LAB Minutes 03/16/2011
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Naples, Florida, March 16, 2011
LET IT BE KNOWN that the LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD met on this date in regular
session at 10:00 a.m. in the Main Library with the following members present:
C1:lAIR: Doris J. Lewis
VICE-CHAIR: Loretta Murray
Carla Grieve
Rochelle Lieb
Connie Bettinger-Hennink
Fiala ~I./
Coyle ~
Goletta :> ~ ~
ALSO PRESENT: Marilyn Matthes, Library Director
Roberta Reiss, Literacy Coordinator
Judith Kraycik, Administrative Assistant
Mrs. Lewis asked for additions or corrections to the minutes of February 16,2010. Two minor
corrections were noted. Mrs. Bettinger-Hennink moved to approve the minutes, seconded by
Mrs. Lieb and the motion was canied unanimously that the minutes be approved as corrected.
Mrs. Reiss discussed the followmg issues:
Conversation Class
. Many seasonal participants will be leaving
. Attendees who are here all year have requested the class be expanded to two hours
. Classes will break for the summer but will resume in September
School on Wheels Program
. Roberta will be training additional tutors
Mrs. Reiss stated she has been invited to the Florida Literacy Coalition Conference in May which
will be held near Orlando. She has agreed to be a presenter at the Conference and as a result the
Coalition will pay her expenses. In addition, thc time she spends at the Conference will count
toward maintaining her professional trainer certification.
It was discussed that recently there were three 'letters to the editor' in the Naples Daily News
concerning the Library. One letter stated that the Library was responsible for Blockbuster going
out of business. Another letter stated that the Library's inventory contained many DVD's that
Blockbuster would not carry. The third letter stated that as Borders is going out ofbusincss,
people would be dusting off their library cards. The Board speculated on the effecM\!J.\Itt\le .
internet and the new e-readers have had on these businesses as well as on the libraryl"'tt J>mlso
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noted that an article appeared in the New York Timcs stating that publishers may invoke
limitations on the number oftimes an e-book may be downloaded from a library.
Mrs. Grieve stated she has compiled a list of possible itcms to discuss in a column in the Naples Daily
News. She said she would send each member of the Board the list for their review and comments.
Mrs. Grieve rcported that she noted m the Pelican Bay Post that Vanderbilt Beach Library would
be getting a new desk which will be paid for with donations.
Employee of the Month -March
Mrs. Licb nominated Shidan Hemmat as employee of the month for March. Mrs. Bettinger-
Hennink seconded that motion and all in favor.
Senior Resource Center
Mrs. Matthes stated that both she and Mrs. Bettinger-Hennink went to the most recent meeting of the
Golden Gate Civic Association which had inquired as to the status of this project. Mrs. Matthes statcd that
there is a grcat deal of dcdication by those involved to make this project happen. She stated that the major
donor has been contacted regarding the deadline of summer for obtaining building permits and starting
construction. It appears he may be flexible with this time frame. Without his donation, the project does not
have sufficient funds with which to proceed. Mrs. Matthes stated that at their exccutive meeting they
would like to appoint a member of the Association to the Senior Resource Center Board. Mrs. Matthes
stated that the square footage as shownm the original plan, with the exception of an office and volunteer
space, would work as library space. She added that the project will have to be brought before the Board of
County Commissioners to ask for a change in the ground lease but it is better to wait until the plans are
completely finalized.
Long Range Planning
A question regarding the issue of second levels of management for the branches was raised. It was stated at
the previous meeting that some of the small branches are missing second levels of management. A
member asked for clarification regarding this statement using the Vanderbilt Beach Library as an example.
Mrs. Matthes responded that a better example would be Marco Island Library. She continued to explain
that what is missing at some libraries is a 'second in charge' employee who would act as the manager 1n the
manager's absence. Basically it would be the 'go to' person for staff in the absence of the manager but
would have no official managerial duties.
At the last meeting, Mrs. Matthes had requested the Board make recommendations as to what should be tbe
primary areas of concentration in the long range plan for the Library. After discussing several of the items
from a list provided to them, the following recommendations were made:
. Developing Literacy
. fnformation Fluency
. Community information provider
Mrs. Matthes provided the Board with a compilation of staff recommendations for the long range plan. She
stated that the responses are primarily based on daily operation of the Library and the questions that are
most frequently asked by the public. She has requested that staff recruit volunteers for next year to assist
patrons with clectronic devices, computer programs and other library related issues and possibly advertise
these services to the public. In addition, classes are currently being held on vanous electronic programs.
She stated there seems to be an overwhelming need for this type of education.
Mrs. Matthes provided copies ofthe current Mission Statement for the Collier County Library. She stated
that this is part of the long range plan of the Library. She asked that the Board review the Mission
Statement for the next meeting and make suggestions if they think the Statement should be changed and if
so, what changes should be made.
Literacy Buddies
Mrs. Matthes stated she has been having difficulty contacting the person who will provide the link for the
Library webpage. As soon as she is able to obtain the link, it will be added to the webpage.
Meeting room Policy Revision
Mrs. Matthes stated that the revised policy states that the disclaimer must be equal in size to the print listing
the Library as the location for the program and must be located directly below the Library address. She
continued that she has had the revision reviewed by the County Attorney's Office for legal sufficiency. A
few minor changes were made by members of the Board. Mrs. Grieve made a motion to accept the
Meeting Room Policy revision with changes as noted. Mrs. Bettinger-Bennink seconded the motion and all
in favor. The question was raised what the consequences are to non-compliance. Mrs. Matthes stated the
organization would not be allowed to use the meeting room. Mrs. Bettinger-Bennink made a motion to
add the verbiage 'usage will be denied for non-compliance' to the Policy. Mrs. Murray seconded the
motion and all in favor.
Mrs. Grieve reported that Downing-Frye has not made the changes to the Naples Daily News insert entitled
Getting Settled. She had notified a friend who is affiliated with the company last month but has noticed the
changes were not made in the most recent printing. As a result, she has now e-mailed the corporate office.
Mrs. Matthes reported on the following issues:
. Circulation figures are continuing to decrease. A discussion took place regarding the reasons why
this may be occurring. Mrs. Matthes stated she is trying to obtain the school population in order to
make a comparison to previous years. It was also discussed that the Florida census figures are not
yet available. Another possibility is the use of overdrive to download books. In addition, both
East Naples and Vanderbilt Beach Libraries are only open Monday through Thursday.
. She is trying to contract with SWFLN to provide a copy cataloger for our Library. Currently the
process for cataloging new books is difficult and as a result is slowing the ordering of new books
and when books are bought, it is taking a long time to get them on the shelves. Some technical
knowledge is required for the job and SWFLN may already have someone available.
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. The seasonal job bank employees will depart as of April 15. The process for recruitment of job
bank employees for the summer season has begun. These employees will work at Golden Gate
Estates and Golden Gate.
. She is currently preparing the budget for 2012. Her intentions are to request Job bank employees
for the winter season and also for the temporary cataloging position.
. Mrs. Bettinger-Hennink asked if there is any information regardmg the State Aid for Libraries and
Federal Aid for Libraries. Mrs. Matthes provided copies of information regarding these issues.
She stated that the governor's proposed hudget specifies $8,000,000 for libraries. In order to
qualify for Federal Aid, the state must provide $21,200,000. In the near future, she will be asking
the Board to make contact with elected representatives and ask them to increase this amount.
. She has been asked to complete a tern] for a member of Florida Library Association Executive
Board. As a member of this Board, she will be participating in the executive board meetings via
conference calls and she will need to attend the Florida Library Association meeting in May and
she has asked the Friends of the Library to pay her expenses.
. Harper-Collins, one of the world's largest publishers, wIll imposc a limit on the number of
downloads on e-books. This new policy will not affect audio books. Until this situation is
reviewed, Collier County Library will not be purchasing e-books from this company. At this point,
it is unknown whether other publishers will follow suit.
. She has received questions from the public regarding why certain groups are allowed to meet at the
Library. She responds that they have rented the meeting facilities here.
. A question was asked regarding the status of the implementation of floating collections. Mrs.
Matthes responded that staff has requested to postpone the next phase until May I. She is
considering granting this request. Currently the collections are bcing weeded which is why the
postponement was requested.
. The carpet was ordercd to replace the damaged carpet in Immokalee. However, the wrong carpet
was ordered so it needed to be re-ordered which has caused a delay in the repair.
. There is now a nice sign at East Naples but we still do not have a sign in Immokalee. The question
was raised whether Edison State College has been contacted regarding a new larger sign for both
facilities. Mrs. Matthes responded she has not yet been in contact with the college.
. She is waiting to ht:af from the architect regarding the fountain renovation.
. There had been an injury at Headquarters. A man fell when he attempted to cross the stage at a
special event. She stated she intends to take preventative measures to avoid future incidents of this
Mrs. Grieve reported on the following items:
. The Bagels and Books event is taking place today for the local book clubs. The intent is to bring
the clubs together to share information and also to possibly increase membership for the Friends of
the Library.
. There are two lectures remaining for the lecture series.
. There will be a book sale at South Regional on March 24th
. One ofthe Friends projects is to connect to the Hispanic community. As a result, there is Spanish
link on the Friends' webpage. Also, Bill Forbes has been speaking to various 1:lispanic groups to
find out the needs of the community.
There being no further business to come before the Library Advisory Board, Mrs. Grieve moved
to adjourn, seconded by Mrs. Bettinger-Hennink and carried unanimously the meeting was
adjourned at 11 :40 a.m.
Approved by:
Doris J. Lewis
Chair, Library Advisory Board
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