGM by staff. Stressed key point that CIGM does not take
into account economic viability of existing supply.
9:35 General discussion of populations and vacancy rate and their effect upon the CIGM.
9:40 The Chairman puts on the record that he believes staff inappropriately utilized the CIGM in
their review of the Growth Management Plan Amendments, currently under review. Believes
too much weight was placed upon the utilization of the CIGM by staff Recognized the CIGM
has benefited the GMP-A review process, but staff should have been stronger in their articulation
oflimits of the CIGM.
9:45 Jim Flannigan, member of the public, stated that Transportation issues need to be addressed
outside of the CI GM. And felt staff manipulated the data set and staff did not focus upon the
locational discussion in the decision making process.
9: 50 David Farmer suggested the CIGM could be bifurcated and separate the population
component from the other components.
9: 53 Pointed out that the CIGM is already built that way, but stronger emphasis is needed on that
9 :55 Chairman McDaniel pointed out that ClGM has no opinions, simply states what is and
decisions need to be made by the Community.
10:00 Committee Member Watson stated, that based upon the discussion that transpired at the
meeting, that she had serious concern that staff was manipulating the agenda.
10:03 David Farmer pointed out that only staff can use the model and that the public could only
request output.
10:05 Committee Member Teaters stated he believed that staff was not following a specific
10:08 Michael Ramsey, member of public, stated CIGM should not be utilized on Estates
petitions unless recognized by the Golden Gate Area Master Plan (GGAMP). There was an issue
with applying urban standards to estates for CIGM analysis. Felt the CIGM needed to be vetted
in the GGAMP restudy and transportation needed to be included within the GGAMP restudy.
10: 15 Chairman stated Rural Fringe Mixed-Use District needs to be included in the GGAMP
10:20 The Committee voted unanimously on a motion to have staff address David Farmer's
questions of the CIGMby next meeting date.
10:23, Committee motioned to close public discussion, passed unanimously.
10:25 Dr. Van Buskirk provided an updated presentation on the CIGM and the update to the
model based upon the CO activity from April 2007 to April 2009. The presentation provided
specifics in the change in baseline data and its slight effect upon timing and build-out.
10:49 Presentation on CIGMconcluded
10: 50 Committee member Watson questioned if it wouldn't be better to meet on a more frequent
basis so the issues can be addressed in a better manner, quarterly nature of meeting provides too
much time in-between meetings.
10: 54 Discussion amongst members about frequency of meetings.
10:57 Watson also asked to have update on Priority Points and indicate which ones were being
addressed by various departments.
11 :05 Direction given to staff to work with the Chair on Draft presentation to BCC for May
2010, and all committee members to have opportunity to review at the April quarterly meeting
11 : 12 Jack Flanagan asked to be included in the distribution list
11: 18 Motion to adjourn was passed unanimously.
JUN 0 3 2011
Hoard of County CommiSSioner"
The Horizon Study Oversight Committee was created by Resolution 09-38 by the Bce. The Committee
met three times in 2010 and have meet twice in 2011. All of the minutes from 2010 have been included,
as well as the first meeting from 2011. After the next meeting of the Committee, I will forward you the
signed meeting minutes for the April, 2011 meeting. Thank you for your time and effort.
_..~~~-> -
1-29-10 -included
4-23-10 -included
10-29-10 -included
2-04-11 -included
4-08-11 -available after next quarterly meeting
Misc. Corres:
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