Ordinance 75-37, :.' ~.~ COLLIER COUNTY ORDINA/.;CI~ NOS. 74-42 AUD ~ MERCIAL VEHICLE, AND BY ADDING A SECTIO~.I . ~< ' TITLED "SPECIAL REGULATIO~;S RESTRICTING \. THE PARKING OF COM~4ERCIAL AND MAJOR RE-  CREATIO~AL EQUIPb~EUT"; PROVIDING A~! EFFEC- TIVE DATE. BE IT ORDAIn;ED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOn;ERS OF COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONE: Section Three (3) of Ordinance No. 74-42 and Ordinance No. 75-23 is hereby amended by adding the following definition: Commercial Vehicle: Any vehicle that has a rated capacity of one ton or more and is used in conjunction with a commer- cial or business activity. Amend Ordinance 74-42 by adding: Section 13 A. ~pecial Regulations Restrictin~ the Parking of Commercial and Major Recreational Equipment. 1. Intent and Purpose It is the intent and purpose of this section to allow residents within a subdivision in Collier County to pre- scribe stricter regulations governing the parking of commercial and/or major recreational equipment than is provided under the minimum requirements set forth in Section 7 and Section 8. This district is intended to apply as an overlay district for areas or portions of areas which are zoned for residential uses. The purpose of these regulations is to maintain~, e ~ ---- appearance and quality of the residential use in th~_x manner in which it was originally platted, to reduc~, congestion, prevent overcrowding and the blocking=o~~ views and the free flow of air currents, and to maintain the lasting values and amenities of the neighborhood. 2. Establishment of Zoning Classification A zoning classification, to be known as the Restricted Parking Overlay District, and to be denominated on the Official Zoning Atlas by the syn~ol, "RP" in conjunction with the basic residential symbol, is hereby established. 3. Ul~on i~eLJ, tlon Lo the Board of County Commissioners .';Jgned by :~ m.i.n.tmum of one hundred (100) or 50% of the pro- perty owners whichever is the lesser, in tho proposed DisLrict, l~la[;tc~d subdivision, or within a vo~ing precinct comprising a homogenous zoning area, the Board of County Commissioners m~y r~..vJse the boundaries of tho District and enact an imple- menting ord:inance to be~:ome effective upon approw~l by a majority of the qualified electors residing within the District voting in the next general or special election held for other purposes within the District(s). The election permits a choice by the elector if Jn favor of or opposed to the following regulations as may be revised by the implementing ordinance: A. House car, camp car, camper, house trailer, motor home, school and/or other buses. No house car, camp car, camper, house trailex', motor home, or any vehicle, by whatever nam~ known, school and/or other bus, designated or adaptable for human habitation, whether such vehicle moves by its own power or by power supplied by a separate unit, shall be kept or parked on premises zoned for residential purposes within the County nor on public rights-of-way of said zoned districts except when parked entirely within the conf.ines of a garage, carport, or fully enclosed struct ute and cannot be seen from any abutting property or public way, provided, however, that such vehicles may be parked anywhere on residential pre~nises for not to exceed twenty-four (24) hours during loading and unloading. (1) Tho following exceptions may be granted by tho Dirocto~: upon application by the property owner . (a) Resilient: Such car, trailer, bus or motor hom,~ may, upon obtaining a permit from thc. D.~rector be parked upon the premises of the r(?n].dent for a period not {~xceeding three (3) days for tile purpono of loading or unloading and/or cleaning and unloading prior to or after a trip. The permit for each period shall bs affixed to the vehicle in a conspicuous plac~ on the ~truet sid~ ..... thereof. The Director ~ny for good cnuse shown, authorRze thu issuanc~ of n second consecutive permit not to nxcned thre~ (3) dnys. An add- itional p~rmit for th~ pnrking of such vehicle will not be issued until after such npplicntion has been reviewed and approved by tho Board of County Co~issioners. (b) Non-Resident: Such car, trailer, bus or motor home, when used for transportation of visitors to this County to visit friends or me,ers of the visitors' family residing in this County may upon obtaining a permit from the Director bo parked upon the premises of the visited family for a period not ex- ceeding ten (10) days. Tho permit shall be affixed to the vehicle in a conspicuous place on the street side thereof. The director may, for good cause sho%~, authorize the issuance of a second consecutive permit not to exceed ten (10) days. An additional permit for the park- ing of such vehicle will not be issued until after the application has been revie%{ed and approved by the Board of County Commissioners. 4. Passenqer Vehicles Conta]~ntnq Commercial Advertising A. Parking of passenger vehicles with commercial advertising signs, which are written directly on the finished surf~ce of the passenger vehicle or attached in such a manner so as not to protrude more than one (1") inch from the finished surface of the passenger v(.:]~i.c].c, r;(:LLing £¢~rl.:h Lhe name o~ the bu,'.~tnon:.~, itn address, ]~unJ. nc. ss telephone number and type oE business e.g., realtor, painter, etc. thereon in rosidenti~l areas outside the confines of a garage or carport is permitted so long as the home (residential) address is not shown thereon. }]. All passenger vehiclgs having co~ercial adver- tising signs not conforming to the requirements set forth J.n Paragraph A. above shall bo prohibited. 5. Trucks, Trail. ers, School Buses and/or~other Co~ercial Vehi~S: i~ ~hall be~awfu'l for any p'ers~A ~o par'k, keep or store in or upon any property, public or private, in any area of the County which is zoned residential, except as provided in Sub-section 3A. of this Section, any truck exceeding a rated capacity in excess of one ton, trail, er, school, bus and/or other commercial vehicle, and any passenger-type vehicle, by whatever name designated, converted partially or completely from a passenger carrying vehicle to a vehicle for transporting goods or articles by removal of a seat or seats therefrom or by addition thereto, thercon or therein of a rack, crate or other carrier or holder for transporting good or articles, such as but not limited %o ladders, wheelbarrows, tools, equipment, supplies or materials, if such vehicle so convertod is used in or incident to the operation of a business. A. Exceptions: (1) The foregoing prohibition shall not apply in cases of licensed contractors or service establish- ments actually doing work on the premises, or in case of loading or unloading such vehicles, or to any such vehicle while it is being used for transportation for ' personal reasons of the operator of a temporary nature to and from the home, such as for noonday meals or to visit or serve an ill person. (2) Tl,e }~arkLl~g or storage of such v~hlc]es ~s within th(~ confinez of a garage, carport, or £ully e. nclo:~(:d structuz~: and cannot be seen from - any abutLing pro/,ert, y o~ public way. 6. ]3oats a~]d ]~oat TraJ.]er:'~: No boat or boat tra~.ler shall be par]ccd or stored on prem~.k~es zoned for residential uses or on publJ, c rights-of-way of said zoned districts except when parked or stored entirely within tho confines of a garag<., carport, or fully enclosed or shie]~ded structure and cannot be seen from any abutting property or public way. A. Exceptions: (1) A boat or boat trailer may be parked on the owner's premises, in tho open, on a temporary basis not to exceed eight (8) hours for the purpose of loading and/or cleaning an unloading prior to or after an outing. (2) An empty boat trailer may be parked at a launching site during the period of time that the boat is launched therefrom for a single voyage and while ~n ~he process of loading or unloadJ, ng the boat and/or trailer. (3) Boats on davits or cradles adjacent to water- ways or birthed at approved docks and/or piers. 7. Hotel and Motel Parking Provisions: Hotels and motels are considered as business-like enterprises, therefore, recreational vehicles, trucks, trailers, buses and/or other co~ercial and industrial vehicles, listed herein of bona fide residents %hereof, transients or otherwise m~,y be parked on the premises of such facilities. Such vehicles shall not be parked in streets, alleys or other rights--of-%.;ay within the residential district. 8. Gener~,] E>:cei~tlons: The provisions of this paragraph shall, not apply to vehicles parked on the premises of churches, clinics, schools, public libraries, public buildings, public and club swiping pools, private clubs, go.If cour:~::-~, ut. iJit.ir.~s, herr. ils ~n~d moto].s and pnrks and recreatJnn~]l ztl'~:;~, whi.]L~ tho persons %ransporLed thereby are at'.tendi, ng or per,jcl, paring in ~c~J. viLlos or being treated or served thereat, nor %o b~ses, ~rucks or trailers p~rked aL ~tny ti. mo in a spac~ prepared or sJ.g~ated therefore on said promises, if such vehicles ~]re used or et)eraSed by or for the operation of the places or insti%utJ, ons designated, except that such vehicles cam]et be used for resJ.dentJal occupancy. SECTION TWO: Sevcrabi!i[~' - If any seer. ion, subsection, sen['ence, clause phrase or portion of ~his Ordinance Js for any reason ]]old invalid or unconstitutional by any Court of competent jurisdiction, such portion shall })e deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect tho validity of the remaining portion hereof. Construction - The provisions of this Ordinance shall be deemed an exercise of the police powers of Collier County for the protection of t.]~e pub].ic h(~alth, safety and welfar~ and therefore shall be ].iberal]y construed to accomplish that purpose and implement the legislative intent and declaration. If such violation is continuing, each day's violation or separate ecl shall be a separate offense. ?enaltZ - A violation of any provision of this Ordinance is a misdemeanor and shall be prosecuted in the name of the State in te C~unty Court by the Prosecuting Attorney, and upon conviction shall ba punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by imprisonment in the County Jail not to exceed 60 days, or by both such fine and j. mprisomnent. The Board of County Co~nissioners shall have the power to collaterally enforce the provisions of this Ordinance by appropriate JudJc:ia] WrJL or proceeding nothwiths[:anding any prosecution as misdemeanor. Effective Date - This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of nok.~cc that Jt has been receJ.ved and filed in the Office of Secretary of SLate. PAH.~;.ED AI~D DU],Y ADOPTED by Lht2 Board of Co%lnty Commi.-,n].onc~rs of Collier County, F]or~dn, Ll~s 23rd day of September__, 1975. I.IA1K;ARt::T T. SCOTT of. Circuit Court l)clu~ t:y Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COt4t4ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~s ~:7', p~ %T ~'-fit¥~: ~T~'f 1 -Chairman Approv¢:d as to form & legality: --'David Emerson Brunet Collier County Attorney