CCLAAC Minutes 03/14/2011 I~A~~:~~J4'2011 By:....................... MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE CONSERVATION COLLIER LAND ACQUISITION ADVISORY COMMITTEE Fiala ~~ Naples, Florida, March 14, 20 II Hiller ~ ~~~I~n~ --2 .~ Coletta ~ LET IT BE REMEMBERED, that the Conservation Collier Land Acquisition AdvisOlY Committee, in and for the County of Collier, having conducted business herein, met on this date at 9:00 A.M. in REGULAR SESSION at Administrative Building "F", 3'd Floor, Collier County Government Complex Naples, Florida with the followlIlg members present: CHAIRMAN: Bill Poteet VICE CHAIRMAN: Annisa Karim Tony Pires (Excused) Jeffrey Curl Jeremy Sterk Thomas Sobczak Clarence Tears (Excused) Lauren Gibson (Vacancy) ALSO PRESENT: Alexandra Sulecki, Conservation Collier Coordinator Steve Williams, Assistant County Attorney Cindy Erb, Real Property Management Melissa Hennig, Prin.Environmental Spec.,Program Man. Barry Williams, Director, Parks and Recreation Tony Ruberto, Parks and Recreation Project Manager Mark Isackson, Director of Corporate Finance Therese Stanley, Sr. Budget Analyst Derrick Johnson, Clerk of Courts Finance Dept. Len Golden-Price, Administrative Services Misc. Corres: I Date: L9 \ 2.. 'B\. \ \ ltem# \LQ::t" \ R 17 =~Djes :0: March 14,2011 J.P. Marchand, Kimley-Hom and Assoc. Inc. J. Roll Call Chairman Poteet called the meeting to order at 9:01 AM. Roll call was taken and a quorum was established. Both Clarence Tears and Tony Pires are absent with excused absenees. n. Approval of Agenda Mr. Curl moved to tlpprove the Agenda subject to the jollowing change: . Item VILB. Jeremy Sterk, Chairmall Secolld by Mr. Sterk. Carried ullanimously 6 - O. HI. Approval of February 14, 2011 minutes Mr. Curl moved to approve the millutes of the February 14, 2011 meeting subject to the following challge: . Page 6, paragraph 4, line 1-2 - from "Me. Pires moved to rescind the motion. Second by Mr. Curl." Carried unanimously 8 - 0." to "Mr. Pire.~ withdrew the motion. " Secolld by ills. Karim. Carried ullollimously 6 - O. IV. Old Business A. Real Property Management Update Cindy Erb, Real Property Management reported: Winchester Ilead There arc 2 closing scheduled; 1 for 3/28/11 and I for 4/11/1 ]. Unit 53 There are 3 parcels scheduled for closings on 4/11/11. I. CREW Donation Cindy Erb presented the Executive Summary "Recommendation to approve a Donation Agreement with Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed Land and Water Trust, [ncorporated (CRE W) jar 9, /7 acres under the Conservation Collier Land Acqnisition Program, at a cost not to exceed SIOO()" dated March ]4,2011. Staff is working with both the CREW and County attorney to resolve issues related to the standard indemnification language within the drafted contract. CREW has concerns that if there are hazardous substances found later on the property, thaI CREW would be held responsible. Conservation Collier staff advised that in an effort to resolve the concerns, they have provided to thc CREW attorney two Phase J Environmental Site Assessments done in 2007, one done for 3 nearby properties and another done on the approx. 100-acre previously farmed area just east ofthe CREW properties with no significant environmental issnes uncovered. Additionally, Conservation Collier staff made a site inspeetion to the two CRf:W parcels last week and found no significant solid waste issues. The Committee was asked to approve the contract in concept pending resolution of tile concern. Ills. Karim moved to recommelld tlte Board of Coullty Commissioners approve the DOllatio/l Agreeme/lt witlt Cork.~crew Regiollal Ecosystem Watershed Lalld alld Water Trust, 111corporated (CREW) for 9.17 acres WIder the Comervatioll Collier Lalld Acquisitioll Program, at a cost /lot to exceetl S1000 subject to tlte County 2 March 14,2011 Attorney's Office approval of the agreemellt. Secolld by Mr. Curl. Curried unanimously 6 - O. B. Gordon River Greenway Project - Update Alex Suleeki providcd thc drawing "Gordon River Greenway Park" prepared by Kimley Horn &Assoc. and provided an updatc noting: . The application for thc rezoning pcnnit is in process. . The application for the US Army Corps of Engineers permit is in process. · She provided the document "Gordon River Greenway Park Neighborhood In/ormation Meeting Synopsis" which outlined the talking points of the meeting. · The bridge connecting the Conservation Collier propcrty with othcr areas of the Greenway is proposed to be constructed 11.0 fcet above the mean high watcr line . Staff was askcd at the Ncighhorhood Information meeting to include areas for bat habitat under the bridge. · The Gopher Tortoise is the only listed species on sitc targeted for mitigation. · Ofthc 600 spaces available for parking, 52 are located in the "north node," 14 spaces at the kayak launch and 13 spaces in the shared parking area with an additional 12 available if necessary. . Risk Managcment rcquested the proposed bridgc be "posted" for "nofishing except in designated areas" and "nO/limping ji-om the bridge. " . Options Jur providing fishing oppOliunities includc platforms constructed in areas adjacent to thc bridge or along trails in designated areas. · There will bc a sitc visit on April I, 2011 and the Committec acknowledged Mr. Curl has becn invited to attend. · The proposed hours of operatIon and artificial lighting ofthc areas arc still undcr consideration. Discussion occurred on thc reason for proposing thc bridge at 11.0 feet above the I11can high water line as the bridgc over the Gordon Rivcr at LJS41 is only 10.0 feet above thc lIlean high watcr line. J.P. Marchand, Kimley-Horn & Associates noted the height requirement for the bridgc is 8.0 feet above the mean high water linc. The bridge is proposed 11.0 feet above the mean high water line in an attempt to expedite issuance of permits. The cost diffcrencc for constructing the bridge at this height versus a 10.0 foot high bridge is approximately $5000. He reported an ideal location to allow public fishing would be an upland area, immediately adjacent to the rivcr southerly of the proposcd bridge. Speaker Ellie Krier, Southwest Florida Land Preservation Trust notcd she has been communicating with the Naples Airport Authority regarding future parking options on property controlled by the Authority. 3 March 14,2011 I. Bridge options - Kimlev-Horn & Associates Staffprovidcd the docun;ents "Bridge Cost Comparison," and "Gordon River Greenway Park" which compared of 3 types of bridges (Timber, Concrete or Steel) WhICh could be constructed to connect the Conservation Collier property with other property within the Grecnway. Alex Sulecki noted the proposed budget for the bridge is $384,000. Staff is requesting a recommendation from the Committee on which type of bridge should be constructed. J.P. Marchand reviewed the documents which and outlincd the advantages and disadvantages of each style of bridge. At the NIM, a rowcrs c1uh, for safcty purposes, had requested the span of the piers bc a width of 100 fecI. Mr. Sobczak moved to recommelld the bridge be (III 1PE/timber bridge with COil crete abutmellts at spans of 1 00 feet. Secolld by Ms. Karim. Discussion occurred on the cost/benefit of constructing the bridge with spans of 100 feet vcrsus 66 foot spans. The cost to construct 100 foot spans is $30,000 greater than spans 66 fect in length. It was notcd no one was present from the rowers club to provide tcstimony and concem was expressed on thc concept of cxpending additional funds for one particular group of users. ]n addition, should the Committee provide a recommendation on thc proposed height of bridge? Mr. Sobczak am elided the motioll to recommelld the bridge be an 1PE Wood/timber bridge with cOllcrete abutmellts at spal/s of 66 feet al/d be proposed at a height of 11.fJ feet above the meal/high water iiI/e. Secollllby Ms. Karim. Carried ulIllllimously 6 - fJ. Speaker Ellie Krier, Southwest .Florida Land Preservation Trnst rcportcd there will be an Economic Development Council "Project fllnovation" evcnt on March 16,2011 from 4pm 6pm at thc Naples Zoo showcasing the Gordon River Greenway. The proposed lighting for thc Greenway is intended to incorporate "International Dark- Sky Association" rccommendations. The Stakeholder meeting schedulcd lor March 18,2011 should be re-scheduled due to a conflict with meetings in Lec County to be held on this day. C. Preserve Ordinance - Update Alex Sulecki noted thc Board of County Commissioners has directed Staff to prepare a separate Preservc Ordinance within thc Parks and Recreation Department Ordinance. Staff is developing the Ordinance for review at the May meeting (if feasible). Any Preserves c10scd to public use may be posted for "no trespassing" and enforced as necessary. D. Bndget Workshop 1. Bond Early Pay-off 4 March 14,2011 Staff provided the document "Conservation Collier Carry Forward Analysis Fund 172 FYli - FYi3 with 2008 Debt Series Paid in FYI]" dated 3/14/11 tor infonnation purposes. Murk Isackson, Director of Corporate Finance noted the proposal to payoff the bond by May 1,2011 would save the Program $55,000. Financial projections through 2025 indicate the early pay off would not have a ml~or financial impact on the Program. However. the proposal may havc a negative impact on the County's ability to acquire lands lmder the Pro);,'J'am for approximately 6 n 8 months. 111s. Karim moved to recommend tlte Board of Coullty Commissioners "payoff' tlte COllservation Collier 2008 Bond "early, " Second by 1111'. Sterk. Carried ullallilllously 6 - O. 2. Categorization of Preserves Melissa Hennig provided the document "Proposed Conservation Collier Presen'e Cillegories" dated 3/14/11 and outlined the parameters lor the Preserves to be categorized. Ms. Karim moved to eategorize tlte Preserves as follows: Ctltel!orv 1 - Primary Use Preserves: Pepper Ranch, Gordon Ril'er Greellway, Freedom Park, Otter 1110ulld Catel!orv 2 -Intermediate Use Preserve: Rivers Road, Railhead, Namy Pay tOil, Cocohatcltee Creek Catel!orv 3 Neil!hborhood (Limited Use) Preserve: Caracara Prairie, Limpkill Marsh, Logall Woods Ctltel!orv 4 - Seasollal Use Pre.~erve Pallther Walk, Alligator Flag Catel!orv.'i Resource Protection/Restoration Use Preserve: Wet Woods, Mcllvalle Marsh, Red Maple Swamp, Will chester Head, Shell !slalld, Camp Keais Strand Second by Mr. Curl. Carried unanimously 6 - O. 3. Prioritization of Prescrve Amcnities Melissa Hcnnig provided the document "Collser\!ation Collier Preserve Publie Amenitv Matn~'" dated 3/14/1 ], "2001 Park, Inventory" dated 2/14/l I and "Cons~rvation Collier Preserves and Collier County Parks," for consideration. She requcsted the Committec prioritizc the Prescrves to facilitate the sequence of amenities to be provided at individual Preserves. Ms. Karim moved to prioritize the Preserves as follows: 1. Gordon River Greellway 2. Pepper Rallch (parkillg and restrooms) 5 March 14,2011 3. Caracara Prairie 4. Nallcy PaYlO1l Preserve 5. Mcllvane Marsh, Red Maple Swamp, Willchester Head (sigllage) 8. Rivers Road 9. Pepper Ranch (boardwalk) 10. Wet Woolls 11. Railhead Scrub 12. Gordoll River Greellway Bridge _ City of Naples Secolld by Mr. Curl. Carried ullanimously 6 _ O. E. Caracara Prairie Gopher Tortoise Relocation Site Policy Melissa Hennig provided the "Cameara Prairie Preserve Gopher Tortoise Recipielll Sile Policy" - February 201 J" dated 3/14/1 1 for approval. Speaker Caitlin Weber, Conservancy of Southwest Florida exprcssed concern the site will be a "temporary site" without a conscrvation easement. They are opposed to the policy as it proposes to acccpt privately donated tortoises at a site being developed utilizing public funding. 11.fr. Curl moved to approve the "Caracara Prairie Preserve Gopher Tortoise Recipiellt Site Policy" - February 2011" subject to the followillg changes: ,. The documem provides a referellce the site is a temporary relocation site. 2. llleorporate the Florida Fish and Wild/!fe COllservatioll Commissioll fee schedule as Ileces.~ary imo the documellt. 3. Item #3, provide lallguage indicating the Policy will be reviewed llllllua/~v. 4. Item #7, provide referellce that the (luthorized Collier County Age/lt has the right to illspect Gopher Tortoises ill an attempt to determille the status of their health before accepting the subject Gopher Tortoise. Secolld by Ills. Karim. Carried unanimollsly 6 - O. F. Next Meeting Alex Sulecki reported unless Committee business warrants, the meeting for April will be postponed with the next regular meeting to be hcld in May. V. Outstanding Advisory Committee Member Program Alex Snleeki noted Committee Member Tony Pires has been recognized as an "Outslallding Advisory Committee Member." 6 VI. Coordinator Communications Alex Sulecki notcd: . Staff completed a comprchensive review of the Lost Mines Excavation Pemlit application to detennine iftherc are any impacts on Caracara Prairie Preserve. The application should not havc any direct negative impacts on the Preservc. One outcome of the review is Conservation Collier Staffwill be alertcd by County Staff when land devclopmcnt applications are proposed in the vicinity ofthc Programs' Preserve. March 14,2011 . There are changcs effective March 15,2011 in the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) possibly impacting trails in Collier County Prescrves. Staff will forward the information to Committee mcmbers for their review. . Collier County is secking public individuals to participate in Focus Groups on how service quality should be measured and reported. · Tliere will be an EDC "Project Innovation u Pillars o(the Community" event showcasing the Gordon River Greenway on March 16,2011 at the Naples Zoo fi'om 4pm 6pm. The event has been noticed tor more than one Member attending but members are advised not to speak with each other at the event. The Committee determilled the appropriate Subcommittees should review the lIew ADA staJldards ill regard to Preserve trails to determille what actioll, if allY, should be IIl1dertakell by the C oumy. VII. Sub-Committee Meetiug Reports A. Outreach - Touy Pires, Chair None B. Lands Evaluation aud Management - Jeremy Sterk, Chair A meeting was held on 3/4/11 where bike and horse trails tor Pepper Ranch were discussed. Jeremy Sterk was c1ectcd Chainmm and Lauren Gibson was elected Vice- chair of the subcommittee. C. Ordinance Policy aud Procedures - Annisa Karim, Chair None VIII. Chair Committee Member Comments Ms. Karim noted the Board of County Commissioncrs has suspended the Program's acquisitions "unless it is a good deal" and questioned how Staff may proceed on idcntifying properties for acquisition given the decision. Staff noted the decision by the BCC docs not preclude StafTtrom continuing to identify potential landowners who wish to sell or donate properties to the Program. In addition, applicants are not precluded from offering properties at priccs below appraisallcvels. 7 IX. Pnblic General Comments None X. Stafl' Comments None There being no further business for the good ofthe County, the meeting was adjourned by order of the chair at 12:07P.M. March 14,2011 Conservation Collier Land Acquisition Advisory Committee Bill Poteet, Chairm These minutes approved by the Board/Committee on as presented or as amended 8