Ordinance 75-38 O~I)IIIAt~CE 140. 75-3_8 __ Ail OI',i)]NANC. I'I I'.:,qTAI~L1SI{ING A MIMIHUH BUII,DII;G FLOOR ELEVATION OF EIGHTEEN (].8") INCHES A~()VE '.PILE CROWN OF THE NEAREST FINISHED STreET OR TWENTY-FOUR (24") INCHES Al]eVE THE CROWN OF TIIE IJICARI::f;T GRAI)I,iD OR (.)TILER UNI,'INISIIE[) STREE'C, SEVEN (7') FEET AEOVE HI,IAN DEA LEVEL ([,ISL), AND A Iq[NII.III~4 et,' FOUR FEI. iT (4') ABOVE TIlE WATER TAnLE DURING THE WETTEST SI,:ASOI,I OF T}IE YEAR; WlllCIIEVER IS TIIE HIGIIEST, BY A~qENDI!IG ~].05.a Or.' OI1DINANCE 73-2, TIIE COLLIER COUNTY 1.1U i [,DIII(: CODE. BE IT ORDAIr;ED BY TIlE BOARD OF ~OUIITY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COUIIT¥, FLORIDA: ,qECTION ONE: That Section 105.8 of the "Collier County Building Code" Ordinance 73-2 be: and Js hereby amended to read as follows: "Section ]05.8 Minimum Floor Elevation a. No building permit shall be issued for, and no residential., .'ii. oep]ag or living quarter units of construction shall be per£ormcd, unless the plans therefor show that con- struction of thc finished floor elew~tton is established, a m.inJmum of eighteen inchon (18") above tile crown of the neareqt st:re:et if fini:;hcd wi, th paving, or twenty-four inches (24") the crown if graded or otherwise unfinished, and seven feet (7') above mean sea level (MSL) -1929 datum (National Geodetic Vertical Datum) os such higher elevation as may be en~ab]i,~hc, d ........by law whichever is tho highest; butldi~el~a-~ tion.% shall be gradually 'sloped a minimum of two penni ~%~ for thc: first 20 feet away from the building and on~rc~t ~ (1%) ti ereaft.r to effectively drain water from the ~ldi~. Porches, carporks and garages may be at finished lot'~rade. b. In addition if the building is to be connected to an ind.ivJdual sewage disposal system, the floor elevation ..;hall. be a minimum of forty-eight inches (48") above the mean high ground water table during the wo. ttest season of the year. IIi~.th ground watur table will be r~:ferenced to a l)m~ch mark sl~own on the plans based on U.S.G.S. data. TWO: The provi~ion:~ of th.is Ordinance shall be liberally 4 09 con;~trur~.d t:o c,f.t':mctiw?]y carry oul: itr~ purpone in Lhe int:r.,r(:r~L o~ thc: p,lbl, tc boa]th, ~afety, we]fare and convenience. Con fl ict In Lilt cvcmt t:h~ Ordinance con[lict~ with any other ordin~nce of Collier County or other applicabl(} law, the m()re r(~stricti, ve sha].l ~q}p].y. If any portion of t'.h[s Ordinance is in conflict w~th an ordinance of any municipality within Collier County, Jt s}~a].], not be effective within th~ municipality to t],e extent of such conf]J, ct. Severance If any phrase or portion of this Ordinance is for any reason held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction such portion shall be deemod a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect, the wllid~ty of the remaining portion. Pcnalty. The provisions of th~s Ordinanca shall be deemed an cxercJse of the police powers of Collior County for the pro- tectioi~ of the public health, safety and welfare, and there- fore, ~ha]] be liberally construad to accompl~nh %hat purpose m%d implement the legi~lative intent and declaration. If such vlolatJon is continuing, each day's violatJon or separate ac~ shall be a separate offense. Effect[vo Date This Ordinance shall take effect ~pon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretary of State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Co~is- .,].on_r.. of Collier County, Florida, this _23friday of .Septembe~ ].975. A'I'TEST: MARGARET T. SCOTT C]¢,rk of Circuit; Court Deputy Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY CO~.I}IISSIO:.IERS COI,LIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~ / -- .. ,.,- Stepho2~G. Mitchell, Chai. r~}{a~ Approved an to form and lo. gality: ,'&'.c."d' ' 17'~'~]~' Emerson Brunet Collier County Attorney