Ordinance 75-40..... 632 625. AND C)I(!~'L!IAL','.:I.~ IJC). 7!; ,24 CO;,ll'l~i.HII,hxl;;Ivl,l Z(.h',l'll,lC I,',(,UI,AI. (';.I., I'()ll ",11'i Ili;IhC(hd'OR,%,'t'll£) ,'AIH,:;~, ('Lh' '.l'lll,: C(~/\,';TA1, .Ah'.EA I'I,,'JjN'[N¢| I)I.q'/'RTC'[' C)',,' (':OI,~,TI:I', '.i'll'.' Z(')bI1NG A'J'I.A:[ FOP, ICl .... :FCLII)Y ARI,:/~ Il-';, 1.KilU': ILRIVI'ICUI,AICf I~]L~;CII'LIIt.:I) .,511 'J'tlt.~;;1.: I,ANI.L~j ],Yll';C 'd.L'J'II1N 'J'O;','NF;II'II' 50 SC)UTi[, ItANC;E' 25 AND 2.6 ].'I,C)R'il)R~ O1,' PRC)I'I.:]dI'Y HI,H¢I~:jIN/d,'TE]~ I~I,:,qC]¢;/[H,',I.); l,'],'O;,I l.;()];.[l',V, ]IO~.H", REN'.I'AT, ]'ARK ']'O "GRC" GI':N}':RAI, )d4TA:[I, CO;,I:4ERCIAT., POP, A ]'O1'¢1'.[O1,; O1" I,OT 122, NAt'LES (.;ROVE AND TRUCI~ CO:,H'AhlY ],]~TT],t.: ].'ARM~: NO. 2, FRO,~! "RI4-1" ]U~SZDENTIAL .~,ItU,TI--FAI1TLY I)]'STR%ECT TO IU4-]A Rt:SJ.I)I':NT]'AL I4ULTI--FAI.~II,Y DISTPV[CT ]'O]:'l']70?Lq OF ],O'['.q 21 ANt) 22, NA1?LI;:S GROV3~ AND ~'RUCI~ CO:4PANY ],~l'i-J"r,l.: ].'Aid. IS NO. 2, AND AT,T, OF ]IUDDLESTON'.9 SUBD:[VlSION AND TIII.: %,tl.kqT 300' OF ROCK CREEK TERRACE SUBDIV.TSION, AND ],()'.,',~; '1.--2.8 OF %';.Il. ,r;URi~ENCY .c;UBDIVI,q]'ON AND ALL OF IIALDEMAN RIVER ,¢;L;F, D1V.[,c;3IOIt, AND TI,V~C'J'S 1 AND 2 WHITEI[UR,q'.I' R1.H'],AT AND LOTS 3.-5, ]:],OCK ]., AND LOTS 3-6, BLOCK 2z GLI]'A.' $1IORI::S Al{I) ],O'J'S ]3.~10, B],OCK A, SAIlAT, SllC)RES SUBDi[V.T,qlON; ],'J~O.'4 "C-]" C:O;.IHI.:I~CIA1, ~I. NI)U,-'FJ'R'[AL ])IST]h'ICT AND "A" ACR.TCLII,TLIIH.: }~AYV]:I.:U SUBI)IV].S:rON AND LOTS 11-56 NAI'I,I':S BA~VI];;~ NO. ] nl.~l) A PORTZON OF S}.:CT3EON 23, TOWNSHIP 50 25 EAST; I.'R(')N "^" ACR3CtII,'i'URE DISTRIC:t' '~'O "~4,I-1A" R1,SZDENT]'AI., ~:UL'~'.T--].'AHLLY ])]'STRIC'i' FOR A POR'iION OF SECT/ON ~1.3, T~qH.T1, 30 ,;OUl'll, RAf,,G~': 23 ].:A,;I'} FROM C:[ CO~'.I.I]':RC:[AI, INI)[I.;J'I~.~L __ ~ l,;Ar;'J' 200' O1,' J.O'J' 60 h'AI'I,I.:S (,;NOVJ.: AND '/'IIUCK CO:,I;'Af~Y ],~,E ~I{; NO. 2 AND TIlE ].:~f;'.(' 440' ou ]:,o'r 5fl Na]'],~.:S GROV].: ANI) 'J'ItLICK COMPANY I,I'J"J'],1': l"Al:,'l:: N('J. 2 Al,~;) '.Pill: ,qOUTI[ ].2('1' 01" TIlE }',A,,t 440' OJ" ],OT Al,H) 'J'I,'L/CK CO.;',H'ANY ].;tT'J'LE FAR;4,"; l':O. 2 ANI) :fill.; ','ll:.qT 200' O]" ],O'l'~; 3.03, 10'~, .1.05 AND .106, NA~'],I,i::; C;ROVI'. Al,Il) 'J';,'tfCK Ct;HI')',.I;Y .1 ;('I'T;,I: ]"All'iii HC). 2 ANI) I.O'J'S 1N ~'CAI'],I.:S J'IAN01{ U/'.'I'¢ .1, NAI'I,I.::'; ll~Nr;;l: AN~.:I'iX, NAI:'.I,I':S IIANOR AI'II):I.'.I".I¢IN, NAI"I,1:S ti^N'CHI l:X'l'., A~',~I~ I:AI'I,I;S IlA!'I(H( I,AIUI,q, Al,Il) ),ANI.L"';,II)I.: ,q(HH)1'VI,q~(')N AHI) l,O'.l'~ .1.,..'S, }.I,I,(')CI~ ^~, AFP; 1,('~'l'~; }~l,Or,:K B, ¢;1. l.li',1.'(~,'~t1:, ,'%~11~.:,"; ,";Ulll)'lV].qil('):,}, Al41) TWO ]'AIIC'.~.:I,I; CJi:' ~' " RANGE ~5 i':,'~;'J'; AND CO~4HI*:RC'[A1, DT[;'I'I~'[CT FOR A PA1K:I':T, OP J,A~I) 7N ~;I,;C'l'/O,q ])]~;'.i'R'tC'J' 'J'O "J';" I':S'J'A'I'I':S I)I~;'I'RTC'I' l~'O~l Till,: SE~ OF ~;I.;O'P.1. ON AND FROM l. lOnI]',]': IfO;',ll': JIi,:N'I.'AI., PAl,Ur. ',1.'0 "TTRV" ~.I'J{AV/":L °,['RAZLI,;1,~ RI~iCRI'IATIONAT., VEII.TC1,E I)If;'.I'I',ICT 1.'OR A .q.Tf18 ACRE I'AI',CF, T~ IN SI':C'.P]Oi'I 33~ IO,,~I, I1.[I S0 ,~OU'i'llt PJ~NG[;: 26 EAST AND A 5.02 ACI'~t,I PAllCP, L 33, 'J'OI'flq,qtlll' 50 SOU'I'II~ RANC;I~ 26 ]:;A,q'.P~ AND A G.gG ACRE ]'Ah'CI.:L ]Iq ,qECTION 33, TOWN,qllll' 50 ,r;OUTll, I~AI,!GI': 26 EAST; AND FI{ON "Rbl-]" RI'ifLTIII,:NT.IAI, MUI,TII'Z,I': DISTRICT :1'O "NIIRP" MOII.TLI.: IlO,'"'IE ],'I:i',I'.IAI, I'AI(II D],qTRICT FC)P, A PARCEL :IN .qI':CTION 2.3 'I'OWN,':;HII' 50 ,qOUTII~ RANG]': 25 I'IA$'J'; AND P]~OV:[I).TNG AN }.:FJ:J..:CT:[ VE %.:ilERI.:AS, the Coa.,:ti~l Area Planning C:ommi~micm, pfttitionod thc: lloard o£ Count.y Comrri.{:;:;Joners of Co].lier County, Florida, to change tho. Zoning C].as;;Jf.ic:at.ion of thc: rc:a.1 propc:rty horc...~.nafter dot.:c:r.~bed, known z~.'.~ Work Study Arc:a No. 3. NOW, TIII,:RI,:I.'ORI,: lie IT O]',I)ATNEI) IlY TIrE TIOARD OF COUNTY COMHISSIONEliS Of" C:O],T,II,:R COUNTY, I,'I,ORI.r)A: .qJ,',CT]'ON ONI,:: 1. 'J'he Zon:;.ncj Clans:LficaLion of the bereinbelow described rea]. },ropert'y in Co].]i.(.'~7 Count.y, ].']or.i.da, knovtn an 1.1ork ,r;L. udy Area No, 3, J.s c)~angcd to various zoning c].as£;ifJca~ions, as ]]eroinaft(:r shown on tho O£fJcJal Zoning Atlas desc:ribo, d in Ordinance No, 74-42 and 75--24 J:: hereby amel,dod t~c:cc}rd.{ng].y: From t. lllR;' to CRC: Nap].¢~:: C;rov¢, ~lnd 9'fuel: C'o. L.tl:t].¢.' I.'armn No. 2 ],of 122 ... C(,mmoncJ. n9 aL NJ'/ corner of lot ].22 ~J~; POll run scnlt:hc~;,t.~torly w:;l:h rJg]lk of Way Of LIS 4] for 265', thc:ncr~ NorLln./c~;l.(:r].y on a ].~nc: j,~rn]lol t:O U~; 41 to t:{lo West 3o1 ].:i. no, thc:nco lic,rthor3y lllong l$oSt 3.oi: ].inc! t.o POlt. From PJ.i-] l'o ]iii-lA: ],ot 2.1 .- ']'l,o t,:a:;t 650') Nap]¢.,s Grove & 'i'ruc:l: Coral,any J,iltl¢, Lot 22 ... 'i'hc~ l:a.,:t 650') Farl,ln f2 I',,,.t;, .1 0("). :i']~r: t; :~0()t o.[ Ih'tr. pr)Yt.'i~)r~ c)~ It¢)c:k ¢:r~,cd: 'J'c:t'r~(:o wl~'i.¢:h ]..'i¢~:; ., ,, · . . ,.. ~,~,, ,: I ~ ~'..r.I : ~,() ],0[:; ]"2(: 0.[ ti. II. $;urr(;;)c), :;ubdf.v.i,n.i.on a:; r¢:c~ol~cl¢;d j~! l'l~lt I~¢.~ok .1, Pacj<, 2,q, ~ nd All of I[a,lderman Ri. vc~.r Subdivision as recorded .~.t~ PI. at Book 2., ],~:gr.? &'7. T~:~'~c:L.:.; I nnd 2 of Whikc:l~ur. sL lleplat: zt."; recordc:d :i.n Plat Book ~,nd I,oL:: 3-!;,P,]¢:k .'1. ~,t)d Lo'Pr; 3.-6 of lilt): 2 of Gulf Shores Subd. a.q recordc:d J.n ;'la't }look d, Page 50, ],or.:; ,,1,13-16 of lLTc:k A of ,qabal Shores as recorded ~n Plat }:¢,ok 3, ]'i~¢.j¢~ 37 and Plat I%¢,ok 4, ]'age 40. }-'rom C] & A t.o C;RC: Commctn~:.[ng ~:t ,qt,t corner o£ Sec. ]2, 'J'Wp. 50 ?,., l[gc:. 25 E., run ;:~sLer].y along $oukh Section line to the ]':ast¢:rly right- oD-way of. [JS 4,,1, said beiug P.O.I]. 'J'he. nce NorLhw¢::tterly along rSgh[..-of--way 620', then Northeasl'¢:r].y on a ]./tie perpendicular to u.q 4]. to thc? Wc::CL: cornc:r of lot 3, B].k. D. Glades Subd. ii,once SouLhc:;,n['.erly along tlle rear property ].in¢: of Lo%..,t 3-8, B]k. I) of G.~.adc, s Subd. %'o the Southwc::tt corner of ]~t 8, ]~].k. l),Of (;]~lclc:; Subd., tho. n ].]aster])~ along the South lo~ linc'of ].et 8, Blk.'l), and lot 36', Blk. 'A of Glades Subd.~ t[~ence South.- easkc:bly ]200' of a linc: parallel to US 41 thence Southwesterly on ~ llnc: perpendicular ti, LIS 41, to the F. ast right-of-way llne o£ US 41,. thenc:c Northwe.qL:erly along righh-of-way of US 41 to P.O.B. G},~.. tO }U,I--]A ],or.r; 3--32 of Napl¢:s B~yv,Lc:W Subd. a~'~ rc.~c:ordod J.n ]'.lat: Book 2, Pa ¢.i e 91 and ],et:; ].].--55 Na!,].c,:: Bayvic:w A<iditlon No. ]. as rc:cordc:d in )'Jet 1~oo1: d, ]'age 20 N 2/3 .- .q% .- Nb - ~.;~'%i - Nfl¼ ].:::c:c?]~t: 1.: !D0' thc:rer.t'orn, in Sc:c. 2.3, 'J'v.'i~. 50...~' , Rq¢:.. 25 1':. .qo~ll, 4~5' oF t:t.; .- :;W%i" NW.'.: - NW~T o[ ,qt:c. ]3, '.l't,.'l~. 50 S. 25 RECORDER~ MEMOt ~elgtiJlt'J'I o! w~id~& T/plml et' Pdmtl.! ~F~ 632 200' ¢)£ ],at.n ].03,].04,]0".,,].06,al]. ].¢,t:; .1.coal.ed (;rove and 'J'ruc:k C,.,r,q)ar~y ],:[Ltl(: l.'l~rm:~ ~2. l.¢)ts 1-].0, ll].k. ] of Napl¢::l l,lanor-Unlt 1., ?].itt; ;look 3, Plt~.le 57 ],otn ]..-4,]l].k. 2 o~ Napl(:s Hanor [Init 1, plat ]]o¢)k 3, Page 57 ].o[-.s ].-12,111k. ]., of N,'q~l¢.,s Hanor Ant~e>:, Plat ]look 1, Page .110 Lots 1--]0, l]]k. ], of NaI)los Manor Add.,Plat F, ook 3, l'ago 67-68 ].ets ]-]7, I1].k. 1 o~ Nep.Te.:~ llanor Lak¢~.~, Plat Book 3-86,87 and ]'Ia[ Ilook 4, l'iqlO 67. ],et ]., I]lk. 9 of Naples l.lanor Lake.s, Plat Book 3.-86,87 and }look d, Page 67. l~nd Cc~rnm~-~llc:J. rlg aL ti,c: int.e~t.';ectJ, on of N sc.~ction ].inc'. of Soo. 32, Twp. 50 S., Rge. 26 }::., with tho northerly rlght..-of--way 1.~ne of UG 41 run e.ast 388.8',5 580 %~ 147.09' to righL.-o£.-way line, N 39° W a]on~.! right--of-Ii, nc; to P.O.B. '1'h¢: W('.;;['. 200' of Lakc:.'L~de Rubd. as rc:c:c~rdod Jn ]']~b Book 9, Page 99. ~nd 1-3, l;].k, a and Lot.,: 1-4, Blk. Il of Guilford Acre.s Subd. re.co,;dod jn P3~t BOO]; 3, ]'ago 59. and Coi{~menc:ing 4~t tile. SE corner of Lot 5, lll};. B, Gull.ford Acres, run l.:4, stc?rly to %; r.1. g]~t--of--way of IlS 41, Northvl¢.,nterly to SI.: corner ¢)f I,ot 3., ]Ilk. Il, Guilford Acres, %,?ctste.r3y along S bounc];413y of :;aid ]et 3. t;o ]~2 lot .1. Jne of Lot 5, }3].k. B, Soul:h.- ¢.~a:;Le]:]y ~n].ong .';~}.~.d lot ].~n¢.. to P.O.]3. and Lot:; ].--87 of ]'inc;].and-On--.Th¢.~.-Trail Subd. ~;s recorded in ]'].al: l;ook 3, Page 60. and A i);~);c:¢.,3, o£ .~z,n¢l Jn Sec. ]3, Twp. 50 .~;., RUe. 25 }.:., descrJ, bed C:o;n,r~enc.ing ;,b Nor/horn mon[. corner of l,ot 1 o.[ ]'J ne] and-.OD.. 9']nc,-..'J'rd:i] f;t)))c]., run Norlhwt~sl*.erly l,]ong ri!lht:..o[.-way of 70' to )'.O.I~. 'y],e])c(: Nr})'l:l~westorly along 520', thcmc:c~ Rc)tltl)vze~;~e ]y 20 on a 1])]e l)eyl')end]cu}.nr rJ. gl~l.--of.-wl,y of t)R 41, t. hc:]lce Sout]'le~s~e.rly ~]c,)'~g a l~nc. ])ar~]](~]. l'c)r;i, ghl:--of--%/oy US 41 LO %.1~c' Nor[.ll r;ig]ll;..of--way of llJgll].;,nd lld., tIde:nc:c: Horl.he;isLc~r].y il].c)ll~l Neff.Il of' ll.i.g]l];~nd Rd. to ]'.O.1~. ]~,v [o r.iUl,t"'()F"w;ty o.[ U:; 4'1; [:l,,.rsc:,.~ I.k.~rl'.llwc:.'.;f:(,r I¥ 40(')~ on ] i.P.[' l,,~,';l! l'.tl It'~ v(t.l!lh-.i'~,~..'.;it~ C')r.' ILq 41., *l'Jl,':ltC:,:, ],;~,'i' (,,u ;, .li.~:,' I,.~'~)~,;hlL~;t~l.,iL' t'O )'Jc. lhl,-J)~:'~W,I.y, I.lh.,,,,:,:! (,O.ql.(~']y (m it .'l.Jt~¢~ i~ar,'ll.l:,l 1:¢) r.JgJll.-.o~-.w,:ly ¢)1' tlr; 4]. t.O ].'rom A [() l.:: ].'~;cH,t i'IIIP, I' tO 'I".['](V: I)c::c:):.i.l)[:ion ¢)[ a tract. ()£ land l¢)ciltc;d .in ,¢;c:cI.::[o,t 3.3, T¢)wnshJ. p 50 ,qOut:J~ justre, lc: 26 ]':~,:.;t; I)o.[ng mcr. c: l')nrtJ, cml;ir.ly (le.';er:Jbed it,'.: I'c).'l..lot.;.~;: Commcmc:e at t:hc'. ,e,c)ttl.:hVl:::;t: eoKne~ 50 :;¢)uth, I{;,ri(.l¢: 26 ]':ash, Collier County, Flor.lda, and run illong th,t, t;ea[:erly boundary of ~a:l.d section, North 02 degrce.'~, 37 ),~inutes, 04 sc:cond,~: Ea:lt, for 132].37 feet; thence ]cave said sec:rich line ttr, d run Sout. h [19 degrees, :;9 mJ. nut:(~:~, 22 seconds ].:~nt, for 3.632.62 feet t.o a point on th(? c'.ent'ctrljne of ITar¢'.foot T'TJ.].lJan~.'-~ ]toad, .,;aid point bc,ing t. hc~ I'OZNT OF IH.X:INNING; thence ].cave tho centerllnc~ o[ ]~arefoo[. Wil].J. ams Road and conE{nun to rUT~ f;outh 89 dcguees, 59 m:Lnutes, 22 seconds 'I.Ntst, for 805.80 feet; t. Jlcnce run Nort'.ll 54 degrees, 25 raj. nut.os, 01 t;econd for ]390.4B feet; t:}lc, r, ce run fJouth 64 degree,r:, 38 n~inut:es, 36 seconds %';c:sk, for 210.]2 fcet, to a point: ors tho c:cmt.er]ine of llarefoc)L I'lJ. lliams Road; therice conLinuing along t'he c:cmtc~r].ine of Darofoot t'lil].jaras ]{o~,d, run along the/tlr(: of a (:ui:ve %o t.he left whose radius Jn 2430.00 fcc:t, Cci,etd begat:lng South 32 degrees, 57 mJ. nutc~s, 49 seconds F:a~.;[., for 386.52 feeL), an arc dJst.ance of 306.;19 feet; thcn,c:e c()ntJnuc~ to run along %he c:ent:erlinc~ of Barefoot Wj]]j. ltms }~oi~<], Sc)t~[.l~ 37 degrees, 33 minutes, 29 seconds }.:i,~:[, for 49(:.36 feeL, to tho ]'O~N'I' OF ])EGINN]NG; containing 9. 788 ~ nd I)ESCH]]']'ION O? A ']'RACT OF I,AND LOCATED .l'N SECTION 33, TOWNSIIII' 50 SOUTH, RANGE 26 ].:A.C;T; ]H,',]NG HeRE )'AI{T.TCULAI{LY I}]::$CIII'BI.:D At; };'O],I,OWS: C:om.~K. mc:n at the .~;cmthwe:.;t corner of Section 33, 'J'ox./n.~;]lip 50 South, Range 26 East; Cci. lief County, Florida, ~tnd run along the TTesterly bouadary of sa.id soc:t~on, NorLh 02 degrees, 37 minutes, 04 seconds ).:a~;t, for 1321.37 feet; tlianc:e leave said section 1.~c~ and run South 89 degrees, 59 m~nutes, 22 scccmds Enst, for ].632.62 feet, to a poJ. nt on the cent:cfi.inn of Barefoot Tqi]]..iat~s Road, slt~d ]'o~nt being the I'O]N'J' O1.' ]}].:GINNING; thoncc~ run along t. ho conterlJnc) of Barefoot t'/;;]]J, ams ]~c)ad, Sout:h 37 degrees, 31 In, riffLes, 29 sclc:one, t; ]~st, for 68~.98 ~c,et.; thcmce leaving the center.line of Barc:foc~t Williams Road, run North 35 d~greos, 34 re.inures, 59 second~; ].:a~.;t, for 667.~;0 feet; t.hencc~ run Nortll 89 degre~s, 59 minuLc<~, 22 seconds We~;t, for 805.80 fe{~L:, to t:ho ]'O]NT O1" ]]J.:GINNIN(:; (:o~,taJnlng 5.02 and BO0~ JI~OI1DER'S "EMO, of wridn& TTpInl or Prlutlnl m~m~dmfmcU~ry la I. bls wi, eh r,~l,,o(t. E9 d..'Uc'~',:r~~ 5U I't.J~il~'t~;~ ~ ~;;'t:()/I(]:~ ]:;l~;L~ J'~)/ .I.~.l~.~,~ ;:~(~L;. [.o i; i,',J~'. 29 ~:~cCmd~.; ]':it~tL., for 6~4.D[1 fr.~eL:, t:c) a ]'~¢,[nL, said t'hc~ (,re: of (~ c:u~:vc~ to the lc, Et whc)sc~ rad~.us Jn. 1000.00.feet, (chord bec,ring, NorLh 44 degreos, 01 mJnuto, 45 nec:ond~J East., for 293.76 fc~et), an arc dj. si:ante of 294.83 fec~t; 1:Jictnc~ c:ontJ, nua ~,long the ccnt:er].inc~ off said l:roposed road, ~Ic)rl:h 35 d:~grees, 34 InJ. nuLc~s, 59 ~;c~c:o:~df; ]':al;L, for 248,79 fc~at; thencc~ ]o~lvct tho (:(~nter].~t~c~ of t.he aforement~.on0d proposed road, ~nd ~un North 54 dc:grc..c~r;, 25 m~.nut'.es, 0]. second West, for 439.52 feet; thence run ~;ou[h 35 degrees, 34 minutes, 59 second~ %.~est, for 667.80 feat, to tho I'O:[NT OF IH~:GINNING; c:ontain[ng 6.~:6 acres. ).'rch, n Nf!--1 Lc) tillRP: A pa~:¢:el o[ ]and Jn .~;¢:c:t.i¢,n 23, Townsh{p 50 $., ]i~l~ge 25 ].:., Commencing at the NW corner of Section 23, run ~o0.th along the we:;[, sc,c[..~on 1.in¢; ]560 lc:et to P.O.]~. thoncc: (:ant 3290' t.o ]?/W of )"c:)'n St. rc?eL; .qouth a].ong'sa.icl'R/W ]00:, thc:ncc: We:aL. ]290' to thc! %'1c:~':('. r.¢~c t:.( on ]~ne, Lbo?ncc nor[1~ to P.O.}%. ,qI':CT] ON TWO: 3. l'e~,nlt.~:: A vJo.l~,t'.icm of ~,ny provif;.{on of t),:i.s Ordinance J:; a m~sdc:mean¢,r nnd :;hall be: prosecuted Jn the name of the St~tte ~n t'.l,e County Court by Lbo Pro:;ecut~ng. At.t:orney, and upon conv.{cti6n ~;li~i]] b:? t',uni.:Hi¢:d )~y n fine not to ox¢:oc:d $500.00 or by impr.(.~onment Jr, thc: Coun[-.y ,Tn.il ]lot to c:xc:e, ed slxty. (G0) days, or both such £ina ~nd .impr.i:~onme. n[.. Each wLo.l.~lLion and c:~,ch day a YJo].zJtion contJ, nL~on :;))(~l.1. constitute a separate of£c:nse. Tho }loard of C;ounty Comrni-,;sioners :;l,a].l have, t:hc: po:.lc.~r to c:ol]aL:erally enforce Lhe ))rov:i:.:ions of this C)rdJ. n~nc:c: by apl)rOprJate JudJ.¢::Lal Wr.~.t. or proccedJ,~.i notwJ, thstanding 2. Co~,:]ir:L: In t:);e c:v(mt ti,J:; O~(l[nar, co cc)nf/[:ic:l:s with oLher or(lJ, napce oF C¢)]lJc:J: C(nut[:y or oL)]c,.r (q)p.lj.¢:~d,.1.(: ](,t,,,, thc mu,~i¢::Li,al. Jty %.;it.l,in Cc)ll.~c'~: Cotmt'.y un]c:.;.'; thc: mul~i¢:'$l~ality adc,l,:-.,; j u r ,i r;(1 i c:t' i on. el' wrlLIn& ?~pl.I el' Prlmtln/J ~t~m. mUm~'metory ~n t~s d~'~ment J ', ~,l~ ~'1,,,,!. J ~ i'. 1,~,.' ,tuy r,:,' :;r')~l I,~;.1.(I I.n,/,~l i,l (;r' tlllUOll;il'-Ll:llht.(Jll, ll. I~y illl~ ¢;ourl: cl i.:;t.i i~,.':l: and .i. ml.,l~',:nrl¢;~ll: [~:r.'ov.i.:;irjll z~nrl such ]lotd.l.n,j r;h;~ 1.1. not; ~l.I,'L:ci', l'hc, vn'l.i, rti l:y o[ th,: z'ela,~iui, ny [~o,,'hi.on. 4. .L,2l).~.e.~_:/_,t....~.:.,:.n.:,:..~LV_u_%[..j_9:Z: '.d~., pr.¢~v.i,t;:lon:~ o[ th i;,'. Or:.¢'linan¢:o :;hal. 1 be: .]ibc:rally con'~thruecl, Lo ef£ool:.i, vu].y carry ouh its puq)ose:; t',l..' :i. nLere:;l', or: I:lu: l)ul)].i.¢: :~. I':[,'I:'I,:CT.I, VP', I>A'I'I::: ]h.t., OrdJ, nance :d~all. take (~ff(:cI; Iq)on receipb notice Lhat: .i.[: has beem fl. Led with t:ho Secrebacy of. SLate. DaL'.ed: September 30, 1975 A'I'T I::ST: I.IAItGARE'[' T. SCOTT C]e. rk of.' the C.ircuit Court Deputy Clerk ; t.~ ."l ]30AR!) OF COUNTY CO~,IMI$SZONERS COLLIER COUNTY, Ff, ORIDA , 'eS.tiler County AUtorney