Ordinance 77-53ORDINANCE NO. 77-53
W~EREAS,The I,~okalee Area Planning Commission petitioned
the ~oard of County Commissioners of Collier County,Florida, to emend
Ordinance 74-15 as described hsreinbelow;
OF CO~IER CO~,~DA~ ~ ~ ~ ~
ssc~zoN o~, ~ ~ ~ ~
'~e Zo~nq ~latio~,O~n~ ~o. 74~ th~l~kalee
Area Pla~in~ .Dls~lc~ ~e hereby ~nded as desc~ her~b~s
A ~ SE~I~ 12.
1. Intent and Purpoeg~ Certain areas in and around Collier
County,Florida,require special regulation to prevent hazards whiah
endanger the lives and property o£ users of the airports and of
occupants of land in their vicinity and ~hioh,if of the obetr~ction
type,reduce the size of the area available for the landing,taking off,
and maneuv~ring of aircraft,thus tending to destroy or
utility of ~ af~r~ and
it 1. hereb7 deola~ ~att
A. That the creation O= establish~nt of an airport obst~lo~l~
served by Xmmokalee A~rport.(X~ Scott Airfield).
B. That it is necessary in the interest of the public health,public
safety,and general welfare that the creation of airport obstructions
and structures be prevented~
C. That it is necessary in the interest of the public health and general
welfare that the establishment of incompatible land uses be prevented
in the areas defined as the CNR 100 contour (ASDS 85 dBA) noise area
and/or the accident potential hazard area~ and
D. That the prevention of these obetruct'ions,struc~uree and incompatible
land uses should be accomplished to the extent legally possible,by the
exercise of the police power without compensation.
E. In addition to the regulations applicabl~ to land zoned as indicated
in the Official ~oning Atlas,Ordinance ?4-14,the following regulations
are.. additionally applicable to lands in the Imz~okalee Area Planning
District in the vicinit~ of the Immokalee Airport (Ed Scott) as
indicated on the Airport Zoning Maps Ordinance No. 74-14 of Collier
County. Lands lying within various sones as indicated on the Airport
Zoning Maps are subject to the additional regulations se t out in this
2. Definitions:
As used in this Section,unless the context otherwise re.suites,
A. AIRPORT - X~mokalee Airport (Ed Scott Airfield)
B. AIRPORT ELEVATIO~ - The highest ~oint of an airport*s usable
landing area measured in feet above mean sea level.
C. AIRPORT OBSTRUCTION - AnF Structure or object of natural growth
or use of land which would excee~ the federal obstruction standards
as contained in 14 CFR ss. 77.21,22.23,77.25 and 77.28 or which
obstructs the airspace required for flight of aircraft in landing
and take-off at an airport or is otherwise hazardous to such landing
and take-off of aircraft.
D~ AIRSPACE ~EI~T - To determine the height limits in all zones
set forth in this ordinance,the datum shall be mean sea level elevation
(~SL) unless otherwise specified.
E. RUNWAY - A defined area on a~ airport prepared for landing and
takeeff of aircraft along its length.
F. VISUAL PNNNAY - A runway in~ended solely for the operation of
aircraft using Visual approach'procedures with no straight-in
instrument approach procedure and no instrument designation indicated
on a FAA approved airport layout plan,a military services approved
military airport layout plan,or by any planning document submitted
to the FAA by competent authority.
' G. UTILITY RUNWAY - A runway that is constructed for and lntende~
to be used by propeller driven air-craft of 12,500 pounds naximum gross
weight and less.
H. STRUCTURE - Any object,constructed or installed by man,including
but not limited toz buildings,towers,smok~ stacks,utility ~olee and
ove~aad transmission lines.
I. ZONING ADMTNISTRATO~ - The administrative of£1oe or aqencF
re-ponlihle for a~nllterin~ zoning within the I~okalee ~ea
Planning Dl~trict.
d. ~CO~FO~IBO USE - ~n2 pre-axiatinq et~cture,ob~ect o~ ~tural
growth or uae o~ land which le lnconaletent ~th the p~vialone off this
Ordinance,or ~n~en~ ~ereto.
x. ACCID~ P~ItL R~ A~ - ~ area ~ithin ~000 fleet o~
appr~ch or' departure end of a ~a~ or tn p~x~l~ ~ an
which aircraft ma~ ~ver affter tak~f~ or before Ian~ a~ a~
sub,eot to the ~reateat ~t~tial ~ c~aeh into a a~oture or
In order to ca~ out ~e proviaio~ o~ ~ta ordi~nce,~a~ are
hereby created,and eat~liehed certain zones which inclose all o~
land l~ing beneath ~e a~roach,tranaltional,ho~izontal and ~nical
aurffacea as the2 apply to a particular a~rt. Such zones ~e
on ~e I~okalee (:d Scott).Zoninq ~pe ~ich are at.chad ~ this
Ordinance and made a part -her~.
ZO~X~ ~ X~
X~gle'e' ~t~ort
(Ed Scott lir~ield~
~n area located in ~re ~an one o~ ~e ~e~or~ed zonea ia ~aide~
to ~ onl~ ~ the :one with ~e more ~ea~lcti~ heiqht l~tion.
The varioue zones ~e he~e~ eetabli~h~ ~d de~in~ ae
Xl~k~lee ~i~2 (Ed Scott
I. ~lic civil ~~ ~ei~ht
(1) Prima~ ~o~e - ~ area lonqitudin~ll~ cente~ on a
extendinq 200 fleet he.nd each end o~ that ~ wl~
wid~ ~o specified ~or each r~ ~or ~e ~.t precise
approach exiaitinq or planned flor eider end o~ hhe ~a~.
No st~cture or obstruction will be pe~itt~ within
~e prima~ zone,that ia not part o~ the landin9 and
off~ area,and Aa o~ a qreater heiqht ~an the nearest ~lnt
on ~e ~nwaM centerllne. The width of ~e pri~ zone
as follows:
250 ~eet ~or utility ~nwa~e havi~q onlF visual
~e width of .the prima~ zone o~ a r~way will ~ ~at width
prescribed in 'this section for the ~st'preciae approa~
I I I ! I I
existing or planned for either mhd of that runway.
NO ltrUcture or cbstr~ction will be permitted within the 9rimary zone,
that is not part of the landing and take-off facllitiel and ia of a
greater height than the nearest point on the runway center-line.
(2) Horizontal Zone - The area around each civil airport with an outer
boundary the perimeter of which is oonstr~oted by swinging lrO1
of specified ra41i from tht oen~ar of each end of ~he primary lone
for each airport's runway and conneoting ~he adjacent arcs hF lines
tangent to ~hose arcs. The radiu~ of each sro is:
5,000 feet for all ~unwaya designated aa ~tillty or visual.
No structure or obstruction will ~e permitted in the horizon~al zone
that has a height greater ~hem 150 feet above the airport height.
¢3) Conical Zone - The area extandin~ ou~war~ from the periphery of
the horizontal zone for & distance of 4,000 feet. ~eight limitation~
for structures in the comical zone a~e 150 feet aho~e airport
height at the inner boundar~ with pe~mitte~ height lncreaein~
one foot vertically for ever~ 20 feet of horizontal distance
measured outward ~rom the inner boundary to a height of ~50 ~eet
above airport heigh~ at the outer boundary.
(~) lpproach Zone - ~n area longitudinall~ centered on ~he extende~
~un~a¥ centerline and extending ou~ar~ ~rom each end of ~l~e
primary surface. ~n approach zone ii deel~nated for each
based upon the type of approach available or planned for ~hat
runway end.
Ca) The inner edge of ~he approach zone ia ~he same vid~ as
the primary zone and it expands unl£ormly to a width
1,250 feet for ~hat end of a u~ilitF ~nway wi~h
only visual approcchea.
Ch) The approach surface extends for a horizontal distance
5,000 feet for all utility and visual runways.
Cc) The outer width o~ an approach zone to an end of a runwaM will
he ~hat width prescribed in this au~sec~ion for the moat
precise approach existing or planned for that rurm~a¥ end.
Cd) Permitted height limitation within ~he approach zones in the
same as the runway end height at ~he inner edge and increases
wi~h horiaontal distance outward from the inner edge as followe,
Permitted height increases one foot vertically for
every 20 feet horizontal distance for all utility
and visual runways
($) Transitional Zone - The area extending outward from the sides
of the primar~ zones and approach zones connecting then to
horizontal zone. ~eight limits within the transitional zone
are the same as the pr£mar~ zone or approach zone at the
boundary line where it adjoins and increases st a rite of one
~oot vertically ~or every leven feet horizontally,with the
horizontal distance measur~ at right angles to the runway
certerline and exe~nde~ centerline,unttl the height matches
the height of the horizontal zone or conics1 zone or for a
horizontal distance o~ 5,000 feet from the side of the part
of the precision approach zone that extends beyond the
conical zone.
(6) Other Areas - In addition to the height limitations
in paragraph 1 through 5 above,no structure or obstruction
will be permitted within Collier County that would cause
minimum obstruction clearance altitude,a minimum descent
altitude or a decision height to be raised.
4. Airport and Land Use Rastrictio~s~
A. Use R~strl=tionl:
Notwithst_nding any other provision of thisOrdinance,n~use
may be made of land or water within anF zones
thl= ordinance in such a manner as to in~erfere with the operation
o~ an airborne aircraft. The following special requirements shall
appl~ to each permitted use:
(1) All l~ghts or illumination used in conjunction with street,
parking,signs or use of land and structures she1!
arranged and operated in such a manner that it is not
misleading or dangeIous to aircraft operating from
public airport or in vicinity thereof.
(2) No operations from any tvpe shall produce smoke,glar~ or
other visual hazards within three (3) statute miles of any
usable runway of a public resort.
(3) No operations from any type shall produce electronic ~nter-
~erence with naviqat~on signals or radio c~mmunicat~on
Ii ..... II !1
between the airport and aircraft.
(4) Use o~ land within the accident potential hazard area shall
prohibit high density residential use,schools,hospitals,
storage of explosive material,asaembla,e of large groups
of people or any other use that could produce a major
catastrophe ~a a result ok an aircraft crash.
.B. Lighting,
No~withstanding the proceding provisions of this Section,the owner
of an s~ructure over 200 feet above qround level shall install
lighting in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration
Advisory CircuLar 70-7460-1 and A~endmanta thereto on such
structure. Additionally,high intensity White obstruction lights
shall be installed on a high structure Which excoe~a 749 feet
above mean sea level. The high intensity white obstruction ligh~
must be in accordance with Federal Aviation Administration Advisory
Circular 70-7460-1 and Amendments.
C. Variances:
Any person desiring to erect or increase the height of any structures,
or use his property not in accordance with the regulations prescribed
in this Ordinance,may apply to the Boa~xl of Adjustment for a variance
from such regulations.
No applioatton for variance to the requirements of this Ordinance
may be considered by the Board of Adjustment unless a copy of
the ar,~lication has been furnished to the appropriate zoning
D. Hazard Markin~ and Lighting:
Any permit or variancw'granted shall require the owner ~omark and
light the s~ruoture in accordance with FAA Advisory CircuXar
70/7460-! .'or subsequent revisions. The permit may he conditioned
to permit Collier County as its operate and maintain such ~ark
may he necessary to indicate to o~ an airspace hazard if special
E. Airport Noise Zones:
No person shall sell,lease or offer to sell or lease any land
within the airport noise zone (i00 CN~ 8SdBA contour) unless
the prospective buyer or lessee has been given the following
notice in writing:
'Noise Warning - this land lies beneath
the airora£t approach and aaparture routes
for Immokalee Airport (Ed Scott Airfield}
This Ordinance shall become e£fective upon receipt o~ notice that
it has been filed with the Secretary. of.State.
Da~e, 0c~ober 2~, 1977
DO~m-A i ' pI~WORT~, C~Lr~TY ATTOrNeY
Jud,_~!,~_IA~._J._.K~..~%N,_Cle~k o~.Cov~=s ~n and for Che~=ie~h
_. -~a~ ~c, c?A~xer ~, ~or~a, do hereby certify
=~e zo~e~'.x~ za a ~a o=~xnaA of ~n~ce l~o. 7~-~3 w~b was
aa~ed by ~he Board of C~ C~iuo~er~ ~=i~ ~la= Sessi~
~ob~ 25, 197~.
~SS ~ ~nd ~d ~he official seal off ~ha Board
C~issi~ero off Collier C~, Florida, ~his 31sc d~ of October, 1977.
Clerk of Cour~o and Clerk
Ex-o~ficio ~o ~ard o~
~ .J. ~'~ ' .., .~. ,.,
This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's offf~
the 2nd day of Nove~er, 19~7 and acknowled~ent of tha~.~
filing received this 4th Day of November, 1~-7. '~".? .':-'.~..,"~'
$'. ..........
Depue~Clerk ''~