HAAB Minutes 10/25/2001
Hispanic Affairs
Advisory Board
October 25,2001
October 25, 2001
David Correa, HAAB Member Ro ber! Pina
Pete Cade, HAAB Member
Frank Loney, HAAB Member
Sofia Pagan, HAAB Member
Susan Calkins, HAAB Member
Carlos Aviles
Ramiro Mafialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney and HAAB Staff Liaison
Also Present:
Victor Valdes, Editor, Las Naciones News
Timothy Durham, Office of the County Attorney
David Weeks, Collier County Planning Services
Liza McClenaghan
Michael Kirk, Collier County Public Schools,
Chuck Mohlke
Frank Rodriguez, Que Pasa Southwest Florida TV
John Norman, Representative Ralph Arza's office
The October 25, 2001 meeting of the Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board
(HAAB) took place at the Collier County Commission meeting room and began at
approximately 7:03 P.M. A quorum of six (6)) members was present.
David Correa noted a correction that was needed on the draft minutes of September,
2001. Specifically, on page 4, he noted that a reference to the "Immokalee Bank" should
be changed to "Bank of America." There is also a correction to the spelling of the last
name of Commissioner Coletta. A motion was made to approve the minutes, as
corrected, by Frank Loney. Carlos Aviles seconded the motion. The vote was 6 to 0 in
favor of the motion.
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Ramiro Mafialich informed the Board that Mr. Pina had called several days before and
advised that he would be unable to attend the HAAB Meeting as he aa~ 1381la sallea ta vv<~<d- <k
\t",.,t- t>1;\i~rn~' ~~'kll in l>leAIl.t'arolina. Carlos Aviles made a motion to excuse the absence
and Frank Loney secftfn'ae the motion. A unanimous vote (6 to 0) occurred in favor of
the motion.
David Weeks from the Collier County Planning staff cxplained the reasons for
redistricting of the Commission boundaries. The basic reason was that there had been
population changes throughout the County. He explained that five maps had been
prepared (the maps are attached to these minutes) as well as a repor! (attached) and a
spreadsheet regarding population figures (also attached). He said that the basic
redistricting critcria approvcd by the County Commission were to maintain incumbency,
compact and contiguous districts, cqual population districts, and seeking to havc the same
boundarics as the school district. Hc also said that additional lcgal critcria includcd:
avoiding rctrogrcssion of minority votes (espccially in District 5); and avoiding division
of neighborhoods. He mentioned that othcr critcria that wcrc followed are included in thc
rcpor!. He also stated that retrogression analysis indicatcd that thcrc was actually an
increase in minority populations in the districts. Mr. Weeks cxplained the redistricting
methodology based on census tracts and whcrc Commissioncrs livc. He mcntioncd that
Collier County is a "covered jurisdiction" and that it must submit maps' for "pre-
clearance" by the U.S. Justice Department. He explained that the repor! that has been
prepared has standout features and critiques of each map. There is also a dcscription of
each district in the package.
Mr. Weeks commented about the differences between the maps. With regard to Maps #1
and #2, he said that the only significant difference was in the area of Davis Boulevard.
District I has not changed in those maps. Map #3 has a significant feature in that District
I goes farther east. Maps #4 and #5 have different boundaries in North Naples. There
are very few "jogs" on Map #5. Mr. Weeks also mentioned some significant changes in
the maps regarding the so-called Manatee Road Triangle.
Mr. Weeks recapped prior public meeting presentations regarding redistricting. He
mentioned that there had been meetings with the Leaguc of Women Voters, the Black
Affairs Advisory Board, and the School Board. He said the School Board wanted to
follow the County lead in this matter and also wanted to wait for public comment. The
School Board expressed reservations about Map #3 regarding Everglades City not being
in District 5. Therc were also three community meetings. Weeks said that the turnout
varied, but generally the numbers were small. He mentioned that notices of these
meetings were provided as described. The notices were in English, Spanish and Creole.
The BCC meeting is November 13, 200 I for consideration and approval of the maps by
the County Commission. The staff group would also be back before the School Board
and in Immokalee. He said that residents of Immokalee felt that there was a need for
another mecting duc to lack of sufficient prior notice tor the previous meeting.
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David Correa mentioned that he felt that there was a lack of ample notice for tonight's
meeting. He said that it would have been better if there had been earlier notice. He
would have preferred a summary of the large amount of information. Liaison Ramiro
Mafialich expressed regrets about not getting information to the HAAB earlier, but he
explained that all of the staff had been very busy and that thc information had been
coming together recently. He suggested that the Hispanic Board could consider having
another meeting before the November 13th County Commission Meeting.
David Weeks mentioned that more information about the redistricting process was
available on the County Website. Frank Loney asked about the Hispanic population
figures in the districts and David Wecks cxplained the numbers of the spreadsheet. Mr.
Weeks emphasized that County Statl was seeking comments, criticisms and suggestions
regarding all of the redistricting process. David Correa asked if any comments would be
conveyed to the County Commission. Mr. Weeks explained that the comments would be
presented to the Board of County Commissioners. Howcver, staff will not change the
maps without County Commission direction. Tim Durham from the County Attorney's
Office explained that there had been lots of information received. He emphasized that
there had been significant concerns expressed regarding Map #3 as well as regarding the
North Naples communities on Map #3 and Map #5 not being similar to the rest of District
5. David Correa agrccd that there should be concern over these North Naples
communities being in District 5 because they are not similar in terms of income and in
other ways. Frank Loney echoed those same concerns and he thought that including the
North Naples gated communities in District 5 would impede minorities running for office
in that district. David Correa asked Chuck Mohlke, Democratic Party Chairman, to
comment about the redistricting information.
Mr. Mohlke stated that he had been monitoring the redistricting process and that he had
previously commented regarding congressional redistricting as Chair of the Collier
County Democratic Party. He said that the County Staff had made a good presentation.
He stated that he has concerns concerning the North Naples' gated communities being
included in District 5. He provided demographics information and mentioned that
Commissioners Matthews and Berry had been elected from those Nor!h Naples'
communities. He compared information of other representative areas in the Immokalee
region in District 5. He also spoke of "age demographics" in Immokalee. He said that
the last Ccnsus it was indicated that the median age in Immokalec was far younger (22.5
years of age) than in the North Naples' gated communities. In those communities, the
median age is 55. He also mentioned that those under 18 years of age cannot register to
vote. He said that the registered voters are 39% of District 5's population whereas in
District 2 it is 66% of the population that are registered to vote. He mentioned that
obviously age was a major consideration. He stated that the North Naples' communities
had a highcr number of registered voters and that they do not have much in common with
Immokalee or the rest of District 5. David Correa asked Mr. Mohlke about having just
Immokalee as a Commission District. Mr. MoWke respondcd that the districts all have to
have the same approximate population. A variance of up to five percent is allowed. The
present maps have one to two percent variations and they are good maps, but there are the
concerns that he expressed previously.
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David Correa asked Mr. Mohlke if there could be one "minority" district? Mr. Mohlke
explained that it was very hard to do that in the large Collier County area and not violate
the compact and contiguous redistricting standards. He said therc was no legal basis for
line drawing with an exclusive focus on race and ethnicity. David Correa clarified that hc
was not saying that he wanted to have only minority elected officials, but he did want the
Commission Districts to be drawn in such a way as to allow for that potential. Mr.
Mohlke emphasized that minorities have a smallcr percentage of registered voting age
population. He believes that they should not be disadvantaged by mixing the minority
population with other populations that have an older age and more voters. He said that
Frank Rodriguez would also address this topic.
David Correa stated that he would like for Mike Carr, Chairman of the Collier County
Republican Party, to share his comments with the HAAB on this topic.
Mr. Mohlke presented a spreadsheet (attached) regarding the total registered voters per
district and a breakdown by ethnicity and race. The figures presented related to
population percentages and minority groups and numbers of registcred voters and the
percentages of total population made up of registered voters in the Commission Districts.
He emphasized again that District 5 has a younger than average population and many of
them under voting age. There are also a number of voting age adults who are not
naturalized U.S. citizens. He felt that there would be a dispropor!ionate impact to include
the North Naples' gated communities in District 5. He repeated that this had been
exhibited by the results in the 1992 and 1996 commission elections.
Tim Durham emphasized that staff is inviting comments and contact by the public before
the November 13th County Commission redistricting decision. Miclillel Kirk,
representing the Collier County Public Schools, statcd that he had been working with
County staff on the redistricting effort and that the School Board Policy is to seek to have
the same school district boundarics as the boundarics tor thc County Commission
Frank Rodriguez introduced himself as President of Vision Inc. which features Hispanic
TV programming. He said that he is familiar with the ccnsus information and seeks to
have more Hispanic representation in government. Hc mentioned that there had been a
dramatic increase in the Hispanic population in Collier County. Many are not U.S.
citizens and cannot vote even though they contribute to the community. He mentioned
that in reviewing the maps he had a "Catch 22" concern over the lack of conccntration of
Hispanic voters. He thought that overall there had been a dilution of votes of Hispanics
even though it was not the fault of anyone in particular. When there is such a dilution
there is a loss of ability to influence candidates. He said that he had been involved in
voter registration eflor!s for Hispanics and that the HAAB and the County Commission
need to keep an eye on the concentration of Hispanics in the districts. He observed that
the Hispanic population tends to be much younger and that he thought there was a need to
get representatives of the Republican Party involved in this process. Sofia Pagan then
had some discussion with Mr. Rodriguez about the Hispanic media in town and how the
community can best be reached. Frank Loney said that he was happy to see the new
redistricting information from staff, but that he wished he had more time to interpret the
data. A discussion occurred about the logistics 0 I' having another meeting versus taking
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formal action on this matter this evening. There was also a discussion about potential
motions that could be madc on this subject.
Frank Rodriguez observed that there was a concentration of Hispanic voters in District 3.
Chuck Mohlke suggested that three maps (1, 2 and 4) show District 5 to the East of
County Road 951. Frank Loney repeated that he was concerned about the lack of early
information. A discussion ensued about the different maps. Susan Calkins made a
motion expressing a preference for Maps # I and #2 on the basis that the HAAB does not
want the minority vote diluted. A motion also included a policy statement that District 5
should not go West of Collier Boulevard (County Road 951). The motion was seconded
by Carlos A viles. A 6 - 0 vote in favor of the motion occurred. The HAAB mcmbers
thanked County Staff and Mr. Kirk for the presentation.
Mr. John Norman explained that he had to get off to another meeting, but that he wanted
to have the Hispanic Board consider a potential solution to the check cashing fees
problems for Hispanics in Immokalee. He suggested that perhaps the HAAB could
persuade a business to cash checks for no charge if minimum purchasc occurs.
Liaison Ramiro Mafialich passed out three documents relating to Mr. Greener's
resignation. First, Mr. Greener's October 17, 2001 rcsignation letter. Liaison also
distributcd Mr. Greener's September 28, 2001 letter complaining about lack of notice and
information of the meetings and a copy of Legal Assistant Kay Nell's Memorandum in
response to Mr. Greener's complaints about lack of noticc and information. Chairman
Correa stated that it has been his experience that Kay Nell has always provided fine
noticc for the meetings.
Liaison Ramiro Mafialich passed out a draft of the Executive Summary regarding the
HAAB's decision to ask the County Commission to request dialogue between growers
and farm workers in the Immokalce community. The Board members indicated that the
Executive Summary should be presented to the County Commissioners as submitted by
the Liaison.
Mr. Victor Valdes, Editor of Las Naciones News, requested time on the Board's next
agenda for a variety of information regarding the activities of the Police Review Board
which has been recently formed. The Chairman agreed to his request.
The 2002 HAAB Repor! to the County Commission was deferred to a later agenda.
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David Correa repor!ed that there had been an effor! to register Hispanic voters at the
Latin Music Festival. He said that approximately 60-70 voters registered and more than
100 applications were passed out. He said he was assisted in this matter by Mr. Pina and
the Elections Office.
Carlos Aviles asked for Mr. Nejftj to be placed on the agenda for November to discuss
the Harvest for Humanity in the Immokalee Hispanic Community. Mr. Aviles said he
would contact Mr. Wojay to attend.
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Frank Rodriguez asked the HAAB for its suppor! regarding a factory in Collier County
that has a Code Enforcement Board hearing pending. He said that this factory has many
Hispanic employees. He said that the factory obtained approvals from the County for a
new building off Airport Road. Neighbors complained and these approvals were
withdrawn. He said he wants the Board of County Commissioners to suppor! the original
approval. He said that this business may have to move to Lee County and Hispanics
cannot travel there and then will lose their jobs. He is asking thc Hispanic Board to
address a private business that has a m~or impact in the Hispanic Community (200
Hispanic families). Frank Loney asked what was the name of the company and when
would it be before the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Rodriguez stated that he did
not know when the agenda items was coming before the County Commission and that the
name of the business was called Gulf Coast American Blinds. He said that the business
owners name is Carlos Diaz. Liaison Ramiro Mafialich stated that he would make no
comments because he was aware that this item was being reviewed by the County
Attorney's office. However, he stated that he thought this item was going before the
County Commission at the second meeting of November.
A discussion was held regarding options for action, future meetings or individual
comments before the County Commission. David Correa mentioned that he was inclined
to try to help in this situation, but he was not sure if the business had broken any rules.
However, he recognized that sometimes Code Enforcement can abuse their powers.
David Correa suggested having a special meeting with all parties involved. Liaison
Ramiro Mafialich reviewed the HAAB's role under its ordinance.
Mr. Valdes stated that this situation could be assisted by the HAAB. He said that he has
had succcss before on these types of issues. Frank Rodrigucz stated that he was merely
asking the HAAB for suppor! of the original approval and not for a judgment on the Code
Enforcement Case. The HAAB decision was to set a special meeting prior to the County
Commission meeting with regard to this Hispanic business. They would invite
representatives of all parties concerned with the matter.
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The meeting of the HAAB adjourned at approximately 9:25 p.m.
Prepared by: Ramiro Mafialich, Chicf Assistant County Attorney and HAAB Staff
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Approved by the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board on this ~ day of /(II C-/ ,
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DilVid Correa, Chairman
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