Ordinance 76-42SECTION TWO, P~G~PHS 2, 7C and SECTION
2.E. Bona Fide Agricultural User
Any agricultural use permitted in the Agricultural
Zoning District of the appropriate Zoning Ordinance
which occupies a minimum of sixty (60%) percent of
the land area and for which a "Notice of Commencement"
has been filed with and approved by the Director.
7~C. No permit shall be required for the removal of pro-
tected trees other than a specimen tree on a parcel
of land in an Agriculturally Zoned District and
being used for a bona fide agricultural use to
include wood pulping and the transplanting of trees
for landscaping. Provided, however, that i~--order
to qualify for this exception, the owner or his
agent shall file a "Notice of Commencement" with
the Director and receive approval prio~ to the removal
9f any protected tree.
The Director. is authorized to approve a "Notice of
Commencement" subJect..to the following conditions
having been met by the. petitioner. .
(1) Petition
a. The petition meets all. the requiremen~of
Section 9 of. the Zoning Ordinance
6 30, Special Regulations for (ST) land ~ea%~
A-ST for the planning district applicable?.~
(2) Irrigation
a. If a well is to be used for irrigation in
conjunction with the bona fide agricultural use
~f the premiSes t the petitione'r must obtain a
Well permit.
b. If a source other than a well is to be used
for !rrigational purp.oses in Conjunction with
the bona fide agricultural use of the premises
the petitioner must have received the approval
~f th"~ Water Management Ad'visory Board.
(3) Agreement
a. The property owner or his duly authorized agent
shall file an executed agreement with the Director
~hat ~ithin two (2) years from the date on which
~he. "Notice of. Commen6'ement" is approVed b~; th~
Director, he will put the subject ~remises in a
bona fide agricultural use as'defined in ~2.2E
~ove and ~ursue such activity; in a manner conducive
to the successful harvesting of its n~rmal expected
crop products.
b. The ~roperty owner o~ his duly authorized agent
shall filo ~ written. ackno~ledc, jement witti the
Direct. or that he is aware that the,~oard cE Count~
Commissioners'will not re,one.the subject, premJ'se~
described in the "Notice of Commencement" Eot a
period of three' (:31 years from the effective date
of approval b~' the 'Director cE 'the '"Notice cE
(4) Inactivity of Use
a. The petitioner may elect to leave the
subj,'ct premises lie fallow after 'completing
the bona fide agricultural use required in
~(a) abo~e for the remaining years of'the
~'~riod reqUired in 3fb) above.
Amend Section Two, ParagraPh 5 to read as follows:
(5) Fees
a. Application for protected tree(s) removal
permit filed with the County shall be accompanied
by a non-refundable fee of five ($5.00) dollars
for the first acre or fraction thereof and five
dollars ($5.00) for each additional acre or frac-
tion of an acre thereafter up to a maximum fee of
one hundred ($100.) dollars. Such fees are hereby
declared to be necessary for the purpose of pro-
cessing the application and making the necessary
inspections for administration and enforcement of
this Ordinance.
b. A five ($5.00) dollar fee shall accompany
a "Notice of Commencement".
Amend Section Three to read as follows:
(1) The failure of a property owner or any other
persoh to obtain an approved "Notice. of Commencemene"
as required in Section Twor Paragraph 7.C.r shall con-
stitute a misdemeanor and each acre of 'land from
which a tree is removed shall constitute a separate
and distinct offense and upon conviction shall be
punished by a fine not to exceed $500.00 or by im-
prisonment in the County jail not to exceed sixty
(60) daysr or by both such fine and imprisonment.-
In imposing sentencing the Co6rt mayr in mitigation,
consider the successful replacement of trees illegally
removed and the degree of restoration of the water
retention and drainage characteristics of the. land to
its original state.
(2) The failure o~ a property owner or any other
person to put the subject ~remises into a 5on~--~fde
a~ricUltural use as required in Section 7.C.(4),
shall constitute a misdemeanor for each acre of land
for which the "Notice of Commencement" was approved
by the Director and each acre of land shall constitute
a separate and distinct offense and upon conViction
shall be ~unished b~ a~fine not to exceed $500.00 or
by imprisonment in the Count~ ~ail not to exceed
Sixty (60) day~, or by both sUch fine and'imprison-
ment. In im~osin~ 'sentencin~ the Court ma~ in
mitiqationr consider the successfu.1 replacement of
tree~ so fraudulently removed.and the de~ree of restora-
tion of tile water retention and drainage characteristics
~f the land to its o~'iqinal state.
(3) Any person violating any provisiqns gf this
Ordinance or the,condi~ions 041 a permit 'issued
hereundert, . and. not tspeciflcall. ¥ coVered'in 1 and 2.
of this Section, shall constitute a m~sdemeanor and
each t~ee re~ov~'ih violation of ~his OrdinAnce shall
constitute a separate and distinct offense and upon
con~iction sha~l be 'Punished 6¥ a ~ine not to'exceed
~500.00 or"by"imRrisonment in the. C6un'ty ~ail n6t to
exceed sixty (60~.daye or by. both' such"fine and '"
imprisonment. In'im~o$inq sentencing 'the Court
may, in mitig~tio~f ~onsi~&r the successful
~eplacemen.~ of tr'ees illegally removed and the de~ree
of restoration of the water retention and drainage
characteri~'tics of' the i~nd to its original state.
Each a6t of remoVi~ a tree ~ha.~l be a se~'grate
~ffense. In addlt'io'n to or in lieu of the penalties
provided by general law for violation of Ordinances;
the Board of County comm'issione~s may brihg injunc-
tive action to enjoin th'e removal of trees in viola-
%ion of this Ordinance.
This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of notice
that it has been filed with the Secretary of State.
PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners
of Collier County, Florida, this 21st day of .September , 1976.
· ,.."% <., ~,~.~.,it David O. Bro~ Cha~r~an-
. .,.,. .
: . : ." '":' "~' . ~ -: Approved~o. form an~ legal sufficiency.
:..,j ..,.',. :.. '
". '.. '... '"".' ."~ .'~.' '~Do~aZd A. P~okwo' ' - ~'"~
" '~'?'~ .... ~"~' .'"' co~La~ county ~tor~ay
This ordinance filed with the Secretary:.of State's office the
27th day of September, 1976 and acknowledgment of that filing
received this 29th day of September, 1976.