Ordinance 77-04ORD1/~ANCE NO. 7.7-4 AN ORDINA~CE DECLARING CERTAI~ NOI~ES PROHIBITED AND UNLAWFUL, BOTH GE~rERALLY AND AS TO POWER LATIN MOWERS, ENGINE PO~RED EQUIP~NT, AIR CONDITI0}rERS, ANIMALS, BIRDS, LOUD SPEAKERS, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, FIRE CRACKERS, FIRE ARMS, PILE DRIVERS, SHOVELS, GRATERS, SCRAPERS, TRACTORS, PNEUMATIC HAMMERS, CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT, ETC.,; PROHIBITING CERTAIN NOISES AT CERTAIN TIMES; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS, PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR VIOLATIONS; PRO- VIDING FOR EXCEPTIONS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERA- BILITY OF PROVISIONS HEREWITh; PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ORDINANCE 73-6~ AND PROVIDI~;G AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the United States Congress, by enacting the "Environmental Noise Control Act of 1972", declares that it is the policy of the United States to promote an environment free from noise that Jeopardizes the pl~lic health or welfare; that environmental noise of all intensity, duratio~ and character presents a growing danger to the health and welfare of citizens, particularly in Urban areas; and that the pr4m~ry responsibi//ty for control of environmental noise rests with the State and local governments; and WHEREAS, Article 2, Section 7 of the Constitution of the State of Florida pronounces the policy of the State of Florida to abate excessive and unnecessary noise; and T~LEREAS, it is found and declared that the making and creation of excessive, unnecessary or unusual noises w_~[n limits of County of Collier is a cond/tion which has some time and the amount and intensity of such noises and, the m~g, creation or m~ten~ce o~ such exces~ , ~ ~. ~necessa~, unnat=al or ~usually loud noises which a~r~ longed, unusual or unnatural in their time, place and use, affect and are a detriment to the public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and prosperity of the residents of the County of Collier; and WHEREAS, the necessity in the public interest for the pro- visions and prohibitions hereinafter con~ained and enacte4 is I of 11 , ,= 007 declared as a matter of legislative determination and public policy, and it is further declared that the provisions and pro- hibitions hereinafter contained as enacted are in pursuance of and for the purpose of securing and promoting the public health, comfort, convenience, safety, welfare and prosperity and the peace and quiet of the County of Collier and its inhab~tants. THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF COLLIER COU~TY, FLORIDA: SECTION ONEt NOISES. "NOISE NUISANCE", defined enumeration. 1. Any loud, irritating, vexing, or disturbing noise when such acts are done or accomplished, or carried on in such a manner, or with volutes, intensity, o~ duration, so as to annoy, to distress, or to disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose which causes distress, a~noyance, discomfort, or injury to, or which interferes with the comfort and repose of the public within the vicinity of hearing thereof, is declared to be a "noise nuisance", that is unlawful and is prohibited. 2. The following acts, among others not hereinafter enumerated, are declared to be "noise nuisances", unlawful, and in violation of the provisions of this chapter. 3. NOISES. Prohibited enumeration. The following acts, among others, are declared to be loud, d£sturbing and unnecessary noise nuisances and are hereby prohibited under this Ordinance, but said enumeration shall not be deemed to be exclusive: namely, A. Engine Exhausts, etc. It shall be unlawful: (1) To discharge into the open air of the exhaust of any steam engine, stationary internal combustion engine, motor boat, or motor vehicle except through a muffler or other device which will effectively prevent loud or explosive noises therefrom~ #provided, however, that no person, firm, or corporation shall be required to add new or additional muffling devices to conmmrcial equipment when such devices would produce substantial engine inefficiency or damage. (2) To use an engine muffler cut out, by 2 of 11 pass or similar device, in a residential area, on a highway, or street; (3) To modify an engine exhaust system in a manner that increases or amplifies the sound. Further prohibited is the alteration, or modification o~ any muffler, or exhaust system on any motor vehicle which causes, or allows the em£ssion of a noise level greater khan that produced by such vehicle when it is equipped with the muffler and exhaust system provided by the manufacturer. (4) To operate any engine at such a speed as to cause excessive, unnecessary or unusual noise or vibrations, or which is not equipped w~th a muffler in good working order, and in constant operation so as to prevent excessive or unusual noise. (5) Any noise creating blower, or power fan or any internal combustion engine; so as to cause noise due to the explosion of operating gases, or fluids, unless such noise is effectively muffled and such engine is equipped with a muffler device sufficient to reduce such noise to a reasonable minimum. B. Horns, Signaling Devices, etc. It shall be unlawful: (1) To cause a horn or other device, which is stationary, or is attached to, or on a vehicle to emit an unreasonably, or unnecessary loud or harsh sound or a whistle, or to operate any horn, warning, or similar device except when reasonably necessary or ~nsure safety or as a danger warning. Vehicle horns shall not be used to indicate impatience or a desire to hurry or speed up. (2) To equip, cause to be equipped, or to operate, or use, or to allow to be o~erated, or used; upon a motor vehicle any siren, whistle or bell operable by the driver o~ a passenger! except emergency vehicles authorized by law being operated in response to & bona fide emergency, or in the immediate pursu/t of an actual or suspected violator of the law. C. Defect in Vehicle or Load. It shall be unlawful to use any automobile, motor cycle, or any other type of engine equipped vehicle so out of repair, so loa~ed, or in such manner as to create loud and unnecessary grating, grinding, rattling, or other noise. D. Construction or Repairing. It shall be ~nlawful to perform any type of construction or repair operation except within the hours specified below= (1) Residential Areas= (a) The erection (including excavation), demolition, alteration or repair of any building within a residential area, other than between the hours of 6=30 A.M. and ? P.M., on Monday through Saturday inclusive. (b) Sundays and Rolidays= The erection (including excavation), demolition, alteration or repair of any building within a residential area, except during a time of extreme emergency duly declared, is prohibited. It has been determined that Sundays and Holidays are the usual days of rest accepted by the citizens of Collier County, Florida. (2) Non-Residential Areas= (a) During Winter Season= The erection (including excavation), demolition, alteration or repair of any building within a non-residential area, other than between the hours of 6=30 A.M. and ? P.M., on Monday through Saturday inclusive, during the winter season of December 15, through April 15, of each year. (b) During Summer Seaeon~ The erection 4 of 11 of any building within a non-residential area, other than between the hours of 6 A.~f. and 7 P.H., on Monday through Saturday inclusive, during the summer season of April 16, through December 14, of each year. (c) Sundays and Holidays: The erection (including excavation and dredging), demolition, alteration or repair of any building within a non- residential area, except during a time of extreme emergency duly declared, is prohibited. It.has been determined that Sundays and Holidays are the usual days of rest as accepted by the citizens of Collier County, Florida. 4. Special Perm~t~ Any person, corporation or other entity may apply to the Board of County Comm/ssioners of Collier County, Florida, for a perm/t to operate d~ring the hours prohibited above. If they determine that substantial loss or substantial inconvenience would result to any party in interest, and that the public health and safety will not be impaired by such operation, a permit may be issued which allows erection, dredging, excavation, demolition, alteration or repair during the otherwise prohibited hours. The permit shall not exceed three (3) days duration, but may be renewed from time to time for a like period so long as the above circumstances ex/st. 5. Material Suppliers~ Any material supplier may conmmnce operations at point of origin of materials, thirty (30) m/~lutes prior to the times specified above, so as to have materials arrive at the Jo~ site at the time when operations are allowed to begin. This shall be a special exception to the above reg~lations, a~d said operation shall be conducted in a reasonable manner to minimize noise. A. Radios, Phonographs, Loudspeakers, etc. The using, operating or perm/tt~ng to be played, used, or.operated, any radio receiving set, musical ~nstrument, phonograph or other machine or device for the producing o~ reproducing of sound An such manner as to disturb the peace, quiet and comfort of the neighboring inhabitants, or at any time w~th louder volume the/1 5 of 11 · , .007 is necessary for convenient hearing o£ the persons in the roo~, vehicle or chamber in which such machhine or dev£ce is operated, and who is a voluntary listener thereof. The operation of any such set, instrument, phonograph, machine or device between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and seven o'clock (7:00) A.M. in such a manner as to be plainly audible at a distance of fifty (50) feet from the building, structure or vehicle in which it is located shall be prima facie evidence of a violation of this Section. 6. Loud Speakers, Amplifiers For Advertising. It shall be unlawful to use, operate or permit to be played, used, or operated any radio receiving set, musical instr~ent, pho~ograph, loudspeaker, sound amplifier, o= other machine, or device for the producing or reproducing of sound whichever is the case, on any street, or public place of the County for the purpose of colorola1 advertising or attracting the attention of the public to any btt~ding or structure without a permit issued by the Board of County Com{_s- sioners as outlined in 4. above. 7. Yelling, Shouting, etc. Any tulnecessary yelling, shouting, hooting, whistling or singing on the public street, particularly between the hours of eleven o'clock (11:00) P.M. and seven o~clock (7:00) A.M. in such a manner as to disturb the quiet, comfort, or repose of persons in any office, dwelling, hotel or other type of residence or other persons in the vic~ty. 8. Animals, Birds, etc. The keeping of any antmal or bird who produces any frequent, or long continued noise so as to un- reasonably disturb the comfort or repose of any person ~n the vicinity. 9. Noisy Dog.=. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep, or harbor, or own any dog in the County which ~uldulges, or engages in frequent or habitual barking, yelping or howling, thereby creating annoyance to the inhabitants of the neighborhoo~ in which the dog is kept, or to. people passing to and fro upon the public streets. 10. Loading, Unloading, Opening Boxes. The creation of a loud and excessive noise in connection with loading or unloading 6 o~ 11 of any vehicle, or the opening, closing or destruction of bales, boxes, crates and containers. 11. Schools, Courts, Chttrches, Hospitals. The creation of any excessive, or unnecessary noise on any street adjacent to any school, institution of learning, church or cour~ in use. 12. Hawkers, Peddlers. The shouting and crying of l~ddlers, hawkers and vendors. 13. Air Conditioning Units and Equ/pment, and Other Types of Mechanical Equipment Or Apparatus Installed On Or Attached To Pre~/ses Shall Conform To The Following As Regards Noises A. It shall be unlawful for any person, corporation, ausociation of persons, co-partnership, in the operation of any air conditioning equipment or part thereof, or any other type of mechanical equipment or apparatus inetalled on or attached to premises, to make, continue or cause to be made, excessive noise so as to cause annoyance, inconvenience or detriment to the public or to any person or persons. In single family residence districts, multiple fam/ly districts or districts where multiple or transient lodging fac£1ities are perm/tied, or other districts which adjoin such districts or areas, noise shall be considered excessive, if the sound pressure level £rom the air conditioning units, or any other type of mechanical equipment or apparatus installed on or attached to pram/see, between the hours of l0 P.M. and 8 A.M. exceeds 60 dec£bels as measured on the A Scale of a General Ra~o Company No. 1551-A sound level meter or ~merican Standards Associa- tion approved equivalent, when the meter is located at a point on the p=operty line nearest such air conditioning units, mechanical ? of 11 equipment or apparatus. B. If, as a result of the test, the air conditioning equipment, mechanical equipment or apparatus installed on or attached to premises, is found to violate the terms of this Ordinance, the operation of said equipment or apparatus shall be ceased immediately and not resumed unless proper corrections have been made and approved by the CotmtyMa~ager. 14. Areas Embraced. All territory within the legal boundaries of Collier County, Florida, including all incorporated and unincorporated areas, shall be embraced by the provisions of this Ordinance, unless specifically deleted or superseded by Municipal Ordinance. Noises originating in an area not e~braced by the prov~sions o~ this Ordinance which emanate into an area embraced shall constitute a violation of this Ordinance. 15. Exce,tions and Exemptions. A. It is recognized that emergency conditions may warrant the operation of one or more of the engines or devices during the hours prohibited herein, and in such event, after first having secured a written perm/t from the County Manager so to do, the same may be operated during the period of such emergency. In the event that an emergency condition is of a nature requiring ~m~e__diate action and where the requ/remant of securing a prior written perm/t would endanger persons or property, a party may take any action necessitated by the situat~on subsequently apply to the County Manager for an after-the-fact permit. B. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be construed to prohibit the sounding of any horn, siren or other warning device utilized by an emergency vekicle tn the performance of its functions or duties. C. The provisions of this Ordinance shall not be applicable to the normal use of churches, schools, athletic fields and auditoriums, but this exception shall not be con- strued as to authorize the use of churches, schools, athletic fields and auditorums to the annoyance and discomfort of the neighborhood of such places. Officially sanctioned boat or motor racing activities at recognized locations will also be exempt from the provisions of this Ordinance when such activities are carried out during daylight hours. 16. Right to Appeal. Any person aggrieved by the administration of this Ordinan=e may appeal the decision by the County Manager in accordance with Sections 28-16, 28-17, and 28-18 of the Code of Collier County, Florida. 17. Persons Responsible. The owner of property, a tenant, a lessee, a manager, an overseer, an agent, an operator, or any other person or persons entitled to lawfully possess, or in actual possession of such property device or machine creating, or from which noise is created at the particular time involved shall each be responsible for operating or maintaining much pr~m~sem, device, or equipment in compliance with this Ordinance and shall be punished whuther or not the person actually caused such noise is also punished. 18. Penalty and Enforcement. A. The Sheriff of Collier County, Florida is authorized by law and is hereby delegated the responsibility to enforce the provisions of this Ordinance upon a signed affidavit by two (2) or more witnesses setting forth the facts of the violation that are willing and able to testify to such facts. B. Any person aware of a condition which he reasonably believes co~3titutes a violat~on of ~ny provi~on of this Ordinance may initiate action by appearing before the State's Attorney or the Judge of the County Court and filing a sworn affidavit setting forth with particularity the details and circum- stances of such condition. C. A finding or plea of guilty, or nolo contendere for violation of this Ordinance shall be an imposition of a mis- demeanor penalty in accordance with Section 125.69 of the Florida Statutes. 9 of 11 D. Upon conviction of being in violation of this Ord/nance three times for the s~e, or & similar, offense within a twelve- month period, when such noise is created by the same, or sim~l&r noise emitter, the noise creating equipment shall be confiscated upon such later conviction until such time as the offender d--m~--n- strafes that he is prepared to, and, in fact, will operate said equipment within the lim/ts of this Ordinance. Further violat~on shall result in the permanent confiscation by the Court u~on such conviction. 19. It is the intention of the County Com~ssion that each separate provision of this Ordinance shall be deemed independent of all other provisions herein, and it is further the intention of the Board of County Commissioners that if any provisions of this Ordinance be declared to be invalid, all other provisions of this Ordinance be declared to be invalid, all other provis~ons thereof shall remain valid and enforceable. 20. Construction. The provisions of this Ordinance shall be liberally construed to effectively carry out its purposes in the interest of the public health, safety, welfare and conv~nience. 21. Conflict. In the event this Ordinance conflicts with any other ordinance of Collier County or other applicable law the more restrictive shall apply. "22. Repeal of Ordinance 73-6. The adoption of this Ordinance automatically repeals Ordinance 73-6, as of the effective date of this Ordinance. 23. Severance. If any phrase or port,on of this Ordinance is for any reasen held invalid or unconstitutional by any court of competent Jurisdiction, such portion shall be deemed a separate, distinct and independent provision and such holding shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion. 24. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall take effect upon receipt of notice that it has been filed with the Secretar~ of 10 of 11 State. PASSED AND DULY ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Collier County, Florida, this 11t.hday of Jam/a~ ., .1977. / ATTESTs/ /~ BOARD OF COU~;TY COM~ISSIONERS COLLIER COUNTY, FLORIDA ~., .' ." W : -'~ i "' "" " Approve~e tO) ~orm and,legal sufficiency~ - ~naid A. Pickwor~_h · ~ j .T.~,?~ Collier Co~t~ Atto~ey This ordinance filed with the Secretary of State's Office the 17th day of January, 1977 and acknowledgement of that filing received this 19th day of Janua~.~.1977. 11 of 11 l§