CEB Minutes 09/24/1990 1990 Code Enforcement Board September 24, 1990 CODE ENFORCEMENT BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY DATE: September 24, 1990 TIME: 9:00 A.M. PLACE: Third Floor Boardroom, Building F, Collier County Government Center, Naples, Florida. Cl';J~l?~E13E]\jT ~T,'\~I<'f EB-.-E ~J!~]\j~T CHARLES ANDREWS TIM CONSTANTINE MONTE LAZARUS MARK LAMOUREUX MICHAEL PEDONE MAHK STRAIN JACKIE WI LLIM1S RICHARD CLARK BILL SMITH RICHARD YOVANOVICH . MJN1Ll'E:-:;!3Y : Sabrina c~ . Cheaney-Farrell, Court Reporter c';ALJ..EJLJ'O QfU2ERAT: 9: 00 A.M. AJ)lQ1JBJ\jEJ) : 1 0 : 1 5 P. H . PRESIDING: Timothy Constantine, Chairman APl)ENPA'rQ_n:tKA~EJ'..JP_~: None MINUTES TQAPERQ\iJ'::: August 23,1990. Approved. Page 1 CQI)~. EN FORCEHEHT. 13QARD-.OF ~;QLLtER CGlINTY ITEM: COMMENT~: ITEM: CQMM];]\jT13: H.QTI-.QN: GASKNQ: RESP.QNPENT : LOCATION OF Y:LQI".ATIQ]\j : ::;.EF:'T~:~1BEI:L2 4, 1 ~J9 Q *** Addenda to the agenda. Mr. Bill Smith. Code Compliance Officer, stated that they were going to dismiss CEB #90-035. the portion regarding the illegal subdividing of the property. *** Approval of Minutes. Mr. Andrews stated that he would like to amend the minutes to reflect the following changes: !'On the first case, Number 90-041, on Page 3, on the motion made by myself, down at the bottom of the Paragraph. it says in violation of Sections 5. 6. and 7. And it should add the ordinance, Collier C'ounty Ordinance Number 88-45 which was omitted," "On Case #90-043. Page 26. just before the motion. second paragraph above, it says it was 82-2 Section 3, B 1, 2. 3. and 4, and that should be Section 8.51, Collier County Ordinance 82-29." Made by Ml:L-.An(lr~w~ and seconded by Mx... J~~g;.~:r~.E to accept the August Minutes. Motion carried 7/0. *** CEB #90-047 Ignacio and Carmen Soto 1011 29th Street. more particularly described as The North one half of the North 640.0 feet of the South 960.0 feet of the East one half of the West one half of the West one half of the Northwest one quarter of the SOllth".esL one quarter, Section 32, Township 46 South, Range 29 East, Collier County, Florida. Page 2 co I:> E-.ENJ"Q RC--.E.t1EJ'-rf JKlA.-.RJL-. 0 f~~C QL l;lER.CXWNTY -.-. . ~EP'J.'EMftEB2.4.L. 199-.Q V IQLATIQN : Allow two single family dwellings on one single lot. CQ~t-lENTS : Mr. Bill Smith, Compliance Services Enforcement Coordinator, indicated that Exhibit "A" has been given to the Board and he requested that it be admitted into evidence. There being no objection by the respondents due to their absence, the consensus was to admit Composite Exhibit "A" into evidence for Case No. CEB #90-047, Ignacio and Carmen Soto, Respondents. Mr. Bill Smith informed the Board that the Respondents were properly notified as required, and was not present, and are charged with being in violation of Section 7.9b.1a of Ordinance Number 82-2, the Collier County Zoning Ordinance, and is the owner of record of the subject property located at 1011 29th Street. Investigator Bolgar was stated that on May 18, 1990 homes on a single lot, he had many conversations with date the two mobile homes are still on the property. placed under oath and he observed two mobile notified Mr. Soto and Mr. Soto, and to this are still occupied and Investigator Bolgar further stated that Mr. Soto informed him that the reason he had not moved the trailer is because he was a farmer, it lS a very busy time for him, and he needed more time. Investigator Bolgar further stated that Mr. Soto had been made aware of the possible penalties that could be imposed. A fter (lues t i oning by Mr. Clark, Invest iga tor Bolgar concurred that ten days would be sufficient for Mr. Soto to move the trailer. Investigator Bolgar also informed the Board that Mr. Soto had applied for a varlance. but withdrew it after reconsideration. Hr. Richard Smith came before the Board and stated that he had been retained by Mr. Soto but did not realize that this was scheduled for hearing and that he did not receive a notice. However, Mr. Bill Smith stated for the record that he had Page 3 COI:>EENF~QRCE~E]\jI-. UQARPQ.F COLL,IE-.R~~;QVNTY ~E..PT.E~BER_24-,_ ~J~-.9Q personally contacted Nr. informed him of the hearing was representing the Sotos. indicated that he was not. Richard Smith and and asked him if he and Mr. Richard Smith Chairman Constantine Smith's comments were County to notify the attorney. s ta ted that t>lr. Richard noted, but it was up to the respondent and not their The presentation of evidence Has closed. Chairman Constantine asked for a motion of finding of fact and order. MQTJQN: Made by MI>...~ .L_~g;.!!K~~, findings of facts and conclusions of law and order of the Board, this cause came on for public hearing before the Board on September 24, 1990, and the Board having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters thereupon issues its finding of fact and conclusions of law and order of the Board as follows: That Ignacio and Carmen Soto are the owners of record of the subject property. That the Code Enforcement Board has jurisdiction of the Respondents and that the Respondents were not present at the public hearing. All notices required by Collier County Ordinance Number 88-89 have been properly issued. That the real property legally described as Item 2, Page 1, Composite Exhibi t "A", is in violation of Section 7.9 B. 1 A or Ordinance Number 82-2 in the following particulars: Two mobile homes improperly located on single family lot. The motion was seconded by M:r!-An~l:r.~~$ . Nr. Richard Smith asked to be recognized by the Board for discussion. His request was denied by Chairman Constantine because evidence had been closed. Mr. Richard Smith further stated that he ob.iected and stated that the Rules of Evidence were supposed to be less strict. Mr. Lazarus stated that their Board followed the Hoberts Rules, The motion carried 7/0. Page 4 (~l)DE _ E N EQRC.:EJ:tfu\il__ ;6QABJLD I<'_. GpQ 1 ~L I,E~R .. C O!LN'J:' Y_ ~EYTEM.;6ER. 24_,- _ L99Q MOTION: Made by M~:r. u L9-J~.~T~_~, conclusions of law, that Ignacio and Carmen Soto are in violation of Section 7.9 B.1 A of Collier County Ordinance Number 82-2 of Collier County Zoning Ordinance. Order of the Board: Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162 Florida Statutes and Collier County Ordinance Number 88-89 it is hereby ordered that the Respondents correct the violation of Section 7.9 B.1 A Collier County Ordinance Number 82-2 by removing one of the two mobile homes improperly located on the single family lot as outlined in Paragraph 4A of the above findings of fact. That said corrections be completed on or before the first day of October, 1990, and if Respondents do not comply with this order on or before that date, then and in that event Respondents are hereby ordered to pay a fine of $200 per day for each and every day any violation described herein continues past said date. Failure to comply with the order within the specified time will result in the recordation of a lien pursuant to Chapter 162 Florida Statutes which may be foreclosed and Respondents' property sold to enforce the lien. Done and ordered this 24th day of September, 1990, at Collier County, Florida. Seconded by Mx. Ami r~.\i.!? . Mr. Richard Smith objected to the $200 fine and stated that there was not adequate time to move the trailer and requested an additional amount of time and a reduced penalty. Chairman Constantine stated that Smith's comments were noted. Mr. Richard ~lr. Strain pointed out to ~lr. Richard Smith that the Respondents have had four and a half months to comply and took exception to his comments. Motion carried 7/0. *** CASE~~_NO : CEB #90-048 RE~PQN12ENT : Abraham Joseph Hoses and Dotty J. Moses Page 5 COP1HENEQRc;.EMEN'[ J3QARIL()f' GQ1L.IER CQIJI'J'fY_ :?EEfEt-lBER f 1,_ ~ l~!1J) LOCATION OF VIOI,.ATION: 5357 Hardee Street. more particularly described as Lot ~6. Block 8. Naples Manor Addition. as recorded in Plat Book 3. Pages 67 and 68, Public Records of Collier County, Florida, Subject to easements. restrictions. and reservations of record and taxes for the year 1985 and subsequent Veal's. YIQL_AL[QI'-1 : Erect a shed and violate set unauthorized accumulation of debris. backs. litter. ille~al and trash, and C-.OMJ1EJiTS: Mr. Bill Smith. ComplIance Services Enforcement Coordinator, indicated that Exhibit "A" has been e;iven to the Board and he requested that it be admitted into evidence. There being no objection bv the respondent, the consensus was to admit Composite Exhibit "A" into evidence for Case No. CEB #90-048. Abraham Joseph Moses and Dotty J. Moses, Respondents. Nr. Hi 11 Sm it h informed the Board that the Respondents were properly notified as required, and were present, and are charged with being in violation of Sections 7.11 C3 and Section 8.2 and Collier County Zoning Ordinance Number 82-2, 5. 6, 7, and 8, of Collier County Litter Ordinance Number 88-45. aIld is the owner of record of the subject property located at 5357 Hardee Street. Mr. Hoses stated that he had received his packet and had no objections to the facts contained therein, but had objections to the hhole situation. Mr. Moses gave quite a bit of testimony under oath about his property, that he was attempting to get it I.ll compliance. but due to his health it would take him until the first of the year to bring the property in complete compliance. There was some confusion as to the property boundaries since ther'e are no survey markers. Page 6 C QD E_. E..NFQHQ.EYJENJ'-_.ElQARJ2 QE-.J.)(>J~LIER cQu NTX. p_~E.PIE_MBEK_~2-.4-..!. uL89Q lnvesti~ator Dennis Mazzone was placed under oath and stated that he had made may trips to the property, presented the Board with photo~raphs which were admitted into evidence, and stated that the shed setbacks were in violation. There was much discussion regarding the propert.y boundar ies and t: he set bac ks . I twas sUlSges ted by Mr. Clark that this issue be continued until the next: Board meetin~ so that they can get a survey of the propert:-. ~lr. Mose s re i t era ted that he \Vas do ing everything that he possibly could to improve the property. He stated that he would like for his home to l()ok nice and is working very hard on getting it c leaned up. t-lr. Moses reques ted to have two months to clean up the trash, Mr. Clark stated that 60 days seemed excessive. He further stated that the neighbors had been subjected to the trash and debris for a considerable amount of time. But due to his physical and financial problems, Hr. Clark felt 30 days would be adequate. Mr. Moses stated that exposed to his trash fence surrounding the the neighbors were not being because he has a six-foot proper.ty. Mr. Clark and vermin stated that be was referring infestation. to the rat Mr. Hoses further stated that there was no vermin infestation because he had cats and taking care of that. rat or snakes The Board inquieed of i'lr. Hoses the types of debris that he had on his property. Mr. Moses stated that it was mostly construction materials and automobile items. The presentation of evidence was closed. Chairman Constantine asked for a motion of finding of fact and order. MQTIQN: Made by M'!'_'__-.A!tg.xew_~, findings of facts and conclusions of law and order of the Board, this cause came on for public hearing before the Board Page 7 C;ODE ENF.QRGE~EtlT~J3nAl:lIL.Of .c';.QJ..LIER C;QlJNJ') .. ;2E.PT~Ef\1J;3.EK~ Z~':LL l~ ~fjO on September 24, 1990, and the Board having heard testimony under oath received evidence and heard arguments respective to all appropriate matters thereupon issues its finding of fact and conclusions of law and order of the Board as follows: That Abraham Joseph and Dotty J. Moses, husband and wife, are the owners of record of the subject property. That the Code Enforcement Board has jurisdiction of the Respondents and that Abraham Joseph Moses present at the public hearing. All notices required by Collier County Ordinance Number 88-89 have been properly issued. That the real property legally described as 5357 Hardee Street, Naples, Florida, and represented in Item 2, Page 1, Composite Exhibit "A", is in violation of Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Collier County Ordinance Number 88-45 by having an illegal and unauthorized accumulation of miscellaneous building materials, litter, trash, and debris. The motion was seconded by M-.!>~ StK~iD. The motion carried 7/0. MOTIQN: Made by M:r!-Ang:r~:w~, conclusions of law, that Abraham Joseph and Dotty J. Moses, husband and wife, are in violation of Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Collier County Ordinance Number 88-45. Order of the Board: Based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and pursuant to the authority granted in Chapter 162 Florida Statutes and Collier County Ordinance Number 88-89 it is hereby ordered that the Respondents correct the violation of Sections 5, 6, 7, and 8 of Collier County Ordinance Number 88-45 by removing the accumulation of illegal miscellaneous building materials, trash, litter, and debris from said property as outlined in Paragraph 4A of the above findings of fact. That said corrections be completed on or before October 24, 1990, and if Respondents do not comply with this order on or before that date, then and in that event Respondents are hereby ordered to pay a fine of $175 per day for each and every day any violation described herein continues past said date. Failure to comply with the order within the specified time will result in the recordation of a lien pursuant to Chapter 162 Florida Statutes which may be foreclosed and Respondents' property sold to enforce the lien. Done and ordered this 24th day of September, 1990, at Collier County, Florida. Seconded by M.:r. u~t:rJ!in. Page 8 CODE ENFORCEN~NT _BQ8.HILQL(~QLLIE.E C"()l]ND _-.~E~TEKEtEtL2'tL J 9.1tQ Chairman Constantine stated this to a couple of similar maybe a fine of $175 may suggested a $100 fine. that when comparing debris cases, that be a little hi~h n.nd Hr. A.ndrews accepted the amendment of $100 a day. Motion carried 7/0. MQT_IQN: Made by MX~_LC!..~.1!.:r!J,~ that CEB Case #90-048, the portion of the complaint dealing with alleged violations of Section 7.11 of Ordinance 82-2 be continued until the next meeting of this Board. Seconded by MI'!-_St.:rain. Motion carried 7/0. *** (Whereupon, a five-minute recess was taken.) *** I,;rE.M: New Business. Smith, Esq., CEB #90-035. Request for rehearing by Richard in the case of Jesus and Mary Ayala, CQM~tENT$ : Mr. Richard Smith reiterated that the alle~ed subdivision ordinance violation charges had been dropped. and requested that attorneys fees be granted for the extra work that had to be put forward by Mr. Ayala In defending against those charges. Chairman not have Constantine stated that authority. that this Board did Hr. Richard memorandums Smith stated that to the Board members. he had provided The Board members stated that they had not received such documents. Mr. Yovanovich stated that he copy from Mr. Richard Smith responded to that memorandum. had and received his tha t he had. Mr. Richard Smith requested that the matter be continued until the next board meeting so that the board members would have an opportunity to review the memorandum of law. Page 9 CODE E.l\;FORCEHENT BOARD OF COI"l,IER COlJ!\j'I\-. ~SEJ> 'LE t>t13~B ~n'l,. 1~~1.Q Chairman Constantine stated that he had no objection to continuing; Lhe matter, but requested that the Board have eveeything they need with this case. MOTION: Made by MT......n_.sJ'!:n~in that this matter meeting. and seconded by Ml:!_ 1~g;~T.~~ be continued until the October Hr. Strain requested that the Board be provided a complete package. even containing already reviewed documents. so that they will have everything pertaining to this issue for the next meeting. Motion carried 7/0. *** There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned by Order of the Chair. CODE ENFORCEHEl\;T BOARD OF COLLIER COUNTY Timothy Constantine. Chairman Page 10