HAAB Minutes 09/29/1999
Hispanic Affairs
Advisory Board
September 29, 1999
September 29,1999
at the
Immokalee Community Park, Immokalee, Florida
David Correa, HAAB Member Leo Cardona, HAAB Member
Frank Loney, HAAB Member
Dora Vidaurri, HAAB Member
Faye Reddick, HAAB Member
Andrew J. Fox, HAAB Member
Christopher Bent, HAAB Member
Pete Cade, HAAB Member
Maria Grimaldo, HAAB Member
Ramiro Maiialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney and HAAB Staff Liaison Member
Also Present:
Ralph Balzarrano, Knights of Columbus
Tony Bove, Knights of Columbus
Silvia Hasak, Lee County HAAB
Terrie Aviles, Guadalupe Social Services
Jim Kaan, Volunteer, Guadalupe Social Services
Olga Hernandez, Redlands Christian Migrant Association
Maria Jimenez, Redlands Christian Migrant Association
Manny Touron, Principal, Immokalee Middle School
Floreida Ocanas, Pace Center School For Girls, Inc.
The meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board of Collier County (HAAB) for August 26,
1999 commenced at approximately 7:05 P.M. A quorum of eight (8) members was present.
A motion was made by Frank Loney to approve the minutes of the August 26, 1999 meeting.
Christopher Bent seconded the motion and the vote was unanimous in favor of approval of said
New Business
Mr. Tony Bove briefs on the Knights of Columbus Parade and encourages that the Hispanic
community get involved. Wants to build a statute with contributions. Parade Scheduled for
October 9, 1999, Saturday, at the St. Elizabeth Church. Mr. Maiialich asks Mr. Tony Bove what
he expects from the Board. Mr. Bove wants the people from Immokalee to participate. Mr. Bent
suggests that he call Mr. Valdes from Las Naciones News, so advertisement can be put out,
along with radio station. David Correa suggests that Pete Cade put the flyer in the Immokalee
David Correa thanks the community for coming out and that the purpose of the meeting was in
regards to education.
Removal of Ganl!-Related Tattoos For Teens
David Correa expresses his concern about teenagers that have gang-related tattoos. He has
spoken to a Surgeon who is willing to participate in removing gang-related tattoos at no cost.
Requests that the Board submit a letter to the Surgeon requesting cooperation with the idea.
Faye Reddick questions how will this be put to the students. David Correa states he will present
the idea to the schools in Collier County. The number of students is unknown. Contact of
students would be made through a hot-line, currently trying to be made available.
Faye feels the idea is great. Feels that as a Board, we should submit a letter of recognition for
doctors participating in assisting. Mrs. Grimaldo expresses likewise Faye Reddick. (Mr. Fox
and Maria Grimaldo translate in Spanish.)
Frank Loney makes a motion that a letter of appreciation be forwarded to the doctor. Pete Cade
seconds the motion and the motion passes unanimously.
Frank Loney expresses that he is not for the idea since he feels it's against the First Amendment.
Culture Diversity ODeninl! - (CCPS Diversity Steerinl! Committee)
David Correa explains that Kate Warner held the position and is no longer with the Board. Pete
Cade accepts participating.
Mrs. Grimaldo expresses concerns with the Collier County Public School. She was at a ABISPA
meeting at the illS, and she tried to translate and was told that she was misinterpretation.
Discussion Rel!ardinl! Education of HisDanic Students in Immokalee
Chairman Correa states, "In order to increase the numbers of minority students who go on to
higher education, there must be an extraordinary effort to assist the disadvantaged students who
may have numerous obstacles, since poverty has many faces. Ifwe are to provide a 'World
Class Education,' then everyone must be given an equal opportunity to excel, regardless of
income. We are cognizant of the fact that there is a fee structure involved in the different exams;
nevertheless, I believe our students must be encouraged to take all of the exams and the fees
should be paid by the District School Board."
Mr. Touron speaks on behalf of the media, and on Immokalee Middle School (IMS). IMS is at a
D level. Only 2 other schools have A - Pine Ridge and (interrupted). All administrators are
trying to find strategies to help the grades move up. He expresses that he is here to give
information regarding his school. He feels that there are many variables of why the numbers are
low, one being family participation. We, as educators, get very frustrated and know there are
incentives for school performance.
Mrs. Grimaldo expresses that Mr. Touron is not the person to answer the questions, that at the
Administration level, we can get statistics.
Mr. Touron wants to start a volunteer RTO so parents can get comfortable. Wants social
involvement from parents. Expresses that he has an open door policy for staff and parents.
Mrs. Silvia Hasak asked what percentage is migrant, and how did IMS go from 46-76% in
Mr. Touron states that it's the staff. They are the ones that keep the wheel going. You have to
be visible. He feels the students need to know that he is the Principal and a friend. Has
implemented reading and English in a day. Two separate classes with the same teacher. Wants
his students to be nervous about the test, so they know they have a test coming up. He puts it out
Mrs. Grimaldo expresses that October 25, a meeting will be held to speak about extending the
school year. Mr. Touron feels that extending the year will not help his students unless they
extend the school day or after -school programs or Saturday school. He states that he was told he
did not qualify.
Floreida Ocanas expresses how extending the school year for PACE was not to the advantage of
the parents.
Appreciation was given to Mr. Touron for coming out. He stated he would not be happy
anywhere else but Immokalee. Mrs. Grimaldo expresses her appreciation for all the involvement
he's had with the children here in Immokalee.
Faye Reddick thanks the two parents who were present.
Mr. Loney asked Mr. Touron how he feels about the Administration, since he feels that Mr.
White is not a good administrator.
Mr. Touron states he will do the best he can to his ability, he has to work with what he has, and
has to adapt. Regardless of peoples' perspective (speaking of Mr. White), they have listened to
him. There is no other reason he is here but for his students. David Correa expressed that Mr.
White has come along way and has done a great job, despite the differences. Mr. Touron stated
he has a good relationship with Dr. White and finds him very cooperative and understanding of
Immokalee's problems.
Ramiro Maiialich encourages input from Mr. Touron about what a Board can do. Mr. Touron
will think about it and will return back with feedback.
Faye Reddick asked Mr. Touron has the community been contacted for communication. Mr.
Touron states that a luncheon is being held with community organization on participation.
Faye Reddick expresses her love for art and is anyone doing anything with the students on their
time. Mr. Touron, laughing, states he is very involved with the students - he sings and
encourages and is on-going.
We need to make an awareness of all the culture differences. Building bridges where the
community gets involved. Frank Loney is pleased that Mr. and Mrs. Ramirez (Spanish speaking
only parents) are there.
Mrs. Jimenez gives the roots of the Redlands Christian Migrant Association (RCMA), and how it
came about. RCMA feels that a Charter class should be formed from K2 and 6-8 grade, 20
children per group - no larger than 120 students. The program is a unique Charter model.
Currently working with CCPS regarding the implementation of this program. Application is due
November 15 to the School Board, and they will reply within 60 days, and, if OK, will begin
August, 2000. Have done and extensive assessment need with the principals.
Mrs. Grimaldo feels that another middle school should be formed.
Floreida Ocanas speaks regarding PACE. Regular school to a smaller class setting - has
improved the girls grade and interest.
Agenda for next meeting - elementary school administration invited. Guadalupe Social Services
will be invited
The meeting adjourns at 9: 17 P.M.
Prepared by: Dora Vidaurri, Secretary
Approved by the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board on the
day ofNo,el'llber, 1999.
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David Correa, Chairman
Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board