CEB Minutes 05/30/1991
May 30, 1991
May 30, 199J
9:00 A.M.
3rd Floor Boardroom, Building "F", Coilier County
Government Center, Naples, Florida
MINUTES BY: Debby Farris and Wanda Arrighi, Deputy Clerks
9:00 A.M.
PRESIDING: Monte Lazarus, Chairman
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Date: May 30, 1991, at 9:00 o'clock A.M.
3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES April 25, 1991
A. Board of county Commissioners vs
First Assembly of God Church of
Naples, Florida, Inc. CEB # 91-013
Request to schedule next Code Enforcement
Board meeting for Monday, June 24, 1991
Monday, June 24, 1991
MA Y 30, 1 99 1
Approval of Minutes of April 25, 1991
Mr. Andrews pointed out that page 1 of the ApriJ
25, 1991 minutes should read that Mr. Varie was
present at said meeting instead of Mr. Lamoureux.
Made by Mr. Strain to ~pprove the Minutes of April
25, 1991, as amended. Seconded by Mr. Andrews.
Carried 6/0.
First Assembly of God of Naples, FL Inc.
OF VIOLATION: 2132 Shadowlawn Rd.: Naples, FL
Ordinance 82-2, Section 10.2 and 10.7; Ordinancp
90-75, Section A103.1.1.l and Section Al07;
Ordinance 82-2, Section 13, Subsection 13.1e;
Ordinance 89-06, Section 5; Ordinance 82-2, Section
7.J2 b4
Chairman Lazarus reiterated that the concerns of
the CEB, as a collegial body, are alleged viola-
tions of Collier County Zoning Ordinances. He
stated that this Board is not concerned with alle-
gations of trespass, drunkenness in the neigh-
borhood, or any other issues except as stated
herein. He referred to the Affidavits contained in
the file describing conduct of people in the neigh-
borhood, stating that testimony on these allega-
tions will not be heard as they are not relevant to
the issues before this Board.
Code Enforcement Supervisor Clark asked if the
Board wishes to hear whether or not a homeless
shelter is beneficial to the community.
Chairman Lazarus confirmed that issue as well as
questions of affect on neighborhood, etc. are not
issues properly before this body.
Code Enforcement Coordinator Marie Valcarcel
reported that the Respondent and members of the
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Code Enforcement Board have been provided with
copies of the 44-page Composite Exhibit "A",
admitted into evidence at this time.
Hon. Frederick C. Kramer, Attorney for Respondent,
voiced objection to certain documents contained
within Composite Exhibit A, including the copy of
a newspaper article (page 40 of Exhibit), which he
contends is hearsay, as well as Affidavits by per-
sons not present today. He asked that these items
be removed from the file.
Compliance Services Supervisor Clark stated that
these elements are relevant. He advised that hear-
say is admissible, particularly when there is addi-
tional substantiation. He indicated that, if
Attorney Kramer wishes to stipulate to the fact
that there is a homeless shelter in existence at
that location, he will have no objections to
removing the requested documents from Exhibit A,
but otherwise he will object to doing so.
Attorney Kramer pointed out that there is a quote
allegedly made by Pastor Mallory that is incorrect,
and that is the source of his objection.
Mr. Clark countered that the substance of the
article is substantiated in several other docu-
Chairman Lazarus instructed that the Board will
accept the newspaper article but the quote attri-
buted to Rev. Mallory will not be considered by
them, and the Affidavits will not be made a part of
this exhibit as they relate to behavior in the
neighborhood and are irrelevant to the issues.
Mr. Clark commented that there have been several
Appellant Court decisions and Supreme Court deci-
sions stating that the affect on a neighborhood in
zoning cases are relevant matters to be considered.
He stated that, for that basis, if the shelter has
a negative affect on the neighborhood it is a very
relevant issue.
Chairman Lazarus reiterated that the Board will not
hear the issue of behavior in the neighborhood as
it is irrelevant to the matter before them today.
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MAY 30, 1991
Attorney Kramer asked the County to stipulate to
the fact that it has designated the church as cold
weather emergency shelter and that fact is not at
issue here today.
Mr. Clark disagreed with Attorney Kramer's state-
ment. He indicated that the County has documents
to be admitted into evidence later on in the pro-
ceedings verifying that, during certain limited
emergency conditions, the County has, on an
emergency basis very temporary in nature, allowed
the shelter to be used.
Chairman Lazarus stated that, if that information
is contained in public documents, this Board will
take official notice of it.
After being sworn in, Code Enforcement Supervisor
Bill Smith verified the credentials which qualify
him to inspect buildings for building code viola-
In reply to Ms. Valcarcel, Mr. Smith stated he
physically inspected the subject premises on
4/18/91, 5/2/9l, 5/l0/9l, 5/l5/91, and 5/29/91;
that the zoning classification for the subject pro-
perty has been determined as RMF-6 with a provi-
sional use approved for a church only; and that the
purpose of his inspection of the subject property
was to investigate complaints that a homeless
shelter was being operated out of the church.
In response to Ms. Valcarcel, Mr. Smith referred to
page 1 of Composite Exhibit A of 91-013 and
expounded on the alleged violations. He referred
to the photographs depicting the violatlons on page
II of Composite Exhibit A. He stated that toilets,
showers, and stalls have been added that do not
meet the requirements of Code and for which a
Permit was not obtained or inspections made.
Attorney Kramer objected at this point stating that
the Notice of Ordinance violation does not address
any specific violations of the building code.
Mr. Smith stated that the Notice refers back to
Ordinance 90-75 which adopts the Standard Building
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Attorney Kramer indicated the point of his objec-
tion is that they have not been placed on notice of
violations of specific building codes, and that
nothing contained in the documents served on the
Respondent advises them of any specific violation
other than improving property without obtaining a
Mr. Clark interjected that the County would pro-
bably agree wit~ Attorney Kramer's point but stated
that Mr. Smith is testifying that there are reasons
for obtaining a building permit, one of which is
insuring that construction adheres to the building
code. He stated that the construction represented
by the photographs on page 1J of Composite Exhibit
A were not built to code.
Attorney Kramer pointed out that the basis of his
objection is that Respondent has not had the oppor-
tunity to challenge or prepare for this issue.
Mr. Clark stated that Respondent has not specifi-
cally been charged with violations of not bringing
the construction to code.
Chairman Lazarus stated that the only issue before
the Board at this time is whether or not there was
a permit.
Mr. Smith reported researching Collier County
records and finding that no permit was obtained.
In answer to Mr. Strain, Mr. Smith verified that he
feels the value of the construction exceeded $500.
In answer to Ms. Valcarcel, Mr. Smith stated the
photographs accurately illustrate what is on that
In reply to Ms. Valcarcel, Mr. Smith verified he
provided notice of violation and a stipulation to
Rev. Mallory on 5/l2, and Investigator Jim Seabasty
provided Rev. Mallory and his wife with a notice of
violation and stipulation on 5/14. He directed
attention to pages 8, 9 and 10 of Composite Exhibit
In reply to Chairman Lazarus, Attorney Kramer con-
firmed that the documents were received by Rev.
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In response to Ms. Valcarcel, ~r. Smith attested to
the manner and number of times Rev. Mallory was
given notice to correct.
In response to Ms. Valcarcel, Mr. Smith discussed
his findings on subsequent inspections of the site,
including 5/10 at which time he found 26 residents,
on 5/15 when he fo~nd 21 residents, and on 5/29
when he found 28 residents. He reported talking to
several persons at the time of these inspections,
none of which were related by blood or marriage.
He confirmed that each time he was on site he
knocked on the door and was either told to enter
and do what he needed to do or was told to enter
and he proceeded to count residents.
In reply to Ms. Valcarcel, Mr. Smith stated the
building calculates to l,5l0 sq. ft. which allows
150 sq. ft. per person for the first person and 100
sq. ft. for every person thereafter under the
Housing Code.
Ms. Valcarcel introduced a four page document into
the record identified as Composite Exhibit B, a
copy of which was not provided for the record.
Pursuant to a request by Mr. Clark, Mr. Smith iden-
tified the proffered document identified as
Composite Exhibit B as consisting of four pages and
alleged to be a log kept on site at the time and
was up to 2/11/91. He said he did not know who
made the entries but that when people came into the
shelter they were requested to give their name,
date of arrival, and place of employment. He said
that Exhibit B is a copy of the sheets that were
provided to the Sheriff's Department and, in turn,
provided to him.
Attorney Kramer objected to Exhibit B stating it
involves use of the sanctuary as a resting place
for the homeless and has nothing to do with the
notices before us today dealing with violations in
March, April and May of this year.
Mr. Clark commented that it is on the same property
with the same provisional use, owned by the same
ownership showing, in fact, that these facilities
have been utilized for homeless shelters for some
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MAY 30, 1991
Chairman Lazarus questioned whether the purpose of
Exhibit B is to show the number of people.
Mr. Clark stated it not only shows the number of
people but also shows the use of the property.
Chairman Lazarus pointed out that Attorney Kramer
has no objection to having received notice and, in
fact, has twice agreed that Respondent did receive
Attorney Kramer agreed that the church will stipu-
late that people do reside on an overnight basis on
the church property.
Ms. Valcarcel proceeded to introduce a seven page
document identified as Composite Exhibit C, copy of
which was not provided for the record.
Following discussion, Chairman Lazarus stated that
Exhibit C will not be admitted into evidence.
Ms. Valcarcel introduced a thirteen page Composite
Exhibit D, copy of which was not provided for the
Chairman Lazarus stated that, hearing no objection,
Composite Exhibit D will be admitted for the
Mr. Smith identified Exhibit D as being the Collier
County Cold Weather Shelter Policy. He read the
introduction contained within same. He stated that
on the three days of his inspection of the shelter
the temperature was never below 40 degrees, and
that the inspections were made at 4:00 A.M., 4:30
A.M., and 5:00 A.M. with temperatures ranging bet-
ween 70-75 degrees.
Ms. Valcarcel introdu~ed a two page document iden-
tified as Composite Exhibit E.
Following discussion, Mr. Clark stated that, based
on the stipulation that people without other places
to stay do reside at the facility overnight, the
County will withdraw Composite Exhibit E.
Ms. Valcarcel introduced a nine page document iden-
tified as Composite Exhibit F, copy of which was
not provided for the record.
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MAY 30, 1991
Chairman Lazarus stated that Exhibit F is admitted.
Mr. Smith identified Composite Exhibit F as pho-
tostatic copies from Collier County records of the
provisional use that was granted to the site in
question by PU-83-2l-C outlining that a provisional
use was granted for use as a church.
In response to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith read
paragraph 9 on the third page of Composite Exhibit
Mr. Smith stated that, by the document presented,
he would have to assume that the buildings were in
Attorney Kramer stated it is their position that
the original buildings did not need a provisional
use, that the church was in existence before the
Zoning Code came into effect, that the application
dealt solely with the structure of the building of
a new sanctuary.
Attorney Kramer stated he believes the church went
into operation in approximately 1956, and that the
structure used to house people overnight was built
in 1965. He stated he will be introducing the
building permit for that as part of his case.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith verified
that on the morning of May 29th someone told him to
enter the prem'~~~i but that he did not know who
the person was. He stated that a deputy accom-
panied him on that visit as well as on all the
other visits made to the site. He stated he
knocked on the door and the person on the other
side said "come in".
Attorney Kramer presented a book to Mr. Smith which
he alleged to be a copy of the Collier County Code.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith said he is
not familiar with the book passed to him by Mr.
Attorney Kramer proceeded to question Mr. Smith as
to the contents of the book he had presented him,
including whether it contained the Housing Code and
the Building Code.
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Smith stated he is not going to answer that
because without looking through the book he has no
idea as he has just been handed the book.
Mr. Kramer questioned whether Mr. Smith wanted to
take a minute to research the book.
Mr. Smith stated it will take longer than a minute
but certainly, and he proceeded to peruse the book.
In reply to Mr. Strain, Attorney Kramer verified
the the property's earliest use as a homeless
shelter was last year, but that people have slept
on the property prior to that time.
Mr. Strain questioned the date on which the Cold
Weather Shelter Policy was enacted, to which Mr.
Clark replied it was last year.
Chairman Lazarus pointed out that he had examined
the book Attorney Kramer had presented to Mr. Smith
earlier and noticed it was not updated.
Attorney Kramer reflected that it is his belief
that the Housing Code and Building Code the County
is seeking to enforce is not part of the public
records in the Code Book.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson stated that it
was, in fact, part of the public records but may
not be in the codified portion of it as Collier
County is not at this time able to afford a regular
codification of the Ordinances. She added that the
updated versions of the Ordinances are a matter
of public record in the Clerk of the Courts
Department. She stated she did not know whether
they were available in the law library.
Mr. Smith stated that he did not find Ordinance
90-75 nOl' 89-06 in the book he has been provided.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith stated that
work done at the location of the shelter site
without permits included addition of toilets,
bathrooms, and showers to the building; that he did
not know how many bathrooms have been added to the
site; that three toilets have beeD added to his
knowledge; that there were four toilets at the time
of his inspection; that he can go by the tax
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MAY 30 , 1 991
records to ascertain what the building was pre-
viously used for and by what the County previously
viewed, which was a day-care preschool; that it was
his belief that the day-care preschool had one
toilet and that belief is based on what the tax
records show; that bathroom facility means one
bathroom in his assumption, but that that is the
property appraiser's determination, not his; that
he has no personal knowledge as to what was there;
that it is his belief that two showers have beeD
added, but that he is not aware of what was there
before; that he does not know when the showers were
added; and he does not know when the toilets were
converted or put in.
Attorney Kramer questioned Mr. Smith's basis for
establishing the vaJue of the work done at the
shelter, to which Mr. Smith replied it was his
experience in the construction field.
In response to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith stated
there were new toilets added that were required to
be plumbed into the wall and there is a hole cut
out for that purpose. He surmised that if the
toilets were put in originally, they would have had
to be put in according to code and that code allows
for an inspection. He stated the toilets do not
meet the 30" requ i remerl t 0 f code and that the
showers are elevated approximately 4--6" of~ the
floor wi th Ilew ? X 4.' s underneath wIdch allow the
plumbing to be tied into the wall thus creating
proper fall. He stated it is all new plumbing
pipe, all new shower stalls and that the code sta-
tes that installation of something new requires a
In reply to Attorney Kramer regarding new plumbing
pipe, Mr. Smith stated there is new plumbing pipe
underneath the toilet and the shower, but that he
does not know how far it goes into the ground as he
has not cut it up and a lot of it has been covered.
Attorney Kramer stated he was still trying to
establish what work was in fact done.
Mr. Smith stated there was new plumbing and showers
installed which does not meet the proper require-
ments in side spacing for toilets and showers.
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MA Y 30, 1 99 1
Mr. Strain asked Mr. Smith where the original
construction drawings submitted for the building
permit on that structure were. He added that,
since it was a provisional use, there must have
been detailed drawings available.
Mr. Smith answered "No, not to my knowledge". He
added that the only thing available was the church
and that the other buildings were delineated in the
provisional use as to what the building was, but
there were no plans for that available to him.
In answer to Mr. Strain, Mr. Smith stated there
were building plans on the church, but that he
found no building plans in the file for the
building which he refers to as the far south
Mr. Strain questioned whether it was possible to
verify that those buildings had a permit in their
whole entirety.
Mr. Smith answered that the Property Appraiser's
cards delineate certain permits but he has no
knowledge on what the specific permits were.
Attorney Kramer questioned whether Mr. Smith
attempted to inspect records to find out if a per-
mit had been issued in 1975 for the building in
Mr. Smith answered in the negative, adding that the
building on the Property Appraiser's card had been
labeled and was under the provisional use
as a preschool, and the occupancy changed.
Mr. Smith said he did not know whether the county
had ever authorized or approved the use of the
building as a preschool.
Attorney Kramer asked Mr. Smith what he means by
"value" .
Mr. Smith replied that "value" is estimated cost to
have the work done. He added that, if they have to
go out into the field and contract to have that
work done, it would be a minimum cost.
In response to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith stated he
established the value by his personal knowledge of
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what construction costs are; that he did not have a
breakdown as to what each item was in cost; that he
only estimates as to whether or not total cost will
exceed $500 and nothing more; that, if a contractor
were paid to come in to do the work in question, it
would be in excess of $2,000.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith stated
there is an interior wall that is installed on the
west side of the building which separates the
"sitting quarters" with four beds installed there,
and that there are four beds installed on the west
side and the far south side is also sleeping quar-
ters; that the walls are not sturdy enough to be
part of the original structure; that he has not
seen the plans for the original structure, but they
do not meet code; that the installed walls are tem-
porary; that they are fixed to the floor but are
not fixed to the ceiling; that he has not taken the
wall apart but knows that when you grab the wall it
shakes but does not move; that there is a partition
between the toilets but the wall had not been
In response to Attorney Kramer regarding the viola-
tion of inadequate space between toilets, Mr. Smith
verified that by tearing down the wall he was
objecting to there would no longer be a violation,
but added that there would remain a violation
caused by the toilet sitting too close to the
Attorney Kramer asked if that is in accordance
with the code as it existe~ in 1975, to which Mr
Smith stated he would have to research that.
Attorney Kramer stated it could well, in fact, be
in compliance with the code existing in 1975 when
the structure was built.
Mr. Smith responded that the shower is new.
In response to Chairman Lazarus, Mr. Smith stated
the code requirements regarding distance and pro-
vided the distances involved in the alleged viola-
In response to Mr. Strain, Mr. Smith verified that
$500 is the minimum amount of dollars needed to be
expended in order to obtain a permit.
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Clark clarified that the amount refers to value
of construction rather than dollars as someone
donating money reduces cost but still affects the
value of construction.
In reply to Mr. Pedone, Mr. Smith stated that if
the toilet or water tank only is installed, no
inspection is required. He added that in the imme-
diate instance there are areas cut out of the wall
where it appears that a trap has been installed,
which does require an inspection.
Regarding Mr. Smith's perception of the first
violation, Attorney Kramer asked how long it would
take to correct same.
Mr. Smith responded 2-3 days, a day if all the
paperwork were in order and one could get through
the system to get the permits and required
drawings. He added that the permit grants six
months before the first inspection.
In response to Attorney Kramer's question regarding
the violation of change of occupancy, Mr. Smith
referred to 82-2, Section 10.2, a copy of which is
contained on page 23 of Composite Exhibit A, and he
proceeded to read the sentence marked with an
In reply to Attorney Kramer regarding basis for
alleging change of occupancy violation, Mr. Smith
replied that also Building Code 90-75, Section
A103.1, a copy of which is contained orr page 32 of
Composite Exhibit A, was considered and he pro-
ceeded to read same.
Mr. Smith confirmed that a building permit is
necessary for a change of occupancy.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith stated this
section says "prohibited activities prior to permit
issuance" is construed to mean they did not have a
permit so they have to cease the activities until a
permit has been issued for that use.
In response to Attorney Kramer!s inquiry regarding
what permit, Mr. Smith stated that a permit was
needed to come in with a site development plan to
show what the property is going to be used for, and
that was never submitted.
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MAY 30, 1991
In answer to Attorney Kramer regarding his deter-
mination of this, Mr. Smith referred to page 14 of
Composite Exhibit A, which indicates that building
#4 is designated as a preschool.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith confirmed
that is the basis for his determination on viola-
tion #2 as they have changed occupancy, according
to the above-referenced document on page l4, and by
doing so: they need to provide a new site plan and
tell the County what the use is.
Mr. Clark interjected that Mr. Smith answered Mr.
Kramer's question with 82-2, Section l3, Subsection
131E on page 29 of Composite Exhibit A.
Pursuant to Mr. Clark's reql1est, Mr. Smith pro-
ceeded to read the pertinent section from page 29
of Composite Exhibit A, marked by an arrow and
underlined. He again stated that the provisional
use, when granted, shows that building to be a
preschool and the Property Appraiser's card shows
the building to be a preschool, but the building is
now used for housing, thus they have changed the
In response to Attorney Kramer's inquiry as to
where in the Notices Mr. Smith refers to the sec-
tion appearing on page 29 of Composite Exhibit A,
Mr. Smith referred to page 8 of Composite Exhibit
A, Notice of Ordinance Violation and Order to
Correct, where we refer to 82-2 under which we
refer to Section 7.12 b4, Section 10.2, Section
10.7, Section 13.
Mr. Smith confirmed that page 29 of Composite
Exhibit A is a part of Section 13.
Attorney Kramer stated that, if the provisional use
approved in 1983 was solely to allow construction
of a new sanctuary, it is no basis for a charge of
change of occupancy.
Mr. Smith countered that that is Attorney Kramer's
opinion. He added that the provisional use was
granted to the property and delineated that
building as a preschool.
Mr. Smith confirmed it was his personal opinion
that, because in 1983 the church was authorized to
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MAY 30, 1991
build a new sanctuary under a provisional use,
existing buildings were limited to what they were
designated at that time, including buildings that
had nothing to do with a new sanctuary. He stated
he has discussed his opinion with Mr. Clark.
In response to Mr. Strain, Attorney Kramer stated
that the church, in its application for a provi-
sional use, sought and was granted authorization to
build a sanctuary.
Mr. Strain stated that if the provisional use was
issued based on Exhibit E, page 7, then as part of
the provisional use, that may apply and the County
may determine it as Mr. Smith did in his opinion.
Attorney Kramer questioned whether, as a matter of
procedure on a point such as that, there was going
to be any legal discussion, argument or a legal
opinion made to the Ordinance discussions and
Chairman Lazarus confirmed that there may be.
Attorney Kramer stated it is the Respondent's
position that the church did not lose its inherent
rights by seeking a new sanctuary.
Chairman Lazarus questioned whether Attorney Kramer
will be approaching that problem again in his
direct case.
Attorney Kramer responded that it is more of a
legal argument than something he can introduce by
evidence but added he will attempt to do so at that
Replying to Attorney Kramer's referral to violation
#3, too many people for the floor space, Mr. Smith
stated he considers that the square footage of a
building for the occupant load of that building
needs to be determined by the size of that
In response to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith confirmed
that Ordinance 89-06 directs that the Housing Code
applies to all buildings used for housing. He pro-
ceeded to read the heading of said Ordinance.
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Attorney Kramer asked if the Housing Code applies
to motels, hotels, etc.
Mr. Smith replied he would have to look at the Code
to determine whether they were exempt or not. He
proceeded to peruse the Housing Code.
*** Recess 10:05 A.M. - Reconvened 10:20 A.M. ***
Mr. Smith referred to Ordinance 89-06, Collier
County Housing Code, page 2, Section 2, and pro-
ceeded to read from same. He referred to page 4 of
said Ordinance as well and concluded that the
Ordinance does not exempt hotels and motels.
Attorney Kramer asked whether or not the density
factor in Ordinance 89-06 applies to hotels and
Mr. Smith replied that it does unless there is a
specific exemption that he is not aware of, but
that Ordinance 89-06, as it reads, would apply
to hotels and motels.
Pursuant to Attorney Kramer's request, Mr. Smith
proceeded to read page 9 of the Housing Code, sub-
paragraph #5 (cooking equipment).
Questions and answers ensued regarding cooking
facilities as a means of distinquishing a dwelling
unit from a hotel or motel.
Pursuant to Attorney Kramer's questioning regarding
page l2, paragraph l3 of the Housing Code, Mr.
Smith proceeded to read same.
Questions and answers ensued regarding the
necessity for cooking equipment in a dwelling or
dwelling unit.
Mr. Clark objected to the line of questioning.
Chairman Lazarus stated he feels that what Attorney
Kramer is trying to get on the record is whether
this constitutes a dwelling place for purposes of
these alleged violations or not.
In reply to Mr. Strain questioning whether there
was any calculation utilized by the County for the
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MAY 30, 1991
amount of square footage allocated to a single per-
son other than the one previously provided, Mr.
Smith referred to the Building Code at Table 403.
He added, however, that he did not address this but
stayed instead with the Housing Code, which allows
more people in the facility than under the Building
Attorney Kramer questioned what happens when the
Building Code and Housing Code are in conflict.
Mr. Smith answered that the more restrictive shall
apply, adding that the Ordinance tells you how to
determine which is the case.
Attorney Kramer questioned which Ordinance does so.
Mr. Smith proceeded to locate and identify which
Ordinance is used to make the determination.
Chairman Lazarus questioned Mr. Clark whether there
has been any violations alleged under #3 of the
Building Code?
Mr. Clark answered that the Housing Code was
referenced in the charge but the Building Code was
Mr. Strain pointed out that the Housing Code
referenced was the less stringent of the two Codes
and thus allows more persons to occupy the
Mr. Smith verified that, under the Ordinance, Mr.
Strain's observations regarding the Building Corle
being more stringent than the Housing Code was
In answer to Attorney Kramer's question of which
Ordinance addresses how to make a determination,
Mr. Smith stated that Section 12 on page 18 of
Ordinance 89-06 talks about conflict and severabi-
lity, and he proceeded to read a portion thereof.
Attorney Kramer posed the hypothetical scenario of
the existing structure being a child care center
with 30 children who ate and slept there in the
course of the afternoon and asked whether Mr.
Clark's interpretation of the Code would find this
to be a violation.
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MAY 30, 1 99l
Mr. Clark interjected that that decision is not
Mr. Smith's to make, but is instead a management
decision to be made in consultation.
Attorney Kramer questioned whether Mr. Smith had
made that determination against the church.
Mr. Clark answered that Mr. Smith had consulted
with management and was authorized to make the
decision that he made.
Attorney Kramer asked who management is.
Mr. Clark answered that he is management.
Attorney Kramer then posed the same question to Mr.
Clark regarding the child care scenario.
Mr. Clark responded that he would need to research
the issue involved, the laws involved to see if
there were conflicting laws on interpretations, and
maybe even research it with legal counsel. He
added that he has not had that case nor the
question before.
Discussion ensued regarding the differences between
the immediate case and a day care center dwelling
Mr. Clark objected to the line of questioning
regarding the differences relative to the day care
Chairman Lazarus stated there has been enough on
the distinctions between day care and the shelter
Pursuant to Attorney Kramer's request, Mr. Smith
provided his personal definition of what a homeless
shelter is.
In reply to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith referred to
page 34 of Composite Exhibit A and proceeded to
read the definition of the word "church".
In response to Attorney Kramer, Mr. Smith proffered
his rendition of customary accessory uses.
Mr. Clark objected to Attorney Kramer's examination
of Mr. Smith regarding his interpretation of the
Page 18
MA Y 30 I 1 9 9 1
Zoning Code, adding that the Zoning Director was
present and was, in fact, the interpreter of the
Zoning Ordinance.
Pursuant to Attorney Kramer's request, Mr. Smith
read Item 4 on page 21 of Composite Exhibit A,
identified by a check mark.
Tape #2
Regarding violation #5 and in compliance with
Attorney Kramer's request, Mr. Smith referred to
page 34 of Composite Exhibit A and proceeded to
read the definition of "family" contained thereon.
In response to Attorney Kramer regarding his
interpretation of the provision on page 34, Mr.
Smith answered that in the immediate instance, if
it was an institutional group, you could not apply
"family" to that terminology.
Mr. Smith confirmed for Attorney Kramer that he
feels the family limitation does not apply to an
institutional group.
In reply to Mr. Clark regarding the term "family"
and its application, Mr. Smith responded that in
the immediate case, if there are more than four
persons, it is a violation.
Mr. Constantine questioned whether it was possible
that the construction which was the subject of the
violation could, in fact, have been in existence
since the building was originally built, to which
Mr. Smith replied that, in his opinion, the answer
is no.
After being sworn in by Mr. Clark, Sharon Mueller,
attested to visiting the homeless shelter at the
invitation of those operating same. She stated
that Pastor Greg Richardson informed them that
construction had been done to separate married
couples from the rest of the people being
sheltered and showed them the bathrooms that had
been recently renovated. She verified that she
felt that what she saw and was told during that
visit to the shelter substantiated Mr. Smith's
earlier statement that there was recent construc-
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MAY 30, 1991
After being sworn in by Mr. Clark, Rev. Greg
Richardson of The First Assembly of God,
attested that the word "renovation" was not used
during Mrs. Mueller's visit to the shelter.
In response to Mr. Clark, Rev. Richardson confirmed
that additional showers and a room partition were
added to the building.
After being sworn in by Mr. Clark, Planning
Services Manager Kenneth Baginski outlined his edu-
cational background and professional experience.
He verified that, as Planning Services Manager in
Collier County, his title also included that of
Zoning and Planning Director.
Pursuant to Mr. Clark's request, Mr. Baginski
explained the logic behind Collier County having
various zoning classifications.
In response to Mr. Clark, Mr. Baginski referred to
page 15 of Composite Exhibit A and identified same
as a memo from himself to Mr. Clark regarding an
interpretation of the homeless shelter in question.
He then proceeded to read the memo.
In response to Mr. Clark, Mr. Baginski referred to
page 20 of Composite Exhibit A and explained the
purpose of same.
In ~eply to Mr. Clark, Mr. Baginski referred to
page 34 of Composite Exhibit A and proceeded to
proffer his rendition of the term "family" as well
as his interpretation of the last sentence of the
definition of same contained on page 34.
Pursuant to Mr. Clark's request, Mr. Baginski
referred to pages 20 and 21 of Composite Exhibit A
and discussed the application of same as he
construes it.
In reply to Mr. Clark, Mr. Baginski stated that in
his interpretation, a homeless shelter is not a
customary accessory use to a church.
Complying with Mr. Clark's request, Mr. Baginski
referred to pages 12 and 13 of Composite Exhibit A,
identified same, and acknowledged that a homeless
shelter could be allowed as a provisional use in
Page 20
MAY 30, 1991
the RMF-6 district. He added that, to his
knowledge, there has been no request for a provi-
sional use for a homeless shelter at the site ill
question and none has been approved.
In answer to Mr. Clark, Mr. Baginski verified that
it was his conclusion that if a homeless shelter is
operational at the site in question, it is there
Mr. Strain directed Mr. Baginski's attention to
Composite Exhibit E, and asked his opinion of the
contents of the memo attached thereto dated October
25th from the Community Development Division con-
tained on page 7, Item 1, regarding the grand-
fathering of the church.
Mr. Baginski proceeded to comply with Mr. Strain's
request stating it appears that the provisional
use, once requested, would take in the entire pro-
perty and existing structures.
In reply to Mr. Strain, Mr. Baginski stated that if
a property zoned RMF-6 is granted a provisional
use, it still carries the RMF-6 designation as well
as an additional indication that a provisional use
was granted for the site.
In response to Mr. Strain, Mr. Baginski answered
that the Group Care Facility Category II that
allows homeless shelters would be, under the
adopted Ordinance, a permitted use in C-l, C-3,
C-4, C-5, RMF-12, RMF-16, and the RT districts,
and would not need a provisional use or zoning
In answer to Mr. Strain, Attorney Kramer stated
that those housed in the shelter did participate in
religious services and programs.
Mr. Clark questioned whether that meant they were
members of the parish, to which Attorney Kramer
responded he did not know the rules of membership
of the church and therefore did not know if those
housed in the shelter were members.
Pursuant to Mr. Clark's request, Mr. Baginski read
the last sentence of Item e, Conditions and
Safeguards, contained on page 29 of Composite
Exhibit A and proffered his interpretation of same.
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Baginski confirmed that provisional uses are
conducted in public hearings which allows input
from adjacent property owners which might be
affected by said provisional use.
Attorney Kramer objected to this line of
Mr. Baginski stated there are three forms of noti-
fication to property owners within 300 ft. of the
subject property advising of the action proposed as
well as meeting dates to encourage their attendance
and input prior to the Board making a final deci-
In response to Mr. Clark, Mr. Baginski referred to
page 2l of Composite Exhibit A, Section 7.l2 b4,
and confirmed that, in his interpretation, that
unless specifically called out or approved by pro-
visional use, that any attempt to use the facility
for something other than quoted or approved would
be a violation.
*** Recessed: 11:25 A.M. - Reconvened: ll:35 A.M. at which
time Deputy Clerk Arrighi replaced Deputy Clerk Farris ***
In reference to to Mr. Baginski's comment regarding
the uses for the structure not being specifically,
provisional, or by reasonable implication permitted
herein, Mr. Kramer question if Mr. Baginski's posi-
tion was that the designation of a church and the
reasonable implication permitted does include
helping the needy?
Mr. Baginski responded that there are forms of
helping the needy which are within a reasonable
implication permitted for a church; however, a form
of helping the needy is not allowed to violate
ordinances such as providing uses or activities not
specifically allowed within the District permitted.
Mr. Baginski commented that without being given
time to think, he could not elaborate on specifics
regarding the church services to the needy that are
within reasonable implication and which ones are
Mr. Clark objected at this time, and stated that if
there is a specific use in question, Mr. Kramer
should refer to it rather than asking for every
possible use.
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Lazarus pointed out that Subsection four of the
ordinallce refers to reasonable implication, and
feels that the question asked by Mr. Kramer is
directed at what in the expert witness' opinion is
reasonable implication?
Mr. Baginski noted that there are other portions of
the ordinance that specifically identify provi-
sional or permitted uses, and he does not beljeve
that the term "by reasonable implication"
necessarily allows or permits a homeless shelter.
Mr. Kramer questioned what authority Mr. Baginski
has under the Collier County code to interpret the
term reasonable implication?
Mr. Baginski responded that it is his position as
the Zoning Administrator to interpret the term.
Mr. Kramer asked what specific provision in the
code gives Mr. Baginski this authority for
interpretation of terms?
Mr. Baginski stated that although he cannot quote
the code, there is reference to the Zoning Director
as the one to be responsible for making interpreta-
tions to the Zoning Code. As to whether this pro-
vision provides guidelines and parameters of making
such interpretations, Mr. Baginski confirmed that
they are identified, but again he indicated that he
could not quote the section or provide a verbatim
as to the wording.
In regards to the concept of reasonable implication
and concept of a church, Mr. Kramer inquired
whether Mr. Baginski interpreted the church's pro-
vision of food and clothing at its facility to the
same individuals it now houses within the reaso-
nable implication?
Mr. Baginski stated that they may be under certain
Mr. Kramer questioned if Mr. Baginski had ever
weighed the concept of reasonable implication in
making a decision to seek enforcement against the
church to which Mr. Baginski replied that he had
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Kramer asked if housing for the homeless is
available as a provisional use in the RMF-6 zoning,
and Mr. Baginski affirmed that it is. Mr. Kramer
continued with whether Mr. Baginski would agree
that the homeless shelter concept does not have any
inherent danger to exclude it from a residential
area? Mr. Baginski commented that it would depend
on what is meant by inherent danger. He explained
that in any provisional use request, by virtue of
the fact that it is a provisional use, it has
already been identified as having a unique poten-
tial impact which may have to be addressed before
the use is granted such as compatibility to the
surrounding area. Mr. Baginski added that
inherently there would be no specific danger in
granting a provisional use for a homeless shelter,
but there are specific impacts that should be
addressed through the provisional use application.
Mr. Kramer questioned Mr. Baginski whether in his
capacity with the County it was his position that
the church's operation of the homeless shelter is a
violation of public safety?
Mr. Baginski responded that it may be; however, he
has not looked at it from that point of view.
In response to another question on the same subject
on public safety, Mr. Lazarus asked Mr. Kramer to
make his point. Mr. Kramer advised that if the
Board does find that the church is in violation and
the Board allows reasonable time for the church to
correct the matter, the issue becomes, if there is
a violation of public safety, that certain safe-
guards would need to be implemented to protect the
public; however, if there is no issue of public
safety, then there would be no need for this imple-
mentation during the course of corrective action.
Mr. Clark related that until an application for a
provisional use for the shelter is submitted, it
would not be possible to know whether there is a
public safety issue at hand.
Mr. Lazarus requested that Mr. Kramer proceed with
his questioning in a more precise manner.
Mr. Kramer provided to Mr. Baginski respondent
exhibit A which had not been submitted into evi-
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MAY 30, 1 991
dence previously, and Mr. Lazarus requested to see
a copy of it, as well as Mr. Clark.
*** A three minute break was taken during which time
copies of the respondent' exhibit A was provided
to the Board members and Mr. Clark (not provided
for the record). During this time Mr. Kramer
requested that Mr. Baginski find in the code where
it gives him the authority of interpretation. ***
In reference to the respondent's exhibit A, Mr.
Kramer stated that Mr. Baginski never responded to
it to which Mr. Baginski concurred. Mr. Kramer
advised that an opinion letter regarding exhibit A
was provided to Mr. Clark, but not provided to him.
Mr. Baginski confirmed that he did respond to Mr.
Clark; however, did not know whether Mr. Kramer
was provided a copy of his response or not. Mr.
Clark informed that Mr. Kramer was provided a copy
of Mr. Baginski's response to which Mr. Kramer
noted that it was only after the violation was
filed that he received the response.
In reference to violation number three which
relates to the Housing Code, Mr. Kramer questioned
if the church's building is defined as a dwelling
unit under the housing code as noted on page l2 of
the Code under Required Space for Dwellings?
Mr. Baginski clarified that he does not interpret
the Housing Code; however, added that he would not
qualify a church as a dwelling unit under the
Zoning Ordinance. In answer to who would be
responsible for interpreting the Housing Code, he
noted that it would be either Code Enforcement or
the Building Official.
Mr. Baginski affirmed that he was not present in
1983 when the Church was granted its provisional
use nor in 1982 when present Zoning Code was
enacted. He indicated that his understanding of
the Zoning Code is based on his reading of the
Mr. Kramer referred to the definition of a church
as defined in the Zoning Code and specifically the
use of the phrase "customary and accessory uses"
which is not defined in the Zoning Code, and
questioned if Mr. Baginski has the authority under
the Zoning Code to define or apply this term?
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MAY 30 I 1 99l
Mr. Baginski advised that in regards to the
question on his authority, in Section 12.1 of the
Zoning Ordinance under Interpretation and
Enforcement it states, "It is the intent of the
Zoning Ordinance that questions of interpretation
and enforcement shall first be presented to the
Zoning Director that such question shall be pre-
sented to the Zoning Appeals only on an appeal from
the decision of the Zoning Director and that
recourse to the court shall be as set forth in
Section ll.4 of the Zoning Ordinance."
Mr. Kramer alleged that becAuse Mr. Baginski did
not answer the letter requesting an interpretation,
the Church was not able to appeal further.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson interjected that
the duties of the Code Enforcement Board of Collier
County are to interpret the codes and ordinances
based on the facts presented. She clarified that
this hearing is not an appeal of any staff members
decision or interpretation of the ordinance.
In response to Mr. Kramer, Mr. Baginski informed
that when the issue of a potential violation was
brought to his attention and an interpretation was
requested, he indicated that a homeless center was
not a customary or permitted use of the church.
Mr. Kramer requested an explanation as to what cri-
teria Mr. Baginski used to base his interpretation
to which Mr. Clark objected to the question. Mr.
Clark pointed out that Mr. Baginski has described
his authority.
In response to Mr. Kramer, Mr. Baginski disclosed
that his fifteen years of experience of dealing
with matters of this nature in this community and
others qualifies him to make interpretations on
this issue.
Regarding the questions by Mr. Kramer on the defi-
nition of a family, Mr. Baginski pointed out that
he was not present when the ordinance was drafted
and, therefore, cannot address why it was worded
the way it was. In his interpretation, Mr.
Baginski added, he feels that the reference to
monasteries and sororities were included to help
define what a family is not.
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Baginski explained that he feels that the rec-
tory is considered an accessory to the church if it
is specifically designated as such and added that
this is subject to his interpretation.
In regards to Mr. Clark's question as to whether 18
days would be enough time to file an appeal to
which Mr. Baginski concurred, Assistant County
Attorney Wilson reiterated that this hearing is not
an appeal of Mr. Baginski's decision.
After being sworn in by Mr. Clark, Dr. Carla Singer
informed that she is the principal of ShadowLawn
Elementary School. She responded in the affir-
mative to Mr. Clark's question as to whether she
knew there was a homeless shelter operating near
the school.
Mr. Lazarus cited to Mr. Clark that his question as
to a meeting Dr. Singer attended regarding the
homeless shelter in question is irrelevant.
Mr. Clark explained that the reason for his
questions is that there has been many appellate
court decisions that state that a county, state or
municipality has the right to enforce zoning ordi-
n~nces even when churches are concerned when it can
be shown that there are health and safety related
issues involved. He emphasized that there is a
need to establish whether a health and safety
issue does exist.
Mr. Kramer informed that if the witness is allowed
to testify to these points, he has 10 to 20 people
that can provide alternative testimony.
*** Mr. Lazarus requested a two minute break at this time. ***
Mr. Lazarus noted that the questions which are
being asked are not relevant to the issue of
whether or not there is a violation here, but are
relevant in the event that council for the First
Assembly has any intention of attacking the consti-
tutionality of the ordinance. He stated that if
council is planning to raise a constitutional issue
then the question will be allowed to stand.
Mr. Kramer questioned whether the Board is in the
position to make constitutional decisions or if it
Page 27
MAY 30, 1991
merely applies the facets to the law it is pre-
Assistant County Attorney Wilson declared that the
second portion of Mr. Kramer's statement is the
purpose of the Code Enforcement Board; however, she
added that this Board has the latitude to listen to
and receive facts that it thinks is necessary in
order to make its decision. She cited that t~e
facts that are being proffered by Mr. Clark appear
to address the substance of the ordinance itself
and its purpose. She pointed out that if Mr.
Kramer is questioning whether or not the County has
the authority to impose the zoning restrictions on
the church, then the County should be given the
latitude to present evidence that this is an
appropriate authority for the County based on the
health, welfare and safety issues.
Mr. Kramer stated that the respondent takes the
position that the County cannot arbitrarily or at
its discretion decide what a church's function 01'
role is because this is a constitutional issue. He
confirmed that the Church must comply with the
regulation of the County for public safety.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson emphasized that in
the County's regulation it is required to determine
the use of a particular facility, therefore: the
County has found it necessary to review the uses of
churches and the parameters of the use.
Mr. Kramer declared that if this hearing is going
to be expanded to include the issue of whether or
not the church's operation of the homeless shelter
is a detriment to the community, this hearing will
continue for several days.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson related that if
the argument is going to be that the County cannot
regulate this church's use, then the County must
respond that it can regulate this use based on its
police power under the p~lblic health, welfare and
safety authority provided under the constitution.
Mr. Lazarus requested that a lunch break be takeD
at this time, and when the meeting reconvenes Mr.
Kramer can respond to Ms. Wilson's question.
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MAY 30, 1991
*** Recessed:
12:15 P.M. - Reconvened:
1:20 P.M. ***
Mr. Kramer stated their position is that the issl1e
whether or not there has been a harm by the usage
is an open issue and, therefore, will allow the
testimony to proceed.
Mr. Clark recalled Dr. Carla Singer as a witness
and noted that she has already been sworn in. He
questioned that as principal of Shadowlawn School
which is directly across from the homeless shelter:
if Dr. Singer has observed what is termed as tran-
sient type people on the school grounds?
Dr. Singer confirmed that she and the aides who
work for the school have found during the day
several homeless, transient people going through
the school yard while the children are on the
school grounds. She informed that these transient
people have been told that they are in violation of
trespassing which has resulted in them getting
belligerent and angry even in front of the
children. She noted that the school grounds are
posted; however, these transient people ignore them
and continue doing whatever they want.
Mr. Lazarus inquired as to whether Dr. Singer has
identified these transient people as being asso-
ciated with the shelter? Dr. Singer affirmed that
she has seen these people go from the school pro-
perty toward the shelter as well as come from the
shelter to the school grounds; however, she
explained that she has not seen any of them go
through the doorway of the shelter.
In response to questions from Mr. Clark, Dr. Singer
advised that she has found the behavior of these
transient people to be detrimental to the children.
She cited that the two people that she stopped per-
sonally to inform that they were trespassing
appeared to be intoxicated because of their slurred
speach, and there have been instances of these
people openly drinking their beer while walking
past the school grounds with the childrezl outside
at recess. She noted instances of these people
sleeping on the school grounds and has called the
Sheriff's Department on nwnerous occasions to have
them removed, but she commented that she does not
know where these peopJe go after she leaves them
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MAY 30, 1991
with the Sheriff's Department. She disclosed that
she has seen an increase in the traffic around the
school, and in her opinion the homeless shelter
seems to draw more people to the area which becomes
a detriment to the school children. She explained
that she has received phone calls from parents
informing her that their children have been
harassed on the way home from school, and other
parents will not allow their children to walk home
alone. She concurred that these fears are
justified. She reported that there are anywhere
from two to twenty trespasser on the school grounds
on a daily basis which was not the case before the
homeless shelter began. She affirmed that she
feels that the homeless shelter is a detriment to
the school children.
Mr. Kramer asked Dr. Singer to explain what a tran-
sient person is in her opinion to which she
described these people to be someone with a back-
pack and is unshaven and/or unclean for the most
Mr. Kramer questioned if Dr. Singer felt that the
people at the shelter were transient people, and
she replied in the affirmative. Dr. Singer
clarified that she has not said that she has
observed people going into or coming out of the
shelter with a beer can in their hand.
Dr. Singer related that she does call the Sheriff's
Department; however, the problem is that many times
by the time they are able to arrive the transient
person is gone.
In response to Mr. Kramer's question as to the
period of time the shelter has been open, Dr.
Singer commented that she believes since around
Thanksgiving or Christmas, when it started getting
cold, because this is when she noticed more
problems with transient people. Dr. Singer
testified that she learned that the shelter existed
about a month ago.
Mr. Kramer asked if Dr. Singer had any data indi-
cating the number of transients that crossed the
school grounds? Dr. Singer replied that she was
not aware that she should be keeping these facts;
however, she does have a record of this for the
Page 30
MAY 30, 1991
past week and provided it to Mr. Kramer for his
Mr. Kramer questioned if Dr. Singer saw a
of the specific items she listed on her
to which she stated that the teacher or
name who witnessed the transient on the
property is indicated on the record.
Dr. Singer responded to Mr. Kramer that the
children are afraid of these people because they
try and talk to them. She informed that in an
effort to protect the children the Sheriff's
Department has been called, this problem has been
brought to the attention of her supervisor, a gate
has been installed as well as no trespassing signs
posted. She explained that there is the potential
for something bad to happen to the children because
these transient people have proven to be very rude
and obnoxious.
Mr. Kramer asked what the basis is to assume that
the people crossing the school grounds are coming
from the church? Dr. Singer noted that she cannot
testify that these people are coming from or going
to the shelter itself. She commented that in her
opinion the transient people are drawn to this area
because of the shelter, and people turned away at
the homeless shelter are the ones found on the
school grounds in the morning. She advised that
she has talked to Rev. Mallory and his son who have
informed her that the shelter does not take people
who are on alcohol or drugs.
In response to Mr. Strain, Dr. Singer informed that
she has been employed at the school for five years.
In reference to the respondent's exhibit C, Dr.
Singer cited that the incident report indicates
there were only two police reports listed, however,
more than two calls have been made to the Sheriff's
Mr. Lazarus questioned if Mr. Clark and Mr. Kramer
could estimate the number of witnesses that they
will have? He further asked Mr. Clark if he felt
it is now necessary for him to receive outside
council to assist him? He suggested if there are a
number of witness and if Mr. Clark does desire out-
side council that this proceeding be continued
until next week.
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MAY 30, 1991
Mr. Clark stated that he will have a number of wit-
nesses to testify and expressed a desire for a con-
tinuance in order to review the issues presented.
Mr. Kramer indicated that he too will have a number
of witnesses.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson strongly recom-
mended a continuance based on the fact that the
issues of health and safety which may constitute
constitutional arguments will be discussed.
Mr. Lazarus asked if there were additional wit-
nesses from either side who will address other
issues of the case other than those of constitu-
tional question?
Mr. Clark and Mr. Kramer noted that they each have
one witness.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson asserted to the
Board that she has concern regarding the witness
Mr. Kramer has because he is an expert witness from
Pinellas County and will also be addressing legal
issues which Mr. Clark may need assistance in
responding to. In response to Mr. Kramer, she
cited that this advise is given to council to pro-
tect the rights of both parties, and that she only
represents council and cannot advise Mr. Clark in
any manner.
Mr. Clark requested that Mr. Kramer's expert wit-
ness be continued.
Mr. Kramer opposed this request because there have
been issues presented that he wishes to address by
using this expertise witness. He acknowledged that
this witness is from out of town and to request
that this witness come back is placing an undue
burden on the church financially.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson pointed out that
the respondent has had the benefit of all the docu-
ments that the County is presenting for their case
prior to this hearing. Ms. Wilson advised that the
County on the other hand could only anticipate what
the defense would be, and added that there would be
no way the County could anticipate that they would
need to address issues dealing with the comprehen-
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MAY 30, 1991
sive plan which she understands Mr. Kramer's expert
witness was proffered to testify on.
Mr. Lazarus suggested that Mr. Clark's witness be
After being sworn in by Mr. Clark, Judy Thacker,
Fire Inspector with East Naples Fire Control and
Rescue District, stated that she has inspected the
building in question on several occasions since
1987 and has seen additional construction to the
facility during this time. She advised that in
1989 there was one toilet and in 1991 another
toilet and shower has been added. She noted that
other construction performed since 1987 include
minor changes which would not need a permit;
however, within the last year she has observed
construction of two partitions that do not extend
all the way to the ceiling which separate the
sleeping areas and the closing off of the kitchen.
Mr. Kramer questioned if Ms. Thacker was testifying
from recollection to which she confirmed that she
was, and she has no record indicating the numher of
toilets present over the years. Ms. Thacker
responded that several years ago the building was
being used as a daycare center and at that time
there was only one toilet present.
In response to Mr. Strain, Ms. Thacker stated that
she has inspected the building in question on an
annual basis since 1987 with the exception of the
inspection in January 1991.
Mr. Kramer noted that an occupancy permit for 30
people was issued for this building. Ms. Thacker
explained that the Fire Department issues an occu-
pational sign indicating the maximum occupant load
for the building. She explained that she has said
that the maximum number of people for this buildiDg
could be 30; however that is not to say that 30
people would be permitted with the present changes.
Mr. Lazarus suggested that it would assist the
Board if at the conclusion of this hearing a date
would be set by which each side would provide a
written memorandum on the issues involved in this
case dealing with the factual and legal issues.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson noted that this
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MAY 30, 1991
would be beneficial. Mr. Clark and Mr. Kramer con-
curred with this action.
Mr. Kramer objected to continuing the hearing at
this time and requested that his expert witness be
allowed to testify today.
After much discussion as to why this expert witness
should or should not be allowed to testify, Mr.
Lazarus suggested that he be allowed to begin his
testimony, subject to Mr. Clark's objection at
which time the hearing will be continued.
Assistant County Attorney Wilson noted for the
record that the Board is suspending the typical
order of the case.
Mr. Kramer advised that as a procedural point he
wanted to mention that there were two documents,
respondent's exhibit A and C, which were effec-
tively introduced and assumed that they were suf-
ficiently introduced into the record.
Assistant County Attar Py Wilson stated that the
Chairman accepted the two documents.
After being sworn in by Mr. Clark, Bruce McLaughlin
provided his background as having a Bachelor of
Arts in Political Science with his undergraduate
thesis on American constitutional law, Master
Science in urban and regional planning, and pro-
fessionally since 1974 he has been representing
local governments and the private sector in a
variety of land development and land use planning
related activity. He indicated that he has
reviewed some of the Collier County codes and is
familiar with Collier County Comprehensive Plan.
In response to Mr. Kramer's question regarding a
policy within the Comprehensive Plan relating to
the homeless, Mr. McLaughlin reported that the
Comprehensive Plan has to be taken as a whole, each
element given equal weight with each other element
and measured and applied accordingly, and all the
other land development regulations have to conform
and be consistent with the comprehensive plan.
Mr. Clark interrupted to say that he did not know
that this discussion by Mr. McLaughlin was to be on
the comprehensive plan.
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rv1A Y 30; 1 9 9 1
Mr. Lazarus concurred that if the testimony is
going to be on the comprehensive plan, this witness
will not be able to testify at this time. He
stated that the Board is not pursuing the
Comprehensive Plan, but is pursuing the question of
the five alleged violations of the ordinances.
Mr. Lazarus informed that the continuation of this
meeting will be held on June 10, 1991, at 8:00 A.M.
in the 3rd Floor Boardroom, Building "F", Collier
County Government Center. He requested that the
memorandum requested earlier from Mr. Clark and Mr.
Kramer also be available on June 10, ]991.
Karen Ornowski, attorney for the defense, commented
for the record that they are registering an objec-
tion to the County being given extra time to frame
a response to one of their challenges regarding the
comprehensive plan.
After a discussion regarding a guarantee by the
County that they would not come on the subject pro-
perty with surprise visits, Mr. Clark stated that
there are no other visits to the property antici-
Mr. Kramer stated that from this day forward Mr.
Clark or his staff does not have voluntary per-
mission to come on the premises of the subject pro-
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned
by Order of the Chair.
rus, Chairman
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