HAAB Backup 03/25/1999 Backup Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Meeting March 25, 1999 NOTICE OF lVIEETING AND AGENDA COLLIER COUNTY HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1999, at 7:00 P.M. Golden Gate Commnnity Center, Rooms A & B Naples, Florida ** ** *** ** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * *** * * * *** * * * * * * * **** * * ** * *** AGENDA I. 7:00 P.M.: Meeting called to order. Meeting of full Board and determination of quorum. Approval of minutes of the February 25,1999 meeting. Welcome new Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board members. II. Discussions Regarding: (A) The American Association of University Women's invitation for HAAB members to attend the Florida Humanities Council's Dialogue on Diversity, scheduled for Tuesday, March 30,1999. (B) Discussion regarding Sunshine Law as applied to HAAB members attending the Dialogue on Diversity meeting. III. Presentations by Board Members: Presentation by Frank Rodriguez on diversity information gathered in other jurisdictions. IV. Old Business: (A) New Liaison regarding the Micro Enterprise Corporation. (B) Update report by Kate Warner on the School Board's Diversity Task Force. ** V. New Business and Public Comments: VI. Meeting adjourns. **PUBLlC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES PER SPEAKERlTOPIC UNLESS ADDITIONAL TIME AUTHORIZED BY HAAB. HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING of March 25,1999 at the Golden Gate Community Center, Naples, Florida PRESENT: ABSENT: Frank Rodriguez, Chairman, HAAB Dora Vidaurri, HAAB Member Pete Cade, HAAB Member David Correa, HAAB Member Kate Warner, HAAB Member Frank Loney, HAAB Member Maria Grimaldo, HAAB Member (arrived at 7:45 P.M.) Faye Reddick, HAAB Member Ramiro Mafialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney and HAAB Staff Liaison Member The March 25, 1999 meeting of the Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board (HAAB) commenced at approximately 7:07 P.M. A quorum of seven (7) were present with Maria Grimaldo arriving at 7:45 P.M. The minutes of the February 25, 1999 meeting were unanimously approved upon motion of David Correa and second by Frank Loney and Kate Warner. The HAAB welcomed Faye Reddick as a new member. David Correa emphasized the need to have new members keep an open mind as to Hispanic view points. Frank Loney stressed the multi-cultural aspects of Collier County. In response, Faye Reddick described her multi-cultural background in Texas and Arizona and said that she would keep that same perspective as a member of the HAAB. The members agreed to reserve until the next meeting a determination of whether Dora Vidaurri's absence would be excused. Kate Warner made a motion to amend the February 25, 1999 minutes to reflect the attendance policy which she has previously faxed to Liaison, Ramiro Mafialich. A second was provided by Frank Loney and the vote was unanimous to approve the amendment. Ramiro Mafialich provided advice regarding the Sunshine Law and the Diversity meeting sponsored by the American Association of University Women. Kate Warner suggested that the white population of the Collier County community should be made aware of this event and that the Board members should notify those who might be interested in attending. Frank Rodriguez reported that he had conferred with Chris Straton regarding the upcoming Diversity meeting. Frank stated that it was his belief that the problems of diversity should be discussed but that also specific efforts should be made to highlight the values and benefits to the community and the economy of diversity. Frank shared with Ms. Straton information from the private sector (specifically Wachovia Financial Corporation and Sarah Lee Corporation) regarding efforts to recruit diverse talents. Frank reported that the private sector is stating that diversity is the future. Frank suggested that the Board of County Commissioners should be exposed to these concepts. Kate Warner suggested also that the Board of County Commissioners should promote diversity through a policy just as the School Board has formulated a policy on the subject. Frank indicated that the Sheriff has established a minority task force and he wondered whether some of the reduction of the crime rate was in part due to the hiring of minority officers. David Correa thought that law enforcement efforts were certainly bolstered by the presence of minorities on the force. Maria Grimaldo arrived at this point in the meeting. Additional discussion regarding diversity included the following: Frank Loney stressed the need to promote and enforce diversity through action; Kate Warner and David Correa mentioned that the HAAB's action with Naples Community Hospital regarding an alleged rule precluding the use of foreign languages was a very positive step. Maria Grimaldo commented that there is a need for respect for all human backgrounds and that all people should work together instead of conflicting. Knowledge should be shared. Pete Cade observed that the flip side of the diversity issue is that Hispanics also do and should incorporate English and white culture into their way of life. Kate Warner suggested that the diversity topic should be shared with the Black Affairs Advisory Board. She suggested that perhaps a policy about diversity could be developed on a community wide basis and not just within the County structure. Ramiro Maftalich mentioned that Bob Fernandez, County Administrator, and Jennifer Edwards, Human Resources Director, are resources that the HAAB could use for information regarding diversity within Collier County and specifically Collier County Government. It was the consensus of the group that diversity is the next generation beyond affirmative action and can affect many aspects of the minority community in Collier County. A motion was made by Kate Warner and seconded by David Correa to invite the Human Resources Director and the County Administrator to appear at the April, 1999 HAAB meeting to discuss diversity in Collier County. A unanimous vote was had in favor of the motion. 2 David Correa made a motion to set the election for the Chairman for the May meeting. Frank Loney provided a second and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Frank Rodriguez mentioned that he has been on the Board of the Micro Enterprise Program. He mentioned there is a need for a liaison from the Hispanic Board. The Program qualifies small business loans for low and moderate income people. The Program also trains individuals by providing them financial and business skills. It is a non-profit program. Kate Warner agreed to serve as a liaison to the Program. Kate Warner provided a report regarding the School Board Diversity Task Force. She mentioned that there had been three meetings and that they were looking at diversity policies from other jurisdictions. Kate observed that more Hispanic courses are needed in the educational curriculum. The next meeting of the Task Force is scheduled to address foreign language learning in the schools. Frank Rodriguez observed that there is a new proposed requirement regarding two other languages beyond English as part of the graduation courses. At this point David Correa and Maria Grimaldo expressed concern regarding the possible selection of Dr. Dan White as School Superintendent and whether his administration would pursue a foreign language curriculum. Frank Rodriguez commented that there is state and local support for foreign language teaching in the public schools but that he is not sure how that will be implemented. He thought that there are many qualified bilingual teachers around the nation available to teach such a curriculum. Kate Warner commented that Dr. Snow from the School District heads a committee that is heavily recruiting minority teachers. The problem appears to be that minorities find the environment to be hostile. The committee is trying to create community sources to be friends to those who are recruited if they move to the area. Frank Rodriguez thought that there was also a need for a change of approach and a more positive attitude toward foreign language instruction starting at the top of the school administrative structure. He thought that the Committee should seek public input and meet at different locations. David Correa requested that Kate Warner inquire about the fate of Dr. Cardona at the Committee's meetings. Frank Loney emphasized that he wanted it placed on the record that he is in support of Dr. Cardona and his situation with school administration. Maria Grimaldo observed that she thought that Dr. Cardona's plight was part of the diversity issues that the Hispanic Board should be concerned with. Kate Warner reminded the HAAB members that there had been a proposed letter to the Board in the past regarding the Cardona situation and that there possibly could still be some action on the matter in a way that comports with the governing ordinance. The members discussed items for the next HAAB agenda Frank Rodriguez stated that regarding the Cardona incident, there is a need to propose solutions to the situation. The meeting of the Hispanic Board adjourned at approximately 9:04 P.M. 3 Prepared by: Ramiro Mafialich, Board Liaison Approved by the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board on __ Day of April, 1999. Frank Rodriguez, Chairman Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board 4 MEMORANDUM DATE: March 2, 1999 TO: Pamela S. Mac'Kie, Chairwoman Commissioner, District FROM: James D. Carter. Ph,D. Commissioner, District 2 RE: Official Language of Government - Memorand~ll1. ,~~ted Janu~1") 20, 1999 from Thomas Brachko of California who is requestiBg that,.S911ier foun:ypassaresolution that supports English as the official language,ofgo\'eriunent.) have noproblemwiththis. Is this something that we need to put on our agenda for discussion and passage to put us on recor . s effect? JDC:tlm cc: Media File AGENDA(T1) No. /D c. APR 1 3 1899 Pg. ( psfYI 16732 Ceda~wood Circle Cerritcs, Cdit. REGEIVED January 20, 1999 prJP Ec~o~cble :__~~_c =. Dc~LY Ccllie~ County EOc~d of COIT~issio~er5 3301 Te~~cmi Trail Eest Na,::les, Floride 3:3962-4902 ~ - .' tyldC 'j{.-e DS2.r CCr:-~~lss:..::-~e:: _:::.-::~.: JpN '2 11999 .~carri C '''i'nc''- \:'i Coulrl:; crn1.;;-. lif . : OFFICI?~ LANGUAGE OF GOVERNMENT Pleese ccnsid~r s~~porti~g ~nglish as the language or our governJ:le:-~t. t';:--:l re~'Jest legc.l ~rc~ection for ""':-l.ct is ccviol:s? Because citi:e~s CE~ now request gQVerr5Le~t services in c~y language 2.~d t~rd-2~ taxpayers. It is the respc~sitility cf all levels of government to roster c~d s~~pcrt ~~e sirrilarities that unite ~S, rc.~her then i!"'~stitt.:t2.cT'.Lc.li:e -:::e c:.ffereT'lCeS that cii\~ide. P.n English rEsol~~:~~ Goes ~~Et by re:ffirming the role of English as CDe c: o~r ~ctic~ls ~=e=:es: ~nifyi~g principles. ?rotec::i:-.g- :::-J.g2..:..s:-. e~'e!"'~s the lines of cc!':"_rr,unication 2.:1C hel;:s t.:J fes:er c.e::-.:.crc.::':j'. :!""~is !=re',7e=-~:s translc.:.ion C:Jsts, yet Gec.s ffiaintai~s the ~:;~: cf c~ccss to esse~tic~ se~~ices of he=~:~ cC.re, c=~~e ~=c:ec:ic~, c~d e~erge~cy Deeds fer everycne. Official ~ncli.s~ is ~o~ nea~t to rnarainc.~ize i~micrants frcm o-'c; -~.. ....,..... - -., --.--"y--.....- c."?" a~v-,...r.'!"r;;.nt -- h"l~ t~o=.'rl" 1 o=.-""~ _'- _,;::...y ....'__ 1...._ ':::.~----c.'':1':::: L..._ _'-'. ':=_....:.u_ ........ __~ ..~_~ll __:::'_l.L ~:'.<:;lis:-.. ::7L.O~.i';:-=.:-~:.s cc.::1e t:; our~cOu:-ltr! :.:nowing .f...;'.nerice:ls spEa~: - 1.' ':':'lg 1 s:"'~, c.~C =ea:i:e ~hey W~S: ~c~t to lec.rn E~glish to suc::eEd. W~:~Cl:t c~e c::::i~~ language, WE may end up with the ciivi.sivE =egic~21 se;c.:-=::C~ 25 ~~ Ca~c.cia c.~d Yugc51cv:2. :-. s'J.:--y-ey ty ~t.:.:: ::.e5-2.=:=:::-; Ccrr.;:c:-,_ies asks:: .:'_11\eriCc.:"'..5, "Do YC'.]. t:--~.:.:-~~: ~:-.;2.is:-~ 5:-.ce::"::i be t~e Official Lc.:-.LC;'J.2.ge cf the uc:?rT ;.~ cve=~,..;hel::-.i!"'~g ::-l2.~2=i':y, Ec~o of res;;cncieEt.': said yes, 2.:!.d El~ cf first ge~er2.:ic~ i~~ig=cnts also c.greed. While it is c:c;assia~2.te to offer services in other languc.ges, the~e c~e cVe~ "00 diffe~ent lang~ages c;aken in the D.S, Eaw cc~ gJve~~e~ts 2I:Qrd to rrovide speci~_ tre2:ment to ell these speakers? Your sUDDort wi:l e~cou~age the federal gavernment to do likewi5e. Enclcsed is a sample resolutien for your guidance arid list of agencie5 in support. If you adopt a resolution, please send me a cepy e~d a~y related newspaper crticle5. Sincerely, /2 , I . J?~ f)M'-cJ.J~ Thomas Erachko ENGFL ~~E~~Arr) A?~ 1 3 1399 Pg. A. U.s. GOVERNMENTS SUPPORTING ENGLISH OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF GOVENMENT As of January 1, 1999 List prepared by Thomas Erachko Cerritos, California 25 STATES WITE ENGLISH LAWS. F.l=.b=.:TI=', .:'.l=..sk=., F.rizon=., p.rk2.r,.se.s, Celifornie, Colore.jo, Floride, Gsc.rgie, l-=-"-i~ Tr:C'~-~- 111'rn~c: V~~.UC"'v Tou~"~-r- ...='W='_.1., _ l .l.C...lC, ___..:....:......!.._I ..\~.:.1L r._, -: .l......l.C...lC, ',~i ""i ""ioOi 'Ii ""our; t,I(",r--r,;o t.,,,,hr-"k" N"'" t:-r-~,"r,i r- J,...._........_........__.. _/ l.~.._....._.. --f .........ll..C..._/ '1_J...J_c,.... ......., __f"l r-..C..ll:-.......__t::, Nort:h C2.rolin2., Nori:h DekO:2., Sou:h C2.rolir:2., SO",i:h n-vn....- ~--r:n--c,..- V;r-iri- v"'C-':r:C _'C.h\...l..C, .:.t:: lu'='::_-=-=, __,=_.~..:..c., 'y '~ll.l. 1.... 92 COUNTIES SUPPORTING ENGLISH. ':'.2: t~oheve. G..: Fr,2.jcr, Glc~r T;o"C tAcr(""'~ C,,~ ~r"~ci"co Ci"kiyol' TF'.-.,-_-.r-.,._", - ..........1. , --- '- r.. .... I .. '- - .............. 1 ............ .. _ ........ _.... I ... _.... .. _ .... , __ ~T;r~-v ~U01c-~- G~' c~-lc'':rG 'Do ~~-mc l"o~~--_': :..."-.......0' - . '''''"t:. -'.d _:;,c. "-".' _. ..wc."_,,, uU::"C':'. i i .. ~./ ~ r ~ 1"",;' I::. C 1 ;:.'~ - 0' r, T G' ;::: T."'''''', r, ".10';' C' r: - C -- ~ 1 ~,,, ~. ~ . _..:..J. ........__'-'.1. -*.. ___::: l. .., _ __, -:1'-'.., 1... lC, --11___....1'. ._.. ;-1 ~~ O"',,,or;,:=;, 7[]' r""':",~ c: \~~=-. 7"'~-1 C'r", t,,~::'. t'OT~Oi 1~ t.~7. --.0., ......... _...._, _...)...__...._ 1._. ffC_',-<. ..._.. \j __ _... .. C"';:ri ",--r; v Ch",'>O',"_"-, Ci ;:~'" ;:-,.,-",- G"'-~,~ ~"';:""'r"'" ....----"''-'-.., ..-- .:1':;......., -,---' -.'....'-..., . _c...... ___'-___--:_, ,.rn-"." T~-c:=;,r t~~r:,'C~C= M~cc~,,~cc C~c'n~w C~ C1~'r -.... ~.....::--...._-,...... .-.......__, ..-....-.....1...;..--, __.....__........ , __'-. _.....__. t-'.".". ='C C.Or'" T;o\-", T;rrr,1-, M,o,.!",r M~' ~r"';:"ur'" ";:-. ~\j --_ __I.. .1...., -..;_......, __......1.,.._.., _. '...._. .._. ..._____ _..... 1'./_. I\~ ~''-'',r G""'~;;+- l\~i. 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WV: EerkEley. viI: Crewforc, M2.riuEtse, OcO~tO, Sheboygen, wiu~ebego. 35 CITIES SUPPORTING ENGLISH. CA: Alemede, Clovsrd2.1e, Cypres.s, Dublin, Fillmore, Leke Fore.st, Live Oek, Sen Frencisco, Seretogc, Vernon. FL: Cre.stview, Leke Perk. IT' Cre.stwood, EvergreEn Perk, Herri.sburg, Norridge, Spring Velley, SticknEY, Worth. MA: Holyoke, Lowell. MI: Boyne City, Oek Perk, Tecumseh, Welled Leks. NE: South ,Sioux City. NJ: Kenilworth. NY: Ccnendcigu2.. OE: Slue Ash, Erook Perk, Findley, Northwood, Willowick. PA: Allentown. TX: The Colony. AGENDA crE) No. ,oLCJ.. 1/1/99 LOGLST AP~ 1 3 1599 Pg. ;-; RESOLUTION COUNTY OF LANGUAGE OF GOVERNMENT ,.; ,~. " t.~::=:::.= ~..5 J c:--......c::: .... L='L'=_ t ~e celebrcte the cc~t~ibution of including thsir l~~gucge~; end ell ;e~plE in the UnitE~ t'n:=:~:-~..5, in the course of Ot.:~ hi.=~orv, t:ne. E:-.,;::sh l::-.;"J.c-:;e h=.E becc== the cOu~~on bond ttct haE fer ~ore th~n t~0 centuries e~:.blei the citize~s or the U~itEj ~tctES to coro~unic::: ~ith one cnothE~1 fc=~in~ c nction, regcrdless of n=.tioncl bcck~=oend; and t'i::~::.=-:..5, English is the Ii.OSt corr.r:lon l=.ngu.=.ge S~OkE:-1 in the U::ite,= c:...-...-c i- lece.. tr-- 111:'''' Of C~v&::.,..----t C'CCI1-C.--C::: -r:c" c-r..icc..:: iro ...I..::'1..t:_ _.L -..--, .':':: ...._c - ~'-' "-_':~~:::;;'.. -"-..--,7'",: "'::::_"--_ E€ve~:l lc~cu:.cES cremates SE=crc:10~ c~onc r€5:CE~ts c~G is c~ inEfficiE~:-U5i of.ta:~~ayers' ~oney; and . t';::::::.;:_:'"~, c s c f S'C2.tES e:;,c.c=~-= c:o.,re::-~le!1t; c.nc. Jc.:-~Uc:Y E 1" :-is _lS:'1 1, 1 a::c. - - .. .. I their S.2 COUr:~iES, cf:icicl cr .::; cities, c.=-~c c::r:-_"T.cn 12.:-.qu~'=e 2: cf - 0 ,,- r,.,..,.:_-_--.-,:-:...~, ;''''.'-_!=-__' -..". -" c,:':; c;; 1 c""',,....-,. l::....c.~::.r:. ; c: :- .. _~. _ .c.. 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Se:-1C.t::rs c.nd' , ::enct'.: Hc]ontv LE:;.de~ Lot\:, Vie'.: ?::es1cent Gore,' Fresicent Clinton, former l?::esid::!".ts Fo~c, Ccrt::::, ~ec<;cn, c.nd E~sh, cnd form::~ Vice Presidents Monoc.le C.nc Qucyl'.:. c--C' C--1' "0 _'::.J ......:-__ Cc.u:::ies, he=ety c:=e::es to F.sscc:=ticn cf Stete S~D.c:C= , 1999. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , Chcir, Eoc.~c of Corr~issione~s Coun :I' N~GEr~~ ~.; APR13 1999;\1i-(~ " ,;.d..l,j~~':;,;~:,~:;:~l) ..' '.. ", f ""'''\,''',.f'ti, " ;" Pg..~-'. -"~:~ ~~;~-itj.t~t.,~ ;;'" k'....', \"'\'.. ,:'.-'" County Clerk 1/11 '::9 RESc.z\. , ", "{',,, >:'. MEMORANDUM TO: Sue Filson, Administrative Assistant BoardofCou~s Ramiro Mafialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney FROM: DATE: April 28, 1999 RE: Approved Minutes of the February 25,1999 and March 25, 1999 Meetings of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Please find attached the approved minutes of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board meetings which were held in February and March of 1999, If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. RMIkn attachment cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF MEETING of March 25, 1999 at the Golden Gate Community Center, Naples, Florida PRESENT: ABSENT: Frank Rodriguez, Chairman, HAAB Dora Vidaurri, HAAB Member Pete Cade, HAAB Member David Correa, HAAB Member Kate Warner, HAAB Member Frank Loney, HAAB Member Maria Grimaldo, HAAB Member (arrived at 7:45 P.M.) Faye Reddick, HAAB Member Ramiro Mafialich, Chief Assistant County Attorney and HAAB Staff Liaison Member : The March 25, 1999 meeting of the Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board (HAAB) commenced at approximately 7:07 P.M. A quorum of seven (7) were present with Maria Grimaldo arriving at 7:45 P.M. The minutes of the February 25, 1999 meeting were unanimously approved upon motion of David Correa and second by Frank Loney and Kate Warner. The HAAB welcomed Faye Reddick as a new member. David Correa emphasized the need to have new members keep an open mind as to Hispanic view points, Frank Loney stressed the multi-cultural aspects of Collier County. In response, Faye Reddick described her multi-cultural background in Texas and Arizona and said that she would keep that same perspective as a member of the HAAB, The members agreed to reserve until the next meeting a determination of whether Dora Vidaurri's absence would be excused. Kate Warner made a motion to amend the February 25, 1999 minutes to reflect the attendance policy which she has previously faxed to Liaison, Ramiro Mafialich. A second was provided by Frank Loney and the vote was unanimous to approve the amendment. Ramiro Mafialich provided advice regarding the Sunshine Law and the Diversity meeting sponsored by the American Association of University Women, Kate Warner suggested that the white population of the Collier County community should be made aware of this event and that the Board members should notify those who might be interested in attending. Frank Rodriguez reported that he had conferred with Chris Straton regarding the upcoming Diversity meeting. Frank stated that it was his belief that the problems of diversity should be discussed but that also specific efforts should be made to highlight the values and benefits to the community and the economy of diversity. Frank shared with Ms. Straton information from the private sector (specifically Wachovia Financial Corporation and Sarah Lee Corporation) regarding efforts to recruit diverse talents, Frank reported that the private sector is stating that diversity is the future. Frank suggested that the Board of County Commissioners should be exposed to these concepts. Kate Warner suggested also that the Board of County Commissioners should promote diversity through a policy just as the School Board has formulated a policy on the subject. Frank indicated that the Sheriff has established a minority task force and he wondered whether some of the reduction of the crime rate was in part due to the hiring of minority officers, David Correa thought that law enforcement efforts were certainly bolstered by the presence of minorities on the force. Maria Grimaldo arrived at this point in the meeting. Additional discussion regarding diversity included the following: Frank Loney stressed the need to promote and enforce diversity through action; Kate Warner and David Correa mentioned that the HAAB's action with Naples Community Hospital regarding an alleged rule precluding the use of foreign languages was a very positive step. Maria Grimaldo commented that there is a need for respect for all human backgrounds and that all people should work together instead of conflicting, Knowledge should be shared. Pete Cade observed that the flip side of the diversity issue is that Hispanics also do and should incorporate English and white culture into their way of life. Kate Warner suggested that the diversity topic should be shared with the Black Affairs Advisory Board. She suggested that perhaps a policy about diversity could be developed on a community wide basis and not just within the County structure. Ramiro Maftalich mentioned that Bob Fernandez, County Administrator, and Jennifer Edwards, Human Resources Director, are resources that the HAAB could use for information regarding diversity within Collier County and specifically Collier County Government. It was the consensus of the group that diversity is the next generation beyond affirmative action and can affect many aspects of the minority community in Collier County. A motion was made by Kate Warner and seconded by David Correa to invite the Human Resources Director and the County Administrator to appear at the April, 1999 HAAB meeting to discuss diversity in Collier County, A unanimous vote was had in favor of the motion. 2 David Correa made a motion to set the election for the Chairman for the May meeting. Frank Loney provided a second and the vote was unanimous in favor of the motion. Frank Rodriguez mentioned that he has been on the Board of the Micro Enterprise Program. He mentioned there is a need for a liaison from the Hispanic Board. The Program qualifies small business loans for low and moderate income people. The Program also trains individuals by providing them financial and business skills, It is a non-profit program. Kate Warner agreed to serve as a liaison to the Program. Kate Warner provided a report regarding the School Board Diversity Task Force. She mentioned that there had been three meetings and that they were looking at diversity policies from other jurisdictions. Kate observed that more Hispanic courses are needed in the educational curriculum. The next meeting of the Task Force is scheduled to address foreign language learning in the schools. Frank Rodriguez observed that there is a new proposed requirement regarding two other languages beyond English as part of the graduation courses, At this point David Correa and Maria Grimaldo expressed concern regarding the possible selection of Dr. Dan White as School Superintendent and whether his administration would pursue a foreign language curriculum. Frank Rodriguez commented that there is state and local support for foreign language teaching in the public schools but that he is not sure how that will be implemented. He thought that there are many qualified bilingual teachers around the nation available to teach such a curriculum. Kate Warner commented that Dr. Snow from the School District heads a committee that is heavily recruiting minority teachers. The problem appears to be that minorities find the environment to be hostile. The committee is trying to create community sources to be friends to those who are recruited if they move to the area. Frank Rodriguez thought that there was also a need for a change of approach and a more positive attitude toward foreign language instruction starting at the top of the school administrative structure. He thought that the Committee should seek public input and meet at different locations. David Correa requested that Kate Warner inquire about the fate of Dr. Cardona at the Committee's meetings. Frank Loney emphasized that he wanted it placed on the record that he is in support of Dr. Cardona and his situation with school administration. Maria Grimaldo observed that she thought that Dr. Cardona's plight was part of the diversity issues that the Hispanic Board should be concerned with, Kate Warner reminded the HAAB members that there had been a proposed letter to the Board in the past regarding the Cardona situation and that there possibly could still be some action on the matter in a way that comports with the governing ordinance. The members discussed items for the next HAAB agenda Frank Rodriguez stated that regarding the Cardona incident, there is a need to propose solutions to the situation. The meeting of the Hispanic Board adjourned at approximately 9:04 P.M. 3 ~^"'~""'~_'__~_"'M '_""""___.._"_,.__._",.__,~,.__,_,._ Prepared by: Ramiro Mafialich, Board Liaison j Approved by the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board onp?-oay of April, 1999. 4 c._'._.____,._._.."".__ NOTICE OF lVIEETING ..A..ND AGENDA COLLIER COUNTY HISPANIC AFFAIRS ADVISORY BOARD THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 1999, at 7:00 P.M. Golden Gate Community Center, Rooms A & B Naples, Florida *** * **** * ** * ** * * * * *** * **** * * **** ** *** * * ***** * ****** AGENDA 1. 7:00 P.M.: Meeting called to order. Meeting of full Board and determination of quorum, Approval of minutes of the February 25, 1999 meeting, Welcome new Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board members. II. Discussions Regarding: (A) The American Association of University Women's invitation for HAAB members to attend the Florida Humanities Council's Dialogue on Diversity scheduled for Tuesday, March 30,1999, (B) Discussion regarding Sunshine Law as applied to HAAB members attending the Dialogue on Diversity meeting. III. Presentations by Board Members: Presentation by Frank Rodriguez on diversity information gathered in other jurisdictions, IV. Old Business: (A) New Liaison regarding the Micro Enterprise Corporation. (B) Update report by Kate Warner on the School Board's Diversity Task Force. ** V. New Business and Public Comments: VI. Meeting adjourns. **PUBLIC COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO 5 MINUTES PER SPEAKER/TOPIC UNLESS ADDITIONAL TIME AUTHORIZED BY HAAB. MEMORANDUM DATE: March 2. 1999 TO: Pamela S, Mac'Kie, Chairwoman Commissioner. District FROM: James D. Carter, Ph.D. Commissioner. District 2 RE: Official Language of Government - ]'vlemorandum dated January 20. 1999 from Thomas Brachko of California who is requesting that Collier County pass a resolution that supports English as the official language of government. 1 have no problem with this. Is this something that we need to put on our agenda for discussion and passage to put us on recor . s effect? JDC:tlm cc: Media File AGENDA(T1) No, /D c. APR 1 3 1899 Pg. ( psfYI 16732 Ceda~wood Circle Cerritcs, Calif. REGEIVED January 20, 1999 prJP P.o~o~cble :__~~_c =. De~Lv Ccllie~ County E~c~d of Corrcrissio~ers 3301 Ta~:ami Trail ~ast N2:::1es, rlo!:"id2. 33~62-4902 ~ - " fYldc'H.-e Dear Cc,-"-:\~ssl::::-_er _~r::~': WJ ,) i 1000 _r,l. _ ..J..J..., 3carl~ -. rOUI''','' t",m" ,'':.';;8(\<:''': ': I ~ I. J 'w...., -- OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF GOVERNMENT Flease consid~~ s~;por~i~g E~glish as thE lang~age or our governr:l.e~t. ~'~::y re~'J.est legal Fro:ection for \o;:-lCt is obvio1..:.5? Because c:~i:e~s C2~ now re~ues~ g~verr~~E~t se~Vlces In any language and b~rde~ taxpayers. I~ is ~he res~c~sitility of all levels 0: goverrWLent to fos~er a~d S~~p2~t ~~e s:~ila.rities that unite ~5( ra~her than ir~stitl.:"::C:-ia.li::e :'~~e c:ffere~lces tha.t di\"iciE. F-Sl English ~esol~ti:n does t~a: by reaffirming the role of English as ene ef o~r Datier.'s g~e=:~5t ~ni:y:ng principle5. ?~~tec~~~; ~~;~:5~ cp~~s ~he lines of ccr.~unic=tion c~d helps t2 festEr te~2c~a=;. :~is ~re7e~:s trcnsla:ion C2StS, yet does ~aintair.s the ~:;~: of a~=ess to esse~tia~ se~~ic~s of he21~~ ca~e, C~:~e ;~c:ec:ic~, a~d e~ergency nee~s fer everyone. 0~~l'Ci-; -nni~c~ 'c ~~- ~--~~ t^ rr-ral'n-'~?O i-m;ar-n~s frcm \"'_""-. _:::....!....::... '::_..!..~.. __ .l'-',- J,.l-:::::'.J.'... '-/ IC_ ~ :::;'___,1;; .....L:.. _,~_c..._L.. _"';' H soc:e:y t:l:t to ~:-:::-..:~a';e Cl...:r gcverT'..Inent ::: nelp tnem lecrn ~:-_;l.isl-.. I!:'.:7.ic==.:--.:'s came 'c:' ot:~:>'C8U:-ltry :':Dow.i:ig p_rnericans spe=.~: ~~glis~, a~c rea~i:e 'c~ey lli~S'c wa~t to lea~n Snglish to succeed. ~:~~C~: :~e cf~:c:a~ language, we may end up with the divis~ve reglcr.a~ se;a=a:::~ as l~ Ca~aca and Yugcslavia. .:.. sur.~~ej' ty ~l...::: ;:,esE2r:::--. Ccmpc.f'.:.es aske= ;'~l\erica:-.s, "Dc yeu t::--.::-~k :::::~2.is:-~ .:::-_:';J~j be t~e Official La.ng"J.a.ge cf the UC?" F-:: cve=~...jhe~:-:'.:!""'i.g !:'\=-~'2r::j', E6~ of res;Jcndent5 sa.id yes, c:;.d 61~ cf &i ......c::.... 1..__ _ I.. ge~e~ctic~ i~~igrants also agreed. While it is C2S;css:G~ate to offer serv:=es in other la~guages, the~e cce ove:: "00 differe~t languages c~oken in the U.S. Eow ca.n g0ve~~~~me~~s afford to provide specia_ trea:ment to all these speakers? Your SUDDort wi:l encoucaae the federal aoverr~ent to do .. .. ~ - likewise. Encl:::sed is a sample resolution for your guidance and list of agencie5 in support. If you adopt a resolution, please send me a copy a~d any related newspaper crticles. Sincerely, fl " , " J!~ [)M("cJJ~ Thomas Erachko ENGFL AGENDAf~ No. 10 A?rt 1 3 1399 Pg. A U.S. GOVERNMENTS SUPPORTING ENGLISH OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF GOVENMENT As of January 1, 1999 List prepared by Thomas Brachko Cerritos, California 25 STATES WITH ENGLISH LAWS, F.lc.bc.:Tlc., .::.lc.sl:c., F.rizonc., .Z:.:d:c.r.sc.S, Cc.lifornic., Colorc.jo, E'loridc., G~orcic., t..;' ~ L;;:' , i T r. ,...; i - '!'"" ;:. I i I inn i c:::: K Co n ~ U C" V TO' 1 i c::: ; - r ;::. ---, ---, - .\....._C.d_, --_______, "_..L t., ~ u___c..._, Fic::c::::;c::c::ir"'D; !,-1ic::::c::o',ri Mnr.....-r,;:. Nc.'t--r-c:::k::. NC.l.E--........c:::.r;r- .-..........-..........-.t-J_ -t ~-.......... 1..1__1 __,-,_l\...C......./ .....0...;... c.... ......, __O'Y ~C.lll:-,_..__c:, Nc,r~h C:=ro1;",,:= Nc,r-h n-~-(",,..:= C:,O',-h C:="'C,l;,..:= C:-',-h .. - L.. -- -_..._, _l... .....c........ ........, ..... ....L.. '-_ __.......{ .....'v'-...... r':;::.v:')....,= 'T,::::.r,ncc:::c::c..::. ii~r"""'ir;i- "V.7"C-irC -.......\-L...-.r -'-................___, \/.:..._'::._......::;:., I;: '.ll_.i_. 92 COUNTIES SUPPORTING ENGLISH. ~Z: Monc.ve. CA: F~12jcr, G_ic.."'jr." Tc.-',-"" Mc.,.,Cc.~ c:-,., ::-"'--"';"co C:;";"';VOll 7c.'-:=,.,,:= - - r _ ".,-_ _......, .....c.~.L _ _ c.~I..._..... , ....._.... f'___ __/ _ .....1_."....., 7r~r~~y 7nolc,~n'::::' G~' c.,....;:.lr~r.,~ ID: ~~;:.rnc::: Ko~~~~~~ ---..-... , -I"..;. - lou._. ~.. "-'7'......-......- .~. _ ._"J_..,~, v...._........_. -_,_T,'. '~'~:=_~_;'-"" I.::.', C1-"~n- It-i- T'._,r l'.1C'-Crj- C:'r.jc.1h" t';:. - _. - - c.:: :... ,-,. ~ , _ ......:::., _::' \.... ~ ~ , _ ~ l 'l C, "-' '- _ J..., J. l'_.. ;- l~' 0 c: ',-, n .,... "'"' c. 7 'r.' 0": ~ c: ~l~~:- . ':",',; c.- _~ Q~ ('. M:'. NT'\ r of' C' l t~ t.~"7" . --.., -"",,,'-_:"_-, -. ...--. .--. - 0_.. \....__ _'.' '_' Cr:2.rlevc2.):, Ch~~oy'g=.:-~, Cl2.:-e, :::r:L7L€::, Grc:-~d Trc..\7er~e, I r --- -, I ....... ,.... ~...1 r -.' . _, .c:; '7" F o?, M ~ c: c: ~ 11 V ~ c. c: c.- C; ,., c.- TAl C t- C 1 c.- ; r _-v.., ~2.::-'ee_, _ _'-__ ..._....._............__, .... ___o.L ""' _..... _ __. t...~".,i.. =.: r- c~C,r:~ T ~v=- '!".~ r,,'-''-,l..-, M'll..;=-r M7' "rrc.:::c:ur- }.j_-.'. -~ ~-::..... '- ~._, ......:......-, --........1....-.., ..__' ___ 0 ..__. ___...._ _t:o L' I'~--""""'" r:...-.:::-,.... l\~I. c:,.c::::-.,' '!\~'r" :'llc.r-r,=.r,v C---:::'~r-"C1'C: ,,-,_.r-'_'~'r -::__:..~:.... 0''-'' .....'-__c... ~'t_. '.____"_'0' Cl..I............_c...... ...._, C. -' G ".., " I.'" C=.VU::=., l""'.cu-:2'.1c'-1=., ::..:-:.e, .~e:-~e5.5ee, .l...lV2.nC5:0r~, ..~or~roe, - - - -- \. ; ;::: ,""'::: .......::: Clr. +- - r ~ '\ 0...... l ::::..:::..... c: c: ,-""','" ..l ;=. r c: Co r,'::' r-::: c:: 7'" ~:, ;...,,;:::. r, L._....~___, '.:...c__\...., ____.._, ___.._y___, '-_'0__'-"'" ......__.....____.., ~',=y:-~e, ~.7~,;CI7L2.ng r ~(c.:es. C:.:. Ch=.:rlpc.igr., [Jc.=-ke r E:rie, r__..__ ~.:::r~-::::~~ ~. _' __-',A"~~.-jCC, ~~ 1_~ C;=.n:::.r;::: '-.:::-==-.....-::=-, '................--.., ..r~::.:, .~_ _ .._f,....., '-__......__...., TL:::C2r2i-ic.S. C~.: t\::::;~.:: Hi.ll::. 0;,: Curry, Gi.llic.::-l, ~';:--l~~l-=:-. Fp..: t2.yette, 31J:--~i2.t2., Pike, 8oIT~e=.5et. ~D: ::~r.E~::t, IX: Co~:~, Cor.cno, G.::c.y, Liberty, Sc.r. ~Ug1.l::tiE~. ur: Sc.!1D~te. w~: Klickit2t. WV: E~rk~ley. wI: Crc.wford, Mc.rin~t~~, Ocon::o, Sh~boygc.n, WinEebcgo. 35 CITIES SUPPORTING ENGLISH. C~: Alc.medc, Cloverdc.l~, Cypress, Dublin, Fillmore, Lc.k~ Forest, Live Oc.k, SC.n Frc.ncisco, Sc.rc.togc., Vernon. FL: Crestview, Lc.ke Pc.rl:. 1L: Crestwood, Evergre~n Fc.rk, Hc.rrisburg, Norridge, Spring Vc.lley, Sticl:ney, Worth. MA: Holyoke, Lowell. M1: Boyne City, Oc.k Pc.rk, Tecumseh, Wc.lled Lake. NE: South .Sioux City. NJ: Kenilworth. NY: Ccnandc.igua. OP.: Blue Ash, Brook Pc.rk, Findlc.y, Northwood, Willowick. PA: Allentown. TX: The Colony. AGENDA LIE) No, ,OL(l" 1/1/99 LOGLST A?~ 1 3 1999 Pg, ~ RESOLUTION COUNTY OF LANGUAGE OF GOVERNMENT I~,l_ ., t'i:::22.:- ~_.5, C'--l-...c ~ L:::' l..'::_ I we c~lebrcte the ccnt~ib~tion of . .....,....1 . ; t' .::.; 1- ~ . - ,.,. - r::::' - . l.u__uo_ng n__r :...guc.~-=_, cnc ell ;e~ple in the Unite~ t';r:::F.~~.5, in the course of 01..:.= r~is~ory, the- E:-..;<..:sh l=.!,,;.;i.l=..ge r~2..s bece~e the co~~on bond ttet te5 fc~ ~ore t~en t~o centu~ie5 e~et1ei the citizE~S or the United ~tctes to cow~unic=:= ~ith one cnoth~~1 fc=~i~g c Dation, regcrdless of nctional tcck;=~~nd; end t'i~::F.:-~.~, English is the ITlost COUl.!!iOn lz.:1g'J,:ge s;:oke:1 in the Ur~ite~ St=.tes i~ l~~~; the use or g8ve=s~e~t ccc~~e~:s end .se=~ices ;~ sever=.l lc~gu=qes promotes se~crctio~ amonc resice~ts c~d is c~ inefficiE~~ use of ta:~~aYErs' Qoney; and t';::E::=.;:.:.~ 1 E. S 0 f S'Ccr.ES E:1Cc:-se gove r:-slen t; and Jc.:-~Uc.::-Y E:1~lish 1, lace. - - - - , their 92 cour:~ie!, cf:iciel c~ .::~ citie~, a1"'~c c:17.:r~cn l::.:-.Su:,;~ 2: cf - 0 c_ f,.,....:,-_.-.-.:-:.._~, ---c-~....... -r'\ c'::;C;~l C"""'''-,-,' l--c'~:.r.::.;c;: " c':-'::. '-_.,-= ,c.. ~:-_ ___ _~..I..: c_.~~~_":'''' __ ... co--, lrc-'tl' --c r:;:-,r,.,-.;.11,. r.::...-.....c....'-:',;-c --- \".~. _-' c_:-:! c.! .:-____:_,_-:1' :-__-.J ..___.l~ L..':: .~ccc~-rc '-'~o lc=r~c~ ~~CI ,c- -~r _:,~,,_-,'l_iC-_;-."~_c I.~',-.r_, c.. __..___ '"'.. ____l.__ _....___.1 C.._ ..... _ '"' ~-r1ic~ ~~C fficintains the ric.ht c: inGivicucl~ _.~,::---I., ... 1 ;:.,-.......;:.....=.. c.~.c. __..,:u._,,:_ , c~ifyi~~ ac:ic~, courage cf ct.::: c:~tinue tc le:=~ co C.=.V=.lr..... "~c:'" .. _ ___,:- L.1___ C:\.:::::: , , 0::1.':1.=.1 ac~:: \-":-:':"1'2 C~L::-.ty IT F.':: so!..v:::' , t=-~c.: the =Gc.~c cf Cc:-;.;-:-~.:..s~ifJne:= of I! ' . -"" . r:e:e~y acc!=t :':1~.!.:s:-~ a3 lts C::1.C::...:.. --r- r=..-.....,...-;c \0..: 11 t:. c-;,.:..~(""-:,ri --C' cr;r.-=.": c.._ - __..J_...._, ___ ... _,.____,_-: :.. ." -:--..1..-:- -~-''-'.'='='c ..,11 r:r- t.e.. ...,.......t..~,...=.,.. t,l,-~,.=, t:'''7--:--- "--- !v... - ~--''''____ ---..-:--- :~~~:~~~:~: [he.: Te::ltories c::~=~~; ~s~~=l~s~ Enslis~ c~ ~~~i~ cr.e C::lc:cl ,..:.:~::=-:-:..,==- ...-..-. .....-, - -...... - -- 7:::.J;:-=:~.. ::-. :'::~.;.1.=:1 ,:-C::. ,,~s-.;;:;:;c:-: t,;-!e a~~:ES:Cn 23 c Stcte fi[E~ '--C"-~c C: C.....V-~--c~- ~c.;.~...:::.~_ -..v ~_~_h_..'-. E=: IT r-Jr.T::=:; F.ESQL\i:.D, trlct the Cce!'"!ty Cle!'k i.= Sc:-'H: c~;i:s of this re.=olution to the C~_.,,-..,~__ic__o, C--tc Fc-r=c-"-~-7'.':' ~ .....LC _ ._:- __t:.I_C__ _ G,~v,,_r~.,~_r_ U. C pc.-.,..cc:t:::."''!--~.; v:. ..J _ ._:-____.....c__ _ I ~ce2.ke.r of tne Eouse , u.s. Sef'H::,t:r.= el1d' , Se"ete HcJO~HV Leede!:' Lett, Vice P!:'e51cent Gore,' Fre51dent Cll!lton, former Fredde"ts Fo~c:, Certe~, ~ecgen, end El!sh, and forme~ Vice Fresident5 Manacle 2nd QUeyle. he=ety c:=e::e~ to J..sscC:=.ticn c: Stete Se!::.c.:c.r PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED THIS DAY OF , 1999. , Eoa~c of Corrmi5sione~s Coun 'N~~E~~. APR 1 3 1999 ii',,;:, , "l ';'1~,';3;;r~;i'E~ " '. " , .",. l .~;~' ....-';,:....)<.:1 Pg:'~ '-'~ ~,;;;.:.~:~".>,,~~~~ f',,' ~~t~\ "V~'.., ~,,'I.,' " , Cheir, Countv Clerk 1/1/99 RESc.z\. ". ..... '. , .. ., . . , .... .. '\ ~~, :,\~~ ~.: '~ " ....,. ,:(:.\' ;..: ':: >., 'j:t.~~,l;Y':".;:.; ~~',>,~~*i~"4::;'~:: :'\:~~' ~~, ;:.: ,':::;:~4'~~?~;~,~::~';~~;:;A.<~; :,~ ,'~ Ij~: -:': '. ';!iJi.;." "."'"\~~v",,:.,, ;1'0'. i I.;'.. i~~~i.;.'.~:"',:,,\ '~'1Ir ~~:t~~~~:'Io\', ,"j~<';'''~' <">~:-;j-~"g.~3'J~.l~}~'.;." 1~~ ') . '!.>,'" ''1'.,,... !":~. ,rt:"-'):~ .-"iT;- '~'~~;:'~.~~..?:'~,}:.' -. l:',>;;j_,~ ("...-::~;;;;:~~ .....:<~:.' :~ :.~e-;'i.!':>f/.:~!~" ~(Y . ..' \.. ..' ADMINISTRATION ~ 2.41 (hi Minutes. The minutes of prior meetings ap- proved by a majority of the members present shall become the official minutes. Each resolution, or- dinance and legally binding document shall be signed by the presiding officer at the meeting and by the clerk and entered in the minutes, lOrd, No, 75-16, 9 1(1); Ord. No. 85-20, 9 1; Ord, No, 87.14, 9 1; Ord. No, 89-04, 9 1; Ord, No, 90-27, 9 II Sec. 2.37. Addressing the board. (al If a subject is not on the agenda for a meeting of the board of county commissioners it may be added by motion and a majority vote that the sub. ject should not be delayed until the next meeting, (b) Any person appearing to provide the board factual information or expert opinion to consider prior to taking official action shall be governed by the following procedure: (1) Prior to addressing the board the speaker shall approach the front center of the con. ference table and clearly state his full name, home address, the person he represents and the subject of his address, (2) Before providing factual information or ex. pert opinion the speaker may ask, and any commissioner may require the speaker to be placed under the following oath with right hand upraised: "I willfully swear under oath the facts and testimony I furnish this Board to be the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, and not incon- sistent or contradictory with other statements made by me under oath." No person shall be required to take this oath more than once in any given day, but shall be reminded he is under oath before again addressing the board. Each commis- sioner, staff member and county employee shall take the oath one time and be consid- ered under oath during the term of his of. fice. Those asking questions or desiring to com~ ment on a matter before the board shall not be required to take the oath. Any commis- sioner may at any time request such a speaker to take the above oath. (3) Each person shall limit his address to five minutes unless granted additional time by majority vote of the board, All remarks shall be to the board as a body and not to any individual member. No person other than a commissioner shall discuss directly or through a commissioner, without authori- zation of the presiding officer, (4) Any person making impertinent or slan- derous remarks or who becomes boisterous shall be instructed to remain silent by the presiding officer, until permission to con- tinue is granted. (Ord. No, 75-16, 9 1(2)) Sec. 2-38. Sergeant, at. arms, The county sheriff, or his deputy, shall be the sergeant-at-arms at meetings of the board of county commissioners and shall car:'y out a1l or. ders of the chairman to maintain oni u.__ corum. (Ord, No, 75.16, 9 1(3)) Sec. 2.39. Action to be taken by resolution, ordinance or motion. Each action of the board of county commis. sioners shall be taken by resolution, ordinance or legally binding document approved as to form by the county attorney, except approval of adminis- trative matters may be by motion adopted and recorded in the minutes, (Ord. No, 75.16, 9 1(4)) Sec. 2-40. Adjournment. A motion to adjourn shall always be in order and decided without debate. (Ord, No, 75-16, 9 1(5)) Sec. 2.41. Reconsideration of matters gener. ally. (a) Any matter which has been voted upon by the board of county commissioners may be recon- sidered as follows: (1) By a motion to reconsider made by a member who voted with the majority if such CD2:9 -'-"'"-'-''''--'""''''''--;-''"'-~~'..'''- ,2.41 COLLIER COUNTY CODE motion is made prior to the adjournment of the meeting at which the matter was voted upon, (21 By a motion to reconsider made by a member who voted with the majority if such motion is made at a regular meeting sub- sequent to the meeting at which the matter was voted upon, but only in accordance with the procedures set forth in subsections (b) through (e) of this section. (b) Where a member wishes the board to recon- sider a matter after the adjournment of the meeting at which it was voted on, the member shall deliver to the county administrator a written memorandum stating that the member intends to introduce a motion to reconsider. The memo- randum shall state the date of the regular meeting at which the member intends to introduce such motion, and shall be delivered to the adminis- trator at least six days prior to such meeting. The purpose of this requirement is to allow the staff to advise the board of the legal or other ramifica- tions of reconsideration. Ic) Upon adoption of a motion to reconsider, the county administrator shall place the item on the agenda for the second regular meeting following the meeting at which the motion was adopted. Idl No motion to reconsider shall be made more than 30 days following the board's vote on the matter sought to be reconsidered. Ie) This section shall apply to any matters which may lawfully be reconsidered except those mat- ters which are covered by section 2-42. (Ord, No, 81-54, ~ II Sec. 2.42. Reconsideration of zoning and comprehensive plan requests, (a) Applicability, This section applies as fol. lows: (1) To situations in which the board of county commissioners has denied a request to change the land use designation of a parcel of land pursuant to the comprehensive land use plan or where the board of county com- missioners has denied a proposed petition to change the zoning classification on a parcel of land. A request for reconsidera. tion may be made only by the petitioner. (2) To all situations in which the board of county commissioners, acting in a quasiju- dicial capacity, has denied a license, permit or other approval. (b) Request for reconsideration. The petitioner shall request reconsideration of a petition in writing to the county administrator within 15 days of the date of the board's action denying the orig. inal petition, This request shall be jurisdictional, and no motion for reconsideration may be made by any member of the board where such a request was untimely except as provided in subsection (i) or this section. (c) Motion for reconsideration, Any member of the board who voted with the majority (or in the case of a rezoning, voted against) on the original petition may move for a reconsideration of the petition at any regular meeting of the board within 15 days from the date of the request for reconsid. eration. This motion shall be made during that portion of the board's agenda entitled "Board of County Commissioners' Report." If no motion for reconsideration is made during this time period, the request shall be deemed denied. The motion may specify a date certain upon which the peti. tion will be reconsidered, but in no event shall such reconsideration take place less than 14 days nor more than 30 days from the date the motion is adopted. (d) Action on motion for reconsideration, The board shall either act on the motion for reconsid. eration at the meeting at which such motion is made or may table the motion for no longer than the next regular meeting of the board, If the mo- tion is not finally acted upon by the adjournment of the next regular meeting of the board after the motion has been made, it shall be deemed to have been denied, (e) Scheduling of petition for reconsideration. If the motion for reconsideration is granted, tbe county administrator shall schedule the petition on tbe agenda for the regular board meeting which was specified in the motion for reconsideration, or if no date is specified then on the fourth regular CD2:10 COLLIER COUNTY DAVID C. WEIGEL COlLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Flarida 34112-4902 Telephane: (941) 774-8400 FAX (941) 774-0225 Email: attarney@naples.net March 22, 1999 Heidi F. Ashton Ramiro Manalich Thomas C. Palmer Michael W. Pettit Morni M. Scuderi Marjorie M. Student Melissa A. Vasquez Robert N. Zachary Board Members Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Re: March 25, 1999 Meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Dear Members: Enclosed is the agenda for the March 25, 1999 HAAB meeting which is scheduled to be held at the Golden Gate Community Center. If you are unable to attend this meeting, please contact me immediately. Sincerely, ~- Ramiro Mafialich Chief Assistant County Attorney RMlkn enclosure cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney COLLIER COUNTY DAVID C. WEIGEL COlLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Florida 34112.4902 Telephone: (941) 774.8400 FAX (941) 774.0225 Email: attorney@naples.net March 22, 1999 Heidi F. Ashton Rcmiro Moiialich Thomas C. Palmer Michael W. Pettit Morni M. Scuderi Marjorie M. Student Melissa A. Vasquez Robert N. Zachary Ms. Faye Reddick 4031 Gulf Shore Boulevard, North Naples Florida 34103 Re: March 25,1999 Meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Dear Ms. Reddick: Enclosed is the agenda for the March 25, 1999 HAAB meeting. ] am sending this notice to you in anticipation of your appointment to this Board which is scheduled to be considered by the Board of County Commissioners tomorrow, ]fyou have any questions or are unable to attend the March 25, 1999 meeting, please contact me immediately. Sincerely, ~@Jfj ~~C7 Ramiro Maiialich Chief Assistant County Attorney RM/kn enclosure cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney COLLIER COUNTY DAVID C. WEIGEL COLLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY 3301 Tamiami Trail East Naples, Flarida 34112.4902 Telephane: (941) 774-8400 FAX: (941) 774-0225 Email: attarney@naples.net March 22, 1999 Heidi F. Ashton Romiro Monolich Thomas C. Palmer Michael W. Pettit Morni M. Scuderi Marjorie M. Student Melissa A. Vasquez Robert N. Zachary Ms. Maria Grimaldo 203 North 8th Street lmmokalee Florida 34142 Re: March 25, 1999 Meeting of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Dear Ms, Grimaldo: Enclosed is the agenda for the March 25, 1999 HAAB meeting. I am sending this notice to you in anticipation of your appointment to this Board which is scheduled to be considered by the Board of County Commissioners tomorrow, If you have any questions or are unable to attend the March 25, 1999 meeting, please contact me immediately. Sincerely, ~ Ramiro Manalich Chief Assistant County Attorney RM/kn enclosure cc: David C, Weigel, County Attorney COlLlER COUNTY DAVID C. WEIGEL COlLIER COUNTY ATTORNEY 330 I Tamiami Trail Easl Naples, Florida 34112.4902 Telephone: (941) 774-8400 FAX (941) 774-0225 Ernail: allorney@naples.net March 10, 1999 Heidi F. Ashton Romiro Manalich Thomas C. Palmer Michael W. Pelfd Marjorie M. Student Melissa A. Vasquez Rodney C. Wade Robert N. Zachary Ms, Faye 0, Reddick 4031 Gulf Shore Boulevard, NOlih Naples, Florida 34103 Re Minutes of Meetings of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board Dear Ms. Reddick: Pursuant to your request, please find enclosed copies of minutes of the Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board meetings for the years 1997 and 1998, and for the meeting of January 21, 1999, If you have any questions, feel fi'ee to contact me or my Assistant, Kay Nell, Sincerely, 7~, /7 ~-/ ~#~~' Ramiro Maiialich Chief Assistant County Attorney and Staff Liaison to the Collier County Hispanic Affairs Advisory Board RM/kn encl, cc: David C. Weigel, County Attorney - /l tI EN ~K)4 C C7... - /~.8 - 3 - ;J-~-9.7 F~/~ '~ok:;...;'.a"2... ~ M!fA8 c~,y'~. Pete {kle, - ~ ' ;.\ .' ch~/ ft> ~~~ - /J OASD'1 .... '.~ ,.;/ .?".:,~ ,/ ,>' , , ; i7.1.- r vet. t y /( 1/ f) ~,~ W~ {tAt\5 ~ :{!,~"(.I'j)n .Y'7 eel :'09(54 ,q,jTf9"~' " """.-' , .::..,. To Kathrvn M. Nell Date 3/24/99 Time 11:55am While You Were Out From Dora Vaudauri Of Phone Telephoned Message Dora has been called out of town because of her work and will not be able to attend the meetina Thursdav niaht. Operator Mary stuczynski Copyright 1991-96 - Caliente International