Ordinance 77-07 ORDINANCE 77- 7
W~EREAS, William Vines, representing the owner of the
property hereinafter described, petitioned the Board of County
Commissioners of Collier County, Florida to amend the Planned
Unit Development (PUD) of the real property hereinafter des-
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of County
Commissioners of Collier County, Florida=
The zoning classification of the hereinbelow described
real property in Collier County, Florida, is a Planned Unit
Development (PUD) and is subject to all condi~ons as herein-
after described:
Vines & Associates Inc
urban planning .land planning
1170 third street south
naples florida 33940
W,lr~am R V'.'c,s. president
mambo, American Institute c~ Plannc',rs
, E,, 7 - 5c
December 25 · 1976
A Planned Unit Development
a. General~' The basic development concept which underlies the Wilderness
Proiect is craatlon of a challenging, championship golf course tn a densely
wooded setting, and utilization of this mttlng as the site for a high quality·
Iow sensory, cloistered resTdentlal apartment complex. The subject property has
perhaps the most spectacular scenic quality of any inland property in the Greater
Naples Area. It is extensively vegetated with a broad assortment of native trees
and shrubs. The land has a handsome rolllng character, wTth elevations ranging
from more than 12 f. in the pine forested sand rldges to only 2 It. above mean
~ea level in the cypress hammock Ioncls along the Gordon River basin bott~no
The total proiect area is slightly over 218 acres. Two existing sTngle family
'res'~dences within the property, occupied by members of the landowner fc~'nlly·
are to continue as an Integral part of the finlshed development. 300 d~elJlng
units are to be established in cjusters of 2 and 3-story garden apartments. Two
tennis courts are to be constructed. A resldent manager's dwelllng is to be
establ~shed adjacent the fenn~s courts. The character of thls project· as evidenced
in the name· is to be established through preservation of a maximum amount of
the existing handsome native forest. The "wilderness" character of the finished
product is depended upon to create market acceptance of the relatively expensive
real estate development product.
b. C~'/nersh¥. The ownership choracterlstlcs of the Wild0rness Proiect ara scxnewhat
varied lrrom normal land development prelects, as fo/laws: the proiect [ands are now
(7~ned by members of the E. H. Frank family. The development organlxatlon has
leased the lands from the Frank family and will underwrite the capital investment
required to develop the proiect as planned. The apartment structures will bo condo--
mlnlcrns, wlth ind~vldual apartments and the land on which the apartment Is located
to be sold outright. As the development organ~zatlon constructs and sells apartment
units and permanent golf club memberships, its ownership of the golf course, clubhouse,
and other land improvements wlthln the proiect will be proportionately reduced, wlth
Ihe sale of tl~e last apartment unit extlngulsh~ng the development orgonlzatlon"s
interest in the project improvements. At thls point, apartment owners/club members,
headed by a Board of Governors of their own choosing, will own and manage the club
and golf course, wlth that ownersh¥ being subject to the u~derl¥1ng land lease.
'c. Development and Marketing: During fha deve/opment arid marketing p~a'se alr the
proiect, it is antlc~pated that the development corporation wlll conduct prelect ac~nln-
istrat;vc and marketing activities in the c/ub builc~ng. Thls function will terminate
at or before the time club ownership and management responsibility passes from the
development organization to the club members.
a. Descriptlon of Principals._
l. andc~vners/lessors: Members oF the E.H.Fronk family, Frank Roadt Naples~ Florida.
Developers/Lessees: Wesley G. I:)c~wning, Earl L. Frye, and C~ar/es L. Shumwayl
Wilderness Country Club Partnersh¥ Ltd., 2800 Frank Blvd., Nap/es~ Florida.
Land Planner: Will,am R. V~nes, A.I.P., 1170 Thlrd Street, South, I~ap/es, Florida.
Engineers: Tri-County Eng~neerlng, lnc., 3560 Tamlaml Trail, North, Nap/es~ Florida.
Architect: Richard W. Morris, A.I.A., 1207 l'hlrdSt.,South, Nap/es, Florida.
Gott Course Architect: Arthur W. Hills, 7351 West Bancroft, Toledo, Ohio 43617.
b. Legal Dascrytlan.of Subject Property.~ Lots 12 thru 22, Naples Improvament
Company's L~ttle Farms, os recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 2t Public Records of
Collier County, Flor~dao Th;s property lies within Sections 22 and 27t ?ownsh¥
49 South, Range 25 East. The property ls 218.639 acres In area, ls bounded on
the west by Frank Road and l~es Immea'Tately south of the Hole-In-the-Wall Golf
Course. Prec.'se property boundaries are shown on Exhibit 'B' which accompanies
th~s oppl~catlon.
c. Control of Develo~went. No land is included wilhln this PUD application
except that owned by members of the E. H. Frank family.
d. Topography. Topogmphlc survey data, compiled by Trl-County Englneer~ng
Company In late 1972 and early 1973, has been superimposed upon the attached
1"--100t aerial photograph entitled Exhibit ~C'.
e. Donslt)~. The golf course and residential complex contains 207.949 acres.
D~vldlng thls acreage fTgure ~nto the 300 apartment units, two s~ngle family
residences and manager*s dwelling yields a gross residential devefopme.nt dens~ty
of 1.46 dwelling units per acm.
f. Natural Features. ExlstTng natural features on the s~te, Tnclua'~ng the pattern of
extensive ~orestat;on, ;s clearly ev;dent on the 1" =' 100' scale aerial photograph on
which the davelopment plan has been superimposed, and which is marlred Exh;b;t 'A'.
Land ama. The total land area ;s 218.639 acres.
h. Land Uses. Land uses ~nclude an 18--hole par-71 golf course; clubhouse;
2 tennis courts; 300 apartment un,ts; utilitarian golf course grounds and golf cart
molntenance and storage focilltles; vehlculor occessways and offstreet parking areas;
two single-family residences; a resident manager's dwelling; a manned access control
gate and a security fence; 12 man-mode lakes; and extensive natural open space.
i. Internal Traffic Movement. Vehicular drives within the pro~ect ore to be
prlvately owned and maintained. They con be functionally classified as minor
residential streets in part~ and in Part as apartment driveways. A golf cart will
be garaged at each apartment. Circulation by project residents/club members wlth--
in the pr(~iect area will be almost entirely by golf cart or foot, reducing Ihe necessity
for automobile traffic to that which is entering or departrng i'he proiect. Thls will
result in o very Iow volume of automobile traffic within the project.
Street pavement widths are to be 18 ft. There Is to be a single entrance road
interconnectlon wlth Frank Road (SR-9~1). Additionally, there will be a service
vehicle drive from Frank Road to the golf course maintenance area. Combination
sldewalks/cort Paths/bicycle paths are to be 8 ft. in wld~h; are to be privately
owned and malntalned; and are to be located partially within the golf course and
partially along the streets.
j. F. ire Protect!.o.n: The Wilderness Project lies partlolly in the North Naples Fire
Control District; part,ally in the East Naples Fire Control Distr~ct. The develop-
ment plan has been reviewed by the Chiefs of both of these Distr~cts~ each alr whom
hod indicated that no f~re fighting problems are posed by the development plan.
Additionally, the City of Naples flre chief was contacted relative to the adequacy
of planned access ways in the event bls larger pumper truck is called upon in
connection wlth on elevator apartment fire. The C~lef lnc~catecl that the planned
vehicular travelways would provide satisfactory access for all of bls fire f~ghtTng
k. Outdoor Ligl~tlng_.. Outdoor lighting along the entirety of the projectts roadway
system will be installed. Fixtures to be utilized will be residential type past lanterns
served by underground electrical conduit. The lighting fixtures will include a shade
which will direct light grounckvard~ preventing nuisance causing c~rect glare info
residential apartment windows. The streetslde past lanterns will be established at
about 300 ft. intervals.
a. DeveloFrnent Pattern. The apartment structures tn the project are to be developed
in cjusters, wlth each cjuster occurring within a defined numbered area as set forth
on Exhibit 'B,' os follows:
Parcel 2 2.576 acres 3 story
Parcel 3 2.799 acres 3 story
Parcels 4&5 t5.84! acres 2 and 3 story
Parcel 7 10.427 acres 2 and 3 story
Parcel 8 13.067 acres 2 and 3 story
44.71 acres
24 dwelling units
24 dwelling units
104 dwelling units
52 dwelling units
96 dwelling units
300 dwelling untts
The number oF dwelling unl'ts which the above table Indicates will occur In each
parcel is based on a genemllzed slte plan. To accommodate defin~tSve building site
plans, dwelling units may be transferred from one parcel to anothe% so long as the
total number of dwelling units does not exceed 300. With the approval of the Director,
parcel boundaries may be slightly modified so long os the golf course parcel area ts
not reduced by more than 3%.
b. Ownershl.p: Condamlnlum apartment Parcels 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 and 8 are not
separately owned parcels, and simply represent spatial envelopes within whtch the
p~anned 300 apartment dwelling units are to be confined. As con be seen on the
develoFrnent p~on~ a substantial partlon oF these spatial envelopes ts to be utilized
for recreotlonal open spece, lake oreo, and inbounds golf play.
c. Setbacks. No apartment structure shall be closer than 30 ft. to another apart-
ment structure. So long as all multi-family apartment structures are contained
within the pre~established development parcels, no specific yards or setbacks shall
be required bel~venn the structure and the edge of the development parcel or be-
tween a structure and an access drive. This latter variation from normal street
fro~tyard requirements Is necessitated by the fact that the access drives are private
and ore physically integrated with covered parking spaces for automobiles and golf
d. Floor Area. Residential apartment floor areas will have a minimum of 1,460 scI. ft.
e. Parking.. Each dwelling unit in the development complex will be served by at'
least 1.5 offstreet parking spaces. One space per d~velllng unit will be covered.
T~e additional spaces will be uncovered and will jolnfly serve the second automobile
for those families which have tw°t guest Parking, and service vehicles. Addlt~onally,
.'a covered golf cart Parking space will be developed at each dwelling unit.
f. A,~alntenance of Structures and Grounds. Funds for ma;ntenance of the apartment
structures and the grounds immediately around them will be peovided In the typlcal
condominium corporation manner, i.e., throu~ monthly maintenance fees which are
pa~d to and expended by the officers of the condom~nlum corporations. /~a~ntenance
and management actions are to be made a lawful responsi~iIity of the Condominium
Assoc~atlon, which will be established under the Condominium Actt Chapler 711,
Florida Statutes, 1963. The Pertinent excerpt from the Declaration of Condominium
5. ~V,a~ntenancos alteration and ~mprovemento Respons~billty for the
maintenance of the condomlnlum property, and restrlctlons upon
its alleratlon and improvement, shall be as follc~vs:
5.1. Apartments.
a. By the Association. The Association shall maintain,
repair and replace at the Association's expense
(1) All portions oF an apartmentt except interior surfaces,
contr~uflng to the support of the apartment building,
which portions shall Include but not be limited to Ioad-
bearing co[umns and Ioad-bearlng walls.
(2) All condult% ducts, plumbing, wiring and other
facilities for the furnishing of utility services co, tanned
in the portions of an apartment maintained by the
Association; and oil such facilities contained within
an apartment that service part m parts of the condominium
other than the apartment wilhin which contained; and
(3) All Incidental damage caused to an apartment by such
wo~k shall be repaired promptly at the expense of the
Assoclat lon .
b. By the apartment owner. The responsibility of the apartment
owner shall be as follows:
(1) To malntalnt repair and replace at his expense all portions
or his apartment except the portions to be maintalned~
repaired and replaced by the Association. Such shall
be done without disturbing the rights o~ other apartment
(2) Not to paint a' otherwise decorate or change the
appearance of any portion of the exterior of' the apart-
ment building.
(3) To promptly report to the Association any defect or need
for repairs for which the Association is responsible.
c. Alteration and improvement. Neither an apartment owner
nor the Assoclation s~all make any alteratlon In the portions
of an apartment or apartment buildTng that are to be ma~n-
talned by the Association, or remove any portlon of such,
or make any additions to them, or do anything that would
jeopardize the safety or soundness of the apartment building,
or Impair any easement, without first obtaln~ng approval in
writing of owr~rs of all apartments in which such work is to
be done and the approval of the Board of Directors of the
Assoclat[on. A copy of the plans far all such work prepared
by an architect licensed to practice in thls state shall be
filed wlth the Association prior to the start of the work.
Common elements.
a. By the Assoclatlo~. The maintenance and operation of the
common elements shall be the respons~illty of the Assosclatlon
and a common expense.
b. Alteration and improvement. After th~ completion of the
improvements included in the. common elements contemplated
by this Declaration, there shall be no alteration nor further
Improvement of the real property constituting the common
elements without prior approval in writing by the owners of not
less than 7~'% of the common elements except as provided by
the By-Lows. Any such alteration or Improvement shall not
interfere with the rights of any apartment owners without their
consent. The cost of such work shall not be assessed against
a bank, life insurance company or savings and loan association
that acquires Its title as the result of owning a mortgage upon
the apartment owned, unless such owner shall approve the
alteration or Improvement, and th~s shall be so whether the
title is ocqulred by deed from the mcxtgagor or through
foreclosure proceedings. The share of' any cost not so
assessed shall be assessed to the other apartment o~vners in
the shares that their shares in the common elements bear to
each other. There shall be no change ~n the shares and
rights of an apartment owner In the common elements altered
or further improved, whether or not the apartment owner con..
tr~utes to the cost oF such alteration or ~mprovements.
The defined boundaries of the two single-family residences within the prelect ore
numbered as Parcels I and 6 as shown on Exhibit 'B'.
Parcel 1 4.145 acres I dwelling unit
Parcel 6 6.18 acres 1 dwelling unit
10.325 acres 2 dwelling units
The slngle family residential sites will represent separate real estate ownerships from
the remainder of the land. Uses permitted on the two slngle-farhily residence $Stest
in addition to slngle-fomily residences, include field craps, horti'culture, fruit and
nut production, forestry, and non--co~merc~al poultry, horses and cattle used solely
by the residents.
Should the present or subsequent owners of the s~ngle-fam~ly resldent~al tracts w~sh
to subdivide or develop the tracts for uses other than those set forth above, detailed
development plans shall be submitted to the County ~n accord w~th t~m prov~s~an set
forth in Section 24 of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance, entitled CHANGES
The 10.69 acre site, shown as Parcel 9 on Exhibit 'Bt, representing 4.9~ of the gross
project area, is a separate entity from the land Included in the club, golf course, and
apartment sites. Thls slte is owned by the E. H. Frank familyt and is not included in
the land area leased to the proiect developers. Specific development plans for Parcel 9
have not yet been settled upon. It ls intended that Parcel 9 be utilized for a use or
uses which will be t'ully compatible with the remainder of the proiect development. It
is hereby committed that prior to development oF Parcel 9, detailed development plans
shall be submitted to the County in accord wlth the provisions set forth in Sect,'on 24
of the Collier County Zoning Ordinance, entitled CHANGES IN THE DEVELOPMENT
PLAN~ as amended. At the time of this futura Parcel 9 slte plan submission, a new
public hearing shall be held, at which tlme the slte plan will be reviewed as to
drainage, road access, parklngt setbackt overall sign plant landscaping, and such other
items determined to be appropriate.
a. Facilities. The Initial golf clubhouse development will consist of a 2-story ~tructum
containing approximately 14~400 sq.ffo of floor area. On the lower level shower and
locker room facilities for men and women, and a cart storage facility will be developed,
while the upper floor will house the pro shop, offices, club, dining and lounge area.
At such time as a maiorlty of' the apartments are developed and occupied, and club
members have assumed management of' the club~ said members will determine whether
and to what extent clubhouse area and facillrles expansion shall occ~.
b. Iv~embership.~ Since the golf course will be In play well before a high percentage
at~ the planned apartment units are built, It ls contemplated that, Initially, short term
club memberships will be sold. These memberships will be for a term of one
renewable at the opt;on of' the development organization. As apartment units are con-
structed and sold, their buyers will purchase permanent club membership, and a llke
number of' term memberships will be permitted fo expire, insuring that' total club
membership at all times is limited to a maximum of' 300 families. It is the development
organlzotlon's ob[ectlve to limit permanent club membership to apartment owners. It ls
posslble however, t~-~t c~rc~nstances will result in a few apartment owners who do not
wish to be club members, and in this event club memberships may be sold or leased to
parsons other than project residents, so long as club membership does not exceed 300°
c. Porkln~l: Offstreet parking needs at the gallr ¢lu~ w;il be greatest a~er the co~e
has been cleveland and besom many a~ment ~ts have been con~r~ted~ s~nce ~
that t~me there w~li ~e a h~gh pro~on o~ no~msfdent te~ m~be~h~, w~th all
~lFe~ hol~ng such m~be~h~ arriving at the c[~ by a~le. ~ t~me ~
and the pro~ o~ project restdent/cl~ mem~a ri~s, cl~ m~m w~ll Inc~
~ngly travel to the ~lF cl~ fr~ their a~ent by ~lF ca~ resulttng ~n a ~cl;~
in offstmet ~rktng s~ce n~. ~ the time of in;rial cl~ devel~ent, 1~
pe~onent offstmet ~rk~ng s~ces will be const~ted at the cl~. Ad~tt~ally~
grossed offstmet ~rk;ng areas on the e~ens~ve cl~ gm~ will ~ pm~d m ~
qu;red to ;nsum an a~q~cy of ~rk~ng s~c~ c~pletely off of the pm~e~ ~.
A~er the ~emll pm~ect ~s c~pleted~ should there ~ evidence th~ ~anent
~rk~ng s~c~ in od~tlon to the lnlt~al 1~ am needed~ the ad, tidal ~t
nee~d w~ll ~e const~ted. ,
a. Descr~ptlon. Open spaces and recreation areas Include the following: the cenfrelly
located club facility whlch will offer varied indoor and outdoor recreation activities and
whose site will acccx'nmodate the addltlon of recreation facilities fram tlme to ti'me as detem~ned
by club members; the 18-hoTe golf course; two tennis courts; the grounds ~mmecfiately around
the multi-family structures, wherein pools and other appropriate residential recreation
facilities will be established; the extensive man-made waterboa~es which lle partially
in and partially out of' the golf course; and Ihe preserved natural wooded ama. The
open spaces and recreation areas are hereby identified on the development plan marked
Exhibit ~A'.
b. C)wnershi~: The open spaces and recreation areas are to be toe, manly owned
(actually leased for 9<? years).
c. Maintenance. The common areas will initially be managed and maintained by
the development organization, with management and maintenance mspons~llty shifting
to a club member/apartment owner organtzatlon when 75~ to 80~ of the 300 d~vellIng
units have b~en developed and are occupied. Condominium apartment Articles of
Incorporation and By-Laws, and Club By-Laws, to be established in advance of any
apartment sales, wlll requlr~ payment of monthly dues and fees which will fund all
management and malntenance'actlvltles Wlthln the project.
A maintenance and storage area has been designated adjacent the north pro~ect boundary,
j~t east of Parcel 9. Equipment shedss Open storage, equipment maTntenence and the
llke, will take place at this facility. The entire facility will be surrounded w?th a l0 ft.
high chalnllnk fence which will be shrub covered so as to provide a complete visual screen
around the maintenance facility. Two gated openings into the facility will be developed;
one permitting vehicular entry from Frank Road, the second permitting access onto the golf cou~e
d. Open Space per Dwell.ln.~ Un. lt. Deleting Parcel 9 from the fatal acreage leaves
207.949 acres. Approximately 10 acres will be covered by buildings or paved for
drlves and parking. Thus, the amount of golf course~ other recreation areas, lakes,
landscaped grounds, and natural wooded areas per dwelling unit Is 28~742
Phase I will include the complete golf course and lake system, the club house, and
the apartment structures In Parcels 4 and 5. Subsequent apartment development tlm~ng
will be a'ictaled by market response~ wlth apartment develoi~nent sequence occurring
in the varlous parcels as follows: Parcel 2t 8, 7, 3.
All detailed developmont plans, Including but not limited to slte preparatlon Plans,
buildlng conslrucllon plans, landscaping plans and utJJltles installation plans, shall
be submitted to and approved by the County Planning Director prior to inltlatlon of
any site preparation or construction actlvlty. The Planning Director shall review the
detailed plans and insure that they fully comply with the approved overall development
The proiect will be served by approved central water and sewer ut;I;ties, and by
underground electric, telephone, and television service. ' Easements for these under-
ground installations will follow the road system in the development plan~ as required
by the various utilSty companies.
The basic water management strategy involves development of a system of' lakes into
which surface water runoff will be directed. The lakes will interlock wlth each other
and each will have a controlled outlet structure. The lower la1~est when overtopped~
will spill into th~ natural lowlands in the forested drainage basin bottom area. The
lake system is so deslgned that less surface waters will run oft' the prc~erty alter de-
velopment than is now the case. Three of the golf holes~ lying in the lower port~on
of the property, are to be slightly raised so as to be playable most of the tlme~ but
these holes will flood during heavy rains and will thus be out of play while they are
functioning as part of' the surface wafer storage area. Waters moving from higher
elevation fo lower elevotlon lakes will pass through pTpes or shollaw wet weather
swales in the h~gher portions of the property, and will meander as sheet flow through
the natural, undisturbed wooded areas in the lower portions of the property. For those
bui~dlng sites wherein natural ground elevations ore not higher than the design flood
elevotlon, the building site and adjoining drive and parking areas will be raised,
utilizing fill material extracted from the system of lakes to be constructed wilhln the
property. Detailed water management plans have been submitted to' the County stafft
County Water ~/~nog~ment Board, and the County Environmental Advisory Council.
The Water Management Board voted its approval of the water management plan on
January 11, 1973. The Environmental Advisory Board voted its approval on December
1972. The water management plan is shown on Exhibit 'D'.
As requested by the County Engineer, a lake monitoring program will be established by
or under the direction of the U. S. Geological Survey~ with the data and conclusions
produced by the monitoring program to be furnished to the County Engineer. The
project spansors will underwrite the cost of' this lake mon~torlng program and, should
program results determine the necessity to modify the size of a lake ct-:~?<e~ or to
undertake other specific water management activities, such lake modifications and/or
water management actions will be occompllshed as a project expense.
The following legal descriptions are matched to the various Wilderness Golf and
Country Club parcels shown on the boundary, and parcel map, Tr~-County Engineer-
Jng, Inc., D-I-2515-2B Rev. A, dated 10-23-74.
A porLion of L~ts 20, 21 and 22, Nnples Improvement Co~s.
Little Farms~ more particularly described as follows:
From the Northwest corner of Lot 22, NAPLES IMPROVEMENT
CO'S. LITTLE FARMS, as recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 2,
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, run
· N 89°27'29"E, along the North line of said Lot .221 for
516.93 feet; thence run S 00°32'31"~, for 224.49 feet to
the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence S 73 24'16"E, for 454.92
feet; thence S 01elg'26"E, for 150.00 feet~ thence
S 53°25'47'~, for 148.20 feet; thence S 31 35'48'~, for
185.84 feet; thence S 89'59'35'~, for 261.07 feet; thence
N 04°07'40"E, for 527.92 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
Containing 4.145 Acres.
A portion of Lots 19, 20 and 21, Naples Improvement Co's.
Little Farms, more particularly described as follows:
From the Northwest corner of Lot 22, NAPLES IMPROVEMENT
CO'S. LITTLE FARMS, as recorded In Plat Book
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, run
N 89~27'29,,E, along the North line of said Lot 22 fo~'
986.77 feet; thence run S O0°~2'Rl',r
the POINT OF BEGINNING~ thence N 31 38~3q'E for
[e~~ S.58°21,2~,,E, for 220.00 feet:'thence5'00
~,_~u.~ w, for 510.00 feet; thence N
- .- .~ ~, ,ur ~o>.uu Teet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing 2.576 Acres.
A portion of Lots 17, 18 and 19, Naples Improvement Co's.
Little Farms, more particularly described as follows:
From the Northwest corner of Lot 22, NAPLES IHPROVEHENT
CO~S. LITTLE FARHS, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 2,
Publlc Records of Collier County, Florida, run
N 89°27~29'E, along the North llne of said Lot 22, for
20.00 feet; thence run S O1°19t26"E, paral!el with the
West line of said Lot 22, for 1248.98 feet, thence run
N 88OhO'34"E, for ~95.43 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING~
thence N 52°41~46"E, for 132.OO feet; thence S qg°OT~56"E,
for 186.h5 feet; thence S 07~26'12'~, for h$$.8~ feet~
thence N B2°2~36~ for 248.20 feet; thence N
for 131.64 feet; thence N 22e37'12"E for 130.OO feet;
thence N 01eOS~28~M, for 210.O~ feet'to the POINT OF
BEGINNING; Containing 2.799 Acres. -
A portion of Lot 21, Naples Improvement Co~s. Little Farms,
more particularly described as follows:
From the Northwest corner of' Lot 22, NAPLES IHPROVEHENT
CO'S. LITTLE FARHS, as recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 2~
PublPc Records of Collier County, Florida, run
N 89~27'29"E, along the North line of said 'Lot 22, for '
1571.67 feet; thence run S OO~32~31"E, for 355.6/~ feet to
~ I Il
the POINT OF BEGINNING~ thence N 88 40 3z~ E, for $00.00
feet; thence S O1e19~26"E, for 3OO.00 feet[ thence
S 88°40'34"W, for 500.00 feet; thence N O1 19'26'~/, for
300.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing 3.4h~
· Acres.
'A portion of Lots 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21, Naples
Improvement Co~s. Little Farms, more particularly
described as follows:
From the Northwest corner of Lot 22, NAPLES IHPROVEHENT
CO'S. LITTLE FARHS, as recorded In Plat Book 2, Page
Public Records of Colller County, Fl~rida, run
N 89~27'29"E, along the North line of sald Lot 22, For.
1571.67 feet; thence run S O0~32~31'E, for 355.64 feet,
thence run S Ol°19'26'E. for 300°00 feet to the POINT
OF BEGINNING; thence N 88~hO'3h'E, for 500.00 feetl
thence S 01~19~26"E~ for 1080.OO; thence S
for $00.O0 feet; thence N O1°19~26~, for 1080.O0 Feet
to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing 12.397 Acres. "
A portion of Lots lb, 15 and 16, Naples Improvement Co Jso
Little Farms, more particularly described as follows:
From the Southwest corner of Lot 12, NAPLES IHPROVEHENT
CO~S. LITTLE FARHS, as recorded in Plat Book 2, Page 2,
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, run
N 89°26'51"E, along the South line of said Lot 12, for
20.00 Feet; thence run N 00°39~h9'~, parallel with the.
West llne of said Lot 12, for 13h7.02 feet; thence run
N 89°20m11'[, for $~3.22 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING;
th'ence N 71"20'Sh"E, for 285.97 feet to a Point of
Curvature; thence. 292.80 Feet along the arc of a curve,
concave to the Southwest, having a radius of 190.OOfeet
and subtended by a chord having a length of 26~.67 feet
and bearing S 6~°30miC"E to a Point of Tangency; thence
S 20021~26~E, for hh~.03 feet, thence S 82~17'17'~ .for
h91.23 feet; thence N 19°22tq~, for 535.00 feet fo the
POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing 6.180 Acres..
A portion of Lots 13, lh and 15, Naples Improvement Co~s.
Little Farms, more particularly described as follows:
From the Southwest corner of Lot 12, NAPLES IHPROVEHENT
CO~S. LITTLE FARHS, as recorded in Plat Book 2~ Page 2,
Public Records of Collier County, Florida, run ·
N 8~°26~$1"E, along the South llne of said Lot 12, fo~
20.00 feet; thence run N 00°39'h9~, parallel with the
West line of said Lot 12, for 13~7.02 feet; thence run
N 89°20~11'E, for 5h3.22 feet; thence run S 19a22~h6"E~
for 5~$.00 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; thence
N 82°17'17"E, for h91.23 fa°ti thence N 20°21J26~, for
hqh.03 feet; thence S 7hOoi~56"E, for 325.60 feet; thence
S 1~°~0~11'E, for 160.O0'feet: thence S 31°58~27"E, for
· 359.85 feet; thence S 19°07~Sh"H, for 383.~8 feet; thence
S 87051'q7'~, for 308.90 feet; thence N 7h 19'26'~, for
330.00 feet; thence N 19°~2=q$'~, for 375.00 feet to the
POINT OF BEGINNING; Conta~ning 10.q27 Acres. .
007 41)
A portion of Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Naples Improvement
Co's. Little Farms, more particularly described as follows:
From the Southwest corner of Lot 12, 'NAPLES IMPROVEMENT
CO'S. LITTLE FARMS, as recorded in Plat Book 2~ Page
Publlc Records of Collier County, Florida~ run
N 89°26~51'E, along the South line of said Lot 12, for
20.00 feet; thence run N 00°39tZ~9"14, parallel with the
~/est !ina of said Lot 12, for 12h0.3/+ Feet; thence run
N 89°20'11"E, for 1699.52 feet to the POINT OF BE?INNING;
thence N 76°hg'lO'E. for 371 26 F~. thence N 16
for 394.15 feet; thence N-~7;q1'~f";~: for 222.21 Feet,
thence S 11°38'04"W, for 722.a8 feet; thence S
for 353.34 ~eet;_thence S 10°~4 '31"E: for 392.46 feet;
thence S 86 /4~'36'%~, for 369.95 feet; thence N 15°19~q$'q4~
for 1033.12 feet to the POINT OF BEGINN|NG, Containing
13.067 Acres.
A portion of Lots 12, 13 and lq, Naples Improvement Co~s.
Little Farms, more particularly described as follows:
From the Southwest corner of Lot 12, NAPLES IMPROVEMENT
CO'S. LITTLE FARHS, as recorded In Plat Book 2, Page 2,
Public Records of Co111er County, Florlda run
N 89°26'51"E, along the South line of sal~ Lot 1
20.00 feet; thence run N 00°39'h9'~, parallel wl~the for
West llne of said Lot 12, for 10.00 feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING; thence N 00°39'q9'~, for 1000.00 feet; thence
N 89°20'11'E,. __ for 196.$~ feet: thence S ~0°28~2"E~ for
515.03 feet; thence S 00°33'09'E, for 55~.02 feet; thence
S 89°2&'51'~, parallel with and 10.00 feet Northerly of the
South line of sald Lot 12, for ~$1.5~ feet to the POINT OF
BEGINNING; Contalnlng 9.075 Acres.
Subject to an access easement over and across the Southerly
20 feet thereof. ·
Afl of Lots 12 through 22, Naples Improvement. C~ofSo Little Forms, as recorded
in Plat Boole 2, Page 2, Public Records of Collier County, Flor~da, less and
exceat the Westerly 20.00 feet thereof and less and except the Westerly
1500.00 feet of the Southerly. 10.00 feet of sa~d Lot 12, and also less and .
except the s~revlously described parcels 1 through 9, containing 157.759 acres
net. Subject to easements and restrlct~ons of record.
DATE: February 1, 1977
This ordinance filed with the Secretar~ of State's office the
7th day of February, 1977 and acknowledgment of that filing
received this 10th day of February, 1977.
(~eput:Y Clerk